Account Chapter 10 PDF
Account Chapter 10 PDF
Account Chapter 10 PDF
Business transacti ons are numerou s and it becomes difficult to record all the
transac~ions in one book of primary entry, i.e., Journal Book. For example, in a
business, many transactio ns may relate to receipts and payments of cash, sale of
goods and their purchase . It is convenie nt to maintain a separate book for each type
of transacti ons-one to record cash transactio ns, another to record credit purchase of
goods and yet another to record credit sale of goods. Book of this type is called a book
of original entry or primary entry- , it is a special form of Journal, a sub-division
of it. Journal entry is not passed for the transacti ons recorded in such books. They are
directly posted in the ledger accounts.
These books of original or primary entry are also called Special Purpose Books or
Special Journals or S~bsidia ry Books.
~----~--~-~-~- -~~~
di:scU:,:")cd in the next Chapter.
Ca::-h Book is a book of primary entry in which cash and bank transactions are recorded
ma chronological order. i.e., in the order they are entered. Receipts are recorded on
the debit side of Cash Book while payments are recorded on the credit side. Ca,h
tran!',actions are recorded in the cash column and bank transactions are recorded in
the bank column. It is balanced by deducting total payments from total receipt;; to
know cash in hand and balance at bank.
5 It performs the function of both ,Journal and the Lecl ger a t th e same tune.
and • Pri I So ok
sh Books
Kinds oc Types of Ca
C1, hu 111 ... , ·tt cm , on h
C , Book: F I (J lf ll l' )
~ (C ,.
nu tr .: ·•,.1,:ti m~
cf or Discount
d. ana w",._"'e .'lf...1n t"f D $-.--Ou lt Reee,w
.s:.:- ... "'! :\!:.:- \e
1rtied through Jc um
ti Propor.
s c S".:'"''.JU 0
cneq"'e' '1 e re.:x.
· .t I't ·II.' C a,• / B w
· 1~(1 m ,u• n t ,,m
,- .~tmw s
. ... . Bt'\{_"Ik-. nr:11s $-.1n1t:
• n t t h e m ai n Cas."'
h B oo k
pl e C ash B oo k or Single Column Cas t lw lc•ft-hn ntl
(1} Si m
on e C' ('lm nn t'l l l",h.'h stdl'. t )n
~ e an ac-cotmr. w ith p:1~ nh .'n t~ ,H 't' n•1..
.::: p e C _.::'h &- ,:k !, ..."~ d on rh e rig hr-h :1 1H i st dt '
·e re co rd ed nn
·e re.'€::-'s --: ~~ 'l a~ Cr.
V. Nv. L F.
. N.:- - .
5 I d e
A e c e p ' s
s d e
-- 2020
April 2 By Balance dd 30,000
April 31 To Balance b'd 30,000
\ikas withdraws~ 5.000 for his personal use on 4th April, 2020.
Ca!.h 1s paid by the firm, it will record it in the Payments side (i.e., Credit side)
of the CaHh Book as follows:
t) t 2,000 is paid to the printer for printing Bill Book, Letter Heads, etc., on 5th
April, 2020.
Cash is paid by the firm, it will record it in the Payments side (i.e., Credit side)
of the Cash Book as follows:
DIii Partiaiars ~ Date Particulars L.F. t
5 To Balance tid 55,000 April 5 By Printing and
Stationery Ale 2000
April 5 By Balance <id 53,000
55,000 55,000
L1k~wise each cash transaction is recorded in the Cash Book on the date
it l tran acted. Cash Book from 1st April, 2020 to 5th April, 2020 will be
follow :
I Te. ... No
·-·- ,,,,. '' .,
,,,,. Ir
Ap(I By d
April 8 To Balance lid 53,000
Illustration 1.
Prepare Single Column Cu,.~h H,,ok Im t h 1• mtJJ J , J, ~r ~
tran1-mctionH of Amituhh of <!h1•111w1
April 1 Cuh In Hand
April 2 CuhSales
April 3 Deposited cuh In Bank
Aprll 3 Issued cheque to a Creditor t 49 900 atwr Cl
April 4 Wages paid In cash
April 4 Cash Sales
April 7 Depostted cash ,n Bank
April 9 Paid cash to transporter again t lhe r B N
April 20 Paid cash for Repairs
April 21 Purchased goods on credit from U& Co
Aprll 28 Paid cash to Sunil, a cred,ror, attar d ,d
April 29 Paid electricity bdl m cash
A rll 30 Cash collected from Mahe h (Debfr,r) l .4 ,
r is b
,: ;: :rr,aae on 3rd April, 2020 to a credito YCheque. Hence, It is not recorded in Single Column
~ r,ook-
April 202 .
of goods from U & Co. on 21st • 0 IS a cred"it purchase. Hence, it is not recorded in
r;WJII coiumn Cash Bo ok.
deducting c h .
.....a 8 creditor is paid ~ 9,500 after rn as dis~oun~ of t 500. Cash Discount
Received will
rna l entry. The Jou
~:.nrded through Jou aI entry will be:
IJ8 'UV" { {
2020 45,000
April 30 By Cash Ale
. the ered.1t s1.d e of
d ed m
en ts are rec or
Posti ng of Pa ym en ts or Cr ed it Si de : Pa ym
let e the pro ce ss of du al asp ect the y are posted to the de bit
t~e Cash Book an d to comp t
by en ter ing 'To Ca sh Ale'. Fo r example, the en try for pa ym en
illde in the ledger accounts
Particulars 'J.F:- t Date Pamcutars J.t-.
' .,_
ti 29 To Cash Ne 9,000
•t us take Cash Book with imaginary amounts and observe their posting in ledger
In the Books of Amrit
~te Particulars L.F. t Date Particulars L.F. -tCr.
l20 2020
arch 1 To Balance bid 15,000 March 8 By Purchases Ale ~3,200
arch 20 To Commission March 28 By Commission Paid Ale ;550
Received Ale :650 March 28 By Samuel ;7,150
March 31 By Salary Ale -.1,000
March 31 By Electricity Expenses Ne ;60()
March 31 By Balance c/d 3,150
15,650 15,650
4)ril 1 To Balance bid 3,150
I~~dger Accounts
Particulars J.F. r Date Particulars J.F. ~
,farch 8 To Cash Ale 3,200 :
~arch 28 To Cash Ale 550
020 I
tar 28 To Cash Ale ,I 7,150 -
arch 31 To Cash Ale 1,000 :
arch 3 To CashA/c 600 -
I- March 20 By Cash Ale
Date Partlculara J.F
Date Paf1iCt81 ma,
April 30 To Cash Ale 6,000 t
(2) Two-Column or Double Column Cash Book (Cash Book with Cash and Bank Colun._. l
Two-Column CaHh Book or Double Column Cash B,,<Jk is a Ca ';h B<Jok which has
co\umnH for amount on each 8 ide; c,no c;olumn tc, recc,r<l caHh transadfons and the other
column to rPcorcl bank tranHactionH. Uepoi.;it of ch<;qW;H <,r cash, if,SU6 ,Ji' cheques a
wit.hdrnwal of cm,h from hank, elc., are recorded in bank c,,Iumn ,Jf the Cash &xJk. Th
Two-Column Cash Book reprrn-;enLH two account,:;, i.e., Cash Account and BankAeunin
Bank /wcounl iH an Asset Account ar,; per Modern ApprCJach (Persrmal Acc<JUnt as per
'l'raditional J\pproach) and while recording transactiCJns in the bank column of tht
Cal-\h Book, the rule of Debil and Credit applicable to Asset Account, i.e., 'Increase in
assets i.s debited and decrease credited (or the rule applicable to Personal Account, i.e.
'Debi.I the receiver and Credit the giver') is followed.
Thus, for cnsh deposited into the bank-bank balance incr~ases or bank is th~
receiver and therefore is debited in the bank column of the Cash Book. Since cash E
dl'posited inlo bank, i.e., cash decreases or cash goes out, cash column is credited in the
Cash Book. Similarly, for cash withdrawn or cheque issued-bank balance decreases and
bank would he the giver, therefore, it is credited in the hank column of the Cash Book.
Cash discount may be received when payment is made by cheque/cash and similarly
it may be allowed when payment is received. Cash discount allowed or received is
recorded by passing Journal entry as follows:
For DisCOU,nl Allowed:
Discount Allowed Ale ...Dr.
To Mehul (Say)
For Discount Received:
Raima (Say) ... Dr.
To Discount Received Ale
In c~se, cheque is dishonoured discount allowed or received is also written back by
passmg Journal entry in the Journal Proper as follows:
For Reversal of Discount Allowed:
Mehul (Say) ...Dr.
To Discount Allowed Ale
For R<!versal of Discount Received:
Discount Received Ale ... Dr.
To Raima (Say)
The ruling of Two-Column Cash Book•1s as follows:
Date Particulars LF cash(~) Bank ({) Date Particulars L.F. Cash~ Bankf
Receipts S Id e
Payments S i de
not given, is acc oun ted as cash transac
1. Transactions in whi ch par ty name is as
Sold these transactions are acc oun ted
For example: Goods Purchased or Goods
h B~ok.
cash tra~sactions and are recorded in Cas
., goods purchased from Rahul or goo ds
2. Transact10ns in which part y name is given (e.g k.
sactions and are not recorded in Cash Boo
sold to Parul) are accounted as credit tran sed
., goo ds pur cha
3 · ~ransactions in which both par ty name and Cash are given (e.g
to Anita) are cash transactions.
m cash from Pawan or goods sold in cash
2020 2020
April 1 To Balance bid 50,000 April 5 By Purchases Ale
8,000 April 15 By Furniture Ale
April 8 To Sales Ale 6,000
April 30 By Rent Ale
April 25 To Commission 38,000
. Received Ale 1,000 April 30 By Balance cld
' 59,000
Dr. {
{ Date Particulars J.F.
Particulars J.F.
5 To Cash Ale 10,000
Dr. {
{ Date Particulars J.F.
Date Particulars J.F.
April 8 By Cash Ale 8,000
April 25 By Cash Ale 1,000
SP"" PIJfP"58 eooks :-cash Book _1
10 1
--- °
Mar. 31 T Cheques In Hand Ale ... 10,000
I• • ; ; ..
(iii) Payments are written on the payments side, i.e., cash payments in the
column and payments by cheques or drafts in the bank column.
In effect, if by a transaction the bank balance increases, the bank column is de
and if the hank balance decreases, the bank column is credited.
(iii) Contra Entry: Contra entries are the entries which affect both cash and hank, i.
hnlnm•p of one will decrease and the other will increase due to such tr~nsactio~
Such transactions are recorded on both sides of the Cash Book, once m ~he cash
column and once in the bank column. Let us take an example to understand it hetf:er
(a) Cash deposited in Bank t 20,000: In this ~ransacti?n, Bank _Account~
~o be debited and Cash Account is to be .credited. Debit aspect_ is recorded
1n the receipts or debit side of the D_ouble Column Cash B~ok _m the Batik
Column and credit aspect is recorded m the payments or credit side ofDoub}e
Column Cash Book in the Cash Column.
(b) Cash withdrawn from Bank for Office Use t 10,000: In this transactio
Cash Account is to be debited and Bank Account is credited. Debit asp~
is recorded in the receipts or debit side of the Double Column Cash Book
in the Cash Column and credit aspect is recorded in the payments or credit
side of the Double Column Cash Book in the Bank Column.
Contr~ ;nt~ies a~e not posted in the Ledger Account and are marked with the
letter C written in the L.F. column to indicate that these are contra transact·
and are not posted in the Ledger Account. ions
(v) Cheque deposited
. in bank, if returned dishonoured, i ·e·, is not po~d
cu. ,
reduces the
ba 1ance 1n bank. The uncollected amount is recorded in the payment di
side of the Cash Book in the bank column with name of the part h ~ or cdre t
ch · th t· 1 Y w o issue the
eque 1n e par 1cu ars column. In other words when a cheque 1s · ·
ac t dd . . ' received from
us omer an epos1ted in the bank is returned dishonoured th C t '
. Account is debited and the Bank Account is credited. ' e us omer s
(vi) If chequ_e issued by the firm is not paid on presentation . . .
column m the receipts or debit side of the Cash Bo k . ' it is recorded rn the bank
whom the cheque was issued. o with the name of the party to
(vii) A cheque received may be given to another .
The receipt and endorsement of h ?arty, i.e., endorsed to another party.
b h . c eque is recorded th h
ecause c eque is not deposited in the Bank roug a Journal entry
t 25,00? received from Tarun is end . Account. For example, cheque for
entry will be as follows: orsed in favour of Charnesh, the Journal
To Tarun ... Dr. ~ 25 ,000
th e
in ,Journ al Prope r. Ent! 1)iAcou nt Receiv ed is writte n hack by passin
g an entry
Illust ratio n 3. ry or amou nt of chequ e is record ed in the Cash Book.
Prepa re rrwo-column Cash BOl.)k from th f 11 . .
2020 e o owing transa ctions :
March 1 Cash in
Hand ~ 15,000; Cash at Bank~
March 3 Purchased goods for cash'{ 501000
6 ,ooo.
March 5 Deposited in bank~ 5,000.
March 8 Cash sales~ 10,000 .
March 10 Cash
withdre w from bank for office use ~ 2,000.
March 12
Received cash from Damini ~ 3,000, allowed her discount of '{ 1oo agains
t dues.
March 15
Received cheque from Nimrat ~ 2,000 and allowed her discou nt'{ 75 agains
t dues.
March 18
Received a post dated cheque (dated: 23rd March, 2020) from Deepak
for'{ 5,000.
March 23 Chequ e received
from Deepak deposited in the bank.
March 24 Issued cheque of 2,500 z
to Chander, he allowed discou nt'{ 125.
March 27 Withdr ew from bank for personal use
1,500. z
March 28 Sold goods to Ashok Mitra 40,000. z
March 30 Purcha sed goods from Chander z 50,000.
March 31 Receiv ed cheque from Ashok Mitra z 2,000 and deposited in the bank.
Solut ion:
Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank Date Particulars L.F. Cash Bank
'{ '{ '{ '{
2020 2020
Mar. 1 To Balance bid 15,000 50,000 Mar. 3 By Purchases Ale 6,000 ...
Mar. 5 To Cash Ne C ... 5,000 Mar. 5 By Bank Ale C 5,000 ...
Mar. 8 To Sales Ne 10,000 ... Mar. 10 By Cash Ale C ... 2,000
Mar. 10 To Bank Ne C 2,000 ... Mar. 24 By Chander ... 2,500
Mar. 12 To Damini 3,000 ... Mar. 27 By Drawings Ale ... 1,500
Mar. 15 To Nimrat ... 2,000 Mar. 31 By Balance c/d 19,000 58,000
Mar. 23 To Cheques in HandA/c ... 5,000
Mar. 31 To Ashok Mitra ... 2,000
30,000 64,000 .30,000 64,000
Apr. 1 To Balance bid 19,000 58,000
. . h 28 and March 30 are credit transactions. Hence, are not recorded ·in Cash Boo k.
1. Transactions of Marc
2. Cheque received from Deepak on 1Bth March, 2020 is dated 23rd March, 2020. Entry on receiving the cheque on 18th March,
2020 will be recorded in Journal Proper.
1 .\ lu s tr a ti o n 4. S ta ti o n e ry H o u se , D e lh i (Pro .
a sh a n d b a n k tr a n sa c ti o n s o f G u p ta . Prietot
"Fron1. th e fo llow ing c o n th o f A p r1 l:
D o u b le C o lu m n C a sh B o o k fo r th e m
P ra m o d ), p re p a re
, Cash in Hand
Cash at Bank
Amar and paid by cheq
3 Purchased goods from
,000 less trade discount
April 9 Cash purchases of ~ 16
April 10 Purchased postage stam
April 12 Cash sales deposited in
Drew cash for personal
April 14
a de btor, ca sh ~ 6,000 and cheque ~ 10,000
April 15 Received from Naresh,
in bank
t of his accoun t of ~ 17,000, both deposited
in settlemen 16,000
A pr il 15 Withdrew from bank
A pr il 16 Paid wages
P ai d Rent
A pr il 19 P ai d ad va nc e to Pa
wan by cheque
ods 16,000
A p ri l 23 d a ch eq ue from Subhash against sale of go
R ec ei ve scou nt~ 720
d ~ 10 ,000 by a cheque, he allow~d cash di
A pr il 25 6,000 an
P ai d to A m ar cash f 12,000
deposited into bank
A pr il 26 Manish, a customer, 2,000
A pr il 30 B an k charges 10,000
30 dr ew from ba nk for paying income tax
A pr il W ith
~Igel• ~ rpo Book I -Ca h Book 10.15
In th, Book■ of Gupta Stationery Hou■e
LF Ca h Bank Date Particular F Cah Bank
Il lu st ra ti on 6.
Cash Book w .ithCas hat nd B an Co11 u mns from following infort:'ation:
Pr ep ar e Double Column
2019 ,
Pr ep ar e C as h Book with
B an k Colu m n of Bh arti, Lu
ckn,ow from th e followin
2020 g tr an sa ct ions:
April 1 Cash in Hand
Cash at Bank (Overdraft) ~
April 3 Deposited in Bank
April 4 Goods purchased against cheque
80 ,000
April 7 cash Purchases
April 8 Paid commission by cheque
April 9 Withdrew frorn bank for personal use 12,00o
2 5()0
,n/\.t:B Books /-Cash Book
s,,,d"pu,,,-- 10.19
12 IReceNtd from Ved
.,. Half of the amount was deposited into bank on the same day -
lntereSt collected by Bank 14,000
_,,. 20 Cash Sales 42.,000
l,plil 22 Salaries paid 40,000
APfi 22 Goods sold to Sona & Co., Kolkata 36,000
/4)ril 23 Received cheque dated 3rd May, 2020 from Sona & Co. after discount of, 800 35,200
In the Books of Bharti, Lucknow
L.F. Cash Bank Date Cash ! Bank
Particulars Particulars L.F.
r r t \ t
2,20,000 ... April 1 By Balance bid .... 60,000
Apnl 1 To Balance bid
To Cash Afc C ... 80,000 April 3 By BankAfc C 80,0001
i ...
Apnl 3
6,000 ... April 4 By Purchases Ale 34,000
Apnl 12 To Ved
Apnl 12 , To Cash Afc C ... 3,000 April 7 By Purchases Ale 1~~000\ ...
April 16 To Interest Afc ... 14,000 April 8 By Commission Ale ... 12,000
Apnl 20 To Sales Ale 42,000 ... April 9 By Drawings Ale
I 2.500
April 27 To Balance dd ... 11,500 April 12 By BankA/c C ~:~\ ...
(Bank Overdraft) April 22 By Salaries Ale 40,000\ ...
April 30 By Balance d d 1,29,000i ...
2,68,000 1,08,500 2,68,000i 1,08,500
2020 2020
May 1 To Balance bid 1,29,000 ... May 1 By Balance bid ... 11,500
Note: Transaction for credit sale of goods on 22nd April, 2020 will not be recorded in Cash Book.
Entry for cheque received on 23rd April, 2020 and Discount Allowed will be recorded by passing a Journal entry because
it is a post-dated cheque and is not deposited on the same day. The Journal entry will be as follows:
Date Particulars L.F. Dr.~) Cr.~
April 23 ... Dr. 35,200
Cheques in Hand Ale
Discount Allowed Ale ...Dr. 800
To Sona & Co. 36,000
(Being the discount allowed to Sona & Co. against the payment
received by cheque)
1o.l0 Double Entry Bo ok K
ee pi ng -C B S E XI
m u st ra ti on 8.
Pr ep ar e T uo -c ol um n
C as h Book of T ar un
fron1 th e following tr
2020 an sa ct io ns :
Apri 1 Cash n Hand~ , .200: Overd
raft at bank~ 15,000.
3 Capital introduced ~ 20
,000 out of which ~ 16,00
Apri 4 0 is by cheque and is de
Purchased goods from Sh posited in the bank.
yam Traders, Lucknow to
r~ 3,000 and they allow
was paid by cheque. ed trade discount'{ 20
0. The amount
Aprtl 4 Goods purchased tor ca
sh~ 4,000.
Apo\ 5 Sold goods to Mohan on
credit~ 5,000.
Apli 6 Received cheque from Ra
kesh ~ 2,450 after allow
Apn 1O
ing him discount~ 50.
Cheque received from Ra
kesh deposited in bank.
Apnl 11 Settled the account otTej
Printers of~ 750 by payin
Apnl 12 Cash received from Moha g cash'{ 680.
n~ 4,750 in settlement ot
Apnl 16 Received~ 1,000 from Pa his account of ~ 5,000.
ram, whose account ot ~
Apnl 17 2,000 was written off as
Received from Muri, on be bad debts earlier.
half ot Manohar ~ 200.
19 Received a cheque tor~
800 from Mukesh, which
Apn1 20 was endorsed to Nitin.
Sold old furniture tor~ 70
0, payment received in ca
Apn\ 25 Withdrawn from bank~ sh.
April 25 Drew from bank for perso
nal expenses~ 1,000 an
Apnl 28 d for income tax~ 500.
San1iv who owed~ 400
became bankrupt and pa
April 28 id 60 paise in a rupee.
Received repayment ot a
loan advanced to Ram~
April 30 Interest debited by bank 3,000 and deposited ou
~ 375. t of it~ 2,500 into the ba
April 30 Deposited with bank the
balance after retaining~
2,000 at office.
S ol u ti on :
Dr. In the Books of Tarun
Date Particulars OK
L.F. Cash Bank Cr.
Date Particulars
20 20
~ ~ u=. Cash Bank
Ap 1To Balance bid 2020 ~ r
Ap 3 To Capital Ale April 1 By Balance bid
4,000 16,000 April 15,000
Ap 10 To Cheques in Hand Ale 4 By Purchases Ale
Ap 2,450 April 4 By Purchases Ale 2,800
12 To Mohan
4,750 April 11 By Tei Printe 4,000
Apn 16 To Bad Debts rs
April 25 By Cash Ale 680
Recovered Ale
1.000 April 25 By Drawings C 3,000
April 17 To Manohar Ale
200 1,500
Apnl 20 To Fum·ture Ale (r 1,000 + r 500)
700 April 28 By Bank Ale
April 25 To BankA/e C 3,000 C
April 30 By Interest Ale 2,500
Apnl 28 To Sanjiv 240 April 30 By Bank Ale
April 28 To Loan (Ram) Ale (Note 3)
3,000 April 30 By Balance C 8,910
Apnl 28 To Cash Ale c/d
C 2,500 2,000
April 30 To Cash Ale C 8,910
(Note 3)
18,090 29,860
ay 1 To Balance /:id 2,000 7,185
10.22 Double Entry B o o k ~
Illus trati on 9.
From the following partic ulars , prepa re a Cash Book with suita ble colum
March 1 Cash in Hand...................................................................................................
. ... ... .......................
Bank balance with State Bank of India (SBI) ............................................................... • •
Overdraft with Punjab National Bank (PNB) ................................................................. ····
March 3 Cash sales............................................................................................................
............- ••
March 5 Paid salary to staff by cheque on SBI ............................................................
..................·-··· ·
March 8 Cheque received from Anil deposited with PNB ................................................
.................. -
March 1O Cash deposited into SBI ....................................................................................
..................._. ·
March 12 Amount transferred from SBI to PNB by cheque ................................................
..................·--· --·
March 15 Cash withdrew from SBI .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ....... .. ....... .. .. .... .... .. ... ..... .. ....... ..... ............
.................... ···
·_ I '
g of Petty cas h
al~ pay me nts is rec ord ed on the cre dit
~~. _..;,-er ro Hw l'l't ty (\1s h1l 'r for ~m
e of the
\ce oun t nnd is pos ted to the deb it sid
.... \b/1...\/.~ Book -1.s ·ByLedl"t'~l'ltty". C:1sh ~
! ...... t'.. . , -.-.._1unt in •h2
\ ~ .l :-1.\.. \.
.. :: t\-
' I 1lh1)
I ln.11b ol I xp1111no:1
=1....-..=-l= = = = = L . . -- ~
~ Ort'\\'"'' f't'tt, (',lsh "'""'''"" """''ll'''" ""''''ll"I .• ,.. ,,.,, .... ,,111111111,, ,11,11111111 1u1111u111,1 uuu11111,
I ...., , " ' "
~) ~ P,l li f('r ~'l\$t,l~1l'' " ' " " ' I I . " ' ' " ' ' ' n .... , •• , .... II 11111 . . . . . . , ,
, 1111 .. ' 11111 I ii 111'' I ' ' . . . I,,' 1111 I•,. II' •• ' . , ••
,,,.,,,,,. ' " ' ' ' ' " ' .,, .. ,.,, 300
A+' ~ f.'\tr'-i tt'lt'~'hl,llt' t,ill "'" .......,......... ,... 11 . . . . , 11 . . " . ,. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
........... , ........... , ,, ...... ,, .. ,.,,, ,.,,.
,,,, . , 400
. 140
~ S P.,id for (\U1.l\1l' ""'" """ .............. ,.... ,..... "" "' ..... ,.. ,.. ,............... ,..... ,........ ,.,... , .,."" ................ ,,..........
Ar 8 P~1~i to, post.19t' .............................................................................................................................. .. 200
1::. P.lld !or sundrit'S ...... ,................................................................................................................
.. 300
Ap 2~ P.~,d tor st.1tionery ..........................................................................................................................
lf tl1t' imprt'8( :rnllm nt is~ fi,000, show whn I. n 111ou 11 t. l.lw l'dl.y C:u-d1 i1:r wo11 Id be entitled
ft) dr:1,, in tlw lwginning- of' t.hc' IH'xl. mont.11
5,000 April 1 To Bank Ale
By Postage Ale
April 5
By Telephone Expenses Ale
April 8
By Cartage Ale
April 9
By Postage Ale
April 12 By Sundry Expenses Ale
April 27 By Stationery Ale
April 30 By Balance c/d
nd side tota l pay men ts column sam e amo unt is also reco rde d in the
on the r.ight ha
of a ~ar ticu lar period, ana lysi s (ex pen ses)
app rop riat e exp ens e column. At the endb· · ·
Colum n are add ed and pos ted t 0 th e d e 1t side of the resp ecti ve accounts.
given below:
Specimen of Ana lyti cal Pet ty Cas h Book is
Voucher Particulars Stationery Postage Sundries
Receipts Date Total Conveyance Cartage
No. Payments and
{ ~ ~
f { {
an Ana lyti cal Pet ty Cas h Boo k, pet ty exp enses are classified into app rop riat e hea ds
ens es. Eac h hea d of exp ens e can be con veniently tran sfer red to app rop riat e
of exp
Pet ty Cas h Book becomes easy.
account hea d in the ledg er. Thu s, pos ting from
Balancing the Petty Cash Book
Cas h Boo k is bal anc ed at the end of the mo nth or a specified period. The
for pay me nts and exp ens es are tota lled and the tota l equ als the tota l in the
colu mns
me nts Col umn '. The rea fter , the Pet ty Cas h Book is balanced. The met hod of
'Total Pay
as tha t of a Simple Cas h Book.
balancing the Pet ty Cas h Book is the sam e
al Petty Cash Book
Difference between Sim ple and Analytic
Analytical Petty Cash Book
Simple Petty Cash Book
is not The analysis columns a·e used for each com
1. Separate record of each kind of petty expenses occurring item of expenses sucn as stationery,
maintained. and travelling. etc.
r space
n. The pages are not di11 ided down the centre, majo
2. II is written in the same manner as Cash Book is writte is provided for expense side having separate colum
ns for
The pages are divided down the centre.
expenses incurred regularly
ent At the end of the period, expenses under different
3. At the end of the period, total expenses under differ can be determined easily.
heads cannot be determined easily.
(.) 0
t '{
'{ ~ r t t
mooo Jan. To. Cash Ale
50 50
Jan. 2 By Conveyance Ale
250 250
2 By Cartage Ale 500
By PostageWc
500 600
Jan. 3 3
4 By WagesA/c
Jan. 4 5 By Stationery Ale
200 200
6 By Conveyance Ale
7 By Repairs Ale 1,500
Jan. 5
By Conveyance Ale .:. ~ 100 100
By Cartage Ale 400 400
By Postage Ne 700 700
Jan. 6 10
Jan. 6 11 By~ Conveyance Ale 300 300
Note: Expenses occurring occasionally are entered in the sundries column and
thereafter in the correct account. On 7th January, the Petty Cashier
gets~ 5,500 so that Petty Cash Book balance is'{ 10,000 again.
Special Purpose Books 1
-Cas h Book
Posting the Petty Cash B
Entri es in the Petty C h
speci fied perio d · as Book are post d · of the
' i.e., rnont h or qua t e in the ledger accounts at the end . d
a mem oran d urn bo0 k • T he petty r er as th e case Is. Petty Cash Book is cons1dere as
to ledger accounts.
A Pett~ Cash Acco unt is rnain tai exp~nses are not directly posted
\Vhe n Petty Cash is adv ned In the ledger.
di 'd f anced to the ttY cashie .
ere t SI e o Cash Book as "B p pe r, the Chief Cashier records it on the
period (say a week,
a fortn ight or a mont h) fort : etty Cash Ale". At the end of specified
indiv idual petty expe n;es de tot~tm _expenses paid a Journal entry is passed by debiting
an credi g t O p etty Cash Account. All the accounts relati·ng
to petty expe nses are ma· t . .
th is made on the debit
side of these accou nts b m ~~ed ,m e ledger individually. Posting
Y wntm g To Petty Cash Ale" in the Particulars Column.
(a Wh en amou nt is adv d
ance ta the Petty Cashier:
Petty Cash Ale ... Dr.
To Cash Ale
(b) On subm issio n of Petty Cash Account by the Petty da,shikr:
Expe nses Ale ... Dr. ~
To Petty Cash Ale
durin g the
(Eac h expe nse is debit ed separ ately with the expenditure incur red
perio d as show n by the Petty Cash Book.)
ate Ledg er
Thus , in the Ledg er, there is a Petty Cash Account as well as separ
Acco unt for each expen se. ,
be as follows:
_In Illus tratio n 12, the Journ al entry and the·relev ant accounts will
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. m Cr.~
.. .Dr. 650
2020 Conveyance Ale 950
... Dr.
Jan.6 Cartage Ale ... Dr. 400
Stationery Ale ... Dr. 1,200
Postage Ale ... Dr. 1,500
Repairs Ale ... Dr. 200
Telephone Expenses Ale ... Dr. 600
Wages Ale 5,500
To Petty Cas_h A/fcth Petty Cash Book for the week ended 6th January)
(Being the analysis o e .
. will be passe d as follows:
. d) £ cash given to the Petty Cash ier z
J ourn al entry (1f requ ire or D 10 000
Petty Cash Ale ... r. '
Z 10,00 0
To Cash Ale
In the Books of ...
Dr. Particulars J.F.
Date Particulars
2020 650
Jan. 6 To Pettv Cash Ale
J.F. f Date Particulars
J.F. ~ Date Particulars J.F.