6.15 Appendix 6.3 : Operation and Maintenance of Solar System Manual 6-54
Malaysia's most common form of on-site sewerage system is the Individual Septic
Tank (IST). Premises with a proper individual septic tank (Malaysian Standards -
MS 1228 ) has 3 to 4 rectangular metal covers and is usually located outside the
premises compound either at the side, rear or front. Figure 1.1 shows a typical septic
Septic tanks usually comprise two chambers and do not fully treat sewage. They
are settlement tanks that require regular desludging. The maximum amount of
sludge that a septic tank can store is approximately a third of its total volume. Raw
sewage flows into septic tanks, and solid matter or sludge settles to the bottom. Oil
and grease from the sewage floats to the top, forming a layer of scum. Scum
prevents oxygen from dissolving in the sewage and results in anaerobic digestion
taking place. Raw sewage has to be retained for at least twenty-four hours for
anaerobic digestion to breakdown the solid matter.
If desludging is not carried out, the sludge level may exceed maximum level. When
this happens, sewage retention time decreases. This will result in an incomplete
breakdown of sewage and thus, untreated sewage and sludge solids will be
released from the septic tank into the drain. Where septic tanks have a filter bed
after the settlement chamber, the filter beds will become choked. This too will result
in untreated sewage and sludge solids being discharged into drains. [].
The septic tank only provides partial treatment of the sewage that flows into it and
needs to be desludged on a regular basis, approximately once in two years, to
ensure that it functions efficiently. IWK provides this important and mandatory
scheduled desludging service to government premises only.
There are currently more than 1.3 million individual septic tanks serving 6.7 million
residents in urban areas and housing estates nationwide. The situation was
aggravated after the septic tank cleaning service provided by Indah Water
Konsortium Sdn Bhd was stopped on Jan 1, 2008.
The Septic Tank Treatment Regulations have been around since 2010 but were not
enforced because septic tanks are considered as individual or private property
under the National Water Services Industry Act 2008, which allows premises owners
to maintain their own sewage tanks. Section 65(1)(c) of the Water Services Industry
Act 2006 (Act 655) states that individual septic tank owners need to maintain the
system, and failure to do so could result in fines of not more than RM50,000. [STAR
The discharge of untreated sewage water may also affect aquatic life in the river.
Indirectly, such contamination can also affect the socio-economic activities of the
surrounding area due to the unbearable stench. Effluents from the inefficient septic
tank can also have an impact on groundwater. The sludge will seep into the ground
and the situation will worsen during rainfall. The rain will drain the overflowing sludge
into the river.
The major challenges to this conventional treatment plant include poor effluent
quality discharge, odour and desludging since most septic tanks are located with no
access to desludging tanker. Thus, in view of these challenges, the planners,
engineers and researchers around the world have been working towards natural
treatment systems which are relatively cost-effective, energy-sensitive and also self-
contained systems for wastewater treatment. Sewage from individual homes is a
complex brew. It consists of all manner of things that go down drains or are flushed
down toilets. The composition of sewage varies from day to day, from house to
house, even from hour to hour. Thus, the best practice to solve the issue is to have
a sustainable approach as well as less cost operation and maintenance.
These are 2 recent actual case studies highlighting the problem caused by the
conventional septic tanks.
i. USM study [1] showed that 2 enclaves in Weld Quay, Penang are not
connected to the central sewer. These premises are using conventional septic
tanks to treat their sewage. As a result the pollutants contaminate the adjacent
seawater along Jalan Weld Quay. Figure 1.2 shows the two enclaves not
connected to the central sewer. Figure 1.3 shows the gross pollution along
Jalan Weld Quay sea shore.
Figure 1.2 The Two Enclaves in Weld Quay with no Central Sewer
ii. Recently Majlis Perbandaran Sepang [2] advertised for the quotation to
appoint consultant to upgrade the communal septic tank in Sepang (refer
Figure 1.3) where 1,837 houses are involved. This tender closed on 2
September 2021. The problem is the deteriorating communal septic tanks
are emanating foul odour to the environment and the effluent are polluting
the drains and rivers in the vicinity.
Before 1957, when Malaysia declared its independence, local sanitation committees were
responsible for sanitation in rural areas while local governments managed sanitation in
urban areas. From the end of the 1960s, the Malaysian government launched of a series
of five-year plans which had for purpose to construct appropriate sanitation facilities in
both urban and rural areas. At that time, septic tanks were the main sanitation systems
and, in the 1970s, the government started a “National Sewerage Development Program”
to develop sewerage facilities in major cities with the aim to introduce modern sewerage
systems in urban areas. This program was integrated into the five-year development plan
and resulted in the development of a series of master plans. However, due to the inability
of existing financing structures and the difficulty for the government to gather sufficient
resources, these master plans were implemented in only Kuala Lumpur, Butterworth, and
Kinabalu. As a result, sewerage services and development were fully entrusted to local
governments, which faced difficulties as well, such as financial shortage and lack of
knowledge to provide modern sanitation infrastructure.
From the 1950s to the 1960s Malaysia focused on the primary treatment of wastewater
to improve public sanitation, and promoted the use of non-flush toilets with pit latrines,
flush toilets with pour flush latrines, and septic tanks. In the 1970s and later, the
government aimed at the secondary treatment of wastewater to purify polluted rivers as
the next step of public sanitation. Imhoff tanks were diffused in the 1970s, as well as the
stabilization pond method and the aerated lagoon process in the1980s, and the activated
sludge and biological filtration processes in the 1990s. Since around 2000, the Malaysian
government has focused on environmental preservation to introduce and install
wastewater treatment plants that can remove nitrogen and phosphorus.
In the 1980s, to slow a rise in population having no basic sanitation, the Malaysian
government developed a new policy. This obliged any development projects for 30
households or 150 people equivalent to install a sewerage system. Meanwhile, septic
tanks for individuals or communities prevailed in places with a more limited number of
houses. This new arrangement has encouraged the private sector to play a key role in
developing sewerage systems in Malaysia, building about 70 to 80 percent of the
wastewater treatment infrastructure. The arrangement has also enabled the public sector
to give priority to infrastructure construction for drinking water and energy, and to delay
the investment in large-scale sewerage.
Until 1994, 144 local government’s controlled sewerage services all over the country.
However, these services were not consistent and in many areas, standards were not met.
The federal government understood the need for improving the sanitation level of the
country and passed the Sewerage Service Act (SSA) in 1993. The purpose of the Act
was to make Malaysia an advanced nation with modern infrastructure. According to the
Act, the federal government became responsible for controlling all sewerage assets and
signed a concession agreement with IWK to entrust the management of sewerage
services. The contract included operation, maintenance, and development (that is,
upgrading, rehabilitation and expansion of sewerage infrastructure) over a 28-year
concession period.
IWK planned activities and first conducted a number of sewerage studies in order to
assess demand and capacity from a 30-year planning horizon. Next, IWK designed a 3-
phase strategy according to the study results. The phases were :
i) locating and upgrading the old wastewater treatment plants as well as
increasing septage collection capacity,
To improve operation and maintenance, IWK has gradually taken over sewerage systems
of various sizes and types. From 1994 to 2008, more than 8,800 systems have become
public systems and come under IWK’s control while more than 3,000 systems remain
under the direct management of the owners and, thus, are classified as private systems.
IWK does not own the public facilities but only operates and maintains them, which gives
this organization the right to collect sewerage charges. On average, IWK takes over 300
treatment facilities and 1,000 km of sewer network yearly. However, in areas where large-
scale sewerage systems are not provided, private developers will continue to construct
small-scale sewerage systems.
Furthermore, the sewerage charges could not cover the business expenses and IWK had
difficulties to collect the charges which if continued would have led the company to
insolvency and would have affected sewerage services. As a result, IWK was placed
under governmental control in 2000. Since then, IWK has been managed as a private
company while the government, under the Ministry of Finance, has been controlling
capital expenditure. SSD took the new responsibility of being an implementing agency
managing sewerage constructions, in addition to its previous role as a regulator of the
sewerage industry.
In 2006, the Malaysian Parliament passed the Water Service Industry Act (WSIA), which
replaced the Sewerage Service Act. The latter provides the regulatory framework of
sewerage and septage management, and requires the owners and occupants having
septic tanks to take the responsibility of operating and maintaining them appropriately.
Under the previous legal arrangement, IWK had no right to oblige the users to pay
desludging costs and sewerage charges, or to impose a fine on them. The new act
features the integration of drinking water and sewerage services. This holistic approach
to water management enables enforcement and water supply cut on users who do not
pay sewerage charges. This framework also reinforced SSD’s roles and provided by law
a new regulator, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
SSD became a project implementation agency, in charge of defining the planning for new
constructions and upgrades of sewers and wastewater treatment plants. Through the
monitoring and regulation of sewerage services, SPAN follows the performance of IWK.
To improve the quality of new systems constructed by the private sector, SPAN provides
them guidelines to ensure that new facilities are built according to the standards set and
that the effluent would be able to meet the quality requirements determined by the
Department of Environment. Accordingly, the developers must select any of the systems
that are approved by SPAN.
One of Malaysian sanitation characteristics is that sewerage systems and septic tanks
are equally considered to contribute to the improvement of sanitation regardless of
whether they are constructed by the public sector or the private sector. Therefore, based
on this concept, both systems’ regulation, operation and maintenance are provided by the
same organizations.
The ratio of connected houses to the sewerage system was 5 percent in 1993, but it
drastically increased to reach about 70 percent in 2010. Furthermore, the number of
wastewater treatment plants that conform to the standards for discharged effluent
increased year after year. In 2006, 69 percent of wastewater treatment plants met the
Environmental Quality Act standard.
Data released by the Department of Environment (DoE) in 2017 showed that there were
579 rivers in 2008, but currently, there are only 477 rivers. According to the Malaysian
Environmental Quality Report 2016, out of 477 monitored rivers, only 47% of the rivers
were classified as clean and the rest were slightly polluted (43%) and polluted (10%) [8].
Subsequent monitoring in 2017 showed that the percentage of clean rivers was declining.
A total of 219 (46%) of the 477 supervised rivers were categorized as clean, 207 (43%)
were slightly polluted and 51 (11%) were polluted [6].
Frighteningly, river water quality has declined, making it much more difficult to make it
available for use than in the past. Our rivers are threatened by both point and non-point
sources of pollution. Sewage treatment plants, agro-industry, manufacturing, sulfur or
greywater from commercial and residential premises, and pig farms are the main point
sources of pollution.
The provision of quality water and sewerage services has become more challenging due
to rapid urbanisation and economic development. Added to this challenge is the need to
comprehensively restructure these services in terms of industry structure and their
regulatory policy to be in line with current requirements and market needs.
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) through the National Sewerage Master
Plan provide integrated and holistic long term policy directions and strategic shifts for the
sewerage services industry. The master plan include strategic plans on identification of
catchment areas, rationalisation of treatment plants and funding mechanisms. It will also
provide appropriate strategies to encourage migration from individual septic tank and pour
flush systems to standardised treatment systems, to minimise pollution [5].
Thus this study is timely as the country need to gradually phase out the individual septic
tank and replace it with a more sustainable system capable of complying to Standard A
of the EQA1974.
The specific objectives of this study based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) are:
i) To propose IST that is capable of treating sewage complying to Standard A
of the Environmental Quality Act 1974.
ii) To develop a commercially viable IST that is affordable, durable and reliable
and meet the effluent compliance Standard A of Environmental Quality Act
Based on the TOR, the scope of work to be implemented for this study consists of but not
limited to the following:
hence to prepare Layout Plan (both location, route, size of facility, etc). In
preparing this evaluation, the consultant shall include detail estimates for
various alternatives including Capital Expenditures, Operating Expenditures
and a sensitivity test against Net Present Value (NPV) as well as assist the
Government in obtaining approval from all relevant Statutory Undertakers,
Local Authority, etc and follow the legislative procedures. Eventually the
Consultant shall recommend the most beneficial solution for the study.
iii) To develop and to fabricate the IST prototype that is suitable for usage in
Malaysia. The prototype should be dimensioned for real applications.
iv) To carry out testing of the prototype in a real environment in order to analyze
the actual performance of the prototype. The prototype should be connected
to an actual premise and treat actual domestic sewage.
Task 1 :
Establish Objectives
Task 2 :
Study Current
Task 3 :
Design Prototypes
Task 4 :
Fabricate Prototype &
Instal on R&D Site
Task 5 :
Performance Study
Task 6 :
Task 7 :
Finalise Prototype
The study methodology is as shown in the Figure 1.5. The objective of this study is to
produce IST that is commercially viable and is capable of treating sewage to Standard A
of the EQA. The consultant need to study the existing current systems that is presently
available worldwide and make comparisons. The consultant then need to design a
suitable IST to meet the objective.
The process alternative design prototypes need to be developed and proposed by the
Consultant. The selection of the prototype(s) design for production shall be based on the
ability to meet the effluent Standard A and cost beneficial solution for the study. The
selected prototypes will be fabricated using non-degradable, non-corrodible and of inert
and durable materials. All fitting, pipe, partition or any other component part shall be made
of non-degradable, non-corrodible and durable materials that is compatible with the tank.
The prototypes will be pre-installed with all related mechanical and electrical
accessories/components before being transported to the testing site. Full installation will
be carried out so as the prototypes can function as planned.
Three prototypes will be designed and fabricated to be tested. These prototypes must
treat real sewage. One prototype will serve the purpose of a control for comparison
purposes. The other two prototypes will have different aerobic treatment systems. The
design of the prototypes shall take into consideration of sustainable renewable energy
sources and energy efficient equipment (EEE) in operating the prototype.
These three prototypes will be installed at one of IWK treatment plant site. Performance
studies will be carried out on the three prototypes to evaluate compliance to the EQA and
which system gives the best performance. The samplings are to be carefully selected and
tested to give representative and reliable date for the propose of the study.
Samples to be taken should cover parameters for enclosed water body such as follows:
i. Temperature
ii. pH
iii. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)
iv. Suspended Solids (SS)
Figures 1.6 and 1.7 show the proposed and actual work programmes respectively.
Coordinate from beginning to end of project. All activities in Gantt Chart need to be
discussed and obtained approval from Coordinator. All arising problems need to be
identified and relevant actions taken. Job scopes include:
the working principles, process configuration, feed condition, and oxidation state.
Process configuration defines the way in which water is in contact with the
biomass, which can from a layer on some supporting media to from a fixed biofilm
or be suspended in a reactor, or a combination of these. Suspended growth
provides higher mass transfer, but the biomass subsequently needs to be
separated from the water. Both configurations generate excess biomass to be
disposed off.
The deliverables shall be submitted to the Government and to include but not
necessarily limited to the followings:
i) The study stage shall have deliverables including a report and plans (hard
& soft copies), soil investigation, survey drawings and photographs. The
report shall contain the results of the investigative works carried out, the
consultant’s assessment and evaluation of the existing condition, options for
solutions, costing, evaluation and recommended option.
ii) All plans shall be prepared on original stable reproducible materials and
have blocks approved by JPP. All dimensions shall be in metric units. At
least a partner of the Consulting Firm shall sign all plans and all plans
submitted for the approval shall also bear the Professional Engineer’s Seal
of the partner concerned.
iii) Preliminary plans shall be submitted from time to time to JPP or as
requested for the approval or endorsement of JPP before the final report are
1. Final Report : Sewerage Catchment Study for Clan Jetties, Pulau Pinang, April 2014,
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembetungan.
2. Sebut Harga Perkhidmatan Perunding Untuk Cadangan Lantikan Perunding Bagi Kerja-
Kerja menaiktaraf Sistem Kumbahan Tangki Septik Komunal ( Communal Septic Tank )
di Daerah Sepang Untuk Majlis Perbandaran Sepang Bagi Tahun 2021.
3. Cekpremi Septic Tank ( )
4. Country Sanitation Assessment in Malaysia Report, Nov 2011, Japan Sanitation
5. Ensuring Quality and Efficient Water and Sewerage Services Strategy Paper, Economic
Planning Unit 2019, PM Department.
6. The River Quality Before and During The MCO in Malaysia, Science Direct Elsevier, Vol
2, September 2020.
The septic tank system is the most widely used onsite treatment system for domestic
wastewater. Most developing countries lack the technology and economic power to
construct and operate sewerage systems for the conveyance of domestic wastewater
to central sewage treatment facilities, so a greater population relies on the septic tank
system for sewage treatment.
Microorganisms degrade wastewater aerobically while the C, CO2, and SO4 act as
electron acceptors to form CO2, H2, CH4, and S2-(sulfides). At the same time, most
organic N is converted to NH4+ (inorganic). The effluent flows into the drain field where
aerobic degradation occurs due to the abundance of oxygen in the unsaturated soil
layer. The C in the wastewater is now oxidized to CO2 while NH4+ is oxidized to NO2-
thus raising the nitrate level of the sewage to about seven times the limit acceptable
for dumping water. The H+ released from the oxidation of NH4+now reduces the pH of
the effluent [1].
A properly functioning septic tank system should be able to reduce the pollution level
of wastewater to such a level as is within local and international standards for
wastewater disposal. All things being equal, the septic tank system does not pose
much problem and requires little maintenance. However, when the system is not
working properly, it merely serves as a route for recycling pathogens and deadly
chemicals through the ecosystem.
According to the United Nations in 2007, more than 50% of the world’s population are
living in cities. Malaysia is no exception to this trend with an estimation of 77% of its
population residing in urban areas in 2018. By 2030, 26 million people, or 80 percent
of Malaysians are expected to be city dwellers. Rural Malaysia is still home to 7.3
million people, who live in 26,400 villages across the country. About 3.1 million of them
reside in 46 remote districts in the peninsula, Sabah, and Sarawak. The interior
dwellers are spread across a vast rural landscape covering 52% of Malaysia’s land
mass [1]. The rapid urbanization and improvement of education levels throughout
Malaysia have resulted in different generations of rural people experiencing changes
in various ways. Older people are less likely to migrate to an urban area, and their
migrant children, who live and work in urban areas and are used to some normal urban
amenities such as good roads that do not flood, organized waste disposal, etc., see
the lack of these basic amenities as a problem [2].
The change in rural Malaysia in the recent decade also shows that migration from the
village has led to a change in the local activity. The knowledge acquired when working
in urban areas sometimes is used to start a local business. In addition, the Malaysian
government has initiated One-District-One-Industry Programme (ODOI) in 2003 to
facilitate the growth of small enterprises in rural areas in Malaysia. This has shifted the
original local activities to include also small industries activities. In one Kelantan village,
skills acquired working on building sites in Singapore enabled building materials to be
made locally to facilitate the construction of new village homes of more modern
materials [2]. The change in local activities also leads to the change in wastewater
generated. Through ‘Pelan Tindakan Dasar Pembangunan Luar Bandar’ which
highlights 10 main Trusts, providing complete and innovative amenities is highlighted
in Trust 4. This includes providing paved roads, clean water supply, upgrading Orang
Asli villages, safe solid waste management, and increasing the implementation of
septic tank usage for domestic wastewater treatment (Kementerian Pembangunan
Luar Bandar, 2018).
The application of septic tanks in rural areas is a popular choice due to the simplicity
of the installation and it is the cheapest type of treatment system available. However,
the use of septic tanks, in general, can lead to an increase in nutrient loading in streams
and rivers. The performance and efficiency of a septic tank can be quite uncertain as
several factors such as design, siting, age, and maintenance, will affect the discharged
water quality [2]. The change in wastewater generated due to the change in local
activities might also affect the efficiency of septic tank application as the main treatment
method. Nevertheless, implementing a fully automated treatment system for
wastewater for a small population can be overkill. Thus, evaluation of alternative
technology for treating wastewater is a must for rural areas.
Malaysia has a population of 28.3 million based on the Report of Census 2010 by the
Department of Statistics. The estimated volume of wastewater generated by municipal
and industrial sectors is 2.97 billion cubic meters per year. Domestic wastewater also
known as municipal wastewater is the waste produced from residential, institutional,
commercial, and also establishments. Domestic wastewater is produced due to human
activities. Household waste is usually from toilets, showers, kitchens, and sinks that
are disposed of through sewers. The composition and strength of wastewater change
almost every hour, daily mostly depending on per capita of water usage domestically.
Domestic wastewater quality constituents can usually be separated into three groups
of parameters for analysis; physical, chemical, and biological. The main objective in
assessing the quality of the wastewater is to determine the most suitable type of
operation and processes for its treatment and to match the design of the treatment
facility. The fractions of each group (biodegradable organics, inorganic, heavy metals,
dissolved inorganics) can also be applied for the quality assessment. Mainly the
physical characteristics such as suspended solids, turbidity, color, and odor are the
most significant parameters that need to be considered for the treatment processes.
Suspended solids, for example, can lead to the development of sludge deposits and
anaerobic conditions when untreated wastewater is discharged into the aquatic
environment. The biodegradable organics, which are usually measured using BOD and
COD, are composed primarily of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These constituents,
if discharged untreated into the environment, may lead to depletion of the natural
oxygen resources due to their biological stabilization. Nutrients, which are the
inorganics, may lead to eutrophication of the water being discharged in excess into a
water body. Table 2.1 shows the typical composition of untreated municipal wastewater
and the concentrations of each parameter.
Ammonia 10 25 50
Chloride 30 50 100
Fixed 25 50 85
Sulfates 20 30 50
In most rural areas, before pour-flush latrines are introduced, wastewater can be
directly used in the agriculture sector. After pour-flush latrines were introduced, there
is no direct use of wastewater in the agriculture sector as treated wastewater effluent
had undergone dilution when coming into contact with surface waters.
Septic tanks are used in nearly all onsite systems regardless of the daily wastewater
flow rate or strength. The tanks provide suspended solids removal, solids storage, and
digestion. Three zones are present in a septic tank: a scum layer that forms a crust on
the surface of the tank liquor; the wastewater from which solids deposit; and a bottom
sludge layer of the deposited material. The organic matter in the tank may undergo
anaerobic digestion. The degree of digestion depends on the tank size, frequency of
cleaning, and temperature. The capacity of the tank required is governed by the
number of people it serves and the desludging interval. Although a fraction of
particulate solids are removed by flotation and sedimentation, nearly all entering
dissolved organics pass through the septic tank without any significant treatment.
Moreover, these systems have several technical and constructional weaknesses.
Thus, septic tank effluent needs further processing in a post-treatment system to meet
environmental standards, which increases the cost and complexity of the system. A
typical septic tank is shown in Figure 2.6 [24]
It is evident that there is a need for a more efficient and reliable septic tank system.
Modifications of septic tank design have been proposed in different studies in order to
improve onsite wastewater system performance. For example, changing septic tank
retention times and including packing materials have been suggested [7,8,9]. Other
studies investigated the times and including packing materials have been suggested
[7,8,9]. Other studies investigated the effects of baffles on the treatment process. The
findings reported an increased number of baffles resulted in the treatment performance
enhancement [7,10]. Generally, most septic tank modifications resulted in enhanced
treatment performance [7,10]. Generally, most septic tank modifications were
suggested to enhance the performance of the septic system. However, if a septic tank
is recognized as a stand-alone treatment unit, the rational modification should be
Although most ATUs are suspended growth devices, some units are designed to
include both suspended growth mechanisms combined with fixed-growth elements.
The third category of ATU is designed to provide treatment entirely through the use of
fixed-growth elements such as trickling filters or rotating biological contactors. Typical
Most ATUs are designed with compressors or aerators to oxygenate and mix the
wastewater. Partial pathogen reduction is achieved. Additional disinfection can be
achieved through chlorination, UV treatment, ozonation, or soil filtration. Increased
nutrient removal (denitrification) can be achieved by modifying the treatment process
to provide an anaerobic/anoxic step or by adding treatment processes to the treatment
ATUs may be designed as continuous or batch flow systems. The simplest continuous
flow units are designed with no flow equalization and depend upon aeration tank
volume and/or baffles to reduce the impact of hydraulic surges. Some units are
designed with flow-dampening devices, including airlift or float-controlled mechanical
pumps to transfer the wastewater from the aeration tank to a clarifier. Other units are
designed with multiple-chambered tanks to attenuate flow. The batch (fill and draw)
flow system design eliminates the problem of hydraulic variation. Batch systems are
designed to collect and treat wastewater over a period of time.
Pumps are used to discharge the settled effluent at the end of the cycle (usually one
day). Fixed film treatment plants typically are operated as continuous flow systems.
There are, of course, some drawbacks to ATUs. The basic unit is more expensive to
own and operate than a septic tank and requires more maintenance. The solids must
be pumped out at much more frequent intervals, and the electrical-mechanical parts
must be maintained.
The process most aerobic units use to treat wastewater is referred to as suspended or
attached growth or a hybrid of both. These units include a main compartment called an
aeration chamber in which air is mixed with the wastewater. Because most home
aerobic units are buried underground like septic tanks, the air must be forced into the
aeration chamber by an air blower or a compressor.
The forced air mixes with wastewater in the aeration chamber, and the oxygen
supports the growth of aerobic bacteria that degrade the solids in the wastewater. The
biomass in the chamber is called mixed liquor.
Unfortunately, the bacteria cannot degrade all the solids in the mixed liquor, and these
solids eventually settle out as sludge. Many aerobic units include a secondary chamber
called a settling chamber or clarifier where excess solids can settle. Other designs
allow the sludge to accumulate at the bottom of the tank. In aerobic units designed with
a separate settling compartment, the sludge returns to the aeration chamber (either by
gravity or by a pumping device). The sludge contains active bacteria that also aid in
the treatment process. Although, in theory, the aerobic treatment process should
eventually be able to consume the sludge completely, in practice, the generated sludge
will need to be pumped out frequently so that solids do not clog the operation unit [20].
Submerged Aerated Biofilter (SAB) also referred to as Biological Aerated Filter (BAF)
depending on the filter material are examples of ATUs. It is one of the newest
secondary treatment methods. It is able to remove nitrogen (ammonia) as well as
organic matter. SABs/BAFs are submerged, aerated, fixed-film reactors where
microorganisms are used to remove organic matter, ammonia, and suspended solids
(SS) are filtered out by granular/biofilter media. The first commercial full-scale
SAB/BAF was in operation in Soissons, France in 1982 [21]. Subsequently, a large
number of SAB/BAF systems were introduced in Europe, Japan, and North America.
The granular/biofilter media is submerged in the reactor and fed wastewater after the
removal of some solids by primary settling (clarifying). Treated wastewater enters the
SAB/BAF at the top or the bottom depending upon the design of the plant. Air is
diffused upward through granular/biofilter media during operation. Coarse or fine
media is used to facilitate microbial growth in the system. The air promotes the growth
of biomass in the voids of the media by providing the required oxygen for the
organisms. Simultaneous SS and nitrogen removal can be obtained with upflow
SAB/BAF reactors.
Ammonium ions can be removed from the system in several ways. The common
method is to remove nitrogen by nitrification which is a two steps process where ionized
- -
ammonia is oxidized first to nitrite (NO2 ) and then nitrite is oxidized to nitrate (NO3 ).
Two innovative modified septic tank systems as shown in Figure 2.8 were designed as
stand-alone technologies to treat domestic wastewater. The results are shown in
Figures 2.9 – 2.14. Configurations with and without attached growth media were
evaluated and demonstrated significant treatment capacities with 95–98% BOD and
92–98% TSS removal observed at hydraulic retention times ranging from 2.6 to 4.4
days. Significant nitrogen removal of 59% was observed in the attached growth system
(corrugated plastic media with a specific area of 100 m2/m3 filled to 2/3 of the tank
working capacity) at 2.6 d HRT, while results varied between 26–33% removal at
higher loading rates and between 0–29% in the suspended growth configuration.
Effluent quality met secondary wastewater quality criteria as well as the Jordanian
standard for wastewater reuse for all parameters except for E. coli, where further
As per Abbassi et al., (2018), the energy demands for the altered septic system when
operated at high hydraulic loading can be significantly reduced, making this system a
minimal technology. Aside from the benefit of low energy consumption, MST systems
exhibited fewer operating and maintenance needs, as well as cheaper construction
and operating costs, than more automated systems [3]. Energy demands under various
hydraulic loadings are compared in Table 2.2.
1.2 65
1.6 49
2.0 39
Another study [12] presents the results of random BOD testing of selected on-site
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) constructed in Poland in Masovia Voivodship
in the years 2011–2016. The vast majority of tested on-site WWTPs were compact
(container) type treatment plants, based on low rate activated sludge (AS), sequencing
batch reactors (SBR), or a hybrid (activated sludge supported with biological film, AS
+ BF) method.
Monitoring of on-site WWTPs constructed between 2014 and 2016 was performed in
the years 2017–2019. Effluent samples from different types of WWTPs were collected
and analyzed. Among 23 analyzed on-site WWTPs, 19 were the container type (5 of
AS, 5 of SBR, and 9 of AS+BF), two were hydrophonic (HP), one was a sand filter
(SF), and one was a septic tank (IF, septic tank with infiltration).
discharged to water bodies, and were also the predicted result of on-site WWTPs
implementation programs. The highest mean concentration of BOD5 in the effluent was
observed for AS plants and the lowest for hybrid systems (AS + BF).
The results of this study confirmed the previous findings of other authors [13,14].
Greater reduction of organic substances in the hybrid bioreactor compared to the
reactor. Greater reduction of organic substances in the hybrid bioreactor compared to
the reactor using conventional activated sludge was reported by Krzanowski and
Wałęga [4]. They achieved BOD 5 removal of between 90% and 99.7%, while in a
comparable AS bioreactor, BOD 5 reduction was only 52.6%.
In case of the systems operating on a classic active sludge (AS) basis, severe
exploitation problems may occur, such as sludge rinsing during significant hydraulic
frictions or a lack of stability in activated sludge biocenosis development due to
considerably irregular sewage inflow, which as a consequence influences the treated
sewage quality [14,15]. Fluctuations in pollutant loading, in the volume of wastewater,
and also variable environmental conditions typical for on-site wastewater treatment
plants negatively affect the operation of systems using AS.
Intermittent or continuous aeration by influent concentration of 300 mg/L COD and 2.5
mg/L ammonium has no significant effect to the rate of organic removal under
Submerged Aerated Bio filter reactor. The average COD removal for continuous
aeration, two hours and four hours intermittent aeration are 83%, 81% and 87%,
respectively. The lowest dissolved oxygen occurred in two hours on and off aeration
which is around 4 mg/L. Aeration mode affected the efficiency of ammonium removal.
Efficiency of ammonium removal for continuous aeration, two hours and four hours
intermittent aeration are 75%, 61%, and 60%, respectively.
Another research [17] studied the influence of hydraulic loading and air flow rate on
urban wastewater nitrogen removal with a submerged fixed-film reactor. Nutrient
Another research [18] explored the options of phosphorus and nitrogen removal with
biological submerged aerated filters with semi-industrial pilot plants. Phosphorus was
precipitated with iron salts in lamella settlers before aerated biofilter treatment. The
efficiency of settling and biological treatment was related to hydraulic and operational
parameters. Nitrification was achieved by reducing the carbonaceous load on the
biofilter. The limits of loading were verified to obtain a final effluent quality of around 1
mg/L each of Phosphate-P and ammonia-N, and 10mg/l each of BOD and SS. By
counterbalancing the slow growth rate of nitrifying bacteria through attachment on a
surface, fixed biomass reactors are particularly efficient in ammonia removal.
Another study [19] evaluated the performance of a semi-pilot scale BAF in order to
obtain a highly polished effluent in terms of removal of organic matter, suspended
solids and ammonia and to observe the influence of temperature, pH and nitrite
accumulation on the nitrification process. The ammonia removal efficiency during
summer and winter and the nitrite accumulation in presence of free ammonia were
observed. The biomass density was measured at different filter bed heights and the
sludge production from the effluent of the backwashing water was evaluated. The
results obtained were used to calibrate a mathematical model for the prediction of the
ammonia removal profile in the filter bed and of biomass thickness.
The effect of temperature on the nitrification process has been much higher than
expected; the average ammonia removal efficiency has been 82% in summer and 32%
in winter. Higher organic and ammonia removal rates were obtained at higher hydraulic
retention time (HRT). At low HRT and during winter conditions, a nitrite accumulation
occurred in the presence of free ammonia, increasing with the filter bed height; at high
HRT, the nitrite profile along the filter height showed a bell-shaped curve with the
maximum values at 35 cm and at 55 cm from the bottom of the filter, at 20°C and at
25°C respectively. The temperature increase of 5°C caused a translation of the nitrite
peak towards the entrance of the filter.
From the Gap Analysis point of view, there are numerous technologies for on-site
sewage treatment, only a small number of them have been examined for their viability
in actual field settings [25]. Table 2.3 provides a summary of the effectiveness of these
systems for the on-site treatment of sewage effluent. By utilising post-treatment
techniques, the majority of these systems enhanced the effluent quality of septic tanks.
There haven't been many studies on treatment systems specifically looking at how
changes in operating circumstances affect how well they operate.
The majority of the on-site systems that are employed as post-treatment procedures
for septic tank effluent are based on a combined treatment process, as seen by the
data in Table 2.3. There is a limited number of households that use aerobic treatment
systems for the on-site treatment of domestic wastewater. The previously examined
However, aerobic treatment systems need constant upkeep and expert supervision,
which might not be practicable at the home level but might be a viable solution overall.
The poor performance of an aerobic on-site treatment system in settings of highly
variable residential wastewater flow is one of the most frequent issues.
The aerobic treatment systems also need electricity or other external resources to run
continuously. Despite producing energy in the form of usable methane gas, anaerobic
treatment systems are less effective than aerobic treatment systems. Employment of
biofilter aerated treatment systems is a better choice than aerobic and anaerobic
treatment systems based on performance statistic
Table 2.4 Summarized Past Studies with On-Site Treatment Systems [25]
Tables 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 depict the comparison between the different wastewater
treatment technologies in terms of performance, benefits, drawbacks, footprints and
operating expenditures. Table 2.5 compares the different suspended growth biological
processes, Table 2.6 compares the different fixed film/hybrid biological processes and
Table 2.7 compares the different of other biological processes.
Requires closely
Require Requires
DITCH Good Good Poor Low energy
separate aeration system
system for aeration
stage $$
Requires closely
Requires high
BATCH Good Good Good Poor Flexibility
aeration system
Does not
require &controlled
external operational
clarification conditions
Changes in
loading require
Requires skilled
AEROBIC Good Good Can accept Requires aeration system
Variable Poor
BIOFILTER fluctuation
in organic High energy use
Minimal O&M $$
Suitable for
ING Good Good Requires pre-treatment
Poor Poor performan
dilution tank
Sensitive to cold climate
NT Good Good Requires pre-treatment
Poor Poor performan
SAND unit
ces $$
FILTER Sensitive to cold climate
ED Not applicable to cold
WETLANDS weather
Large surface area
operation and
maintenance Surface flow wetlands are
Fair Good Poor Poor less effective in $
removing ammonia than
No energy
subsurface or vertical
flow wetlands
Poor flexibility towards
variation (hydraulic & loading)
Requires frequent carbon
May not addition
CARBON external Changes in organic loadings
Good Good Good Poor clarification in the influent $$$
stage if affects the operations time;
operated in increases control
SBR mode
Require high efficiency
aeration system
REACTORS Additional
Polishing phase (aerobic)
recovery $ required to discharge
Poor in the environment
Good Good (generate Poor Suited for high $
ammonia) BOD loads
Low sludge
It can be concluded from the above summaries that the Submerged Aerobic Biofilter
(SAB) is the best option for a small treatment plant system. Its main advantages in being
able to accept organic loadings fluctuation, minimal operation and maintenance
requirements makes it ideal for a small treatment plant system. Comparatively to other
systems, SAB has excellent BOD, SS and Ammonia removal efficiencies. Its footprint is
also comparatively small.
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8. Sharma, M.K.; Kazmi, A.A. Anaerobic onsite treatment of black water using filter-
based packaged system as an alternative of conventional septic tank. Ecol. Eng.
2015, 75, 457–461.
9. Anil, R.; Neera, A.L. Modified Septic Tank Treatment System. Proc. Technol.
2016,24, 240–247.
10. Nasr, F.A.; Mikhaeil, B. Treatment of domestic wastewater using conventional and
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13. Krzanowski, S.; Wałe ga, A. Effectiveness of organic substance removal in
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14. Wałega, A.; Chmielowski, K.; Młynski, D. Influence of the hybrid sewage treatment
plant’s exploitation on its operation effectiveness in rural areas. Sustainability
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15. Krzanowski, S.; Wałega, A. New technologies of small domestic sewage volume
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16. Soewondo,P.; Yulianto.A. The Effect of Aeration on Submerged Aerobic Bio Filter
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17. Galvez,J.M.; Gomez, M.A; Hontoria,E. Influence of Hydraulic Loading and Air
Flowrate on Urban Watewater Nitrogen Removal with a Submerged Fixed-Film
Reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 101, Issue 2, 18 July 2003, 219-229.
As a solution to the shortcomings of centralized systems, over the last two decades large
numbers of decentralized small sewage treatment plants of different technology types
have been installed all over the world.
In comparison to septic tank that separates liquid waste from solid waste and discharge
into a soakaway/drain, decentralised small sewage treatment plants add an important
extra stage in a process that makes the effluent discharge substantially cleaner and less
harmful to the environment.
This is generally achieved through a three stages process. The first stage is the same as
that of a septic tank, sewage and wastewater enters a holding chamber where gravity
separates the solids from the liquids. The liquid then flows into a second chamber, leaving
the solid waste behind (for later removal by a registered waste carrier). The second stage
then involves the introduction of oxygen into the system via an air pump. This encourages
the growth of aerobic bacteria which works to break down the remaining sewage into a
cleaner effluent within the tank. This bacterial infused liquid then flows into a final chamber
where the bacteria, having done its job, is allowed to settle to the bottom (for recycling
back into the first chamber) before the clean effluent is discharged. This discharge can
be directly into a ditch, stream or other watercourse.
Numerous firms worldwide dealing with widely understood natural environment protection
offer various solutions for domestic sewage treatment plants. While choosing the suitable
variant of such installation, an investor is driven in the first place by economic factors,
easy operation and high operational reliability.
Because of the specific character of sewage produced in the areas with dispersed
buildings, sewage treatment plant installations must prove highly reliable under variable
operating conditions, they should be cheap to construct and utilize and not require
complicated service. It seems that installations which join a classic activated sludge
method and submerged or mobile biofilter systems meet these requirements.
Technical solutions which combine activated sludge and biofilter methods are becoming
increasingly more popular. Such treatment plants incorporate advantages of both
methods. They are especially recommended in rural areas where considerable irregularity
of sewage inflow and storage occurs. During the period of low hydraulic loading or when
no sewage outflow is registered, biocenosis in the form of activated sludge will not die
back fast because the substrate necessary for microorganism development will be
obtained from forming biofilm covering the biofilter.
Small sewage treatment plants are mostly biological aerobic treatment plants with
activated sludge or biofilters, although these two systems combined into one are more
and more frequently observed as hybrid systems. At present, prefabricated treatment
plants with a daily throughput of between several to many thousand cubic meters have
been available worldwide.
Among numerous solutions of small sewage treatment plants are technologies based on
low rate activated sludge with prolonged aeration and aerobic stabilization of sludge. In
case of biofilters, dominant are systems using stationary, mobile or revolving filter beds,
which are usually naturally aerated.
Like in the case of semi-natural systems, before biological treatment processes sewage
must undergo preliminary treatment in order to remove solid particles. This process
occurs in pre-settlement tanks. In small sewage treatment plants biological part of the
The method of sewage treatment using activated sludge has been known since the
beginning of the twentieth century. Activated sludge is composed of microorganisms
which at suitable oxygen supply are capable of organic substance mineralization from
sewage. At proper modification of the process by creating alternative aerobic, anoxic and
anaerobic conditions it is possible to cause additional reduction of biogenic substances
(nitrogen and phosphorus) apart from removing carbon compounds.
trans Bio-Filter Wastewater Treatment Plant [1] as shown in Figure 3.1 is a bed of organic
material which supports hybrid earthworms and microbes that break down solids and
converts it to carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients. It uses the ability of the earthworms
and beneficial microbes (transzyme) to reduce contaminants present in the wastewater.
It involves the removal of toxic matter by adsorption and filtration followed by biological
degradation and oxygen supply by natural aeration to the Wastewater treatment plant.
The BIOROCK Complete System [2] as shown in Figure 3.2 functions as a three-stages
treatment process. Initially the raw sewage enters a primary tank to provide separation
and the breakdown of organic solids (Primary Treatment). The sewage then passes
through an effluent filter before discharging into the BIOROCK unit which incorporates
the well proven aerobic digestion process (Secondary Treatment) and filtration process
(Tertiary Treatment).
Central to the operation of the Klargester BioDisc [3] as shown in Figure 3.3 is the
Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC), which supports a biologically active film or biomass
on to which aerobic micro-organisms, naturally found in sewage, become established.
Natural breakdown of sewage can then occur as described below. The treatment principle
is as follows:
• Wastewater and sewage flows into the primary settlement zone (1) where solids
are settled out and retained. This accumulated sludge should be drawn out
• Partially clarified liquor containing fine suspended solids flows upwards into the
first stage Biozone (2) for breaking down by micro-organisms on the RBC.
Suspended solids return to the primary settlement zone and the liquor is
transferred to the second stage Biozone (3) for further treatment.
• Any solids remaining are settled out in the final settlement tank (4) . The very high
effluent quality is discharged to a watercourse.
• The RBC comprises banks of vacuum formed polypropylene media supported by
a steel shaft. This is slowly rotated by a low energy consumption electric motor
and drive assembly.
The Delphin Compact WWTP [4] as shown in Figure 3.4 which uses the fixed-bed
technology is based on different microorganisms, which naturally occur in domestic
wastewater. Contrary to sludge-based processes, these organisms don’t need to be kept
in suspension as activated sludge in the reactor, but have a fixed surface to grow on, the
so called fixed-bed. Due to their special structure, the fixed-bed elements have a high
specific surface for increased contact between the biofilm and the wastewater. The air for
the aerobic processes is brought in from the outside by a side channel compressor.
Underneath the fixed-bed the air is dispersed evenly in small bubbles by membrane
diffusors. The specific arrangement of the aerators causes a vertically circulation flow,
which guarantees a homogeneous mixing in the reactor.
Stählermatic System [5] as shown in Figure 3.5 combines disc filter with activated sludge.
The mode of this appliance operation is as follows: after mechanical pre-treatment in the
pre-settlement tank, sewage is fed into a spherical container composed of biological
The RetroFAST Sewage Treatment Plant [7] as shown in Figure 3.7 is promoted by
American Smith & Loveless Inc. enterprise []. This is a
mechanical-biological sewage treatment plant composed of pre-settlement tank,
bioreactor with special filling and aeration blower. RetroFAST treatment plants are hybrid
system using submerged biofilter and activated sludge. Sewage in the bioreactor is
aerated with compressed air supplied by blower as an of water-air hoist. Organic
constituents contained in the inflowing sewage are food for aerobic bacteria which attach
themselves to a honeycomb resembling medium inside the container. Organic substance
mineralization process and ammonium nitrogen nitrification occur on the surface of the
biofilter. Nitrified sewage is then carried away outside the biofilter into the anaerobic
environment where denitrification process takes place. Excessive sludge generated in the
purification process is deposited on the bottom of the tank and is pumped out periodically
Roclean Wastewater Treatment Plant [8] as shown in Figure 3.8 are available from 6 PE
to 2000 PE. Roclean Wastewater Treatment Plant Use advanced SBR Technology.
Roclean is a one piece-two chamber tank which treats the sewage in batches ensuring a
high efficiency of cleaning.
VFL Small Wastewater Treatment Plant [9] as shown in Figure 3.9 use a continuous-flow,
suspended growth activated sludge process with the patented technology of Vertical Flow
Labyrinth VFL® for wastewater treatment plants and combine the following processes in
a single tank:
• mechanical pre-treatment,
• excess sludge storage,
• biological treatment using a low-loaded activated sludge process,
• separation of the treated water from activated sludge in the final clarification
chamber and
• flow balancing of fluctuating inflow of wastewater in the integrated retention
The Tricel Novo WWTP [10] as shown in Figure 3.10 uses the submerged aerobic filter
system. In the first stage of sewage treatment, anaerobic breakdown takes place in the
primary settlement chamber. The wastewater is introduced, and the solids drop to the
bottom, becoming separated from the liquid. The next stage of the wastewater treatment
involves aerobic breakdown. This takes place in the aeration chamber, where masses of
naturally occurring bacteria inhabit specially designed filter media. These bacteria are
sustained with air, which is continuously supplied from a purpose-built pump in the unit’s
top section. As the liquid flows slowly through the filter media, the bacteria feed on the
waste and remove it from the liquid.
In the last stage of wastewater treatment, the liquid flows from the aeration chamber into
the final settlement chamber. Suspended sludge consisting of bacteria is carried with the
liquid into the settlement chamber and settles to the bottom of the chamber. From there,
a continuous sludge return system pumps it back to the primary settlement chamber.
Table 3.1 summarises the comparison of the reviewed commercially small sewage
treatment plants.
L X W X H (M)
5 PE
- OS
1 TRANS BIO- BIO 10- 20- 50- <1 1-2 INDIA 3 X 1.5 NA
FILTER 20 50 80
5-12 0PE
Septic tanks need to be upgraded into small wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in
order for them to produce a much cleaner effluent.
For small WWTPs, a wide range of different cleaning methods is available for use e.g.,
single-stage trickling filter systems, rotary dipping body plants, plants with submerged
fixed bed, systems with freely movable growth bodies, activated sludge plants in the
stock-up operation, combination systems, pass-activated aeration plants, and
membrane-activated aeration plants [6] which are commonly known as compact or
container type on-site wastewater treatment plants.
The most popular solutions for single households are low-rate activated sludge,
sequencing batch reactors (SBR), and plants with submerged fixed bed or freely movable
growth bodies known as hybrid plants. Activated sludge and biofilm are characteristics
forms of biomass used in wastewater treatment [7].
Sequencing Batch Reactors are a special form of activated sludge treatment in which all
of the treatment process takes place in the reactor tank and clarifiers are not required.
This process treats the waste water in batch mode and each batch is sequenced through
a series of treatment stages.
Hybrid systems are a combination of biofiltered and activated sludge. Sewage in the
bioreactor is aerated and organic constituents contained in the inflowing sewage are food
for aerobic bacteria, which attach themselves to a medium submerged inside the
container [6]. The species composition of microorganisms present in the suspended
biomass as well as in the immobilized biomass is different. Filamentous bacteria, ciliates,
and rotifers are frequent in the suspended biomass, while free-swimming ciliates were
mainly observed in the immobilized biomass [7].
Technical solutions which combine activated sludge and biofilter methods are
increasingly becoming more popular. Hybrid treatment plants incorporate advantages of
both methods, which is of primary importance for on-site system working conditions
(involving changes in the quality and quantity of supplied wastewater). During the period
of low hydraulic or organic loading or when no sewage outflow is registered, biocenosis
in the form of activated sludge will not end quickly because the substrate necessary for
microorganism development is obtained by forming biofilm covering the biofilter [4].
The highest operation costs in decentralized treatment systems are generated by the
aeration system and in the study [9], it was estimated to represent 44.2–61.1% of total
operation costs. The unit cost of treated organic load is usually higher in on-site systems
compared to centralized systems. Unit cost of BOD5 removed in on-site systems
analyzed in this study varied from 19.50 to 24.77 €/kg while for six medium size WWTPs
with P.E. between 614 and 2338, it ranged from 0.46 €/kg (for 2338 P.E.) to 0.84 €/kg (for
614 P.E.) with an average cost of 0.62 €/kg [5]. Similar costs (0.71 €/kg) were reported
for nine wastewater treatment plants in EU member countries [6]. Also, the cost of
treatment of the volume of wastewater decreases with increasing P.E. in centralized
systems and ranged from 0.93 €/m3 (P.E. 2338) to 1.80 €/m3 (P.E. 614) with an average
cost of 1.32 €/m3. This shows that the cost of the treatment of 1 m3 of wastewater in
centralized treatment systems is over 7 times lower than in the decentralized systems
analysed in this study. A similar relation exists when considering the cost of wastewater
treatment per person. In medium size centralized WWTPs, the cost ranged from 20
€/person (P.E. 2338) to 38 €/person (P.E. 614) with average cost being 28 €/person [5]
while in analyzed on-site systems, the cost amounts to 98.18–128.59 €/person.
In conclusion the Submerged Aerobic Biofilter system is the only system that fulfils all
of the above criteria.
wastewater with BOD lower than 20 mg l-1 as the difficulty of maintaining a normal value
for MLSS and conventional efficiency. Substrate-transforming microorganisms in the
biofilter are often grown as biofilm on surfaces that can be either synthetic media [15,16],
or natural media (i.e., gravel, sand, tuff, zeolite) [17,18]. Another important advantage of
microbial film process is that interference in the biofilter is also more easily adjusted
because biofilm reactors contain a negative feedback control system to stabilize
treatment efficiency [19]. For example, If the increment of the influent loading arises, the
substrate concentration on a biofilm surface will increase correspondingly and the depth
of the effective layer will also increase, resulting in the suppression of the increment in
substrate concentration, and vice versa. Therefore, wastewater of a wide range of
strengths can be treated effectively with microbial film processes. In addition, the biofilter
exhibits a high potential for sustainability when properly designed and maintained [9].
Biofilters have been tested with numerous types of wastewater and it can be a valid
treatment option for significant cost savings, e.g. effluent from anaerobic digesters [21,22],
nitrobenzene wastewater treated by an anaerobic baffled reactor [23], and pretreatment
process for petroleum refinery wastewater [23].
SAB can combine ammonia, carbonaceous matter, and solids removal in a single-unit
process. Biological nutrient removal (N and P) can also be accomplished. Removal rates
based on reactor volume for carbonaceous BOD, ammonia, and nitrates of up to 4.1 kg
BOD/m3/day, 1.27 kg NH3-N m3/day and 5 kg NO3-N m3/day respectively are normally
reported. Although many configurations are available, including upflow and downflow,
sunken, and floating media, the process still requires some optimization, especially with
regard to media type, backwashing rates, and aeration control to decrease power
consumption [31].
It will be a dangerous risk to use secondary treated or even tertiary effluent for irrigation
without disinfected for removing potential human pathogenic microorganisms. Filtration,
which is regarded as one of attractive and effective processes, is usually used to remove
suspended solids from wastewater effluents of biological processes to improve water
quality. Therefore, biofilter is needed to filter effluent before discharged into the receiving
waters, reused in agriculture, or utilized in body contact recreational reservoirs [25]. Bio-
filters could also be applied to perform a post-treatment step for low-strength wastewater
purification, e.g., secondary treatment of chromium-bearing tannery wastewaters [14],
and secondary or tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater [15,26]. The stability of bio-
filter plays an important role in restraining the change of effluent water quality [27]. In
order to obtain better process stability and performance efficiency, several studies have
focused on combinations of anaerobic and aerobic processes for the treatment of
wastewater [15,28,29].
The application of biofilters should be considered to be an efficient option for reducing the
amount of various wastewaters discharged into aquatic ecosystems [27]. An
understanding of processes involved in pollutant removal is therefore necessary, both for
improving the design and for predicting their long-term sustainability under a range of
environmental conditions [30].
All of the septic tanks in Malaysia are either made of concrete or FRP/HDPE material.
Septic tanks are only allowed to be installed in bungalows in rural areas and urban houses
in small developments (<30 units of houses or <150 PE). Most of the septic tanks for
single household are the one chamber type. However, most of the communal septic tanks
are the multiple chamber type which cater for bigger capacity. The main objective of the
individual septic tank is meant for primary treatment of the sewage. In most cases, the
purpose of the septic tank is to capture and store the solids present in the sewage. Thus,
the effluent from the septic tanks are always low quality and smelly (anaerobic) in nature.
The discharge often cannot achieve Standard B quality, because there were no built-in
secondary treatment. Some individual packaged septic tank manufacturers have
introduced some form of bio-filter media in the one chamber septic tank. However, there
are not much improvement to the discharge quality. Even there were biofiltration system
built into the larger capacity communal septic tank (>5 PE), the discharge quality failed to
comply with Standard B requirements after a short period of operation. The bio-media
(stones and gravels) used always get clogged after a short period of operation. Thus,
there is a requirement to develop a Standard A septic tank (5 PE) which can consistently
produce high quality effluent for Malaysian and export markets.
The design criteria adopted for the septic tank are following the MS 1228:1991, Code of
Practice of Design and Installation of Sewerage Systems and SPAN Guidelines (Vol V:
Septic Tank). According to the MS 1228 and SPAN Guidelines (Vol V), the minimum
effective working volume required for 5 PE septic tank is 1.125 m3. The supplied effective
volume is 2.4 m3. Material of construction for the septic tank is molded FRP panels c/w
SS304 bolts & nuts. All pipes and fittings are made of UPVC material. The types of biofilter
recommended for this project are the brush and crossflow corrugated PVC sheets types,
which are made in Malaysia. The type of air blower to be used is the ring blower type
(180W). The type of air diffuser to be used is the tube diffuser (500 mm). The type of
sludge transfer pump to be installed in the clarifier is the air lift system. Control panel and
electrical sockets are to comply with IP65 (weatherproof) standard.
It is proposed that 3 prototypes utilizing the aerobic upflow submerged filter treatment
system be fabricated, each having a pre-treatment and primary sedimentation chamber,
an upflow submerged filter aeration chamber and a final sedimentation chamber. The only
difference are the 3 different types of aeration mechanism. One will have a suspended
aeration chamber, one with an attached growth submerged fixed-bed media and one with
a hybrid suspended and biofilter media. The suspended aeration chamber will act as a
control for comparison purposes.
The Primary Clarifier will capture and store the suspended solids (SS), grit and grease
(G&G) in the raw sewage. Both the raw SS and GG will be retained in the Primary Clarifier
for a period of more than one year before they are removed by desludging tanker. The
secondary biological sludge generated in the Aeration Tank and collected by the
Secondary Clarifier will be continuously transferred to the Primary Clarifier for storage.
The aerated effluent from the Secondary Clarifier will maintain the Primary Clarifier in a
facultative condition. The upper layer of water in the Primary Clarifier is aerobic. The
bottom layer of water in the Primary Clarifier is anaerobic. The continuous transfer of
sludge from Secondary Clarifier to Primary Clarifier also serves to recycle the effluent,
which will help to improve the discharge standard.
Length of brush media = 1.10 m
Specific surface area of the brush media = 50 m2/m3/brush
Organic loading of 5 P.E. = 5 x 0.225 x 250 / 1000 x 0.80
= 0.225 kg BOD/m3/d
[NOTE: Design Factor 0.7-0.8 for normal
sewage & 0.9-1.0 for strong sewage]
Organic loading rate of brush for 95% BOD reduction efficiency
= 0.015 kg BOD/d
Minimum number of brush required = 0.225 / 0.015
= 15 nos
Supplied number of brush = 21 nos
Proposed radius of brush media = 0.07 m
Volume of brush media = 21 x 3.142 x 0.07 x 0.07 x 1.1
= 0.36 m3
Supplied volume of the FRP tank = 0.80 m3
Field Conditions
N = 9.17 Ns / [(Cs - CL) ( 1.024 )T-20 a]
Where :
N -O2 transferred in field condition kg O2/hr. = ( 9.17 x 4.04 ) / ( 6.38 x 1.125 x 0.85 )
Ns - O2 transfer standard condition kg O2/hr. = 6.07 kgO2/day
Cs - DO saturation value at 25 °C - 8.38 mg/l = 0.004 kg O2/min.
CL - 1- 2 mg/l in mixed liquor ( ass2.00 mg/l )
T - Temperature 25 °C
a - Correlation factor ( 0.85 )
Air diffusers
NOTE : In practice IWK’s requirement is for each IST to have 2 air blowers of the same
capacity (1 duty and 1 standby). However each of the 3 prototypes are installed with one
0.5kW and one 0.25kW air blowers. This is to enable the consultant to study the varying
air capacities supplied.
The influent flow from each unit operation, Influent flow: Qin = 1.125 m3 /day.
The effluent flow from each unit operation, Effluent flow: Qout = 1.125 m3 /day
The influent and effluent flow of IST storage tank (raw), primary clarifier, aeration tank,
secondary clarifier is designed to have similar flow.
The flow from secondary clarifier to be uplifted back to primary clarifier and from primary
clarifier to desludging tanker is negligible
(will be operated whenever needed/necessary).
The influent and effluent load to each appropriate tank is calculated according to Equation 1.0
and Equation 2.0
Influent load = Qin · Cin Equation 1.0
Effluent load = Qout · Cout Equation 2.0
Underflow SSload:
Influent SSload - Effluent SSload = 0.0562 kg/day - 0.0092 kg/day = 0.047 kg/day
Underflow BODload:
Influent BODload - Effluent BODload = 0.0225 kg/day - 0.0091 kg/day = 0.0134 kg/day
Underflow BODload:
Influent BODload - Effluent BODload = (0.281 kg/day + 0.0134 kg/day) = 0.1144 kg/day
The treated SS of the Primary Clarifier is calculated based on 40% reduction efficiency
and is calculated as follows:
Influent SS = 300 mg/L (Design SS)
[(Influent SS - Effluent SS) / Influent SS] x 100
Influent SS = 50 mg/L
Figure 4.1 shows the Mass Balance Diagram of BOD and SS for the proposed 3
Figures 4.2 – 4.5 show the process flow chart and engineering drawings of the proposed
The influent raw sewage enters the primary clarifier. The primary clarifier provides
suspended solids removal under quiescent condition, solids storage and anaerobic
digestion. Particles, soli, liquid, or gaseous that have different density from that of water,
will settle downward because of gravity or rise to the top because of buoyancy. Three
zones are present in a primary clarifier: a scum layer which forms a crust on the surface
of the tank liquor; the wastewater from which solids deposit; and a bottom sludge layer of
deposited material. Although some particulate solids are removed by sedimentation, the
dissolved organics pass through the primary clarifier into the aeration tank without
significant treatment.
The principle of operation of the aeration tank is that the settled wastewater from the
primary clarifier passes through the filter bed where a bacterial culture called biofilm
degrades dissolved organic pollution. Also, a fraction of suspended solids and colloids
are adsorbed by the biofilm and thus removed from the wastewater. Coarse bubble
membrane diffusers are employed as aeration systems.
The air diffusion, besides supplying oxygen, induces an internal recirculation of water
enabling intense contact between the biofilm and aerated wastewater, conducting to an
oxygen transfer optimization and improving yields. These coarse bubble diffusers prevent
clogging, and also due to the intense movement that they introduce beneath water, as a
mammoth pump, improves mass transfer into the biofilm. The biofilm excess is
continuously detached by sloughing so a final settling becomes necessary. However, bed
backwash is not needed.
The secondary clarifier will remove the settleable suspended solids created in the
aeration tank. It acts to separate biological floc from the treated liquid waste stream.
Unlike suspended biomass processes the system does not require sludge return or
recirculation. The settled secondary sludge will be uplifted back into the primary clarifier
for storage before desludging.
Mandatory (M) / Optional (O)
Treatment Stage Treatment Process Functions
5 PE 50 PE 100 150
Remove major pollutants
7 Treatment/ Aeration M M M M (BOD and SS)
Sludge Disposal
Figure 4.3
3100 1000
1000 1000 1000 1000
BRAND Jager Tube Diffuser/Equivalent Airspec Air Blower/Equivalent Airspec Air Blower/Equivalent DRAWING NO. : PPSB/IST/2022/CONSTRUCTION-DWG
MODEL JetFlex TD Tube AS 40 AS 20
CAPACITY 4 cu.m/hr 0.12 cu.m/min 0.08 cu.m/min
HEAD - - -
POWER - 0.50 kW 0.25 kW
QUANTITY 2 Units 1 Unit 1 Unit PRACTICE
Tel: 04-6573105 Fax: 04-6573107
Sewage Treatment System To Standard A Effluent
Kajian Optimizing Removal Efficiency of On-Site
Figure 4.4
1000 1000 1000 1000
BRAND Jager Tube Diffuser/Equivalent Airspec Air Blower/Equivalent Airspec Air Blower/Equivalent DRAWING NO. : PPSB/IST/2022/CONSTRUCTION-DWG
MODEL JetFlex TD Tube AS 40 AS 20
CAPACITY 4 cu.m/hr 0.12 cu.m/min 0.08 cu.m/min
HEAD - - -
POWER - 0.50 kW 0.25 kW
QUANTITY 2 Units 1 Unit 1 Unit PRACTICE
Tel: 04-6573105 Fax: 04-6573107
Sewage Treatment System To Standard A Effluent
Kajian Optimizing Removal Efficiency of On-Site
Figure 4.5
1000 1000 1000 1000
BRAND Jager Tube Diffuser/Equivalent Airspec Air Blower/Equivalent Airspec Air Blower/Equivalent DRAWING NO. : PPSB/IST/2022/CONSTRUCTION-DWG
MODEL JetFlex TD Tube AS 40 AS 20
CAPACITY 4 cu.m/hr 0.12 cu.m/min 0.08 cu.m/min
HEAD - - -
POWER - 0.50 kW 0.25 kW
QUANTITY 2 Units 1 Unit 1 Unit PRACTICE
Tel: 04-6573105 Fax: 04-6573107
Sewage Treatment System To Standard A Effluent
Kajian Optimizing Removal Efficiency of On-Site
One of the requirement of the study is the need to look into sustainable renewable energy
and energy efficient equipment (EEE) in operating the prototype. The world is fast
becoming a global village due to the increasing daily requirement of energy by all
population across the world while the earth in its form cannot change. The need for energy
and its related services to satisfy human social and economic development, welfare and
health is increasing. Returning to renewables to help mitigate climate change is an
excellent approach which needs to be sustainable in order to meet energy demand of
future generations [1,2,3].
“Renewable energy” and “sustainable energy” are often used interchangeably, even
among industry experts and veterans. There is some overlap between the two, as many
sustainable energy sources are also renewable.
Renewable energy is defined by the time it takes to replenish the primary energy
resource, compared to the rate at which energy is used. This is why traditional resources
like coal and oil, which take millions of years to form, are not considered renewable. On
the other hand, solar power can always be replenished, even though conditions are not
always optimal for maximizing production.
Sustainable energy is derived from resources that can maintain current operations without
jeopardizing the energy needs or climate of future generations. The most popular sources
of sustainable energy, including wind, solar and hydropower, are also renewable.
The renewable energy has attracted a lot of attention all over the world in the
recent times due to the growing energy demand, increased environmental
sustainability concerns, and scarcity and increased prices of fossil fuels. The solar
energy is the most prominent among all the renewable sources, as it is an inexhaustible
and cleanest resource of energy and its utilization is also ecologically friendly. The
current worldwide energy demands are fairly less than the available potential of
solar energy [4]
Considering the miniscule amount of electricity needed by the blower which is the only
electricity consuming equipment, the most appropriate renewable and sustainable option
is the solar power. This clear option is due to the fact that the currently commercially
available cheap technology that have alternatives to deliver very small energy
requirement is the solar power system. All the other technologies are not economical for
very small power supply requirement.
This calculation is only for the smallest model catering for 5 Population Equivalent. It is
proposed that the commercial IST to have models catering up to 150 Population
The exploitation of solar energy for electricity production in the last few years has
been increasing substantially as compared to other renewable resources, majorly
because of the photovoltaic (PV) technology as it is the best and reliable way of converting
solar radiation into electric power [5].
Due to the modular nature in comparison to other renewable technologies, the solar PV
technology emerges as an ideal solution for off-grid power [6]. This technology has
gained a great attention for the successful attempts to supply electrical power
to autonomous off-grid rural areas and since many implementations
has been successfully done worldwide. Moreover; owing to zero sound pollution
and greenhouse gas emission, it highly contributes towards the sustainability of the
environment [7]. In addition, its production capability can be conveniently expanded
as per need and low maintenance is required due to the absence of any
moving parts [8]. Depending upon the consumer demands, a variety of
configurations, ranges from few watts to hundreds and from hundreds to kilo-watts
power systems and micro-grids can be designed using this technology for small
housing and business communities either in urban or in remote localities [9].
But, the major problem with this technology is its high initial cost. However, a
dramatic reductions in prices of PV panels or modules have been observed
worldwide in the last few years due to the growth in their demands and competitiveness
of the markets [6,9]. The stand-alone electricity generation systems using PV
technology has come up as a major and favoured way to harness the solar energy due
All solar power systems work on the same basic principles. Solar panels first convert
solar energy or sunlight into DC power using what is known as the photovoltaic (PV)
effect. The DC power can then be stored in a battery or converted by a solar inverter
into AC power which can be used to run home appliances. Depending on the type of
system, excess solar energy can either be fed into the electricity grid for credits, or
stored in a variety of different battery storage systems [15].
Figure 5.1 shows a simplified layout of a common grid connected solar power system.
Figure 5.1 Simplified Layout of a Common Grid Connected Solar Power System [15]
On-grid solar systems are by far the most common and widely used by homes and
businesses. These systems do not need batteries and use solar inverters and are
connected to the public electricity grid. Any excess solar power that you generate is
exported to the electricity grid and when the solar system is non-functional due to non-
availability of sunlight the grid electricity is utilised.
An off-grid system is not connected to the electricity grid and therefore requires battery
storage. Off-grid solar systems must be designed appropriately so that they will
generate enough power throughout the year and have enough battery capacity to meet
the home’s requirements. Off-grid require specialised off-grid inverters and battery
systems large enough to store energy.
Modern hybrid systems combine solar and battery storage in one and are now available
in many different forms and configurations. Hybrid grid-connected systems use lower
cost hybrid battery/inverters, and only require a battery large enough to supply energy
for 5 to 10 hours (overnight) depending on the application [15].
The general configuration of off-grid solar PV power system is given in Figure 5.2
An off-grid solar power system comprises of a PV panels array to collect solar
energy, a charge controller as a control unit, a battery as a storage device and
an inverter for DC/AC conversion for AC loads [12]. Due to the simple, easier,
uncomplicated and trouble-free nature of the off-grid PV systems, they are rapidly
prevalent throughout the world [13]. The working of off-grid solar system starts with
the capturing of sunlight by tilted PV panels that is converted into electricity. The
produced electricity is then regulated by a charge controller. The electricity
generated in excess of the demand can be stored in the batteries to be utilized as
backup during the night time or at any other time when the sun-shine is not available
due to cloudy weather. The inverter converts the DC electricity to AC to run the AC loads
An on-grid connected system without batteries are the simplest and cheapest solar power
setup available, and by not having to charge and maintain batteries they are also more
efficient. It is important to note that a grid connected solar power system is not an
independent power source unlike a stand-alone system. Should the mains supply from
the electrical grid be interrupted, the electricity may go out, even if the sun is shining. One
way to overcome this is to have some form of short term energy storage built into the
An on-grid connected PV system is one where the photovoltaic panels are connected to
the utility grid through a power inverter unit allowing them to operate in parallel with the
electric utility grid.
Load Profile
• System design is based on presumed load as follows:
Power consumption: 0.50 kW
Daily Operation Time: 12 hours
Daily Energy Consumption = 6.0 kWh
PV modules:
• Total PV capacity: 6 pcs of 540Wp Half Cell PV modules
• Total of 3.24kWp PV capacity
• Able to generate average approximately 11kWh of green energy daily (without
shading, depending on location)
Battery :
• 3 pcs of 2.45kWh Lithium Ferrophosphate Battery (LFP)
• Total of 7.35kWh of LFP Batteries
• ~1day autonomy
Hybrid Inverter:
• 3kW hybrid inverter
• Grid connection ready
Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 show the PV Panel Sizing, Inverter and Battery Sizing. Figure 5.3
shows the proposed Single Line Drawing for Off-Grid. Brochures 5.12.1, 5.12.2 and
5.12.3 show the proposed PV Modules, Battery Energy Storage System and Hybrid
Inverter respectively.
PV modules:
• Total PV capacity: 4 pcs of 500Wp 1/3 Cut Cell PV modules
• Total of 2kWp PV capacity
PV Inverter
• 1.5 kW micro inverter
• Single microinverter connect four PV modules with dual MPPT
• 12 years warranty
The inverter is the most important part of any grid connected system. The inverter extracts
as much DC (direct current) electricity as possible from the PV array and converts it into
clean mains AC (alternating current) electricity at the right voltage and frequency for
feeding into the grid or for supplying domestic loads. It is important to choose the best
quality inverter possible for the budget allowed as the main considerations in grid
connected inverter choice are:
Power – Maximum high and low voltage power the inverter can handle, and
Efficiency – How efficiently does the inverter convert solar power to AC power.
Table 5.5 shows the PV System Design Simulation Report. Figure 5.4 shows the
proposed Single Line Drawing for On-Grid. Brochure 5.12.4 shows the proposed PV
Modules and Micro Inverter.
It is proposed that one of the prototype be fitted with the on-grid solar system as most
of the commercial IST to be installed in the country are on the grid.
Nevertheless the off-grid solar system could be an alternative for commercial ISTs
installed in off-grid areas.
10. “Benefits of Off Grid Solar Power Light Systems,” March 16, 2015. [Online].
Available: efits-of-off-grid-solar-
11. M. Hankins, Stand-alone Solar Electric Systems: The Earthscan Expert
Handbook for Planning, Design and Installation. London, UK: Earthscan,
12. A. Ghafoor and A. Munir, “Design and economics analysis of an off-grid
PV system for household electrification,” Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 42, pp. 496–502, 2015.
13. COC Oko, E.O Diemuodeke, E.O Omunakwe and E. Nnamdi “Design and
economic analysis of a photovoltaic system: a case study,” Int. Journal of
Renewable Energy Development, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 65–73, 2012.
14. H. Farooq, A. Rahman, A. Noman, “Design Considerations of Stand-Alone Solar
Photovoltaic Systems,” International Conference on Computing, Electronoc and
Electrical Engineering, Nov 2018.
15. Clean Energy Reviews (
Realizing that renewable energy would play an important role
in our lives, Pekat expanded its portfolio in 2006, to provide
end-to-end solutions for commissioning Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
systems through its subsidiary Pekat Solar Sdn. Bhd.
This chapter will highlight the solar system proposals for all models of the ISTs, namely
for 5, 50, 100 and 150 Population Equivalent (PE).
Malaysian state national sewerage company Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) has
committed to installing solar photovoltaic systems at 53 sewage treatment plants (STPs)
in an effort to slash energy costs and minimise its carbon footprint.
The first phase of construction, starting October 2021 will see 19 STPs fitted with solar
panels capable of meeting up to 20% of the plants’ energy needs. This phase will be
implemented through a power purchase agreement with private companies MFP Solar
and Timeless Green. IWK is now looking for partners to implement the next phase,
covering the remaining 34 STPs [5].
Figures 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 show the proposed footprints of the 5, 50,100 and 150 PE
IST models respectively. Figures 6.5A and 6.5B show the details of a typical Inlet Works.
Figures 6.6 – 6.21 show the proposed footprints and Single Line Diagrams (SLD) of the
solar systems for 5, 50,100 and 150 PE IST models for on-grid and off-grid respectively.
The ISTs footprints are also included for comparison.
It must be noted that the air blowers for the 3 prototypes in the study were attached to the
side of the tanks. But in actual practice, IWK ‘s requirement is for the air blowers to be
housed in a blower house as shown in the Figures. It must also be noted that the
configurations of the IST in the Figures are only proposed footprints. Actual configurations
for PEs above 5 may differ depending on actual site parameters.
The proposed solar off-grid system with battery backup power is to provide power supply
to the electrical appliances to power up the wastewater treatment system. Capacity of the
system has been designed based on the daily energy consumption of the appliances.
Proposed systems consist of advance hybrid inverter that allows bidirectional power
conversion of AC-DC and vice versa, with high technology of Lithium battery as energy
The proposed solar on-grid system uses Micro Inverter that converts DC power directly
on the roof itself with 10-30% more energy harvest compared to string inverters. In the
event that power supply is insufficient, the system will be importing energy from the Grid.
for energy usually amount up to 50 % of the total operation costs. Energy costs include
the consumption (and internal production) of electricity, gas and oil [6].
The system costs for the solar system are sourced from local sources and the costs
include design, supply, instal and commission. The system costs for the IST are sourced
from local suppliers supplying a similar but slightly inferior system. Only the 5 PE IST’s
cost is higher than the present anaerobic IST price of around RM 1,500.00 – 2,000.00.
For the other models the present similar but slightly inferior system cost will not differ
much from the proposed upgraded IST. This is due to the fact that the present system
also utilised an aerobic concept.
The Environment and Water Ministry had recently mandated that houseowners must
clean their septic tanks once in two years as per the Water Services Industry Act
(Desludging Services) 2021, which took effect on March 30 this year. IWK charges for
desludging services are RM48 (low-cost housing), RM72 (village homes and plantations)
and RM144 (government premises, quarters and private residential homes) [3]. The
operation cost shown is the twice per year visits by the supplier/contractor including once
yearly sludge desludging.
The full operation and maintenance procedures for IST are shown in Appendix 6.3
Tables 6.1– 6.4 list the Power Requirements and Operational and Maintenance Costs of
the ISTs. Below is the electricity cost for the 5 PE IST having a 0.5 kW air blower.
The operation cost per year for the IST system is the cost of electricity to operate the IST.
This is the cost of electricity to power all the mechanical and electrical equipments needed
by the IST. The maintenance cost for the IST is the cost that a private contractor would
charge the owner to maintain the IST according to the IST Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Normally the private contractor would visit the plant every 3-4 months.
The maintenance cost for the IST solar system is the cost that a private contractor would
charge the owner to maintain the IST solar system according to the Solar System
Operation and Maintenance Manual. Normally the private contractor would also visit the
plant every 3-4 months. Appointing a private contractor to operate and maintain the IST
and IST solar system is optional.
These operation and maintenance costs do not include costs for replacing faulty items.
Any costs incurred to make good defects or to improve performance will be charged to
the owner. However the IST owners could choose to maintain both systems by
For Operation Costs in Tables 6.1 – 6.4
For Operation Cost it is assumed that for :
On-Grid – Grid electricity cost to run the IST’s equpments as in the Tables 6.1-
Off-Grid – Diesel powered generator to run the IST’s equpments as in the
Tables 6.1-6.4. It is assumed that diesel powered generator cost 3
times the cost of grid electricity.
For System Costs in Tables 6.1 – 6.4
The system costs for both IST and Solar System are capital costs only and installation
costs are not included.
Figures 6.22 and 6.23 show the design concept for On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar System
The Technical Datasheets for the Off-Grid System is shown in APPENDIX 6.1 :
DATASHEET 1 and for the On-Grid System is shown in APPENDIX 6.2 : DATASHEET
In order to kick start the green revolution towards renewable energy in Malaysia, SEDA
designed Feed in Tariff (Fit) incentive. The FiT incentive facilitates the sale of electricity
generated from cleaner renewable source such as biomass, biogas, small hydro and solar
photovoltaic (PV), to be sold back to utility companies at a fixed price for a specific period
of time. The generated electricity will be linked to electricity grid and exported into the
grid. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) then pays the individual, a fixed premium rate per
kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity.
Solar Energy Purchase (SEP) is an option for TNB customers to buy energy using solar
panels owned by a third-party Investor/Asset Owner. SEP is a financial arrangement in
which the Investor/Asset Owner owns, operates and maintains the solar photovoltaic (PV)
system, whereas the customer acts as the ‘host site’ that purchases and consumes the
solar PV system output power for a predetermined period and set energy price with TNB
as a contracting and billing entity.
This arrangement allows the customer to purchase energy at a cheaper price than the
normal rate taken from TNB, with an option to export the excess energy from solar PV
system to the TNB grid to offset their energy bills. The export option is known as Net
Energy Metering (NEM). NEM is a scheme introduced by the Energy Ministry to
encourage Malaysia’s renewable energy uptake.
NEM is a mechanism for consumer to use solar energy that they produced for their own
consumption. The excess energy generated will be exported to TNB grid and will be
turned to credit that may be used to offset part of the electricity bill
Figures 6.24 to 6.32 show the installed On-Grid Solar System for one of the prototype.
Figure 6.33 shows the S-Miles Enduser mobile application operating data. S-Miles
Enduser is a mobile application developed by Hoymiles especially for owners of
distributed PV power plants, which can absorb the operating data of PV power plants
from S-Miles Cloud. There are more functions, such as module-level monitoring, real-time
data display for both plant-level & module-level as well as daily, monthly, annual, and total
energy display. Furthermore, you can easily see the alarm information with the
equipment, which could assist the owner in monitoring the operation of the PV power
plant, ensuring normal operation of the power plant and obtaining of the expected yield.
Among others the main display outputs on the S-Miles Enduser app are :
i. The production for the day, month and lifetime are 9.61kWh, 46.87kWh and
1.75 MWh respectively.
ii. Assuming the electricity price is RM 0.218 per kWh, the plant revenue for the
day, month and lifetime are RM 2.09, RM 10.22 and RM 382.20 respectively.
iii. The daily, weekly, monthly and yearly power production of the solar system.
iv. The daily, monthly and yearly energy production of each of the 4 PV panels.
Though solar is a big purchase up front, that investment quickly pays for itself in energy
savings over the life of ownership. The payback schedule is accelerated by federal tax
incentives that reward people who invest in green energy.
An on-grid system can pay for itself in around 3 to 6 years for DIY projects, and 5 to 9
years if installed by a contractor. Since solar panels are warrantied for 25 years, any
energy generated beyond the initial payback period represents a profit on the investment.
However, the solar system can go on producing electricity even longer than the
warrantied period. An off-grid system can pay itself a lot faster than on-grid system due
to the increased cost of diesel generator power alternative [4].
Before deciding whether to purchase solar system, owners should keep in mind their
expected solar panel payback period, or the amount of time it will take to recoup their
investment or the time it takes to recover the initial cost of installing the system. The
payback period is calculated by taking the overall system price and dividing it by the
average projected solar savings each year to find out how long your solar panels will take
to pay for themselves.
The basic formula for calculating a payback period for solar is to divide the cost of the
system, including tax rebates and financial incentives, by the annual amount you'll save
on utility bills. This will give you the number of years required for you to “break even” with
your solar panels.
Return On Investment (ROI) is a widely used financial metric for measuring the probability
of gaining a return from an investment or an approximate measure of an investment’s
profitability. ROI is calculated by subtracting the initial value of the investment from the
final value of the investment (which equals the net return), then dividing this new number
(the net return) by the cost of the investment, then finally, multiplying it by 100 [1].
Table 6.5 Typical Capital and Operating Costs for Power Generation[2]
Using the data from Table 6.5, it is assumed that the price for producing electricity from
natural resources is 3 times more than using solar. This factor of 3 is used to compute
the financial analysis of the off-grid solar system.
NOTE 1 : Assume 40% of electricity needed to power the ISTs come from On-Grid Solar
System without battery. Therefore the cost of operation for on-grid is 0.4 multiplied by the
operation cost per year figures in Tables 6.1 - 6 .4.
As an example the simple Payback Period for On-Grid Solar System calculation for 5
PE IST is :
= RM 10 000 / ( 0.4 x RM 471 )
= 10 000 / 188.4
= 53.1 years
It must be noted that this Payback Period is taking into consideration the air blowers are
operating on 1 hr On and 1 hr OFF mode. It also means that for full 24 hr operation the
Payback Period would be 26.5 years.
NOTE 2 : Assume 100% of electricity needed to power the ISTs come from Off-Grid Solar
System with battery. Therefore the cost of operation for off-grid is as given in Tables 6.1
– 6.4.
As an example the simple Payback Period for Off-Grid Solar System calculation for 5 PE
IST is :
= RM 23 000 / ( RM 1 413 )
= 16.2 years
It must be noted that this Payback Period is taking into consideration the air blowers are
operating on 1 hr On and 1 hr OFF mode. It also means that for full 24 hr operation the
Payback Period would be 8.1 years.
For other IST PEs a similar calculation applies. Table 6.6 shows the payback period and
ROI of the proposed 5, 50,100 and 150 PE IST models.
It can be concluded from Table 6.6, the payback periods for on-grid solar system varying
from 37.6 to 56.6 years are too long and not practically feasible . However the payback
periods for off-grid solar system varying from 9.2 to 16.2 years are more practical. It is
advisable for ISTs served by grid electricity to use the available grid power.
For the newly-installed solar system to offer optimal power generation that it is capable
of, the user need to ensure that the effective operation and maintenance is carried out
regularly. If the plant infrastructure and equipment are maintained well, the result is an
extended equipment lifespan with minimal depreciation and damage.
The full Operation and Maintenance of Solar System Manual is in Appendix 6.3.
1. A Guide to Calculating Return on Investment
2. John Leone, 2020, Basic Economics of Power Generation, Transmission and
Distribution, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, PennState University.
3. “Mandatory Desludging of Septic Tanks Starts June 1”, The Star Monday,24 May 2021.
4. “Solar Panel Price of Installation and Maintenance in Malaysia”,
( )
5. “Malaysia to roll out solar for sewage treatment”, Global Water Intelligence,10
September 2021 (
6. A. Wendland, 2020, Operation Costs of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Efficient
Management of Wastewater.
Hybrid Inverter
Micro Inverter
No. Component Description Interval
Spot cleaning for PV modules with water (if
1 PV Module Check PV modules for any visible damage or Annually
2 PV Array structure Check for sign of corrosion, deformation and Annually
damaged mounting.
3 PV Array Inspect if any new objects cast the shadow on Annually
PV modules.
Inspect electrical junction boxes for corrosion,
intrusion of insects and water leakage.
Examine each combiner box and check all the
fuses and circuit breakers functionality. Check
AC/DC junction status of indicators on fuse holders and SPDs.
4 Annually
boxes Re-tightening all the electrical connection
terminals with the appropriate torque. Cleaning
as necessary.
Thermal imaging inspection to identify
termination hot-spots.
AC/DC cables, Inspect cables condition and check for signs of
conduit, trunking tears, embrittlement or damage.
5 Tightness check for all cable termination. Annually
Inspection of conduit/trunking for any visible
Inspection of all incoming cables and outgoing
cables, cable glands for signs of damage,
embrittlement or deformation.
6 Micro-inverter Annually
Data verification for AC voltages & Power
readings recorded by the Inverter. (From
No Job Description Frequency
A Structure and racking
1 Check for sign of corrosion, deformation and
damaged mounting on the rack. Half Yearly
2 Torque check on PV modules and the racking
3 Report any deformed structure if found. Half Yearly
B PV Array
1 Walk through each row of the PV array and check Half Yearly
the PV modules for any visible damage or
2 Inspect any foreign objects, such as debris, Half Yearly
vegetation growth, bird nest or dropping and satelite
dish which cast shadow to the existing array.
3 Report any damaged modules, indentify location in Half Yearly
the layout drawing of questionable modules.
4 Cleaning for PV modules with clean water or mild Half Yearly
detergent (if required).
5 Use thermal imager to inspect for hot spots area. Half Yearly
D Inverters
1 Inspect the cabling on inverter and make sure all Half Yearly
connectors are properly tightened and not
2 Record/ Extract Fault Messages if any of the Half Yearly
inverters not functioning with respect to tagging
and S/N:
3 Ensure inverters tagging is still visible and intact Half Yearly
4 Clean dust particles and cooling fans with brushes Half Yearly
and damp cloth
5 Check if any inverters shown any signs of Half Yearly
abnormalities from Inverters' Display
E Batteries Rack
1 Inspect the cabling on batteries rack and make sure Half Yearly
all connectors are properly tightened and not
2 Record if any of the battery not fuctioning with Half Yearly
respect to tagging and S/N:
3 Ensure battery tagging is still visible and intact Half Yearly
4 Ensure battery low warning indicator is fucntioning Half Yearly
5 Check if any batteries shown any signs of
abnormalites from SwitchGear indicator Half Yearly
The analytical results of a sample are only as accurate as the quality of the sample taken.
If the technique for collecting samples is poor, then no matter how accurate the laboratory
procedures are, the results will be poor. By sampling according to set procedures, we
reduce the chance of error and increase the accuracy of the sample results.
Numerous industry references list various parameters for wastewater testing and whether
samples should be collected using grab sampling or composite sampling methods. For
example, grab sampling allows the analysis of specific types of unstable parameters such
as pH, dissolved oxygen, chlorine residual, nitrites and temperature [1].
1. Grab- Each sample shows the characteristics of the water at the time of sampling
only. Grab sampling is done for such procedures as batch discharge, constant
waste stream characteristics and when the parameter tested deteriorates rapidly.
2. Composite- These are individual samples taken and deposited in the same
collection bottle. There are two methods that are most common to collecting
composite samples. Time paced is when samples are collected at set increments
of time. Flow paced samples are taken when a measured volume of water flows
over the sensor of a flow meter. The preferred method of sampling is by flow pacing.
This gives the most representative sample.
3. Grab Composite- Individual samples are grabbed in the field and then composited
in the lab or in the field for analysis. After all the predetermined times of sampling
are done the composite is made with portions of each grab sample according to
the amount of flow at the time of sampling.
4. Discrete Sampling- This method is used when you want to look at the
characteristics of the wastewater flow at certain times of the day, for certain
parameters, such as high or low pH, or for high or low flow events. Samples are
taken in individual bottles at the time of the event and each sample is analyzed.
such as nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon and heavy metals like lead,
copper, and cadmium.
Nitrogen is a component of all proteins, such as amines, amino acids and urea, and it
can be found in all living systems. Nitrogen is essential to life on Earth, and sewage
treatment needs sufficient nitrogen to perform well [4].
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is the amount of oxygen required for biochemical
decomposition of biodegradable organic matter under aerobic conditions [4].
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is the measure of the oxygen required for chemical
oxidation. Heavy metals and compounds in sewage including chromium, copper,
cyanide, are the toxic that can cause harmful effect to the health of community. At the
pilot site, there are tolerable range of heavy metal.
Composite samples of effluent collected, stored, analyzed, tabulated and averaged over
an extended period of time provide the only verifiable indication of treatment plant
performance. Attempting to evaluate a residential treatment system in the field by
analyzing a grab sample taken from a sump or any other containment vessel provides a
compound degree of error and will yield erroneous conclusions about system
The first step in developing a monitoring plan is to clearly identify the objectives of the
monitoring. The main objective of this study is to gain an understanding of the aquatic
ecosystem and the physical, chemical and biological processes that operate within the
treatment system.
Variability, in time and space, is probably the most significant aspect to be considered in
the design of sampling plans. Variability will determine the number of sites, number of
replicates and the frequency of sample collection. High variability in treatment ecosystem
combined with poor sampling design or too few samples can result in data that is too
variable to reveal an impact, disturbance or trend.
It is important when developing a monitoring plan that the amount and frequency of
sampling is sufficient to provide confidence in the interpretation of results. There are no
strict rules regarding how frequently sampling should occur, but the sampling frequency
will be dictated by the variability of the discharge and the objectives of the plan. During
the planning stages, consider the aims of the study and choose a sampling frequency
that has the best chance of providing the information required to meet the objectives of
the plan. It is important to consider the frequency carefully. If samples are not taken
frequently enough, the characteristics of the waters or wastewaters might not be
adequately described resulting in a poor understanding of the system and potentially
inaccurate reporting of compliance or non- compliance. Alternatively, overly frequent
sampling may be a waste of time and resources [2].
Figures 7.1 to 7.8 show the installation and commissioning of the prototypes at the IWK
site from the beginning until being commissioned.
The ultimate goal of prototyping is to enhance performance. The design process involves
multiple loops and circles around the final solution. By employing prototypes the
consultant will test the solution, find problems and make changes, test the new solution,
find new problems and make further changes, and so on, before settling on a final design.
This process of testing, determining issues, fixing the issues, and then retesting multiple
times is repeated until the solution is perfected.
Parallel prototyping where multiple design concepts are embodied and compared
concurrently is used in this study. Parallel prototyping can help provide critical feedback
for concept selection and lead to higher concept diversity (9).
Once the prototypes are fully installed and commissioned, the process of redesigning or
tweaking or refining will start. Redesigning include changing the position and alignment
of the media/biofilter, introducing, repositioning or abandon baffles and varying aeration
Redesigning a prototype is a lot easier and less expensive than reworking a finished
product. The redesigning phase help the consultant learn what features need
improvement so as perfecting the product can be undertaken before final performance
study is undertaken.
Redesigning also allow the consultant to identify unnecessary elements that are best
abandoned. It also allows testing the design’s correctness before it comes onto
production and at the same time discover design errors. Engineering is expensive, and
making changes to a final product is often not as straightforward as teams anticipate. So,
finding and fixing errors during the design process is critical.
Figures 7.9 and 7.10 show the sampling points from the elevation and plan views.
2 4
Sampling Point 1 is the Influent. The influent sewage originate from the storage tank that
receives raw sewage from the STP pump sump. Sampling Point 2 is the settled sewage
from the Primary Clarifier before entering the Aeration Tank. Sampling Point 3 is the mixed
liquor from the Aeration Tank. Sampling Point 4 is the treated effluent.
Creating prototypes is an integral part of product design. The main reason for creating
prototypes is to quickly and cost effectively test ideas and see if the new design is likely to
help achieve the larger goals. The testing protocol should push the capability of the
prototype to the maximum limit under peak operating condition. The tests should be as
meaningful as possible to replicate the true operational environment of the released
The prototype will need to undergo a performance study whereby it need to be simulated
as close as possible to normal domestic use. However it must be subjected to the worst
practical possible hydraulic and organic loadings scenario. The most severe test for the
prototype is during the peak loading periods. If it can produce an effluent meeting the set
standard consistently while running at a peak loading regime then it can surely meet the
set standard running at an average flow regime.
At the same time the operating cost need to be kept to the minimum. This means that the
blower producing the aeration need to be working at minimum performance so long as
the effluent quality standards are met. While efforts to reduce operating cost is important,
the effluent quality standards must not be compromised.
For the prototype to be commercially marketable the production cost need to be kept as
low as practically possible. This means that the prototype’s design will be kept to the bare
minimum so long as it can meet the set effluent standard.
The Terms of Reference for this study stipulate that the effluent BOD and SS comply to
Standard A for 7 consecutive days without fail. The other parameters shall be tested in 7
consecutive days for record and monitoring purpose. JPP has approved the consultant’s
request that the composite sampling procedure be used.
The one-day 6-hourly grab samples are optional and will also be carried out to gauge the
system overall performance.
To meet the above criteria the proposed testing conditions are thus:
i. The duration of the test period should be 7 days continuously after steady-state
conditions have been reached by the prototypes under test. Composite
samples will be taken every 24 hours. Composite samples for a 24 hour period
will consist of four 6-hourly grab samples.
1 INFLUENT POINT = 4 X 7 days
= [4 EFFLUENT x 7] x 3 TANKS
The grab samples over 24 hours 6 hourly are :
4 INF + [ 4 ( POINT 2 + POINT 3 + EFF ) X 3 TANKS ]
1. Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and
The analytical results of a sample are only as accurate as the quality of the sample taken.
If the technique for collecting samples is poor, then no matter how accurate the laboratory
procedures are, the results will be poor. Strict Standard Operating Procedure on testing
was adhered throughout this performance study period.
The National Water Services Commission (SPAN) was set-up to regulate the water
supply services and sewerage services industry through fair, effective, and transparent
implementation of Water Services Industry Act 2006 (Act 655) towards a sustainable,
reliable and affordable water services for all. Amongst the objective of WSIA is to establish
the framework to regulatory intervention and to promote the National Policy Objective for
the water supply end sewerage services industry.
The Department of Environment (DOE) is the regulatory body for wastewater effluent
quality through the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and its regulations such as the
Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009 and Environmental Quality (Industrial
Effluent) Regulations 2009. The quality of surface water is determined by the Water
Quality Index and the suitability of surface water for irrigation is based on the designated
classifications in the National Water Quality Standards for Malaysia established by DOE
The testing was carried out and supervised fully by Indah Water STP plant supervisor En
Izwande. He carried out the sampling and handed the iced-packed samples to the Testing
Laboratory’s personnel daily at 12.00 noon. The loadings to the 3 ISTs was carried out
fully by him. The consultant was not involved in any of the performance study’s
procedures to avoid any conflict of interest and to safeguard fully the integrity of the
Figures 8.1 shows the daily typical sampling operations by IWK’s personnel, Figure 8.2
shows the in-situ monitoring by the Testing Laboratory personnel and Figure 8.3 shows
the daily handing over of samples by IWK personnel to the Testing Laboratory personnel.
Recent efforts have been made to combine fixed-film reactors with suspended growth
processes to efficiently remove organic materials from wastewater. For example, the
combination of a trickling filter with an activated-sludge process has allowed for the
elimination of shock loads to the more sensitive activated sludge while providing a highly
polished effluent that could not be achieved by a trickling filter alone.
The first step in a wastewater treatment process utilizes primary or mechanical systems
to remove large suspended and floating solids from raw sewage. In the next step, called
secondary or biological wastewater treatment, high concentrations of naturally occurring
bacteria are confined in treatment tankage and combined with protozoa and other
microbes to form activated sludge. The activated sludge bacteria break down organic
molecules into inert substances creating effluent water suitable for discharge to rivers,
lakes or streams.
Sewage may contain high levels of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. Excessive
release to the environment can lead to nutrient pollution, which can manifest itself in
eutrophication. This process can lead to algal blooms, a rapid growth, and later decay, in
the population of algae. In addition to causing deoxygenation, some algal species
produce toxins that contaminate drinking water supplies.
Ammonia nitrogen, in the form of free ammonia (NH3) is toxic to fish. Ammonia nitrogen,
when converted to nitrite and further to nitrate in a water body, in the process of
nitrification, is associated with the consumption of dissolved oxygen. Nitrite and nitrate
may also have public health significance if concentrations are high in drinking water,
because of a disease called metahemoglobinemia [5]
Nitrogen is removed through the biological oxidation of nitrogen from ammonia to nitrate
(nitrification), followed by denitrification, the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas. Nitrogen
gas is released to the atmosphere and thus removed from the water.
Nitrification itself is a two-step aerobic process, each step facilitated by a different type of
bacteria. The oxidation of ammonia (NH4+) to nitrite (NO2−) is most often facilitated by
bacteria such as Nitrosomonas spp. ("nitroso" referring to the formation of a nitroso
functional group). Nitrite oxidation to nitrate (NO3−), though traditionally believed to be
facilitated by Nitrobacter spp. (nitro referring the formation of a nitro functional group), is
now known to be facilitated in the environment predominantly by Nitrospira spp.
The overall volume of solids contains the solids which are suspended and dissolved. This
can be detected by evaporating the water sample and measuring the remaining residual
residue. The suspended solids hold much of the organic matter, and this further increases
the degree of water contamination.
The COD provides calculation of the oxygen required for chemical oxidation. It does not
differentiate between oxidizable biological material and non oxidizable material. However,
the COD-to-BOD ratio does not substantially shift for specific waste and so this measure
may be used easily to define treatment unit output efficiencies.
The sewage BOD is the amount of oxygen needed under aerobic conditions for the
biochemical decomposition of biodegradable organic matter. The oxygen absorbed
during the cycle is related to the amount of organic matter which is decomposable.
Nitrates presence indicates fully oxidized and the most stable form of nitrogenous organic
matter in sewage there by indicating the well oxidized and treated sewage increase in
proportion of nitrates during the process of sewage treatment serves as guide for
measuring the progress achieved in sewage treatment.
Phosphate joins the domestic water from animal waste, discharged from kitchen grinders
and concentrated inorganic phosphate compounds used in various household
detergents, from human body waste.
Bacteria also do not readily break down fatty organic materials from vegetables and
petroleum, which can cause contamination in receiving ecosystems. When vast amounts
of oils and greases are discharged from municipal structures to collect waters, they raise
BOD, so they can rise to the surface so harden, creating undesirable conditions for
aesthetics. They can also catch garbage, plants and other products, creating foul odors,
attracting mosquitoes and flies and other vectors of disease. Too much oil and grease in
some situations triggers septic conditions in wetlands and lakes by stopping oxygen from
entering the surface from the atmosphere.
Table 8.1 list the acceptable conditions of sewage discharge of Standards A and B of the
Environmental Quality ( Sewage ) Regulations.
The SAB is an upflow bioreactor which employs a high efficiency neutral buoyancy plastic
media. The SAB consists of a containment vessel made in GRP with internal dividing
walls, internal air and water distribution systems, charge of plastic media and internal
The media provides a large surface area on which the bacteria attach themselves to grow
and live. Wastewater is introduced into the base of the SAB unit into the under decking
plenum space. Air is introduced into the SAB through a separate diffuser system also
located near the base of the unit. Dual alternating air blowers supply oxygen to the SAB
environment on a continuous basis. The air and water distribution system design is such
that it creates a very effective mixing pattern within the SAB. This pattern allows for rapid
distribution of the wastewater throughout the packed media bed. This produces a
homogeneous solution in full contact with the entire microbial population for the period of
time that the wastewater is in the reactor.
The uniform mixing pattern is of key importance in providing a stable environment which
has the ability to smooth out fluctuations that may occur in the influent concentrations.
The SAB is constructed in a very similar way to the Biological Activated Filter plants
except that they have a secondary settling tank to clarify the solids that slough from the
filter rather than using back-washing. The high media voidage eliminates the need for
backwashing, thus reducing operating costs and ensures minimal disruption of the
biological process.
Because of the high media porosity, SAB plants are characterised by high retention times
making them ideally suited to both BOD5 removal and nitrification of wastewater. The
neutral buoyancy of the media also simplifies reactor construction and maximises active
biological volume.
The fabrication of the 3 prototypes took about 2 weeks from 27 September – 12 October
2021. The 3 prototypes were installed on-site on 27 October 2021. The on-site
infrastructure and mechanical & electrical preparation were done from 27 October until 5
November 2021. The 3 prototypes were tested from 6 November 2021 until 9 July 2022.
The start-up process for all 3 tanks took 4 weeks. All 3 tanks were seeded with 0.5 m3
active sludge ( MLSS 3000kg/l) from the aeration tank of IWK Extended Aeration Sewage
Treatment Plant on 18 April 2022. The mixed liquor was transferred into the aeration tanks
of the 3 prototypes IST to jumpstart the biological system. This wet seeding process was
undertaken since the activated sludge was in good condition. Figure 8.2 shows the
steady-state test results.
The prototypes reached steady-state by the end of the second week after seeding.
Excellent bacterial masses were noticeable in the aeration tanks of Tank B and C. Steady
state was considered achieved once the BOD/SS removal efficiencies were both above
95 percent. Steady state study test results were taken on 11 and 15 May 2022. Figure
8.2 shows the steady-state test results. It can be seen that the incoming sewage strength
is very strong.
Performance appraisal was carried out from 17-24 May 2022 by comparing the
concentrations of pollutants at the inlet and outlet of the treatment unit. The intermediate
chambers of the Primary Clarifier, Aeration Tank and Secondary Clarifier Tank were also
analysed. The sampling points are shown in Figure 8.4.
It can be seen that the primary clarifier compartment is black in colour and is anaerobic.
A thick layer of scum has formed in the primary clarifier tank. The middle compartment is
the aeration tank and the brownish colour signified the good aerobic condition. The final
compartment is the secondary clarifier tank where the content is clear in colour.
The overall results for Tanks A, B and C of the study are presented in Tables 8.3 – 8.5.
The results are then presented in graphical forms in Figures 8.15 – 8.26. Table 8.6 show
the influent and effluent averages for seven days study. Table 8.7 show percentages of
removal averages for seven days study
Table 8.5 Seven Days Performance Study for Tank C
Table 8.6 Influent and Effluent Averages for Seven Days Study
The Terms of Reference for this study stipulate that the effluent BOD (20mg/l) and SS
(50mg/l) comply to Standard A for 7 consecutive days without fail. The other parameters
shall be tested in 7 consecutive days for record and monitoring purpose.
Referring to Table 8.6 it can be concluded that only IST Tanks B and C prototypes
complied to the above TOR. However only Tank C complied fully to the Standard A of
EQA. From the percentages of removal averages of Table 8.6 it can be concluded that
Tank C performed the best with Tank B coming second best. Tank A did not comply to
the BOD/SS TOR as expected since it was just a control tank. It does not has a media
aeration tank similar to Tanks A and B and there was no return sludge into the aeration
considered to be the much higher than the average values for Malaysian domestic
These much higher concentrations of most parameters ( BOD, COD, SS, Ammoniacal
Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Oil & Grease ) detected in the influent could be due to
the fact that the IWK Kepala Batas Sewage Treatment Plant received very high Oil and
Grease loadings from a big fast food outlet, a bakery , a restaurant, a hotel (Hotel Seri
Malaysia ) and a very big nasi kandar caterer.
As is true of any biological system, the activity and efficiency of the biomass in an
activated sludge facility is dependant to a fairly large extent on the temperature of the
wastewater. It has been demonstrated that each 10 deg C drop in water temperature in
the aeration tank reduces biomass activity by about 50%. This means that as the water
temperature drops, organism growth rate slows down. BOD removal will occur more
slowly, and the system will require a longer recovery after upset. Biological activity
increases to a maximum at a temperature of about 37.7 deg C. Increased temperature
beyond that point would be expected to result in a sudden die-off of the biomass [14].
The average influent temperature is 32.2. The temperatures of Tanks A, B and C with
averages 32.1, 32.4 and 32.6 deg C respectively are within this favourable range. Figure
8.15 depicts the temperature range for the seven days study of all the tanks.
Biological activity in an activated sludge plant is best in a pH range of about 6.5 to 8.5.
Growth may occur outside of that range, but at a reduced rate, and may result in the
filamentous bacteria, especially at low pH values. Oxygen uptake is thought to be
optimum between pH 7.0 and 7.4. Generally pH values below 7 are more detrimental than
those above 7 [14].
The average influent pH is 6.7. The pH of all the Tanks A, B and C with averages 6.7, 7.1
and 7.0 respectively are within this favourable range. Figure 8.16 depicts the pH range
for the seven days study of all the tanks
Aeration of the contents of the activated sludge reactor accomplishes two important
requirements. Mixing must occur in order to provide contact between the biomass and
the incoming pollutants; assuring that the entire contents of the aeration tank are kept in
suspension. Aeration must also provide oxygen to the huge population of aerobic and
facultative bacteria and other organisms in the mixed liquor. Operators typically control
the aeration rate to assure a concentration of 2-3 mg/l of dissolved oxygen (D.O.) at the
discharge end of the aeration tank and 1-2 mg/l in the effluent. Higher D.O. concentrations
waste power, while low D.O. (<1 mg/L) may encourage the growth of filamentous bacteria
The average influent DO concentration is 1.2 mg/l. The DO of Tanks A, B and C effluent
with averages 1.4, 1.4 and 1.3 mg/l as shown in Table 8.5 are sufficient for optimum
performance while minimising aeration costs. Figure 8.17 depicts the DO range for the
seven days study of all the tanks.
It must be noted that the air blowers are operated with one-hour ON and one-hour OFF.
This procedure was adopted to minimise electricity cost and at the same time to maintain
optimum attached bacterial mass in Tanks B and C.
STD A 20mg/l
STD A 120mg/l
It is helpful to understand a little about the bacterial to remove pollutants. The inside of
the cell contains reproductive information and food storage mechanisms. Surrounding the
cell is a membrane which keeps the organism together, and through which dissolved food
may pass. The cell wall is coated with a slime layer which is used to trap particles. Soluble
organic pollutants pass through the cell membrane (absorption) and are used as a direct
food source. Particulate organics cannot pass through the membrane, but stick to the
slime layer (adsorption). The organism begins to produce enzymes which are secreted
through the membrane and solubilize the particulate, allowing it to pass through the
membrane where it too is used as food. In this way the organism is able to remove both
soluble and particulate organics from the wastewater. Like other life forms, the organism
needs nitrogen and phosphorus, among other minor nutrients, in order to metabolize food
and build new cells.
Since this is a living and growing process, it will continue to build biomass to the point of
having too much. The amount of biomass in the process is controlled by the agitation of
the diffused air from the blower.
The average influent BOD5/COD concentration are 831.6/1789.0 mg/l. The effluents
BOD5/COD of all the Tanks A, B and C with averages 16.9/67.2, 12.3/51.0 and 8.3/49.7
mg/l respectively fully comply to Standard A of EQA. The average BOD/COD removal
percentages as shown in Table 8.6 of all the Tanks A, B and C are 96.1/92.7, 96.9/94.4
and 98.1/95.1 respectively. Figures 8.18 and 8.19 depict the BOD and COD ranges for
the seven days study of all the tanks.
The results of this study confirmed the previous findings of other authors [11,12]. Greater
reduction of organic substances in the hybrid bioreactor compared to the reactor using
conventional activated sludge was reported by Krzanowski and Wałęga [11]. They
achieved BOD5 removal of between 90% and 99.7%, while in a comparable AS
bioreactor BOD5 reduction was only 52.6%.
STD A 50mg/l
Primary clarifiers remove a large part of the solids and BOD load which would otherwise
have to be treated in the secondary process, allowing smaller secondary process design
and improved efficiency. Floatable material such as oil and grease is skimmed from the
surface of the clarifier. Primary clarifier effluent will contain the particulates which are not
readily settleable as well as all of the dissolved solids in the influent wastewater. This flow
then passes on to the secondary portion of the treatment process [14].
Although secondary sludge is usually more stable than primary sludge, it is important to
keep the sludge blanket level under control. Secondary sludge is typically lighter than
primary sludge and may be carried out of the clarifier if the sludge blanket level gets too
high. The organisms must combine into properly sized particles that have sufficient
density to allow them to sink to the floor of the secondary clarifier. The biomass must
compact well enough that the sludge blanket does not occupy an excessive amount of
space in the clarifier or solids may be lost in the effluent.
The average influent SS concentration is 1677.1 mg/l. The SS Tanks A, B and C average
effluents as shown in Table 8.5 are 21.4, 14.4 and 8.4 mg/l respectively fully comply to
Standard A of EQA. The removal percentages as shown in Table 8.6 of Tanks A, B and
C are 97.4, 98.2 and 99.0% respectively. Figure 8.20 depicts the SS range for the seven
days study of all the tanks.
The efficiency of the clarifier in removing solids is also related to the physical aspects of
the clarifier. Generally, as surface area increases the more efficient the clarifier. Depth
must be adequate to prevent scouring solids from the sludge blanket into the effluent. The
size of the clarifier as it relates to the quantity of flow through it (hydraulic loading), the
size of the clarifier as it relates to the quantity of solids (solids loading), the shape of the
clarifier, influent/effluent design, the solids removal mechanism, and operation and
maintenance of the clarifier all affect efficiency. Flow characteristics in the clarifier are a
big factor in determining its ability to settle solids. The flow must be dispersed as evenly
as possible throughout the clarifier so that solids are not carried out by areas of high flow
velocity. Short circuiting in clarifiers may be defined as a situation in which the flow in part
of the clarifier is higher than in the rest of the clarifier [14]. The excellent SS removal
percentages signify that the prototypes clarifiers are performing well.
The SVI for Tanks A, B and C are 250, 330 and 340 mL/gram respectively. These high
values of SVI is due to the fact that that there is not much suspended growth in all the 3
tanks. A good quality sludge has an SVI in the range 50-150 mL/gram. SVI above 250
mL/gram means the sludge is very slow to settle and does not compact well. The sludge
is normally light and fluffy. The main reason for this high SVI values is due to the fact that
there is no return sludge to the aeration tank resulting in very low MLSS concentrations.
STD A 10mg/l
Nitrification is also a biological process, but involves autotrophic bacteria. These bacteria
are able to utilize inorganic compounds (like ammonia) as an energy source, using carbon
dioxide (or bicarbonate) as a carbon source to build cells. Two types of autotrophic
bacteria are involved in the nitrification process: Nitrosomonas oxidize ammonia
(released by heterotrophic bacteria) to nitrite, and then Nitrobacter oxidize nitrite to nitrate.
NO3 NO2 N2
As indicated by the equation above, heterotrophic bacteria are able to use oxygen from
nitrate and nitrite, releasing nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas released during denitrification
sometimes presents an operational problem in plants that are nitrifying. As mixed liquor
enters the secondary clarifier, the solids settle to the bottom. If the solids remain in the
clarifier too long the D.O. may begin to drop, creating an anoxic condition. Nitrate
becomes denitrified, releasing nitrogen gas in the form of very small bubbles which rise
to the surface of the clarifier, bringing some of the settled biomass with it. This may result
in globs of biomass floating on the surface. Figure 8.22 shows nitrogen gas bubbles of
Tank C.
The average influent Ammoniacal Nitrogen concentration is 66.5 mg/l. Tanks A, B and C
average Ammoniacal Nitrogen effluents’ concentration as shown in Table 8.5 are 17.2,
14.2 and 9.6 mg/l respectively. Tanks A and B effluents’ Ammoniacal Nitrogen do not
comply to Standard A of EQA where the concentration is 10.0 mg/l for an enclosed water
body. Only Tank C average Ammoniacal Nitrogen effluent complied. However Tank’s C
daily composite Ammoniacal Nitrogen do not comply as there are 3 days when the levels
are above 10 mg/l. The removal percentages as shown in Table 8.6 of Tanks A, B and
C are 56.5, 61.3 and 68.5 % respectively. Figure 8.21 depicts the Ammoniacal Nitrogen
range for the seven days study of all the tanks. The Ammoniacal Nitrogen removals prove
that some nitrification took place. The miniscule concentration of nitrates detected in all
the tank’s effluents signify that denitrification also did occur.
The above results are in agreement to a study done by Bassim E. Abbassi and Raihan
Abuharb. Significant ammoniacal nitrogen removal of 59% was observed in the attached
growth system (corrugated plastic media with a specific area of 100 m2/m3 filled to 2/3 of
the tank working capacity) at 2.6 d HRT [15].
STD A 5mg/l
The average influent Total Phosphorus concentration is 68.1 mg/l. Tanks A, B and C Total
Phosphorus effluents’ concentration as shown in Table 8.5 are 4.8, 5.6 and 3.8 mg/l
respectively. Tanks A and B effluents’ Total Phosphorus do not comply to Standard A of
EQA where the concentration is 5.0 mg/l for an enclosed water body. Only Tank C Total
Phosphorus effluent complied. The removal percentages as shown in Table 8.6 of Tanks
A, B and C are 70.1, 75.6 and 81.9 % respectively. Figure 8.23 depicts the Total
Phosphorus range for the seven days study of all the tanks. The Total Phosphorus
removals prove that some removal took place.
The above results are in compliance with the “poor” performance for phosphorus removal
data in Table 2.6 Fixed Film/Hybrid Biological Processes. However the ISTs phosphorus
removal could be better had the influent sewage strength being normal.
The study Total Phosphorus removal is better than a conventional trickling filter and
activated sludge treatment plants. A facility with a primary clarifier followed by a trickling
filter may remove 20 - 30% of the total influent Total Phosphorus. A facility with a primary
clarifier followed by activated sludge may remove 30 - 50% of the total influent Total
Phosphorus [14]
STD A 5mg/l
The average influent Oil & Grease concentration is 93.5 mg/l. Oil & Grease effluents’
concentration as shown in Table 8.5 are all non-detectable. Tanks A and B effluents’ Oil
and Grease all complied to Standard A of EQA where the concentration is Oil and Grease
is 5mg/l. The Oil and Grease range for the seven day study of all the tanks are shown in
Figure 8.24. All tanks removed almost all the Oil and Grease. Figure 8.24 depicts the Oil
and Grease range for the seven days study of all the tanks.
Figure 8.25 shows the primary clarifier compartment of Tank C. It can be clearly seen that
there was a lot of scum accumulation. This scum accumulation just took about one month.
In a normal household septic tank it would have taken several months for this much scum
to be accumulated. The primary clarifier compartment trapped almost all of the incoming
Oil and Grease.
The average influent E Coli concentration is 159.1 MPN/100ml. Tanks A, B and C E Coli
effluents’ concentration as shown in Table 8.5 are 60.8, 35.0 and 21.6 MPN/100ml
respectively. Tanks A, B and C E Coli average removal percentages as shown in Table
8.6 are 55.0,m 67.2 and 80.9 respectively. Figure 8.26 depicts the E Coli range for the
seven days study of all the tanks.
If the need arises an extra facility can be incorporated to remove pathogens. Chlorine can
be fed into the effluent to kill pathogenic bacteria, and to reduce odour. Done properly,
chlorination will kill more than 99 percent of the harmful bacteria in an effluent.
The twenty four hours performance study was undertaken from 12.00 on 19 May 2022 till
06.00 on 20 May 2022.
Table 8.8 – 8.10 show the twenty four-hours performance study results for Tank A, B and
C respectively. Figure 8.27 shows grab samples for influent and Tank B. Figures 28 –
37 show the graphical representations of all the parameters during the 24-hour study
The Terms of Reference for this study stipulate that the effluent BOD (20mg/l) and SS
(50mg/l) comply to Standard A for 7 consecutive days without fail. The other parameters
shall be tested in 7 consecutive days for record and monitoring purpose.
Referring to Tables 8.8 - 8.10 it can be concluded that all the 3 IST tank prototypes
complied to the above TOR. However only Tank C complied fully to the Standard A of
EQA as shown in Table 8.1. Tables 8.11 and 8.12 summarises and compare the
performance for seven-days and twenty four-hours studies. From the performance study
comparison 2 of Table 8.11. it can be concluded that Tank C performed the best with
Tank B coming second best.
The twenty four hours performance study’s results are in compliance to the seven -day
performance study’s results. It must be noted that the primary clarifiers of all 3 tanks
remove a significant amount of organic, solids, ammoniacal nitrogen, total phosphorus,
oil and grease and E Coli.
pH 6.6 6.8 6.9 6.7 6.5 7.2 7.5 7.2 6.6 6.6 7.2 7.2 6.6 7.2 7.2 6.9
DO 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.4 2.6 2.5 2.4
Amm N 36.1 25. 16. 15. 59. 17. 15. 16. 34. 21. 19. 17. 33. 18. 18. 19.
1 0 5 4 2 2 6 4 6 0 9 1 9 4 1
Phos 11.3 10. 3.8 2.9 19. 5.1 4.7 6.4 7.3 4.2 4.7 3.3 3.8 1.5 3.3 3.3
9 3
E-Coli 170 350 49 130 32 350 79 49 140 110 140 350 350 110 27 33
pH 6.6 6.8 7.3 7.3 6.5 6.9 7.2 6.9 6.6 7.0 7.4 7.2 6.6 7.3 7.2 6.6
DO 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.4 2.6 2.5 2.6
COD 1085 255 129 31 846 147 157 42 856 421 183 50 611 90 65 59
36.1 16. 14. 11. 59. 17. 15. 7.5 34.4 19. 18. 15. 33. 20. 18. 12.
Amm N
7 1 8 4 8 2 9 7 3 1 8 6 3
Phos 11.3 17. 9.1 6.4 19. 7.8 6.2 1.5 7.3 19. 7.8 1.5 3.8 5.5 1.5 3.3
5 3 7
O&G 53.0 12. 4.6 ND 50. 5.8 6.2 ND 45. 12. 5.8 ND 17. ND ND ND
4 4 4 0 8
(mg/l) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Temp 30.9 32. 27. 32. 31. 33. 32. 32. 31. 31. 31. 31. 32. 31. 30. 30.
2 9 0 1 4 9 5 5 3 5 3 5 4 6 6
pH 6.6 7.5 7.3 7.3 6.5 6.7 6.8 6.6 6.6 7.3 7.2 7.2 6.6 7.1 7.2 6.5
DO 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.4 2.5 2.4 2.4
COD 1085 298 40 37 846 105 136 78 856 118 124 65 611 93 108 37
36.1 14.3 4.8 5.7 59.4 21.6 19.0 17.9 34.4 16.3 10.9 10.4 33.1 13. 6.1 10.
Amm N
9 8
Phos 11.3 10. 4.2 2.4 19. 4.2 4.2 3.8 7.3 3.3 2.9 6.4 3.8 25. 6.0 4.2
4 3 5
E-Coli 170 40 49 1.8 32 49 110 1.8 140 110 220 27 350 47 130 39
STD A 20mg/l
STD A 120mg/l
STD A 50mg/l
STD A 10mg/l
STD A 5mg/l
STD A 5mg/l
STD A 5mg/l
STD A 5mg/l
STD A 5mg/l
STD A 5mg/l
The ISTs were also tested in septic tank mode with all the blowers turn OFF. The ISTs
effluents were tested one week after the blowers were turned OFF. The effluents samples
were taken on 27 June 2022. Table 8.13 summarises the effluents’ results for the septic
tank mode.
Table 8.13 Performance Study Septic Tank Mode
It can be seen from Table 8.12 that generally all 3 ISTs effluents do not comply to
Standard A of the EQA. However some parameters do comply to Standard B. For Tank
A the COD, SS, Ammoniacal N, Total Phosphorus and Oil & Grease complied to Standard
B. For Tank B only Ammoniacal N and Total Phosphorus complied to Standard B. For
Tank C the COD, SS, Ammoniacal N, Total Phosphorus and Oil & Grease complied to
Standard B.
This non-compliance was expected since the prototypes were not designed to function
without aeration. Another reason for this non-compliance was the exceptionally high
strength influent sewage. It is expected that the prototypes should at least comply to
Standard B of EQA for normal strength sewage.
Throughout the performance study period only one blower was used for each of the 3
prototypes. The blowers were operated on a one-hour ON and one-hour OFF mode. This
mode is the best since it reduces the operating cost by 50 % but at the same time promote
enough dissolved oxygen for optimum performance.
The air blower has a power rating of 0.50 kW. Assume 12 hour operation.
The slightly higher average effluent ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations in Tank A and B
could be due to the low dissolved oxygen levels (1.2- 2.6 mg/l ) in the aeration tanks. It is
also be due to the very high average ammoniacal nitrogen level of 66.5 mg/l in the influent.
The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on the rate of nitrification has been
investigated by a number of researchers using both pure and mixed cultures, and cultures
found in wastewater treatment systems. The maximum growth rate of both nitrification
reactions are reported to be affected by dissolved oxygen concentration over the range
of 0.3 mg/l to as much as 4.0 mg/l. In some instances, it has been reported that a
dissolved oxygen concentration in excess of 4.0 mg/l is required to achieve maximum
nitrification rates, while other investigators have found that only 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l is required
[16]. It is recommended that the dissolved oxygen level in the aeration tanks be increased
to around 2.5 – 4.00 mg/l if there is a need for a more nitrified effluent.
Fully centralized sewage treatment plants may not be a sustainable solution for a
developing country such as Malaysia. Despite the unquestionable high efficiency of the
activated sludge and biological film technology in centralized municipal wastewater
treatment plants, the miniatures of these technologies used in on-site systems are
performing exceptionally well [9].
1. Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and
11. Krzanowski, S.; Wałe ̨ga, A. Effectiveness of organic substance removal in household
conventional activated sludge and hybrid treatment plants. Environ. Prot. Eng. 2008,
34, 5–12.
12. Wałega, A. Chmielowski, K. Młynski, D. Influence of the hybrid sewage treatment
plant’s exploitation on its operation effectiveness in rural areas. Sustainability 2018,
10, 2689
13. S. Comber, M. Gardner, K. Georges, D. Balckwood, D. Gilmour. Domestic source of
phosphorus to sewage treatment works. Environ Technol. May-June 2013.
14. Activated Sludge Process Control : Training Manual for Wastewater treatment Plant
Operators. State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
15. Bassim E. Abbassi , Raihan Abuharb , Bashaar Ammary , Naser Almanaseer &
Christopher. (28 Apr 2018) Modified Septic Tank: Innovative Onsite Wastewater
Treatment . Water Journal.
16. Michael K. Stenstrom Richard A. Poduska The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen
Concentration on Nitrification. Water Research Vol 14, Issue 6
17. Phosphorus Treatment and Removal Technologies, Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency. June 2006
The term maintenance is defined as the art of keeping the structures, plants, machinery
and equipment and other facilities in optimum working order. Maintenance includes
preventive maintenance or corrective maintenance, mechanical adjustments, repairs,
corrective action and planned maintenance.
The O&M Manual shall contain all information necessary for the plant operator to properly
operate and maintain the collection, treatment and disposal systems in accordance with
all applicable laws and regulations. A copy of the approved O&M manual shall be
maintained at the treatment plant at all times.
The Operation and Maintenance Manual for the IST is attached in Appendix 9.1
Table 2.4 ( Fixed Film/Hybrid Biological Processes ) of Chapter 2 highlights the high
energy use of Submerged Aerobic Biofilter. This dis due to the fact that the aeration in
the aerobic tank need not only supply dissolved oxygen for organic removal but must
also be sufficient to slough regularly the bacterial mass that has accumulated on the
biofilter/media. The sloughing process is important to allow for self-cleaning of the
The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank is an important process control
parameter that has a great effect on the treatment efficiency, operational cost and system
stability. If dissolved oxygen is 5.0 or higher there is a good chance that dead zones are
minimal since normal currents and mixing will transport the oxygenated mixed liquor
throughout the reactor[5].
It was observed that the treatment efficiency of the ISTs are not adversely affected by not
supplying aeration continuously 24 hours. Regulating the air blower ON and OFF hourly
will cut the operation cost by 50 % without compromising the treatment efficiency.
It must be stated that SPAN/IWK requirements mandate that 2 blowers of the same
capacity must be installed to blow air into the air diffusers. Dual air blowers with one
working and one standby must be used in order to prolong the air blowers lifespan and
as a precautionary measure at least one air blower is available in the event one is faulty.
The operational costs will be minimised considerably by using any of the two options.
blower need to induce a minimum dissolved oxygen of 1.00 mg/l and the other one around
5.00 mg/l. A minimum dissolved oxygen level of 1.00 mg/l is sufficient for the system to
perform as per Standard A effluent.
These two operational regimes will be proposed to be used for the newly proposed ISTs.
These proposals must be approved by SPAN and IWK before the proposals can be
All biofilter/media suppliers stated that the lifespan of their product is at least 10 years
Simplistic in design, a conventional septic tank operates through the accumulation of solid
and liquid waste. Heavier in weight, the solid waste accumulates to the bottom of the
tanks, before forming sludge, while the liquid waste accumulates on the top and produces
scum. Through anaerobic microbes present in the tank, this accumulated liquid and solid
waste is broken down into wastewater before delivery to the municipal drain
While having a higher up-front cost and great complexities, aerobic septic systems are all
encompassing waste accumulation systems that feature utilize a trash tank, unique
treatment system and pump tank. To begin, liquid and solid waste accumulates in the
trash tank, much like conventional septic tank methods. From there, the wastewater is
pumped out and taken to a treatment facility, where they add aerated oxygen bubbles to
provide a stable environment for Aerobic microbes to break down the liquid waste.
Compared to the anaerobic microbes used in conventional septic systems, these
microbes are capable of breaking down waste in a more efficient and effective manner.
Once fully broken down, the wastewater makes its final destination into the municipal
Table 9.1 summarises the comparison between IST and SAB.
The cost of fabrication of the prototype cannot be used to estimate the price of the same
product when the supplier commercialise it. Once commercialised the product will be
mass produced. The cost of the raw material and all the other components will be much
reduced since the supplier will buy in bulk. Table 9.2 summarises the cost to mass
produce the 5 PE IST using the average cost of raw material and components. This cost
estimation is based on the assumption of Fibre Reinforced Plastic being used as the tank
material. This estimation does not take into consideration of the profit margin.
1. Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and
1.0 Introduction
The owner of a wastewater treatment system has to maintain the function of cleaning
at the same time as carrying maintenance work regularly i.e. checking the function of
the unit and components conditions of the whole system and effluent quality to spot
any or irregularities in order to maintain the normal function of the system.
2.2 Grit and Grease Chamber (Optional For Models > 50 PE))
This unit process is important to minimize problems associated with grit and
grease. The velocity of the flow is reduced slightly to allow larger, heavier
particles (such as eggshells, sands and gravel) to settle out and then be
removed. Oil and grease are also removed from top surface (floatation
process) of the chamber manually on monthly basis.
3.1 Introduction
The essential units of the process are Primary Clarifier Tank, Submerged
Aerobic Filter/Media Tank and Secondary Clarifier Tank. Figure below
shows the process flow chart of a typical system.
The tank is incorporated with the inlet pipe, transfer pipe, inspection
chambers and manhole covers. The tank is to hold the wastewater, stabilize
the loading and transfer to the aeration tank in a fairly uniform loading
The Aeration Tank is equipped with non-clog membrane air diffusers. The
air is supplied from electrically operated air blower. The wastewater in the
Aeration Tank is completely mixed and aerated for a period of 24 hours.
This is a hopper tank designed to separate the sludge and scum from the
liquid of the treated wastewater which flows from the Submerged Aerobic
Filter/Media. This tank is incorporated with a center well, where the treated
wastewater enters and an acquiescent zone is created for sedimentation
to occur.
Manual Operation
Under manual mode of operation, all the above equipment can be set into
running without any restricted control by turning on the key-switch.
Automatic Operation
Under automatic mode of operation, certain equipment mentioned above
will be subject to control before it can be operated. It is advisable for the
system to run on automatic mode.
The air blower operation is continuous however the timer control will control
the duty and standby unit to operate alternately. The relief valve control the
pressure of the blowing out. To minimise electricity cost, the blowers should
be set to run 1 hour ON and 1 hour OFF.
The capacities of the air blowers will be specified according to the PE of the
5.2.1 Storage Tank Check sludge level, (using normal UPVC Monthly
vacuum pipe or deep stick)
5.4.3 Air Diffusers Adjust gate valves observe air bubbles in Monthly
tank (agitation condition). Aeration should
be done evenly. Check the diffusers tubes
ensure they are fixed securely check for
any blockage or leakage. Detach and
5.5 Secondary Sedimentation Tank
5.6.1 Air Blower Carry out servicing, check compressor oil Monthly
level, general cleaning of casing.
5.6.2 Submersible Unscrew detachable socket and lift pump 3 Months /
Pump (Optional) out from tank, flush and clean pump. when necessary
Check and clear electrical system. Check
and top up hydraulic oil, grease all
relevant parts.
5.6.3 Valves Check all valves operation and leakages Monthly
5.8 Performance
Note : The following tests apply to all IST PE (5 -150 PE)
5.8.1 Physical Check 1. colour of sewage in aeration tank. If Monthly
Colour rich brown – good.
2. Scum formation in sedimentation tank
3. Foaming in holding and aeration tank
4. Flow in piping system
5. Effluent at outlet.
1. The aim of Plant Record Book is to provide:
1.1 Technical data to assist in the maintenance of the Plant
1.2 Technical data to assist rectification works.
1.3 Record of inspection and repair
8. This Plant Record Book shall be held by the respective Operation and Maintenance Contractor
Register No. :