Q3 - Eapp - DLL Week 2
Q3 - Eapp - DLL Week 2
Q3 - Eapp - DLL Week 2
A. Content Standards
The learner will be able to acquire knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic texts
B. Performance Standard
The learner will be able to produce a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read
C. Learning Competency/ MELC 3: Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts
Objectives MELC 4: States the thesis statement of an academic text
Write the LC code for each.
MELC 5: Outlines reading texts in various disciplines
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. Identify the basic rules and 1. Recall various techniques 1. Distinguish what a thesis 1. Present the located thesis
techniques in summarizing; in summary; statement is and what isn’t; statement and generated
2. Write a summary of the assigned 2. Write a summary of the 2. Locate thesis statement and outline from the assigned
story using summarizing assigned academic texts. generate an outline from the academic text.
techniques; and given academic text;
3. Relate from the activity about 3. Demonstrate comprehension
love using their personal on the read text.
Techniques in Summarizing Variety Techniques in Summarizing Identifying Thesis Statement and Identifying Thesis Statement
II. CONTENT of Academic Texts Variety of Academic Texts Outline Reading Text and Outline Reading Text
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 - Module 1: Reading Academic Texts (pp.7-8)
2. Learning Materials pages English for Academic and Professional Purposes Quarter 1 - Module 1: Reading Academic Texts (pp.9-15)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous What’s Your Love Status Note: Review of yesterday’s The teacher administers Group Presentation
lesson or presenting the The teacher present Continuation of yesterday’s pre-test about thesis statement
new lesson
different situations and the unaccomplished activity and outline. ( See Attachment A) Students work in group and
students will guess the love status locate the thesis statement
being described. For each answer then generate an outline from
there is a highlighted letters which their assigned selection. (See
bridge to the main topic. Attachment D)
1. My valentine’s day is as cold as
Christmas day. SINGLE Group 1- Origins of Writing
2. I love my best friend for almost Group 2- The Golden Age of
seven years but she doesn’t feel Comics
the same way. UNREQUITED Group 3-The Psychology of
3. I walked down the aisle and Group 4- Understanding
expressed my vows. MARRIED Calories
4. My father doesn’t approve my Group 5- Wrigley’s Chewing
relationship with him because his Gum
my near cousin. COMPLICATED
5. Lee Bag my classmate in F&B Rubric for grading:
class gives me roses every day Thesis Statement - 10
and sends me sweet messages. Organization/Development -
DATING 10 Focus and Quality of
6. We are celebrating our Presentation - 10
monthsary every 24th of the moth. Total - 30
7. We are in the middle of “kami na
parang hindi”. NOT YET
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher presents the The teacher presents The teacher presents the .
for the lesson objective for the day’s lesson. the objective for the day’s objective for the day’s lesson.
C. Presenting The teacher assigns story What’s In the Text?
examples/Instances of the per group. The students decode the
new lesson Group 1: Little Red Riding Hood secret text from the sentence
Group 2: The Tortoise and the below.
Hare THE Sea IS calm and I am on the
Group 3: The Three Little Pigs Seashore TAking my TimE
Group 4: Goldilocks and the Three enjoying the moMENT. (THESIS
Group 5: The Ant and the
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher proceeds to the The teacher explains The teacher proceeds to
and practicing new skills # 1 lessons: the activities to accomplish. the lessons:
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills # 2
Techniques in Summarizing Identifying Thesis Statement and
Academic Texts Outline Reading Text
o Basic Rules
o Techniques