BSD Long
BSD Long
BSD Long
Addition – Any new construction which increases the height and/or floor area of existing buildings/structures.
Alteration– Works in buildings/structures involving changes in the materials used, partitioning, location/size of openings,
structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase the building height and/or floor area.
Building Official – the Executive Officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary.
Demolition – The systematic dismantling or destruction of a building/structure, in whole or in part.
Office of the Building Official (OBO) – The Office authorized to enforce the provisions of the Code and its IRR in the field as
well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto'
Renovation – Any physical change made on buildings/structures to increase the value, quality, and/or to improve the aesthetic.
Repair – Remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portion/s of building/structure to restore to its original condition.
• No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall construct, alter, repair,
convert, use, occupy, move, demolish and add any building/structure or any portion thereof or cause the same to be done,
without first obtaining a building permit therefor from the Building Official assigned in the place where the subject
building/structure is located or to be done. The prescribed application for building permit form (NBC Form B-01) shall be
used by all applicants.
• 2A. Ancillary Permits
○ Architectural Permit
○ Civil/Structural Permit
○ Electrical Permit
○ Mechanical Permit
○ Sanitary Permit
○ Plumbing Permit
○ Electronics Permit
• 3. Exemption from building permits
○ 3A. Minor Constructions
▪ Sheds, outhouses, greenhouses, children’s playhouses, aviaries, poultry houses and the like, not exceeding 6.00
sq. meters in total area, provided they are completely detached from any other building and are intended only
for the private use of the owner.
▪ Addition of open terraces or patios resting directly on the ground, not exceeding 20.00 sq. meters in total
floor area, exclusively for the private use of the owner.
▪ Installation of window grilles
▪ Garden pools for the habitation of water plants and/or aquarium fish not exceeding 500 millimeters in depth
and exclusively for private use.
▪ Garden masonry walls other than party walls not exceeding 1.20 meters in height, footpaths, residential garden
walks and/or driveways.
○ 3B. Repair Works
▪ Repair works not affecting or involving any structural member, such as replacement of deteriorated roofing
sheets or tiles, gutters, downspouts, fascias, ceilings and/or sidings.
▪ Repair and/or replacement of non-load-bearing partition walls.
▪ Repair and/or replacement of any interior portion or a house not involving addition or alteration.
▪ Repair and/or replacement work of doors and windows.
▪ Repair and/or replacement work of flooring. vi. Repair of perimeter fence and walls.
▪ Repair and/or replacement of plumbing fixtures, fittings or pipings, such as toilet bowls, sinks, lavatories, urinals,
bidets, pipes, faucets, valves for single detached dwellings and duplexes.
• accomplished prescribed application form/s, the following shall be submitted to the OBO:
○ a. In case the applicant is the registered owner of the lot:
▪ Certified true copy of OCT/TCT, on file with the Registry of Deeds,
▪ Tax Declaration, and
▪ Current Real Property Tax Receipt.
○ In case the applicant is not the registered owner of the lot, in addition to the above; duly notarized copy of the
Contract of Lease, or Deed of Absolute Sale.
• Five (5) sets of survey plans, design plans, specifications and other documents prepared, signed and sealed over the
printed names of the duly licensed and registered professionals
○ Geodetic Engineer
○ Sanitary Engineer
○ Architect,
○ Master Plumber
○ Civil Engineer
○ Electronics Engineer
○ Professional Electrical Engineer
○ Clearances from Other Agencies
○ Professional Mechanical Engineer
• That under Article 1732 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, the engineer or architect who drew up the plans and
specifications for a building/structure is liable for damages if within 15 years from completion… (the structure collapses) due
to defect in the plans or specifications or defects in the ground. The engineer or architect who supervises the
construction shall be solidarily liable with the contractor should the edifice collapse due to defect in the construction or the
use of inferior materials
• That the permit is accompanied by the applicable ancillary and accessory permits, plans and specifications compliant to the
Code and its IRR
• That no building/structure shall be used until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy (or partial Certificate
of Occupancy)
• That the Owner/Permittee shall submit a duly accomplished prescribed “Notice of Construction” to the OBO prior to any
construction activity and shall put up a Building Permit sign
• The owner of the Building who is issued or granted a building permit under the Code shall engage the services of a duly
licensed architect or civil engineer to undertake the full time inspection and supervision of the construction work.
• Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the same architect or civil engineer who is responsible for the design
of the building.
• It is understood however that in either case, the designing architect or civil engineer is not precluded from conducting
inspection of the construction work to check and determine compliance with the plans and specifications of the building
• There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times a logbook wherein the actual progress of construction including tests
conducted, weather conditions and other pertinent data are to be recorded.
• Upon completion of the construction, the said licensed architect or civil engineer shall submit the logbook, duly signed and
sealed, to the Building Official. He shall also prepare and submit a Certificate of Completion of the project stating that the
construction of building conforms to the provisions of the Code as well as with the approved plans and specifications.
• The Owner/Permittee shall submit to the OBO an application of Certificate of Occupancy together with: ✓ Duly notarized
Certificate of Completion with the construction logbook
• As-built plans and specifications (faithfully reflecting all changes, modifications, and alterations made on the original plans and
• Building Inspection Sheet signed by contractor (if the construction is undertaken by contract)
• All are signed and sealed by the Owner’s duly licensed Architect or Civil Engineer who undertook the full time inspection
and supervision of the construction
• The OBO undertakes the final inspection, prepares corresponding fees and order of payment, and issues the Certificate of
No change shall be made in the type of construction of any building which would place the building in a different sub-type or type
of construction unless such building is made to comply with the requirements for such sub-type of construction EXCEPT When
the changes is approved by the Building Official upon showing that the new or proposed construction is less hazardous, based on
life and fire risk, than the existing construction.
Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings/structures are permitted to be constructed based
on their use or occupancy, type of construction, and resistance to fire.
A building/structure which is located partly in one (1) fire zone and partly in another shall be considered to be in the
more highly restrictive fire zone, when more than one third (1/3) of its total floor area is located in such zone.
Existing structures that do not comply with the requirements shall not hereafter be enlarged, altered, remodeled, repaired, or
moved except as follows:
• such building is entirely demolished
• such building is moved outside the limits of the more restrictive fire zone
• Changes, in any 12- month period, the value of the work does not exceed 20% of the value of the existing building, and
provided that, such changes do not add additional combustible material, and do not, in the opinion of the Building Official,
• Additions thereto are separated from the existing building by fire walls, as set forth in Section 506 (b);
• Damage from fire or earthquake, typhoons or any fortuitous event may be repaired, using the same kind of materials of
which the building or structure was originally constructed, provided that, the cost of such repair shall not exceed 20% of
the replacement cost of the building or structure.
AMBF = min(
• Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)
- percentage (%) of the maximum allowable enclosed
floor area