TG124A User Manual PDF
TG124A User Manual PDF
TG124A User Manual PDF
User Manual
Signal Hound USB-TG124A User Manual
Published 6/24/2019
2019, Signal Hound
1502 SE Commerce Ave, Suite 101
Battle Ground, WA
Phone 360-217-0112
This information is being released into the public domain in accordance with the Export Administration
Regulations 15 CFR 734
1 Preparing For Use ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Taking Measurements...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Preparing For Use | Initial Inspection
The Signal Hound USB-TG124A is a USB-based 100 kHz to 12.4 GHz economy tracking generator that
works with the USB-SA series and BB60C spectrum analyzers, facilitating scalar network analyzer
measurements. The Signal Hound USB-TG124A is powered from the USB cable, eliminating the need
for a separate power supply. Measuring less than 8 inches long and weighing less than a pound, the
Signal Hound can be used virtually anywhere!
2 Getting Started
Learn about the basic functions and features of your Signal Hound Tracking Generator
Taking Measurements | The USB-TG124A Front & Rear Panels
The primary use for the USB-TG124A tracking generator is to form a scalar network analyzer when
paired with the USB-SA124B spectrum analyzer and the Spike software. The insertion loss of filters,
amplifiers, cables, and attenuators can be measured quickly and accurately from 100 kHz to 12.4 GHz. By
adding a directional coupler, return loss can be measured as well.
The Spike software is set up to sweep active devices, such as amplifiers, and passive devices, such as
filters and attenuators. By default, high dynamic range is selected, which typically offers 90 dB of
dynamic range (0 to -90 dB for passive devices, +20 to -70 dB for active devices, or +40 to -50 dB for
active devices with a 20 dB fixed attenuator). High dynamic range sweeps take about ½ second for a 100
point sweep (span > 100 kHz).
For crystals or other very high Q circuits, a second operating mode is available. This narrow-band mode
is selected automatically when your span is 100 kHz or less. In this mode, a 100 point sweep takes about
7 seconds, but the sweep updates at each point.
3. TG Sync. Connect to the USB-SA124B Sync Out port for spans of greater than 100 kHz.
3 Taking Measurements
Learn how to take path loss, amplifier gain, and mixer gain/loss measurements
Taking Measurements | Measuring Insertion Loss or Gain
The Signal Hound USB-TG124A Tracking Generator (TG), combined with the USB-SA124B Spectrum
Analyzer (SA) and Spike software, is capable of making a wide range of scalar network analysis
measurements. Whether you are tuning an RF filter, sweeping an amplifier to plot gain, or verifying a
step attenuator, measurements are quick and easy with the USB-TG124A tracking generator.
1. Plug the spectrum analyzer and tracking generator devices into the PC using the supplied USB
2. Connect the spectrum analyzer and tracking generator nose-to-nose using the SMA barrel
connector provided.
6. Set your reference level to +10 dBm. This will place the “zero” insertion loss line one division
from the top of the graticule.
8. Select your ideal sweep size. This will help the software
determine step size (the frequency step between
10. If you wish to double the sweep speed and cut the dynamic range in half, un-check High
11. With the spectrum analyzer and tracking generator still connected nose-to-nose, wait for a
complete sweep to finish. Then click Store Thru. This will correct for the amplitude offsets
between the TG and SA, and give you a stable line at 0 dB insertion loss. Note: If you change any
settings after Store Thru, repeat this step.
12. (Optional) For maximum accuracy below -45 dB, insert a fixed attenuation of 20 to 30 dB, and
then click Store 20 dB Pad. The actual attenuation used can be anywhere from 20 to 30 dB,
and will be factored out automatically. This corrects for small offsets between the higher range
Taking Measurements | Measuring Return Loss
and lower range readings. This is only used for settings of High Range, Passive Device. If you
omit this step, accuracy below -40 dB should be treated as +/- 1 dB typical.
Decrease your span down to about 10 kHz, keeping the signal centered, then reduce your RBW to 10 Hz
or 100 Hz, depending on the dynamic range required. With a 10 Hz RBW, your noise floor will generally
show about 140 dB of insertion loss. This method is especially good for tuning notch filters where your
ultimate rejection at a specified frequency may need to be 100 dB or greater
Once again, measurement accuracy will benefit from 3 to 6 dB pads on the Signal Hound devices. This
method is not as accurate as using a precision vector network analyzer with a full two port calibration,
but with a good directional coupler, measurements from 0 to -20 dB should be accurate.
Theory of Operation | Measuring Return Loss
4 Theory of Operation
Learn about the internal blocks that make up the Signal Hound Tracking Generator
The Signal Hound Tracking Generator is built around a 32-bit programmable modulus DDS. This allows
the firmware to set precise 10 Hz steps. The DDS generates frequencies from 10 Hz to 28 MHz directly.
To produce higher frequencies, the DDS output frequency is multiplied by an integer from 5 to 500.
Below 28 MHz, the output has low harmonic content. However, above 28 MHz, harmonics are
generated and not filtered. From 4 GHz to 7.2 GHz, an Fout / 2 subharmonic will also be present, and
above 7.2 GHz there will be Fout/3 and 2*Fout/3 subharmonics. Harmonics and / or subharmonics,
sometimes as high as -10 dBc, will be observed. For use as a tracking generator, the presence of
harmonics has very little impact on the measurement, since the harmonics will generally be well outside
the spectrum analyzer's input bandwidth.
However, when verifying the output power level with an RF power meter, the harmonic content can add
typically up to 0.7 dB to the measured output.
Please note that the phase noise of the USB-TG124A is higher than the USB-SA124A. However, this will
have minimal impact on readings as out-of-band energy is rejected by the spectrum analyzer.
5 Troubleshooting
5.1.1 General Troubleshooting Procedure
1. Before troubleshooting the TG124A, make sure your USB-SA124B is working properly.
2. The most common cause of the TG124A not working is a missing or damaged BNC cable
between the TG sync and the SA sync. If the LED on the TG124A is red during scalar network
analyzer sweeps, this is likely the problem.
3. Unplug the USB cable from your Tracking Generator, count to 10, and plug it back in. If the LED
is green, proceed. Otherwise, try a different USB port or cable.
Calibration and Adjustment | Frequency
7 Specifications
Frequency range 100 kHz to 12.4 GHz
Frequency Accuracy ±1ppm/year
Frequency steps Below 4 GHz output, 19 selectable step sizes from 10 Hz to 10 MHz
Above 4 GHz, 16 step sizes from 100 Hz to 10 MHz
Amplitude range -30 to -12 dBm. (-30 to -10 dBm typical)
Absolute Amplitude accuracy ±2.0 dB
Amplitude steps resolution 1 dB
SMA RF Output
Revision History | Environment
20° C to 25° C to achieve published specifications
Test with factory calibration software to verify that USB-TG124A is operating within tolerance.
Recommended calibration interval is 1 year at 20°C to 25°C.
Factory adjustment software shall be used to generate new calibration constants when USB-TG124A will
not pass calibration.
8 Revision History
Version 3.00 – Initial release under the Spike software
9.1.1 Warranty
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Signal Hound makes no
warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Signal Hound shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages
in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This Signal Hound product has a
warranty against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years from date of shipment.
During the warranty period, Signal Hound will, at its option, either repair or replace products that prove
to be defective.
Warranty and Disclaimer | Adjustments
9.1.5 Certification
Signal Hound certifies that, at the time of shipment, this product conformed to its published