Guide To Classic Traveller
Guide To Classic Traveller
Guide To Classic Traveller
Guide To Classic
Originally game designer Marc Miller envisioned Traveller as
a system for playing generic space opera themed science fiction
adventures, in the same sense that Dungeons & Dragons is a
system for generic fantasy adventures. However, as GDW began
publishing materials beyond the core rules, a suggested setting
called the Third Imperium emerged and has become the
dominant background for the game.
This guide is a tour through the materials that revealed the universe of Classic Traveller and established the
foundation of the far-flung and information-rich environment for science-fiction role-playing that has resulted. The
information in these books is still applicable today… providing insights and details of the universe for use with any of the
Traveller editions.
Understanding Traveller
Core rules sets for Traveller
were the foundation… the
essential material on how to
The core character rules… The core rules for starship The core rules for creating
character generation using design and operation, worlds using Traveller’s unique
Traveller’s unique prior career interstellar travel, and space Universal World Profile, plus
system, plus personal combat. combat. animal encounters, and
adventure creation.
Starter Traveller
One of the handouts for the The other handout for the
adventure in Starter. adventures in Starter.
Deluxe Traveller
GDW published Deluxe
Traveller as a larger format
boxed game (primarily to be
more visible on the shelf in
game stores). Books 1-2-3
The box included the basic
Books 1, 2, and 3, plus Book 0
Intriuction to Traveller, and
B0 IntroductionTo Traveller
an Introductory Adventure,
plus a poster map of the
Spinward Marches.
A0 Introductory Adventure
Books present additional
rules on specific subjects,
expanding on Traveller's basic
concepts. Books run 48 to 56
pages and may be used
independently or together, but
all require the basic rules sets..
Introduction To Traveller Mercenary set the stage for High Guard applies the
presents basic information Traveller's continuing Mercenary expanded
about role-playing for the emphasis on the military. It character generation concepts
novice player. was a natural expansion of two to the interstellar navy, plus an
This book was included in character types: Army and expanded ship design and ship
Deluxe Traveller, as well as Marines, and led ultimately to combat system.
being sold separately. the Traveller miniatures rules
set: Striker.
Supplements provide
different types of data,
including starships,
starsystems, characters, and
animals in pre-generated form.
Pre-generated characters Pre-generated animal Maps and world lists for the
from the basic six sharacter encounter tables for the major Spinward Marches sector.
types in the core rules. terrain situations, including
special encounters.
S07 Traders & Gunboats S08 Library Data (A-M) S09 Fighting Ships
Deck plans and details of a Library Data A-M presented A variety of ship designs of
variety of common ships in the first half of an encyclopedic the Imperial Navy.
Traveller: background for the far future.
Express Boat
Express Boat Tender The Scout/Courier deck plan
Scout/ Courier details the interior layout and
Subsidized Merchant the performance specifications
Far Trader for the ship.
Seeker/ Prospector
Close Escort
System Defense Boat
Small Craft
S10 The Solomani Rim S11 Library Data (N-Z) S12 Forms & Charts S13 Veterans
Maps and world lists for the Library Data N-Z presented Useful forms for recording 234 mercenary characters,
Solomani Rim Sector the second half of an information during adventures, presented in two parts:
(including Terra!). encyclopedic background for including Resumes for use and
the far future. Personal History and Data examination by the players,
Character Generation Data and
Weapon Data Referee’s Informaion
Ship’s Papers providing the true details
Cargo Manifest behind the resumes.
World Map Grid
Xboat Message
the Imperial Calendar
and more!
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS SS1 Merchant Prince SS2 Exotic Atmospheres SS3 Missiles in Traveller
Special Supplements were
short presentations on specific
topics, originally appearing in
the Journal of the Travellers’
Aid Society.
Adventures provided
interesting and challenging
situations through which more
information about the future
would unfold, and through
which players found the
potential for great rewards.
A desperate expedition into An 800-ton Mercenary Sentenced to slow death on On a water world, corporate
the heart of the enemy Cruiser… and its on-board one of the empire’s prison misdeeds force the characters
Zhodani Consulate, aboard a military unit. worlds. to act.
small asteroid ship!
What’s That Sticker?
GDW marked the first ten
copies of a new release with a
sticker noting the event date
and the designer’s autograph.
A10 Safari Ship A11 Murder A12 Secret of the Ancients A13 Signal GK
Deck plans for a Safari Ship, A murder mystery on a Revealed at last, the details Signal GK is the Vilani
and a hunting expedition that remote deep space station. of the long-dead Ancients. equivalent of SOS or Mayday!
encounters a previously In this adventure, a liner
unknown alien race. becomes a deathtrap.
Who would have thought
that this adventure contains
the seeds of the dreaded Virus
in Traveller: The New Era!
Double Adventures
Double Adventures
combined two short D01 Annic Nova/ Shadows D02 Bright Face/ Mithril D03 Argon / Death Station
adventures in a single 48-page
book. Each was too short to be
published on its own, but in a
single package, when the
referee finished one
adventure, he could turn it over
with the flick of the wrist and
begin the second adventure.
D04 Marooned/ Alone D05 Chamax / Horde D06 Night/ Conquest D07 Perruques / Arden
Marooned & Marooned The Chamax Plague deals Divine Intervention is a Perruques is an encounter
Alone deal with a party of with a survey mission in clandesti mission to a religious with a plague on a strange
adventurers or solitary danger on an unexplored dictatorship. Night of world; Arden is a bureaucratic
adventurer and their efforts to world. Horde deals with a Conquest involves the problem on the eve of war.
cross the trackless outback of group of adventurers striving to characters in a coup.
a primitive world. 48 pages; save a planet from an alien This Double Adventure
invasion. was planned but never saw
publication in this format.
AM04 Zhodani
Adventure and Intrigue with Encounters with the Freebooting encounters with
a proud warrior race. enigmatic centaurs. the wolves of space.
The last of the Ancients Self-proclaimed champions of Encounters with the The secret of the Star Trigger
human supremacy. Manipulators
Information about the The history of the Darrians…
reptilian droyne and their caste Coverage of the humans of Details of the truly alien hivers high-tech humans in the
structure. Earth and their Earth-centered and their social structure. Spinward Marches.
Modules provided larger
adventures… and additional
materials… in a boxed format.
Later, the format for Modules
became a larger book similar
to the Alien Modules.
World Beyond The Frontier Riches and Danger in the Spinward Marches Campaign:
Bowman Belt. in a War-Ravaged Sector
A detailed presentation of a
single world in the Spinward A detailed presentationof a A bit error in a high priority
Marches. single system in the Spinward transmission brands one of the
Marches, including asteroid player characters a traitor — to
mining operations. be shot on sight. It’s all a foul
mix-up, but explain that to
sixteen plasma-gun-armed
Marines in battle dress!
Traveller publisher GDW
was a boardgame publisher
long before it started creating
role-playing games, and many
of its Traveller support titles
were boardgames.
G03 Azhanti
Personal combat aboard a
huge starship.
G07 Striker
GDW supported Traveller
with a variety of posters.
Posters always seemed like
an innovative promotion, but
the logistics (folded?
unfolded? rolled? shipping
tube? envelope? who get’s
them? stores? players?
referees?) but they were
never especially successful in
bringing in new players.
The cover of the Classic Traveller box The Vargr poster was produced for FLGS use
reproduced as a 17 x 22 inch sheet. (there’s a small notation in the corner: not for
resale) to promote GDW science-fiction titles.
Notice that, although the major focus is a Vargr,
the poster does not actually say Traveller.
Imperium Map Poster
Understanding Traveller
Game Designers’ Workshop
produced a variety of support
materials of Traveller… in
advance of new titles, to
promote Traveller in general,
or just for fun.
Land Grant
Writers (and especially
Traveller licensees) wanted
territories in which they could
place their adventures, and
soon clamored for “Land
Grants” giving them exclusive
access to specific sectors.
The Warrant
Patent of Nobility
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