Class 4
Class 4
Class 4
The government‘s recent industrial development strategy identifies
MSEs as key priority. Enterprises in the MSE sector are defined both
in terms of paid up capital (asset) and number of employees.
3.2. Previous Definition of Enterprises in Ethiopia:
This definition of MSMEs is provided in the Federal Urban Job
Creation and Food Security Agency establishment regulation No
Micro enterprises: means an enterprise having a total capital, excluding
building, not exceeding Birr 50,000 in the service sector or not exceeding
Birr 100,000 in the industrial sector and engages 5 workers, including the
owner, his family member and other employees.
Small enterprises: means an enterprise having a total capital, excluding
building, from Birr 50,001 to Birr 500,000 in the case of service sector or
Birr 100,001 to Birr 1,500.000 in the case of urban agriculture, artisanal
mining and construction sector engages from 6 to 30 workers including the
owner, his family members and other employees.