Filipino Nursing Theorists
Filipino Nursing Theorists
Filipino Nursing Theorists
- Is a positive index regarding retirement
positively and also in reacting to role
2. Sister Letty G. Kuan discontinuities.
3. Income
“Retirement and Role Discontinuation”
- Has a high correlation with both the
Retirement – inevitable change
perception of retirement and reaction
towards role discontinuation.
4. Work Status
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS AND CONCEPTS - Goes hand and hand with economic
security that generates decent
1. Physiological Age
- wear and tear, get old when time glows
- For the retired, it implies the retirement
2. Role
should not be conceptualized as a
- Set of shared expectations focused
period of no work because capabilities
upon a particular position.
to function get sharpened and refined as
3. Change of Life
they practice it on a regular basis.
- Present between near retirement and
- Work enhances the aspects of self-
esteem and contributes to the feeling of
4. Retiree
wellness even and old age.
- Left the assumed role
5. Self-preparation
5. Role Discontinuity
- Therapeutic and recreational in essence
- Interruption in the status, performed
pays its worth in old age.
6. Coping Approaches
- This does not only account
- Interventions or measures applied to
professionalism or expertise but also
solve a problematic situation state in
benevolent work as in charitable actions
order to restore or maintain equilibrium
with colleagues.
and normal functioning
- Self-preparation is investigating not in
- Adjustments
monetary benefits but in something that
gives them and dignity; enhance their
feelings of self-worth and happiness.
DETERMINANTS 6. To cope with the changes brought by
1. Health Status - Cultivate interest in recreational
- physiological and mental state of the activities to channel feelings of
respondents, classified as either sickly depression or isolation and facing
or healthy. realities through confrontation with some
2. Income issues.
- Financial affluence (economic level) 7. To perceive retirement positively
3. Work Status - Early socialization of the various roles
- Status of an individual according to we take in life.
his/her work. 8. Government Agency
4. Family Constellation - To construct holistic pre-retirement
- Family compensation preparation program which will take care
5. Self-Reparation of the retiree’s finances, psychological,
- It is preparing of self to the possible emotional, and social needs.
outcome of life. 9. Retirement
- Should be recognized as the fulfillment
of every individual’s birthright and must
1. Health Status be lived
- Dictates the capacities and the type of
role one takes both for the present and
for the future “I have grown and sown and now I can reap the
- It fits for everyone to maintain and reward and blessing of a life lived in joy and love, for I
promote health at all ages because only do have made others grow.”
proper care of the mind and body is
needed to maintain health in old age. - Prof. Letty Gurdiel Kuan, RN, RGC, EdD
2. Family Constellation
I. Servant-Leader Formula
- The enrichment package prepared as
3. Ma. Irma Bustamante intervention for the study which has
three parts that parallel the three
“Towards the Enhancement of Self-Esteem
concepts of the CASAGRA
for the Abused Women”
transformative leadership model,
namely: the care complex prime, a
retreat-workshop on Servant-leadership,
BACKGROUND and a seminar-workshop on
Transformative Teaching for nursing
Women abuse has been recognized as an
increasing social problem affecting women of
- Care Complex is the nucleus of care
all ages, race, creed, nationality, and
experiences in the personality of a
socioeconomic status.
To explore the women’s perception of
womanhood and self-esteem.
The study is about women abuse and how
these women can be helped the critical 5. Cecilia Caureter
social therapy and feminist principles are
January-June 1987
most appropriate framework to us.
- Categories of Nursing Activities in
Medical-Surgical Ward Units in Selected
Government and Private Hospitals in
Metro Manila
o The other entry point of helping
Recognition of the fact that women are the patient is through the family
oppressed when the nurse can be of great
The personal is political assistance to prevent the very
Consciousness raising beginning serious
o The nurse can help strengthen
the family’s term of knowledge,
The information from the literature greatly helped this
skills, and attitude through
researcher in developing a broad insight on the
effective communication
problem investigated.
employed informative,
psychotherapeutic, modeling,
behavioral, cognitive
4. Sr. Carolina S. Agravante behavioral, and or hypnotic
techniques are summarized
“CASAGRA Transformative Leadership and evaluated