Briefing Notes
Briefing Notes
Briefing Notes
Esther Regina
Subject: Rise in stress levels among Canadian nurses after COVID outbreak.
Global concern and urgency have arisen due to COVID-19, an illness that poses a threat to
life everywhere. The physical, economic, and social repercussions of the pandemic are
affecting people's mental health, with some groups having a larger chance of developing
more serious disorders.
. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our waking lives, so nurses couldn't
simply leave the anguish it had caused at the hospital.
Unbelievably, 66% of nurses in the health and patient care sector reported burnout.
Burnout levels have increased after the pandemic in Canadian nurses. It caused exhaustion of the
body, mind, emotions, and cognitive abilities. Instead, we must adopt a shared responsibility
strategy for recovery.
Surprisingly, more nurses (92.0%) than doctors (83.7%), PSWs or care aides (83.1%), or other
health care professionals (83.1%), reported feeling more anxious at work. The second most
frequent impact cited by nurses was an increase in workload (83,7%). Nurses may not have been
able to alter their techniques of providing care due to their frequent hands-on care and employment
in acute care settings, and their services may have been in more demand
After the pandemic, nurses had a lot of problems. Many nurses' lives had been affected by the
pandemic. Because several nurses died during the outbreak and many more left their jobs, there
was a staff reduction that has not yet been resolved, and nurses are currently working overtime as a
result. This has resulted in numerous significant stressors for the nurses.
There is a need to implement new healthcare policies aimed at preventing, detecting, and treating
mental health issues within the profession, as it has been observed that increased levels of mental
health symptoms among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic may have a significant impact on
the quality of care that patients receive. Addressing issues with nurses' mental health, such as
compassion fatigue, stress, and stressors, would be a step in the right direction for improved
nursing care.
For recovery to be successful, it is essential to recognize warning signals and unhealthy
behaviors and to act quickly. If symptoms are not treated, they may worsen to the point that they
are incapacitating. In severe circumstances, acute stress disorder, secondary traumatic stress, and
post-traumatic stress disorder can affect nurses (PTSD). Plan and recognize the stress levels among
the nurses and try to give them counseling and few tips and other resources where in nurses can
reduce the stressors
The ministry's approval of the factors and suggestions would be an honor. because the
ministry is the appropriate entity to amend the laws and rules, hence we strongly advise you to
I would appreciate it if the action was done as soon as feasible.
Name: Regina
Email id:
Managing Nurse Stress: Mental Health Tips and Resources. (2020, July 31). AdventHealth
Mitigating compassion fatigue in nurses during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022,
Moghaddam, H. M. (2022, May 17). Stress management in nurses caring for COVID-19 patients:
New research shows more than a third of all Canadians reporting burnout. (2022, October 28).
Nurses are tough as nails, but everyone’s resilience is finite - Canada's Nurses. (2021, June 18).
The Daily — Experiences of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, September to
Annex A
Strengths: Weakness:
Main role of nurses during and after the Nursing shortages, resulting in overtime
COVID outbreak work for the nurses causing more stress.
Good recognition and pay were also Because of the nurse shortages, they will
increased for all the nurses as they were not be able to attend if any counseling
providing all-time care for the COVID session arranged for them
patients Nurses lack knowledge about mental
Had a good opportunity for learning new health help resources available
things and also new technology Lack of time to focus on their mental
Negligence about their mental health
Opportunities: Threats:
Staff retention and fewer sick call-ins Taking time off to treat their mental
Better patient outcomes health issues result in a shortage of staff
Higher overall satisfaction in units
Happier and more motivated staff High cost for these stress-relieving