10th ELECTRICITY-X - (22-23)

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1. Define electric current. Write its mathematical formula.
Ans: It is defined as rate of flow of charge (or) flow of charge per unit time.
If a charge (Q) flows through a conductor in a time (t), then current () flowing through the
conductor is given as

2. What is S.. Unit of electric current?

Ans: S.. Unit of electric current is ampere (A). 1A = 1Cs−1
Note: S.. Unit of electric charge is coulomb (C) and S.. Unit of time is second (s).
Hence S.. Unit of electric current is coulomb / second (or) Cs−1

3. Define ampere (or) define S.. Unit of electric current.

Ans: The current flowing through a conductor is one ampere if one coulomb of charge flows
through it in one second.

4. Define coulomb (or) define S.. Unit of charge.

Ans: One coulomb of charge is that quantity of charge which flows through a circuit when one
ampere of current flows through it in one second.
5. What is the charge of an electron?
Ans: charge of an electron is 1.6 x 10−19 coulomb.

6. One coulomb of charge contains how many electrons?

Ans: 6.25 x 1018 electrons.

7. What is an electric circuit?

Ans: A continuous and closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit.

8. Draw a simple electric circuit with battery (or) cell, electric bulb, ammeter and plug key.

9. Define electric potential. Write its mathematical formula.

Ans: Electric Potential at a point in the electric field is defined as the work done in moving a
unit positive charge from infinity to that point against the electrostatic force.

Where V is potential difference between two points; W is work done and Q is charge.

10. Define electric potential difference.

Ans: Electric Potential Difference between any two points in the electric field is defined as the
work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to the other against the electrostatic

11. What is the S.. Unit of electric potential difference and electric potential?
Ans: Both electric potential and electric potential difference will have same units. The S.. Unit
of electric potential is volt (V) (or) J C−1 (or) Nm C−1.

12. Define S.. Unit of electric potential difference (or) define volt.
Ans: Electric potential difference at a point is one volt if one joule of work is done in moving one
coulomb charge from one point to another point against the electrostatic force.

13. Name the device used to measure current in an electric circuit.
Ans: Ammeter.

14. How ammeter is connected in an electric circuit?

Ans: Ammeter is always connected in series in an electric circuit.

15. Name the device used to measure potential difference in an electric circuit.
Ans: Voltmeter

16. How voltmeter is connected in an electric circuit?

Ans: Voltmeter is always connected in parallel in an electric circuit.

17. Is electric potential a scalar or a vector?

Ans: Electric potential is a scalar quantity.

18. Is electric current a scalar or a vector?

Ans: Electric current is a scalar quantity.

19. Is electric charge a scalar or a vector?

Ans: Electric charge is a scalar quantity.

20. What is electric potential at infinity?

Ans: Electric potential at infinity is zero.

21. Is electric potential difference a scalar or a vector?

Ans: Electric potential difference is a scalar quantity.

22. What are the differences between voltmeter and ammeter?


Voltmeter Ammeter
(i)It is used to measure potential difference. (i)It is used to measure electric current.
(ii)It is connected in parallel in the circuit. (ii)It is connected in series in the circuit.
(iii)It has high resistance. (iii)It has low resistance.

23. Write the symbols used in circuit diagrams for the following:
(a) an electric cell (b) a battery (c) plug key (open) (d) plug key (closed) (e) a wire joint
(f) wire crossing without joint (g) electric bulb (h) a resistor of resistance R
(i) variable resistance (or) rheostat (j) ammeter and (k) voltmeter.

24. State Ohm’s law in electricity. Write its mathematical formula.

Ans: Ohm’s Law: Statement: The electric current () flowing through a conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference (V) across the two ends of the conductor when physical
conditions such as temperature remain the same.

The S.. Unit for resistance is ohm. The symbol for ohm is().

25. Draw a circuit diagram for the verification of Ohm’s law in electricity. Also draw graph
between potential difference and current. Name the physical quantity to represent slope of
V −  graph.

The slope of V -  graph represent resistance of the conductor.

26. Define resistance of a conductor.
Ans: The resistance of conductor is the opposition offered by the conductor to the flow of
electric current through it.

27. Define Ohm (or) define S.. Unit of resistance.

Ans: OHM: Def: The resistance of a conductor is said to be one ohm if a current of one ampere
flows through it when a potential difference of one volt is applied across its ends.
28. On what factors do the resistance of a conductor depends?
Ans: The resistance of a conductor depends:
(i) On its length
(ii) On its area of cross – section
(iii) On the nature of the material and
(iv) On temperature of the conductor.
29. Derive the mathematical relation between resistance and resistivity of a conductor.
Ans: Resistance (R) of a conductor is (i) directly proportional to length (ℓ)
i.e., R  ℓ and
(ii) inversely proportional to cross-sectional area (A) of the conductor
i.e., R  1/A

Where ‘ρ’ is proportionality constant called ‘resistivity’ (or) ‘specific resistance’ of the

30. What is S.. Unit of resistivity?

Ans: S.. Unit of resistivity is ‘ohm-meter’ (or) Ω m.

31. Define resistivity of a conductor.

Ans: RESISTIVITY: Def.: If ℓ = 1metre, A = 1m2 then in the relation

R =  (or)  = R
The resistivity of a conductor is numerically equal to the resistance of the conductor of length
1 meter and 1m2 area of cross section.

32. Define conductance and what is its S.. Unit?

Ans: The reciprocal of resistance is called conductance. It’s S.. Unit is mho.

33. Define conductivity and what is its S.. Unit?

Ans: The reciprocal of resistivity is called conductivity. It’s S.. Unit is mho / m (or) Ohm−1m−1
NOTE: (i) The metals and alloys have low resistivity. They are good conductors of electricity.
(ii) Insulators like wood, rubber and glass have high resistivity.
(iii) The resistivity of alloys is more than the constituent metals.
(iv) Both resistance and resistivity of a material vary with temperature.

34. Name the best conductor (metal) of electricity and why?

Ans: Silver is the best conductor of electricity as it has low resistivity.

35. Name the material (metal) which is used as a filament in an electric bulb and why?
Ans: Tungsten is used as a filament in an electric bulb because:
(a) It has high melting point
(b) It has low resistivity and
(c) It becomes incandescent i.e. it emit light at 2400K.

36. Why an electric bulb is filled with inert gas like neon?
Ans: At high temperature, tungsten reacts with air forming oxides. So electric bulb is filled with
inert gas like neon to prolong the life of the filament.

37. Name the material (an alloy) which is used in electric heaters, geysers, electric iron electric
toasters and why?
Ans: Nichrome is used in electric heaters because:
(a) It has high resistivity
(b) It has high melting point and
(c) Alloys do not oxidize (burn) readily at high temperatures.

38. Name the material which is used as a fuse wire and why?
Ans: Tin – lead alloy is used as a fuse wire.
(a) It has low melting point and low resistance.

39. What is the function of fuse wire in an electric circuit? (OR)

How does use of fuse wire protect electrical appliances?
Ans: A fuse wire is used a safety devise and is put in series with electric circuit. When current
in the circuit become more than a particular value, the fuse wire melts and breaks the circuit.
Hence all the electrical appliances will be safe.

40. What is the symbol of electric fuse in an electric circuit?

Ans: Symbol for electric fuse is

41. What is meant by resistors connected in series? Derive an expression for the total
resistance, with circuit diagram, when three resistors of resistances R1, R2 and R3 are
connected in series.
Ans: Resistors are said to be in series combination, when they are connected end to end such
that same current flows through all the resistors but potential difference splits.

In series combination,

1. Current () through each resistor is same.

2. Potential difference (V) across resistors of unequal resistance is different. However, the
total potential difference is the sum of the potential differences across the individual
 V = V1 + V2 + V3

Here V = RS ; V1 = R1 ; V2 = R2 ; V3 = R3

RS = R1 + R2 + R3 (OR) RS = R1 + R2 + R3

NOTE: 1. The effective (or) equivalent resistance of the resistors in a series combination is
the sum of the resistances of the individual resistors.
2. The effective (or) equivalent resistance of the resistors in a series combination
is greater than the greatest of them.

42. What is meant by resistors connected in parallel? Derive an expression for the total
resistance, with circuit diagram, when three resistors of resistances R1, R2 and R3 are
connected in parallel.
Ans: Resistors are said to be in parallel combination when they are connected together
between two points such that current splits across the resistors but potential difference remain
same across all resistors.

In parallel combination,
1. Potential difference (V) across each resistor is same.
2. Current () through resistors of unequal resistance is different. However, the total current
supplied by the battery is the sum of the currents through the individual resistors.

NOTE: 1. The reciprocal of effective (or) equivalent resistance of the resistors in a

parallel combination is the sum of the reciprocals of resistances of the individual resistors.
2. The effective (or) equivalent resistance of the resistors in a parallel combination is
smaller than the smallest of them.
3. For ‘n’ resistors, each of resistance R, are connected in series, their equivalent
resistance (RS) is given by
RS = R + R + R + ……………n times = nR times
For ‘n’ resistors, each of resistance R, are connected in parallel, their equivalent resistance
(RP) is given by
1/RP = 1/R + 1/R + 1/R +…………….n times = n/R
(OR) RP = R/n
43. What is the ratio of ‘n’ resistors of equivalent resistance ‘R’ connected in series to parallel?
Ans: RS : RP = n2 : 1

44. Name the factors on which heat (H) produced in a resistor depends due to the flow of
Ans: The heat produced in a resistor due to the flow of current is:
(i) directly proportional to the square of current (2)
(ii) directly proportional to the resistance (R) for a given current and
(iii) directly proportional to the time (t)for which the current flows through the resistor.
i.e., H = 2Rt [‘H’ is in Joule, ‘’ in Ampere, ‘R’ in ohm and ‘t’ in sec.]
This is known as joule’s law of heating.

45. Define electric power and write its mathematical formula. What is the S.. Unit of electric
Ans: Def.: Electric power is the rate at which work is done by an electric current.

Electric power = work done = V  Q = V (since W = V  Q and  = Q/t)

time t
P = V 
But V = R  P = 2 R
But  = V/R P = V2 / R
S.. Unit of power is ‘watt’.
Other units are ‘kilo Watt’ and ‘horse power’. 1 kW = 1000 W 1 hp = 746 W

46. Define watt (or) define S.. Unit of electric power.

Ans: If V = 1 volt,  = 1 ampere, then 1 watt = 1 volt  1 ampere
The power of an electric circuit is one watt, if one ampere of current flows in it against a
potential difference of 1 volt.

47. Define electric energy and write its mathematical formula.

Ans: Def.: Electric energy is the total work done by an electric current in a given time.

E=Vt (or) E = 2 R t (or) E = V2 t / R

48. What is the commercial unit of electric energy?

Ans: Commercial Unit of Electric Energy is kilo Watt hour (KWh).
49. Convert kilo watt hour into joules.
Ans: 1 kWh = 1000 watt x 3600 sec.,
= 3600000 watt-sec.,
= 3.6 x 106 joules.

50. Will current flow more easily through a thick wire (or) a thin wire of the same material, when
connected to the same source? Why?

Ans: Resistance R  1/A  V/

The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its area of cross – section. A thick
wire has a greater area of cross – section where as a thin wire has a small area of cross –
section. Thus, a thick wire has less resistance and a thin wire has more resistance. Therefore,
current will flow more easily through a thick wire.

51. Why are coils of electric toasters and electric irons made of an alloy rather than a pure
Ans: Coils of electric toasters and electric irons are made of an alloy rather than a pure metal
(i) The resistivity of an alloy is higher than that of pure metal
(ii) An alloy does not undergo oxidation easily even at high temperature.

52. What are the advantages of connecting electrical devices in parallel with the battery instead
of connecting them in series?
Ans: (i) In parallel circuit, if one electrical appliance stops working due to some defect, then
all other appliances keep working normally. In series circuit, if one electrical appliance stops
working due to some defect, then all other appliances also stop working.
(ii) In parallel circuits, each electrical appliance gets the same voltage. In series circuit,
appliances do not get the same voltage.
(iii) In the parallel connection, the overall resistance of the circuit is reduced due to which the
current from the power supply is high. In the series connection, the overall resistance of the
circuit increases due to which the power supply is low.

53. Why does the cord of an electric heater not glow while the heating element does?
Ans: The cord of the electric heater is made of copper. It does not glow because negligible
heat is produced in it by passing current due to its low resistance.
The heating element of an electric heater is made of nichrome. It glows because large amount
of heat is produced in it by passing electric current due to its high resistance.

54. Why the tungsten is used as filament of electric lamp?

Ans: Pure tungsten has a high resistivity and a high melting point. When an electric current is
passed through the filament, the electric energy is converted to heat and light energy due to
the heating of the filament to a very high temperature. Due to the high melting point of
tungsten, the filament does not melt.

55. Why are the conductors of electric heating devices, such as bread-toasters and electric
irons, made of an alloy rather than a pure metal?
Ans: The resistivity of an alloy is higher than that of its constituent metals. Alloys do not oxidize
readily at higher temperature. Therefore, conductors of electric heating devices, such as
toasters and electric irons, are made of an alloy rather than pure metal.

56. Why is the series arrangement not used for domestic circuits?
Ans: The series arrangement is not used for domestic circuits because:
(i) if connected in series, total resistances will increase. Therefore, current flowing through the
circuit will be low.
(ii) if one appliance is switched off (or) gets damaged, then all other appliances will also stop
working because their electricity supply will be cut off.

57. How does the resistance of a wire vary with its area of cross section?
Ans: The resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to its cross sectional area. Thus, a thick
wire has less resistance and a thin wire has more resistance.

58. Why copper and aluminium wires are usually employed for electricity transmission?
Ans: Copper and aluminium wire are usually employed for electricity transmission because
copper and aluminium have very low resistivities.
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1. The potential difference between the terminals of an electric iron is 240 V and the current is
0.5 A. What is the resistance of electric iron? [A: 48 ]
2. What will be the resistance of a metal wire of length 2 m and area of cross – section
1.55  10−6 m2, if the resistivity of the metal be 2.8  10−8  m? [A: 0.03613 ]
3. A nichrome wire of 4 resistances is doubled on it. Calculate the new resistance of the
wire. [A: 1 ]
4. Two wires made of German – Silver are taken such that the length and area of cross –
section of the second wire are twice and thrice respectively those of the first wire. If the
resistance of the second wire is 16, find the resistance of the first wire. [A: 24 ]
5. The resistance of 1m of nichrome wire is 6. Calculate its resistance if its length is 70 cm.
[A: 4.2 ]
6. We have a piece of copper wire of resistance R. This wire is drawn out so that its length is
doubled. Find the new resistance of the wire in terms of its original resistance. [A: R’ = 4R]
7. Calculate the resistance of 50 m length of wire of cross – sectional area 0.01 mm2 and of
resistivity 5  10−8 m. [A: 250 ]
8. How much current will an electric bulb draw from 220 V source if the resistance of the bulb
is 1200? If in place of bulb, a heater of resistance 100 is connected to the sources,
calculate the current drawn by it. [A: 1 = 0.18 A; 2 = 2.2 A]
9. The following combination has an effective resistance of 8. Calculate the value of R?
[A: 2]

10. What is the resistance from A to B in the network shown in figure? [A: R/3]

11. Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B in the following circuit. [A: 5]

12. A metallic wire of resistance R is cut into ten parts of equal length. Two pieces each are
joined in series and then five such combinations are joined in parallel. What will be the
effective resistance in such case? [A: R/25]
13. Four resistances of 16 each are connected in parallel. Four such combinations are
connected in series. What is the total resistance? [A: 16]
14. Three resistances of 12, 15 and 20 are connected first in series and then in parallel.
What is the equivalent resistance in each case? [A: 47; 5]
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15. Two resistances when connected in parallel give resultant value of 2. When the same
resistances are connected in series the value becomes 9. Calculate the value of each
resistance. [A: 3; 6]
16. Three resistors are connected as shown in the figure. Through the resistor 5, a constant
current of 1A is flowing.
(i) What is the current through the other two resistors? [A: 1 = 0.6 A; 2 = 0.4 A]
(ii) What is the potential difference across AB and AC? [A: VAB = 5V; VAC = 11V]
(iii) What is the total resistance? [A: R = 11]

17. In the circuit diagram, find (i) total resistance (ii) current drawn by the ammeter A.
[A: 2.5; 1.6A]

18. For the circuit shown in the following diagram, what is the value of:
(i) current through 6 resistor? (ii) Potential difference across 12 resistor. [A: 0.44A; 3.2V]

19. Calculate the effective resistance between the points A and B in the network shown in
figure. [A: 1]

20. Calculate the effective resistance shown in figure. [A: 1]

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21. Six equal resistors of 1 ohm each are connected to form the sides of a hexagon ABCDEF.
Calculate the resistance offered by the combination if the current enters at A and leaves at
D. [A: 1.5]

22. A wire of resistance 5 is bent in the form of a closed circle. What is the effective
resistance between the two points at ends of any diameter of the circle? [A: 1.25]
23. Figure shows the circuit diagram of three resistors R1, R2 and R3 are connected in parallel
to a 6V battery. If the values of resistance of resistors R1, R2 and R3 are 5, 10 and 30
respectively; calculate:
(i) the value of current through each resistor [A: 1.2A, 0.6 A, 0.2A]
(ii) the total current in the circuit [A: 2.0 A]
(iii) the total effective resistance of the circuit. [A: 3]

24. An electric heater of resistance 10 draws 15A from the service mains for 2 hours.
Calculate: (i) the heat developed in the heater (ii) the power of the heater.
[A: 1.62  107 J; 2.25 kW]
25. An electric iron has a rating of 1000 W, 220 V. When in use, calculate: (i) current passing
through it (ii) its resistance. [A: 4.54 A; 48.4 ]
26. The current through a 12 V tungsten filament lamp connected to a12 V battery of negligible
resistance is 3 A. Calculate (i) the resistance of the filament (ii) power of the lamp and (iii)
the electrical energy consumed in 5 hours. [A: 4; 36 W; 0.15 kWh]
27. An electrical lamp is marked 100 W, 220 V. It is used for 5 hours daily. Calculate: (i) its
resistance while glowing (ii) energy consumed in kWh per day. [A: 484; 0.5Wh/day]
28. A geyser is rated 1500W, 250V. This geyser is connected to 250V mains. Calculate (i) the
current drawn (ii) the energy consumed in 50 hours and (iii) the cost of energy consumed at
Rs.2.20per kWh. [A: 6A; Rs.165/-]
29. A current of 0.2A flows through a wire shoes ends are at a potential difference of 15V.
Calculate: (i) the resistance of the wire and (ii) the heat produced in 1 minute.[A: 75; 180J]
30. A 2300 W electric immersion heater is connected to 230V mains supply. Calculate: (i) the
current in the circuit and (ii) resistance of the heater coil. [A: 10A; 23]
31. Two resistors of 4 and 6 are connected in parallel. The combination is connected across
a 6V battery of negligible resistance. Calculate (i) the power supplied by the battery (ii) the
power dissipated in each resistor. [A: 15W; 9W; 6W]

32. An electric bulb is marked 250W, 230V. (i) How many joule energy does it consume in
1 hour? (ii) How long would this lamp take to use 1kWh energy when connected to 230 V
mains? [A: 9  105 J; 4 hours]
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33. Two bulbs are marked 60 W, 220 V and 60 W, 110 V respectively. Calculate the ratio of
their resistance. [A: 4:1]
34. (a) The filament of an electric lamp, which draws a current of 0.25A is used for four hours.
Calculate the amount of charge flowing through the circuit. [A: 3600 C]
(b) An electric iron is rated 2KW at 220V. Calculate the capacity of the fuse that should be
used for the electric iron. [A: 10A]
35. An electric bulb is rated at 60 W, 240 V. Calculate its resistance. If the voltage drops to
192 V, calculate the power consumed and the current drawn by the bulb. (Assume that the
resistance of the bulb remain unchanged.) [A: 960; 38.4 W; 0.2 A]
36. How much current will an electric bulb draw from 220 V source if the resistance of the bulb
is 1200? If in place of bulb, a heater of resistance 100 is connected to the sources,
calculate the current drawn by it. [A: 0.18 A; 2.2 A]
37. Consider the circuit shown in the diagram. Find the current in 3 resistor. [A: 0.67 A]

38. A circuit shown in the diagram given below. (a) Find the value of R (b) Find the reading of
the ammeter (c) Find the potential difference across the terminals of the battery.

[A: (a) 3 (b) 2 A (c) 18 V]

39. Five resistors are connected in a circuit as shown. Find the ammeter reading when circuit is
closed. [A: 1 A]

40. Two devices of rating 44W, 220 V and 11 W, 220 V are connected in series. The
combination is connected across a 440 V mains. The fuse of which of the two devices is
likely to burn when the switch is ON? Justify your answer.
[A: Fuse connected with 11 W, 220 V is likely to burn when the switch is ON]
41. The wattage of a bulb is 24 W when it is connected to a 12 V battery. Calculate its effective
wattage if it operates on a 6 V battery. (Neglect the change in resistance due to unequal
heating of the filament in the two cases) [A: 6 W]
42. A torch bulb is rated 2.5 V and 750 mA. Calculate (i) its power (ii) its resistance and (iii) the
energy consumed, if this bulb is lighted for four hours. [A: (i) 1.875 W (ii) 3.33 (iii) 7.5 Wh]
43. Consider the following circuit diagram. If R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = R5 = 3, find the equivalent
resistance of the circuit. [A: 8]
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44. A wire of resistance 20 is bent to form a closed square. What is the resistance across a
diagonal of the square? [A: 5]
45. In the circuit diagram given below, five resistances of 5, 20, 15, 20 and 10 are
connected as given in figure to a 6 V battery. Calculate:
(i) Total resistance in the circuit. [A: 112/13]
(ii) Total current flowing in the circuit. [A: 0.69 A]

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