(Acct 125) - Onsite Notes
(Acct 125) - Onsite Notes
(Acct 125) - Onsite Notes
the factory
● Cost
○ Classification ● Period cost
■ Assoc w/ cost object ● Product Cost
■ Presentation in FS ○ Incurred in factory
■ Behavior ○ Product materials
○ SCI → cost of goods sold (won’t
appear here)
● Pay ● Inventory → SFP → inventory
● Expenses incurred → to gain profit ● Period
● Input expenses ○ The rest that is not product cost
○ Operating expenses
● Revenue - sales, ordinary earnings ■ General and
● Income - revenue + gain administrative -
● Gain - extraordinary depreciation of
● Profit = Net Income - income - expenses equipments in the
office, salaries of the
● Management account definition of cost people in the office
○ Anything that you have to give ■ Selling and distribution
up in order to gain something - sales or marketing of
○ Qualitative and non-measurable product
■ Finance cost - interest
● Foregoing benefits (quantitative) when expense
not choosing Taylor Swift over Ben and ■ Income tax expense
Ben - opportunity cost ● Freight out - SD
● Freight In - Product
● Cost object - anything that you want to
determine the cost
○ Direct Activity Level/ cost driver → Total Cost
■ Direct material - ● 500 kwh - P2 kwh = P1000
physically, economically, ● 400 kwh - P2 kwh = P800
functionally traceable ○ Variable cost - cost changing
■ Direct labor - wages depending on the production
salaries or payments level, activity level, cost driver
who directly work in ● Mixed cost - fixed + variable
○ Indirect - shared/allocated with ● Depreciation - depends on
other products; immaterial depreciation method/formula
■ Indirect material - nails
in an arm chair
● Step-cost - hybrid of mixed cost
■ Indirect labor -
supervisors, quality
○ Tax rates of train law
security officer
■ Other product costs -
factory overhead,
depreciation, electricity,
Management ○ Evaluate the operations of the
● It is the judicious use of means to entity during a year and
accomplish an end compare the budget
● It refers to the set and study of forecasted and the actual
principles on the administration of budget used
an organization
Objectives of Managerial Accounting Activity
Management Functions ● Providing information for decision
● Planning making and planning
● Organizing ● Assisting managers in directing and
● Leading controlling operational activities
● Evaluating/Controlling ● Motivating managers and other
employees toward the organization’s
Management Accounting goals
● It is the process of identifying, ● Measuring the performance of
measuring, analyzing, interpreting, activities, subunits, managers, and
and communicating information in other employees within the
pursuit of an organization’s goals organization
○ Short-term goals ● Assessing the organization’s
○ Long-term goals competitive position and working
○ Permanent goals with other managers to ensure the
● End goal: prepare financial organization’s long-run
statements competitiveness in the industry
○ Identifying
○ Measuring Management Accounting vs. Financial
○ Analyzing Accounting
○ Interpreting ● Users
○ Communicating ○ Management - managers and
● Come out with a process to achieve people within the
the goals of the business organization
○ Financial - interested parties
Management Accountants and those outside the
● They are specialists in using the organization
tools of managerial accounting to ● Regulation
help the organization and its ○ Management - Unregulated
managers run the operation ○ Financial - Conforms to the
effectively generally accepted
accounting principles and
Role of management accounting standards
● Planning ● Mandatoriness
○ Preparation of budget ○ Management - Not required
■ Includes forecast of ○ Financial - Required by law
the expected and regulatory bodies
operations (cost, ● Source of data
profit, revenue, salary) ○ Management - Accounting
● Controlling/Evaluating system
○ Other sources which provide accounting teams are Certified
financial data Public Accountants (CPAs)
○ Nonfinancial data ● In the Philippines, the primary
○ Financial - Accounting requisition for a CPA license is upon
System those who do audits of financial
● Nature of Reports reports and to further increase the
○ Management - Generally reliability of work of people from
focused on subunits within finance and accounting
the organization ● These concepts generally provide
○ Based on combination of increase in credibility in external
historical data, estimates, aspects of the business, e.g.,
and projections/forecasts financial reporting
○ Financially - generally ● To focus on best practices and new
focused on the enterprise in developments in accounting and
its entirety finance inside of comapnies, the
○ Based almost exclusively on managerial accounting profession
historical transactional data has its own certifications and
Similarity ● Institute of Management
● They draw information from an Accountants (Philippines and
organization’s cost of accounting Abroad)
system ● Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (US)
Cost management system ● Requirements
● It is a management planning and ○ Two-year professional
control system with the following experience in management
objectives: accounting or financial
○ Measure the cost of resources management
consumed in performing the ○ Educational requirements
organization’s significant ■ Bachelor’s degree
activities from an accredited
○ Identify and eliminate non- college/university
value-added costs ○ Passing the rigorous CMA
○ Determine efficiency and examination
effectiveness of major ■ Financial planning,
activities performance and
○ Identify and evaluate new analytics
activities that can improve ■ Strategic financial
the future performance of an management
Management consultant
Introduction to management consultancy ● It refers to a person, qualified by
education, experience, technical
Certified Management Accountant ability, and temperament to advise or
● Many managerial accountants and assist businessmen on a
members of corporate finance and professional basis, in identifying,
defining, and solving specific
management problems involving the Development and Execution
organization, planning, direction, ● Negotiating the engagement
control and operation of form ● Preparing for and starting the
Not an employee ● Conducting the engagement
● Since he is not an employee of the ● Preparing and presenting the reports
organization, he can effectively serve and recommendations
as its objective and impartial adviser ● Implementing the recommendations
● Evaluating the engagement
Practitioners ● Post-engagement follow-up
● Management consulting is not
limited to Certified Public ____________________________
● Any professional may practice the Cost
same, as long as he has the required ● Cost refers to the resources sacrified
competence, experience, and or foregone to achieve a specific
technical ability to solve business objective. It is measure as the
problems monetary amount that must be paid
● The practice and the practitioners are to acquire goods or services
not licensed nor require admission
requirements by a board or through Cost Management System
certification ● A cost management system is a set
of formal methods developed for
Reasons for hiring management consultants planning and controlling and
● To help define specific problems and organization’s cost-generating
develop solutions activities relative to its strategy,
● To provide specialized skills and goals and objectives
● To provide confidential service in Cost Classification Categories
which the identity of the client is ● Associationg with Cost Object
concealed ○ Direct cost
● To train client personnel ○ Indirect cost
● To provide temporary personnel ■ Allocable to multiple
● To help improve intra-company units
communications ■ Not direct to the use
● To render an independent opinion of the object (not
● To help get results visible to the final
General areas of management services ○ Check if:
● General management consultation ■ Physically traceable
● Project feasibility study ■ Economically
● Organization and personnel traceable
● Industrial engineering ● Reaction to changes in activity
● Marketing (behavior)
● Operations research ○ Variable cost
○ Fixed cost
○ Mixed cost
○ Step cost Relevant range
● Classification on Financial ● It refers to the band of activity within
Statements which the identified cost behavior
○ Product cost patterns are valid
○ Period cost ● Any level of activity outside this
○ Expired cost range may have different cost
○ Unexpired cost behavior patterns
High-low method
● This method anaylzes a mixed cost
by first selecting the highest and
lowest levels of activity in a data set
if thse two points are within the
relevant range
● Activity levels are used because
activities cause costs to change, not
vice versa
Highest cost−Lowest Cost
Highest activity level−Lowest Activity Level
March 3, 2023
● Cost behavior
Engagement proposal - sir will provide an ○ Fixed cost
example to us ○ Variable cost
● Profit targeting