Civil War Lapbook PDF
Civil War Lapbook PDF
Civil War Lapbook PDF
Suggested Vocabulary
Make cards for the following words and store them in your Vocabulary Pocket:
Cut book out as one piece. Fold top under. Fold bottom under. Open book. Cut on
solid black lines to form four flaps. Refold so that the cover is on the front.
they do
What did
when they
Why were
What were
Who were
Cut book out as one piece. Fold in half. (Same instructions for both books.)
Cut books out. Fold on lines (matchbook style); this
book will open from the top. Use extra images to
decorate your lapbook, as desired.
Who started the American Zouaves?
What did they wear?
ClipartETC *
Vivandières of the American Civil War
What does the word “Vivandière” mean?
What did a Vivandière wear?
How did a Vivandière help during the American Civil War?
Cut pocket out as one piece. Fold back up. Wrap flaps around the back and glue down.
Cut out as one piece. Fold in
half. Open. Fold ends to the
inside. Fold in half again. Add
text and images as desired.
Cut out shapes on solid black lines. Fold on dotted lines like an accordion (back and forth, back and forth). If you need less areas to write,
cut one/some off. If you need more, print another strip. Glue the tab as indicated. You will need an odd number of spaces for the accor-
dion to work properly.
Glue to the back of the next strip.
Cut book out on solid black lines. Fold in thirds on dotted lines.
Cut out rectangle as one piece. Fold on solid lines. You should
have a book that opens like the “shutters” on a window.
Cut book out as one piece (you are going to
cut some of the picture off. Fold in half. On
the inside, write about what kind of shelters
soldiers made.
Cut book out on solid black lines. Fold in thirds on dotted lines.
The Monitor
Paddlewheeler The Virginia
Cut out book and fold in half.
Cut each piece out. Write facts about the periscope on the pieces. Stack together with cover on top and fasten with a brad
where indicated.
A new
way of
Cut book out as one piece. Fold in half. Open. Fold bottom strip up (fold on the dotted lines) to form a pocket on
the inside of the book. Use small dots of glue on the edges (if you use too much, the pockets will be too small).
Cut out Morse code and store in pocket. Let your student write a message in
Morse Code and include that in the pocket as well. An older student may also in-
clude a report on Samuel Morse (the inventor).
ERROR: stackunderflow
Different Flags
Used in the
Civil War
Fort Sumter
Cut each flag shape out. Stack in order with cover
(on top and staple on the left side.
Cut out each shape. Fold each book in half. Glue the back sides of the small books into the inside of
your large book.
Use the insides of the books to cut/paste the recipes or to write what your student thought of each rec-
ipe as you made it and sampled it.
Extra images have been included for lapbook decora-
tions (or you could use them to make more minit
Johnny Cake
Cut shapes out. Stack
together with cover on
top and staple.
Step One
Step Four
Cut out rectangles. Stack together smallest to largest with cover on top. Staple at the top.
Include a picture of your child’s doll on the last page (step seven).
Cut out each shape (cut along the dark black lines; do not cut any dotted lines). Fold each book in half (four small books and one large book).
Glue the back sides of the small books into the inside of your large book.
See diagram on next page to help you visualize what your opened book will look like.
United States = Blue
Confederate States = Red
Union Territories = Yellow