A Novel Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With 6/8 Pole Changing Stator Winding

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A Novel Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Motor With 6/8 Pole Changing Stator Winding
Mengmeng Tian , Xiuhe Wang , Member, IEEE, Daohan Wang, Member, IEEE,
Wenliang Zhao , Member, IEEE, and Chang Li

Abstract—Line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors significantly reduced, and the motor even cannot start-up in
(LSPMSMs) have become superior to induction motors in general serious situation.
industrial applications due to their high efficiency, improved power To improve the starting capability of the LSPMSM, numer-
factor, and enhanced torque density. However, the LSPMSM suf-
fers the poor starting torque owing to the existence of the braking ous research have been carried out through the simulation cal-
and pulsating torque at start-up, which seriously plagues its devel- culations or experimental measurements to the motor’s starting
opment. Therefore, this paper presents a novel LSPMSM with 6/8 process. The calculation formulas of the torque components dur-
pole changing stator windings, which can fundamentally improve ing starting process and pull-in synchronization criterion were
the starting capability. At the beginning of the starting, the 6-pole given by using analytical method in [5]–[7]. In [8], the calcu-
stator windings are energized, whereas the rotor permanent mag-
nets are 8 poles, so the braking torque and pulsating torque can lation method of asynchronous torque and braking torque were
be highly decreased. When the motor reaches a certain speed, the established, and in [9], the asynchronous torque characteristics
stator winding changes to 8 poles to pull into synchronization and with theoretical formulas are clarified. In [10], the prediction
stable operation. The design of the 6/8 pole changing winding is pre- method of asynchronous performance was introduced by using
sented based on the slot-number phase diagram method. Then, the “harmonic permeance coefficient”. In [11], analytical expres-
starting process of the conventional and the proposed pole changing
LSPMSMs are analyzed and compared. Through the calculation sions to predict the motor run-up and terminal performances
of impedance parameters and the analysis of magnetic fields at the were given and the direct and quadrature axis reactance of an
start-up, the torque components are calculated utilizing the ana- experimental motor were provided. In [12], the relationships
lytical calculation method. Finally, the experiments are carried out between torque components and slip at start-up were given,
to verify the validity and superiority of the proposed design and and the influences of parameters on starting capability was re-
searched. It verified that the starting torque can be enhanced
Index Terms—Pole changing line-start permanent magnet syn- through decreasing the number of turns in series per phase or
chronous motor (LSPMSM), pole changing winding, braking increasing rotor resistance, but the synchronization capability
torque, pulsating torque, starting capability.
will be reduced at the same time. In [13], through increasing the
permanent magnet (PM) strength to improve the performance
I. INTRODUCTION of steady state such as efficiency and power factor, but braking
torque was increased and starting torque got sharply decreased.
INE-START permanent magnet synchronous motors
L (LSPMSMs) have been widely used in some long-running
mechanical equipment such as textile machinery, pumps, fans,
In [14], effects of magnetizing inductance on start-up and syn-
chronization were studied, and the results showed that large
magnetizing inductance was benefit for starting torque, but not
and oil pumping units owing to their high efficiency, high power
for synchronization.
factor, and high torque density, as well as the remarkable energy
Some scholars also presented new structures of rotor and new
saving effect [1]–[3]. However, due to the limitations of their
types of winding to improve the starting capability. In [15], the
working principle, the existing structures and starting methods,
influence of rotor slot type size on starting capability was re-
poor starting capability is a prominent problem [4]. As the ex-
searched and the conclusion showed that the starting torque was
istence of the pulsating and braking torques during the starting
large with smaller rotor slot area, but synchronization capability
process, the torque ripple is large which has serious impact on
was poor. In [16], the starting and steady state characteristics of
motor and load. Furthermore, the minimum torque could be
five types of LSIPMSMs with different magnet shapes (interior
circumferential type, interior V-type, interior U-type, interior
Manuscript received June 18, 2017; revised December 10, 2017; accepted W-type, and inclined type) were compared, the results showed
April 9, 2018. Date of publication April 13, 2018; date of current version August
17, 2018. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation that the inner inclined type had the preferred starting charac-
of China under Grant 51577107. Paper no. TEC-00462-2017. (Corresponding teristics, but its steady state behavior was poor and the type
author: Xiuhe Wang.) was also not feasible on structure. In [17], a two-part rotor ge-
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong Uni-
versity, Jinan 250061, China (e-mail:,hy_shui@126.com; wangxh@sdu.edu.cn; ometry (the induction motor (IM) part and permanent magnet
dhwang@sdu.edu.cn; wlzhao@sdu.edu.cn; 17862995957@163.com). (PM) part) was designed to remove the conflict between syn-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online chronous and asynchronous performance of the motor. But the
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2018.2826550 IM part did not work during steady-state period, so more PMs

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See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITE DE LILLE. Downloaded on April 23,2021 at 08:40:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

in PM part were needed to maintain the stable performance,

the volume and cost will be increased. In [18], a wound rotor
LSPMSM was designed. By using external power electronic
equipment and a control system to adjust the external resistance
to get a good starting performance. But slip ring-brush struc-
ture was added in system and external devices were complex.
In [19], [20], comparisons of the starting process among motors
with squirrel-cage rotor, solid rotor and slotted solid rotor were
studied, and the motor with slotted solid rotor was considered
to be better than others in terms of starting capability. But the
pulsating torque and braking torque cannot be restrained and
the problem of poor starting capability cannot be solved fun-
damentally. In [21], an experimental study on the improvement
Fig. 1. The structure of the investigated motor.
potential of steady-state partial-load efficiency and power fac-
tor in special multi-connection LSPMs with up to six different
flux levels was presented. But the transient process was not TABLE I
In [22], C.M. Stephens proposed a single-phase LSPMSM
and used two sets of stator winding with different pole numbers
(4-pole and 6-pole, whereas the rotor PMs are 6-pole), but the
use of copper, the motor volume and the cost were increased.
In [23]–[25], a three-phase LSPMSM with a 2/4 pole changing
winding was presented which alleviated almost all the inherent
limitations of the design parameters for LSPMSMs such as
rotor resistance and permanent magnet strength influenced by
pulsating torques and braking torque. But for the conventional
2/4 pole changing winding, all coils were involved in the 2-pole
and 4-pole winding, the winding turn ratio per phase under the
two pole states was hard to adjust, so the starting and running
performance will be difficult to be balanced simultaneously.
This paper presents a novel pole changing LSPMSM which
has a 6/8 pole changing stator winding. Due to the difference
of pole numbers between the stator winding and rotor PMs at
the rotor. The rotor squirrel-cage is used as the starting winding
start-up, the braking torque and pulsating torque get greatly
to realize line-start.
weakened, and the starting capability is significantly improved.
Then the operating principle between the pole changing and
In addition, the structure of the winding is more simple and eas-
conventional starting methods is compared and analyzed below
ier to control with just six switches. As the turn numbers of the
to show the superiority of the proposed pole changing starting
proposed 6-pole and 8-pole windings can be adjusted respec-
method. Furthermore, to highlight the novelty of the proposed
tively, the performance of the starting and stable operating can
motor, the comparison between the proposed model with 6/8
get balanced simultaneously. In this paper, Section II describes
pole changing winding and the conventional model with 2/4
the design of the motor and windings, and the principle and su-
pole changing winding is also performed.
periority of the proposed 6/8 pole changing LSPMSM are also
presented. In Section III, the comparison of the starting pro-
cess between the proposed and conventional 8-pole LSPMSMs A. The Conventional 8-Pole Motor
utilizing finite element analysis (FEA) are studied. And then The structure of the conventional LSPMSM 8-pole stator
through the analysis of magnetic fields and the calculation of winding is shown in Fig. 2, and the winding parameters are
impedance parameters, torque components are calculated in use shown in Table II. The structure and parameters of the motor
of analytical method in Section IV. Finally, the prototype exper- keep the same as those in Fig. 1 and Table I.
iment results are presented to verify the validity and superiority The starting of the conventional 8-pole LSPMSM depends on
of the proposed motor in Section V, followed by conclusions in the asynchronous torque produced by the interaction between
Section VI. the rotating magnetic field and rotor squirrel-cage. However,
due to the same pole numbers between rotor PMs and stator
winding, the braking torque is produced when the PM magnetic
II. THE DESIGN OF THE MOTOR AND WINDING field cuts the stator winding.
The structure of the investigated motor is shown in Fig. 1, and Before the synchronization operation, the fundamental ro-
the parameters are shown in Table I. The two-layer winding is tating field in air-gap and rotor PMs have the same direction
adopted in the stator, and 8-pole inner U-type PMs are inserted in of rotation, the same pole numbers but different speeds, the

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Fig. 2. The structure of conventional LSPMSM 8-pole winding.


Fig. 3. The structure of conventional 2/4 pole-changing winding.

interactions between them produce pulsating torque. Because

of the big currents in stator windings at the start-up, the pulsat-
ing torque is generally very big.
The existence of the braking torque and pulsating torque cause
large fluctuation which have bad impacts on motor and load. The
minimum torque also gets badly decreased and the starting ca-
pability of motor gets sharply reduced. In serious situation, the
motor even cannot start. The actual application shows that the Fig. 4. The structure diagram of the winding.
no-load starting with 1/2 rated voltage is much difficult for the
conventional LSPMSM, so reduced-voltage starting is always
not suitable. To ensure the starting capability, the multiple of adjust to balance the starting and stable operating performance
starting torque should be designed higher through decreasing simultaneously.
the number of winding turns or increasing the rotor resistance.
However, if the number of stator winding turns are decreased, C. The Proposed 6/8 Pole Changing Winding
the use of PMs must be increased to ensure high power fac-
In this paper, a novel 6/8 pole changing winding is designed
tor, but resulting in bigger volume and higher cost. Through
based on the slot-number phase diagram method, and the struc-
increasing rotor resistance, the starting torque can be enhanced,
ture of the winding is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows the out-
but meanwhile, the synchronization capability will be reduced.
spread diagram of the winding, and the structure parameters of
the winding are shown in Table III.
B. The Conventional 2/4 Pole Changing Winding
It shows that the structure of proposed 6/8 pole changing
To improve the starting capability fundamentally, pole chang- winding has six pinout ports controlled by just six switches.
ing LSPMSM was presented. Due to the difference of pole num- At the beginning of the starting, U1 , V1 , W1 are energized and
bers between the stator winding and rotor PMs at the start-up, U2 , V2 , W2 are switched off. In this state, the stator winding
the braking torque and pulsating torque can get effectively de- are 6-pole and the starting process just like an induction motor.
creased, thus, the starting capability can be greatly improved. The braking torque and the pulsating torque can be sharply
A conventional 2/4 pole changing winding based on the decreased, and starting capability gets effectively improved.
“Dahlander connection method” is shown in Fig. 3. Starting When the speed accelerates to an appropriate value, U1 , V1 ,
with 2-pole winding and stable operating with 4-pole wind- W1 are switched off and U2 , V2 , W2 are energized, the stator
ing, almost all the inherent disadvantages can be alleviated [24]. winding change to 8-pole and keep this state to pull into syn-
However, the structure is complex and eight switches are needed chronization and stable operation. The winding parameters of
to control, and the inner structure is also changed during the the two states are shown in Table IV.
winding switching process. Besides that, as all coils are parts of The structure of the proposed 6/8 pole changing winding is
both 2- and 4-pole winding, the winding turn ratio is difficult to more convenient and easier to control with just six switches

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Fig. 6. Braking torque with different speeds.

capability can be enhanced effectively. And the effective turns

of the proposed 8-pole and conventional 8-pole winding are also
approximately equal to keep the same stable operation perfor-
mance. When the motor pulls into synchronization, the winding
is changed to 8-pole and all coils are working, so the utilization
rate of coils is not reduced.
As the improvement of starting capability by using the pro-
posed 6/8 pole changing stator winding, the multiple of starting
torque can be designed as high as induction motors (For general
cage induction motors, the multiple of starting torque Kst is
about 2. Through consulting the manuals, the Kst is nearly 2.18
for a 30 kW, 8-pole cage type induction motor). Therefore, the
approach by increasing stator winding turns or decreasing the
usage of PMs appropriately to reduce the manufacturing cost
can be adopted. In the meantime, rotor resistance can also be
designed smaller to improve the synchronization capability on
the basis of the improvement of starting capability.

Fig. 5. The outspread diagram of the pole changing winding. III. THE ANALYSIS OF THE STARTING PROCESS FOR THE
TABLE III Based on the mentioned proposed 6/8 pole changing winding
THE STRUCTURE PARAMETERS OF THE WINDING and conventional 8-pole winding above, two 380 V, 30 kW
LSPMSM finite element simulation models are designed.

A. The Braking Torque

The large braking torque is one of important reason why
LSPMS motor has a poor starting capability. For the proposed
motor, the stator winding are 6-pole at start-up whereas the rotor
than conventional 2/4 winding, the service life and reliability PMs are 8-pole, the braking torque can get sharply decreased.
gets greatly improved. Meanwhile, all coils are implemented The fixed speed is set and the stator winding is shorted, then the
in 8-pole winding, whereas few coils are not in 6-pole wind- braking torque at a specific speed is calculated. Fig. 6 shows the
ing (winding 10, winding 11 and winding 12). The number of comparison of the braking torque with different speeds between
turns in series per phase for new 6-pole winding are relative the proposed 6-pole starting mode and conventional 8-pole mo-
less than the conventional 8-pole winding, thereby the starting tor. The results show that the braking torque of conventional

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Fig. 7. Torque ripple rate with different speeds.

Fig. 9. No-load back EMF of (a) the proposed and conventional 8-pole wind-
ing, and (b) the proposed 6-pole winding.
Fig. 8. Locked-rotor torque of the two motors.

the torque ripple rates are 6.51% and 262.72%, respectively.

motor is much bigger especially at low speeds, whereas 6-pole
The results agree well that the pulsating torque can get greatly
starting method of proposed motor are so smaller that even can
weakened with 6-pole starting on the premise of guaranteeing
be neglected.
the starting capability.
B. The Pulsating Torque
D. The No-Load Back EMF
The large pulsating torque, together with the braking torque,
leads to larger fluctuation and smaller minimum torque during The no-load back EMF of the proposed and conventional 8-
the starting process. Stator winding is energized with three- pole winding and the proposed 6-pole winding are shown in
phase AC excitations, and the fixed speed is set. Then the elec- Fig. 9. The results show that the fundamental amplitude of the
tromagnetic torque can be obtained. The torque ripple rate Tv 1 proposed and conventional 8-pole winding are nearly equal with
then can be calculated by using (1), the value of 561 V, which is to keep the same stable performance
between the two motors. While for the proposed 6-pole winding,
Tm ax − Tav the value is just 93 mV, which is much smaller and even can be
Tv1 = × 100% (1)
Tav neglected. It means that, induced EMF is almost not produced in
where Tmax and Tav are the maximum torque and the average the 6-pole stator winding when the rotor PM magnetic field cuts
torque at the fixed speed respectively. The comparison of the stator winding, neither is 8-pole armature reaction magnetic field
torque ripple rate under different speeds between the proposed in stator winding. And hence, there is also no braking torque.
6-pole motor and conventional motor is shown in Fig. 7. The
results show that the values of the 6-pole starting motor are E. The Maximum Load Torque
much smaller than the conventional motor, which also means
As the main analysis in this paper is the superiority of the
that the pulsating torque gets sharply decreased in use of the
proposed 6-pole starting method at the beginning of the starting
proposed strategy.
especially at the low speed period, so the research of the starting
capability with load for the proposed motor mainly aims at
C. The Locked-Rotor Torque 6-pole starting process. The comparison of the speeds when
Fig. 8 shows the electromagnetic torques of the two motors starting with different load torques between the proposed 6-pole
at the locked-rotor state. The average torques are 900.72 N·m starting motor (before switching) and the conventional motor are
and 909.23 N·m, and the multiple of starting torque Kst are shown in Fig. 10.
2.358 and 2.38, respectively, which are the same as those of The results show that the conventional 8-pole motor can
an induction motor. As the speeds are set to zero, the average start-up and pull into synchronization with the load torque of
of locked-rotor torques are not affected by braking torque. But 550 N·m. As the load torque continues to increase, the motor

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Fig. 12. The radial air-gap flux density with different θ and I.

Fig. 10. The speeds of (a) the conventional 8-pole motor and (b) the proposed
6-pole starting (before switching) with different load torques.
Fig. 13. The effect of PM slot on fundamental air-gap flux density with
different phase currents.


A. The Calculation of the Motor Parameters
For the 8-pole winding of the conventional and proposed
motors, the armature reaction reactance is decomposed into
d-axis reactance Xad and q-axis reactance Xaq . While for 6-
pole winding, as the rotor magnetic circuit under each pole of
Fig. 11. The comparison of speeds between two motors with 700 N·m and 5 stator armature magnetic field is different from conventional
times the rotor inertia. winding, the calculation of reactance parameters needs further
1) The Effect of the Relative Position of Stator and Rotor on
cannot pull into synchronization with 560 N·m load torque. Armature Field: The fundamental air-gap flux density Br with
Until the load torque is 700 N·m, the motor cannot start-up different rotor position angles θ and phase currents I are shown
and oscillate at low speed. While for the proposed 6-pole start- in Fig. 12.
ing motor, it can start-up with the maximum load torque of The results show that the fluctuations of Br are much small
960 N·m. As the characteristics of asynchronous motor during with the fluctuation percentage of about 1% which can be ne-
6-pole starting process, the final steady speed is also nearly glected, so we hold that the Br has no relation to rotor position
812 r/min which is higher than the 8-pole synchronous speed angle, and the average Br are used in following calculation.
(750 r/min). When the load torque is increased to 970 N·m, the 2) The Effect of the PM Slot on Main Reactance: As is ana-
motor cannot start-up. lyzed above, the effect of PM slot on armature field in relation
The comparison of the starting process between the proposed to rotor position is much small, so the calculation of main reac-
and conventional motors with 700 N·m and 5 times the rotor tance of the 6-pole winding is same as an induction motor. But
inertia is shown in Fig. 11. It shows that the motor can start- the existence of PM slot will affect the equivalent air-gap length
up and pull into synchronization smoothly for the proposed and further affect the magnetic resistance.
one, while for the conventional one, the motor oscillates at low Fig. 13 shows the comparison of fundamental air-gap flux
speed. Therefore, the larger maximum load torque that motor density Br with different phase currents I in the case of the motor
can smoothly start effectively illustrates the great improvement with PM slot and without PM slot. The results show that for the
of starting capability in use of the proposed 6/8 pole changing motor without PM slot, the equivalent air-gap length is short
starting method. and the magnetic resistance is smaller, the air-gap flux density

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almost keep a linear growth in small currents. Along with the

currents growth, as the equivalent air-gap length is larger for the
motor with PM slot, the saturation degree is lower, so the air-gap
magnetic field gets fewer decreased than state without PM slot, the magnetic fields produced by rotor currents are decomposed
and the main reactance of the motor gets smaller. Therefore, into two magnetic fields which have the same speed s1 ns1 but
finite element method (FEM) is still used to calculate the main different rotating direction in relation to rotor, and the speeds
reactance with the uncertain magnetic potential drop of the PM are ns1 and (1 − 2s1 )ns1 in relation to stator respectively. Then
slot. currents with frequency of f and (1 − 2s1 )f in stator windings
3) The Calculation of the Main Reactance of 6-Pole are induced by the two rotating fields, and the fields induced
Winding: The fundamental air-gap flux density Bδ can be get by the stator currents with frequency of (1 − 2s1 )f , can induce
when three phase armature winding are energized with rated currents which frequency are s1 f in rotor bar.
three phase symmetrical currents, then fundamental magnetic Besides the stator rotation fields, there are fields produced by
flux per pole is 8-pole PMs in the rotor. The speed of rotor PMs is (1 − s1 )ns1
2 in relation to stator, and currents with frequency of (1 − s1 )f
Φ1 = lef τ6 Bδ (2)
π are induced in stator winding. Then (1 − s1 )ns1 rotating field
where lef and τ6 are equivalent axial length of armature and polar can be produced by these currents. As the speed of this rotating
pitch of the 6-pole winding respectively. Then the magnetic flux field is equal to rotor, there are no induced currents in rotor.
linkage is As discussed above, there are three fields with different speeds
in both stator and rotor at start-up, ns1 , (1 − s1 )ns1 , and (1 −
Ψm 1 = Φ1 kdp6 N (3) 2s1 )ns1 respectively, as shown in Table VI. And the different
torques produced by these fields’ interactions are also shown in
where N and kdp6 are the number of turns in series per phase
Table VI.
and winding factor respectively. Finally, the main reactance is
2) The Magnetic Fields of 6-Pole Starting Motor: As for the
2πf Ψm 1 6-pole starting motor, when the 6-pole stator winding are ener-
Xm = √ (4)
2I gized with three phase symmetrical currents, a 6-pole magnetic
field rotating at speed of ns2 is produced in air-gap. At an arbi-
where f and I are frequency and effective value of phase current
trary slip s2 , currents which frequency are s2 f are induced in
rotor bar, and then a 6-pole rotating field is produced by these
Based on the above calculation, the main parameters of the
rotor currents. As is analyzed before, the magnetic circuit of
proposed 6-pole starting motor and the conventional 8-pole mo-
rotor is nearly symmetric for stator 6-pole field, Xad  Xad , so
tor are shown in Table V.
the 6-pole rotating field produced by rotor currents has a same
rotating direction with the field produced by stator winding and
B. The Analysis of Magnetic Fields
the speed is ns2 .
1) The Magnetic Fields of Conventional 8-Pole Motor: The A 8-pole rotating field which is produced by 8-pole rotor
three phase stator winding are energized with three phase sym- PMs exists in air-gap, and the rotating speed is (1 − s2 )ns2 . As
metrical currents, a rotating field is produced and the speed is is analyzed above that the back EMF of 6-pole winding is nearly
ns1 . At an arbitrary slip s1 , the rotor speed is (1 − s1 )ns1 . For zero, so the 8-pole rotating field is just produced by rotor PMs.
the relative movement between the rotating field and rotor bar, Then the speeds of rotation fields in stator and rotor, and
currents, which frequency is s1 f , are induced in rotor bar. As torques produced by their interactions for 6-pole starting mode
the asymmetrical of magnetic circuit of the rotor, Xad = Xad , are shown in Table VII.

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C. The Calculation of Torque Components

1) The Torques of Conventional 8-Pole Motor: As the anal-
ysis of magnetic fields at start-up for conventional 8-pole motor
above, constant torques Ta , Tg , and Tb are produced by the in-
teraction of the two rotating fields which have the same speeds
and pole numbers in stator and rotor.
The production mechanism of the Ta is same as the asyn-
chronous torque of an induction motor. As the asymmetry of
rotor magnetic circuit, Ta and Tb are hard to have an exact
calculation, so Tc1 = Ta + Tb are always used, and
Fig. 14. The comparison of torques in starting process between conventional
mpU 2 R 2 /s motor and 6-pole starting method of the proposed motor.
Tc1 =   (5)
2πf (R1 + c1 R 2 /s)2 + (X1 + c1 X  2 )2

c1 = 1 + X1 /Xm , Xm = (2Xad Xaq )/(Xad + Xaq ), where m,

p, R2 , R1 , X1 , X2 , Xm , Xad and Xaq are phase numbers, pole
numbers, rotor resistance, stator resistance, stator leakage reac-
tance and rotor leakage reactance, main reactance, d-axis and
q-axis armature reaction reactance respectively. When s = 1,
the speed of the motor is zero, the value of Tc1 is the locked-
rotor torque and it is also the starting torque Tst . Based on the
parameters and (5), the values of the proposed 6-pole starting
motor and the conventional 8-pole motor are 882.186 N·m and
886.969 N·m respectively which are approximately equal to the
Fig. 15. Experimental platform.
simulation results of the locked-rotor torque as shown in Fig. 8.
The constant torque Tg , called the braking torque, is a back-
ward torque which acts the role of braking. And the Tg is

mp R1 E02 (1 − s)2 R12 + Xq2 (1 − s)2

Tg = − (6)
2πf R12 + Xd Xq (1 − s)2 R12 + Xd Xq (1 − s)2
where E0 , Xd and Xq are no load back EMF, d-axis and q-axis
synchronous reactance respectively. The average torque is
Tav = Ta + Tb + Tg (7)
The pulsating torques are also produced by the interaction
between the rotating fields with different speeds. For the big
currents at start-up, the pulsating torques are also big too. How- Fig. 16. The comparisons of no-load back EMF with different speeds between
ever, as the average of the pulsating torque is zero, the average experimental results and simulation results.
torque Tav does not consist of the pulsating torque in calculating
starting performance.
2) The Torques of the Proposed 6-Pole Starting Motor: The there is a concave at low speed for conventional motor average
production of the constant torque Tc2 is the same with Tc1 . As torque Tav , which is caused by the superposition of the large
the 8-pole rotating field is produced only by rotor PMs, so there braking torque Tg on asynchronous torque Tc1 . It will lead to the
is nearly no braking torque. The pulsating torque also exists, but decrease of minimum torque, and have bad impact on motor’s
the value is much smaller here. The reason is that at a moment, starting capability. While for the 6-pole starting motor, as the
for the fields with the same pole numbers, the relative position elimination of the braking torque, the phenomenon is avoided.
of the field under each pole is also same, so the interactions
between them just have the driving or braking effect. Whereas V. PROTOTYPE EXPERIMENT
for different pole numbers, the driving and braking effects exist
Fig. 15 shows the experimental platform of prototype motor,
simultaneously and cancel each other out for the different field
and main parameters of the motor are shown in Table I.
positions under each pole.
3) The Comparison of Torques Between Two Motors: The
comparison of torques in starting process between conventional A. No-Load Back EMF
motor and 6-pole starting method of the proposed motor is The comparisons of no-load back EMF with different speeds
shown in Fig. 14. As the average of the pulsating torques are between the experimental results and simulation results are
zero, so they are not presented in figure. The results show that shown in Fig. 16. The results show that the experimental results

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Fig. 17. The short circuit currents of the 6-pole and 8-pole winding at Fig. 18. The comparisons of braking torques among simulation with 2D FEM,
200 r/min. analytical calculation and experimental calculation.

agree well with simulation results despite that a little difference

exists because of the end effects and manufacturing tolerance,
while the values are basically consistent within the error range
allowed. The back EMF of 8-pole winding is proportional to
the speeds and the back EMF of 6-pole winding is nearly zero.
Thus, it verified that the braking torque for the motor starting
at 6-pole mode situation can be decreased sharply and even can
be neglected.

B. The Measurement of the Braking Torque

The three input terminals of the 6-pole and 8-pole wind-
ings of the prototype motor are short circuited respectively,
and the speeds of the motor are fixed at different values by a
prime mover. And then the short circuit currents can be mea-
sured corresponding to different speeds. Fig. 17 shows the mea-
sured short circuit currents of the 6-pole and 8-pole windings at
200 r/min, and the values are nearly zero and 105 A respectively.
As the state of the motor here is a generator, so
P e = pC u a + P 2 (8)
Fig. 19. The speeds of the motor under (a) 6-pole starting with 109 V, and
where Pe , pCua , P2 are electromagnetic power, armature copper (b) 8-pole starting with 286 V.
loss and electric power of the armature outputs respectively.
Since the stator winding are short circuited, P2 = 0, so
Pe = pC u a = mI 2 Rs (9) motor can start-up to find critical starting voltages for the 6-pole
winding and 8-pole winding.
where m, I, Rs are phase number, stator currents, and stator The speeds of proposed motor with the 6-pole starting and
resistance respectively. Then, 8-pole starting with the critical voltage are shown in Fig. 19.
Pe The results indicate that the critical value is 109 V for 6-pole
Te = (10) starting method, and it is 286 V for 8-pole respectively. And
the fluctuation of speed with the 6-pole starting is also much
where Te , Ω are electromagnetic torque and angular velocity of
smaller. The results demonstrate that it is much easier and more
rotation respectively. The electromagnetic torque, which is also
stable for the 6-pole starting, and in other words, the starting
the braking torque, can be calculated.
capability gets highly improved.
The comparison of the braking torques among simulation with
2D FEM, analytical calculation, and experimental calculation is
shown in Fig. 18. The results are basically consistent within the D. No-Load Starting Process With 6/8 Pole Switching
error range indicate again that the braking torque gets decreased
Fig. 20 shows the time response of speed, currents, and elec-
effectively in use of 6-pole starting method.
tromagnetic torque during no-load starting with winding switch-
ing process. Because of the bad torque angle at switching time,
C. The Comparison of Minimum Voltages of No-Load Starting
the rate of speed reduction is few larger [25]. As the mea-
A DC tachogenerator is used to measure the speeds of the surement of the currents are bus currents (between power and
motor. By reducing applied voltages, it can observe whether the switching device) and the switches have an action time, so there

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This paper has presented a novel pole changing LSPMSM
with 6/8 pole changing stator winding. For the difference of pole
numbers at start-up, the braking torque and pulsating torque can
get highly decreased, starting capability can be fundamentally
improved. Firstly, the structures of the proposed motor and 6/8
pole changing winding are presented, and the operating principle
is expounded. Secondly, the braking torque, pulsating torque,
locked-rotor torque, no-load back EMF and the maximum load
torque that motor can start-up are compared between the pro-
posed 6-pole starting motor and conventional 8-pole motor. And
then through the calculation of motor parameters and the anal-
ysis of magnetic field, the torque components at start-up are
calculated using analytical method. Finally, the experimental
results of the no-load back EMF, the calculation of the braking
torque, the minimum voltage of no-load starting, and 6/8 pole
changing starting process further verify that the braking torque
and pulsating torque of the proposed novel 6/8 pole changing
LSPMSM can get fundamentally decreased and the starting ca-
pability gets effectively improved.

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Mengmeng Tian was born in China on Decem- interests include design and analysis of electrical
ber 1988. He received the B.E. degree from the machines.
University of Jinan, Shandong, China, in 2011,
and the M.E. degree from Shandong University, Ji-
nan, in 2013. He is currently working toward the
Ph.D. degree in the School of Electrical Engineering,
Shandong University, Jinan. His research interests
include design and analysis of the special electrical

Xiuhe Wang was born in China on July 1967. He

received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Shandong
University, Jinan, China, in 1989 and 1993, respec-
tively, and the Ph.D. degree from Shenyang Univer-
Chang Li received the B.S. degree in electrical en-
sity of Technology, Shenyang, China, in 1996.
From 2001 to 2002, he was a Postdoctoral gineering from the Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan, China, in 2015. He is currently working to-
Fellow with Seoul National University, Seoul,
ward the M.S. degree with the School of Electrical
South Korea. He is currently a Professor of elec-
Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China. His
trical engineering and the Vice Head of the School
of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University. His research interests include design and analysis of the
special electrical machines.
research interests include permanent magnet ma-
chines, energy-efficient machines, theoretical analysis and calculation of
electromagnetic devices, and its application on electrical machines. He has
authored/coauthored more than 100 papers on these topics.

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