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Grade K


Evan-Moor ®
EMC 9338
Grammar &


How to Use This Guide  3

How to Approach Teaching Grammar and Punctuation  3

How to Use the Sample Pacing Plan and Template  4

How to Use the Instructional Support  4

Sample Pacing Plan and Template  5

Instructional Support

Nouns  8

Adjectives  11

Verbs  14

Interjections  16

Pronouns  18

Adverbs  20

Prepositions  22

End Punctuation Marks  24

Capital Letters  26

Plural Nouns  28

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 2

How to Use This Guide
This guide provides suggestions and support to help you use Skill Sharpeners: Grammar and
Punctuation as part of your core curriculum. The practice in Skill Sharpeners: Grammar and
Punctuation reinforces important grammar and punctuation concepts through engaging practice
activities. The instructional support provided in this guide will help you gain more knowledge
about the role that grammar and punctuation skills play in writing and speaking.

How to Approach Teaching

Grammar and Punctuation
Learning grammar and punctuation skills is very important in
learning to effectively communicate with others. Children use
language to talk about their environment and to respond to
the world around them. Although young children have not yet
developed the context to understand grammar and punctuation
foundations in sentences, they can apply some basic understandings
to the world around them. The activities in Skill Sharpeners: Grammar
and Punctuation are intended to be building blocks for future
experiences with grammar and punctuation.

Begin by reading the simplified grammar concept on the first page

of every unit to your students and guiding them through reading
the words, naming the pictures, and completing the activity. The
“You Can Do It!” activity at the bottom of the page helps connect
the lesson to the real world. Continue to guide students through
completing the activities in the unit by reading and explaining the
directions. Provide modeling and support as needed. Use the
“Talk with Your Child” suggestions on the side of the pages to help
guide your conversations and reinforce grammar and punctuation
concepts with students.

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 3

How to Use the Sample Pacing Plan
and Template
Sample Pacing Plan and

Unit: Animals

The number of days you spend on each unit will depend on how you
Day Pages/Resources
Time Notes
1 Workbook pages 8 and
9 15 minutes Read the instructional support
page 8 of this guide before
beginning the lesson.

are using this resource. You may be using it to supplement your general Tasks
• Page 8: Nouns — Read
echo you as you point to
the title to students. Then
read the text in the rule
each picture and read the box. Have students

curriculum or as part of a hybrid learning model. The sample pacing

these words are nouns. word. After you finish, tell
Then guide them to complete students that all of
the page. the You Can Do It! task
at the bottom of
• Page 9: I Can Write —
Read the title and the directions
completing the activities. to students. Then guide
Show students how to move them through
a sentence. their fingers under each

plan is based on a 5-day lesson plan. Each day includes the Skill
word as they read

Day Pages/Resources

Sharpeners: Grammar and Punctuation workbook page number(s) and

Time Notes
2 Workbook page 10
15 minutes


suggested resources, the duration of the practice, relevant notes, and • Page 10: I Can Read

— Read the title and the
completing the activities. directions to students. Then
Ask students what they
notice about the words
guide them through
they are reading (they

the tasks for that day. Refer to the plan to see examples of how and
when to incorporate the tips and strategies and resource materials into Skill Sharpeners: Grammar
and Punctuation • EMC
9337 • © Evan-Moor Corp.

the workbook lessons.

How to Use the Instructional Support

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar and Punctuation helps students practice a wide variety of skills
through grade-level activities. The instructional support pages in this guide feature one grammar
or punctuation concept. The instructional support information is followed by an extension activity
that provides a hands-on or social-learning way to reinforce the concept. Because some of the
concepts featured in the instructional support pages are practiced several times throughout the
workbook, you may wish to review the instructional support pages in this guide before beginning
the workbook pages with students. You can locate the featured concepts on the Contents pages
in Skill Sharpeners: Grammar and Punctuation.

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 4

Sample Pacing Plan and Template

Unit: Bath Time

Day Pages/Resources Time Notes

1 Workbook pages 8 and 9 15 minutes Read the instructional support on
page 8 of this guide before
beginning the lesson.

• Page 8: Nouns — Read the title to students. Then read the text in the rule box. Have students
echo you as you point to each picture and read the word. After you finish, tell students that all of
these words are nouns. Then guide them to complete the You Can Do It! task at the bottom of
the page.

• Page 9: I Can Write — Read the title and the directions to students. Then guide them through
completing the activities. Show students how to move their fingers under each word as they read
a sentence.

Day Pages/Resources Time Notes

2 Workbook page 10 15 minutes

• Page 10: I Can Read — Read the title and the directions to students. Then guide them through
completing the activities. Ask students what they notice about the words they are reading (they

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 5

Day Pages/Resources Time Notes
3 Workbook page 11 15 minutes

• Page 11: I Can Do It — Read the title to students. Then read the text in the rule box and have
students point to the pictures. Next, have students complete the activity independently. After they
finish, review the words as a group.

Day Pages/Resources Time Notes

4 Workbook page 12 15 minutes

• Page 12: I Can Find It — Read the title and the directions to students. Guide students to complete
the activity as a group. Keep in mind that this kind of activity can be visually challenging for some
students, so you may wish to have them work with a partner.

Day Pages/Resources Time Notes

5 Workbook pages 13–15 15 minutes Provide students with scissors and
tape for this activity.

• Pages 13–15: Words That Name a Thing — Read the title to students. Then read the directions
and explain that after they cut out the shapes, they will follow the directions on page 15 to
complete the project. Read the directions on page 15 to students and provide support as needed.

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 6

Pacing Template Unit:

Day Pages/Resources Time Notes


Day Pages/Resources Time Notes


Day Pages/Resources Time Notes


Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 7


Instructional Support
Understanding what nouns are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. A common noun is a naming word. A noun can name a person, place,
animal, or thing. A common noun begins with a lowercase letter. A noun is an important
part of a sentence. This concept takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to
understand grammar and punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the
world around them.

After you finish the nouns unit, help students make connections between nouns and the world
around them with this extension activity. Remind students that nouns tell about people,
places, animals, and things.

Extension Activity Extension Activity Resource, Nouns Mat

Extension Activity Resource, Noun Cards

Person, Place, Animal, or Thing Center Activity Person Place

To prepare for the activity, print the noun cards on page 9 of

this guide and the nouns mat on page 10 of this guide for
each student. Then set up a center area with scissors and
glue. cub tub sub

Explain to students that they will choose a person, a place,

an animal, and a thing to glue onto each box of the mat. Animal Thing

After they finish, have students tell you about one picture Extemom
nsion A dad baby
Extension Activity Resource, Noun Cards ctivity
on their mat and have them explain why it is a noun. Resourc
e, Noun

Extension school
Activity Resource, Noun Cards store

, Noun
Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 10

cub tub sub Activity Resource cub Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 9
Extensi tub

mom dad baby mom cub tub sub

dad sub
tub baby

home school store home mom dad baby

dad store
Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. mom
Skill Sh
: Gramma
r & Punc
• EMC 9338
• © Evan
-Moor Co
home school store
home 9

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp.

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. C 9338
• © Ev an-Moo
r Corp.

• EM
r & Punc
: Gramma
Skill Sh
Extension Activity Resource, Noun Cards

cub tub sub

mom dad baby

home school store

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 9

Extension Activity Resource, Nouns Mat

Person Place

Animal Thing

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 10


Instructional Support
Understanding what adjectives are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. An adjective is a describing word. An adjective tells about a noun. Some
adjectives tell about size, shape, or color. Some adjectives tell how many. An adjective is an
important part of a sentence. This concept takes time to learn, as young children are just
beginning to understand grammar and punctuation foundations in sentences and
recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish the adjectives unit, help students make connections between adjectives and
the world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that adjectives tell
about size, color, or how many.

Extension Activity Extension Activity Resource, Adjectives Mat

Extension Activ Extensi
on Activ
What, How, Which, More Activity Extension Activity Resource, Adjective Cards
ity Resource,
Adjective Cards ity Reso
urce , Adject
What Color How Many Which One ive Card
To prepare for the activity, print the adjective cards on
page 12 of this guide and the adjectives mat on page 13 of Adjective Cards
ity Resource,
Extension Activ
this guide for each student. Then set up a center area with
scissors and glue.
four five four
Explain to students that they will choose a picture withfour
a five all all five
word that shows and tells about color, how many, or which
one. Then they will glue the cards into each box on the mat. four five all
this this
After they finish, have students tell you about one picture
this on that black that black that
their mat and explain why it is an adjective.
that black
e Card
e, Ad jectth e e
threeActivity brown white brown white brown
Extensi white
Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 13

Skill Sharpene Skill Sh

brown white
rs: Grammar & arpeners
Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 12 Punctuation • EMC 9338 : Gramma
• © Evan-Moor r & Punc
Corp. 12 tuation
• EMC 93
38 • © Ev
r Corp.

all rs: Grammar &

Punctuation •
EMC 9338 • © Evan
-Moor Co

five Skill Sharpene



-Moor Co
• © Evan
• EMC 9338
r & Punc
: Gramma
Skill Sh

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 11

Extension Activity Resource, Adjective Cards

four five all

this that black

three brown white

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 12

Extension Activity Resource, Adjectives Mat

What Color How Many Which One

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 13


Instructional Support
Understanding what verbs are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. A verb is an action word. A verb tells what people, animals, or things
do. Run, jump, play, look, and go are examples of verbs. A verb is an important part
of a sentence. This concept takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to
understand grammar and punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them
in the world around them.

After you finish the verbs unit, help students make connections between verbs and the
world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that verbs tell what
people, animals, and things do.

Extension Activity Extension Activity Resource, Verb Cards

Verb Group Activity

To prepare for the activity, print the verb cards on page 15 of
this guide for each group of 3 students. Cut out the cards,
divide students into groups of 3, and distribute one set of verb
cards to each group. ride eat run

Explain to students that they will take turns picking a verb

card, saying the word out loud, and acting out the word. For
example, if a student picks the jump verb card, the student play jump walk
should jump up and down. Then it is the next student’s turn.
Continue play until all cards have been drawn or until time
see sit swim

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 15

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 14

Extension Activity Resource, Verb Cards

ride eat run

play jump walk

see sit swim

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 15


Instructional Support
Understanding what interjections are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. An interjection is a word that shows a strong feeling or reaction. Interjections
can stand alone in an exclamatory sentence to show sudden or strong emotions. This
concept takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to understand grammar
and punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish the interjections unit, help students make connections between interjections
and the world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that interjections
show strong feelings.

Extension Activity
Interjection Signs Activity Extension Activity Resource, Interjection Signs

To prepare for the activity, print the interjection signs on page

17 of this guide for each student. Cut out the signs and tape
a craft stick to the back of each sign. Then distribute the signs
to students.
Explain to students that they will listen to a question or other
sentence being read while sitting down. They must reply to
the question or sentence by standing and holding up an Wow!
interjection sign. For example, say, “Do you like to eat
vegetables?” Students can hold up the Yes! or No! sign.
Then have one student explain why he or she chose
that interjection.
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Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 16

Extension Activity Resource, Interjection Signs


Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 17

Instructional Support
Understanding what pronouns are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Me, you, he, she, and it
are examples of pronouns. Some pronouns take the place of more than one noun, such as
the words we, they, us, and them. A pronoun is an important part of a sentence. This concept
takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to understand grammar and
punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish the pronouns unit, help students make connections between pronouns and the
world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that pronouns tell who.

Extension Activity
Pronoun Sentence Activity Extension Activity Resource, Pronouns Mat

To prepare for the activity, print the pronouns mat on

page 19 of this guide for each student. Then set up
Is this for ?
a center area with scissors and glue. glue

Explain to students that they will make a sentence using

the word cards at the bottom of the mat. Tell them to look glue likes to play.
at the picture at the beginning of each sentence and glue
the matching pronoun card in the box. After they finish,
have students point to the pronoun on their mat and
glue go to school.
explain why it is a pronoun.

me He They

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Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 18

Extension Activity Resource, Pronouns Mat

Is this for g lu e ?

g lu e likes to play.

g lu e go to school.

me He They

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 19


Instructional Support
Understanding what adverbs are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. An adverb is a word that describes the action in a sentence. An adverb
can tell where or when an action happens and can express good manners. An adverb is
an important part of a sentence. This concept takes time to learn, as young children are
just beginning to understand grammar and punctuation foundations in sentences and
recognizing them in the world around them.
After you finish the adverbs unit, help students make connections between adverbs and
the world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that adverbs tell
where and when an action happens and can express good manners.

Extension Activity
Adverb Sentence Activity Extension Activity Resource, Adverbs Mat

To prepare for the activity, print the adverbs mat on

page 21 of this guide for each student. Then set up
a center area with scissors and glue. I want to eat glue .

Explain to students that they will cut out and glue the
adverbs to each box to finish the sentence. First have
students read the sentence. Next, have them look at the Can I sit glue ?

picture. Then have students glue the word that best

matches the picture and finishes the sentence. After they
finish, have students read aloud one sentence from the glue play with me.
story, point to the adverb, and explain why the word is
an adverb.
Please there now

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Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 20

Extension Activity Resource, Adverbs Mat

I want to eat g lu e .

Can I sit g lu e ?

g lu e play with me.

Please there now

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 21


Instructional Support
Understanding what prepositions are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. A preposition is a word that tells where a noun is. Into, out, and under are
examples of prepositions. A preposition is an important part of a sentence. This concept
takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to understand grammar and
punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish the prepositions unit, help students make connections between
prepositions and the world around them with this extension activity. Remind students
that prepositions tell where.

Extension Activity
Telling Where Activity Extension Activity Resource, Prepositions Mat

To prepare for the activity, print the prepositions mat on

page 23 of this guide for each student. Then set up a center glue It ran into the water.
area with scissors and glue.

Explain to students that they will choose a picture for each

sentence on the mat. First have students read the sentence glue It ran out of the water.
on the mat. Next, have them point to the preposition (the
bold word) in the sentence. Then have students cut out and
glue the picture that matches the sentence in each box. glue It is under the tree.
After students finish, have them tell you about one picture
on their mat and have them explain why it is a preposition.

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 23

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 22

Extension Activity Resource, Prepositions Mat

glue It ran into the water.

glue It ran out of the water.

glue It is under the tree.

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 23

End Punctuation Marks

Instructional Support
Understanding what end punctuation marks are and how they are used in writing and speaking
is fundamental. An end punctuation mark such as a period, exclamation point, or question mark
gives a sentence meaning. Punctuation marks are an important part of a sentence. This concept
takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to understand grammar and
punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish units 4–6, help students make connections between end punctuation marks and
the world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that sentences end with
punctuation marks, and punctuation marks can determine the meaning of the sentence.

Extension Activity Extension Activity Resource, Punctuation Signs

Punctuation Signs Activity

To prepare for the activity, print the punctuation signs on page
25 of this guide for each student. Cut out the signs and tape
a craft stick to the back of each sign. Then distribute the signs
to students.

Explain to students that they will listen to a sentence being

read, and they must choose which punctuation mark best
finishes the sentence. For example, say, “Do you see a cloud

in the sky?” Students should hold up the question mark sign.
Then have one student explain why he or she chose that
punctuation mark to finish the sentence.

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Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 24

Extension Activity Resource, Punctuation Signs

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 25
Capital Letters

Instructional Support
Understanding what uppercase and lowercase letters are and how they are used in writing is
fundamental. Proper nouns, such as the names of people, places, animals, and things, begin
with an uppercase, or big, letter. Capital letters are an important part of a sentence. This
concept takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to understand grammar
and punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish the Big and Little Letters activity and the I Can Begin a Sentence activity in the
workbook (pages 19 and 75), help students make connections between proper nouns and the
world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that the names of people,
places, animals, and things begin with a big, or uppercase, letter.

Extension Activity Extension Activity Resource, Capital Letters Mat

Capital Letters Activity

To prepare for the activity, print the capital letters mat I see glue ed.
on page 27 of this guide for each student. Then set up
a center area with scissors and glue.
Ted glue likes to play.
Explain to students that the names of people, places,
animals, and things begin with a capital letter. The first
I see im.
word in a sentence also begins with a capital letter. Tell glue

students they will cut out and glue the capital letters onto
the boxes to finish the sentences. glue likes to play.

T K He She

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Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 26

Extension Activity Resource, Capital Letters Mat

I see g lu e ed.

Ted g lu e likes to play.

I see g lu e im.

g lu e likes to play.

T K He She

Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 27

Plural Nouns

Instructional Support
Understanding what plural nouns are and how they are used in writing and speaking is
fundamental. Plural nouns name more than one person, place, or thing. Adding “s” to the end
of some nouns to name more than one is important in sentences because it shows how many.
This concept takes time to learn, as young children are just beginning to understand grammar
and punctuation foundations in sentences and recognizing them in the world around them.

After you finish page 11 of the workbook, help students make connections between plural nouns
and the world around them with this extension activity. Remind students that some nouns that
end in “s” name more than one.

Extension Activity
More Than One Activity Extension Activity Resource, More Than One Mat

To prepare for the activity, print the More Than One Mat
on page 29 of this guide for each student. Then set up
a center area with colored pencils or markers. hat s

Explain to students that you can add “s” to the end of

some words to name more than one. Tell students to
draw an “s” at the end of the word in each row. Then
have them draw one more picture in each row to show cat s
how many.

rat s

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Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 28

Extension Activity Resource, More Than One Mat




Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation • EMC 9338 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 29

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