Gazette No. 2 of 2002
Gazette No. 2 of 2002
Gazette No. 2 of 2002
VOL. 41 Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Friday 4th January, 2002—Price $1.00 NO. 2
(Base: September, 1993=100)
The following memorandum on the Index of Retail Prices is published for general information.
Figures for November, 2001
General SectionIndices
Cloth- Housing House- Health
Period Drink ing House- hold and Trans- recrea-
All Food Meals and and hold supplies per- porta- tion
Items out to- Home opera- and
foot- and sonal tion
bacco wear Total owner- Rent tions services care educa-
ship tion
Weight 1 000 217 14 24 104 216 196 20 66 77 62 152 68
Annual Average
1999 130.1 197.9 121.4 126.0 93.3 113.6 114.0 110.5 104.5 109.0 116.9 114.8 120.5
2000 134.7 214.3 120.3 129.6 91.7 114.4 114.5 113.8 107.3 108.4 120.6 116.6 125.5
Jan-November, 1999 129.8 196.0 121.5 125.9 93.5 113.6 114.0 110.2 104.2 108.9 116.8 114.8 120.2
Jan-November, 2000 134.2 212.2 120.3 129.5 91.8 114.4 114.5 113.7 107.3 108.5 120.5 116.4 125.1
Jan-November, 2001 141.9 243.2 120.6 133.5 90.5 114.5 114.5 114.8 107.5 108.1 124.2 119.1 130.5
1999 January 128.7 191.8 122.2 122.6 95.6 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 108.6 116.2 114.8 118.7
February 128.9 192.5 122.2 126.4 95.5 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 108.6 116.2 114.8 118.7
March 129.5 195.3 122.2 126.1 95.5 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 108.6 116.2 114.8 118.7
April 128.6 191.6 122.4 126.2 93.2 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 108.9 116.4 114.8 120.0
May 129.2 194.3 122.4 126.2 93.2 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 108.9 116.4 114.8 120.0
June 129.6 196.0 122.4 126.3 93.1 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 108.9 116.4 114.8 120.0
July 129.8 197.5 120.5 126.4 92.7 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 109.1 116.8 114.8 119.8
August 129.7 197.0 120.5 126.3 92.6 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 109.1 116.8 114.8 119.8
September 130.6 201.2 120.5 126.3 92.5 113.6 114.0 110.1 103.6 109.1 116.9 114.8 119.8
October 131.4 202.4 120.5 126.3 92.3 113.7 114.0 111.6 107.1 109.2 118.2 114.7 123.3
November 132.1 205.7 120.5 126.3 92.1 113.7 114.0 111.6 107.1 109.2 118.2 114.7 123.3
December 132.9 209.5 120.5 126.8 92.0 113.7 114.0 111.6 107.1 109.2 118.2 114.7 123.3
2000 January 133.5 211.1 120.5 129.0 92.0 114.2 114.4 112.7 107.4 109.1 118.9 114.9 122.8
February 132.4 205.8 120.5 129.0 92.0 114.2 114.4 112.7 107.4 109.1 119.1 114.9 122.8
March 132.1 204.4 120.5 129.1 92.1 114.2 114.4 112.7 107.4 109.1 119.1 114.9 122.8
April 133.4 210.0 120.5 129.3 92.0 114.3 114.5 112.8 107.4 109.2 120.0 115.1 123.1
May 134.1 213.0 120.5 129.4 92.0 114.3 114.5 112.8 107.4 109.2 120.2 115.1 123.1
June 133.8 211.8 120.5 129.5 91.9 114.3 114.5 112.8 107.4 109.2 120.3 115.1 123.1
July 133.8 209.0 120.2 129.4 91.6 114.5 114.5 114.8 107.3 107.5 121.3 118.0 125.7
August 133.9 209.7 120.2 129.5 91.5 114.5 114.5 114.8 107.2 107.5 121.3 118.0 125.7
September 135.5 217.1 120.2 129.6 91.5 114.5 114.5 114.8 107.2 107.5 121.2 118.0 125.7
October 136.8 221.3 119.8 129.5 91.4 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 107.8 121.8 118.3 130.4
November 136.8 221.1 119.8 131.0 91.4 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 107.8 121.8 118.3 130.4
December 140.4 237.6 119.8 130.5 91.4 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 107.8 121.9 118.3 130.4
2001 January 139.9 234.7 120.5 130.4 91.2 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 107.7 122.8 119.1 130.2
February 140.5 237.6 120.5 130.2 91.0 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 107.7 122.9 119.1 130.2
March 140.0 235.0 120.5 130.6 90.8 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.8 107.7 122.9 119.1 130.2
April 140.3 235.9 120.5 130.5 90.6 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.7 108.0 123.8 119.3 130.4
May 140.5 236.9 120.5 130.4 90.6 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.7 108.0 123.8 119.3 130.4
June 142.4 245.9 120.5 130.6 90.5 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.6 108.0 123.8 119.3 130.4
July 142.7 247.0 120.7 130.7 90.5 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.6 108.3 124.8 118.9 131.2
August 143.8 252.0 120.7 130.7 90.4 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 108.3 124.8 118.9 131.1
September 143.4 249.8 120.7 134.2 90.4 114.5 114.5 114.7 107.2 108.3 124.8 118.9 131.1
October 143.7 249.9 120.7 143.7 90.0 114.6 114.5 115.7 107.4 108.4 125.7 118.9 130.1
November 143.9 250.3 120.7 146.8 90.0 114.6 114.5 115.7 107.9 108.4 125.7 118.9 130.1
General Index
The All Items Index of Retail Prices calculated from prices collected for the month of November, 2001 was 143.9
showing an increase of 0.1% over the Index for October, 2001.
The All Items Index for January – November, 2001 showed an increase of 5.7% over that for January –
November, 2000. This compares with an increase of 3.4% observed in the Index for January – November, 2000
over the same period in 1999.
Section Indices
Food: The Index for this section increased from 249.9 in October, 2001 to 250.3 in November, 2001. Within the
Food Section there was an increase of 0.5% in the Index for Market Items. Contributing significantly to this
increase were rising prices of fresh fish, tomatoes, bodi, green bananas and plantain. These increases in prices
were partly offset by a decrease in the prices of citrus fruits, carrots, sweet and Irish potatoes.
Price changes in this section accounted for an increase of 0.1% point in the All Items Index.
Other Sections
A further review of the data for November, 2001 compared with the previous month, indicated an increase of
0.5% for Household operations and 2.1% for Drink and Tobacco.
The net effect of price changes in this section on the All Items Index was 0.2 point.
Growth in consumer prices in November, 2001 compared with those of November, 2000 reflected in various
sections of the Index is shown hereunder:-