Future Phonetics
Future Phonetics
Future Phonetics
Department of Information Technology, SKR Engineering College, Chennai
E-mail: nthkumar17@gmail.com
The OLED prototype was build using Rollable display has many advantages
advanced mixed-oxide thin film (TFT) than glass better durablity, light weight,
that deliver high performance including thinner dimentions and can be perfectly
vibrant colours, high switching speed curved and used into any devices.
for vedio and reduced power Moreover the major difference between
consumption. Conversely an OLED glass and rollable display can be bigger
device is a light emitting device than the device itself it means if a
composed of an organic thin film placed flexible device having 5 inches in
between electrodes. The application of a diagonal and a roll of 7.5mm. It can be
direct current recombines positive holes stored in a device smaller than the screen
and electrons in the emitting layer and itself and close to 15mm in thickness.
the result of the recombination is light
emission. The device developed are so 2.4 ROLLABLE DISPLAY CAN BE
far Use flourescent or phosphorent USED IN MANY PLACES
1) Mobile device.
2.1.3Graphene transistors 2) Laptops and PDAs.
3) A permanantly conformed display
Graphene is a sheet of carbon just one that secure fits around the wrist.
atom thick, yet it is stronger than 4) A child mask for halloween and other
diamond, transparent, light weight has uses.
great counducting properties and is 5) A odd shaped display integrated in a
flexible. Graphene will complement and steering wheel or automobile imagine
highly enhance the performance of treating your phone like a piece of paper.
OLED type flexible phones. Even a Roll it up drop it squish it in your
handset's flexible battery can be made backhack. Step on it without any
out of this material. It is used in artificial damage.
intelligence for its fast sensation.
3. FLEXIBLE CIRCUITS manufacture of flexible electronic
Flexible circuitry is an arrangement of Flex Circuit Interconnects
printed wiring that offers certain Flex Interconnects used to connect rigid
advantages over other means of boards together allowing folding.
interconnecting the components of an Stiffeners
electronic system. First applied on Used to rigidize circuits in the
military aircraft and missiles, where size, component areas. Stiffener frames to
weight and reliability are of primary assist wave soldering, clips apart and
importance, the circuitry's flexibility folds into position.
allows it to be molded to the shape of a Flex connectors
chassis for marked reduction in bulk. Flex Circuits with assembled connectors
Although flex circuits generally cost to speed your assembly.
more than conventional connectors, they Fine Lines
nonetheless offer savings in some Conductor traces and spaces are
applications because they are less costly available in .002” on single side
to install. The flexible circuit is also flex .003” - .004” on double sided and
attractive in dynamic applications, those multi-layer circuits.
that involve continuous or periodic Assemblies
movement of the circuitry; in such Flex Circuits and surface mount
applications, where reliability must be components combined to achieve high-
maintained over millions of flexing density packaging, including chip on-
cycles, flexible circuits have board.
demonstrated excellent performance. Panelizing
Now being used in a broad range of For easy assembly and installation
civil applications as well as in military Shielding
and space systems. Solid and patterned designs depending
on noise and impendence requirements.
Flexible circuits are produced by Selective Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
combining three materials: an insulating Adhesive placed in key locations to
plastic film; a metallic conductor, improve circuit placement and
usually copper foil; and an adhesive, one mounting.
of several types of polymers, to bind the Attachment Pins
insulator and the conductor into a Pins can be conductor extensions or
laminated circuit. The adhesive is solder pins. Consult North point sales for
important to the overall performance of other available options Flexible printed
the circuit and it is selected with care, circuits were originally designed as a
taking into consideration such factors as replacement for traditional wire
bond strength; resistance to temperature harnesses.
during processing and in the operation of
the end product; resistance to moisture,
which can create "voids" or defects in
the bond; insulation resistance; and the
flexible lifetime of printed circuit. A
new type of laminating adhesive has
made its appearance in commercial Fig2. flexible circuit
3.1 FLEXIBLE PRINTED CIRCUIT layer. An adhesive may be used to
couple the top and bottom laminate
1) Flex Circuits layers together such that each of the
2) Flexible Printed Circuit Boards plurality of cells is isolated from each
3) Flexible PCBs as a connective device, other. This arrangement may allow the
the primary benefits of flexible circuits battery to be shaped to fit a form factor
compared to traditional cabling and rigid of the electronic device. This
boards include: arrangement also may allow one or more
4) Reduced wiring errors of the cells to be selectively removed
5) Elimination of mechanical connectors from the plurality, which may be
6) Unparalleled design flexibility desirable from a manufacturing
7) Higher circuit density perspective.
8) More robust operating temperature A lot of battery components arranged
range side by side in a very small space, and
9) Stronger signal quality we connect them with tightly packed,
10) Improved reliability and impedance long wavy lines. These wires provide the
control flexibility. When we stretch the battery,
11) Size and weight reduction the wavy interconnecting lines unfurl.
And we can stretch the device a great
4. FLEXIBLE BATTERY deal and still have a working battery.
This stretchable battery can be charged
wirelessly, which means the device can
be implanted in any kind of innovative
consumer electronic or even inside the
human body.