Unit 3 - Curriculum Integration in PE & Health: Pretest
Unit 3 - Curriculum Integration in PE & Health: Pretest
Unit 3 - Curriculum Integration in PE & Health: Pretest
Learning Outcomes
In this unit, the basic concept on program development will be presented to guide
you in developing physical and health related programs.
Belly Gud for Health. this program was implemented by the National Center for
Disease Prevention and Control, Degenerative Disease Office in partnership with the
National Center for Health Promotion. This program was intended to promote and
protect the health of the DOH personnel and address overnutrition such as overweight
and obesity. Some of the activities includes hataw exercise,jogging/walking, ala stress,
and free use of gym facilities (Department of Health, n.d.).
Developing a program involving physical activity can be risky at times and safety
should be a primary concern that must be considered before anything else.
All individuals who intend to pursue more vigorous physical activity should secure
clearance from a doctor. Before engagement to any physical activity, participant
should undergo pre-participation evaluation which the Physical Activity
– Questionnaire 1 may be used.
Participants with medical conditions and at risk, and exercise in which exercise or
physical activity is contraindicated, should have secure clearance from the doctor
to ensure their safety which is a primary concern though they are not precluded
from participating.
If certified healthy, physical activity should progress slowly starting at slow and
within the comfortable effort level, and according to capacity. Overexertion is
highly discouraged.
Physical activity should be stop at any point if participant is experiencing any of
the following: nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness and chest pains
If participant manifest physical or verbal expression of severe fatigue, cramps
start, and joint and muscle pains, consider stopping or reducing the intensity of
the activity.
Keeping a Daily Physical Activity Record is encouraged to monitor and track
progress of participant.
Stopping at any point of the activity should be allowed as requested by the
It is encouraged to advice the participant to drink ¼ L or a cup of fluid such as
water, juices, and sports drinks for ensuring proper hydration.
Appropriate and proper attire and footwear during the activities is encouraged for
injury prevention and thermal stress management.
Provide ample time to allow recovery after the physical activity.
The guidelines and the physical activity prescription presented will guide you in
developing any programs involving physical activity to ensure safety of participants or
students and appropriateness of the activity.
1. Conduct Needs Assessment. In this step, the program planner will describe the
target audience, identify problem, planning process, and needs to address the
problem. An assessment tool is needed in this step which could be worksheets,
questionnaire, or any means in collecting the data. The needs assessment
provides the information prioritize goals. It determines the following: (1) the
existing needs in a particular setting; (2) the target group who would services; (3)
Not intended for publication. For classroom use only.
relevant programs exist; (4) changes occurs with the existing program; and (5)
adequacy of the resources. There are ways to conduct the needs assessment,
some of which are the following (National Minority AIDS Council, n.d.):
If you opted to conduct needs assessment through surveys, then you will be
needing a questionnaire to guide you in the gathering of data.
2. Develop Mission, Goals, and Objectives. The program planner sets the targets
or goals that reflects the potential solution to solve the problems identified in the
assessment. It is important that a realistic goal that describe how the program
affect the target group will be established. The product of this steps includes your
written mission statement, goals, and objectives.
3. Identify funding sources. In this step, the program planner needs to coordinate
with the finance personnel and determine the funds needed for the program. It
would be helpful to anticipate the financial constraints to enhance the feasibility
of the program.
4. Assign leadership tasks. The program planner, in coordination with other
stakeholders to identify prospective individuals who can lead each step of the
planning. This step would not be necessary if you are working alone.
5. Design Program. The program planner and others involved in the planning will
establish the details of the program which include and not limited to the
collaborators if necessary, staffing needs, cost, and the evaluation process.
Budgeting is an important thing to consider in this step to address different
expenses in implementing the program.
6. Implement program. In this step, the program implementor may need to
conduct campaign through different media such as TV, radio, or social media,
develop partnership, recruit volunteers if needed, and implement the activities.
7. Evaluate Program. The program implementor identify the appropriate evaluation
process, to validate and verify documents signifying the quality and effectiveness
of the program.
There are programs that can be implemented in a particular setting, and there are
those that can be taught inside the classroom like any programs that are related to the
Curriculum integration involves learning that are structured around issues that
are important to the learners and teachers. Furthermore, it can be categorized into four
aspects such as integration of experience, integration of knowledge, social integration,
and integration as a curriculum design (Beane, 2005 as cited in Wall & Leckie, 2017).
Schumacher (1995) have identified five levels of curriculum integration which are
the following:
Models of Integration
Immersed. This model allow integration within the students’ effort. Example,
students who are interested in a particular subject would do extra work and immerse
themselves with various aspects of the subject matter.
To sum it up, Fogarty (1991, as cited in Morris, 2003) come up with an analogy of
the different models comparing them to visual equipment which states
“The connected model of the integrated curriculum is the view through an opera
glass, providing a close-up of the details, subtleties, and interconnections within
each subject area. . . . The nested model views the curriculum through three-
dimensional glasses, targeting multiple dimensions of a lesson The sequenced
model views the curriculum through eyeglasses: the lenses are separate but
connected by a common frame. . . . The shared model views the curriculum
through binoculars, bringing two distinct disciplines together into a single focused
image The webbed model views the curriculum through a telescope, capturing
an entire constellation of disciplines at once The threaded model views the
curriculum through a big magnifying glass: the ‘big ideas’ are enlarged
throughout all content with a metacurricular approach. . . . The integrated model
views the curriculum through a kaleidoscope: interdisciplinary topics are
rearranged around overlapping concepts and emergent patterns and designs. . . .
The immersed model views the curriculum through a microscope. It filters all
content through the lens of interest and expertise. . . . The networked model
views the curriculum through a prism, creating multiple dimensions and directions
of focus” (p. 166).
Curriculum can be integrated in school curriculum which would take some time or
in a daily basis inside the classroom. In a school context, Jacobs (1991, as cited in
Morris, 2003) developed four-phases in integrating the curriculum which can be
accomplished in three years.
1. Research phase. This phase would take six months to one year wherein an
internal research will be conducted to determine issues and concerns.
Moreover, external research can also be done through benchmarking,
attending conferences, and other in-service activities.
2. Proposal development. This would take two to four months wherein existing
units and interdisciplinary units as evaluated and upgraded by integrating
various subjects. The proposal would undergo review by school authorities or
experts in the field.
3. Pilot Program Implementation. This phase last for about two to six weeks,
wherein the proposal was implemented. At this point, different processes will
be observed such as: assessing, monitoring, evaluation and feedbacking on
pilot program at hand involving people engage in the program.
4. Adoption of the program. On the third year of planning, the program will be
adopted considering the feedback and evaluation from the pilot phase.
For more readings on “Program Design & Development Resources” please click
this link https://www.unitedwaygt.org/document.doc?id=538
Now that you had learned about the basic concepts of Health and Wellness,
do the succeeding learning activities. If you have questions regarding the activity,
you may visit our google class with this code: . If you had poor connectivity,
you are given another week to accomplish the tasks.
Thank you for completing the task. If you have not completed the task, or you
have difficulty in accomplishing the activity, please send me a message to our
google class or you may ask clarification through a text message or phone calls on
the contact number reflected in your course guide.
You may now proceed to the next activity.
Thank you for completing the task. If you have not completed the task, or you have difficulty
in accomplishing the activity, please send me a message to our google class or you may ask
clarification through a text message or phone calls on the contact number reflected in your
course guide.
You are now ready for the next activity.
Proposed Activity 1
Congratulations! You did a great job! You may now take the assessment. If you have not
completed the task, or you have difficulty in accomplishing the activity, please send me a
message to our google class, or you may ask clarifications through a text message or phone calls
on the contact number included in your course guide.