Lesson 2 - The Intelligence Process 2
Lesson 2 - The Intelligence Process 2
Lesson 2 - The Intelligence Process 2
Lesson 2
Course: Fundamentals of Intelligence
“Nemo dat quod non
The cyclical steps followed from intelligence
planning to the dissemination of processed
Intelligence information.
Cycle It is a repetitive process used to produce
intelligence from information.
Planning and
Direction Collection
and Use Processing
1. Determination of the intelligence
1. PLANNING requirements
Kinds of Informer:
Informer 1. Common or ordinary
2. Confidential
Informant- gives information without any consideration.
Informants 4. Double Crosser - wants to get more information from the police more
than what he gives.
B - Usually reliable
E - Unreliable
2 - Probably True
5 - Improbable
Evaluation of operation
W – Interrogation of a captured enemy agent or foreigner
Source X – Observation by a government or civilian employee or official
Y – Observation by a member of a populace
Z – Documentary
Refers to the determination of the significance of the
Interpretation information relative to the information and the intelligence
already known and drawing deductions about the probable
Analysis meaning of the evaluated information.
1. Assessment – sifting and sorting of evaluated information to
isolate insignificant elements with respect to the mission and
operation of the unit.
2. Integration – combination of elements isolated in analysis
Interpretation with other known information to form a logical picture on
hypothesis of enemy activities or influence of operational area
of Information characteristics on the mission of the unit.
3. Deduction – designed to answer the question “what does this
information means in relation to the enemy situation, weather
and area of operation.
Processed information or intelligence data are transmitted,
shared or presented to its rightful end users on a “need to
know” basis only upon “authority to release.”
4. Considerations in dissemination of intelligence data include:
DISSEMINAT 1. Timeliness – reach the user on time to be useful.
ION AND 2. Propriety – right user like national leaders or
USE commanders
3. Security – proper security measures for classified
1. Personal Contact –conferences, briefings, person to person exchanges
2. Messages – couriers, secured electrical means
3. Intelligence Documents
Intelligence Report
Intelligence Summary
Imagery Interpretation Report
Methods of Document Exploitation Report (DOCEX)