FPH Systems and Function-Final-V2
FPH Systems and Function-Final-V2
FPH Systems and Function-Final-V2
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
We define public health as the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life
and promoting health and wellbeing, through the organised efforts of society.
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
1. Introduction
Public health is essential to all aspects of health and wellbeing and is crucial
to reducing health inequalities and influencing the wider determinants of
health. Public health’s historic endeavours have led to enormous advances in
the control of communicable disease, through immunisation, clean water and
The UK has also seen successes in reducing smoking recognition and should be embedded in all community
rates, accidental deaths and the burden of non- strategies. There are unacceptably high levels of air
communicable disease. These advances are the result pollution in many towns and cities and the serious adverse
of successful lobbying for public health legislation, effects of this are now much better understood. We are
working with policymakers and partners to address seeing a fall in immunisation rates and screening uptake,
the wider determinants of health and empowering which are vital for the prevention of disease and disability.
local communities. As the needs of the population And our health services do not take full advantage of
have become more complex, so too has our approach preventing and controlling the premature onset of chronic
to improving the public’s health. Public health training and multiple diseases to the extent they should. We also
equips us to address current and new challenges, and need to protect the health of our planet, possibly the
public health works to ensure that resources are used greatest challenge to human survival. Public health lies at
wisely, represent value and contribute to reducing health the heart of all these issues and we must act now to secure
inequalities. the best possible health for future generations.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on public This document draws together a range of different
health as never before, and highlighted the critical papers that the Faculty of Public Health has produced in
importance of having a strong, well-resourced and well- recent years to describe the essential functions of a public
trained workforce. The public health response to the health system, and the standards and contribution of the
pandemic has been nothing less than heroic, though specialist public health workforce that are crucial to a
many months, if not years, of painstaking work lie ahead robust UK public health structure.
in order to manage and control the virus.
Whilst focusing on the role of public health specialists in
However, public health is much wider than pandemics, this document, the Faculty of Public Health acknowledges
critical though they are. The UK faces a huge range the critical roles of practitioners and the wider public
of challenges, with widening health inequalities health workforce that underpin every function essential
between rich and poor and poverty and homelessness to a strong public health system (see FPH Practitioners
increasing. Infant deaths are rising, early years’ health document).1
is worsening and life expectancy has stalled for the first
time in a century. Public health approaches to knife Professor Maggie Rae PrFPH, FRCP Hon, FRSPH, FRSM
crime, gambling and drug misuse have been gaining President, Faculty of Public Health
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Public health requires effective action by many different The public health functions are presented here within
organisations and players. The balance of responsibility the three domains of public health practice – health
will vary from place to place, but the essential functions protection, health improvement and health services - plus
which must be assured in every locality remain constant. the underpinning functions of public health intelligence,
What is critical is that there is clarity with respect to each academic public health and workforce development that
function as to who is accountable, who has responsibility are integral to each of the three domains. They align and
for leading, and what contribution is required of different map onto frameworks such as the WHO Essential Public
organisations and elements across the whole system. Health Operations.3
Health Protection
Action for clean air, water and food, infectious disease control, protection against environmental health hazards,
chemical incidents and emergency response.
Health Protection requires strong collaborative working between all levels of Public Health – National Regional and
Local. It needs to work with the NHS, Local Authorities the Voluntary Sector as well as well as other partners e.g.
Animal Health, Health & Safety Executive etc. It is vital that partners work together to deliver the functions listed and
make sure the system is effective.
2. Functions of the Local Public Health System, Faculty of Public Health, originally published 2014
3. WHO Essential Public Health Operations
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Health Improvement
Wide ranging action to improve health and wellbeing and to reduce health inequalities
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Health Services
Action in service planning, commissioning and development, clinical effectiveness, clinical governance and efficiency
working with Partners across the system in the NHS, Local Authorities and Voluntary Sector.
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Public Health Intelligence
Surveillance, monitoring and assessment of health and the determinants of health, plus the development of the
public health evidence base and knowledge
Evaluation Evaluate health To seek rigorous and independent evaluation when new approaches are being
services and public implemented
health interventions
Apply a population perspective to evidence so that issues can be set in a
context of incidence, prevalence and marginal utility
Use one or more research methods to support work undertaken in a service or
research setting, disseminating findings appropriately
Identify research needs based on patient or population needs and in
collaboration with relevant partners (such as local higher educational
Teaching Promote public Ensure all members of the public health team are able to critically appraise
health teaching and evidence, apply research findings to the local population and evaluate local
training public health interventions
Contribute to the education and training of other staff, medical students and
Close working with relevant local higher education institutions
Supervise junior colleagues in a one-to-one project mentorship
Conduct group tutorials on research and academic topics
Develop teaching materials and contribute to the development of the public
health curriculum
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Workforce Development
Training and development for public health professionals, registrars and colleagues
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
These are underpinned by specialist skills such as health In Wales there are currently around 79 consultants. They
intelligence, developing an evidence base, epidemiology, work centrally within Public Health Wales (around 42%),
health economics, audit and research, and interpersonal within Health Protection (around 13%), Local Public
skills such as communication, collaborative working, Health Teams (around 38%), with the others in Health
management and leadership. Boards, academia and the Welsh Government.
Currently in England there are about 1,000 public health In Scotland, before COVID-19, there were around
specialists (directors of public health or PH consultants) in 102 consultants, excluding those within the Scottish
England. They are employed by local authorities (~45%), Government and academic appointments. According to
Public Health England (~31%), universities (~15%) and a 2015 workforce report, there were approximately 125
the NHS (~9%).4 (wte) public health consultant posts in total, including
specialists and Directors of Public Health. These posts
were distributed across the NHS and local government.5
Specialist numbers
If it is the UK governments’ wish to aspire to a world This recommendation addresses the need of both service
class system then we recommend aiming for 30 whole and academic at Local, Regional and National levels. The
time equivalent Public Health consultants per configuration of posts is for each of the four nations to
million population. This figure is felt to be feasible, decide.
desirable and affordable.
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
A strong public health specialist workforce provides n Provide resilience: to lead in major events such as
leadership, capability and capacity that can: outbreaks and flooding.
n Ensure the delivery of public health functions. n Anticipate changing environments and new hazards
n Provide a source of expert advice to political leaders and threats.
and other policy makers. n Reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases on
n Provide high quality decision-making: the ability to health and social care.
bring in research and intelligence and integrate with n Ensure succession planning, including future DPHs
community and other views. and other key roles.
n Improve health and social outcomes, ensuring the
best use of scarce resources.
6. The unique contribution of public health specialists, published by the National Standing Group on Local PH Teams
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
FPH is unique in setting the standards for the specialist n External, impartial assessors on consultant and DPH
public health workforce to improve and protect the interview panels
public’s health and wellbeing. The Faculty does this by:
n Maintaining a continuous professional development
n Review and approval of consultant level job (CPD) scheme with 1,600 participants7
n Good Public Health Practice, providing the basis for
good professional practice in public health8
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Public health skills during training are built on a n Organisation and delivery of health care including
knowledge base which includes: health intelligence
n Basic and clinical sciences including research method, n Knowledge of the law as it affects the population’s
epidemiological and statistical method, health needs health
assessment and evaluative technique
n Leadership and management skills including change
n Disease causation and prevention including health management and health economics
promotion, screening, communicable disease and
environmental hazard control and social politics
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
The events of 2020 have starkly demonstrated the global In recognition of this, the speciality training curriculum is
nature of many of the public health challenges, needing designed to highlight the importance of the contextual
an understanding of the global dimensions of health links between local and global health and the context
and its influences. In an increasingly interconnected and in which public health practice is undertaken. It would
globalised world, public health professionals need to be expected that by the end of their training, registrars
have an understanding of the global influences on health would have been equipped with the knowledge, skills
to be able to improve the health of the population. and attitudes to make a positive impact on population
health in order that they can be effective public health
Global disparities in health represent the most stark leaders in a wide variety of locations.
health inequalities of all and an appreciation of this
global burden on health and the strategies to tackle For further information on the knowledge, skills and
these at a global and local level also need to be learning required to be a consultant in public health,
understood by the public health workforce. Public health please refer to the FPH Public Health Specialty Training
consultants should also have knowledge of the many Curriculum 2015.
national and international policies and institutions within
which global health operates its governance structures
and how the global health community responds to public
health threats and emergencies.
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
Functions and standards of a Public Health System
4 St Andrews Place, London, NW1 4LB