Tumbang Preso or Tumba Lata is a traditional Filipino game where players take turns trying to knock over a small can while avoiding being tagged by the guard. One player acts as the guard by placing and guarding the can within a small circle, while other players throw small stones or slippers to hit the can from behind a toe line. If a player hits the can but doesn't retrieve their stone before being tagged, or fails to retrieve it after multiple turns, they become the new guard. The game emphasizes speed, strategy, and quick thinking.
Tumbang Preso or Tumba Lata is a traditional Filipino game where players take turns trying to knock over a small can while avoiding being tagged by the guard. One player acts as the guard by placing and guarding the can within a small circle, while other players throw small stones or slippers to hit the can from behind a toe line. If a player hits the can but doesn't retrieve their stone before being tagged, or fails to retrieve it after multiple turns, they become the new guard. The game emphasizes speed, strategy, and quick thinking.
Tumbang Preso or Tumba Lata is a traditional Filipino game where players take turns trying to knock over a small can while avoiding being tagged by the guard. One player acts as the guard by placing and guarding the can within a small circle, while other players throw small stones or slippers to hit the can from behind a toe line. If a player hits the can but doesn't retrieve their stone before being tagged, or fails to retrieve it after multiple turns, they become the new guard. The game emphasizes speed, strategy, and quick thinking.
Tumbang Preso or Tumba Lata is a traditional Filipino game where players take turns trying to knock over a small can while avoiding being tagged by the guard. One player acts as the guard by placing and guarding the can within a small circle, while other players throw small stones or slippers to hit the can from behind a toe line. If a player hits the can but doesn't retrieve their stone before being tagged, or fails to retrieve it after multiple turns, they become the new guard. The game emphasizes speed, strategy, and quick thinking.
lata (Tagalog), or Bato Lata (Bisaya) literally means “Knock Down the Prisoner” or “Knock Down the Can” in English. This game is played in backyards, open fields, or parks. EQUIPMENT small can or any small cylindrical object
slipper or a small flat stone (pamato) NUMBER OF PLAYERS
Ideally, this game involves a maximum of 9 players. Although kids
usually adjust the number of participants. One of the players serves as the guard or “It”, and the rest are the hitters. MECHANICS OF THE GAME 1. The Markers
The players draw a toe-line at
IT ZONE one point of the ground. While a SAFE ZONE small circle is drawn a few meters away on the other side. PLAYER ZONE 2. Choosing the First Guard Each player tries as much as possible to hit the marker. Or at least, he makes sure his pamato lands closest to it. Otherwise, if his pamato landed the farthest, he becomes the first guard or “It”. 2. The Guard’s Roles a) First, he places the can inside the circle and guards it. While the hitters stand ready behind the toe-line. b) At his signal, the hitters start throwing their pamato at the can. 2. The Guard’s Roles c) Once the can is hit and knocked down, he quickly retrieves it and puts it back up again inside the circle. Then he runs after the hitters and tag those trying to retrieve their pamato.
d) One important rule: the guard
cannot tag a hitter until he makes the can stand in its place inside the circle. 2. The Guard’s Roles e) If the can is thrown outside the circle, the hitters get the chance to kick it farther away from the circle. This allows them more time to retrieve their pamato. 3. Changing Roles a) If the pamato lands close to the can but did not knock it down, the guard “captures” the pamato. He puts a foot over the pamato while his other foot rests on the can. This signals a change of roles between the guard and the owner of the pamato.
b) A hitter that fails to retrieve his pamato stays close to it and
waits for the other hitters to knock down the can again. 3. Changing Roles c) Unless a player is “captured”, the hitter that was tagged becomes the next “It”. d) And the process is repeated for as many times as the players agree. e) All players think quickly for a strategy to retrieve his pamato without being caught. While the “It” stays alert for any movement of the hitters. The primary element required in the game is speed – speed in thinking of a strategy, and speed in running away from the “guard” or “it”. TIPS ON PLAYING THE GAME ✓ Choose a pamato that is suits you ✓ Practice your aim ✓ Study the movement of your opponents ✓ Act fast ✓ Develop quick thinking REFERENCES: ▪ http://www.nilaeslit.com/traditional-filipino-games-series-05- tumbang- preso/#:~:text=The%20game's%20primary%20objective%20is,bei ng%20caught%20by%20the%20guard ▪ https://kami.com.ph/112149-how-play-tumbang-preso- philippines.html ▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3Yskqx1fNA