Cinnamomum Verum (Presl.)

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Seasonal Variation in the Population Density of the

Gall Mite, Aceria doctersi (Nalepa, 1909) (Acari
:Eriophyidae) Within the Leaf Galls of
Cinnamomum verum (Presl.)
P.N.M. Nasareen1, N. Ramani2
Research scholar, Division of Acarology, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, 673635, India
Professor Division of Acarology, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, 673635, India

Abstract: Aceria doctersi is a highly host specific phytophagous eriophyid mite, infesting and inducing varying numbers of pouched
galls on the leaves, leaf petioles, inflorescence and the young shoots of Cinnamomum verum, one of the most economically important
spice and medicinal crop. Gall formation by A. doctersi adversely affects the quality of the leaves, thereby reducing the economic utility
of the plant. The present study discusses the seasonal impact on the population density of the gall mite, A. doctersi within the leaf galls
of C. verum, carried out in the Calicut University Campus, Malappuram Dt., Kerala from January, 2012 to December, 2012. The impact
of temperature and humidity could be positively correlated with the population density of the mite within the leaf galls (r = 0.58, r =
0.237) whereas rainfall exerted a negative correlation (r = - 0.182). The study also sheds light on percentage of damage, relationship
between size of the galls and mite population density.

Keywords: Aceria doctersi, Eriophyid mites, leaf galls, Cinnamomum verum, population density.

1. Introduction influence of climatic factors on the phenology of leaf galls

and population density of the mite, A. doctersi under
Eriophyid mites are the smallest phytophagous mites natural conditions is discussed along with data on the
ranging in size from 0.15 to 0.3 mm. Most of them are percentage of damage induced.
host specific, and induce varying abnormalities such as
gall formation, russeting, stunted growth, witches broom 2. Material and Methods
effect, erineal formation, leaf / shoot defoliation etc. in
host plants. Plant responses to insect herbivory vary 2.1 Study site
depending up on the type of herbivore [1], [2] intensity of
parasitism [3-5] and distribution patterns of herbivores [6], The principal collection site in the present study was the
[7]. The response can be chemical (e.g., synthesis of Calicut University Campus located in the Mlappuram
defense compounds – [8]), physiological (e.g., changes in district of Kerala. The Campus is located latitudes of
photosynthetic rate - [9]) or morphological (e.g., 11.25 latitudes and 75.78 longitudes and an altitude of 47
architectural changes – [10]). Within host plants, seasonal m elevation. The climate is typical for the humid tropics.
changes in the morphology of plant parts, nutritional The area shows an annual temperature range of 20-36o C
quality of plant tissues and mites limited dispersal from and RH of 60-80%. The region usually receives 3068.18
overwintering sites affect gall density [11-14]. Cycles in mm rain fall per year. Summer season extends from
insect populations are usually attributed to delayed February to May. The south West monsoon period is from
density–dependent interactions between insects and their June to September and North East monsoon period is from
food, competitors, or natural enemies [15]. A second October to November. The winter period usually extends
potential source of population cycles that has received less from December to January. During summer, the highest
attention is periodic fluctuations in a biotic factors [16]. If day temperature is in between 31° C to 38° C.
weather patterns are both cyclic and major determinants of
insect population change, then weather can generate insect 2.2 Seasonal phenology of leaf galls under natural
population cycles [17]. A. doctersi is an eriophyid mite condition
which feeds exclusively on C. verum, an important
economic crop of multiple utility in medicine [18] . The Phenological studies were carried out on galled leaf
mite while sucking the sap from the leaves, inflorescence samples collected randomly from C.verum (Fig.1a).
and tender stem of C. verum, stimulates the formation of Galled leaves were collected monthly, through random
innumerable number of pouched galls of varying sampling and galled leaf samples were put in polythene
dimensions, covering the entire leaf, often resulting in bags and transported to the laboratory for further
severe distortion and subsequent drying up of leaves. observation under stereomicroscope. Data were recorded
on the number of immature and mature galls developed on
In the present paper, a study carried out during the one the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the leaves. The size of
year period from January, 2012 to December, 2012 on the individual gall was measured using a vernier calliper and
Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Paper ID: SUB15345 1106
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
entire surface area of galled leaf was calculated Figure 1b: Subsequent drying up of leaves due to
graphically in order to assess the percentage of damage infestation by gall mite A. doctersi.
induced by the mite. Data on temperature, RH, and rain
fall recorded in the study site were obtained from
meteorological station in Malppuram, 12 km away from
the study site.

2.3 Assessment of Population density of A. pongamiae

The galled leaves collected from the field were cut in to

six pieces with a sharp blade and individual piece was
subjected to observation under LEICA optical microscope
and the number of different stages of the gall mite were
counted and recorded (Fig.2). In order to correlate the
impact of physical factors like the temperature, RH and
rain fall on the population density of the mite and the % of
damage induced, Pearson correlation was followed.

3. Results
Figure 2: section of gall showing inner growth of
3.1 Seasonal Phenology of the Gall Leaf Under glandular hairs/papillae with different stages of gall mite
Natural Conditions A. doctersi of C. verum. (Presl.)

The results of studies on the seasonal phenology and

population dynamics of A. doctersi on C. verum
performed during January 2012- December 2012 are
represented in Table 1. During January gall size (2.1mm)
and percentage of damage (12.57%) was found minimum
and the average temperature and R.H during this period
was 29.1oC and 70% respectively. Then the percentage of
damage and gall size gradually increased since January
and reached the peak level during May (62.5% and 3mm
respectively) when the average maximum temperature was
30.45oC and R.H 80.5%. During this period, galls were
found covering the entire leaf area, often fused to form
irregular massive structures on the entire laminar area
including the midrib, veins and vein lets (Fig: 1a). It was
further observed that during this period, the average
number of different stages of A. doctersi (Fig.2) was 75
per gall. The total rain fall recorded during this period was
63.3 mm. From June onwards, the % of damage (53.06%)
decreased gradually and in December reached the Figure 3: Scanning Electron Micrograph of A. doctersi of
minimum level of 13.16%. During this period the gall size C. verum
also got reduced gradually. There was a positive 3.2 Population density of A. doctersi
correlation between the population of the mite and the %
of damage (r=0.63). A positive correlation was also Results of population studies on A. doctersi and influence
recorded between the gall size and % of damage (r=0.89). of weather parameters during September, 2011 to August,
2012 are represented in Table:1. As the temperature got
increased, there was a gradual increase in total mite
population. During the study period, mite population
attained the peak level in May (75 mites per gall) when
the temperature and R.H were 31.78oC and 80.5%
respectively. Results of statistical analysis showed a
positive correlation between the number of mites and
temperature (r=0.576). The mite population experienced a
sudden decline from June to December, with the average
number per gall decreasing from 22 to 17. During this
period intermittent rains were available in the site. A
negative correlation could be depicted between the
number of mites and rain fall (r = -0.182) whereas positive
correlation was recorded between the mite density and
relative humidity (r = 0.237).
Figure 1a: Leaf galls of C.verum.
Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Paper ID: SUB15345 1107
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
Table 1: Phenology and population density of C. verum March 551 29 19 14.3 2 14
during Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2012 April 1148 41 28 6.6 2.8 42.42

Average area of leaf

May 2850 75 38 4.8 3 62.5

Total no. of mites

Average area of
Average no. of

Average no. of
June 726 22 33 4.9 2.6 53.06

%of damage

July 540 18 30 5.2 2.4 46.15

Aug 400 16 25 6.8 2.2 32.35
Sep 528 24 22 11.2 2.1 18.75
Octo 378 21 18 13 2 15.38
Nov 323 19 17 12.4 1.9 15.32
Jan. 2012 210 15 14 16.7 2.1 12.57 Dec. 2012 225 17 15 15.2 2 13.16
Feb 336 21 16 15.7 2.3 14.64

Figure 3: Influence of temperature, RH, and rain fall on the seasonal abundance of A.doctersi

4. Discussion secluded niches available in the gall cavity, the minute

external openings of the galls would permit the entry of rain
C. doctersi has been recognised as an eriophyid mite, water in traces, thereby leading to negative impact on mite
inducing pouched galls of varying dimensions on the leaves, population [19]. Rain water was found to exert a negative
inflorescence and tender stem of C. verum. In several correlation with the mite density, as evidenced during the
occasions, severe distortion and subsequent drying up of study. The results of the present study enabled and record a
leaves could be observed (Fig.1b), clearly indicating that decline in mite population since June, which would be a
mite infestation drastically affects the photosynthetic activity better reflection of the negative impact of the rain fall
of the plant, in turn leading to a reduction of biomass [19- received by the site.
20]. Results of studies on the seasonal phenology of the
galled leaf under natural conditions showed highest 5. Conclusion
percentage of damage with greater number of galls during
May, leading to a significant reduction in leaf area, thereby The feeding activity of the mite generally led to the
supporting the earlier findings [19]. Population studies formation of epiphyllous and hypophyllous galls of varying
carried out on C. verum enabled to record seasonal numbers, covering the entire surface. The highest percentage
fluctuations in the mite density within the leaf galls. There of mite damage (62.5%) and the average number of mites
was a gradual increase in the population density since (75/gall) could be observed during the summer month, May.
January and which reached the peak level in May. This In December and January, found to harbour very low
observation is in conformity with the findings of [21] who number of eriophyids (17/gall and 15/gall respectively). This
reported a maximum population density of A. litchi during in several occasions results in severe distortion and
April- May and minimum during November- December. subsequent drying up of leaves. Results of statistical analysis
Similar trends in the population of Aculus euphorbiae showed the impact of temperature and humidity could be
feeding on Euphorbia spp. were also reported by [22], who positively correlated with the population density of the mite
reported lower mite population in winter. Species like A. within the leaf galls (r = 0.58, r = 0.24) whereas rainfall
dalbergiae also attained peak population during May, as exerted a negative correlation (r = - 0.14).
observed by [23] . The population of E. mangiferae reached
peak in late May, and then fluctuated during June, July and 6. Acknowledgement
August[24] . During the present study, the mite population
was found to exhibit a decline since June, which would be a The first author is grateful to the Ministry of Minority
reflection of the negative impact of rain fall received by the Affairs, Government of India providing MOULANA AZAD
site. Though A. doctersi was found to reside in highly NATIONAL FELLOWSHIP.
Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Paper ID: SUB15345 1108
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Paper ID: SUB15345 1109
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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