Silmi Alya Khaerinnisa 3421113 Sosiologi (Inggris)
Silmi Alya Khaerinnisa 3421113 Sosiologi (Inggris)
Silmi Alya Khaerinnisa 3421113 Sosiologi (Inggris)
advanced today. Korean culture is easily spread throughout the world among
globalization will not be separated from the role of technology today from various
technologies in various intercultural information and can create a new culture that
has an impact on various lives in society (Bakhri, S., Dyatmika, T., & Kamal, M. R.
2020). Korean culture is one of the oldest continuous cultures in the world today,
there are some cultural differences which are more shown in south Korea which
was split into North and South Korea but in the beginning, this cultural and
historical heritage was shared in the same way throughout the peninsula in Korean.
Korean culture consists of all of its history, customs, traditions, and beliefs, shaped
world, and many other customs and traditions that have been passed down from
tension between North Korea and Korea. The South has been divided into
and can be accepted in society and can produce a Korean wave fever phenomenon.
Korean culture and lifestyle (Hally or Korean Wave) have become a popular culture
that has spread to various countries including Indonesia. Several years ago or at
this time Korean culture or the Korean wave spread to teenagers in Indonesia
around the Pemalang district. K-Pop is not only about music and drama, but K-Pop
Indonesian television stations, it can make teenagers to adults know pop and start
to like it and some even become fanatical (excessive). Idol groups or solos such as
Super Junior, Girl Generation, EXO, NCT, and many others are very famous and
have many fans in various East Asian or Southeast Asian countries. This culture
operates not only in the fields of music and movies but through fashion and
television such as reality shows and Korean food. Idolizing someone is a natural
thing to happen in society because someone likes idols for several reasons, one of
which is the Ideal Self in idols, or idolizing someone is an individual's way to find
their identity.
Kdrama, many teenagers are fond of Korean culture, including KPop which is
currently a trend in Indonesia and this is the Korean Wave trend where all
interviewing 3 people, 2 k-pop fans, and 1 not k-pop fan so that it is easy for
researchers to understand and differentiate. This research was carried out for five
days from 17-21 June 2022, carried out at their respective residences.
Research result
The results of this study are many teenagers who are fans of the Korean wave
seen from the data that k-pop fans from year to year increase. K-pop entered
Indonesia in 2002 because of the holding of the world cup in South Korea which was
Indonesia and teenagers idolized it both from K-pop, K-drama, Fashion, and even the
treat food. However, many teenagers also love foreign cultures more than their own,
were fans of K-pop, and 1 was not a fan of K-pop. The preparation of the results of this
study aims to answer the formulation of the problem of k-pop culture in the lives of
teenagers in Pemalang, where teenagers here focus on how the impact of the
The participants in this study were 3 people consisting of 2 k-pop fans and 1
understand the results of the study. In addition, qualitative research also requires the
1. Rifa Aprilla Durotul Aisy is a student He started liking pop when he was
Islamic Broadcasting
Positive Impact: They are happier
Communications Department, is
because they have the pleasure to
currently 19 years old and female.
idolize them and have many
(K-pop fans)
friends from different regions and
own culture.
In the results of this research, researchers can describe the data and research
results that have been related to the problems that have been formulated by
describing how the positive and negative impacts of the influence of k-pop culture on
To be able to make the results of the research exposure easier to read and
understand, the researchers divided the discussion into two according to the themes
discussed by the participants, namely (1) the Positive Impact of the influence of k-pop
culture on the social life of teenagers, (2) Negative impact of cultural influence K-pop
1. The Positive Impact of the Influence of K-Pop Culture on the Social Life of
Koppers is loyal because as someone who likes their idol, it's not surprising
Like to save because they know that things related to their idols are not free,
they are also willing to set aside pocket money for a few months to buy
Being a pop makes a lot of interaction with many people from outside the city
and even abroad. This is one positive side of paper being able to expand the
circle of friends.
It can be avoided from juvenile delinquency, many K-Pop fans are still
It can be wasteful because they always buy anything related to their idol and
Makes you forget the time because, with those who are busy scoring their
Stuck in a box or room, and don't like to leave the house, they prefer to stream,
the pop environment, they also often glorify idols and those who can cause
fan wars.
Indonesia has become the country with the highest number of tweets about
k-pop from July 2020 to June 2021. Conversations about K-pop that dominate on
Twitter globally have reached 7.5 billion tweets from July 2020 to June 2021. The
number has increased by 22, 9% compared to the previous period, tweets about k-pop
were recorded at 6.1 billion. Bangtan Boys (BTS) has become the most talked-about
k-pop artist on Twitter in the past year. Other k-pop artists also talked about a lot this
The result of the graph above is the conversation about k-pop that dominates
on Twitter globally, Indonesia is the country with the highest number of tweets about
k-pop from July 2020 to June 2021. And that's a lot of teenagers who are fans of pop
A lot of K-Pop music that enters Indonesia such as Nct, Exo, Ikon, and many
more Korean boy bands and girl groups that enter Indonesia and every time they
The results of the research on "K-pop culture in the social life of teenagers" can be
concluded as follows: teenagers who are fans of k-pop tend to be homeschooled and
being a pop makes a lot of communication with people from outside the city and even
abroad. One positive side of the paper can expand the circle of friends and can also
avoid juvenile delinquency, many students and teenagers are fans of kpopers because
by becoming kpopers they will avoid juvenile delinquency, such as night wanderings,
inappropriate courtship, etc. And like to save because they know that things related to
their idols are not free, so they are willing to set aside pocket money for several
months to buy one official item of merchandise or other items or even concert tickets.
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