Practice Paper 5

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Time A/loll'cd: J I lo urs]

General Jnstmctions: !Maximum Marks: 80

(i) Th is q11estio11 paper compri , .

Jes 11 (Juesr1om All ..
(ii) The questio11 paper comains THREE s .· · quesr,ons are compulso,y.
Section - A: Reading Skills ect1011s -
Section - /J: Grammar and Ce . . ••
· . . r ll//i e 1¥nt1ng Skills
Sl'ct1011 - C. L11erar11re Texrbook ~
(iii) A11empr q11e.\tio11.1· based 0 11 .1peciifi . , .
IC 111.11r11c11011s for eacl, Part.


I. Read the following text
( I0 )
I. Floods a~c: not new to lntlia and thi!\ :.ubcontinent. but in recent years the problem of nooding
h,1, rccc ,v~d ~uch greater attention. perhaps J;irgely because it has led to greater damag;
~ow than it d id Ln the past. Even though information on the impending occurrence of noods
~ ~ now more "'.ccuratc and ccnainly more timely, often there is very little time or support
111 fra~tructu rc in p lace hy which damage can bt: minimised. This is particularly true in the
c.1~c of lla~h lloods resulting from sudden and excessive heavy rain.
In I he ca~c of In<lia. Flooding is very much related to the seasonal m1lure of our rainfall.
T hc nHHlM)tlO, a1 c ~prcad owr a short period during the year and often bring a concentrated
volumi.: C1f rain. \\hich cannot be ahsorbi.:d by the earth and finds an only in tJ1c forrn
of strcanv, 111:i t join up ,,ith our major river systems. Flooding due to heavy rain is confined
no t nnlv w 1111:: main rivers of th..: country, but also affects smaller tributaries and streams.
Once tl;c~c Mrcams spill over their banks they could cause excessive ham1, mainly because
Lhosc living near the banks of these streams, particularly in mountain areas, do not have easy
rccou r~e to moving ,I\\ ay quickly.
· f ti co•ild J..:ad to a higher severity of flooding in the future is the danger
3. 0 nc ma1or acwr ,a I , . • f - I
. " ' I ·1 th , .,,1·d•·nce of the nature of impacts. resultmg rom c11ma1c c rnng.e
n f cI1m·11i.: c1nnge "' 11 c 1.: c v • •
~ •.. • . '. . · u noodine at the regional level, is not en11rely clear, 11 could happen that
on pn.:cipit.1tH1 n ·111 • - , ff . ti ffects of a significantly changed paucrn of
I I . ,· I . . I witnesses and liU ers ,e e •
t 1c nuian :.u 1ctrntini;n · . t d ti · the monsoons cou ld be shorter in duration
. 0 . , O f scientists bas esuma e ld1 . . • .
mon~oons. ne ~d • d b greater precipitation would take place 111 a much
h ut rar more tnte . nsi,c. •,,. in olher wor .
s, muc . .
. tbe ·danger of 0oods. Climate change 1s the result
. d f tuJ • .1e thereby mcreasing . . .
shorter pcno o • • d O Jcentration of greenhouse gases 111 the atmosphere.
of human actions thro ugh 1h e mcrease c '.
. . ··de i~ the most prommenl.
of\\ h1ch carbo n dioxi • . .. led the d·mger of noods th rough the cuttin~
. . ct ions have 11e1g11 l e1 ' . . . ~
4. At the loca l li;vcl also hurn,ill a . . the pluins. fn cm,.:: of lncha. the ..:cologu.:al da nrngi:
. l . a~ well as in . 1· I . I
uf tr..:cs in the mounta 11 ~ ' · • • • has led to lnrg..:-scah:: cn,s1on o t 1c muuntam s opes
· ·f th , Himalay,.,s . · I . b d . I I.
thro ugh de foresiall~Jn o_ c; ~ lead 10 the deposit ion of ~111 on 11c nvcr c ~ 111 L1c p ams
and hioh levels of siltauoo. TheSc he volume in the nver reaches a certam level. Wuh
. e- .,, __... ,,f w::i1er whenever t r-7
vu lnera bility
ing oc cu rs ev en at ve ry , hallow wate r levels. Th e
~ih .111 011 on the rh ah ed,.
caU Sl' of po pu lat io n pr es.-.ures. A~ example ill
_c;ed :,uhs tan tia ll) h.: banks of th e n ve r Yamuna
of tht- pu pulation hn , incrc; of ,lu m dw ell er: - on the
hclpl e~s se ttling ckle mo!-t o f thc ye ar . hu
r:.t, its
the ~rubhorn amJ perhap , ing . W ha t is a me re tri
s of Oood
in De lhi, who be co me vic 11m ent years.
g the mO nJ, 00 0S . as ha ~ hecn the case in rec tha t
banks du rin
ng the da ma ge fro m flo ods. It is for thi s rc as on
tical to mi nimisi as ting ~tntio ns. which co
ve r the
5. Flood forecasting is cri t up a ne tw ork of fo rec
ion ha1- sc fore casts
th<! Ce ntral Wate r Co mm ~ ers m th e co un try . Th ese i,tatio m; pr od uc e
int en,1111e riv take
mo~t important Oood-prone to mo bil ize va rio us of fic ial agencies ~o that th ey
public and where
that arc use d to alert the . \\h l·n cv er re qu ire d. Howe ver. c.•vcn in cac;cs
re lief meas ur e!> move
bo th preventive ,..., "di as ac cu rat e. pe op le ha ve often bee n re luc tant to
and ge nera lly tio ns for moving ,l\\ ay fro
forecasts have been tim ely me an s an d ph ys ica l op
s they lack the ficult
away. be cau se in most case fe. L o the ca se of na sh floods. forecas ts arc dif
is relatively sa
a danger zo ne to one that ort.
. an d of ten th e tim e av ailahle for re lief is very :.h
w make ow .
low ing qu es tio ns . ba sed on t.he passlll,!t ub ile uf timely
An5"er th e fol
t. lis t t\\ O rca $< tnS wh y th e write r ,1ys that in :-p
(a ) Base d on yo ur rea
ding. uf the tex ( Paragraph SJ
ffe red .
fo rccaMing peop le have su oc cu r ev en at ve ry shallow wate
r levels to o?
or sa~• tha t flood ing ca n
(b) Why docs the auth (Paragraph 4)
the :.ame .
Mentio n two reaso ns fo r r du ra tio n of mo n'-OO n se.c,on is m or e harm
ta:, t, c,u m n1c that n i.h on e
(c ) Why du some :-cicn IParagraph JJ
than a ~rolcm~cd one•> :il io mi nimisi ng th e
drimagc from Ooods.
,;11 11g ,, cn 11c
(ti ) Th e write r cla1m
i, that Oood forcca .
I Pa
ragraph 5)
e rea so n for the cla im .
State on fal"-e 2J
given ,;1mcme n1 is true or IParagraph ,,.,.
(e) Say wh eth er the · ,w • r ,l,e ro
f1ood · m r,,g,0111 mu re
ltam, w pco'Plc b,·cm · 0'J 1115"
u tht • mo 1111 ta i11o
. s III Stf'l!a11 III
rt·,,,i t
of flo od , ha , he cn co n,1dc rc d m ore im rno re ce n Ily hc ca usc
(/) l he pr oh lc m
IPara~raph 11
·································· . un in the p a,1
(i) n d :, ha,c led to much greu ter damage llU\\ lh .
.. oo ;uion.
ult ing in mc rca Sc :d rc loc
(11) Ooodi. arc res .
(1:i) nuud :, OCt'u r onl) du
ri ng th e mo n~ n ..e ~n
d I •
(11•) of problems of fre
qu ent to m adoci. 'tn • eye ones m the subcontin n .
e t
( i: ) ·H 1111. w 11 acrio,u Jio,·e caused w, mu ch
don ention
,o~ r a.s dm u1 1e ch ange.. '>a}'\ lhc au th or. M
l\\ (l po int i. to jus
tify the ,ta temen t. fParagraph 41
tio n r h .
(/, ) Fill in thc hlank wi th lhc co rrect op rom t O!>c given.
. . d'
In th e ph ra e of flo od 1·. . th e 0rd 'im pend ing · re fe rs 10
se impe11 111g occurrenc "'
••••·•••• •••u •••• ••••...,••0
-•• • •
. f
IParagraph 11
taJ.:e place fa r of f
(i ) Something th at \\ill • m u1urc
(ii) tu re:
iii) ~ happ~ning boun
d to occu r in the ne fu ar
ph on ed r,o r •a Iong tun •
( So th at has been • e
(' ) So pla nn ed and is rea dy ~ . .
g tha t is
,., • me thm
. or imple me nt ation .
2. Read the following lex ( 10 )
ca u ·d , . .
I. Redu ction in green urc ai. ha :- ~
:,c 'ar1o ui, cnv1, ron. m en tal prob lems. Pe op le sq
ue ezed
he , arc loo kin g fo r v· . .
rwet:n concrete structu re:. . an ous wayi. to me e t Ih Ctr longi,w fo r grccn.
One of the wuys I0 0 :,o, IS ve n, cal gurdcru, .,u 11d grcc n wal11, V, •
rd cn in " is a unique:
· n . . · cr t,c al "'
me thod .of ga rd enmg where planL, are grow.." ,· •1 vc n, cal p · · on o r upwaru , ra th er than in
O ltlt1
the rrad t'iona I me thod of phtnting th em oa th e ground.
r a

2. The purpo,c of , cn,l·al gu rdc n, 1111d l,!rl'<•n w,111,. whid urise, fwm 1hc s1udie~ or diffcrcn1
dii.ciplim.·-' ( la.111.facnpc 11n: hi1cc1, . 11rdtitect, , c ngincc1', 1cic.). ,s cln'-C 1he cold image or
concrete a nd 111crca~c the ,i..,ual , aluc. In thc-c ")"Stem~. nature and 10
strncturc-' urc intcgrn1ctl,
.111d th u .... u1han area, and the desired environment have beco me intcnwinc
.l Vc nical gan.lcn case Mudies often show lhat, though funt·1ionality should be in lhc forcgruu •
whe n vert ical gardens arc pla nned. they are gene rally made a-' aesthetic cleme nts In '.he 11d
city's undc
functiona rpas<,cs and city square-'. and decora1h c elements in rc~idences . wi1hout seckmg

-l Experts suppnrt that t he visual 11uality and evaluatio n of Ja nd~cape nrchitcctu re b determine d
· 1,.,,d o" 1ho " "·' f "" '"· " of •he ""'" · " " " · • soNoy qoe,uo"" · · "••,.. preparedh for
respo ..
nse~· f va ried age groups from of a mc11opoli1an city. The given Table I. displays t csc

Table I • Total numbtr or partid pants : 400

No. Sun·ey s 1a1emen1s Stningly
agree Agree Neutral Disagree
Vertical garden!>• disagree

I improve qualJt} uf life of people in

urha n area~ 191 138 43 I) JI)

2 rcuucc mme r>ollution

128 164 77 25 6
J incn.:t1'C ai r 4 uulit~ -induof\ and
172 1-17 51 28 2
o u1dooro;

➔ reduce cncr~ ,1nJ \\:lier con,ump- 58 -17 125 68 2


5 pmlll\cly impact i;lobal \\,1rm mg 11-1 l+I JU<, JU 6

(i . a nu calming
ha, e a re 1ll\lng • cflcc1 161 177 -1-1 7 II
7 co,1 iuo much '\6 107 151 42 13
8 mal-.c plantJ- loul-. beauuful 195 139 +I 6 16
I) utld na1uraJ nc,, 10 the c m irun., 135 173 55 25 12
10 a re among the tlctcm11nmg factor 59 IJ3 1-l I 5-l 13
lt1 ''"ting a place

II arc inco menicnt indoors 9 8-1 123 126 48

12 can he apphcd 111 c, e f\• place 71 132 97 77 23

J:i ha, ca fu nctional fea ture: 81 207 IIXI IU 2

1-1 34 101 106 131 28
dis1rnc t driver.. ·7 72
100 IJU -l I
15 d ,1 r, he~t u, c·d for sod.ii i$SUCS :> he potcnua• I to transform urban , pace -
fun • c 1 gardening has I • . the impact
I h . tud\ ,\\ h:·t.1g•cJ that ,cn,ca . research of , c rtlc,
md fun hc:r . i-ho uld t.:xp1o re
5. c • - hi , ·1rea!-. ' ·II hc1ng. ,;
into !!rt:c n.1 i,u,inma . c • l'lll and human ,,c.: . • ' t/re ,·,·rttwl i:1mlt'11 " flt> ,rn11tms
gu rdcnmg
. >n the env1ronm 10/Y CtH t'· s11u/1 -Im ew~111111~ l -15 1 "PP'°'11·
· ll'Ords
Adapwl for urntf '11IIC 1111/~t' • -
< r--"")
Titrl. t'Y
An~"l1rr thl' follo11in,:: qu es tions. based on the 11
(a) llow can we ~ay thal 1he i.ituation of peoplessa11c abov e. . hi
li\ring in concrete !>tructur c~ •~ co;; ~ara e ;i•h
li~h in a fi~hl~owl ?
(i) The y live in small apartments like sma rngr ap 11
ll fi~hbowb.
(ii) They can·• brea the fresh air because
of the absence of gardens.
(iii) They arc 1rapped in an unsuitab le env
ironment. .
(i1·) They have the fluidity of movement
because of their cars.
(h) Sclec1 the option that 1s • true ,or
, t11c assertion • ,111 , u rc•is, on give n belo•w. [Refer Tablet
- •
Assertion: l he setting up of vc rtaca · l gnrdens 111 · pu tJ I'1c PJ·•1ces might Jack up roau acc1•dcnis
.1ccording to the survey.
Rea son: The drivers miglu get distracted _ . .
by the beauty and the tra_nsl·ornm tion of a pubhc
(i) Both the assertion and rca,,on an: :>Pace.
true, and th.: reas on 1s the correct cxplanat1on
the assertion. or
(ii) Both the assertion and reason arc true
. but the reason is not the correct explanation
of the a,;.~ertion.
(iii) The asse rtion is true. but the reasun
is false.
(fr) The a,,e rtion ii. false. but the reason
is true.
(<") Identify 1hc word 1h11t mean, ·me.1/11:d'
a., u~cd by th.: author. IParagnph 21
/11 1!,est' Jy.wems. 1111111re n11d ,wmc111res are i111cgm1Pd. n11d
1/111s. 11rbt111 m·el ls 1111d the ch•sired
e1wil'()11111e111 /um! become i111errwi11ed.
(d) Based on the survey resul ts. which two
concerns ~houlc.l a city government. looking to
vertical gardens address? install
(e) Which of the fol lowi rPan igraph 3]
ng i, the main taJ..ea\,a y from the ~tully men tion
(i) Vertical g,trdcning has minimul i111pac1
ed in the pas.-;age?
on th .: em ironm..:111 or human well -being.
(ii) Vertical gardening i., a ,u.,1.1inahlc pmc
ticl' tha1 can 1mmfom1 urba n !.p11cc~ into gree n
(iii) The impact of vertical gnrll1m111g <rn arc,L~.
the cm i1onm..:111
and human well -being has already
hccn thoroughly explored.
(11') The ~•udy nee d, 10 include e,pcru,
from lmrt1 cuhural ltrm , 10 offe r a ny recommenda
for further research. tions
(/) Based on your undcr-tanding of the state !Paragraph SJ
ment. prO\ ide u , alid JUSllficat ion.
T/,e p11rpuse of lull'i11;: l'emcal i:11rde11S a11d gre<
'II 1mllt n a f<"llllt <>/ co11c1•rr,•d efforrs hv
of prof i•uio11af., rmd c-on.111/tam ,. ll range
(}:) Complete the follo,1ing , emencc ,u11ahly ( Panigraph 21
U1/Jo 11 .1paa .1 hf11 'c b,•1·n1111• mon· dmc fr cr111
m•ctNI "'"" tltt• rlt•11r<·tl 11011m1/ j lllTOt11uli11gs
1hr m,·orpom11011 of ........ ....... . ... ....... . 1hro11glt
(h) Curnplete the f'o llowlng ,1atcmcn1 ,,iu1 I Paru grap h 11
a suitable reason:
As 11u111_,. ~s 23(;; _mul -11 ~ of
aho w hm'/1/g 1·er11cal gard em tn pub lic
re~portd('llts tv the qw:s1icm11aire expr~se
d resen•ations
!ipace1, beca use of ..... .... ..... .... ...
·· ·· ·:··. ... ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... and
(i) In l ablc I. ~•atcment 3. - J't-mm / gard IRerer Table]
ens mcreas<• nir qua lirl' - indoor. and owd
the mo•;i nc111r~I rc~pe1nscs from participants. with 1 oon , ·• received
51 rc,pc,ndent<. indicating a neu~ral srance.
State any one 111f orcnce that can he drnwn frnm 1his.
I Rerer TableI


(20 MARKS) I
J. Compll'l e ANY TEN nf hie Ive of !he follo (10)
~in,: tasks, us di rect ed. (Ix IO= IO)
(a) Fill in the hlank hy cltoo,ing 1hc correct
opti on 111 compli:tc an onlin..: update:
The conch1v..: sche duled by th.: ·Daily l lcra kl'
(1) took out 100 much time .
(ii) tul,k up
(iii) took afte r
(fr) took down
(b) Read 1hc co nversat ion b
_ etwccn a .
Compleh.: lhe sente nce b policeman an·' . d .
)' repo · u a river
Policeman : Do you ning the reply co ·
need an h rrcc1ly
Drh'l'r Yes I a y clp l o re.ich vo .
. ' m no1 sure wh· · ur des1lna1ion?
The policeman asked the 1 . ich direction 10 lak ·
. I h d . l nvcr whc1h e.
w h1c 1 I e rwcr replied er he need d •
·············· e any help lo . h I . . .
(r) Select the corrcc1 opt· ···················· . · rc,,c us dcsun:w on 10
. ton Lo fill in the bl
Tourists warned I hat the , ank for the given line Cr • •
·i I Id
(I s IOU > ................ om a travel magazine.
····•• ....._ •.••• be fined if lhe tc • . .
···) ·ii (ii' may Y ase ,inun,11.s.
(Ill WI ,,

(d) Sclec1 the op1ion that idcnt"fi (iv) might

I ies the c rror and su .
Al the end o f lhe :stree1 stand lhe Lal les1 b ·1d· pphe.s the.correction for the following line:
UI mg in the
Option No. Error
(ii) stand
L--- stands
tallest taller
(11') in
,__ --
(t·) Complete the gJ\
en narr.i1ivc h) fillm" in ihc bl·
0 11

.. an~,. w11· 11 111c com:cl opuon-

1 was ucliuhtcd \\hen I · · .
"' ····- ·- ························· my Junior school teacher.
(,) rnn awa) (ii) ran into
(tii) 111n down (11•) ran in
(/) Fill in 1hc blank P)' u,ing 1ha1 correct fo rm or tbl! word given in the brnckeL
The fil m ,, ilh 11, c:1:c111ng -.oundlr11Ck and c.lassir.:al music .................................. (appeal) to the
general 11udic111:e,.
v:) Report 1hc drr,loguc het\\cCn the ga1ekccper and the ,isi1or by completing the sentence:
(;u1r kl'epc r : \\ horn do )UU ""nt to mcc1?
Vbilur : I \\JIii 10 ,ct the :trt and c111(t CAhibition.
I11 n::,J)(>n\C 111 the: quc,til1n about "'horn the visitor wanted 10 meet. thi.: visitor replied
(/,) ltkn11fy the error 111 the !U\t:n :,emcnc,e nnd ~upply the correction:
rhc icnchci J1.1d run aflcr the ho) 1t1 c:itch him before he fo ll into lhe ditch.
U:-c 1hc ~ii en fo1mu1 for )Our response

f- E:.ror Cornction I
. • h S· nt aboul ber school trip.
{i) Radhika sba~d some inforrnauon \\ 11 a
Rcpon Sant'!> question. ..
Wh,H did vuu karn from Lhe museum V1S1t? •
• • the correct opuoo.
(/) Fill in 1hc hl,mk b} c 1ioosing . s·nce maoy years.
. in the \1 11age I . ..
My famtl) .................................. (ii) has been laving
ti) have been lh,ing. (i••l was living
(iii ) ~ tiling
Sample Papers G
we cn S hya m anu
t (lpt inn Ill com plc tc the rrnrrnt ion of the uia lo,g uc hct
(.l.} Select the rnr rcc
Shivam . l~ tes t film? .
Shy11111 : I-lave you see n this acto r's JOh. .
. J hav e. T he acto r ha.~ done a ma rve ll ous th
Shh •nm : Yes
the y beg an ta lkin ?. Sh ya m asked Sh iva m wh e cr he h:1d
a nd
Shy11m me t his frie nd Shivam
vam affirmed and sr11d
see n the actor"s latest film. Shi
marve llou s job .
(i) tl1at the act or has done a
ma rve llo us job .
(ii) that the act or had don e a
ng a m.irve llo us job .
(iii) tha t the acto r has bee n tini
do ne a marvellous job.
(ii•) that the ;1ctor coul d h11vc
cor rec t opt ion : her wh en she rea che s hom e.
(/) Fill in the bla nk with the f I . · · ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..
·s someth'mg won er u w,11 11ng .....
The re 1
(ii) abo ut
(i) o r
(fr) ins ide
(iii) for


nt pur pos e.
in the que stio ns are ima gin ary a nd cre a ted for assess me
No te: All deta ils presented ipu r, yo u believ e that
ni of 21 4. Jnd ray an i Ap art me nts. Vai shali Street. Da
4. (A) As Vaishali Na tha ser vat ion
nd a ppo inti ng Eco -m ind ers in you r city can aid in the pre
form ing Eco logy clubs a
and conservation of nature. gcsti ng the need 10
the ML .A of you r city are a, in abo ut 120 wo rds . ~ug
Write a lett er 10 olve me nt of
re th eir imp ort anc e and imp lications. Re com me nd the inv
fonn suc h clu bs. Sha re and pro tec t the
ers for imp lem ent atio n of cco -cl ub act ivi ties tha t nu rtu (S)
res ide nt volu nte
local ecosystem.
Or daily
g at Gr een View Ap anm enL ~. Pu ac. T he rising prices of
(8 ) You arc Pre eti/Pramod
residin it difficu lt to
ed the pro ble m~ of the com mo n ma n \\ ho b fin din g
com modities have add 10
ion al duily in abo ut 120 wo
ncc ds. Wr ite a lett er 10 the edi tor o r a nat
me e,t his dai ly anu req ues ting the con cer ned
g the pro blem~ you arc fac ing becaus e of this inOation
tter .
aut horitie s 10 look int o the ma in the upc om ing
X. ~ con tcs_ ting for the _J>OM of the Jun ior Sch ool Ca pta in.
5. (A) ne ring, of cl ~ the public
Giv en bd ow 1s her cha rac ter tra its· gra phi c. sha re d iu
stu de~ t council elc cuo ns. m:s~ of ~tu dcn t vm ers . al sch
oo l. (SJ
ool cou nse llo r. for the uw are
domarn. by the sch

Works hard ps his Focuses on

to achleve
the ir dlfficul excellent
goa ts aca demic 0 OUICOm e
All·Tscrin!fs pe er . h·a,. .
ua·Ill~- . w support ter : be en k
i;o; ec11ng ,o mc
o{ Ilh c ca
11"idath1as·u cd
. 1o wrlie·
A, \ on e oaf pa
heragrne~ I . .
- •urc. supp r pe -
o rt your analr -,iP,.••·
' mwn
1 11 or <.
""mg th e~
• .!,raph. ·o y

A~ . e Ca pt ain of th
1Ul pr o,1h,d school' . c
. a to ur -ocrg
cd b\" Or
A lN/2 0 . .an,izing s veuh"ur
d al Club• yo u have been
'"· '·"k' d "' "" "' ,h, S"'" '''
Jabalpur an ur atlonal 1, "" ~
d Ra
•• TAo•, Tr.,,d & ,; ,; .., . oh , our for the ~ nior SchN,u,.,, "'"' '" " "
<mg b) "" ' oo~S••••
Y' nd esh""
ccommotl:11io n on q ua d
~haring. b .
• nc ~taff co m pr
0 ,m en . as,
• Bo ttl ed mineral wa tary fo r .:,·en.• 10~.
ter th ro ugho ·, 1-h students.
• Da nce Party .,, ,
O n - No ,em bc r. ut " tour.
•• InPrsu ran
· · ce policy of ~ ,- 0·000
0\,-;ton of To ur ~fana ge r s - pee be ad
. assis1
. ance · lo all pIaces.

Oa ~ Estim
ofd Sight-seem&
Es timated time of

~t •• g••~- •• -'- -'" Time spent
- -- - : ~ ~ = ~~am·•;~•I+.,.__,. . . . .
departu~ fn>m at th•
- - :,.;o,. :!O!.• , -J<
·I(, h n11 • ,ig pu r Junc1
I a :-: ,,, pm Re porting tll 1hc
11m) I 5:_.
· r, JO min - 1 - -- ½ho-_
1cl _ _
__:__ _- - 1
!:.\ --:o,. IO:OO t,m Bha,,. a11al Ga I hr .
!ll !.• 'l:llll am (h ol d)
♦ - - .- -
II :40 am 8hcdagha1
I hr.
Dhuandhar Falh

I:! JU pm (folh)
l :~I pm Lunch (nearby I hr.
re~taunlO t)
-- -- ,- --- -- - - ---
!JK l pm (re <.t au rnn l) '" a,u e 11 --- - - _ l
OC1= ab e
2:1_,; pm .,. _..._, R
car 1our
• c I I hr. 30 mins
3 J5 pm l \1 ai bk Ro el.,) I I lu. 30 mins
J :-15 pm Rani Ourga,'ati
:,.t w.eum
-\ - 7:1~1pm- ;;; :-- 10 1h
t,· 1'\ pm I m u~ um l c hole\
t 7 hr-..
Ranh a Tiger
" 311 arn ( hu1d l· I -n 1.n,,. IJ:'.'O :,m
:!4 ;',\)\ :!IL?J R~ ~ c _ ..

J hr'- Oil' C _ l- -
Bad 10 1hc hotel

!.~ ="( \\. ::o:J

J .JO pm ( f 1g.:r Re-.c ~

- :54 .un (Jabalpur Ra1\wa)

,1a1ion)· 8 h~ - 45 min
c) I
9:lX> pm

4: !1 pm t-:.igpur Rai\,,.ay
J unction

- - - - '° .. ..,,.. ,,, """ .,.,-1. •hik ,.,..,.

" " " ' " ,hi,, ... .,, .. ,
in «« s. and ph>>ica< .e ll , ., ,., "" d< nb.. .,,~ '
n" ' Wri« ,biS ,.,1,,ial p, r•
S" pb ;, - • I:>D , o«I>, by
,.. .,_,, ,.
fe ar ur ~ th al su pp at t ~o
ur analysb.
1 th
i \NY ONE of the two, given. (SJ
6. Read the ~iven extracts and answer e queSl10ns or '. / po•£' 0,r tht! rwdre tim• old ,,,,,..1 .
. .· , ,. IV/ I IS I ,e
(A) TI,c q11cslio11 he med 10 answer \\'US jtlllp e. ia
P"" , l
. ,, ·•,-v I

0 11 a monarch pupa? 'd

· ital " Ebright .rm ·
"Evcryo111• assumed the .rpot:s ll'l!f'C JIISI omamet , ,.
"B111 Dr Urq11/u111 did11 '1 lidieve ir.., .. d - fi~t /,{It/ ,a huild a de11ice th
To fi11d rhe answer. Ebrig/11 and a11~tht!r e.rcel/11nt ,'\'c1e11ce sfl;t
11 11
r/rowed. 1/rat the spots 1,·er1• prod11c111g " honno e r,ecessaf}
fi .
buuerfly :r /111/ developm1·1~'.
. I ~ .
' · (lfld entn• mlo I1IC 111rema11ona ,JCll!IICC
This projecr wo11 Ebright first place in the cotmf)' ,mr -· I kd .
·d I r. -oolom., He also gor a c 1011ce to wor un11g
a11d £11i111'eri11g Fair. Thl!re J,e wo11 tI"' pace,, r.
,,.,. . ..r R I
rhe summer ar the entomology laboratory of 1111! rn,ltcr Reeil Anny(~,suu:~ckoi ~ca~c '·. .
7 m O ' lll!J OJ fl 5CtellltSt)

(a) Slate any one inference abou1 Dr Urquhart from 1hc given ~onte:-. :
£1•eT)'0lll' as.mmed the spots were just omamt'11tal... Ebright soul.
"8111 Dr Urquhart didtr 't beliwe it. ff

(b) State TRUE or FALSE.

The following term cannot be applied 10 the question • Whal i~ lhe purpose of the
1welvc tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa? _
It is an ac;sumption - something that is taken for granted or assumed 10 be true w11hou1
(c) Ebrigbt's approach t0wards finding 1he purpose of 1he goh.l ~-pots on a monarch pupa
was highly effective. Elabor,Hc, with reference w 1he extract.
(d) Which phrase would correctly subs1i1ute ':.t chance' , in the given sen tence from tlie
He also got a ('[,a11ce ro work during the s1m1111u at the i:ntomology labomtorr of the 111,ltfr
Reed Anny lnstiflltt• of Researrh.
(Bl LOMOV: It 's c:old... I'm rrembli11g llll 01•er. J11.r1 as ,f Iii gm 011 r.wmirwtion befon: me. 77w
great thing i.r. I 11111st hm:i: my mind made up. If I giw 111)\W:/f time 10 think. to ltesilllu:. m talk
a lot, to look for 011 ideal, o r for real IOl'I', rh<!II f 'l/ 11c1•c:r g,·t married. Brr. ..Jr's cold! Natalya
Srepa110111w is 1111 l!Xedle11t housekeeper. 1101 batl-lookm,r;, wrll-e,l11cafli{l What more do I wam?
8111 I'm gcuing " noise i11 my em,· from r.rci11•111c,11. (Dnnks J And it 's impossible for me not
to many. In rhe first place, /'111 fllr1!lld)' 35- a crilical n1,<e, .1·0 10 sp1wk. In the second plac·c. I
011ght 10 i<·ad a quiet and regular life. I s11ffi·r from palpi11uiom , I'm exrirable and always ge1ti11g
awfully upset; at this l't'T)' momelll my lrp.v are 11w11bli11g. a11d there's a 1witch i11 my niJ,hr t!.)'t:/)l'ow.
(The Proposal)
(a) Which of 1he following is NOT u reason why Lomo" thinks he musl marry'!
(i) He is already 35 years old. (ii) He suffers from palpiw1.ions.
(Iii) He is excitable and easily ups<.:t. (iv) He is in love with Natalya.
(b) Why i, it foir to s,1y that Lomnv·s tont , when he says "\ Vha t more do I w.ant'?". is
unccm1in and questioning?
(c) Read the following descriptions (i)-(iii) and identiify which one correctly corresponds
10 the ex-1n1c1.
(/) /\ debate is a formal discussion on a particuJar topic, usually with two or rnori:
people presenring different viewpoints and argumenL~.
(ii) :' soliloquy is a speech gi\'en by a character alone on stage. which reveals t h.:ir
mnennos1 thoughts and feelings ro 1he audience.
(iii) An asid .
eis ab ·
audience. Which ~•cf comment or
(d) If an acto r Were ts no1 intended remark made b
modulat ing h. . ~O enact this • lo be heard bv 0 tly a character di rectly to l hc
IS voice·> cx1 rac1 wh , 1cr charnct crs 0
. . a1 would he he re . d n stage.
7. Read the given extracts focus on. wh ile
. and answer the quire to
(A) 8111 if it liad I
. 0 />t!nsl, twice quesuons for
I thmk I know eno I · ANY ONE or the ttt- •
o, given. (5)
To sm· that fi d ug., of hare
. o r csrtuc11.011 ice
I f a lSO 1.,'Tl!OI .

And wo uld suffice.

(") Fill the bl..1nk ,. I
W "II'
hen the speake r sa • h ·
one word (Fire 0 11d Ice)

to ·············•• .................}'S I .at ice co uld also brin'

(b) What d0c, lhc s k... as the means for dcst g (~bout lhc end of the world • he refers
. pea ·c r·s ali , • ruction.
(c) \Vh,ch llf the foll . gnmem Wit h those w
b . ,? owing bc~1 dcsc .b . the speaker"s ho fuvour ice. suggest"•
y 1cc. n cs 811 1
(i) Indi fferent ludc lowurds destruc tion caused

(ii i ) Dis missive (ii) Fearful

(d) Cu rn mcnt on the ,-~~
nru •t' (ii•) Respectful
~ use of langu , .
uge m these lines.
(BJ 17,e fog comes Or
u11 liule car feet.

/1 jits
Ol'e r harbou r city

u11 silrm lwunclu·l

1111d 1lte11 1110,·c.1 011.
. 1h15 (Fog)
(fl ) In wha t way dues lhc langu•1•c used 111 tional ideas o f what
poCII) ~hould be·! •g poem challe nge tradi

(h) Whal is the signilicn ncc f 1 the poem

an d ho:, due~ th i., " d ol t _tc. use o~the WOl'd "lillle·• 10 describe the fog in
1 1
or c 0 cc contrib ute IO lhe ovcrnll mood and tone of the poem?

(c) ~ o m~lc1c the scn1c111:c with the appropriate option.
f hc li nes from the poe m tell us thnt the city is .................................. .
c,) hill) (ii) coasrnl
(111) indu,tn aJ (i11) under-d eveloped
(d) Iden tify the type of imagery ~cd in the line~ of the poem.
(4 X3 =U)
II. Anli\\cr A1'"\' FOUH or the follo"i ng five questions. in about .ffl-50 1t-onls.
a nt role in rhc
(a) J ustify the op111ion that thc traditio nal bake r and his bread play a signific
cultura l and M>Cial fabric ,1f Goan society. (Glimpses of /11din -l: A Baker from Goa)
(b) I low doc, Lc~hc Norri!. ~c ,,,vid imagery and mctnph orical language in
A Tiger iJ, rite Zoo.
Ill e ffect h cly depic t the confi nerncnl anJ oppression. experie nced by the captive
reflects the sadness
(r) E.xplai n ho,, the descrip tion of Lhc devasta tion caused by the hailsto rm
within Lcnch o. in A Leu,:r 10 God?
Re fer w the ei,.cn line~. from the text ·
gone from
/1.'ur a l<'t1{ , ••;;,11111.,d on ,he trees. TT,e com was ro1ally destroyed. TTze flo wers were
1/,e plow;. Lcncl,o '.t soul was filled with sadness.
<-: nd Anne Elabora1c. (From 1/ze Diary of A1111e Frank)
(d) Ki llY ,~ a!> a LTUSIC d ,ue 10 .
Lj • O d ~' h. n "
a r.ale
" 0r
Cuswrd the Dragon. challenge the notion Lhar individuals
(e ) r ow doe:- g- en 1, as s i
• ?
~hould confor m ro societa l expeci auoos.
Sample Papers G
9. Answe r ANY TWO of the following th ree question s. in about 40-50 words . (2XJ:::6J
(a) Describe Max a~ a l>\'C ret agent. (7Jw Midn(iJht Vititor)
(/1) \Vhat doc~ the phrase 'honour among thieves· mean'/ Why c.Jocs I lorncc get ''.ngry at this
phrase'! (A Q11estto11 uf Trust )
(c) \Vhat docs the thief say about Lhc different reactions of the people when they
arc robbed?
(77,e 77iiefs Story)
( I X6=6)
10. Answe r ANY ONE of the followini: two question s. in about 100-120 words.
(Al You have been ;1.~kcd to present un ev,1luation of the approaches or the mothers of both.
the baby ~cagull and Amanda, towards helping their children. Write this presentation draft
including your insights. in abou t 120 words, comparing the approac hes of both parents.
You may begin this way:
One acknowledges that both parents. Amanda's mother and the baby seagulrs mother both....
(Reference -Amantla.1 and His Fir..t Flight)
(B) You have been cho~en 10 address a student gathering from the neighbourhood
schools, to
speak on the resilience of human spirit req ui red to transcend discrimination. Prepare the
l,peech draft in not more than 120 word~. with reference to the commonality of themes in
Nelson !Yltmdela: Long l~i,lk to .Freedom """ 71,e Tr,·,·, hy Adrienn e Rich.
You may hcgin 1his wuy:
Good mornirig. everyone-. Tot.lay. l'<l like lo discu,~ 1wo pieces of li1crature Lhat offer a
powerful insight in10 lhe resilience of the human spirit required 10 transcend discrimi nation.
You may end way.
To conclude . r d like 10 ~ay thu t ..•
Thank you
(I X6=6)
11 . Answer ANY ONE of the followin g tw o questionb. in about 100- 120 words .
(AJ 'Educati on is considered the moM importa nt 100 1 for empowering women in society.
It plays
an imponan t role in social and cultural development: Prove the above statements in the
ligh1 of lhc story ·Bholi'.
( fl) Matilda \ ovcr-ambit1ou\nc,, wa, the c.:;1u,c of her lh:,1ruct ion. JuMif"y.
4. (A) 214 Indrayani Apartments
Vaishali Street
29 May 20XX
Amit Kumar
Member of Parliament
3 M P Bungalow

Parliament Stree t
New Delhi
Dear Sir
local ecosystem
Subj ect Formation of Eco Clubs to nurture and protect
As you are aware, Daipur has an environmentall y rich
biodiversity, with seve ral medicinal
ased demand for agricultural
herbs being cultivated here. In recen t years. due to the incre
ced considerably and farme13
crop s, the acreage under medicinal herb cultivation has redu
ring of the wate r table, increased
are plan ting paddy instead. This has resulted in the lowe
use of fertilisers and a severe displacement of medicinal plant
fanning eco clubs in every tehsil
In my belie f. your support behind our humble campaign of
of your constitue ncy and appointing eco-minders 10 educ
ate fa rmers on the long- term benefits
of medi cinal crop cultivation. will bring economic prosp
erity and soil rejuvenati on back to
We look forward to your valuable suggcstioni. aad supp
ort. in this regard.

Yours faithfully
Vaishali Nathani
Volunteer and Eco Club Member
(B) Gree n view Apartments
28 February 20XX
The Editor
The Timcl> of India
Subject : The rii,ing pricci. of duily comm odities
to draw the· attention of the
Through the columns of your cMce mcJ daily, I would like
s of daily commodities. The
autho rilics concerned towa rds the problem of the rising price
gent, milk, vege tables, etc. have
prices of duily items like rice, flour. pulses, tea, sugar , deter
also beco me quite difficult 10
s1'.-yrocketcd. The comm on man faces a 10 1 of problems. It has
pockets beco me almost empty
meet his daily needs. It bas put an extra burde n bis pockets. His
the retailers also contribute a lot
before the month ends. The hoard ers. black marketers and
in e nhancing the prices o f d ' I
stock f h · at Ycommodities Th
. s O sue commodities. The co , . · . ey _create scarcity knowingly by hoarding the
1 5
The lower and the middle eta••.~ pc earmng 15 less in proportion to their e....,,,nditurc
• h ·· .,.,cs arc the . · · • . ..,..- ·
aul o n11es concerned 10 lo k . m,im vict11ns of 11. I would like to request 10 the
. . ·h . o mtu the mauer I111 I k
m sue type o t activities Th . ' ' ta c stern actions aga inst those involved
the cost of da ily needs .. · _c govcrn mem should also t:akc e ffective rn e.isures to minimise
• ' 0 111a1 comm · ·
Thanking you on man could take a sign of relief.

You rs faithfully
S. (A) l.n Support of Her Cnndidature
As a respo miblc student voter, I be . • . .
Captain. hev1.: Tsenng possesses the necessary trails to be a School

I have known Tsering since we b0 1I1 ..

the year she works h d . Jomed the school in the primary section. AU through
d' d . . ar at stud1 es to achieve her goals. When faced with a problem she
1sp1ays goo and tmpartial dee·st. k' . ·
issue. Be ing he) ful b n .' o~-ma ·mg_ s~1Us resulting in an amicable settlement of the
unshake ab le bc ~e f in\heat_u re she is ever willing to help her peers in their difficulties. Her
. _ idea of one for all and all for one, has made her a popular and
a reliable
. companion
· ·for her · ·
Juniors. Her exemplary conduct coupled with her leadcn;hip
sk1lls have
. been prove n· Thus ma ki . ng her a captain
· will
• help the prefecton·al appointees
· ·
comm111ee pe rform. in a·n exe mPla ry manner under her leadership. · For these reasons I believe
she has the po te nti al to be a good School Captain and I support her ca nd.idatu re.
( B) Accepting the Proposal
A thorough ana lysis o f the iti nerary provided by thi.: tour organizing vendor reveals that the
to ur proposal sho uld be accepted. It is well-planned and includes an array of educational
activities for the siudcnts. The inclusion of visit to Bhawartal Garden, Bhedaghat Dhuandhar
Falls, Marble Rocks Cable cru tour, and Rani Durgavati Museum offers an opportunity for
the students to lea rn about nature. history. and art. The tour to Kanha Tiger Reserve adds an
e lement o f adve nture and allows students to connect with wildlife. The provision of bouled
mi neral wate r, insura nce po licy, and tour manager's assistance ensures the safety and well-
being o f the students. Tnclusion of a DJ party adds to the entertainment, enjoyment and
enthusiasm quotient of the tour. The complimentary staff provided for every twenty students
further adds to the security of the students. Therefore. the tour proposaJ for the educational
trip should be approved.
6. (A) (a ) We can in fer th at Dr Urquhart had a i;cienrific out look of enquiry into the occurrence
of a certai n phenomenon. Also, he made his queries public among his students. thereby
arousing in them a scientific tempera ment.
(b) TR V E
(c) Ebright's app roach towards finding the purpose of the spots followed a well•rounded
scientific syste m. He fi rst crea ted the right device for his experiment, whereby he reached
a foolproof co nclusio n 111.11 the spots produced .a hllrmo ne needed for the butterfly'
fu ll developme nt.
(d) Thc ph rase : an oppo rtu nity

(B ) (a ) (ii-) He is in love wi th Nata lya.

Lomov is despera tely wooing his lady love. He tri~s to ~ss~re hi_mself that his wan_ts
(b) will be fulfilled once he can marry Na_talya, but his a~1ei-1c~. ev1dcm:c themselves an

p hysicaJ ways, and !lint a t a sense of diffidence about bts ab1h1y.

ost th
. k' 111 I11·mself and reveal:; his innerm oug~l\
uy hec aus c Lom nv •.• <pe a mg •
(() (ii) ,1Soliloq .
, d , ,cJino, t,cforc his audience. •~ nc," ·" usn cs< and cxc1temc··nt 1hr
,111 ,e ,,. · ., 111 t·1111,·cv I 1>mt1v · o\Jgh
1ld he rcq 111rcu • ·
(r/) The act or w111
his voic,• 11111dul111in11.
. h· ple fillcu ,...
7 (Al (11) hatred . , h0 favour 1cc sugges1sId I .ii peo "lih
· alig nm ent wll h lhn ~~ '' wo r .
(/J) The ~pcakcr"s •· hy a refe re nce to l( •,.C. c·•1n de~· troy 1hc
haired , i-ym hol bcd
. . . I henomeno h
(<') (ii) fea rfu l 3 natur_H P h . .~· c use~ !he
war dly 1he poc l see ms Ill be rek rnn g to ere m ·tire· stan ds
(ti) While out . n dc ~1ruc11on. w for
I O r h um a . · ·
tcm1s ·fire' and 'ice· to he the ~ymho
burning des ires um l •ic~· stand~ for
because ii . is wn11en 111· frct
• • ona1 way Or w n'ting poctrv • .
(B) (11) The poem challenge!>
the trad111 ci.rabhshed poetic form.
.Imes. do not rhyme and there is no
vcrsi.: w Iterc t he fog. suggests that the fog des~en~s
in a very
rd 'litt le· wh en refe rrin g to t11e
(b) The wo presence
and inc ons picuou s way . like " cat doe s. One doe s not eve n realize its
sile nt
e all aro und .
until it has envelo ped the atmospher
(c) (ii) coal>lal a cat. whereby the subtle movemcni
(d) The poem contain s a dua l ima gery of a fog aad
ent of a cat.
of the fog b compared to the movem fabric or
nal bak er pla ys a sig nifi ca nt role in Go an soc iety as he is part of the
8. (a) Th e traditio icipate d in eve ry hou sehold by bot
h adults and
His pro duc t (Dr ead ) is eag erly ant
rural life. m.
his frie ndl y way s wit h his cus tom ers m;ikcs him very end earing to the
childre n and
y of a tige r in a 1 0 0 cag e b con veyed throug h the contras t between
(b) Th e oppress ive imager rorizin g vill age rs to tha t of the cage
win din g thro ugh 1hc gra !>S and ter
a tige r in the wild
, to free dom.
1jgcr with only the sky a~ his windo, to suggest a
rou ndi ngs of bar ren tree ~ and fiel ds without Manding cro ps, seeme d
(c) Th t: sur arked that even
l revela tion of wh at 1, as tran spi ring in Len cho \ mind. when he rem
re than :,,uch com pk tc des tnictio n.
a locust swarm ,, ould have left mo dairy
e tha t An ne ga, c her dia ry. Sin ce Anne was very introverte d the
(d) J<j1 ty was the nam fide he r inn ermost thoughts about
frie nd kin wh ich ~he cou ld con
became a trus ted
, ard s people aro und her.
family, her fee lings and attitud e~ 10, of cowardice,
l exp ect atio m. sug ges t tha t a me ek and mild appearanc e is sugges tive
(e) Societa ed the pirate
Cus tard , wh o was the ta rge t of ridi cul e for bi~ companions. boldly fac
whereas .
eN cro uch ed behind him for safety
and cut him to pieces. wh ile the oth ty.
age nt. Ile was thc riva l of Au< .abl e. He was sle nde r. and appeared crar
9. (a ) Max was a sec ret nl ptipcr pertaining to some mi5
sile s. He
roo m to 'lc al som t: i,np on a
He came to Ausable',
10 Jum p out of his " ind ow.
was outwiu cd by Ausab lc and mnde ciples and
·ho nou r am ong thie ves · me ans tha t eve n the thie ves have some prin
(b) Th e phr ase lings.
at eac h oth er. Th ey tni st oth cr thieves and are honei.t in the ir dea
lhey do nm che mh.e.
ausc the lad} did not kee p her pro
Ho rncl.' gets angry 01 thi~ phrasc bcc
ds of peo ple . Ac cor din g to him . the gre edy me n are sca red of
(c) Th e thie f had robbed all ~in
fate arter heing
bed . Th e rich me n sho wed ang er. The poo r ma n accept ed their
being rob
pli.: rea cte d differe ntly.
robbed . Thus. differe nt kind!> of peo
t bo1 h Am and a's mo the r and the baby seagull's mothe r arc very caring
IO. (A) One acknowledges tha apart. Whik th(
ir offs prin g. but the ir app roa ch towards mo the ring the m is poles
of the iati ve, and
l's mo the r bel iev es in enc our agi ng the baby sea gull to take the init
baby sca gul blindly
her resc ue eve n wh en !>be is sta n ing aad lonely , Am and a's mo the r
does not come 10
rcprim.inds her for every .
.. .
111 a muk e-h chc f wo rld . nHsdcm
cmiour. .rhi, r~u lt .
l",i mm mg wit h nicrm• 'd••~ 1111 c1,Ca · • JlC ruu1c r10111 ' 1n 1\mn
;,round . and conr·a·'c ,11 s. 111c b•abYseag 11er don11nut . ndo· h.ccnmmg · •
" c111ld who hvc~•
ull 1. • ing I •
u ni IY lake~ n· 1, Imosp 1crc an,l thin
tght and Ii · earn. s to help 1' tsc11·. wt111l' 1l1c k~ of
VC( un indc "'•nd parc nls hov er
r l'f
(8 ) Goo d mo rning. Everyone C11I 1 C Of a mat Ure l,C 1·'>1ll.
Today I'd like to di!,Cus~ , .
· · 1
· " 0 pieces or Ii .
rc~1hen ce of the hum an spir it rcnu · ·d
·77,c Tn!cs· h'I, kra turc that offer u powerful in~ight into
• " I c ou twardly. the, ire 10 tr.1n~cnd d', •· • • the
• d 1 •. . · . 1scnr 1111 1u11 on. ln the cJ1sc ul n1c po.:m.
t I1c poe m' ccp -sca tcd intention •recs arc !>eck m,
• 1 .· I: h l escape lo lhc freedom of th,; furc
being. ~up prc sscd a nd he rnadc wh ~ lo dep
. b ict. how wom en 11rc In nee d 11f being
he re fcrs to the ema nci pation of h'o •c Y lhe1r em•1n · . · 5· • ·hea led' from
• Mnn
bon dage of pov c rry, deprivat,·o 1~! co~
• ap. ,11011.. m11lurly, in dclll •s addrc:,.,,
lc not from polhicn l bon dage alone. but that
of tru e free dom . Thu s bot h th n.. suu cnn g and gcnd , d' . . . of the
• er 1scnm 111111 mn, L
O mak e for u reig .
to a holistic exercise. instead ofcse poems arc rooted
.ust h .
:. . to l e cau se of freedom
its nat ura l habitat . J • poh t,cal gams or nurturi11g back a stin bem g likened
cd forest back Lo
To con clu de. r d like to say th·u w . ·
tlunke rs. · ' e strive. ,or
the quality .
of freedom as pointed out by these
1. (A) Edu cati o n is alw
ays a gre at asset in the life of a \\Oman. It
emp ov. erm ent fo r wo me n. It also pluys is one of 1hc m11~1 critical area., of
an importnnt role in social and cull urJ I dev
13ho li at first ug.r ccd to marry an old man elopment.
because her fath er's honour wa~ at ~take.
pl nccd her fami ly's inte rest ovc r her own So. she
. Later ,he refused to marry him because
hnw greed~ and con te mptible he \\ .J~. Ry she saw
d.:manding a hefty dowry, Bishambc r 100k adv
of her bad look s and the des peraten ess anta ge
of her father 10 gel her married. Tha t is
reje cted the mar riag e and s hut the mou why she
th of her detractors who called her sham
thi.:sc \\ Crc po,\ iblc becuuse etlu c-.ition gav eless. All
e her the confide nce needed 10 face Lhe ~itu
holdly. 13holi\ tea che r also pluycd a ,ign ation
ificant role in her life. She gaw her encour
amJ cnura)!e to fac e the clmllcngcs of life. agement

(Ill M• 11 ., · 1dn \ ll\e r-am b11 iou~ m:~~ wa, thc cau,e of her dcs1ruc1io11. Mu
tildt1 wa, an cxtrcm~ly
bea utif ul. girl \\IHl had ve ry high c~pccta · U f
tion~ from her hfc. n ort11na1_e I~'· ~he wa._ · s m·,m ed
, · ,pl . and o rdin ary der l. who could not ' , .h
to a \ c n "" c provide he r all mat ena hsu c luxunes wh~c
' .. · t ·d l·or a ball shc borrowed ~
~ I1c \\ ,tn c • •
necklace from her [ ncn · d d ruined her roa med
lire a~ the nec klac e wa , stol en tha t \Cl) nigh • J . ,e f th
t. ~• 10_arrang monev• for the cost o e
nec klac e. ,he \\U r·.: k d I . rd and ,po ilcd her whulc life.
too hi d h f h ·r friend 1h·11 she had lost the necklace. Her
frientl wou ld h,1\ e told her
She cuuld hm .: :l\()i<lecl it i ~he had ml . I c
• I , • 1 ,J pncc o u~101\\.-C~·I·
t le.: ac u,
. I
~"IS ·,·t
"'- a~ '
not a real diamond nccklaO!
. ·d her life Thus. it con be !>Ind .
that ,he c:ou ld c,L'11) d I.,,ord. 8._. hidin":, .the reahtv, s 1e ruLnc · 'Ida.
that 10
Th' • h· hap
•• , l e 11 dc,1ruc11on. L~ ~ \\ ,I ' r- cd in the C-JM! of Mau
t n.,n
hc :m 0 , cr-:tmh111o u, Ic,lu S l ·

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