History of Media MIL G12
History of Media MIL G12
History of Media MIL G12
The earliest form of communication—the evolution of speech—occurred at this time. The Industrial Age is the era in which mass media first emerged. The primary
Even the prehistoric writing systems have advanced in this time period. materials used to create inventions during this time period were iron and steel. With the
In 5000 BCE, Cuneiform, inscribed on wet clay with a reed implement, is also invention of the telephone, telegram, and radio, communication in this era advanced,
invented by the Sumerians. becoming quicker and simpler.
In 3200 BCE, The first ancient scripts, the hieroglyphic script was created by In 1450, The Printing Press, the Chicago Times The printing press was
the ancient Egyptian. invented. This invention sparked a revolution in communication methods as it
In 3000 BCE, Writing and Rock Carving was developed. offered a lot of efficient ways to spread information
In 2000 BCE, Manuscript were created. These are old writings that are written In 1598, Magazine
in paper. In 1620, Newspapers
In 1041, the Movable Clay, a type of printing in China was developed. In 1774, George Louis Lesage invented electric telegraph.
In 1440, German Goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg made the First Printing Press In 1892, W.S. Burt also invented Typewriter.
in the world.
In 1477, William Caxton developed the first printed advertisement.
In 1400, Paper and Pen was developed. The invention of paper drastically
improved our communication experience.