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The Practice of Architecture in the Architectural Code and many others.

with the safety of human lives vis-à-vis the use of
Philippines buildings, an architect can be held liable under
Article 1723 of the Civil Code should the
• ARCHITECTURE has been around since the dawn
building he/she designed collapse within 15
Maestro de Obras or practice as an architect years from its completion.
Master Builder • Besides the general practice of architecture, an
Escuela Practica y first academic school to architect can also render services in other
Professional de Artes y train these maestros related fields of architecture depending on his
Oficio de Manila,1880. knowledge and experience such as heritage
conservation, green architecture, sustainable
architecture and so on and so forth.
Felix Roxas y Arroyo of first Filipino recorded
Binondo, Manila. architect History and Background
Liceo de Manila, 1900 first private school to
offer an academic title • Architecture, as practiced in the Philippines
for Maestro de Obras during the Spanish era, was not by virtue of an
of time. Yet, the practice of the architect still academic title. There were no architectural
seems to be unknown, especially to the public. schools in the country and the only architects
• The practice of architecture does not merely with academic degrees were Spaniards.
involve drawing, designing, and making a work of However, the first Filipino recorded architect
art, which the public commonly assume. was Felix Roxas y Arroyo of Binondo, Manila.
Drawing is just one aspect and is only a medium • For the early 1930`s to the late 50`s, associations
used to translate an idea from the architect’s of architects came and went, but three of these
mind to a creation that can be built. survived until the early 70`s.
• The official definition of architecture can be o League of Philippine Architects (LPA)
found in Republic Act (RA) 9266 or “The o Association of Philippine Government
Architecture Act of 2004.” Architects (APGA)
o This is the art, science, and profession o Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA)
of planning, designing and constructing • Recognizing the need to formally integrate the
buildings in their totality, with due three architectural associations, APGA, LPA and
account of their environment and in PIA each appointed three representatives to
accordance with the principles of form the Panel of Negotiation in May 1973. To
utility, strength, and beauty. implement the terms of integration agreed upon
• Architecture as a profession came about only in by the three architectural organizations, a 15
1921 when the first registration of architects was man Ad-Hoc Commission was authorized to
implemented. In 1950, with Manila and the prepare the Constitution and By-Laws of the
whole country just starting to rebuild from the newly integrated association. The new
ravages of the Second World War, RA 545 or integrated society was called, the United
“The Architecture Law” was enacted to regulate Architects of the Philippines (UAP).
the local practice of architecture. • UAP became the first accredited professional
• Fast forward to March 17, 2004 and RA 9266 organization on May 12, 1975, with the
was enacted by Congress. The law provided for professional regulation commission issuing
a more comprehensive regulation of the certificate no. 001 to the UAP as the duly
registration, licensing, and practice of accredited professional organization for
architecture, repealing the RA 545 and all other architects in the Philippines. On June 12, 1976,
laws inconsistent with its stipulations. the UAP informed the Union Internationale des
• Public safety is the objective of regulating the Architectes (UIA) of the integration of the three
design and construction of buildings. Architects architectural organizations under the United
comply, consult, and adhere to existing Architects of the Philippines and requested for
regulatory laws and all applicable codes in order recognition of the UIA as its National Section in
to properly protect and safeguard human lives the Philippines.
and its surroundings such as the National • On March 22-25, 1979, the UAP organized a
Building Code of the Philippines, Fire Code of the National Conference on Architectural Education
Philippines of 2008, The Accessibility Law, The at the Development Academy of the Philippines
in Tagaytay City. The result of the Conference Publication and dissemination of copies of the
was the endorsement of a new ladder-type Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of P.D. No. 1096
curriculum for architectural education, which by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
was approved by the Ministry of Education and and of part of the IRR of R.A. No. 1581 (the Amended
Culture and adopted by schools and colleges of architecture law of 1956) i.e. the Architects’ National Code
architecture in the Philippines. The same year (otherwise known as the UAP Documents 200 through
saw the approval of the new Architects` National 208) were promulgated by the Professional Regulation
Code by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in Sep 1979 as part of the IRR of R.A.
Commission. No. 1581/545 (the amended/ organic laws on architecture)

Important Dates and Events 8. Mid-1980s

1. June 1950 Architects who are Members of the National Legislature

i.e. Batasan Pambansa, led by Arch. Pentong Gaite and the
Passage of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 544, the Civil leading lights of the United Architects of the Philippines
Engineering (CE) law; the law does not mention that civil (UAP), lobby for the passage of a new Architecture law
engineers (CEs) can prepare, sign and seal architectural
plans and documents 9. Early 1990s

2. June 1950 Initial amendments to IRR of P.D. No. 1096; R.A. No. 7160
(The Local Government Code of 1991) becomes law;
Passage of R.A. No. 545, the organic Architecture law; this surprisingly, its Article Seven Sec. 477 allows the
special law specifically mentions that only registered and Municipal/ City Engineers (MCEs) of local government
licensed architects can prepare, sign and seal architectural units (LGUs) who are in charge of horizontal works, to act
plans and documents simultaneously as the building official (BO) in charge of
vertical works; this turn of events has forged an apparently
3. June 1956
unholy alliance
Passage of R.A. No. 1581, the amended Architecture law;
10. Currently, there is a legislative hearing and
the amended portion specifically delineate the
coordination for the new and unified building
responsibility and liability of the architect in contrast to
permit. As well as the call of architects on the
the CE; there is therefore no overlap in professional
overlapping scope work of civil engineers on the
architectural drawings.
4. June 1956
The Profession
Passage of R.A. No. 1582, the amended CE law; the
amended portion (Sec. 24) specifically delineate the The Architecture Act of 2004 (RA 9266)
responsibility and liability of the CE in contrast to the
• "Architecture" is the art, science or profession of
architect; there is therefore no overlap in professional
planning, designing and constructing building in
their totality taking into account their
5. 1975 environment, in accordance with the principles
of utility, strength and beauty.
The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP)was formed • "Architect" means a person professionally and
out of the union of the Philippine Institute of Architects academically qualified, registered and licensed
(PIA), the League of Philippine Architects (LPA) and the under this act with a Certificate of Registration
Association of Philippine Government Architects (APGA) and Professional Identification Card issued by
the Professional Regulatory Board of
6. Feb 1977
Architecture and the Professional Regulation
Promulgation of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1096, Commission, and who is responsible for
otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of advocating the fair and sustainable
the Philippines (NBCP) by Philippine Pres. Ferdinand E. development, welfare and cultural expression of
Marcos society's habitat in terms of space, forms and
historical context.
7. 1979
Architect-of-Record registered and licensed
architect, who is directly
and professionally
responsible for the total
design of the project for the
client and who shall assume
the civil liability for the
Services may include, but are not limited to:
plans, specifications, and
contract documents he/she A. planning, architectural designing and structural
has signed and sealed. conceptualization;
B. consultation, consultancy, giving oral or written
Architect-in-charge of registered and licensed
advice and directions, conferences, evaluations,
construction architect who is directly and
professionally responsible investigations, quality surveys, appraisals and
and liable for the adjustments, architectural and operational
construction supervision of planning, site analysis and other predesign
the project. services;
Consulting Architect registered and licensed C. schematic design, design development, contract
architect or permitted to documents and construction phases including
practice under RA9266, who professional consultancies;
is professionally and D. preparation of preliminary, technical, economic
academically qualified and and financial feasibility studies of plans, models
with exceptional or and project promotional services;
recognized expertise or E. preparation of architectural plans, specifications,
specialization in any branch
bill of materials, cost estimates, general
of architecture.
conditions and bidding documents
F. construction and project management, giving
General Practice of Architecture general management, administration,
supervision, coordination and responsible
• The act of planning and architectural designing, direction or the planning, architectural
structural conceptualization, specifying, designing, construction, reconstruction,
supervising and giving general administration erection, enlargement or demolition, renovation,
and responsible direction to the erection, repair, orderly removal, remodeling, alteration,
enlargement or alterations of buildings and preservation or restoration of buildings or
building environments and architectural design structures or complex buildings, including all
in engineering structures or any part thereof; their components, sites and environs, intended
the scientific, aesthetic and orderly coordination for private or public use;
of all the processes which enter into the G. the planning, architectural lay-outing and
production of a complete building or structure utilization of spaces within and surrounding such
performed through the medium of unbiased buildings or structures, housing design and
preliminary studies of plans, consultations, community architecture, architectural interiors
specifications, conferences, evaluations, and space planning, architectural detailing,
investigations, contract documents and oral architectural lighting, acoustics, architectural lay-
advice and directions regardless of whether the outing of mechanical, electrical, electronic,
persons engaged in such practice are residents sanitary, plumbing, communications and other
of the Philippines or have their principal office utility systems, equipment and fixtures;
or place of business in this country or another H. building programming, building administration,
territory, and regardless of whether such construction arbitration and architectural
persons are performing one or all these duties, conservation and restoration;
or whether such duties are performed in person I. all works which relate to the scientific, aesthetic
or as the directing head of an office or and orderly coordination of all works and
organization performing them; branches of the work, systems and process
necessary for the production of a complete
Scope of Practice building or structure, whether for public or
private use, in order to enhance and safeguard
• Encompasses the provision of professional
life, health and property and the promotion and
services in connection with site, physical and
enrichment of the quality of life, the
planning and the design, construction,
architectural design of engineering structures or
enlargement, conservation, renovation,
any part thereof; and
remodeling, restoration or alteration of a
J. all other works, projects and activities which
building or group of buildings.
require the professional competence of an
architect, including teaching of architectural
subjects and architectural computer-aided The licensure examination for architects shall cover, but
design; are not limited to, the following subjects:

The Practice 1. History and Theory of Architecture; Principles of

Planning and Architectural Practice;
• No person shall practice architecture in this 2. Structural Design, Building Materials, and
country, or engage in preparing architectural Architectural Specifications, and Methods of
plans, specification or preliminary data for the Construction and Utilities;
erection or alteration of any building located 3. Urban Design and Architectural Interiors; and
within the boundaries of this country or use the 4. Architectural Design and Site Planning.
title "Architect," or display or use any title, sign,
card, advertisement, or other device to indicate To be qualified as having passed the licensure
such person practices or offers to practice examination for architects, a candidate must obtain a
architecture, or is an architect, unless such weighted general average of seventy percent (70%), with
person shall have received from the Board a no grade lower than fifty percent (50%) in any given
Certificate of Registration and be issued a subject.
Professional Identification Card in the manner
hereinafter provided and shall thereafter
Issuance and Use of Seal
comply with the provisions of this Act. A foreign • Each registrant hereunder shall, upon
architect or any person not authorized to registration, obtain a seal of such design as the
practice architecture in the Philippines, who Board shall authorize and direct. Architectural
shall stay in the country and perform any of the plans and specifications prepared by, or under
activities mentioned in Sections 3 and 4 of this the direct supervision of a registered architect
Act, or any other activity analogous thereto, in shall be stampede with said seal during the life
connection with the construction of any of the registrant’s certificate, and it shall be
building/structure/edifice or land development unlawful for any one to stamp or seal any
project, shall be deemed engaged in the documents with said seal after the certificate of
unauthorized practice of architecture. the registrant named thereon has expired or has
• In the practice of architecture it is required to been revoked, unless said certificate shall have
undergo a licensure examination to be given by been renewed or re-issued.
the Board of Architecture in accordance with • No officer or employee of this Republic.
the provisions of Republic Act No. 8981. Chartered cities, provinces and municipalities,
now or hereafter charged with the enforcement
Qualifications of Applicant for Examination
of law, ordinances or regulations relating to the
1. He/she is a Filipino citizen or a citizen of a construction or alteration of buildings, shall
foreign country qualified to take the examination accept or approve any architectural plans or
as provided for in this Act; specifications which have not been prepared and
2. He/she is of good moral character; submitted in full accord with all the provisions of
3. He/she is a holder of a degree of Bachelor of this Act; nor shall any payments be approved by
Science in Architecture conferred by a school, any such officer for any work, the plans and
college, academy or institute duly recognized specifications for which have not been so
and/or accredited by the Commission on Higher prepared and signed and sealed by the author.
Education (CHED) and in addition has a specific • It shall be unlawful for any architect to sign
record of at least two (2) years or equivalent of his/her name, affix his/her seal or use any other
diversified architectural experience duly certified method of signature on architectural plans,
by a registered/licensed architect: Provided, specifications or other documents made under
however, That an applicant holding a Master’s another architect’s supervision, unless the same
Degree in Architecture from a school, college, is made in such manner as to clearly indicate the
university or institute recognized by the part or parts of such work actually performed by
government shall be credited one (1) year in the former, and it shall be unlawful for any
his/her practical experience; and person, except the architect-of-record, to sign
4. He/she has not been convicted of any criminal for any branch of work for any function of
offensive involving moral turpitude. architectural practice, not actually performed by
him/her. The architect-of-record shall be fully
responsible for all architectural plans, Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional
specifications and other documents issued under Practice.
his/her seal or authorized signature.
• Drawings and specifications duly signed, Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture and Penal
stamped or sealed, as instruments of service, are Clause
the intellectual properties and documents of the • Any person who shall practice or offer to
architect, whether the object for which they are practice architecture in the Philippines without
made is executed or not, It shall be unlawful for being registered/licensed and who are not
any person, without the consent of the architect holders of temporary or special permits in
or author of said documents, to duplicate or to accordance with the provisions of this Act, or
make copies of said documents for use in the
• any person presenting or attempting to use as
repetition of and for other projects or buildings,
his/her own the Certificate of
whether executed partly or in whole.
Registration/Professional Identification Card or
• All architectural plans, designs, specifications, use seal of another or temporary or special
drawings and architectural documents relative permit, or
to the construction of a building shall bear the
• any person who shall give any false or forged
seal and signature only of an architect registered
evidence or any kind to the Board or to any
and licensed under this Act together with his/her
member thereof in obtaining a Certificate of
professional identification card number and the
Registration/Professional Identification Card or
date of its expiration.
temporary or special permit, or
Suspension and Revocation of Certificates of Registration, • any person who shall falsely impersonate any
Professional Identification Card or the Special/Temporary registrant of like or different name, or
Permit. • any person who shall attempt to use a revoked
or suspended Certificate of
• has signed and affixed or permitted to be signed Registration/Professional Identification Card or
or affixed his name or seal on architectural plans cancelled special/temporary permit, or
and designs, specification, drawings, technical • any person who shall use in connection with
reports, valuation, estimates, or other similar his/her name or otherwise assume, use or
documents or work not prepared by him/her or advertise any title or description tending to
not executed under his/her immediate convey the impression that he/she is an
supervision; or architect when he/she is not an architect, or
• has paid money except the regular fees provided • any person whether Filipino or foreigner, who
for to secure a Certificate of Registration; or knowingly allows the use, adoption,
• has falsely impersonated a practitioner, or implementation of plans, designs or specification
former practitioner of alike or different name or made by any person, firm, partnership or
has practiced under an assumed, fictitious or company not duly licensed to engage in the
corporate name other than that of the practice of architecture, or any person who shall
registered; or violate any of the provisions of this Act.
• has aided or abetted in the practice of • Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of
architecture any person not duly authorized to Professional Practice, or any policy of the Board
practice architecture in the Philippines; or and the Commission, shall be guilty of
• has openly solicited projects by actually misdemeanor and charged in court by the
undertaking architectural services without a Commission and shall, upon conviction be
valid service agreement guaranteeing sentenced to a fine of not less than One hundred
compensation of services to be rendered and/or thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more
has actually allowed himself/herself to be than Five Million pesos (P5,000,000,00) or to
exploited by undertaking architectural services suffer imprisonment for a period not less than
without a valid service agreement, both acts six (6) months or not exceeding six (6) years, or
being prejudicial to other architects registered both, at the discretion of the Court.
and licensed under this Act and inimical to the
interests of the profession; or Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture.
• has violated any provision of this Act, its
• Any person or entity, whether public or private,
implementing rules and regulations, the Code of
Filipino or foreigner, who/which shall entice,
compel, coerce, require or otherwise force an copying superficial styles; expressing truth in
architect registered and licensed under this Act material and structure
to undertake/perform any service under the • Prudence: Critical judgment, deep insights and a
general practice of architecture as defined under level of discretion that comes from a
this Act, without first executing a written comprehensive understanding of the whole
contract/service agreement, shall be guilty of a • Enlightenment: Strong desire to educate the
misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction be public on the meaning and value of the
sentenced to a fine of not less than Two hundred architects work in creating high quality,
thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or to suffer sustainable environments; and to nurture their
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) apprentices so they might carry the torch of
years, or both, at the discretion of the Court. architecture into the future.

The Virtues and Values of an Architect The Architect's Code of Ethics

“May the Architect be high-minded; not arrogant, but UAP DOC. 200
faithful; Just, and easy to deal with, without avarice; Not CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT
let his mind be occupied in receiving gifts, But let him
" I shall work with this general objective - that my duty is not only to myself,
preserve his good name with dignity.” -Marcus Vitruvius but also to my Country and God."
" I shall uphold the ideals and follow the norms of conduct of a noble
Core Values of the Architect profession and endlessly endeavor to further its just ends."

"I shall humbly seek success not through the measure of solicited personal
• Architects are trained in universal design publicity, but by industrious application to my work, strive to merit a
principles, and how they are applied holistically reputation for quality of service and for fair dealing."
in the development of a building, street-scape,
"I shall ask from all, fair remuneration for my services while expecting and
or town plan, or in any other design challenge. asking no profits from any other source."
This is our critical edge, but only if we stand up
"I shall hold the interest of my Client over and above any self-interest for
as a profession and enforce those principles in
financial returns."
the built environment and regain the public’s
trust that these things are important to "I shall exercise my professional prerogatives always with impartiality and
everyone’s quality of life.
"I shall avoid any private business investments or venture which may tend
Here are a few historically consistent core values of the to influence my professional judgment to the detriment of the trust placed
true architect that other building professionals, project upon me."
managers, developers, contractors, planners generally do
"I shall inspire by my behavior the loyalty of my associates and subordinates
not share: and take upon me the mentorship of the aspirants to the profession."

• Wisdom: Understanding the meaning and "I shall confine my criticisms and praises within constructive and
application of core values in the Vitruvian axiom inspirational limits and never resort to these means to further malicious
“commodity, firmness, delight” (firmitas, utilitas
and venustas), (Function, Stability, Aesthetics). "I shall dedicate myself to the pursuit of creative endeavor towards the goal
• Creativity: Continuous use of imagination both in of enlightened Art and Science, generously sharing with colleagues, friends
and strangers alike the benefits of my experience and experiments."
problem solving, and artistic expression; with
drawing, painting, sculpture, and practical study • The professional of Architecture calls for men of
of the sister arts, adding to the richness of their the highest integrity, judgment, business
solutions capacity and artistic and technical ability. An
• Resourcefulness: Modelling design and building Architect’s honesty of purpose must be above
technologies after nature’s own laws of order, suspicion; he acts as professional adviser to his
and striving for unique solutions that wed client and his advice must be unprejudiced; he is
together the highest ideals of beauty and charged with the exercise of judicial functions as
practical utility between client and contractor and must act with
• Leadership: Providing artful guidance and entire impartiality; he has moral responsibilities
oversight throughout project, like a conductor to his professional associates and subordinates;
leading an orchestra and he is engaged in a profession which carries
• Integrity: Ability to uphold authentic building with it grave responsibilities to the public. These
traditions and architectural principles without duties and responsibilities cannot be properly
discharged unless his motives, conduct, sense of 5. The Architect shall not solicit nor permit to solicit
moral values and ability are such as to command in his name, advertisements, or other support
respect and confidence. In order to promote the towards the cost of any publication presenting
highest standards of ethical conduct in the his work. He should refrain from taking part in
practice of Architecture, the United Architects of paid advertisement endorsing any materials of
the Philippines, with the approval of the Board construction or building equipment.
of Architecture and the Professional Regulation 6. The Architect shall not mislead the public
Commission, has codified and formulated the through advertisements, signs or printed matter
following principles for adoption and compliance citing his professional specializations unless such
of the Architect. qualifications are well known facts or sanctioned
by professional consensus and years of
The Architect is engaged in a profession which carries with HIS CLIENT
it civic responsibilities towards the public, whether such
responsibilities are the natural outcome of good The Architect’s relation to his Client is depended upon
citizenship or of his professional pursuit or whether they good faith. To ensure the continued existence of such
partake of informative and educational matters or of his state of good relationship, the Architect’s position carries
normal, good public relations. with it certain moral obligations to his Client and to
1. The Architect shall seek opportunities to be of
constructive service in civic and urban affairs and 1. The Architect may introduce to a prospective
to the best of his ability, advance the safety, Client the professional services he is able to
health and well-being of the people and the perform provided it is limited to presentation of
community as well as the promotion, restoration examples of his professional experience and
or preservation of the general amenities and does not entail the offering of free preliminary
other examples of historic and architectural sketches or other services without the benefit of
heritage of the nation. an agreement with the Client for legitimate
2. The Architect shall promote the interest of his compensation.
professional organization and do his full part of 2. The Architect shall acquaint or ascertain from
the work to enhance the objectives and services the Client at the very inception of their business
of the organization. He should share in the relationship, the exact nature and scope of his
interchange of technical information and services and the corresponding professional
experience with the other design professions charges.
and the building industry. 3. The Architect shall advise a Client against
3. The Architect as a good citizen shall abide and proceeding with any project whose practicability
observe the laws and regulations of the may be questionable due to financial, legal or
government and comply with the standards of arresting or exigent conditions, even if such
ethical conduct and practice of the profession in advice may mean the loss of a prospective
the Philippines. He shall at no time act in a commission to the Architect.
manner detrimental to the best interest of the 4. The Architect shall explain the conditional
profession. character of estimates other than estimates
4. The Architect shall not use paid advertisement submitted in the form of actual proposals by
nor use self-laudatory, exaggerated, or contractors and in no case shall be guarantee
misleading publicity. However, the presentation any estimates or cost of the work. Neither shall
of factual materials, verbal or visual, of the aims, he mislead his Client as to probable cost of the
standards, and progress of the profession work in order to secure a commission.
through literature or by industrious application 5. The Architect shall consider the needs and
of his work and services which tend to dignify stipulation of his Client and the effects of his
the professional or advance public knowledge of work upon the life and well-being of the public
the Architect’s function in society may be and the community as a whole, and to endeavor
presented through any public communication to meet the aesthetic and functional
media. requirements of the project commensurate with
the Client’s appropriation.
6. The Architect shall charge his Client for services Contract Documents to the
rendered, a professional fee commensurate with Contractor’s financial disadvantage.
the work involved and with his professional 3. The Architect shall immediately upon
standing and experience based upon the Basic his personal knowledge and
Minimum Fee prescribed under the “Standards inspection, reject or condemn
of Professional Practice” of the “Architect’s materials, equipment or workmanship
National Code. which are not in conformity with the
7. The Architect shall not undertake, under a fixed Contract Documents in order not to
contract sum agreement, the construction of any cause unnecessary delay and
project based on plans prepared by him. He may additional expense to the Contractor.
in certain cases, undertake the construction of a 4. The Architect shall not, at any time or
project even when the plans were prepared by circumstance, accept free engineering
him provided it is undertaken in conformity with services, or receive any substantial aid,
the conditions set forth under sections covering gifts, commissions, or favors from any
“Construction Services” “Comprehensive Contractor or subcontractor which will
Services” or “Design-Build Services” of the tend to place him under any kind of
document on “STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL moral obligation.
PRACTICE.” 5. The Architect shall, upon request by
8. The Architect shall be compensated for his the Contractor, promptly inspect each
services solely through his professional fee phase of the work completed and if
charged directly to the Client. He shall not accept found according to the terms of the
nor ask for any other returns in whatever form Contract Documents issue the
from any interested source other than the Client. corresponding Certificates of Payment
9. The Architect shall be free in his investments and and the Final Certificate of Completion,
business relations outside of his profession from respectively, to the Contractor.
any financial or personal interests which tend to
weaken and discredit his standing as an THE ARCHITECT’S RESPONSIBILITIES IN RELATION TO
unprejudiced and honest adviser, free to act in MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS, AND AGENTS.
his Client’s best interests. If the Architect has any
An exchange of technical information between Architects
business interest which will relate to, or affect
and those who supply, and handle building materials or
the interest of his client, he should inform his
equipment is necessary and therefore encouraged and
client of such condition or situation.
commended. However;
10. The Architect shall include in his agreement with
the Client a clause providing for arbitration as a 1. The Architect shall not avail or make use of
method for settlement of disputes. engineering or other technical services offered
by manufacturers, or suppliers of building
materials or equipment which may be
THE CONTRACTOR accompanied by an obligation detrimental to the
The Contractor depends upon the Architect to safeguard best interest of the Client or which may
fairly his interests as well as those of the Client. adversely affect the Architect’s professional
1. The Architect shall give the Contractor 2. The Architect shall not at any time receive
every reasonable aid to enable him to commissions, discounts, fees, gifts or favors from
fully understand the contents of the agents or firms handling building materials or
Contract Documents by furnishing equipment which may place him in a reciprocal
clear, definite, and consistent frame of mind. He may however, accept market
information in all pertinent contract discounts which shall be credited to the Client.
documents to avoid unnecessary
mistakes that may involve extra costs THE ARCHITECT’S RESPONSIBILITIES IN RELATION TO
2. The Architect shall not knowingly call
The Architect has moral responsibilities towards his
upon the Contractor to correct or
profession, his colleagues, and his subordinates.
remedy oversights or errors in the
1. The Architect shall not render professional the extent of the work done to the structure.
services, without compensation except for small Architects are enjoined to preserve or restore as
civic or charity project. He shall neither offer nor much as possible especially the few and
provide preliminary services on a conditional remaining historic examples of our architectural
basis prior to definite agreement with the Client heritage affecting his phase of practice.
for the commission of the project. 7. The Architect shall not knowingly injure falsely or
2. The Architect shall not knowingly compete with maliciously, the professional reputation,
other Architects based on differences of prospects or practice of another Architect.
professional charges, nor use donation as a 8. The Architect shall refrain from associating
device for obtaining competitive advantage himself with or allowing the use of his name by
except for worthy civic or religious projects. any enterprise of doubtful character or integrity.
Neither shall he submit solicited or unsolicited 9. The Architect shall not affix his signature and
sketches or drawings in competition with other seal to any plans or professional documents
Architects unless such competitive arrangements prepared by other persons or entities not done
are conducted substantially under the terms of under his direct personal supervision.
the UAP Architectural Competition Code 10. The Architect shall inspire the loyalty of his
3. The Architect shall not under any circumstances employees and subordinates by providing them
nor through any means seek commissions with suitable working conditions, requiring them
already known to him as previously endowed to to render competent and efficient services and
another Architect, whether such endowment has paying them adequate and just compensation,
been definitely agreed upon or still in the therefore. He shall tutor and mentor the young
process of negotiation. aspirants towards the ideals, functions, duties,
4. The Architect shall not, in any case, enter as a and responsibilities of the profession.
competitor in any Architectural Competition 11. The Architect shall unselfishly give his share in
when he has direct relations with the the interchange of technical information and
formulation of the Program thereof or when he experience among his colleagues and young
has been engaged to act as Professional Adviser aspirants and do his part in fostering unity in the
or Juror for such competition. Neither shall the fellowship of the profession.
Architect accept and act as professional adviser 12. He shall unselfishly give his time and effort to
or juror in any architectural competition when the advancement of the profession through his
he has had any information or has reviewed or active and personal commitment and
assisted in the preparation of any competition involvement with the accredited professional
design entered. Nor shall an Architect, retained organization for architects.
as professional adviser in a competition, accept
employment as an Architect, retained as
professional adviser in a competition, accept
employment as an Architect for that competition
project except as Consulting Architect.
5. The Architect shall not undertake a commission
for which he knows another Architect has been
previously employed until he has notified such
other Architect of the fact in writing and has
conclusively determined that the original
employment has been terminated and has been
duly compensated for.
6. The Architect shall not undertake a commission
for additions, rehabilitation or remodeling of any
erected structure undertaken previously by
another Architect without duly notifying him of
the contemplated project even when the Owner
is no longer the same. When the greater mass,
area or design of the original structure is
substantially maintained the new Architect
should limit his advertisement or claim only to

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