Construction Material Price Indices: Statistical Release
Construction Material Price Indices: Statistical Release
Construction Material Price Indices: Statistical Release
August 2020
Embargoed until:
28 September 2020
In August 2020, month-on-month percentage changes in the CPAP work group indices ranged from -5,2% for work
group 141 to 4,0% for work group 160 (Table 1).
• Work group 160: The index increased by 4,0% month-on-month. There was an increase of 7,8% month-on-
month in the SEIFSA index for copper 7,9mm rod (accounting for 35,0% of this work group).
• Work group 162: The index increased by 3,9% month-on-month. There was an increase of 7,8% month-on-
month in the SEIFSA index for copper 7,9mm rod (accounting for 45,0% of this work group).
• Work group 172: The index increased by 3,8% month-on-month. There was an increase of 8,2% month-on-
month in the SEIFSA index for metal price copper per metric ton (accounting for 40,0% of this work group) and
an increase of 4,2% month-on-month in the PPI for electrical engineering (accounting for 10,0% of this work
• Work group 141: The index decreased by 5,2% month-on-month. There was a decrease of 9,4% month-on-
month in the SEIFSA index for stainless steel flat products cold rolled 304b (accounting for 25,0% of this work
group) and a decrease of 10,3% month-on-month in the SEIFSA index for stainless steel flat products cold rolled
316b (accounting for 25,0% of this work group).
• Civil engineering material – total: The index increased by 1,5% month-on-month (Table 6).
Please note the following changes in basket for these three workgroups:
• For the period January to July 2020, PPI for reinforcing metal work was replaced with SEIFSA for reinforcing
steel. The replacement was necessary because of imputation issues with PPI for reinforcing metal work during
the COVID-19 lockdown, and for continuity with the pre-lockdown period. The revisions are indicated (r) in
Table 1.
• With effect from August 2020, PPI for reinforcing metal work replaces SEIFSA for reinforcing steel.
Risenga Maluleke
Table 1 - Contract price adjustment provisions (CPAP) work group indices
Table 1 - Contract price adjustment provisions (CPAP) work group indices (concluded)
Table 2 - Construction input price index (CIPI): material purchases by type of service
Table 3 - Construction input price index (CIPI): material purchases for whole industry
1 The information in this table is published in conjunction with engineering associations SAFCEC and SAICE.
Contract Price Adjustment The CPAP work group indices are used for making adjustments based on cost
Provisions (CPAP) fluctuations in labour, plant and materials.
Sources for CPAP The CPAP work group indices are derived from changes in the cost structures prevailing
in 37 different sectors of the building industry and are published by Stats SA on a monthly
basis. The indices reported on in this publication are mainly based on a combination of
PPI, SEIFSA and CPI indices for the particular month.
Contract Price Adjustment The Committee is the oversight structure for the Construction Price Adjustment
Provisions Steering Provisions published by Statistics South Africa as release number P0151.1 and
Committee comprises of representatives of the following industry associations and organisations:
The Association of South African Quantity Surveyors, Electrical Contractors’ Association
(SA), Master Builders South Africa, the South African Institute of Architects, and the
National Department of Public Works and Statistics South Africa.
Tax Value added tax (VAT) are not included in these indices.
CPAP manuals The updated CPAP manuals "CPAP Application Manual” and “CPAP Work Groups
Composition and Weighting of Sub-Indices" are obtainable from The Association of the
South African Quantity Surveyors – ASAQS, website: - search for
CPAP, or by phoning (012) 310 8077.
Construction Input Price The index reflects material purchases in the construction industry
Indices (CIPI)
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