Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
1.1. Introduction
When talking literature or literary works such as a short story or
novel, people in general usually assume the works identical with
‘imagination’ or an imaginative work. If it is not imaginative it is not
included and named as literature. Due to being imaginative, literature is
then assumed to be useless, rubbish, and wasting time to deal with it.
When talking science of literature, most people stereotypically view that
literature is identical with feeling or emotion; there is no rationality and
logics at all within it. As a result, the science of literature or anything
related to it is more inferior than other sciences or fields of study. Besides,
when talking literature, many ‘educated’ people strangely view literature as
a field of study that has no contribution at all to the study and mastery of
English or teaching of English. Literature as a subject should be, therefore,
excluded from a curriculum of English education program.
For many readers, literature is that which has stood the test of time.
But this criterion is mystifying, for while it suggests an objective
temporal process, the ‘test of time’ really amounts to a long
historical process of selection and exclusion by cultural elites
(publishers, professors, editors, agents) who create CANONS of
literature (2007: 7).
Terry Eagleton
Plato Aristotle
William Wordsworth
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1.4. Summary
Through the discussion of this Chapter, it can be seen that literature
is an art so a literary work is a ‘work of art’ like a painting, statute, or
graphic design in visual art. The main medium of literature is language.
Without language, it cannot exist. In spite of being art, it does not mean it
only deals with feeling, emotion, and imagination (called as fictionality), but
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