Database System
Database System
Database System
• Basic client/server architecture is used to deal with many PCs, web servers, database servers and other
components that are connected with networks.
• DBMS architecture depends upon how users are connected to the database to get their request done.
• Database architecture can be seen as a single tier or multi-tier.
• Multi-tier database architecture is of two types like: 2-tier architecture and 3-tier architecture.
1-Tier Architecture
2-Tier Architecture
• Basic client-server.
• Applications on client end can directly communicate with database at server side.
• For this interaction, API's like: ODBC, JDBC are used.
• User interfaces and application programs are run on client-side.
• Server side is responsible to provide functionalities like: query processing
and transaction management.
• To communicate with DBMS, client-side application establishes connection
with server side.
• Advantage: maintenance and understanding are easier, compatible with
existing systems.
• Challenge: poor performance when there are a large number of users.
3-Tier Architecture
• Enhanced scalability due to distributed deployment of application servers. Now, individual connections
need not be made between client and server.
• Data Integrity is maintained. Since there is a middle layer between client and server, data corruption can be
• Security is improved. This type of model prevents direct interaction of the client with the server thereby
reducing access to unauthorized data.
• Increased complexity of implementation and communication. becomes difficult for this sort of interaction to
take place due to the presence of middle layers.
• DBMS is collection of interrelated data and set of programs that allow users to access and modify
these data.
• DBMS provides users with an abstract view of data. (Data Abstraction)
o System hides certain details of how data are stored and maintained; rather showing only
required info.
• Three level/schema architecture: Since many DBMS users are not computer trained, complexity
are hidden through several levels of abstraction, to simplify users’ interactions with system:
o Physical level (Internal View/Schema)
o Logical level (Conceptual View/Schema)
o View level (External View/Schema)
• Physical level: Lowest level of abstraction describes how & where data are actually stored.
o Describes complex low-level data structures in detail.
• Logical level: Next-higher level of abstraction describes what data are stored in database, and what
relationships exist among those data.
o Describes the structure of the whole database.
o Describes what data to be stored in database and also what relationship exists among those data.
o Programmers and database administrators work at this level.
• View level: Highest level of abstraction describes only part of entire database.
o Though logical level uses simpler structures, complexity remains because of variety of information
stored in large database (all this information not needed by many users; instead, they need to access
only a part of database).
o View level of abstraction exists to simplify their interaction with system.
o System may provide many views/schemas for same database.
o Example, FACULTY of a university is interested in looking course details of students, STUDENTS are interested
in looking at all details related to academics, accounts, courses and hostel details as well.
o Different views can be generated for different users.
Conceptual-Internal Mapping
• Between conceptual level and internal level.
• Its role is to define correspondence between records and fields of conceptual level and files/data structures of
internal level.
External-Conceptual Mapping
• Between external level and Conceptual level.
• Its role is to define correspondence between a particular external and conceptual view.
Data Independence
• Relational Model uses a collection of tables to represent both data and relationships among those data.
o Each table has multiple columns, and each column has a unique name.
o Tables are also known as relations.
o Relational model is an example of a record-based model.
o Each table contains records of a particular type.
• Entity-Relationship Model uses collection of basic objects/entities & relationships among these objects.
• Object-Based Data Model Object oriented programming (java, C++, C#) has led to development of
object-oriented data model that can be seen as extending E-R model with notions of encapsulation, methods
(functions), and object identity.
o Combines features of object-oriented data model and relational data model.
• Semi-structured Data Model permits specification of data where individual data items of the same type
may have different sets of attributes.
o Extensible Markup Language (XML) is widely used to represent semi-structured data
Database Language
• DBMS has appropriate languages and interfaces to express database queries and updates.
• Database languages can be used to read, store and update data in database.
DDL tasks:
• Create: used to create objects in database.
• Alter: used to alter the structure of database.
• Drop: used to delete objects from database.
• Truncate: used to remove all records from a table.
• Rename: used to rename an object.
• Comment: used to comment on the data dictionary.
• Language that enables users to access/manipulate data as organized by appropriate data model.
• Handles user requests.
• Types of access can be:
o Retrieval of information stored in database
o Insertion of new information into database
o Deletion of information from database
o Modification of information stored in database
• Database environment is a collective system of components that comprise and regulates group of data,
management, and use of data.
• Consist of software, hardware, people, techniques of handling database, and data.
• Hardware component of database system environment includes all physical devices that comprise database
system (includes storage devices, processors, input and output devices, printers, network devices, etc).
• Software component includes all software required to access, store and regulate database (operating
systems, DBMS and application programs and utilities).
• People component includes all the people who are related to database creation, management and usage.
Procedures component of database environment is nothing but function that regulates and controls use of
• Data component include collection of related data which are known fact that can be recorded and it has an
implicit meaning in databsae.