V-EMUX-1 and V-EMUX-2

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1.1 Overview
Thank you for selecting the V-EMUX-1/2 product designed and made by
Changzhou Bell Data Communication Equipments Co.,Ltd. The product can be
used to provide E1 communication channels over Ethernet or IP networks.

The V-EMUX-1/2 has many optional parameters, which can be modified by

the user to suite different application requirements. Please read this manual
carefully before installing the product.
It is well known that the E1 signal comes from PCM technology which is
TDM in nature. It transmits information in a constant bit rate of E1_2048kbit/s,
TDM technology occupies fixed transmission bandwidth, with QoS features
suitable for real-time applications such as voice and video. The QoS features
include short and stable transmission delay, low jitter and wander, etc.
On the other hand, Ethernet is based on statistical multiplexing, transmitting
and exchanging information in packets. It does not take up a fixed transmission
bandwidth, which is good for achieving higher bandwidth utilization. But Ethernet
technology does not provide adequate QoS for real time applications.
Until recently, voice and data were, and still are to a large extent, transported
over two separate networks. But the requirement for both types of information to
be carried over a unified network is growing rapid. Packets over SONET/SDH
techniques to integrate date into the TDM network have been around for many
years. But for voice over packet based data networks, most of the efforts are spent
on creating special equipment that packets voice or video signals, such as VoIP
However, to take advantage of the data network, it is neither cost effective,
nor necessary to hastily replace all the TDM based equipment with new packet
based equipment. The V-EMUX-1/2 can be used to emulate transparent E1
channels over an Ethernet with adequate QoS, so that most of the existing E1based
applications can be readily setup over Ethernet LANs and WANs. One particular
suited application is to build E1 links with low cost wireless LAN bridges,
replacing much more costly microwave radios.

1.2 Features
User-friendly Web server supported for easy setup and maintenance
Support SNMP V1 and V2 network management
Point to point and point to multipoint supported
Uplink ports 1+1 backup supported

V-EMUX-1 and V-EMUX-2 User Manual V1.2 -1-

V-EMUX-1 provide one E1 Port and V-EMUX-2 support two E1 ports
Stable E1 clock recovery, low jitter and wander
Low processing delay for E1 channels, high bandwidth usage efficiency
Resist to packet loss, with PCM frame synchronization protection
User definable encapsulation packet size for different application
Support Ethernet encapsulation and UDP/IP protocol encapsulation
Support VLAN settings for E1 service and in band VLAN management.
Enough jitter buffer to resist packet delay variation (PDV)
Local and remote E1 LOS and AIS and packet loss indication for
trouble-shooting and maintenance
Hardware and software program online upgrade

1.3 Applications
V-EMUX-1/2 is used to setup 1~8 transparent E1 channels over LAN or IP
networks, as depicted in Fig. 1.3-1.

(a) Application in wireless

(b) Point to Multipoint Application

Fig. 1.3-1 V-EMUX-1/2 typical application

In the figure, a pair of V-EMUX-1/2s create 1~2 transparent E1 channels over
the packet network, providing connections between the PBX and telephone
exchange, or other terminal devices. At the same time, computers talk to each other
through the local Ethernet ports on the V-EMUX-1/2’s. This configuration

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guarantees that the E1 channels get higher priority over computer data for maximum
The most widely used application of V-EMUX-1/2 is to set up point to point
wireless E1 links using low cost wireless LAN bridges. V-EMUX-1/2 can work with
most LAN bridges on the market. It may be necessary to adjust different parameters
such as packet size and packet jitter absorption buffer size for best operation for
different LAN bridges.
WARNING: When connecting to a wireless LAN bridge, the uplink
Ethernet cable often connects to the outdoor unit, posing danger to lightning
strikes that can seriously damage the equipment. To protect the equipment as
well as people, surge protection devices with good earth connection is strongly
recommended. Poor earth connection may also hinder the operation of the
Ethernet port, causing severe packet losses.

1.4 Timing modes

To emulate a clear E1 channel over a packet network, the V-EMUX-1/2 not only
conveys data stream content correctly from the source to the destination, but also
passes timing. Packet networks do not provide such built-in timing transparency
mechanism as TDM networks do. V-EMUX-1/2 uses its proprietary algorithm to
reconstruct the E1 clock at the destination. The recovered clock is of very high
quality, with low jitter and wander. Typical frequency offset is within ±5ppm, and
jitter is below 0.1UI. It can be adopted in most applications. This timing mode of
rebuilding the E1 clock at the destination is called Adaptive Timing.
For applications where separate clock distribution network exists, another
timing mode, Loop back Timing, may be used for maximum clock quality.
The two timing modes of V-EMUX-1/2 are depicted in Fig.1.4-1.

Fig.1.4-1 E1Timing modes

Correct timing mode setting is important for smooth operations. In most cases,
setting both units to adaptive timing mode is sufficient. But sometimes, setting one
unit to loop timing mode may work better. For example, setting the V-EMUX-1/2
unit connected with the clock master (such as local exchange) to loop back mode,
and the other unit connected with the clock slave (such as PBX or remote module) to

V-EMUX-1 and V-EMUX-2 User Manual V1.2 -3-

adaptive mode, is probably better than setting both to adaptive modes.
One typical error in telecom applications is to connect two communication
devices that are both clock slaves. Neither will V-EMUX-1/2 support such operation
no mater how the timing modes are set.

Note that E1 channel emulation takes several minutes to stabilize. During

that period, clock drift may exceed the limit, errors and slips may occur.
Various timing schemes are enlisted in Table 1.4-1, for applications depicted in

Fig.1.4-2 Timing mode scheme reference diagram

Table 1.4-1 Timing mode schemes
A side B side
Equipment A Equipment B
EMUX-1/2 EMUX -1/2 Note
clock mode clock mode
Timing mode Timing mode
loop back loop back Equipment A & B
master master
adaptive adaptive clocks synchronous
Equipment A & B
master master adaptive adaptive
clocks plesiochronous
loop back adaptive
master slave
adaptive adaptive
adaptive loop back
slave master
adaptive adaptive
slave slave Not allowed
Note that setting both units to adaptive timing mode works well for all the conditions,
although the other option may work better.

2. System architecture
2.1 Block diagram
The internal functional structure of V-EMUX-1/2 is depicted below:

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1E1 uplink port

or E1 lIU MII
TDM/Packet Ethernet local port
2E1 processing switch
local port

power line power +5V control Alarm

module unit
Fig. 2.1-1 Functional diagram

2.2 Description
The heart of V-EMUX-1/2 is the TDM/Packet processing unit. It truncates E1
data stream, putting the data into Ethernet packet with or without IP headers. The
packets are passed to the Ethernet switch unit via MII interface, and are sent out
adaptive the uplink ports. Ethernet data from two local data port are also sent out
through the uplink ports, but with lower priority than those packets containing E1
In the reverse direction, packets from the uplink ports are sorted at the switch
unit. All but E1 packets are passed to the local data ports. The packets containing
E1 data are sent to the TDM/Packet processing unit for reassembling the original
data stream, and recovering the E1 clock which is the key element of the device.
Very sophisticated algorithm is used to ensure that the reconstructed clock will
meet the stringent requirement of TDM applications. The most important
parameters are jitter, wander, and signal delay.
The control unit interfaces with the user through console port so that various
operational parameters can be modified.

2.3 Front panel

2.3.1 Diagram
V-EMUX-1/2 panel is shown as below:

Fig. 2.3.1 V-EMUX-1 (-48V DC)

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Fig. 2.3.2 V-EMUX-1 (220V AC)

Fig. 2.3.3 V-EMUX-2 (-48V DC)

Fig. 2.3.4 V-EMUX-2 (220V AC)

2.3.2 LED’s

V-EMUX-1/2 LEDs definition is as below table:

Table 2.3-1 V-EMUX-1/2 definition

Label Color Qty. Definition Note

System work state indicator: Located
On: System abnormal or system initialization. at the
Ready G 1
Off: System abnormal or system not work. box
Blink: Normal operation panel
Power failure indicator
PWR R 1 Off: Normal
On: Power Off / Failure
Packet loss indicator for 1~2 E1:
PKT los On: E1 packet loss
R 2
1~2 Off: no packet loss
Blink: not receive packet
LOS indicator for 1~2 E1 ports
E1 los On: LOS
R 2
1~2 Off: Normal or disable
Blink: AIS

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1~2 E1 addressing of remote equipment link state
REMOTE On: E1 obtain MAC address of remote equipment;
G 2
Off: E1 have not obtained MAC address of remote
Ethernet link activity indicator
On: Link
Link/Act G 2
Blink: Data located
Off: Inactive at the
duplex indicator Etherne
FDX Y On: Full duplex t socket
Off: Half duplex
Blink: Conflict
When power the device on, PWR indicator will be lit, indicator Ready will be
on temporarily, which indicate the system is starting now. If the Ready light doesn’t
blink as above, which indicate the process runs abnormally, please restart the system

2.4 Dip Switches Definition

There are one 10-bit Dip Switch at the box bottom, the definition show as Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig 2.4-1 10-bit dip switch

Table 2.4-1 Dip Switches Definition
Dip label Definition
ON CGND E1 75Ω output terminal outer shield grounded
OFF OPEN E1 75Ω output terminal outer shield open
DIP-2 DIP-3 E1interface impedance set
ON OFF 120Ω E1: 120Ω
OFF ON 75Ω E1: 75Ω
DIP-4~6 reserve Reserved
DIP-7~9 reserve Reserved
ON IP Deflt ON: Default IP address
OFF IP normal OFF: User set IP address

2.5 Ethernet ports

There are two RJ45 Ethernet ports on V-EMUX-1/2 panel, anyone could

V-EMUX-1 and V-EMUX-2 User Manual V1.2 -7-

support uplink connection or access to NMS PC. Interface mode support
auto-negotiated, 100M full duplex, 100M half duplex, 10M full duplex and 10M
half duplex. RJ45 Ethernet socket pins defined as:
Table 2.5-1 RJ45 socket definition
Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Definition TxD+ TxD- RxD+ RxD-

Note: 10/100Base-Tx interface has HP auto-MDIX function and it can

check the transmission and receiving sequence and make
configuration. So both MDI and MDI-X interfaces are supported
and both cross line and direct line can be selected.

2.6 E1 Port
There are 1 or 2 E1 ports on the rear panel of V-EMUX-1/2, adopt RJ45
connector. The E1 ports impendence are E1-120Ω, but could be convert to 75Ω
unbalanced by external impedance matcher. Default E1 ports are 120Ω. RJ45
connector and wire sequence and signal defined as below:

Fig 2.6-1 RJ45 connector pin sequence
Table 2.6-1 RJ45 120Ω-E1signal definition
Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- + GND + - GND

2.7 Power
V-EMUX-1/2 support ~220V AC or -48V DC power supply. It should be
specified at the time of purchase.

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3. Installation
3.1 Electrical
3.1.1 Power connection
The V-EMUX-1/2 consumes less than 10W of power.
According to power option, -48V DC or 220V (110V) AC, select the right
power supply for the equipment. For the -48V type, connect -48 supply to the
power connector -48V port, and ground to the other port. The screws on the power
connector must be tightly fastened. For ~220V equipment, connect the device to
the ~220V outlet with standard power cord supplied with the equipment. Note that
there is a 1A fuse in the ~220V socket which may be replaced when burned. The
-48V equipment uses PPTC resettable fuse, no customer replacement is required.
It is recommended to turn off the power switch before connecting or
disconnecting the power.
On the left corner of rear panel, a screw is used for connecting the chassis to
the protective ground. Be sure to make this connection using a thick wire.

WARNING: The system must be securely connected to a good protective

ground for safety. All interconnected equipment must be grounded for
maintaining signal integrity as well. Ground potential may also damage the
interface ports.

WARNING: To avoid electric shock, the ~220V outlet must have good
3.1.2 E1 connections
The E1 ports on V-EMUX-1/2 are used for connecting to E1 equipment such as
the telephone exchange or PCM terminals.
1/2 E1 Ports Supported. E1 ports impendence are E1-120Ω for twisted pair
cables or 75Ω for coax. The E1-120Ω RJ45 sockets are default for ports.
The E1-120Ω connection cable is made with RJ45 connectors and a length of
4-pair twisted cable. The cable is not provided with the equipment, and the user is
responsible for making such cables in the field with length suitable for a particular
installation. The signal definition is given in Table 3.1-1, and pin order is depicted in
Fig. 3.1-1. Note that pin-1 and pin-2 should use the same twisted pair, so should
pin-4 and pin-5.

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Fig. 3.1-1 RJ45 pin order

Table 3.1-1 120Ω-E1 signal definition

Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- + + -
The RJ45 sockets are default for E1-120Ω, when the 2nd and 3rd dip of
10-bit dip switch should be set to ON and OFF respectively; When the 2nd and
3rd dip of 10-bit dip switch are set to OFF and ON respectively, E1 interface
impedance will be 75Ω.The cable BH4.851.122 is for one RJ45 connecter to two
BNC (F) sockets conversion.

Fig. 3.1-2 75Ω converting cable

By NMS, E1ports provide local loop back and remote loop back, 1/2 E1 ports loop
back can be set independently, and by the dip RA on front panel E1 indicators can
be controlled to indicate local or remote ports LOS and AIS status. The local and
remote loop back definition is shown as Fig 3.1-3:

Fig 3.1-3 E1 loop back

Rx Tx can test E1 connection cable, and Tx Rx is used to test the whole
circuit including V-EMUX-1/2 in the two ends and the link between them.

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3.1.3 Ethernet connection
Connect the uplink Ethernet port to the Ethernet transport network, such as the
wireless LAN bridge, and connect the local data port to computers or an Ethernet
switch for local data applications.
The signal definition of the two local Ethernet ports is given in Table 3.1.3-1.

Table 3.1.3-1 Ethernet signal definition

Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signal RxD+ RxD- TxD+ TxD-
Note: The ports confirm to HP auto-MDIX spec. It will automatically
adapt to parallel or crossed cables.

The signal definition of the uplink Ethernet ports is given in Table 3.1.3-2.

Table 3.1.3-2 Ethernet signal definition

Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signal RxD+ RxD- TxD+ GND GND TxD- GND GND
Note: The uplink port link parallel cable to LAN bridge.
WARNING: When connecting to a wireless LAN bridge, the uplink
Ethernet cable often connects to the outdoor unit, posing danger to lightning
strikes that can seriously damage the equipment. To protect the equipment as
well as people, surge protection devices with good earth connection is strongly
recommended. Poor earth connection may also hinder the operation of the
Ethernet port, causing severe packet losses.

4. Common faults
This paragraph describes common mistakes and faults that may occur during
installation and maintenance. Please seek support from Changzhou Bell Data
Communication Equipments Co.,Ltd for other problems.

4.1 E1 Alarms
There are two groups of LEDs, PKT LOS and LOS for E1 alarms LEDs.
When E1 LOS LED is on, loss of E1 signal fault is detected by EthMux.
Possible causes include:
The downstream equipment such as telephone exchange or PCM terminal
is powered off.
The E1 cable connection looses or broken.

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E1 LOS LED blinks when respective input E1 signal is AIS, i.e. the content of
E1 data is all 1’s. Such alarm indicates fault conditions on the part of the
downstream equipment.
E1 LOS site is controlled by Dip Switch RA state. When RA Dip Switch ON,
the red LEDs indicate remote E1 LOS state. When RA Dip Switch OFF, the red LEDs
indicate local E1 LOS state.
The E1 PKT LOS lights are packet loss indicator, On for Ethernet packet loss, Blink
for E1 Packet Loss, Off for Normal.

4.2 Lnk/Act LED off

Lnk/Act LED off means the corresponding Ethernet link is not working. Check
the Ethernet cable connection, and the status of the device on the other end of the

4.3 Ready LED does not blink

After power on, the Ready LED should start to blink. If not, try switch power
off and on again. If this error persists, call for support.

4.4 Can not built communication

Two ends of equipments are in one Ethernet broadcast domain, check the IP
dual relations is right and MAC address should be unique.

4.5 Downstream reporting slips

Check if the downstream equipment has correct clock mode. At least one of
them must be clock master. Set the EthMux on master side to loop back timing.
If the downstream equipment on both sides is not synchronized, slips are not
At the transition time after power on or reapplying the E1signal, slips and errors
are acceptable. Such transition may take several minutes.

5. Web Manager
Both Web Server and SNMP management are supported through anyone of two
Ethernet ports of V-EMUX-1/2.
The management has four sections: Status, Line Test, Configuration and System.
User name and password are required to enter the sections of Line Test
Configuration and system. Both the default user name and password are “root”.
Customers can modify the user name and password in the System section.
Note that the modifications of system will be valid after submit and reboot,

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while the modifications of Line Test (E1 loop-back setting) and Configuration
can be valid only after submit.
Take V-EMUX-2 for example, following sections will introduce Web Server
management detailedly.

5.1 Show current status menu

After input the IP address, status information of V-EMUX-2 will be displayed
such as hardware version, software version, IP address, subnet mask, gateway
address and MAC address. Details are shown in fig.5.1-1.

Fig5.1-1 Status Menu

Click on the line status option will bring the E1 line Status Information window showing
LOS, AIS, loop-back status and power fail. The alarm could be masked by related Alarm Mask
settings, once alarm mask is set, alarm log, panel alarm indicators and alarms in SNMP will all
be masked, shown as Fig.5.1-2.

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Fig.5.1-2 E1 line Status Information

5.2 Line Test

Loop back controls provide E1 line loop test function.
Click on E1 Loop back option will bring the window as fig5.2-2. E1 setting can
be valid after submit but not saved, that is, Eight E1s will not loop back after restart.

Fig.5.2-1 E1 Loop-back Management

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5.3 Service Configuration
5.3.1 Service configuration and parameters instruction
This section includes E1 service management, VLAN management, Ethernet Management,
SNMP configuration. Every section has many parameters setting. As Fig5.3-1.

Fig.5.3-1 E1 service Management

In the E1 service management menu, customers could set each E1 service number (Service
No), service number support capital letter/small letter, digits and some special characters input,
maximum 20 bits or 2 Chinese characters. Note: Service No. should not be some special
characters such as “/”, “\” etc. E1 service managed parameters settings are described as below:
Table 5.3-1 E1 service management parameters
Selection Explanations
E1 E1 For V-EMUX-2, E1 set is for both 2 channels of E1
Managemen E1 service.
t Default: E1
E1 data size encapsulated in E1, N=1~5 optional,
corresponding to 256×Nbyte(E1).The bigger the
Encapsulation packet is the more data each packet encapsulated, the
Level lower overhead it has. Bandwidth efficiency will be
raised and delay will be increased.
Default :2
Yes Yes : IP encapsulation , source and destination IP
Use IP address should be set. Bandwidth efficiency will be
Encapsulation reduced
(default)No : do not use IP encapsulation , high
bandwidth efficiency

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Selection Explanations
Uplink Uplink: Set full duplex bandwidth for uplink Ethernet
port,actual bandwidth should be higher than this value.
Default 30000bps. Then data port bandwidth= Uplink
Bandwidth bandwidth=Uplink bandwidth-E1 occupied bandwidth.
Data: limit local Ethernet ports full duplex bandwidth.
Then Uplink bandwidth=data port bandwidth+E1
occupied bandwidth.
Enable Enable this E1 channel. Default: enable
Remote end IP address;4 E1 line IP addresses can be
Destination IP set separately
Adaptive Adaptive mode:E1 timing from remote E1 stream;
Timing Mode Loop Loop back mode:E1 timing comes from local E1
back stream
Jitter absorption buffer: worked with the link with
bigger jitter, used to buffer the receiving packets.
Jitter Buffer 2~120ms Coming packets buffer to eliminate jitter. Range:
Default 16ms
From remote Select coresponding relation of local E1 ports to
port remote E1 port service.
Note: The sentence with underline is default settings.

Fig.5.3-2 VLAN management

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Table 5.3-2 VLAN management parameters
Selection Explanation
Yes:with VLAN tag,support the VLAN network with
priority to guarantee E1 QoS;
E1 VLAN (default)No:no VLAN tag
Configuration Define users priority, including 8 levels (0-7), the
VLAN Priority
number is bigger, the priority is higher. Default: 5
Managemen VLAN identify section, support 4096 VLAN identity.
t Van ID
Range (0-4095). Default: 2662.
Local Data2 Add vlan tag in local Ethernet service packet, the
Data VLAN selection is as E1 VLAN Configuration default: disable
Data1/ vlan, priority 0, valn ID:1
Configuration monitor

Fig.5.3-3 Ethernet management

Table 5.3-3 Ethernet management parameters
Selection Explanation
Eth Port Port 2 Ethernet ports status indication:
Status Port: 2 Ethernet ports.
Link Link: indicate current Ethernet link(Up/Down)
Speed Speed 10/100Mbps: indicate current Ethernet port
10/100Mbps speed
Duplex Duplex: indicate current Ethernet work mode (half/full)

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Selection Explanation
2 Ethernet ports work mode configuration:
adaptive (default)
100M half
10M half
Alarm mask Set Ethernet port alarm mask

5.3.2 Service configuration indication

1. The MAC address of V-EMUX is fixed in the device. ARP is supported and the remote
end MAC address can be got through auto-negotiation. So it is unnecessary to set the MAC
address for the remote end, but IP address is needed.

NOTE:Each device should have only one MAC address in the broadcast domain!
2. In order to improve the E1 data transmission service quality, according to Ethernet
provided transmission support IEEE 802.1Q and 802.1por not, V-EMUX-8 can set whether to
add VLAN tag with priority in the encapsulate process. According to 802.1Q/802.1p standard to
packing, the encapsulation overhead is bigger (more 4 bits is added in each Ethernet packet), but
it also can be transmit according to priority level. But to the network which doesn’t support
802.1p, it is no sense to set VLAN but increase unnecessary bandwidth, so here should set

5.4 Network configuration

The system configuration includes network configuration, change password, default
parameters settings, save parameters and reboot the equipment. The interfaces are shown as

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5.4.1 System network management

Fig 5.4-1 network configuration system

Table 5.4-1 system network management parameters
Parameter Options Description
Uplink1 Service No
Set uplink port service number
Uplink2 Service No
Set equipment IP address;
IP Address
It is used to judge the resource and
destination IP is in one subnet or not,
please and the resource and destination
Sub mark IP address by bit, they are in one subnet
Network if the result is same, otherwise, they are
Management in different subnet, should use gateway
router; default
If resource and destination is not in one
subnet, gateway IP address should be
set, and gateway address should be in
Gateway IP Address the same subnet with resource
equipment. ARP is used to get address.
Same as E1 service No in E1 service management menu, Node ID, uplink Service No. and
Data service No. also support capital letters/small letters, digits and some special characters
input, maximum 20 bits or 2 Chinese characters. Note: Node ID and Service No. should not be
some special characters such as “/”, “\” etc.

V-EMUX-1 and V-EMUX-2 User Manual V1.2 -19-

5.4.2 Change the password

Fig 5.4-2 change the password

The change will be valid after confirm the submitting.

5.4.3 Default parameter recovery

Fig 5.4-3 default parameters menu

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5.4.4 Save parameter

Fig 5.4-4 Save parameter

5.4.5 Reboot system

Fig5.4-5 Reboot equipment

6. Specification
6.1 Capacity
It supports 1~2 E1 ports, two 10/100Base-Tx uplink Ethernet ports.

6.2 E1 interface
Comply with ITU-T G.703 recommendation
E1 port impedance E1-120Ω for twisted pair cables or 75Ω for coax (The RJ45
E1-120Ω are default for ports)

V-EMUX-1 and V-EMUX-2 User Manual V1.2 -21-

End-to-end delay (minimum delay setting) ≤ 10ms
Output frequency offset (adaptive timing, stabilized) ≤5 ppm
Output jitter (adaptive timing) ≤ 0.1UI

6.3 10/100Base-Tx port

Comply with IEEE 802.3
10M/100M Adaptive
Half/Full Duplex Adaptive
Support 802.1Q MAC
Uplink ports 1+1 backup supported
Two user data ports supported. And Web manager supported through anyone of
two user data ports.

6.4 Power
AC: 100V~260V/50Hz (fuse: 1A)
DC: -38V ~ -62V (optional)
Power Consumption: ≤4W

6.5 Operating condition

Temperature: (0~45) ℃
Humidity: ≤90% (non-condensing)

6.6 Dimensions
Width × Height × Depth: 185×35×138 mm

6.7 Weight
≤ 1 kg

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