Research 1 Ahmed Sebihi
Research 1 Ahmed Sebihi
Research 1 Ahmed Sebihi
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1 author:
Ahmed Sebihi
Gulf Medical University
All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Sebihi on 04 October 2016.
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December 2014 Vol - 2 Issue- 12
H igher education is a priority sector in the UAE where Government treats it with so
much preference that it has a dedicated Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Research (MOHESR). However, from an objective perspective, despite the efforts, higher education
still faces challenges; most significant being: (1) speed in technical and scientific excellence, a
challenge posed by developed countries (2) aligning graduates with the labor market (3) the
challenge of meeting and keeping up with educational strategic needs of a frequently evolving
sector (4) dislocation between universities programs offered and requirements of UAE labor
market and (5) weaknesses in existing government database. Most of these challenges can be
easily overcome by more efficient coordination between policy and practice. In this paper, the
following principles and approaches are strongly put forward as solutions to aligning educational
policy goals in the UAE: (a) Quarterly sub-review of curriculum and harmonizing all reviews by
end of each year (b) tailoring courses offered by tertiary institutions to the Labor market (c)
establishment of concrete collaboration between schools of higher learning and Labor market
(d) empowering the appropriate authority in doing more in the area of database update and (e)
accelerating development in technical and scientific education with the view of attaining
excellence. These new strategies, if adopted, would (a) throw overboard the hurdles preventing
wider expansion in the education sector (b) create a situation where graduates from schools of
higher learning would suit demands of UAE labor market. (c) Higher education students would
be more motivated to work towards their respective carriers seeing the harmony in their studies
and macro-economy viz-a-vis society (d) attaining excellence in technology and science would
be the order of the day, hence, moving at pace with developed countries. This paper concludes by December 2014 Vol - 2 Issue- 12 222
e- ISSN : 2347 - 9671 p - ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Mr. Ahmed Sebihi
cautioning that potential obstacles foreseen in achieving the outlined goals are very minimal on
condition that the appropriate oversight organization is adequately resourced and empowered
to be effective and efficient.
KEYWORDS: Higher Education, Engineering, Modern Technology, Self-Employment.