2615299-Non Magical Items For DND - The Homebrewery
2615299-Non Magical Items For DND - The Homebrewery
2615299-Non Magical Items For DND - The Homebrewery
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Melee Weapons
Finer Crafted Short Sword 20gp 1d6+1 slashing 2 lb. Light
Three Point Long Sword 20gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Light, Special
Knuckle Buster Short Sword 15gp 1d4+1 piercing 2 lb. Light, Special, Versatile
Sharpened Chain 1gp 1d6 slashing 4 lb. Finesse, Reach
Saw Long Sword 12gp 1d8+1 piercing 3 lb. Special, Two-Handed
Elephant Short Sword 12gp 1d6 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, Light
Chain Mace 5gp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lb. Heavy
Flattened Mace 8gp 1d6 bludgeoning 3 lb. Two-Handed Light, Special
One handed Mace 8gp 1d4 bludgeoning 3 lb. Versatile, Light, Special
Finer Crafted Mace 20gp 1d6+1 bludgeoning 6 lb. Heavy
Hook Whip 4gp 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Reach, Light
Brother Swords 15gp 1d6 slashing 5 lb. Finesse, Versatile, Light, Special
Teeth Sword 10gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile, Special
Man Catcher 3gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Two-Handed, Reach, Special
Tiger Claw 5sp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Versatile
Hook Sword 12gp 1d6 slashing 4 lb. Light, Versatile
Flat Axe 5gp 1d8 slashing 5 lb. Light, Versatile
Split Sword 30gp 1d12 piercing 4 lb. Heavy, Special
Smooth Mace 30gp 1d12 bludgeoning 4 lb. Heavy
Rope Dart 8gp 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, Two-Handed, Thrown 15/30ft, Special
Rope Ball 8gp 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, Two-Handed, Thrown 15/30ft, Special
Ranged Weapons
Replaceable Spear 9sp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Range(20/60), Thrown, Versatile
Drill Spear 8gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Range(20/60), Thrown, Versatile, Special
Oil Spear 8gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Range(20/60), Thrown, Versatile, Special
Extending Spear 8gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Range(20/60), Thrown, Versatile, Special
Oton the Bruiser’s Spear 15gp 1d6+1 piercing 5 lb. Two-Handed,Special
Mace Sling 20gp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lb. Two-Handed, Range(10/30), Special
Yumi Bow 25gp 1d8 piercing 10 lb. Two-Handed,Heavy, Range(400/800), Special
Finer Crafted Short Bow 30gp 1d6+1 piercing 3 lb. Two-Handed,Light, Range(80/350)
Fletched Javelin 8gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Versatile,Light, Range(30/150)
Sharpened Throwing Disc 4gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Versatile,Light, Range(20/60)
Finer Crafted Short Sword other has teeth like a saw. Sharp side of the blade deals
This sword has been crafted by a master blacksmith 1d8, Saw side deals 1d8+1 but has a 1d20 chance of
from premium materials allowing it to deal 1d6 +1 getting stuck inside a creature if its alive.
Elephant Short Sword
Three Point Long Sword A curved sword shaped like a feather with a round
On the ricasso of this sword it has small curved blades leather handle and strap running around the wrist,
stretching away from it creating a sharpened guard preventing the sword from ever getting lost in battle, the
above the swords guard, this grants the user +1 to their sword deals 1d6 slashing damage.
attack bonus.
Extending Spear
Knuckle Buster Short Sword The grip of this spear is made from a strong wood
The swords grip has a thin mental extension allowing wrapped in a soft leather, the end of the spear has three
for 4 fingers to run through it creating a hard and spiked points, the centre point is attached to the main grip
punch. When the knuckle buster attachment is used. while the other two are attached to the centre spear.
The spear deals 1d6 damage however it cant be pulled
Sharpened Chain out as the sides of the spear open up causing the spear
A thin and long chain sharpened at its edges. It can be to be lodged inside the victim. Each action the spear is
used like a whip dealing 1d6 slashing damage. stuck inside a creature it takes 1 damage. If the spear is
removed without pushing down the sides the user takes
Saw Long Sword an additional 1d6 damage.
One side of the long sword is a regular sharp blade, the
normally, when using as a range weapon can go from
Oil Spear 10/30ft, deals 1d8 damage.
The blade of this spear is wide and sharp, the metal has
been coated in a highly flammable and lasting oil.The Yumi Bow
brown leather grip has been treated to resist the fire. A extremely large wooden bow with silk string, this bow
When the blade is lit using flint and steel or an open fire is often 6ft-7ft tall. The user must have a strength score
the blade becomes ablaze for 1d4 actions before it above 15 to use.
needs to be relit, deals 1d6 +2 fire damage.
Finer Crafted Short Bow
Drill Spear A short bow made from a finer wood and string.
The spear has been twisted and sharpened allowing for
easy piercing, this design countinues through the spear Hook Whip
allowing for all of it to run through a creature. 1d6 A regular folded leather whip with a small iron hook at
damage, an additional 1d6 damage if the attack roll the end of the whip to lodge into creatures and rip out
surpaces a creatures AC by more than 5. their flesh, an additional 1d4 damage if an attack beats
an AC by 5 or more.
Replaceable Spear<br< This spear is a simple wooden
stick that comes with 5 iron spear heads. At the base of Brother Swords
the spear a hole runs through it allowing for a Two swords folded and forged side by side, the handle
spearhead to be nailed down and easily replaced should of each sword is split in half allowing the swords to be
something happen. used as 1 blade or two. 1d8 damage when combined
together, 1d6 per sword when seperate.
Oton the Bruiser’s Spear
This spear once belonged to a brave dwarf warrior who Teeth Sword
had died killing an ancient dragon. The spears edge A two handed long sword, each side of the blade has
consists of a round heavy metal ball with a singular small hooks facing towards the blade, the blade can be
spike pointing from the top, the entire spear is made of used to slash at creatures and hook into their flesh to
the same iron fused together in a forge. Deals 1d6+1 inflict more damage, if AC roll beats a creatures AC by
damage and a +2 attack bonus to any dwarf using the more then 5 the blade does an extra 1d6 slashing
spear. damage.
Chain Mace Man Catcher
A colllection of thick chains gathered at the end of a A large metal pole attached to a metal half circle with
harded wood grip. sharp spikes lining the inside, using this weapon you
can press your enemies agasint walls and pierce
Flattened Mace through the flesh, if pushing enemy agasint a wall 2d8
The ball of this mace has been squished flat and has damage.
small spikes carved into it, the mace is light and very
easy to use +2 to attack damage, 1d6 bludgeoning Tiger Claw
damage. A metal claw made from iron attached to a bar with two
holes for the user’s fingers to fit into and use the claws
One handed Mace as if they were their own.
A shorter and lighter alterinitive, its easy to move with
and two can be weilded at once, deals 1d4 damange and Fletched Javelin
adds +3 to attack bonuses. Like a normal javelin with a iron arrowhead and
wooden grip this javelin has feathers fletched onto the
Finer Crafted Mace end like arrows, allowing for it to steady itself when
A regular mace that has been crafted by a expert thrown and go further distances.
blacksmith with premium metals.
Sharpened Throwing Disc
Mace Sling A circular piece of metal sharpened like a blade with a
A expertly designed mace with the ability to throw steel wooden backing and handle running through the
balls. The top of the mace is a leather sling thats middle, these discs can be thrown across battle fields
hardened and nailed to the handle. Inside a steel ball and sliced through enemies or be used in close combat.
can be kept and swung around like any other mace.Half
of the leather sling can be opened exposing the steel
ball and with a swing allowing it be thrown across battle
fields. 15 strength required to use weapon, 1d6 damage
that range up to 15ft and can pull the rope back as a
Hooked Sword free action. An attack above 15ft requires the rope to be
The end of these swords have been bent and folded to let go and retrieved 15ft of its trajectory.
created hooks at the end of the blade, the guard of this
weapon has also been sharpend. Rope Ball
The ball consists of a light,smooth circular iron ball
Flat Axe affixed to the end of a rope the rope can be swung
A long iron pole attached to a sharp flattened half circle. around the body, legs and arms as pivot points to build
The axe can be used on all sides of the half circle. momentum as the rope unwinds the rope can be swung
at nearby creatures, All attacks with this weapon use the
Split sword thrown property for attacks that range up to 15ft and
A wide iron sword attached to a heavy handle. The can pull the rope back as a free action. An attack above
middle of this sword is split halfway down to allow for 15ft requires the rope to be let go and retrieved 15ft of
easier movement and two tips of the blade, requires a its trajectory.
minimum strength of 15.
Smooth Mace
Rope Dart A heavy and large mace, made from a cast of iron. This
The dart consists of a blade affixed to the end of a rope. mace has a thick handle and a heavy smooth ball at the
The rope can be swung around the body, legs and arms end of handle.
as pivot points to build momentum as the rope unwinds
the rope can be swung at nearby creatures, All attacks Armor
with this weapon use the thrown property for attacks
Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Leather Scrap 5sp 11 – – 8lbs
Scented 15gp 12 + Dex modifier – Advantage 12lb
Blended 15gp 12 + Dex modifier – Advantage 10lb
Snow Walking 30gp 12 – – 15lb
Bikini 5gp No AC Bonus – Advantage 2 lb
Trunk 5gp No AC Bonus – Advantage 2 lb
Kindle 20gp 11 + Dex modifier – – 10 lb
Collectors 10gp 12 – Disadvantage 12 lb
Wooden 1gp 11 __ – 8 lb
Arm Armor of Devon the Slicer 20gp No AC Bonus – – 2 lb
Heavy Armor
Dagger 50gp 14 – Disadvantage 35 lb
Gliding 60gp 13 – Disadvantage 30 lb
Beetle 40gp 13 – – 35 lb
Hedgehog 30gp 15 – Disadvantage 40 lb
Hoarding 30gp 14 12 Disadvantage 35lbs
Armor of Pavel the Shield 75gp 17 16 Disadvantage 60lbs
Split Tortise Shield 15gp +2 – Disadvantage 15 lb
Gauntlet shield 12gp +3 – – 8 lb
Magnet shield 30gp +2 – – 8lbs
Luck Shield 30gp +2 – – 6 lb
Lantern Shield 15gp +3 – Disadvantage 16 lb
Leather Scrap Blended
Made from scraps of leather such as pig,cow,etc. The steel on this armor can be burned and coloured
with dyes to disguise the user in certain enviroments,
Scented each armour can only be suited for 1 enviroment these
Comes with small pockets that fit viles of sertain scents include arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain,
to hide the wearer from certain creatures such as swamp, this grants advantage of stealth.
goblins,orges,zombies ect, the scented viles can be
absorbed from an outer layer of the leather without
causing the user to get wet.
makes it easier for the user to move around in combat
Dagger while protecting ones self.
Armor that has 5 different weapons hidden throughout
it. 4 daggers and 1 short sword. 2 are located in the calf Magnet shield
area of the legs, 2 in the forearm and a shortsword The front plate of the shield is made from a rare metal
tucked in the back with its handle within reach near the that attracts any light weapons. An creature fighting
bum. with this shield with a light weapon will need a strength
above 15 to not lose it to the shields drag. Any creature
Snow Walking holding a light weapon and within 5ft of the sheild will
Armor that has been made for long winter walks in need to pass a DC 15 strength check to not lose their
heavy snow, the shoes of the armor are made to support weapon. Any creature with a weapon without the light
the body above snow giving advantage when walking property will not be affected by the shield. When
through heavy snowfall. the body is also full of sheeps weapons stick to the sheild they cannot fall off and are
fur giving resistance to cold damage. perminatly stuck to the shield unless a creature pulls it
off with a 15 strength check. If more then 3 weapons
Bikini become stuck to the sheild it gives disadvantage on
Built orginally to sell as a stylistic bikini it was adopted stealth and lowers the speed of the user by 5ft this
to be used in battle for its light weight. Grants +2 to continues for every addintional 3 weapons added.
charisma checks.
Luck Shield
Trunk A shield made from regular steel infused with jade, its
Built orginally to sell as a stylistic trunk for the beach it thought to bring good luck.
was slowly adopted as a additional piece of armour to
wear however some choose to only where it. Grants +2 Kindle A iron helmet and leather armour coated with
charisma. two layers of leather for insulation and protection, the
outer layer has been stained with oil to perminaltly
Gliding make it flamable, using just a spark the armor can set
Made from the wings of giant birds and sewn into capes ablaze with no damage to the user. Once lit any creature
this armor can easily be used for quick escapes. The within 5ft of the armor takes 1d4 fire damage from the
armor can only glide if the jump is above 50ft, it works heat and if touched by the flames takes an additional
by using the birds wings and the users arms that 1d4 for every round touched. Grants fire resistance.
connect via a leather strap. The armor can be tied up to
prevent annoyance in battle. If a strong wind blows it Hedgehog
could effect the users flight by either keeping them in This armor is made from simple leather with steel
the air or blowing them into the ground faster. If plates slipped inside the vital areas, the back side of the
jumping from below 50ft the user will take half damage. armor has a exposed steel plate with multiple steel
strings stretching from it. These strings are razor sharp
Beetle and when walked into or brushed by deal 1d4 damage.
Built like a bettle this armor has a hard thick chestplate The strings can be brushed in posion for further effects
and backplate, the helmet is equipped with a large however users are warned to only do this when
sharp metal horn curving up, the rest of the armor is adventuring as walking through a tight village in this
made from leather and metal plates to sheild vitals.The armor will get someone killed.
helmet can be used as a weapon dealing 1d4 piercing
damage to anyone within 5ft or if the user runs toward a Collectors
target further than 10ft 1d8. This armor is equppied with multiple hidden pockets
capable of storing small items or a small amount of
Split Tortise Shield coins, orginally designed for herbalists it was stolen and
The shield is made from the shell of a large tortise cut can often be seen worn by pickpockets and thieves. The
in half to make two sheilds on each arm. Together they armor has 8 small pockets intotal.
serve as a large sheild big enough to protect a small
creature or medium creature when curled up. The AC Wooden
bonus of the sheilds on their own is +2 however when A cheap alternative for adventures in the gutter, this
together it becomes +3. The sheilds can also serve as a armor is made from thin wood that has been curled and
additional +1 to any attack involving punching. hardened to fit the average humaniod, -5ft walking
Disadvantage on stealth and -5ft to movement. speed to anyone wearing the armor.
Gauntlet shield
A shield and a gauntlet combined into one item. This
Item Cost Weight
Hoarding Foldout Poles 3sp 3 lb
This armor comes with a large belly section thats Sharpened Ball Bearings 4gp 2 lb
extrudes out and is made from steel plates, the armour Signal Ball 3gp 1 lb
is then locked to a chain and can be opened to hide
anything that will fit inside the small space fits tiny
creatures or smaller, if holding a item or creature Flower Jar
A jar full of flowers and soft dirt, this can be used to
heavyier then 20lbs -5ft to movement speed this grow any kind of flower, from poisonous to pretty. Often
continues for every 20lbs added. used by herblists in need of a poison cure or for
Armor of Pavel the Shield adventures on a collecting quest for a rare flower.
This long abandoned armor sits rusted. It was once Glow Stone Pouch A thin fabric pouch filled with stones
worn by a great warrior but due to time the warriors that naturally glow in the dark, these are often used on
story is unknown and only his inscription in the helmet farms that require farmers to be awake very early in the
remains. The back plate of the armur is larger then morning.
usual and is shaped like sheild.
Arm Armor of Devon the Slicer Foldout Ladder A wooden ladder that can be folded into
This shiny piece of armour is suited for the average a box and hung underneath backpacks, the ladder folds
humaniod and is fitted for the right arm. It was once out to 10ft.)
worn by a knight who attached a small whetstone on the
top of the forearm armor plate. Its said because of this Caltrop
An old fashioned trap, a caltrop is a piece of iron
he managed to keep his sword sharp, until he died from fashioned into four equally long points with spikes
old age. When the whetstone is used on light weapon facing up, these are then dropped into the ground such
blades during downtime the weapon deals an additional as dirt and sand to be used as traps for unsuspecting
+1 damage if done correctly (sleight of hand roll) lasts
for 1d4 hours. creatures, deals 1d6 peircing damage to any creature
who steps on the trap.
Lantern Shield
Like the gauntlet shield, this shield has a gauntlet Explosive Kit
A small iron box, with a collection of fuses,gumpowder
running through it, it also has a attached blade running and pouches that can be used to make small improvised
above the gauntlet and a seriers of spikes along the explosives have only a small amount of gumpowder.
gauntlet knuckles. When used the blade and spikes deal
1d4 piercing/bludgeoning. Rock Jar
Adventuring Gear A Jar full of various rocks of different shapes and
colours found from all over the world, often these rocks
Item Cost Weight are traded with rock collectors and fanatics over the
Flower Jar
Glow Stone Pouch
5 lb
little pebbles.
Foldout Ladder 1gp 12 lb Blacksmithing Kit
Caltrop 8sp 8 lb A Steel box, when opened reveals a small compartment
Explosive Kit 5gp 10 lb that holds two iron tongs on the lid. The centre of the
Blacksmithing Kit 5gp 10 lb box is a fire pit with holes pierced through the steel and
Signal Whistle 2sp 1 lb a small fold out blower. Using this kit the user can make
Armor Maintence Kit 5gp 10 lb small blunt items such as bolts for crossbows, nails,
Lock and Key 8sp 1 lb blunt daggers, blunt throwing knifes, etc. This kit is
Fishing Rod 1sp 2 lb often bought with the tinker tools to make quick and
Hunter Kit
Pickling Kit
5 lb
5 lb
sharp throwing knifes for combat.
Rain Kit 5gp 5 lb Signal Whistle
Herb Jar 5sp 4 lb A whistle that can only be heard by small sized
Signal Kit 5gp 8 lb creatures such as dogs,goblins, ect.
Enclosure Jar
Tobacco Kit
5 lb
8 lb
Tattoo Kit 5gp 8 lb
Stuffed Rations 10gp 10 lb
Fire Kit 5gp 8 lb
Rum Belt 4sp 10 lb
Armor Maintence Kit Tobacco Kit
A small kit with a large bottle of a white corrosive liquid A small wooden kit, inside the kit is a small pouch of
that can derust any armor set, however their is only dried tabacco leaves and a wooden pipe.
enough for 1 armour set to be completelty derusted.
The kit also includes two steel brushes one wide with a Tattoo Kit
wooden base and the other long and slim. A small metal kit, inside is a small collection of small to
large needles and 4 small vials of black,blue,red and
Lock and Key yellow ink, using this kit to create tatoo art require a
A iron lock and key slight of hand check from the tattooist and it only
contains enought to do a large tattoo on 1 body.
Fishing Rod
A thin wooden fishing rod with a strong grey stained Stuffed Rations
string and thin hook. A small polished dark oak container with metal ridges,
inside is a bread smelling powder. This powder when
Hunter Kit added with water expands into a edible oatmeal
A wooden box with an assortment of arrow head, substaince. One scoop with a large spoon added with
throwing knifes, string, fish hooks and rope. water is 1 ration. Each containers holds around 50
rations. However it is not reccomended to eat this
Rain Kit everyday as if eaten 20 days in a row the user will
A small wooden box, the inside of the box is lined with experience a grueling stomach ache and become
dried cow bladder to create a attached sack that can poisoned for 1d4 days.
open and close with the loosen of a string, underneath
the box is a steel plate. To use this box the user collects Fire Kit
rain water using the box and then boils it so its safe to A small steel box with a flat lid and hinges made from
drink. copper, within the box is a small greyish rock and a
small,curved,sharpened thin peice of steel. The kit also
Herb Jar contains a pouch full of wood shavings and a vial of
A glass jar sealed tight with a thick cork, inside dirt and cooking oil.
herb seeds are placed. The jar can allow up to three
small herb plants to be grown before the plants die out. Rum Belt
Often used by adventuring cooks in need of fresh herbs A belt made from cheap leather held together by a iron
quickly. buckle holds up to 8 vials. Often these belts are used by
dwarfs who are deep in the mines for days on end or
Signal Kit A small wooden box,br> holding 3 jars drunk royals who never want to stand up for a drink,
containing powders each coloured red, white, green. when worn the user has disadvantage on stealth checks.
The jars are each labled with unknown names such as
potassium nitrate. These powders can be used as Foldout Poles
smoke signals as they turn the smoke from fires into the Two wooden poles that fold out with iron hinges and
powders colour. click together to make two sturdy walking poles, when
walking for a long distance any creatures using these
Showerskin poles movement speed cannot be effected by difficult
A large dried cow bladder attached to a leather hose the terrain.
leads to a metal cylinder with multiple holes poked
through, the bladder is attached to a leather strap and Sharpened Ball Bearings
can be hung on a branch to create a quick shower. A set of ball bearings forged into pyramid shape covers
a 10 feet square, where creatures moving across its
Pickling Kit area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw
A medium sized wooden box with a empty glass jar and or fall prone and take 1d4 damage.
another collection of small vials with herbs, spices and
vinger. The jar can easily be assembled all it needs is Signal Ball
something to pickle. A light weight leather ball shaped like a diamond, the tip
of each side of the ball is harded and coated black,
Enclosure Jar multiple holes are sewn through the ball. When thrown
Often used to contain small and rare creatures this jar the ball produces a high pitched whistle alerting anyone
holds a small amount of dirt and plants the perfect within a 50ft radius.
enviroment for any small critter.
Poisons Once the jar is open anyone with 5ft radius of it will be
affected. Their eyes will start to itch and burn as if their
where thousands of bugs crawling on the eyes, this
Black Toad Venom
A black ink like substance, effects the user within 1d4 leads to the user becoming blinded and unable to use
minutes, by being consumed. Blinds the user for 1d4 their arms due to needing to itch their eyes.
hours and deals 1d4 damage to the user per hour. Wild Red Mushroom
A mushroom that often occurs throughout elven
Jellyfish Venom
Made from ground up skin of deadly jellyfish this clear forrests, the mushrooms spoors lead to the user
jelly like liquid makes the mouth feel like it has bees becoming unaware of their surrondings and focused on
trapped inside of it, it can effect the user by touch or by sleeping, if the user falls asleep they will become
consumition within 1d4 hours.If consumed this unconscious until they are dragged away from the
parlyizes the user completely , if rubbed into skin it only mushrooms habitat or they will eventually die in 1d20+7
parlyizes the area. days.
Myth Musk
Witches Classic Poison
A bubbling green poison thats made from a variety of A jar full of a grey dirt like powder, this poison is
ingredients often cooked inside large black pots and harvested from the inside of large volcanos and when
stirred with big wooden spoons. This poision gives the inhaled causes the user to become posioned for 1 hour,
user the poision condition for 1d8 hours and affects throughout this hour the user will smell a constant
them in an instant. burning oak smell and after the effects of the poison
wear off their sense of smell is irradicated.
Lizard Saliva Dew Powder
Collected from the mouth of deadly lizards, this poison A brown powder that has the consistancy of ash, when
makes the user feel as if hot lava is coursing through applied to the skin of a victim it tears at the skin leaving
their veins, giving the poison condition for 1d10 hours it purple and bruised for 1d4 years, it has no effect on
and affecting them in an instant. the users condition. Often used by jealous friends who
Snail Spit
wish to stain their pretty friends skin.
A strange and rare poison with a deadly effect, the Jade Flour
poison make the users body start to tense up as if they A white powder with the consistancy of flour, the
were deep in the ocean being crushed by the pressure, powder has small hints of green within it. This poison is
this makes the user curl into a ball and feel like they often used in victims food or drinks as a easy way to
cant move leaving them with the restrained condition poison them and off them in their sleep, the victim
for 1d4 hours. This takes 1d8 hours to affect the user bowels become agitating after consumption leading to
them needing the bath room for 1d4 hours. After the
Fish Needle
Often deadly fish swim close to swimmers, a particular victim will be exhausted(1st level).
type have large needle like fins. Fishermen often use Hush Sugar
these fish to sell to assassins in need of a quick job. The Honey is often delicious, this it not, although it looks
needle when pierced into a creatures make their spine close to the same as honey, it is actually a poision used
seize up for 1d12 hours, giving the victim the paralyzed to choke a user or silent them, when the hush sugar is
condition. consumed and mixes with the saliva in the mouth it
starts to expand and stick to the walls and teeth within
Pixie Dust
A collection of yellow dust, often found across grass the mouth leading the user unable to open mouth, if the
planes and open fields, the orgin of this dust is unknown hush sugar is swallowed it could lead to the user
however its believed to be dropped by fairys. When the choking and dying or if they pass a consitution check
dust is put in a jar and left alone for months it develops swallowing the hush sugar and living to tell the tale.
a deadly poison that can be injested by breathing when Coco Ash
within 5ft of the jar, the poison clogs the user throat A brown powder with the consistancy of ash, if inhaled
making it extremely hard to breathe resulting in the the user becomes poisoned for 1d20 hours. This poison
user becoming incapacitated for 1d12 hours. if often sold for an extremely high price as it is known
for being one of the most potent poisons across the sea.
Dragon Breath
A red mist sealed inside a air tight jar, this mist is made
from ground up dragon bones and ground up lady bugs.
Leech Saliva
Saliva harvested from the bellys of small and large
leeches, when touched the victim feels a piercing
sensation on the area effected that slowly spreads
throughout the body, leaving the victim paralyzed for
1d4 minutes.
Ruby Nuggets
Small bee sized rocks that can be crushed into powders
and mixed into any raw meat. Once the raw meat is
cooked the ruby nuggets are infused throughout the
cooked meat, anyone who consumes the meat becomes
scared that something or someone is out to get them,
leaving them frightened, if a victim is immune to the
frightened condition their is no effect.
Duck Thorn
Beaks of ducks are harvest, boiled and blended into a
jelly like liquid, this poison can only paralyze the user if
its wiped on the back of the neck and given 1d4 minutes
to set. This paralyzes the user for 1d12 hours. if placed
on the incorrect spot the poison has no effect.
Cat Whiskers
A black string wrapped and sealed within a jar, the
string is the thickness of regular human hair and when
rubbed into the scalp of a victim it sets in within 1d4
hours and leaves the user stunned for 1d4 days.
Bronze Shards
The victim of this poison becomes unable to see colours
changing their world into a world of greys,blacks and
whites for 1d4 days. Until they eventually become blind,
cures such as healing potions bring colour back into the
world but only for 1d4 days before another healing
potion is needed to cure the poison. The poison consits
of a bronze powder with the consistancy of metal
Frost Barb
A blue barb naturally harvested in the cold seasons,
when boiled its safe to eat, but if eaten raw the victim
mouth becomes a pale blue and anything eaten for the
next 1d4 days tastes inedible to the user resulting in
exhaustion for each day of uneaten food. For eating food
that taste inedible the victim must pass a DC 15
consitution to eat a meal and remove 1 level of their
Toe Musk
A sealed jar of mold and an unknown green powder
when opened anyone with in a 10ft radius must roll a
DC 10 consitution saving throw or become poisioned
for as long as they are in range of the jar, the jars musk
lasts for 1d20 hours.