Basic Intelligence
Basic Intelligence
Basic Intelligence
Depending on the mission, The Commander Begin the IPB process (CHECK)
and his staff require information and
intelligence: You, the S3, the S2, and other key personnel
•To arrive at sound and timely decisions in discuss your common understanding of the
preparing plans and estimates for future battlefield. (See Figure2-1,
operations and in conducting operations. CommonUnderstanding).
•To protect the command by avoiding surprise
and denying the enemy information concerning You and the S2 determine the extent of the
his own forces. area of interest (AI).
•To assist in the processing of other
information. Identify all enemy units that you might
engage in. (CHECK)
Essential Elements of Information (EEI)-
Specific information of an actual potential The S2 identifies gaps in knowledge.
enemy and of the terrain, hydrographic and
metrological conditions a commander needs in You identify which uncertainties must be
a particular situation in order to accomplish his solved for this mission.
mission. The essential elements may also
include information required by higher, lower, Give the S2 your initial guidance for
adjacent, and support attached units. intelligence. (Focus his IPB effort.) Usually,
you have the S2 focus on analyzing COAs
and reinforcements available to the enemy
commander you're about to face. (CHECK)
Commander's Checklist Commander's Checklist
CHECK - Do you and your staff have
the same perception of the upcoming CHECK - Did the S2 discuss the kinds of
fight? operations the area of operations (AO) will
CHECK - Does the S2 know all that you support?
know about the CHECK - Did the S2 cover what is known
enemy situation? about the enemy YOU will face?
CHECK - Does the S2 understand your CHECK - Did the S2 focus the IPB per
initial guidance? your guidance?
- Do the situation templates make sense
given the enemy's situation and your
knowledge of his tactics
- Did the S2 prioritize the enemy
COAs logically (most likely, most
dangerous, least likely)?
- Ask yourself, "If I were the
enemy S3/G3 for that mission, which
COAs would I present to my commander?"
Intelligence Cycle Phase: Directing
Intelligence Cycle Phase: Directing
Figure 2-5
Intelligence Cycle Phase: Collecting
Intelligence Cycle Phase: Collecting
The actual collection of information is based
on The collection plan or orders and requests.
COLLECTION- the systematic
exploitation of sources of information by
collecting agencies and the delivery of
information thus obtained to the proper
Intel section.
persons, things, or actions from which
information about the enemy, whether or
terrain is derived.
unit, or activities that collect and/or
process information by research,
surveillance, interrogation, or other
exploitation of source.
Intelligence Cycle Phase: Processing
Intelligence is information that has been
• Recording
If the intelligence officer is to confirm one report
Processing is the step by which intelligence is
by comparing it with another, and if he is to
created from the raw material of information.
determine the significance of evaluated
It consists of 3 distinct steps:
information, he must maintain a system of
RECORDING the information so that it
records. The recording has one purpose to
can be compared with other items on
facilitate the task of the intelligence officer. The
intelligence officer, however, must subordinate
EVALUATION of information in order
the maintenance of recording the mission of
to determine its intelligence value.
assembling, producing, and using intelligence.
INTERPRETATION of the information
Action must come first, records are of
in relation to other information and
secondarily importance.
intelligence on hand in order to draw
conclusions regarding its meaning.
There are three(3) general aids by which
recording is accomplished:
• The G2 or Intelligence journal.
• The G2 or Intelligence Workbook.
• The Enemy Situation Map.
Information is of small value unless it has been INTELLIGENCE
analyzed with respect to its pertinence, the Intelligence is the end result of all
reliability of the officer and agency and its intelligence activities. To be used, it must be
probable accuracy. The intelligence officer disseminated to the commander, his staff,
must examine each item of information as soon and the other who requires it in a proper form
as it is received to determine its intelligence in time to serve the purpose of the recipients.
value. This examination may be either
elaborated or instantaneous, depending upon SUPERVISE
the circumstances. Is the information needed Intelligence Cycle Phase:
immediately or at some future time? Are the
source and agency reliable? Is the information
confirmed or corroborated by previously
received information or previously produced
Dissemination to other users is
accomplished by means of messages (radio,
Messenger, or any rapid means of signal
communications), personal contact
(telephone, personal visits, briefing), and
intelligence documents (periodic intelligence
reports, intelligence summaries, OB and PI
reports, integrating reports, operation orders
and intelligence annexes, terrain and weather
studies, and other special reports).
Interpretation of information consists of
determining its significance with respect to
other information or intelligence already at
hand. It is accomplished by analysis of the
information, integration of significant items of
information with previously collected and
processed intelligence, and finally, drawing
conclusions as to the probable meaning of the
information. Evaluation and Interpretation
together are the essential steps in processing.
Keep in mind that the commander wants
intelligence and not merely a compilation of
Intelligence Cycle Phase: Directing (Again)
• Intelligence Report – is important in the
procedures of intelligence Cycle which must be
followed in order to get significant military
information in proper and effective manner that
can be essential to the commander who needs
to formulate and make decisions.
•Military Security - encompasses those
measures taken by a command to projectitself
from espionage, hostile observation,
subversion or sabotage. It includes those active
and passivecounterintelligence measures taken
within or directly pertaining to Armed forces
and to specific military operations. At corps (or
equivalent units) and lower organization levels,
counterintelligence measures are usually
concerned with military security. Military
security embraces most of the basic
counterintelligence measures which would be
applicable to all types of military units
regardless of their type of specific mission.
It consists of all activities done in peace and
war concerned with the prevention,
detection, neutralization, and destruction of
the intelligence activities of a real or
potential enemy, by planning and
developing suitable countermeasures to that
such hostile activities.
To safeguard information, personnel,
materials, and installations against
espionage, or subversive activities of hostile SUMMARY
foreign powers, and disaffected or dissident □ Definition of terms.
groups individuals which constitute a threat □ Intelligence principles.
to national security. In addition, it is within □ Intelligence axioms.
the realm of counterintelligence to take □ Intelligence cycle.
aggressive action to neutralize and destroy □ Intelligence reports/records
hostile efforts to engage in espionage, □ Military security
sabotage, and subversion. □ Counterintelligence
Passive Counterintelligence measures-
conceal information from the enemy. They
include measures such as secrecy discipline,
security of classified documents and
materials, communications and electronics
security, movement control, censorship
camouflage, the use of concealment, and
electronic countermeasures. Passive
counterintelligence measures generally are
readily standardized in the SOP regardless
of the specific nature of the unit mission.
Active counterintelligence measures-
activity blocks the enemy’s attempt to gain
information or to engage in sabotage or
subversion. They include counter-
reconnaissance, counterespionage, counter-
subversion, and the use of smoke to deny
enemy observation. Active
counterintelligence measures vary with the
mission of the units.