Practice Paper 5
Practice Paper 5
Practice Paper 5
2. The purpo,c of , cn,l·al gu rdc n, 1111d l,!rl'<•n w,111,. whid urise, fwm 1hc s1udie~ or diffcrcn1
dii.ciplim.·-' ( la.111.facnpc 11n: hi1cc1, . 11rdtitect, , c ngincc1', 1cic.). ,s cln'-C 1he cold image or
concrete a nd 111crca~c the ,i..,ual , aluc. In thc-c ")"Stem~. nature and 10
strncturc-' urc intcgrn1ctl,
.111d th u .... u1han area, and the desired environment have beco me intcnwinc
.l Vc nical gan.lcn case Mudies often show lhat, though funt·1ionality should be in lhc forcgruu •
whe n vert ical gardens arc pla nned. they are gene rally made a-' aesthetic cleme nts In '.he 11d
city's undc
functiona rpas<,cs and city square-'. and decora1h c elements in rc~idences . wi1hout seckmg
-l Experts suppnrt that t he visual 11uality and evaluatio n of Ja nd~cape nrchitcctu re b determine d
· 1,.,,d o" 1ho " "·' f "" '"· " of •he ""'" · " " " · • soNoy qoe,uo"" · · "••,.. preparedh for
respo ..
nse~· f va ried age groups from of a mc11opoli1an city. The given Table I. displays t csc
f- E:.ror Cornction I
. • h S· nt aboul ber school trip.
{i) Radhika sba~d some inforrnauon \\ 11 a
Rcpon Sant'!> question. ..
Wh,H did vuu karn from Lhe museum V1S1t? •
• • the correct opuoo.
(/) Fill in 1hc hl,mk b} c 1ioosing . s·nce maoy years.
. in the \1 11age I . ..
My famtl) .................................. (ii) has been laving
ti) have been lh,ing. (i••l was living
(iii ) ~ tiling
Sample Papers G
we cn S hya m anu
t (lpt inn Ill com plc tc the rrnrrnt ion of the uia lo,g uc hct
(.l.} Select the rnr rcc
Shivam . l~ tes t film? .
Shy11111 : I-lave you see n this acto r's JOh. .
. J hav e. T he acto r ha.~ done a ma rve ll ous th
Shh •nm : Yes
the y beg an ta lkin ?. Sh ya m asked Sh iva m wh e cr he h:1d
a nd
Shy11m me t his frie nd Shivam
vam affirmed and sr11d
see n the actor"s latest film. Shi
marve llou s job .
(i) tl1at the act or has done a
ma rve llo us job .
(ii) that the act or had don e a
ng a m.irve llo us job .
(iii) tha t the acto r has bee n tini
do ne a marvellous job.
(ii•) that the ;1ctor coul d h11vc
cor rec t opt ion : her wh en she rea che s hom e.
(/) Fill in the bla nk with the f I . · · ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..
·s someth'mg won er u w,11 11ng .....
The re 1
(ii) abo ut
(i) o r
(fr) ins ide
(iii) for
nt pur pos e.
in the que stio ns are ima gin ary a nd cre a ted for assess me
No te: All deta ils presented ipu r, yo u believ e that
ni of 21 4. Jnd ray an i Ap art me nts. Vai shali Street. Da
4. (A) As Vaishali Na tha ser vat ion
nd a ppo inti ng Eco -m ind ers in you r city can aid in the pre
form ing Eco logy clubs a
and conservation of nature. gcsti ng the need 10
the ML .A of you r city are a, in abo ut 120 wo rds . ~ug
Write a lett er 10 olve me nt of
re th eir imp ort anc e and imp lications. Re com me nd the inv
fonn suc h clu bs. Sha re and pro tec t the
ers for imp lem ent atio n of cco -cl ub act ivi ties tha t nu rtu (S)
res ide nt volu nte
local ecosystem.
Or daily
g at Gr een View Ap anm enL ~. Pu ac. T he rising prices of
(8 ) You arc Pre eti/Pramod
residin it difficu lt to
ed the pro ble m~ of the com mo n ma n \\ ho b fin din g
com modities have add 10
ion al duily in abo ut 120 wo
ncc ds. Wr ite a lett er 10 the edi tor o r a nat
me e,t his dai ly anu req ues ting the con cer ned
g the pro blem~ you arc fac ing becaus e of this inOation
tter .
aut horitie s 10 look int o the ma in the upc om ing
X. ~ con tcs_ ting for the _J>OM of the Jun ior Sch ool Ca pta in.
5. (A) ne ring, of cl ~ the public
Giv en bd ow 1s her cha rac ter tra its· gra phi c. sha re d iu
stu de~ t council elc cuo ns. m:s~ of ~tu dcn t vm ers . al sch
oo l. (SJ
ool cou nse llo r. for the uw are
domarn. by the sch
A~ . e Ca pt ain of th
1Ul pr o,1h,d school' . c
. a to ur -ocrg
cd b\" Or
A lN/2 0 . .an,izing s veuh"ur
d al Club• yo u have been
'"· '·"k' d "' "" "' ,h, S"'" '''
Jabalpur an ur atlonal 1, "" ~
d Ra
•• TAo•, Tr.,,d & ,; ,; .., . oh , our for the ~ nior SchN,u,.,, "'"' '" " "
<mg b) "" ' oo~S••••
Y' nd esh""
ccommotl:11io n on q ua d
~haring. b .
• nc ~taff co m pr
0 ,m en . as,
• Bo ttl ed mineral wa tary fo r .:,·en.• 10~.
ter th ro ugho ·, 1-h students.
• Da nce Party .,, ,
O n - No ,em bc r. ut " tour.
•• InPrsu ran
· · ce policy of ~ ,- 0·000
0\,-;ton of To ur ~fana ge r s - pee be ad
. assis1
. ance · lo all pIaces.
Oa ~ Estim
ofd Sight-seem&
Es timated time of
~t •• g••~- •• -'- -'" Time spent
- -- - : ~ ~ = ~~am·•;~•I+.,.__,. . . . .
departu~ fn>m at th•
- - :,.;o,. :!O!.• , -J<
·I(, h n11 • ,ig pu r Junc1
I a :-: ,,, pm Re porting tll 1hc
11m) I 5:_.
· r, JO min - 1 - -- ½ho-_
1cl _ _
__:__ _- - 1
!:.\ --:o,. IO:OO t,m Bha,,. a11al Ga I hr .
!ll !.• 'l:llll am (h ol d)
♦ - - .- -
II :40 am 8hcdagha1
I hr.
Dhuandhar Falh
I:! JU pm (folh)
l :~I pm Lunch (nearby I hr.
re~taunlO t)
-- -- ,- --- -- - - ---
!JK l pm (re <.t au rnn l) '" a,u e 11 --- - - _ l
OC1= ab e
2:1_,; pm .,. _..._, R
car 1our
• c I I hr. 30 mins
3 J5 pm l \1 ai bk Ro el.,) I I lu. 30 mins
J :-15 pm Rani Ourga,'ati
:,.t w.eum
-\ - 7:1~1pm- ;;; :-- 10 1h
t,· 1'\ pm I m u~ um l c hole\
t 7 hr-..
Ranh a Tiger
" 311 arn ( hu1d l· I -n 1.n,,. IJ:'.'O :,m
:!4 ;',\)\ :!IL?J R~ ~ c _ ..
J hr'- Oil' C _ l- -
Bad 10 1hc hotel
4: !1 pm t-:.igpur Rai\,,.ay
J unction
(a) Slate any one inference abou1 Dr Urquhart from 1hc given ~onte:-. :
£1•eT)'0lll' as.mmed the spots were just omamt'11tal... Ebright soul.
"8111 Dr Urquhart didtr 't beliwe it. ff
/1 jits
Ol'e r harbou r city
Parliament Stree t
New Delhi
Dear Sir
local ecosystem
Subj ect Formation of Eco Clubs to nurture and protect
As you are aware, Daipur has an environmentall y rich
biodiversity, with seve ral medicinal
ased demand for agricultural
herbs being cultivated here. In recen t years. due to the incre
ced considerably and farme13
crop s, the acreage under medicinal herb cultivation has redu
ring of the wate r table, increased
are plan ting paddy instead. This has resulted in the lowe
use of fertilisers and a severe displacement of medicinal plant
fanning eco clubs in every tehsil
In my belie f. your support behind our humble campaign of
of your constitue ncy and appointing eco-minders 10 educ
ate fa rmers on the long- term benefits
of medi cinal crop cultivation. will bring economic prosp
erity and soil rejuvenati on back to
We look forward to your valuable suggcstioni. aad supp
ort. in this regard.
Yours faithfully
Vaishali Nathani
Volunteer and Eco Club Member
(B) Gree n view Apartments
28 February 20XX
The Editor
The Timcl> of India
Subject : The rii,ing pricci. of duily comm odities
to draw the· attention of the
Through the columns of your cMce mcJ daily, I would like
s of daily commodities. The
autho rilics concerned towa rds the problem of the rising price
gent, milk, vege tables, etc. have
prices of duily items like rice, flour. pulses, tea, sugar , deter
also beco me quite difficult 10
s1'.-yrocketcd. The comm on man faces a 10 1 of problems. It has
pockets beco me almost empty
meet his daily needs. It bas put an extra burde n bis pockets. His
the retailers also contribute a lot
before the month ends. The hoard ers. black marketers and
in e nhancing the prices o f d ' I
stock f h · at Ycommodities Th
. s O sue commodities. The co , . · . ey _create scarcity knowingly by hoarding the
1 5
The lower and the middle eta••.~ pc earmng 15 less in proportion to their e....,,,nditurc
• h ·· .,.,cs arc the . · · • . ..,..- ·
aul o n11es concerned 10 lo k . m,im vict11ns of 11. I would like to request 10 the
. . ·h . o mtu the mauer I111 I k
m sue type o t activities Th . ' ' ta c stern actions aga inst those involved
the cost of da ily needs .. · _c govcrn mem should also t:akc e ffective rn e.isures to minimise
• ' 0 111a1 comm · ·
Thanking you on man could take a sign of relief.
You rs faithfully
S. (A) l.n Support of Her Cnndidature
As a respo miblc student voter, I be . • . .
Captain. hev1.: Tsenng possesses the necessary trails to be a School
(Ill M• 11 ., · 1dn \ ll\e r-am b11 iou~ m:~~ wa, thc cau,e of her dcs1ruc1io11. Mu
tildt1 wa, an cxtrcm~ly
bea utif ul. girl \\IHl had ve ry high c~pccta · U f
tion~ from her hfc. n ort11na1_e I~'· ~he wa._ · s m·,m ed
, · ,pl . and o rdin ary der l. who could not ' , .h
to a \ c n "" c provide he r all mat ena hsu c luxunes wh~c
' .. · t ·d l·or a ball shc borrowed ~
~ I1c \\ ,tn c • •
necklace from her [ ncn · d d ruined her roa med
lire a~ the nec klac e wa , stol en tha t \Cl) nigh • J . ,e f th
t. ~• 10_arrang monev• for the cost o e
nec klac e. ,he \\U r·.: k d I . rd and ,po ilcd her whulc life.
too hi d h f h ·r friend 1h·11 she had lost the necklace. Her
frientl wou ld h,1\ e told her
She cuuld hm .: :l\()i<lecl it i ~he had ml . I c
• I , • 1 ,J pncc o u~101\\.-C~·I·
t le.: ac u,
. I
~"IS ·,·t
"'- a~ '
not a real diamond nccklaO!
. ·d her life Thus. it con be !>Ind .
that ,he c:ou ld c,L'11) d I.,,ord. 8._. hidin":, .the reahtv, s 1e ruLnc · 'Ida.
that 10
Th' • h· hap
•• , l e 11 dc,1ruc11on. L~ ~ \\ ,I ' r- cd in the C-JM! of Mau
t n.,n
hc :m 0 , cr-:tmh111o u, Ic,lu S l ·