Must Know in Ple
Must Know in Ple
Must Know in Ple
Mattox maneuver:
Move SPLENIC FLEXURE inferomedially
SA SA FA FA #Pediatrics #Buzzwords
Me Ru Mei Pac Social smile + Hands to midline + Babbling : ~3 mos.
SA: Slow Adapting Stranger anxiety + Sits with support + No plamar grasp: ~6 mos.
FA: Fast Adapting
1: Small receptive field Crawls + Cruises + Checks object (OP): ~9 mos.
2: Large receptive field
Separation anxiety + Stands + Single word phrase: ~12 mos.
Merkel Ruffini Meissner Pacinian
Runs: ~16 mos.
~most likely
Jaundice after 2w + ACOLIC stools:
Biliary Atresia
Tx: Kasai Procedure
Rickets + Non-tender, blunt c-c junctions: Rachitic Rosary Intrinsic Hand Muscles: PAD DAB
Palmar ADducts, Dorsal ABducts
Scurvy + Tender, sharp c-c junctions: Scorbutic Rosary
Vocal Muscles (Crico-Arytenoids): PAB LAD
Coarctation of Aorta + Inferior rib notching: Roesler Sign Posterior ABducts, Lateral ADducts
Syphillis + Enlarged clavicle (sternal): Higoumenakis Sign Knee (Collateral Ligaments): MAB LAD
MCL tear during ABduction, LCL tear during ADduction
(P)ropylthiouracil T2DM patient, chronically being treated with anti-DM drugs developed...
Mga “A” Drugs ng ECG Rhythms Long term response to High Altitude.
Mnemonic: “Wala na sa PATAG.”
Asystole/PEA/Pulseless VTach/Fib: Amiodarone
SVT: Adenosine Angiogenesis
Symptomatic Bradycardia: Atropine Ability to use O2 (Increased)
Gradient (Increased O2 Diffusion)
Strawberry cervix: Trichomoniasis Basta yung dalawang may “S” sila mag-partner!
Strawberry tongue: Kawasaki disease & Scarlet fever
Strawberry gallbladder: Gallbladder cholesterolosis MeiSSner - SubmucoSal
Strawberry gingiva: Wegener’s granulomatosis Auerbach - Myenteric
Remember: Carbidopa is always given with levodopa. There is no drug preparation with
levodopa or carbidopa alone.
On-off phenomenon is when levodopa's effects fade over time tapos babalik tapos wala
nanaman. Parang yung crush mo.
We know Sheehan syndrome is the whole "Postpartum Pituitary Infact (PPI)" thing, but bonus
gunner points if you know WHY!
(D)eep inguinal ring - (T)ransversalis (F)ascia
SEx Cuz pituitary doubles in size in pregnancy, but the vasculature doesn't increase to the same
(S)uperficial inguinal ring - (Ex)ternal Oblique aponeurosis proportion! Kinda gives you a "watershed pituitary"
The (l)eft gastric artery supplies the (l)esser curvature of the stomach N. (m)enin(g)itidis ferments both (m)altose and (g)lucose
Amniotic fluid index: hinihika ako shit hindi na ma-control ng inhalers and steroids
Oligohydramnios (AFI <5): Bad kidneys. Baby not peeing enough; vs ano next drug of choice for me?
Polyhydramnios (AFI >20 OR single pocket >8 cm): Bad GI tract. Baby not drinking enough pee.
ha ha
Meig syndrome is an ovarian tumour associated with ascites and pleural effusion or attac - respiratory burst (NADPH oxidase)
hydrothorax. J. V. Meigs was a Professor of Gynaecology at Harvard. Now think of a HAT for its protecc - against free radical damage (RBC membranes)
main features. fatt - fatty acid/cholesterol/steroid synthesis
H Hydrothorax
A Ascites
T Tumour of ovary
Stage 2: Cervix
Yun lang
Endometrial cancer staging simplified (part 4):
Stage 3: Cross
3A: Gilid (laterally; serosa/adnexa/both)
3B: Baba (inferiorly; vagina/parametria)
3C: Likod (posteriorly; lymph nodes)
Stage 4: Hollow organ (kunyari mukhang cannon) tapos ipapasabog sa other organs as distant Most common: Calcium oxalate
mets (U)ric acid stones are (u)nseen on plain film
Indinavir stones are the only stones NOT seen on CT
4A: Bladder/bowel (hollow organ; cannon) Struvite: Women, recurrent UTI
4B: Distant mets Staghorn: Xanthogranulomatous pyelo
Horseshoe kidneys get more stones vs. regular kidneys
(P)rimary hemochromatosis involves: The liver and the (p)ancreas (buzzword: bronze diabetes) B12 is a cofactor of MM-CoA mutase which normally converts MM-CoA to succinyl-CoA
(S)econdary hemochromatosis involves: The liver and the (s)pleen (buzzword: frequent B12 def leads to MM-CoA mutase dysfunction causing buildup of MMA which is responsible for
transfusions) demyelination
Traumatic pancreatitis in kids buzzword: Motor vehicular accident in a kid wearing a seatbelt MEN syndromes mnemonic:
Think that for each progressive MEN step, you lose 1 "P".
Most common pancreatic islet cell tumor overall: Insulinoma 5 D's of glucagonoma:
Primary mucinous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas mnemonic: Duct of Santorini (accessory pancreatic duct) mnemonic:
Primary (m)ucinous cystic neoplasms is more common is (m)oms or (m)iddle-aged women The duct of (S)antorini is (s)mall and it's (s)uperior to the duct of Wirsung
Bartter vs. Gitelman mnemonic (part 2): Anti-arrythmics that can cause torsades:
King and Queen of the Pyramid (G)ood(p)asture syndrome involves the (g)lomerulus and the (p)ulmonary system leading to
1. Procainamide (pro-KING-amide) hematuria and hemoptysis
2. Quinidine (QUEEN-idine)
3. Disopyramide (Diso-PYRAMID) Pathophysiology: Good-pasture (2 words) type 2 hypersensitivity to type 4 collagen (in contrast
to Alport syndrome)
Disorder of of type 4 collagen synthesis: Al-FOUR-t (al-4-t) syndrome The TRIcuspid valve (THREE cusps) is in the RIGHT heart; relate it to the RIGHT lung (THREE
The mitral (BIcuspid) valve (TWO cusps) is in the LEFT heart; relate it to the LEFT lung (TWO
Rheumatic heart disease pathophysiology IgG is the only immunoglobulin that is able to pass the placental barrier due to its low molecular
Except when the infection is in the lungs. Daptomycin is inactivated by pulmonary surfactant. Vitamin B5 deficiency causes adrenal insufficiency and insomnia.
Diseases that present with cherry-red spot macula mnemonic: NTC Immunohistochemical markers mnemonic:
Neutrophilic chemotactic factors mnemonic: (I) (L)ove (C)hasing (B)acteria Carboxylases need your ABC as co-factors!
C5a Biotin
Bacterial products Carbon dioxide
Cranial nerve VIII or (s)even controls (s)alivation by innervating the (s)ubmandibilular and Hypersensitivity reactions mnemonic: ACID
(s)ublingual glands Allergic/anaphylactic/atopic - Type I
Cytotoxic - Type II
Immune complex deposition - Type III
Delayed - Type IV
Indications for dialysis mnemonic: AEIOU Sudden deterioration post-intubation mnemonic: DOPE
Acidosis Displacement/disconnection
Electrolyte derangements (particularly hyperkalemia) Obstruction (i.e. mucus plugging)
Ingestion (of toxins) Pneumothorax
Overload (of fluid) Equipment failure
Uremic symptoms (pericarditis, enceph, asterixis)
DIC etiology mnemonic: STOP (M)aking (T)rouble DVT risk factors mnemonic: “THROMBOSIS”
Sepsis/Snekbite Travel
Trauma (ATC - acute traumatic coagulopathy) Hypercoagulable/Hormone-replacement therapy
Obstetric complications Recreational drugs
Pancreatitis Old age (>60)
(M)alignancy Blood diseases
(T)ransfusion Obesity/Obstetric patient
Sickness (comorbidities like IHD, CKD, SLE, etc.)
Four P's of what mumps can infect Six C’s of Revised Cardiac Risk Index
Pancreas CHF
Ptesticles CAD
PCentral Nervous System CKD - Great > 2.0mg/dl
CInsulin-requiring - (DM requiring Insulin)
CElevated-risk surgery - (High risk surgery)
(L)ethargy/Irritability (M)ass
(I)nability to drink/Thirst (Y)ellow (Jaundice)
(P)oor skin turgor (G)ross bleeding
(S)unken eyeballs/fontanelles (E)xcessive weight loss
(R)ecurrent vomitting
DIS: Destructive
Lytic bone lesions
Canidiasis Neurotransmitters:
Mnemonic: “SCORES 20/37 at every opportunity.” Gly(C)ine: Main NT for Spinal (C)ord
GA(B)A: Main NT for (B)rain
(S)atellite lesions
(C)urd-like discharge
(R)ight-sided endocarditis
(S)ubcutaneous nodules
20C as pseudohyphae
37C as germ tube (inside the body)
To add:
(He)matocrit elevation, 20% from baseline
Most common symptom: Polyarthritis
Neonatal Jaundice... Muscle weakness that WORSENS with use: Myasthenia Gravis
>14 days—
Pigmented stools: Neonatal hepatitis
Acholic stools: Biliary atresia
(CORE)onary aneurysms
Holosystolic at 4th: VSD
Fixed splitting of S2: ASD
Continuous machinery-like: PDA
Viral: Coxsackie B
Bacterial: Viridans
Autoimmune: RHD
Metaplastic lesion of the bladder: Brunn Nests Mga Kumapare niyong Warthin at Wilson.
Glands of GIT with least secretions: Brunner Glands
Rare, benign ovarian tumor: Brenner Tumor Warthin-Finkeldey: Morbillivirus (Measles)
Warthin-Starry Stain: K. granulomatis, B. henslae
Kimmelstiel-Wilson Nodules: DM Nephropathy
Kayser-Fleischer Rings: Wilson's Disease
#Pathology #Buzzwords #Pharmacology #Biochemistry #Buzzwords
Wire loop + Subendothelial Deposits: Lupus Nephritis Hyperammonemia + Immediate Death: CPS I Deficiency
Chicken Wire + Mallory Bodies: Liver Cirrhosis
Chicken Wire + Fried Egg Appearance: Oligodenroglioma Hyperammonemia + Orotic Aciduria: OTC Deficiency
Orotic Aciduria + Megaloblastic Anemia: UMP Synthase Deficiency
Rosettes: Medulloblastoma/Neuroblastoma/Ependymoma
Gout: Calcium pyrophosphate
#PLE2021 #Surgery
S - outhern blot - DNA A variant of SARS-CoV-2, Theta, known as lineage P.3, was first documented in none other than
N - orthern blot - RNA the Pearl of the Orient Seas, the Philippines! Chaz.
W - estern blot - Protein
But it's no longer designated as one of the variants under monitoring (VUM)
TRIVIA: Southern blotting was named after Edwin Southern
- WHO (October, 2021)
Immune phenomena
Vascular phenomena
Echo/blood culture not meeting major crit
Risk factors
#PLE2021 #PLE2022
CENTRIacinar emphysema - assoc with SMOKING; UPPER lobes (“smoke rises up”) Endometrial CA
PANacinar emphysema - assoc alPA-1 (alpha-1) antitrypsin deficiency; LOWER lobes - MC GYNE MALIGNANCY
- MC symptom: postmenopausal bleeding or ABNORMAL BLEEDING
- MC route of spread: DIRECT EXTENSION
- lymphatic spread thru PELVIC and PARA-AORTIC LNs
- most impt prognostic factor: HISTOLOGIC GRADE
Acute uric acid nephropathy with acute kidney injury - TUMOR LYSIS SYNDROME Cervical CA
- MC symptom: postcoital bleeding
- speculum exam findings: FRIABLE, bleeding cervical lesion
- MEDIAN age of dx: 52
- AVE. age of dx: 45
- Diagnosed only by TISSUE BIOPSY, not pap smear
#OBBluprints #PLE2021
1-2-3; 3-2-1
It's how your tongue moves while reading the name of the muscle (see attached photo):
Type I - 3 groups (GP cocci, GN bacilli, Anaerobes)
Type II - 2 organisms - MRSA, GABHS PAL atoglossus: ELEVATE
Type III - 1 organism - Vibrio vulnificus (exposure to seawater) STY loglossus: RETRACT
HYO glossus: DEPRESS
#PLE20201 #Surgery GEN ioglossus: PROTRUDE
#PLE2021 #EZ
ampicillin/amoxicillin HHELPSS kill enterococci
Proteus mirabilis
Wet si MELVA
Lining of trachea
Vagina Nasal cavity
Anal Canal
Splenic Vein
L gastic- direct
R gastic- direct
Cystic vein
Paraumbilical vein
Structures passing thru the GSF
S N I P N I P P.
Suprapiriformis foramen is above the piriformis
Superior gluteal NAV
- keratohyaline, lamellar bodies
- desmosome
- Melanocytes and Merkel cells
- keratin filaments
- intracellular
1. SplenicoRenal 8 10 12
: Splenic vessels and tail of pancreas Caval Esophageal Aortic
2. GastroSplenic IVC- Esophagus- Aorta
: Short gastric and L gastroepiploic
R. Phrenic (8 letters)
Vagus Nerve (10 letters) + L gastric and lymph vessels
Thoracic duct (12 letters) and Azygous veein (pinilit ko maging 12)
Vocal/True folds
- Rima Glottidis: narrowest
- mobile
: avascular: white in color
: lodge area of aspirated foods
Femorals in life
R. Ventricle: ModeRIGHTor bandTRICLE Sheath: AVL
Ring/Canal: L
Right (A)trium: fossa ov(A)lis Ring: Femoral Hernia passes
Adductor Canal: AVL + saphenous N and nerve to vastus medialis
(lateral to medial)
Anterior branches:
Posterior branches:
I Love Sex
Gluteus MAXIMUS Carotid Sheath borders
- its a LIE yung pwet niya
4 l lines!
(L)ateral rotator
(I)nferior gluteal N Internal and CCA
(E)xtends IJV
I0th CN/ Vagus N
Gluteus medius/minimus lymph nodes (deep cervical)
(M)edial rotator
(S)uperior gluteal N
AZYGOUS V. Rotator Cuff Muscles
(sounds like azaRRR) SITS
Supra: suprascap N
Infra: suprascapular N
union of RIGHT ascending lumbar & RIGHT subcostal V.
T. Minor: axillary
Subscap: upper subscap
fr posterior IVC to empty on the posterios surf of SVC
arch OVERRR Root of RIGHT lung Deltoid: axillary
T. Major: lower subscap
8 lower R ICV Magjowa:
R sup ICV (I)nfra +(T)minor: lat rot(I)(T) sounds like petit (minor)
Sup, inf hemizygous
Mediastinal, Esoph, Bronchial V. Subscap + Major:Medial R.
I: cystic duct
M: common bile duct
S: inf lobe of liver
Occipital Tongue:
Facial - post 3rd: sup deep cer LN
- med 2/3: inf deep cer LN
Post auricular - lat of ant 2/3: subman
Superior thyroid - apex: submental
Ascending pharyngeal
Maxillary lat: superficial parotid/pre auricular
Superficial Temporal med: subman
A: subman
P: upper cervical
-empty to Thoracic d.
L side, R lymph on R side
Base: LA
Arterial supply
Apex: LV (5th ICS MCL)
3 surfaces:
(gusto mo right fuds)
SternocostAAAAl/Ant: RV
Marginal- RV Diaphrag/Post: RV, LV >>
AV nodal Pu(L)mo/(L)eft: LV
SA nodal
(R)bilang right
Post interventricular- LV, RV, IV septum
Anterior interventric/LAD:
supplies R and LV
Circumf(L)ex: L marginal, supplies LV
#ObGyne #Mnemonic Case: An east asian male came in with tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation on ECG, —
Recommendations for HIV(+) Mumshies: “SHIP mo ‘yan.” Me: Brugada Syndrome, NEXT
#Medicine #Buzzwords
Us: Yes po; sa
(A)V fistula
#Medicine #Mnemonics
Quetiapine? Or...
#Pharmacology #Mnemonics
What if...
Basahin nalang natin siya as SEIZE-atracurium, para alam nating Cisatracurium causes seizures
due to high levels of Laudanosine?
#Pharmacology #Mnemonics
#Surgery #Buzzwords
Cute lang na side-by-side table ng mga obstetric hemorrhages kung trip niyo.
Minsan, ayaw ko naman talaga maging racist, pero madalas pag narinig ko "Chinese elderly who
#ObGyne #Buzzwords #MemoryTool
enjoys drinking hot tea everyday--"
#Patho #Buzzwords
ITP (Interstitial Lung Disease)
Impetigo Contagiosa
#Patho #Buzzwords
#Biochemistry #Buzzwords
“D is Different.”
(D)rank salty water = ECF ICF
a(D)renal insufficiency = ECF ICF
#LegalMed #Buzzwords
#LegalMed #Buzzwords Case: A farmer from an abacca plantation came in due to—
Pag narinig mo ang Doderlein bacilli, alalahanin mo na sa regla 'yan. Me: Wurchereria, NE—
#Microbiology #Buzzwords
Spell niyo na siya as Oxyt-OSCI-n para alam mo na oxytocin is increased during: Kapag PRE-RENAL, okay ang kidney, nag-rereabsorb ng sodium, so
Dati, iniisip ko lang sa exercise ay papayat ako, ngayon iniisip ko na rin na: #Physiology #Mnemonics
During moderate exercise, arterial pH is NORMAL; while during strenuous exercise, arterial pH is Q: Saang sites walang Blood-Brain Barrier o BBB?
DECREASED. Us: Oh, de, sa PPP po.
Sawang sawa na akong ulit-ullitin sa utak ko na, para makapag-Autoclave, kailangan: Case: Patient came in, diagnostics showing a (+) BIPOLAR STAINING with beefy red ulce--
#Microbiology #Buzzwords
Next time, pag babanggitin niyo ang sila, ganito na: Magandang umaga sa lahat, maliban sa mga tulog na may (W)est (A)frican Sleeping Sickness
galing (G)ambiense na dala ng tse-tse fly na (PAL)palis ginagamot gamit ang (P)entamidine at
PseudomOXIDASE at VibriOXIDASE (E)lfornithine.
Sa Bacillus cereus mo na Emetic Form: SSSS Matutulog na nga lang ako, maalala ko pa na, aside from tampon at sa nasal picking, ang
pagkakaiba ng Staphylococcal TSS sa Streptococcal TSS ay blood culture NEGATIVE si Staph...
(S)uka nang suka si Strep naman POSITIVE.
Heat-(S)table yan
(S)taph-like at Staph na kasi. :/ Tama na, please.
(S)hort incubation and duration
#Microbiology #Buzzwords
#Microbiology #Mnemonics
Jacobson’s Nerve - supplies internal portion ng tympanic membrane Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.
Arnold’s Nerve - supplies external portion ng tympanic membrane
3 letters ang NMS, at nagpapakita--
“Jacob IN, Arnold OUT” 3 Days after mag-gamot sa Parkinsons at--
Magagamot din ng 3Ds:
#Anatomy #Buzzwords
Dantrolene, Diphenhydramine, at Diazepam
#Pharmacology #Mnemonics
#Pharmacology #Mnemonics Case: Tito mong may glaucoma, pumunta sa'yo tapos sinabi, "Bunso, kita mo itong mata ko,
nagbago kulay--"
Next time basahin niyo na sila as TWOlcapone, TWOlvaptan, at ETWOposide.
Ikaw: Latanoprost, NEXT.
Tolcapone: Two sites of action (PNS, CNS)
Tolvaptan: V2 receptor activity only #Pharmacology #Buzzwords
Etoposide: Acts on topoisomerase 2
Case: A pregnant patient being treated with thiazide diuretics gave birth to a jaundiced baby-- ‘Yung pag nagsama-sama mga ito sa choices, mapapadasal ka bigla.
Q: "What Food, Water-Borne Diseases are under surveillance in the PH?" Next time, kapag isusuggest mo ang Z-benefits sa pasyente mo, sabihin mo na 'rin na:
Me: CHAROT lang.
Q: ??? "Only Breast Cancers Stage IIIA and lower are part of the Z-benefits package in PhilHealth."
#PrevMed #Mnemonics
Pag binabanggit ko 'yung CASTOR OIL, ginagawa ko siyang CASTIMULANT... Bakit ko ba kasi kailangan alalahanin na ang Papillary Craniopharyngoma ay dahil sa BRAFV600E
... Para alam ko na yung MINERAL OIL yung stool softener.
Magsama kayo ni TTP na ADAMTS13 Mutation naman.
#Pharmacology #Mnemonics
#Pathology #Buzzwords
Power stroke? Back stroke? “Birthweight doubles at 4 months, then triples at 12 months.”
Childhood Stroke:
(Kasi 4 times 3 is 12)
At 1 month: Methymalonic Acidemia
At 2 years: MELAS #Pedia #Buzzwords
At childhood: Homocystinuria
SEPTIC TANKS should NOT be located LESS THAN Pag narinig ko yung GIST, naalala ko na malaki siya, kaya masikip... ma-C-KIT... at nakakasakal...
nakaka-Cajal... :/
25m from any source of DRINKING water supply
Pweds, NEXT.
1.5m from any water SERVICE line
3m away from water MAIN #Surgery #Pathology #Buzzwords
#PLE2021 #PrevMed
Ano sabi ng Lung Adenocarcinoma nung nakita niya yung gwapo niyang classmate?
#Pathology #Buzzwords
#Pathology #Buzzwords
7th CN palsy in Lyme, sarcoidosis, GBS or HIV infection is BILATERAL Take note!
7th CN palsy in herpes infection is UNILATERAL (and if it ever occurs on both sides it is NEVER Rheumatic fever is a TYPE II Hypersensitivity Reaction (Antibody-mediated)
Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is a TYPE III Hypersensitivity Reaction (Immune
#PLE2022 #Patho
CCK vs. Secretin Dahil ang lakas ng tama ng Moderna. Notable roles of eicosanoids:
CCK - Stimulates PANCREATIC ENZYME RELEASE; PGE2 - main prostaglandin inducing fever
Leukotriene B4 - potent chemoattractant (vs LC4, LD4, LE4 - vasoconstrictors, inc. vascular
CCK - Enzymes permeability)
SECRET-in - Water and Bicarbonate SECRET-ion
Lipoxin - inhibits the immune response
#PLE2022 #Physio
#PLE2022 #Biochem #Patho
✨Positive sense virus “PiCoTCaFlaRe” ✨Enveloped DNA virus “DNA Envelope Po HeHe”
Picorna Pox
Corona Hepadna
Toga Herpes
Flavi #PLE2022
Biochem flashcards I know y’all know the LETHAL TRIAD: Acidosis, Coagulopathy, and Hypothermia. Did you know we have what we call the LETHAL DIAMOND? It’s the above 3 plus HYPOCALCEMIA.
Chronic active and Carrier: + HBsAg, + AntiHBc IgG pero si Active lang may HbeAg (active=
💟 Omphalocele: w/ sac, abd wall defect located belOOOw the umbilicus (midline), most CHARCOT’s TRIAD
commonly associated w/ other congenital defects *Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
#MedTwitter #PLE2022
For Kawasaki Disease, the Conjunctival Injection is BILATERAL, while the Lymphadenopathy is 5 inches
Isipin nalang na (C)ouple ang (C)onjunctival injection at (L)oner ang (L)ymphadenopathy. 🥺 Stomach
Ascending colon
#Pedia #Mnemonics Rectum
Type 1: Spontaneous MI
Type 2:MI sec. to Ischemic imbalance
Type 3:MI resulting in death when labs are unavailable
Type 4a: MI related to PCI
Type 4b: MI related to Stent thrombosis
Type 5: MI related to CABG
#IM #ple2022