MI Healthy Climate Plan
MI Healthy Climate Plan
MI Healthy Climate Plan
APRIL 2022
This report is available digitally at Michigan.gov/EGLE
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Dear fellow Michigan residents:
I am proud to present the MI Healthy Climate Plan, with thanks to Governor
Gretchen Whitmer for trusting the Michigan Department of Environment, Great
Lakes, and Energy to lead this work and deep appreciation for the hundreds of
Michiganders who contributed to it over the past year through thousands of hours
of research, reflection, and conversation.
This plan lays out a broad vision for fulfilling the governor’s fall 2020 commitment for Michigan to achieve
100% economy-wide carbon neutrality by midcentury – the global science-based benchmark for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the most devastating and costly impacts of climate change.
As its name suggests, this is a uniquely Michigan plan. It was shaped by a multitude of Michiganders with
varied perspectives on climate change. We heard from environmental justice, public transit, local food, and
climate action advocates; an array of business and labor leaders; academic experts and local government
officials; and concerned residents of all political persuasions and walks of life. I firmly believe conversation
leads to better outcomes. In this case, it has produced a bold plan that a broad cross-section of
Michiganders can rally around.
This Plan is also rooted in what makes our state special. No state is better positioned than Michigan to
advance equity, create good-paying jobs, increase economic competitiveness, and improve quality of life in
pursuing carbon neutrality – thanks to our unmatched freshwater resources and heritage as a global
manufacturing innovator, diverse agricultural producer, world-class outdoor recreation hub, and home to
talented people and vibrant communities.
Finally, the responsibility for implementing this Plan and refining it over time is ours. All 10 million of us have
big parts to play in decarbonizing our economy – from the governor and state lawmakers who will make the
necessary state policy changes and budgetary decisions to the workers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs
who will turn cutting edge climate solutions into high-quality jobs and economic prosperity; the community
leaders and advocates who will ensure this work reaches every corner of the state and benefits every
Michigan family; and each of us as individuals and consumers who will take myriad actions in our daily lives.
It is essential that we act now to greatly accelerate the decarbonization of Michigan’s economy, building on
the recent progress Michigan has made thanks to our public and private sector leaders. While some
solutions to achieve a 100% decarbonized economy that delivers good jobs and justice are still on the
drawing board, most are well known to us and awaiting our commitment to getting the job done and
equitably sharing the burdens and benefits.
Fortunately, we have the resources to demonstrate that commitment and kickstart progress. Governor
Whitmer’s 2023 state budget recommendation includes over $500,000,000 for climate, clean energy, and
mobility initiatives. And the state is committed to fully leveraging the current dramatic influx of federal
dollars to move Michigan closer to our decarbonization goals.
In other words, we have a commitment, a plan, and a financial platform. We have what we need, so let’s get
to work.
Sadly, Michigan is not alone. We all remember Texas freezing over after unprecedented cold and ice
storms in February 2021, taking lives, freezing pipes, and causing historic damage.
Meanwhile, California was ablaze, hit by twice as many wildfires as the previous record year. A “heat
dome” that settled over the Pacific Northwest in late June broke the previous record temperature by
more than 10 degrees.
Globally, the seven warmest years in recorded history have occurred since 2015, a trend the United
Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called “a code red for humanity.”
If we do not act aggressively to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, these changes will only
intensify, and the impacts will become more challenging, dangerous, and expensive for Michigan
residents. It is imperative that we reduce emissions as quickly as possible and simultaneously prepare
for the changes we cannot prevent.
The Plan is meant to identify what needs to happen for Michigan to reach carbon neutrality by 2050
with a prioritization on actions from now until 2030. It focuses most heavily on the areas where the
biggest, most rapid gains in GHG reductions can be made – energy, transportation, and buildings. The
Plan’s full complement of recommendations are detailed in the Roadmap to 2030 section. The
following briefly summarizes the highlights across the six categories the Plan uses to group the climate
actions needed to achieve our goals.
Commit to Environmental Justice and Pursue a Just Transition: Ensure that at least 40 percent of
state funding for climate-related and water infrastructure initiatives benefit Michigan’s disadvantaged
communities (in line with the federal government’s Justice40 guidelines for federal funding); that
Justice40 is developed in partnership with leaders in disadvantaged communities; and that Michigan
emphasizes a just transition for all workers through proactive engagement, job training, and workforce
Clean the Electric Grid: Generate 60 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources and
phase out remaining coal-fired power plants by 2030. Limit energy burden from powering and heating
homes to not more than 6 percent of annual income for low-income households.
Electrify Vehicles and Increase Public Transit: Build the infrastructure necessary to support 2 million
electric vehicles on Michigan roads by 2030. Increase access to clean transportation options –
including public transit – by 15 percent each year.
Repair and Decarbonize Homes and Businesses: Reduce emissions related to heating Michigan
homes and businesses by 17 percent by 2030. Increase investments in repairing and improving
buildings to reduce costs for working families and small businesses.
Drive Clean Innovation in Industry: Encourage clean innovation hubs where private enterprises
strategically co-locate and collaborate to develop and deploy new, cleaner manufacturing
technologies and conduct research and development to reduce emissions from hard to decarbonize
industries. Triple Michigan’s recycling rate to 45 percent and cut food waste in half by 2030.
Protect Michigan’s Land and Water: Protect 30 percent of Michigan’s land and water by 2030 to
naturally capture GHG emissions, maintain and improve access to recreational opportunities for all
Michiganders, and protect biodiversity. Leverage innovative strategies to support climate-smart
Beyond 2030, the steps necessary to make Michigan’s economy carbon neutral by 2050 are no less
urgent. In many cases, the actions necessary to fully achieve this goal over the next 28 years will
require substantial efforts in the sectors of our economy that are hardest to decarbonize, including
industry, buildings and housing, and agriculture. The Plan takes a balanced approach to these issues,
identifying the actions we can take today to make real progress between now and 2030, while also
immediately digging into the hard work of identifying strategies to get us the rest of the way to carbon
neutrality by 2050. To achieve our goals, we must also avoid actions between now and 2030 that make
it more difficult to reach carbon neutrality.
It is also important to note that this Plan is a climate mitigation and greenhouse gas reduction plan, not
a comprehensive plan to adapt and become resilient to the effects of climate change. That said, as we
work toward our 2030 and 2050 goals, the State will support residents and communities in adapting to
the climate impacts we are already facing, especially those in historically disadvantaged and
underserved communities. Additionally, mitigation and adaptation are not mutually exclusive – their
actions often overlap and benefit each other. Still, while there are climate adaptation considerations in
this document, they do not constitute a holistic climate adaptation strategy for Michigan.
Concerted action by all Michiganders will be required to achieve the steep reductions in GHG emissions
our state needs to achieve its goals. Fortunately, our communities, businesses, and institutions have
already stepped up and created strong momentum for us to build upon. As described further below, the
State of Michigan is also leading by example with Governor Whitmer directing state departments to use
all the tools at their disposal to reduce GHG emissions in their operations and otherwise act on climate.
(See Leading by Example in State Government)
While the objectives detailed in the rest of this Plan are ambitious—and in some cases daunting—it is
important to recognize that our journey to carbon neutrality has already begun thanks to the leadership,
creativity, and ingenuity of Michiganders across our state.
The Council consists of 14 Michigan residents appointed by the governor to represent a range of
sectors, experiences, and expertise relevant to climate issues. Additionally, the Council includes
the directors (or their designees) of EGLE and the Michigan Departments of Agriculture and Rural
Development (MDARD), Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), Michigan Economic Development
Corporation (MEDC), Natural Resources (DNR), Transportation (MDOT), and Health and Human Services
(DHHS), as well as the State Treasurer and the Chair of the Michigan Public Service Commission
The Council met 14 times in 2021 to develop a common knowledge base on the climate challenge and
discuss the content and recommendations laid out in this Plan and its appendices. To dig deeper and
tap broader expertise across Michigan in key areas, five topical workgroups were formed to support the
In addition to the above workgroups, an internal group led by EGLE staff provided recommendations on
decarbonization related to materials management.
17 2 10 +
Council on Climate Solutions Consultations with Presentations from experts
meetings held to date Tribal government at Council meetings
(open to public)
In just the last three years, Michigan has felt the real impacts of climate change. The state has faced a
polar vortex that forced residents to come together to keep the heat on, high lake levels that crumbled
personal property and public infrastructure, record flooding that caused sewers to back up into homes,
increased instances of disease-carrying insects, toxic algal blooms that put our waters in danger, the
temporary closure of businesses that rely on seasonal consistency, the breaking of dams that led to the
evacuation of a community, and week-long power outages.
Historically stable patterns are changing rapidly in unpredictable ways. Compared to 1900, Michigan is
almost 3 degrees warmer and gets around five more inches of rain per year.
“When the flood hit on June 25th five feet of water flooded our
basement. We lost everything that was down there. A lot of the stuff we
lost can’t ever be replaced. My husband and I had to leave the house
for 2-3 days because we didn’t have any air conditioning and the heat
was unbearable. It’s been a devastating experience – and it wasn’t just
me, it was the whole community.”
– Frankie, a 65-year-old woman from Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Along with more severe extremes, uncertainty in temperatures has also presented newfound
challenges, especially for seasonal activities and industries like farming, hiking, camping, boating,
skiing, snowmobiling, and ice fishing. This uncertainty was especially prominent in March 2012 when
the state experienced a record-breaking crop loss event when temperatures hit over 80 degrees causing
Michigan cherry trees to bloom, only for the crop to be almost entirely lost when temperatures dipped
back below freezing in April.
“In 2012, Michigan lost over 90% of its tart cherry crop because of erratically
warm weather that fooled our cherry trees into blossoming while in frost
season. Michigan’s agriculture relies on relatively predictable, stable weather
conditions. As the climate changes, we have to operate with increasing
uncertainty. Some farmers have been forced to import cherries to make up for
the losses, make expensive updates, or just leave the industry. Our industry has
a rich, proud history in Michigan rooted in its soil, built by its waters, but now
those same natural forces are having devastating impacts on our bottom line.”
– Bob Sutherland, President of Cherry Republic
Importance of adaptation
The MI Healthy Climate Plan is a climate mitigation and greenhouse gas reduction plan, not a
comprehensive plan to adapt and become resilient to the effects of climate change. That being said,
Michigan families are already feeling the impacts of climate change – with the most vulnerable being
hit hardest. Governor Whitmer and the State of Michigan are committed to continuing to support
communities as they prepare for and adapt to climate change. This will be done through regular
engagement and communication, the sharing of tools and best practices, and a commitment to robust
emergency response protocols in the event of a disaster.
The State is also working to make state-owned infrastructure more resilient and is providing funding
and guidance to communities to help them do the same. Mitigation and adaptation are not mutually
exclusive. In fact, combining the two is essential. According to the IPCC’s most recent report on impacts,
adaptation, and vulnerability, adaptation measures become less effective the more the planet warms, and
mitigation efforts that do not anticipate future conditions are less effective. We must adapt to the
existing impacts of climate change as we work to decarbonize our economy.
As Graph A shows, closing coal-fired power plants and transitioning to cleaner energy sources has
spurred similar emissions reductions in Michigan across the five common air pollutants for which the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets National Ambient Air Quality Standards (because of their
respiratory, cardiovascular, and other harms). Emissions of those pollutants from energy generation in
Michigan has dropped 85 percent since 2005. With the closure of our state’s remaining coal-fired
power plants by 2030, that figure is expected to rise to 96.4 percent. In addition, estimated PM2.5
emissions from electric generating utilities declined from 2,302 tons in 2005 to 1,349 tons in 2020.
The transportation sector is currently the largest source of those pollutants in Michigan (Table A).
Federal auto emission standards have and will continue to reduce pollution from internal combustion
engines. In fact, total emissions dropped around 20 percent between 2014 and 2017. However, we can
accelerate those reductions by electrifying our transportation sector. As Michigan residents transition to
electric vehicles, we can expect greater improvements in air quality and a decline in related health
problems. Better public transit and an increased availability of walking and biking opportunities will also
reduce harmful emissions and give residents better opportunities for exercise and enjoyment of
Michigan’s recreational amenities.
This is particularly important in areas disproportionately impacted by pollution from the concentration of
major transportation corridors there. As Michigan works to decarbonize our transportation sector
according to this Plan, state and local transportation planning processes should more fully account for
health impacts and emphasize solutions that will accelerate the reduction in transportation-related air
Emissions by Pollutant
Finally, we must recognize that climate change is already—and will continue to—have significant public
health consequences. Power outages, extreme heat events, exposure to bacteria during sewer backups,
and other such climate-related impacts harm Michigan families. Avoiding the most severe such
consequences by reducing our GHG emissions as rapidly as possible will help Michigan avoid costly and
devastating health outcomes to the greatest extent possible.
In short, decarbonizing Michigan’s economy is a powerful strategy for improving the health and well-
being of our 10 million current residents and the generations to come.
“The [Midland] flood in 2020 had great impact on those with diabetes
in this area. We had patients that lost homes or were living outside of
their home for a long time after the flood. This led to issues with
refrigeration for their insulin and obtaining supplies for their insulin
pump because they had no address for their durable medical
equipment company to ship their diabetes supplies to.”
– Erin, RN, CDCES, Diabetes Center Manager,
MyMichigan Medical Center, Midland
communities. In addition to facing disproportionate impacts from environmental harms, they generally
have been excluded from the opportunities enjoyed by most of society and left behind during major
historic economic shifts like our current transition to carbon neutrality.
Environmental justice considerations are a key component of equitable climate action and will continue
to be a priority for the state as it works to eliminate racial disparities impacting the health and well-
being of Michiganders. Recognizing that bringing communities of color off the frontlines of the climate
crisis and ensuring that they will be full beneficiaries of a carbon neutral economy, Governor Whitmer
called on those developing the MI Healthy Climate Plan to design and recommend decarbonization
strategies that will prioritize and advance equity and environmental justice. The transition to a carbon
neutral economy has the potential to help alleviate existing environmental injustices, address historical
harms, and create new opportunities for Michiganders.
In the electricity sector, high-emitting power generation facilities and related fossil-fuel infrastructure
are often located in low-income communities and communities of color. Meanwhile, in Michigan,
households with an income below the Federal Poverty Line spend 18 percent of their income on energy,
compared to an average of 3 percent for the overall population.
In the transportation sector, high-emitting transportation corridors often run right through low-income
communities and communities of color, splitting historic neighborhoods in two, burdening them with
higher pollution, and otherwise undermining their quality of life.
Michigan recognizes that tribal nations have also faced disproportionate burdens in our fossil fuel
economy and are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change because of their deep ties to
the land and reliance on hunting, fishing, and gathering. Oil spills and other such contamination have
impacted resources like wild rice. The changing climate threatens the sustainability of the Great Lakes
fishery which tribal fishers rely upon to earn a living and feed their families. Many cultural practices and
traditions require access to species, like the maple tree, that are put at risk by climate change.
Michigan’s climate strategies and actions must honor, embrace, benefit, and not interfere with the
cultural heritage and treaty rights of federally recognized tribal nations in Michigan and preserve the
fragile balance of the Great Lakes ecosystem at the heart of that heritage and those rights.
In response to a 100-year rain event, the Macomb County Health Department surveyed
“The responses to our post-flood survey allowed us to see the impact socioeconomic factors
have on our population's health. We found it concerning that low-income households (37%)
were more than twice as likely to report a decline in their health status than high income
households (16%). This has provided an opportunity to focus our messaging and community
engagement activities going forward to help us better prepare for future emergencies.”
Tom, Environmental Health Services Division Director, Macomb County Health Department
Climate change is already resulting in economic costs to families and businesses across the state, but
strategic and aggressive climate action also presents immediate and long-term opportunities to create
economic growth, support good-paying union jobs, and lower costs for working families. Immediate and
sustained action on climate is also
necessary for Michigan to remain
globally competitive in the decades
ahead. The transition to a carbon
neutral Michigan needs to happen
as fast as possible without leaving
anyone behind.
Economic opportunities
Businesses are increasingly
focused on climate and are looking
to invest and locate in states that
embrace clean energy, advanced
manufacturing, and the next
generation of transportation. If the
State acts aggressively on climate
and builds on Michigan’s strengths
in manufacturing and the automotive sector, we can ensure that homegrown companies stay in
Michigan and that the state is more attractive to new economic development opportunities.
In 2021, Michigan was ranked as a top 3 state for sustainable development. Over the past three years,
according to the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan has received more than $16
billion in private investment from mobility and automotive companies. In early 2022, GM announced
the company’s largest ever investment—a total of $7 billion to develop a new battery factory in the
Lansing area and convert an existing factory in Orion Township to electric pickups. This major stake in
making Michigan an electrified transportation leader will create 4,000 new jobs and retain another
1,000 existing ones in our state. Michigan has also seen significant investments in clean energy
projects with more than $5 billion worth of renewable energy projects coming online since the passage
of the state’s clean energy law in 2008.
Examples of the powerful math behind these benefits include the following:
“We recently bought an electric vehicle, installed solar panels on our roof, and switched to a
geothermal HVAC. We're saving money on utility bills and gasoline without compromising
any of our needs. When I tell people about this, they wonder how I could afford it. There are a
lot of generous financing options and federal tax credits for these investments. Depending
on the project, the payments might be around the same as the energy savings and the
project will pay for itself right away! You can make modest investments, lower your bills, and
be a part of the climate solution right now.”
Michigan currently spends millions of dollars annually responding to climate-related emergencies and
other impacts. Early intervention is a much sounder strategy with a much better return on investment.
According to a recent study, the state will avoid $4 to $11 worth of future damages for every $1 it
commits to climate adaptation.
Climate action will spur innovation, increase the state’s economic competitiveness, create good-paying
jobs for Michigan workers, and cut costs for working families. This Plan sets the state on track to a more
prosperous and sustainable Michigan.
The electric power sector and the transportation sector are the state’s two leading sources of GHG
emissions with the transportation sector set to eclipse the electric power sector imminently. Emissions
from heating Michigan’s buildings and running fossil-fuel-burning appliances account for the third
largest contribution. Energy-intensive industries contribute a similar level of emissions to buildings—
from onsite fuel usage and emissions inherent in certain industrial processes like cement
manufacturing. Natural and working lands – which include emissions from agriculture and land-use
changes (i.e., developing green spaces or impacting wetlands) – contribute the smallest percentage of
overall emissions. However, because natural and working lands also present an opportunity to capture
GHG emissions—an important piece of the carbon neutrality puzzle—they should not be undervalued or
In 2005, the transportation sector in Michigan emitted 59.26 mmt CO2e. Most of those emissions
came from light-duty passenger vehicles and heavy-duty freight trucks (our state of 10 million people
has nearly 7 million vehicles!). As electric vehicles became more available and modern internal
combustion engine (ICE) vehicles became more fuel efficient, transportation emissions dropped slightly
to 53.04 mmt CO2e in 2019 – a 10 percent reduction since 2005.
In 2005, homes and businesses emitted 33.39 mmt CO2e, mostly from the use of sources like natural
gas, fuel oil, or propane for heating and appliances. Driven by increased emissions from commercial
buildings, this sector saw a slight uptick to sector-wide emissions of 35.61 mmt CO2e in 2019.
In 2005, Michigan’s oil, gas, and industrial sectors emitted 33.78 mmt CO2e. Michigan has a rich
history of manufacturing, and most of these emissions came from the process of producing new goods,
like iron, steel, cement, and chemicals. Industry is always innovating and improving efficiency, leading
to reduced emissions of 28.05 mmt CO2e in 2019 – a 17 percent change in the right direction.
While our emissions are projected to stay on a downward trend, we need to accelerate reductions
across all sectors to meet our decarbonization goals on our established timelines. Reducing our
emissions at the scale necessary will take concerted action at the international, federal, state, local,
and individual levels. To track progress of the MI Healthy Climate Plan and help identify the areas for
greatest GHG reduction potential, Michigan will develop a GHG inventory working with public and private
partners and stakeholders.
But what does a carbon neutral Michigan look like? If we take a creative, strategic, and aggressive
approach to reducing our GHG emissions, Michigan will be a state where residents enjoy better health
outcomes and an improved quality of life; working families have more opportunities, high-paying jobs,
and a lower cost of living; equity is centered in every decision; our global leadership in clean innovation
and related economic development drives sustained prosperity; and everyone has greater access and a
deeper connection to our state’s natural beauty.
Every individual has clean air to breath and clean water to drink.
Every business and household has access to affordable energy sourced from reliable, clean
Every worker has a good-paying, sustainable job to support their family.
Every resident has access to clean, affordable transportation.
Every family lives in a healthy, sustainable, efficient home.
Every individual has easy access to healthy, affordable, local food.
Every resident has safe, natural spaces to enjoy.
Every community has the resources to be resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Michigan has addressed racial disparities in health outcomes.
Michigan is globally known for its leadership in clean innovation and industry.
Michigan’s land and resources are abundant and healthy.
Michigan has mitigated the worst impacts of climate change and worked to adapt and
become resilient to existing impacts of climate change.
As we look to this bright future, we know the best solutions to achieve these goals will emerge and
evolve through innovations in technology, strategy, and policy, as well as individual and community
level problem-solving. This work must start now and continue through 2050 and beyond.
The State of Michigan has committed to carbon neutrality by 2050 with 52 percent GHG emissions
reductions by 2030 as an interim target. Achieving our 2030 goal will require Michigan to reduce
annual GHG emissions by approximately 92.95 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent based on
today’s emissions levels.
Sustained, aggressive action across Michigan’s economy is necessary to reach these targets. A
variety of factors will determine the extent to which various sectors and subsectors reduce emissions
during this time, including technological breakthroughs and constraints, economic opportunities and
costs, and public support/consumer demand for change.
The MI Healthy Climate Plan intends to spur the changes that are imperative—that must happen, and
happen now, to meet our goals. It also seeks to shape how Michigan achieves carbon neutrality by
recommending strategies that will maximize the benefits for Michigan families from decarbonization.
To that end, the Plan focuses most heavily on the three sectors with the greatest opportunity for rapid
and substantial gains in GHG reductions—energy production, transportation, and the built
environment. It also prioritizes environmental justice across all actions and spotlights pathways to
carbon neutrality that will lead Michigan to better health outcomes, good jobs, and economic
prosperity for all Michiganders.
This ‘Roadmap’ provides recommendations but should not limit additional actions. State government,
local governments, tribal governments, and private institutions should strive to move beyond these
recommendations and seek innovation and new approaches to reduce GHG emissions. Across all
sectors, Michigan should use every tool and chase every dollar available, including Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act funds, to help meet our climate goals.
Key Recommendations
In the pages that follow, this Roadmap offers several recommendations in each of the areas below
with a brief background discussion of each. A brief summary of key recommendations is provided
Commit to Environmental Justice and Pursue a Just Transition: Ensure that at least 40 percent
of state funding for climate-related and water infrastructure initiatives benefit Michigan’s
disadvantaged communities (in line with the federal government’s Justice40 guidelines for federal
funding); that Justice40 is developed in partnership with leaders in disadvantaged communities;
and that Michigan emphasizes a just transition for all workers through proactive engagement, job
training, and workforce development.
Clean the Electric Grid: Generate 60 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources
and phase out remaining coal-fired power plants by 2030. Limit energy burden from powering and
heating homes to not more than 6 percent of annual income for low-income households.
Electrify Vehicles and Increase Public Transit: Build the infrastructure necessary to support
2 million electric vehicles on Michigan roads by 2030. Increase access to clean transportation
options – including public transit – by 15 percent each year.
Repair and Decarbonize Homes and Businesses: Reduce emissions related to heating Michigan
homes and businesses by 17 percent by 2030. Increase investments in repairing and improving
buildings to reduce costs for working families and small businesses.
Drive Clean Innovation in Industry: Encourage clean innovation hubs where private enterprises
strategically co-locate and collaborate to develop and deploy new, cleaner manufacturing
technologies and conduct research and development to reduce emissions from hard to
decarbonize industries. Triple Michigan’s recycling rate to 45 percent and cut food waste in half by
Protect Michigan’s Land and Water: Protect 30 percent of Michigan’s land and water by 2030 to
naturally capture GHG emissions, maintain and improve access to recreational opportunities for all
Michiganders, and protect biodiversity. Leverage innovative strategies to support climate-smart
Key Strategies
Justice40 – Ensure that at least 40 percent of state funding for climate-related and water
infrastructure initiatives benefit Michigan’s disadvantaged communities, in line with the
federal government’s Justice40 guidelines for federal funding. Develop Justice40 in close
partnership with leaders in disadvantaged communities.
Environmental justice analysis – Engage all state agencies in determining how
environmental justice screening tools can assist them in designing better information
gathering, outreach, engagement, and decision-making processes to reduce existing and
future impacts to residents (this includes permitting decisions). Expand on the efforts of
the Michigan Public Service Commission to conduct an environmental justice and health
impact analysis as part of Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) so the potential community
impacts of utility investment decisions are more fully considered.
Workforce development and job training – Strengthen and create workforce
development, job training, pre-apprenticeship/apprenticeship, joint labor management
training, and other such programs for in-demand clean energy jobs – from pre-
weatherization services to grid maintenance, electric vehicles, and renewables. Ensure
these programs are federally certified by the Department of Labor where applicable.
Incentivize workforce development and training for workers experiencing energy-related
employment transitions and those in underrepresented or disproportionately impacted
Just transition – Expand transparency around the Energy Transition Impact Project’s work
and provide financial support and best practices to communities addressing economic
transitions from closures of fossil fuel facilities and other large industrial operations. Work
with employers and other partners to develop sector-specific retraining solutions.
Development, retention, and attraction of clean energy businesses – Expand efforts to
support business development, retention, and attraction around clean energy businesses.
Conduct trainings to support minority-owned, veteran-owned, women-owned, tribal-owned
clean energy businesses and help them compete in utility and state procurement programs.
Identify tools and best practices to expand opportunities for these firms in Michigan.
Beyond committing to the actions above, this Roadmap includes recommendations infused with
environmental justice considerations in each of the major GHG-emitting sectors. For example, this
Plan also includes commitments to reduce energy burden for disadvantaged communities,
strengthen ratepayer input at the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC), and spur more
equitable investments in energy saving home repairs, public transportation, and clean energy
solutions for schools.
The United for ALICE project documents the struggle experienced by the Asset Limited, Income
Constrained, Employed segment of our population. It shows that even with unemployment at record
low levels, much of our population struggles to make ends meet. In Michigan as a whole, 38 percent
of the population falls into this category with 13 percent below the poverty line and 25 percent above
it but still not making ends meet. More than half of Michiganders across much of the Upper Peninsula
and the central portion of the Northern Lower Peninsula fall into this category. In Detroit, the figure is
approximately 70 percent.
These Michigan families face daily “choices” between paying rent, staying current on utility bills, and
buying food for their children. With limited resources, they are also particularly vulnerable to the
extreme weather, economic transitions, and other impacts of climate change. If Michigan does not
proactively intervene, climate change will only deepen these existing harms and inequities. We must
seize our transition to carbon neutrality as an opportunity to chart a new path.
However, if we are not deliberate in moving toward an environmentally just future, we run the risk of
creating new inequities as we transform the way we create and consume energy. For example,
electric vehicles are not yet affordable or accessible for all Michiganders, so the Plan includes a broad
transportation decarbonization strategy to make walking, biking, and public transit more accessible to
Michigan families and electric vehicles cheaper and easier to charge.
In the electric sector, there is no automatic guarantee that retiring coal facilities and increasing use of
other electric generation assets – current or future – will benefit Michigan communities. That is why
the Plan calls for holistic energy planning and increased consideration of environmental justice in
decision making. Additionally, while more renewable energy will help all Michiganders, access to the
benefits of renewable energy may not be equitable. Thus, the Plan calls for funding programs focused
on Michigan’s disadvantaged communities. Finally, we must take particular care to ensure that the
energy transition does not result in a disproportionate energy burden for Michigan’s disadvantaged
communities. In other words, we must do everything we can to avoid a future in which utility bills cost
families in those communities an even greater share of their disposable income.
Our frontline communities will also be hit first and hardest by the impacts of climate change. An
environmentally just future includes making sure that no one experiences disproportionate harm from
the extreme heat and precipitation that Michigan will experience over the next century no matter how
quickly we decarbonize. This Plan does not contain a holistic adaptation and resilience strategy,
though resilience will be core to our Plan implementation work.
In 2020, Governor Whitmer launched the Energy Transition Impact Project (ETIP) under the leadership
of the Department of Treasury. ETIP is designed to identify communities that will be impacted by the
changes to the mix of energy production facilities in Michigan. The program works directly with those
communities and workers to minimize impacts from a facility closure, including the loss of
employment, property tax revenues, and related community services. Comprehensive transition
strategies are developed to reposition communities for future economic development, high-paying
jobs, new infrastructure investments, housing improvements, and other needs identified by local
leaders and residents.
In addition, to support worker transitions and keep Michigan competitive for the clean energy jobs of
the future, State of Michigan programs expanded their focus on high-quality workforce development,
job training, pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship, and joint labor management trainings for in-
demand clean energy jobs. And, to make sure there is a demand for graduates of these programs, the
Plan includes business development, retention, attraction, and other supports for minority-owned
businesses in the clean energy industry. It is critical that workers who may be displaced by the energy
transition—and residents who have been disproportionately impacted by climate change—are able to
take advantage of new clean energy job opportunities.
Key Strategies
Clean energy resources – Generate 60 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable
resources by adopting a renewable energy standard of 50 percent by 2030, supporting
voluntary utility green pricing programs, and creating more favorable conditions for
customer-sited behind-the-meter distributed energy resources like rooftop solar. Work with
Michigan utilities to effectively phase out coal-fired power plants.
Holistic and integrated energy system planning – Improve energy system planning by
fully integrating traditional resources, transmission, distribution, new and emerging
resources, and considerations related to the interdependency of electric and natural gas
systems. Elevate community health impacts and equitable access to infrastructure in
energy planning and investment decisions. Continue to develop and refine innovative rate
designs to incent behaviors that advance clean energy goals.
Affordability and energy burden – Limit energy burden from powering and heating homes
to not more than 6 percent of annual income for low-income households. Increase
affordability of utility services through expanded “Percent of Income Pilot Programs” and
through minimum allocation levels for utility investment in low-income energy efficiency
programs. Direct additional funding to the Michigan Utility Consumer Representation Fund
(UCPF) to provide resources to intervenors in MPSC proceedings who represent the
interests of low-income communities.
Siting – Assist clean energy developers and communities in adopting best practices for
siting renewable energy systems. Implement a plan to site solar on state-owned lands and
properties as quickly as possible.
Energy storage – Adopt a statewide storage target to deploy 4,000 Megawatt (MW) of grid
scale storage by 2040 with a short-term target of 1,000 MW by 2025 and a medium-term
target of 2,500 MW by 2030. Increase consideration of energy storage resources in utility
Integrated Resource Plans through accurate modeling.
To reach our climate-related goals, attract clean energy jobs, and drive down costs for Michiganders,
rapid and comprehensive action is needed in the electricity sector. In fact, bolder action is particularly
wise here—relative to other sectors—because of the cost-effective and scalable nature of
decarbonizing the electricity sector.
It is important to note that energy waste reduction is a key strategy in the electricity sector, but it is
addressed more robustly in the “Repair and Decarbonize Homes and Businesses” section of the Plan.
Despite this progress, Michigan will need a massive scaling up of renewable energy to achieve 60
percent renewable energy penetration this decade and reach carbon neutrality by 2050. To reach
that 2030 target, Michigan must adopt a renewable energy standard of 50 percent by 2030 through
the passage of legislation or via formal commitments from Michigan’s utilities in proceedings before
the Michigan Public Service Commission. As a demonstration of the feasibility of that standard,
Michigan’s investor-owned utilities already have plans in place to dramatically scale up their
renewables. Taking solar for example, DTE intends to have at least 10 million panels in its generation
mix by 2040, and Consumers Energy is planning for 8,000 MW built by the same year.
While a 50 percent renewable energy standard serves as a foundation, higher levels of renewable
energy penetration will be necessary to achieve our goals and customer-enabled renewable energy
will play a central role in additional gains. In Michigan and across the country, large companies and
customers are helping to drive the increased adoption of renewable energy through tools like
voluntary green pricing programs, customer-sited distributed energy, community solar, demand
response, battery storage, and more. By encouraging the most-cost effective investments in clean
energy resources for all energy customers, including supporting customer-sited resources, we
can increase options for customers to participate in the fight against climate change and make our
electric grid more resilient.
Of course, adoption of renewable energy on the scale necessary to achieve our goals will require
Michigan to responsibly locate wind, solar, and storage in communities across the state. Local siting
challenges have been well documented as a limiting factor in Michigan’s path to reaching carbon
neutrality. Through Michigan’s Catalyst Communities program and tools like EGLE’s Renewable
Energy Ordinance Database, the state will expand support for local units of government to adopt best
practices for siting renewable energy systems within their communities.
To help ensure reliability and affordability for ratepayers while we decarbonize this sector, Michigan
must continue to invest in transmission and distribution infrastructure and maintain existing clean
energy and energy storage assets. In addition, Michigan must invest more robustly in grid scale
energy storage through a deployment target of an additional 2,500 MW by 2030 and 4000 MW by
It will take a broad, all-options approach to transportation to put Michigan on track to achieve its
decarbonization goals, increase equity, and offer new economic opportunities to Michiganders. To
decarbonize how Michiganders move, Michigan will need to drive a rapid transition to cleaner fuels
and electrification, make unprecedented investments in electric vehicle charging infrastructure,
increase access to diverse transportation options, and focus on integrated people- and planet-
focused transportation planning.
Key Strategies
Purchase incentives – Create and fund an incentive program for the purchase of
electric vehicles and at-home charging stations. Explore incentives for products like
electric off-road vehicles, electric recreational vessels, and e-bikes.
Electric vehicle charging – Build the infrastructure necessary to support two million
electric vehicles on Michigan roads by 2030. Leverage the success of the Charge Up
Michigan program to equip Michigan with a comprehensive, accessible network of
chargers using various financing tools, including public funding opportunities and
public-private partnerships.
Electrified fleets – Transition the State of Michigan’s fleet to 100 percent zero-
emission vehicles. Fund and support local governments and small businesses with fleet
transitions and work with schools to quickly electrify school bus fleets, with a
prioritization on communities with high levels of air pollution.
Clean Fuels Standard – Adopt a Clean Fuels Standard (CFS) to reduce the carbon
intensity of every fuel in use.
Transit and diverse transportation options – Increase access to clean transportation
options – from public transit to electric vehicles – by 15 percent each year. Work with
communities that are mobility insecure to set community-specific targets to expand
access to clean transportation options. Increase investment in more efficient, cleaner
public transit systems—as well as bike paths, walking trails, and other such
infrastructure—to offer the broadest possible range of options to residents.
Transportation planning – Implement a Safe Systems Approach in transportation
planning to work towards the elimination of fatal and serious injuries for all road users.
Develop a transportation strategic plan focused on electrification to guide state
agencies in moving Michigan toward our cleaner mobility future. Consider creation of a
statewide electrification plan for transit.
For over a century, Michigan has enjoyed global automotive leadership. To remain at the forefront,
the State needs to lead on the transition to electric vehicles, invest in infrastructure, support the
retraining of our transportation workforce to ensure all workers transition into new high-paying jobs,
and provide an attractive business environment for our auto industry.
While vehicle electrification is a key technology needed to meet 2050 decarbonization goals for the
transportation sector, it cannot be the only decarbonization solution for Michigan. Michigan needs to
employ multiple strategies and effective planning to achieve our state’s transportation
decarbonization goals and mobility needs as the transition to electrification unfolds over time.
To build out the necessary charging network, Michigan will expand funding opportunities for direct
current fast charging stations to make sure that Michigan residents can drive an electric vehicle
throughout the state without anxiety over where to get their next charge. Through Charge Up
Michigan, the State has already invested more than $45 million in charging infrastructure and will
spend millions more in the coming years thanks to the recent and forthcoming influx of additional
federal resources. By expanding funding through the Charge Up Michigan program and partnering
with utilities and the private sector, Michigan will deploy enough charging infrastructure to support
two million electric vehicles on Michigan roads by 2030. In pursuing that 2030 target, Michigan
should aim for electric models to account for at least 50 percent of light-duty vehicle sales, 30
percent of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles sales, and 100 percent of public transit vehicles and
school buses sold that year.
Better and more widely available transit also represents an opportunity to advance equity. It
increases access to opportunities to learn, earn a living wage, and remain healthy for the many
Michigan families that currently lack reliable transportation. Almost eight percent of Michigan
households have no vehicle at all, and that number more than doubles to 19 percent for renters.
Nearly 3 out of every 5 jobs cannot be reached by public transit, meaning that these opportunities are
not equitably accessible to all Michigan families. This is particularly true for non-white households,
which make up 79 percent of transit riders. Public transportation is also the best transportation
option—and in some cases the only viable one—for many seniors and Michiganders with disabilities.
This Plan sets goals to diversify transportation options and increase investments in public transit and
related mobility solutions.
The Plan also recommends the implementation of a Safe Systems approach to transportation
planning that focuses on safe mobility for all road users. Implementing the Safe System approach
means anticipating and proactively planning for road user mistakes through the design and
management of road infrastructure and the development of rules and regulations for drivers that
lower the risk of death or serious injury.
In addition to its pivotal role in achieving our climate goals, investing in our building stock will help lower
utility and other costs for working families and small businesses, make our homes and workplaces
healthier, and expand economic opportunities across the state. Decarbonizing our buildings will require
baseline investments in repairing Michigan’s homes; stronger requirements, incentives, and financing
options for energy efficiency and waste reduction; and evaluation and adoption of innovative home
heating alternatives, including electrification in immediately cost-effective use cases.
Key Strategies
Heating Michigan homes and businesses - Reduce emissions related to heating Michigan
homes and businesses 17 percent by 2030. Focus on both public and private-sector
investments and targeted efficiency and assistance programs to reduce the energy burden
for low-income residents.
Clean financing opportunities – Explore programs, financing options, and public funding
opportunities – including the allocation of funds to the state’s nonprofit green bank,
Michigan Saves – to help families, small businesses, and schools invest in clean energy
projects from weatherization to renewables and building decarbonization. Adopt and promote
utility on-bill financing and property assessed clean energy programs (PACE). Identify sources
of consistent, ongoing funding to address homes that are ineligible for weatherization
Building codes and climate readiness – Adopt the 2021 Model Energy Code with provisions
to support electric vehicle charging and consider incorporation of additional climate
mitigating solutions such as energy storage, renewable energy, and building decarbonization.
Energy waste reduction programs – Increase utilization of cost-effective opportunities to
reduce energy waste. Achieve at least 2% annual electric energy efficiency savings by
increasing the current energy waste reduction target for electric utilities and maintaining the
corresponding incentives for exceeding statutory minimums. Restore the energy waste
reduction target for municipal and cooperative electric utilities. Increase energy waste
reduction (EWR) for natural gas utilities to a minimum of 1.5% annual savings with enhanced
cost-effective incentives for exceeding statutory minimums. Work to ensure energy efficiency
is on a level playing field with supply-side resources (i.e., power generation) in the MPSC
integrated resource planning (IRP) process which guides the financial investments of
Michigan utilities. Explore additional pathways to reduce energy demand and energy burden.
Incentives for energy efficient appliances – Establish incentives for the sale of electric
appliances that yield immediate energy and cost savings, particularly for low-income
Evaluate gas system regulatory and policy options – Undertake a pathway analysis to
assess options to reduce carbon intensity in the built environment.
To reach our 2030 goals of reducing emissions relating to heating Michigan homes and businesses
17 percent by 2030, Michigan must reduce end-use emissions related to heating Michigan homes
and businesses by approximately three percent per year from now to 2030. We will accomplish this
objective through investments in energy conservation, energy efficiency, smart consumption,
cogeneration, and replacing traditional fossil fuel use with cost-effective technologies that rely on
electricity and alternatives like renewable natural gas and hydrogen.
Half of Michigan homes are less than 50 years old. With adequate care and maintenance, most will
remain in use through and beyond 2050. While the other half of Michigan homes are more than 50
years old, most can be expected to last another 50 years or more with modest investments. However,
many of these buildings are inefficient and rely on fossil fuels for heating and appliances like gas
stoves. They will require significant upgrades to be fully decarbonized.
Energy efficiency and weatherization investments targeted at Michigan’s most inefficient buildings
will drive significant investments in Michigan’s most disadvantaged communities. Unfortunately, not
every home is ready for energy efficiency and weatherization upgrades. Many of Michigan’s most
inefficient buildings need a new roof or upgrades to remove carbon monoxide from the home before
they can qualify for many available funding programs. In fact, 25 percent of all weatherization
projects across the state are deferred due to structural challenges. This barrier is even higher in older
communities like Detroit where deferral reaches nearly 75%. Michigan must increase investments in
home repairs and streamline access to energy efficiency and weatherization funding programs for
communities with aging housing stocks. This is a pre-requisite to decarbonizing our building sector
and achieving our short- and long-term GHG reduction goals.
To complement immediate policy actions, the Plan recommends the state undertake a pathway
analysis to assess options to achieve carbon neutrality from natural gas production, transmission,
distribution, compression, storage, and end uses in a least-cost manner. This analysis should
consider a full range of options for decarbonizing natural gas end uses, including energy efficiency,
electrification, fuel switching to renewable natural gas and hydrogen, and other potential
Increase financing
To facilitate home repairs, energy efficiency investments, and electrification, Michigan should also
expand direct state investments and customer-facing financing options. By supporting programs like
on-bill financing and property assessed clean energy (PACE), Michigan can create easier access to
capital at better terms for customers and attract more private sector capital to the building
decarbonization challenge.
Decarbonizing these sectors will require process-specific solutions with a focus on advancing
research and development, improving facility efficiency, using cleaner products and fuels, and
developing new markets for byproducts.
Key Strategies
Buy clean, buy Michigan – Strengthen public and private-sector procurement programs to
favor the use of low-carbon and circular-economy products and identify opportunities to
support disadvantaged businesses in procurement. Encourage the production and
purchase of materials made by Michigan workers.
Recycling and waste – Triple the state’s recycling rate to 45 percent and cut food loss
and waste in half by 2030. Expand on efforts like ‘Next Cycle’ to develop markets for
recycled materials.
Shared clean industrial innovation – Encourage clean innovation hubs to collaborate on
the development and deployment of new, cleaner manufacturing technologies and reduce
emissions from hard to decarbonize industries. Work to ensure that Michigan communities
impacted by industrial development and operations are meaningfully engaged in the siting,
construction, and operation of clean innovation hubs.
Clean industry process improvements – Provide incentives and technical assistance to
advance the energy efficiency and other process improvements necessary to achieve
carbon neutrality in the industrial sector by 2050. Deploy combined heat and power (CHP)
in new facilities and convert existing facilities to renewable energy or lower-carbon fuels
such as biogas, renewable natural gas or biomethane, and clean hydrogen.
Carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration – Explore the use of carbon capture,
utilization, and sequestration in industrial applications where eliminating the use of fossil
fuels is impossible or cost-prohibitive and for entities attempting to go carbon negative in
their operations.
This unparalleled industrial heritage and the technological know-how of our workforce positions
Michigan well to develop and manufacture the next generation(s) of innovative products that will be
used in every sector of our economy to unlock new decarbonization strategies. To make Michigan the
trailblazing home for the low-carbon inventions of tomorrow—and create the corresponding
opportunities for sustained economic growth and job creation—the state will need innovative market
development and regulatory programs and strong financial incentives.
In addition to manufacturing the products needed to decarbonize other sectors, Michigan’s industrial
sector has already taken significant steps in reducing GHG emissions from its operations. Between
2005-2018, the industrial sector cut their emissions by 5.9 million metric tons – or more than 23
percent. Additional analysis suggests that the industrial sector has the potential to reduce their
annual emissions by an additional 5.7 million metric tons by 2030 – a reduction of more than 45
percent when compared to 2005 levels.
Efficient facilities
Energy efficiency is a vital tool that can help Michigan’s industrial sector reduce GHG emissions while
keeping energy costs reasonable. Importantly, industrial energy efficiency and process improvements
may be able to reduce local air pollution in communities located near industrial facilities and can
create new workforce opportunities conducting energy audits and implementing the energy saving
strategies they identify.
A key efficiency opportunity exists around CHP, which is a process that takes excess heat from an
industrial process or facility and uses it to generate electricity. CHP is the most fuel-efficient way to
produce and utilize both electric and thermal energy from a single fuel source. In 2018, the Michigan
Energy Office released its CHP Roadmap for Michigan, which recommended an optimal level of
additional CHP deployment in Michigan ranging from 722 MW to 1,014 MW by 2030. The next wave
of CHP applications will enable deeper decarbonization of the industrial sector through the use of
renewable energy or lower-carbon fuels such as biogas, renewable natural gas or biomethane, and
Key Strategies
30 x 30 – As a part of the national ‘America the Beautiful’ initiative, protect 30 percent
of Michigan’s land and water by 2030 to naturally capture GHG emissions, while
maintaining and improving recreational opportunities for all Michiganders, expanding
access in disproportionately impacted communities, and protecting biodiversity.
Wetlands, waters, soils, forests – Avoid land-use conversion that causes a net increase
in GHG emissions and prioritize land uses that reduce GHG emissions. Protect and
restore existing wetlands and waterways and create new wetlands where appropriate.
Adopt policies to protect the state’s soils and enhance their capacity to capture and
store carbon. Maintain and develop healthy forests across public and private lands.
Support and promote tools that expand the use of the mass timber as a sustainable
building material.
Treaty rights – As conservation efforts move forward, the state will not interfere with
treaty rights, treaty resources, and tribal cultural resources and will consult with Tribal
Nations. Conservation efforts must respect the exercise of treaty rights.
Farm management and practices – Develop initiatives to support farmers in adopting
best management practices to improve soil health, store carbon, and utilize other
greenhouse gas emissions, while also protecting water quality. Create programs to
catalyze and accelerate the transition to cleaner technologies like electric and hydrogen
fuel-cell farm equipment.
Michigan grown products – Fund programs like the ‘Buy Michigan Agriculture
Campaign’ to encourage the purchase of Michigan grown and raised products, address
food insecurity challenges, and counter supply chain issues.
From birdwatching, hunting, and camping to the timber and forest products that are used in our
homes and businesses, our lands, waters, and forests are essential components of what makes
Michigan, “Pure Michigan.”
The lands and waters we call Michigan today are the ancestral territories of the Anishinaabe, who
have lived in the State of Michigan from before recorded history to present day. The Anishinaabe
people’s commitment to this place should encourage us to be better stewards of the land we inhabit
and the waters on which we depend.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources manages 4.6 million acres of public lands, 3.86
million of which are forested, and the state contains roughly 5.5 million acres of wetlands. Michigan is
also home to over 50,000 farms. If protected and appropriately managed, Michigan’s natural and
working lands can store and sequester carbon and offer additional benefits including limiting water
runoff pollution, providing habitats that support biodiversity, and reducing the impacts on Michigan
communities from more frequent and intense flooding, extreme heat, and other effects of climate
change. These lands are critical to our economy and the health of all Michiganders.
In addition, sustainable forestry can encourage responsible sourcing and recycling of forest products.
Building out a sustainable forestry and forest product industry can create thousands of good-paying
jobs for Michiganders, capture new economic development opportunities, and provide sustainable
building materials like mass timber.
Many of the state’s powerful natural carbon sinks have been developed or converted and lost their
natural ability to store carbon, increasing net GHG emissions. Wetlands, in particular, are important
carbon sinks and stocks. Building out green waterway infrastructure, like constructed wetlands, can
yield both climate adaptation and mitigation benefits. This Plan recommends avoiding further land-
use conversions that increase GHG emissions and stewarding Michigan’s natural resources by
implementing land-use strategies that reduce GHG emissions in partnership with Michigan’s tribal
The federal government signed several treaties with tribal nations in Michigan, which reserved
hunting and fishing rights for tribal members. Working with and supporting tribal nations will be an
essential component of managing natural and working lands in a way that respects and does not
interfere with treaty rights, treaty resources, and tribal cultural resources.
Promoting climate-smart strategies like cover crops, conservation tillage, and precision agriculture
can improve soil health, store carbon, improve water quality, and reduce fertilizer needs. Biochar and
compost also have the opportunity to reduce both food waste and reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
Innovative animal feed mixes and additives can be used to reduce GHG emissions from livestock.
Across the state, there are communities that lack access to healthy, high-quality food. As we
transform our agricultural sector to mitigate and adapt to climate change, we must also take that
opportunity to ensure that everyone can get the food they need to live healthy lives. Supporting
Michigan-grown agriculture, urban agriculture, and farmer’s markets by funding programs like the
‘Buy Michigan Agriculture Campaign’ can promote healthy local food systems and reduce emissions
from transporting food.
While some solutions are apparent for Michigan’s working lands, additional funding opportunities,
research, and technological advancements will be necessary to understand how to fully decarbonize
this sector in a way that balances the needs of farmers, ecosystems, and all Michiganders.
In 2019, the governor’s office launched an interdepartmental workgroup to identify opportunities for
state government to lead by example and use administrative powers to reduce GHG emissions. This
work focused on how the state could incorporate climate mitigation into existing state programs and
identify initiatives that departments could pursue to accelerate the transition toward carbon
neutrality. This effort demonstrated that every state department – from the Department of Natural
Resources to the Department of Treasury – has an opportunity to act on climate.
In response to this work, Governor Whitmer created new offices and initiatives to help strengthen
climate action across state government, including the Energy Transition Impact Project at the
Department of Treasury and the Office of Future Mobility and Electrification at the Department of
Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO). The leaders of these programs collaborate closely with their
colleagues in the Office of Climate and Energy and Office of Environmental Justice Public Advocate,
which Governor Whitmer created at EGLE as one of her first acts in office to lead carbon reduction,
just transition, and environmental justice efforts.
Solar Panels at Oden State Fish Hatcher – photo courtesy of the Michigan DNR
This focus and planning on climate—along with the structuring of climate work directly into state
agency organizational charts—has led to bold actions by the State of Michigan to reduce GHG
emissions. While not an exhaustive list, the following highlights some examples of the state leading by
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To reduce GHG emissions in State of Michigan operations, the Whitmer administration and state
agencies have:
• Signed agreements to power state-owned facilities with 100 percent renewable energy by
• Committed to carbon neutrality in state-owned buildings by 2040.
• Pledged to reduce energy usage in state-owned facilities 40 percent by 2040.
• Established a $5 million Energy Efficiency and Green Revolving Fund to expand renewable
energy and energy efficiency projects at state facilities (and proposed an expansion of this
investment in the FY 2023 budget proposal).
• Developed a plan to responsibly site solar across state-owned properties.
• Upgraded state systems to deploy more efficient water use (and reuse) techniques, saving
energy and thousands of gallons of water per year.
• Launched the nation’s first carbon sequestration and carbon market program on state owned
forest land.
• Committed to electrify the state’s vehicle fleet, starting with a $10 million FY 2023 budget
• Required consideration of vendor environmental track records in the state’s procurement and
purchasing decisions.
• Required all state facilities to offer recycling services.
• Developed a toolkit for state agencies to review sustainability projects on state properties and
ensure easy access to information on how to initiate eco-friendly practices.
• Launched a state employee education campaign around sustainability.
• Invested in backup power for all state-owned pumping stations to reduce freeway flooding
events in Southeast Michigan.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer and EGLE Director, Liesl Clark speak at an Earth Day Event.
This broad and deep State of Michigan leadership will help spur the state’s
economy and catalyze rapid progress toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
The steps to achieving this vision are within reach, though urgent action is needed. This MI Healthy
Climate Plan lays out in detail the steps we need to take immediately to achieve a 52 percent
reduction in GHG emissions by the end of this decade, including efforts to clean the electric grid,
electrify vehicles and increase public transit, repair and decarbonize homes and businesses, drive
clean innovation in industry, and protect Michigan lands and water. As we drive GHG reductions in
each of those areas, the Plan calls on us to pursue environmental justice every step of the way and
commit to a just transition to a carbon neutral economy for all Michigan workers and communities.
No less importantly, the Plan identifies the equally urgent actions needed now to fully decarbonize
Michigan’s economy by 2050, including areas where additional work and study are needed for
harder-to-decarbonize sectors including buildings and housing, industry, and agriculture.
With bold leadership by example from state government and every Michigan resident and business
playing their parts, we can – together – build a more equitable, just, healthy, and prosperous future
and ensure that the benefits of this clean energy transition are enjoyed by all Michiganders.
The State of Michigan is committed to implementing the MI Healthy Climate Plan. As directed by the
Executive Order calling for this Plan, the Office of Climate and Energy within EGLE will oversee its
implementation in concert with state departments and agencies, tribal and local governments, and
key stakeholders. The Council on Climate Solutions and Michigan Advisory Council on Environmental
Justice will provide advice, feedback, and guidance along the way. And, as required by the Order,
EGLE will submit publicly available annual reports updating all 10 million Michiganders on our