2.modern World-Essential Components

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M.A (History)
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Invention of the Idea
1.3 Developments in Italy
1.4 New Groups: Lawyers and Notaries
1.5 Humanism
1.6 New Education
1.7 Print
1.8 Secular Openings
1.9 Realism vs. Moralism
1.10 Summary
1.11 Glossary

This is the first Unit of the course and is being treated as the entry point to an
understanding of modern world. ‘Renaissance’ is an Italian word meaning re-birth.
But over the last two centuries the word has come to acquire a new meaning.
Renaissance as we understand it today is associated with major social and cultural
developments in Europe between the 13th and the 15th centuries. The contribution of
the Renaissance to the emergence of modernity in early modern Europe has been for
many years an appropriate entry point to the history of the modern world. However
much intellectuals of the third world dislike such an euro-centric vision, there is no
escape from the fact that it was in renaissance Italy and subsequently in certain parts
of the sixteenth century Europe that a new view of man as a creative individual
possessing the power to shape his destiny without depending on god became a
major inspiration for social thinking and political action. In a loose sense this is what
is conveyed by what we know as renaissance humanism. Michelangelo’s painting of
the creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel, in an artistic sense was a celebration of
the newly discovered greatness of man. The idea of a free and creative man was not
however a consequence of renaissance social thought alone. Reformation, which
came quickly on the heels of the Renaissance also, made its distinct contribution to a
spirit of self-consciousness by privatizing religious practice and Protestantism
fundamentally fostered an individualistic psyche.

MICHELANGELO, The Creation of Adam (About 1511) 7

Theories of the
It is interesting to know that, prior to the 19th century, the major socio-cultural
developments in Europe during the 13th- 15th centuries were not understood and
codified as renaissance. In this section you will become familiar with the process in
which renaissance became a part of our knowledge.
In 1860, Jakob Burckhardt formulated the influential concepts of ‘Renaissance’
and ‘humanism’, in his pioneering masterpiece of cultural history, The Civilization
of the Renaissance in Italy. Burckhardt’s book was a “subtle synthesis of opinions
about the Renaissance that had grown powerful during the Age of the Enlightenment”.
He seemed to be confirming a story told by secular, liberal intellectuals of the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who were searching for the origins of their own
beliefs and values, that after the collapse of classical civilization a period of darkness
and barbarism had set in, dominated by the church and the humdrum of rural life.
Eventually, however, a revival of commerce and urban life laid the foundations for a
secular and even anti-religious vision of life. The new vision, which glorified the
individual and the attractions of earthly life were strongly reinforced by the rediscovery
of the pagan literature of the Antiquity. The new secular and individualistic values,
which were somewhat incompatible with Christian beliefs, constituted a new worldly
philosophy of life known as ‘humanism’, drawing its main ideas and inspiration from
ancient times. Humanism subsequently became the inspiration for questioning the
moral basis of the feudal and Christian inheritances in Europe.
Burkhardt’s work, which dominated the 19th century perception about the
Renaissance, came to be subjected to criticisms later. For a time in the late 1940s and
the 1950s, the very idea of a Renaissance came under attack, when the rich growth of
scholarship on medieval history made the inherited view of a dark and uncivilized
Middle Ages look untenable, “as medievalists discovered squarely in the Middle
Ages all the essential traits supposedly typical of the later period, and also discovered
within the Renaissance many traditional elements which seemed to prove that the
Middle Ages lived on into the Renaissance”. Medievalists found renaissances in the
sense of periods of classical revival in Carolingian France, Anglo-Saxon England
and Ottonian Germany. One of these medieval revivals, the ‘twelfth-century
Renaissance’, became a subject of major historical enquiries, since the coinage of
the term by Charles Homer Haskins in his The renaissance of the Twelfth Century
(1927). Haskins maintained that the term ‘renaissance’, in the sense of an enthusiasm
for classical literature, was an important feature of the twelfth century and that this
cultural renewal was the ancestor of subsequent civilizational progress in early
modern Europe.
Yet historians have not discarded fully the concept and the term ‘Renaissance’ in
the sense Burckhardt had used it. For historical realities, which Burckhardt had
described, cannot be dismissed with quibbles about terminology. Burckhardt rightly
saw the emergence of a new culture and also located one of its main sources in
Italian humanism by linking it to a unique set of social, political, and economic
conditions. This new culture might seem to be the product of the growth of commerce
and cities in northern Italy from the late eleventh century. But urban growth and
commercial expansion since the 11th century, does not explain why the new culture
flowered almost at the end of the 14th century even as it is true that Italy during the
12th and 13th centuries had become the most highly developed, the wealthiest and
the most urbanized region of Europe. The urban and commercial growth of Italy
stands in contrast to other parts of Europe in the north of the Alps, where the
8 scholastic philosophy, Gothic art, and vernacular literature of these centuries were
clearly associated with the clergy and the feudal aristocracy of the medieval age.
Renaissance and the Idea
1.3 DEVELOPMENTS IN ITALY of the Individual

Italy too was not totally free of this older aristocratic and clerical culture. Yet the
dynamic part of Italy, the north, was dominated not by clerics and feudal nobles but
by wealthy urban merchants, ‘and during the 12th and 13th centuries, the cities of
northern Italy in alliance with the popes broke the military and political power of the
German kings, who called themselves Roman emperors and attempted to assert
control over northern Italy’. Strong, centralizing monarchy of the kinds that developed
in France and England did not emerge in Italy. Northern Italy was dotted with virtually
independent urban republics. Although the people of these urban communities were
deeply religious people, the position of the clergy in Italian city life was marginal. The
cities were governed by wealthy merchants and the dependent petty traders and
artisans, though from the 13th century, more and more of them came under the
control of military despots who offered protection from internal disorder and external
Most of these Italian towns existed as markets for local communities, as links between
the surrounding country and the distant markets, generally purchasing its cereals
from the vicinity. A few large urban formations, like Genoa or Florence, were centres
of international trade, which had expanded so enormously during the 12th and 13th
centuries that the urban communities in such sprawling towns became larger than the
usual small communities in the city republics. The administration of these towns came
to depend increasingly on a professional civil service with legal training. As the activity
of the towns became more complex, they came to gradually acquire permanent civic
institutions including a class of magistrates. This was the time when the communities
came to display features of a city-state.
The city-states in practice were republican oligarchies where crucial decisions were
taken by a small minority of office-holding wealthy merchants, even though a
considerable part of the male population was recruited in the citizen’s militia. Over
time however, the existence of the city republic in many instances became precarious.
The townsmen were fighting each other, a feature that Machiavelli, the great Florentine
thinker of renaissance Italy explained as a result of enmity between the wealthy and
the poor. The situation was further complicated by factional rivalries within the ruling
groups. The city councils became so divided along factional lines that in most cities
before the end of the 14th century the regime of a single individual began to be
increasingly preferred. To escape the problem of civic strife, most cities turned from
republicanism to signoria (the rule of one man), who could either be a member of
the urban aristocracy or a military captain who had been hired by the city councils
for organising the city’s defence from external enemies. Republican survivals were
exceptions, the rule of the signor became universal. With the exception of Venice,
most Italian cities experienced this transformation. The signori in most cases chose
to rule through existing republican institutions combining the hitherto antagonistic
principles of municipalism and feudalism.
The advent of signori resulted from the fragility of republican institutions, yet the
triumph of the signori did not eliminate the need for scholar administrators. The city-
states with enlarged functions including diplomacy, warfare, taxation and governance
in an expanding and complex urban environment was an ideal breeding ground for a
certain consciousness of citizenship. Whether it fostered individualism, as claimed
by Burckhardt, still remains a problem. The kind of control that the municipal
authorities imposed on traders and artisans fell far short of free private enterprise,
yet it is possible to argue that the development of private wealth against the backdrop
of an expanding commerce and a measure of involvement of the cities’ elites in the 9
Theories of the actual governance of the city were capable of reinforcing the individualist self
Modern World
consciousness in some of the city’s leading men.


In a society where commerce dominated the scene the most important educated
groups were the lawyers and the notaries (a combination of solicitor and record
keeper) who drew up and interpreted the rules and written agreements without
which trade on a large scale was not possible. With the growing scale of commerce
there was an acute need for men skilled in drafting, recording, and authenticating
contracts and letters. These were the notaries, specialists who did not need the long
and costly education provided by law schools but who did receive training in Latin
grammar and rhetoric. Such training in letter-writing and drafting legal documents
was often given by apprenticeship, but at major centres of legal study such as Padua
and Bologna, there were full-time professional teachers who taught not only the
conventional legal forms of drafting various kinds of business documents and the
correct type of handwriting for documents of public record but also provided some
instruction in Roman law. Unlike in the middle ages when virtually all intellectual
activities were carried on by churchmen, in the Italian cities this was pursued by
members of the new professions. In more than one sense they were the real precursors
to renaissance humanism.
Padua, a university town especially noted for the study of law and medicine, produced
enthusiasts for the language and literature of ancient Rome. An important figure in
this movement was Lovato Lovati (c. 1240-1309) a judge who showed many
characteristics of humanism. His younger contemporary Albertino Mussato (1261-
1325), who was a notary by profession, became widely known throughout Italy.
During this early phase of the growth of humanism, Florence, the city associated
with the later flowering of humanistic culture, played a marginal role. The great
Florentine literary and intellectual figure of this age, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), is
linked more with medieval rather than Renaissance culture whose generation in
Florence, despite the persistence of old cultural beliefs, still thought about a certain
conception of cultural renewal through reinterpretation of classical literature and a
conscious repudiation of the values of medieval civilization. The arrival of Petrarch,
a century later, brought about this change in Florentine culture, more decisively.
Petrarch realised that antiquity was a distinctive civilization which could be understood
better through the words and the languages of the ancients. Petrarch’s stress,
therefore, was on grammar, which included the close reading of ancient authors
from a linguistic point of view. With language, eloquence and the study of rhetoric,
the ultimate purpose of this educational programme was to project a certain idea of
good life that was suffused with secular meanings.

Since the nineteenth century, historians have labeled this new culture as ‘humanism’,
though it appears nowhere in the writings of the Renaissance period itself. The term
that did exist was ‘humanistic studies’ (studia humanitatis), implying academic
subjects favoured by humanists. By the first half of the fifteenth century, the term
‘humanist’ designated masters who taught academic subjects like grammar, rhetoric,
poetry, history, and moral philosophy. They were members of a particular professional
group who taught humanities and liberal arts – humanitas, a classical word earlier
used by Cicero as a substitute for the Greek Paideia, or culture. Cicero was trying
to make the point that it was only human beings who were capable of this knowledge
10 about their own selves.
Renaissance humanism, conceived as ‘a new philosophy of life’ or a glorification of Renaissance and the Idea
of the Individual
human nature in secular terms, eludes precise definition. Indeed there is no definable
set of common beliefs. More than a heightened sense of individualism, the primary
characteristic, was the new pattern of historical consciousness that emerged first in
the thought of leading 14th century . poet. Petrarch. The sense of being deeply
engaged in the restoration of true civilization after many centuries of barbarian darkness
– an unfair position at that - finds its first clear statement in the works of Petrarch,
and some such claim is common to virtually all of those writers - like Salutati, Poggio,
Valla and Ficino to name a few - whom historians identify as the leading personalities
in the history of Italian humanism. The humanist self-image as free agents of civilization
was sharpened by such historical consciousness which enabled them to distinguish
their time as an age of light from the preceding one of darkness. They believed that
a dark age had set in after the decline of the Roman Empire as a result of the
invasion of the barbarians. The humanists belonging to different generations returned
to this theme of belonging to a new time, inventing the concept of the middle ages
between the collapse of Rome and the cultural renewal in the age of renaissance.
Leonardo Bruni, for sometime the chancellor of Florence, in his history of Florence
or Flavio Biondo in a work covering the period from the sack of Rome by Alaric in
410 A.D. to the writer’s own time betrayed this new sense of modernity.
The sense of the novelty of their age was entwined with a conscious imitation of
the works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. A certain consciousness of
the newness of their time turned the great figures of renaissance into believers
in progress. Without doubt, the poet Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-74)
was its first great figure, the real founder of the new culture, who tried to bring
back to life the inner spirit of ancient Roman civilization. His love for ancient Latin
literature was dovetailed with a repudiation of the inherited medieval culture. He
transformed classicism into a weapon in a struggle to regenerate the world and to
create a distinctive new culture built on the solid foundation of a lost but retrievable


Petrarch’s dream of a cultural and moral regeneration of Christian society, based on
the union of eloquence and philosophy, had important implications for education. In
late medieval and renaissance Italy, there were three types of schools other than the
universities and schools conducted by religious orders exclusively for their own
members. Most of the teaching at all three levels was done by self-employed
schoolmasters who took tuition-paying pupils and, working either alone or with
one assistant, taught them whatever subjects their parents paid for. But many
towns in northern Italy also organized community schools, in which the local
government selected and hired a schoolmaster, who was bound by a very specific
contract to teach certain subjects up to a certain level. Communal schools began to
appear in the13th century. Communal schools in small towns ensured that competent
preparation for university study would be available for the sons of the ruling elites.
Despite the growth of humanism, in the 14th century the curriculum of these schools
did not change much. The textbooks used were predominantly medieval and Christian
in origin, and many of them had been deliberately compiled for classroom use in
teaching correct Latin and sound moral principles. This medieval curriculum aroused
the contempt of Petrarch and virtually all later humanists, who attacked this curriculum
on the ground that most of its intellectual content, was inadequate and that its moral
indoctrination had no relevance in the lives of the citizens of Italian cities. Leonardo
Bruni acknowledged that it was Petrarch who had outlined a programme of study 11
Theories of the by which the classical ideas would be achieved. It included grammar, rhetoric, poetry,
Modern World
moral philosophy and history. The humanists also insisted upon the mastery of classical
Latin and Greek, so that the ancient authors could be studied directly to the exclusion
of medieval commentaries.
The humanists taught in a variety of ways. Some founded their own schools where
students could study the new curriculum at both elementary and advance levels;
some humanists managed to find their way into universities where teaching continued
to be dominated by law, medicine and theology and the humanist curriculum had a
peripheral presence. The majority achieved their mission by teaching in numerous
grammar schools. But formal education was not the only way through which they
shaped the minds of their age; literature, art and drama were the other vehicles of
transmission of humanist ideas.

The growing influence of humanist schoolmasters in the Latin grammar schools in
the Italian towns did much to establish humanism as the major force in Italian culture.
Yet another source of humanism’s growing dominance was the new art of printing.
By 1500, many classical texts had been printed in Italy, mostly in Latin. Printing,
apart from standardizing the new editions of the classics also helped in their
dissemination. Before printing, most books existed only in a few copies; printing
increased their numbers. As a result, the cost of books also fell exposing the students
to a new kind of learning instead of depending solely on lectures. A printed book
promoting new ideas, could quickly reach hundreds of readers. Ideas, opinions,
and information moved more widely and more rapidly than ever before. Surely one
reason why the humanistic culture of Italy spread more rapidly across the Alps
toward the end of the 15th century is that books were circulating in print.


One of the most important features of the renaissance is a beginning of a loosening
control of religion over human life. In this sense it may be said that renaissance
created conditions for the emergence of a secular ideology. A new focus on humanism
also fed into this secular opening. But it is important to understand exactly how, and
to what extent, this secular opening was created. Although humanism may have
challenged the conventional authorities of the academic world, including scholastic
theologians, it was not necessarily meant to be a challenge to Christian faith or to
Catholic orthodoxy. Petrarch, for example, expressed doubts about his own spiritual
beliefs, but he never doubted the truth of Christianity. He also objected to the Italian
scholasticism of his time not on the ground that it was too religious but that it was
materialistic and at times subversive of the teachings of the church. Salutati did endorse
the active secular life for most people and followed that course in his own life, but he
still respected the monastic ideals. In the 1390s he and his family were attached to a
revivalist movement that was based on traditional forms of devotion. The inherent
and general irreligiosity of Renaissance humanism is to a large extent a creation of
19th century historiography.
This is not to imply that men were not interested in worldly things, even when the
educated classes as well as plain folk were deeply moved by religious revivalism
and devotionalism. Certainly renaissance Italians were strongly attracted to material
wealth, to power, and to glory. Yet those who preferred to live a happy and successful
life were not necessarily irreligious, even though humanism as a culture of the talented
12 urban people in the wealthy Italian town was giving rise to a secular morality.
Fransceco Barbaro, a Venetian humanist of the first generation, wrote a tract Renaissance and the Idea
of the Individual
concerning marriage which repudiated the traditional ideas of poverty and defended
acquisition of wealth as a virtue. Bracciolini Poggio (1380-1459), who was the
most celebrated excavator of lost manuscript in Florence, in a tract On Avarice
defended acquisition of wealth, going to the extent of justifying usury which had
always been condemned by orthodox Christianity as an unchristian act, as a legitimate
form of business. In addition numerous humanist treatises like for example On Civil
Life written by Matteo Palmiry upheld the superiority of an active life over one of
contemplation. Such opinions did express values of the prosperous classes. This set
of values was secular; it regarded marriage, wealth and politics as natural and worthy
of pursuit. Yet they were not fundamentally anti-Christian. Their authors were practical
moralists who presented a moral code appropriate for the ambitious people, rather
than monks, while accepting that there could be a spiritual life beyond one’s worldly
The glorification of secular life, however, was more a literary reflection of changing
social attitudes than an aspect of classical studies. The classical studies nonetheless
contributed to the glorification of human nature, even though humanists were also
conscious of its frailties. Lorenzo Valla (1406-1457), who believed that study of
history led man to live a life of perfection, in his work, On Pleasure, condemned
within a profoundly Christian mentality the conventional Christian injunction against
pleasure. In some other writings, there was a rejection of the view that wise men
should suppress passion, on the ground that such suppression was thoroughly
unnatural. The theme of human dignity occupies a central place in such works to the
degree that in a number of places, as the one written by Marsilio Ficino, a neo-
Platonist thinker of Florence, human nature was endowed with super natural power.
Human beings occupying a crucial middle position in the great chain of being was
the point of contact between the material world and the world of god. Such sentiments
had already informed the writing of the 13th century humanists like Leonardo Da
Vinci. Ficino’s glorification of human nature takes the pursuit of the human glory
beyond the everyday life of the middle class Florentines. Ficino, despite his knowledge
in platonic philosophy on which he regularly lectured before students in his platonic
academy, was a believer in magic and astrology. Ficino belonged to a circle of some
prominent intellectual figures, which included a young prince of Medici family whose
name was Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola. Mirandola’s most famous work, ‘Oration
on the dignity of man’, published in 1496 deals with the theme of human dignity by
suggesting that of all God’s creation man received complete freedom to choose his
own place in the Great chain of being. By his own free choice man creates himself
either in a spiritual fashion or in the manner of a beast. His view of human nature did
not look towards divine grace but celebrated worldly achievement.
The secular morality of the humanists, therefore was grounded in a belief in man’s
intellectual and moral capacity, a new sense of history, and a highly sophisticated
mode of learning. Faith in human capacity came form the realisation that the educated
could attain wisdom without the help of priests or intellectuals. The conception was
strengthened by a renewed acceptance of the ancient proposition that virtue was
knowledge. Behind this lay a belief that knowledge could elevate human beings.
These attitudes constituted an idea not just of individualism but also a different ideal
of public man, setting out not just a few new assumptions about humanity but also a
normative procedure for assessing human actions.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the scholars, the artists, the architects, the musicians
and the writers, all those who shaped the culture of Humanism, began to experience
a more general sense that their society had entered upon a new age, an age which 13
Theories of the has removed the ‘darkness’ of the preceding centuries: the ‘Renaissance’. While
Modern World
this interpretation of history was an exaggeration of what they were professing, it
was yet undeniable that a new vision of man was being created. The ‘new man’ was
considered sovereign in the world and, with his reason and creative powers, was
able to refashion the world in accordance with his will.

Increasingly, the studium humanitatis and the general cultural climate of the
Renaissance produced texts which showed this deepening interest in the essence of
what made man more civilized, humane being and which were therefore called
humanist literature. Texts written on a variety of subjects sought to expose what
man was and could do both as an individual and as a member of society. The
autobiography, in which a person tells his own, unique story of his life was born in
humanist circles. A fine example of this kind of writing was the one written by the
famous goldsmith and sculptor, Benvenuto Cellini (1500-71), it was a secular and
realistic work which told the story of his life. His readers were persuaded to see the
world around him through his eyes, not according to all sorts of idealizations which
the Church had earlier imposed on Christian communities.

Thus, Cellini writes of the necessity to record one’s deeds, and in the process informs
the posterity about his experience and engagement with reality. He writes about the
ancient monuments that inspired him, giving an idea of the sense of life and movement
in Michelangelo’s work, often graphically describing Michelangelo’s quarrels with
his competitors. Another instance of this genre of writings is Vasari’s Lives of the
Artists, in which the author, who was himself an artist, reflected on the achievements
of some of his contemporaries in relation to their personalities, in short describing
the place of the creative individual in society. His work, as those of other great
names of the renaissance like Niccolo Machiavelli was informed by the sentiments
that all men were capable of achieving wisdom and glory – a feeling which merged
into the new humanist ideas in the intellectual circles. This enabled them to understand
afresh the history of texts, in the process laying out the groundwork for classical
scholarship of modern times. A consequence of such intellectual interest enabled the
humanists to develop a new understanding of man in society.

The moral basis of this ideal was derived from the belief in man’s capacity to understand
truth on the strength of his reason and worldly sense – an idea that the intellectuals of
the renaissance had inherited from classical learning. At one level this human capacity
was looked upon as a divine gift; at another level human achievement depended on
free choice which implicitly acknowledged a certain self definition of goals and
responsibilities by an individual, who was as much capable of sound decisions as of
faulty strategies. The description of man incorporated both virtue and vice. The
historian Buckhardt wrote about the development of the individual as an aspect of
this new consciousness, attributing this to the material life and political culture of
the Italian city states. This new consciousness created the ideal of the universal
man in the sense of a certain recognition of the individual personality and
private achievements. To men like Machiavelli pursuit of glory was a perfectly
human virtue.


Apart from the pursuit of glory, the self-development of an individual personality
through cultivation of ‘arts and sciences’ emerged as another social ideal allowing a
great flowering of creative activity. The cult of artistic personality was the other side
of the same coin – an ideal which figures prominently in Vasari’s Lives who linked
14 artistic excellence to a psychology of achievement. To some extent Vasari had followed
the procedure which had been adopted by the celebrated Roman biographer Plutarch. Renaissance and the Idea
of the Individual
Plutarch had presented before the humanists a vision of man in society whose
achievements were results of their pursuit of glory and entwined with a certain
conception of virtue.

The idea was attractive and powerful because of its intense realism. Niccolo
Machiavelli (1469-1527), a Florentine scholar, who, in his famous 1513 tract The
Prince, describes the role of man in that segment of society which is called politics.
Machiavelli, too, was secular and a realist; he showed that the will to power was a
dominant motive in human action though often coated with nice words of religious
and ethical nature. Upon a closer look it revealed itself as pure self-interest; and
more importantly there was nothing wrong about it. Machiavelli’s political thought is
often interpreted as “the activation, in one sense or another, of a pagan morality,
without being contaminated by Christian asceticism”. It is also argued that being a
realist he suggested a dual morality. What was moral in the public sphere might have
been immoral in one’s private life. Machiavelli’s condonation of cunning on the part
of a ruler in the larger interest of the realm, is the well-known example of the dual
morality. Machiavelli apparently was interested more in what men did in the public
sphere than what they preached. Scholars like Quentin Skinner have painstakingly
argued that this was essentially a pre-Christian pagan morality where success was
worshiped as virtue. Even though Machiavelli had a gloomy opinion about the way
life was governed by fortune, he placed a large premium on the appropriate initiatives
by men to overpower fortune. In a sense this was a celebration of man as a self-
determining being.

Such a dynamic concept of man which appears with the renaissance, like humanism,
cannot be precisely defined. It certainly implied an individualistic outlook and has
often been described as ‘renaissance individualism’. In a way it fell far short of the
individualism of a mature bourgeois society, yet it was bourgeois individualism in its
embryo. Probably the ideal of the self-made man which renaissance humanism
proclaimed was suggestive of the way the individuals were capable of shaping their
own lives rather than the more mundane pursuit of power and money. This ideal was
closely tied with certain versatility or many-sidedness of human nature going against
the ordered existence that was imposed on man by Christianity and feudalism. The
Christian concept of man was founded on the idea that man necessarily had a depraved
existence and could be delivered only by the grace of god. At another level he was
a member of a feudal order or an estate. The status of an individual either as a
member of a feudal order or as a member of the Christian community allowed him
an extremely narrow range of freedom. One could of course rebel against the church
and could be condemned as a heretic. But even that rebellion was staged in the
name of the Christ, always weighed down by the belief in man’s essential sinfulness
derived from the Biblical notion of the original sin. The renaissance view of man
replaced this with the dynamic view in which “the two extreme poles were the greatness
of man and also his littleness”.

Whether great or small, man began to be looked upon as a relatively autonomous

being, ‘creating his own destiny, struggling with fate, making himself’. This was no
more than an idealised image of actual man, backed up adequately by a pluralism of
moral values reversing a value system based on the seven cardinal sins and seven
cardinal virtues of medieval Christianity. The pluralism of moral values appears boldly
in the way the renaissance intellectuals began to respond very differently to different
human propensities. If the striving for power was perfectly acceptable to Machiavelli,
to some others, like Thomas More, it was a source of much mischief. To put it
simply the renaissance experienced the development of what may be labeled 15
Theories of the as realistic ethics, suggesting a situation where values became relative and
Modern World
contradictory calling upon man to look for the appropriate measure to distinguish
between good and bad against the background of a significant transformation of
social life.
The new ideal of man presumes a larger amount of freedom of action which the
medieval Christian community did not allow. The city state was one sphere in which
it became increasingly evident that man is the maker of his own world together with
others instead of being determined by either Christian or feudal rules of conduct.
One of the consequences was the gradual fading away of the old notion of sin. The
man of the age began to measure his action by their success or the lack of it. The
emergence of such practical atheism was an important aspect of renaissance thinking
about man. It also existed as the basis of the rational Christianity or a tolerant religion
of reason taking its position against dogmatism and allowing a certain freedom of
individuality and choice. Ficino, for example, made a significant attempt to reconcile
some of his platonic philosophical ideas with Christian thoughts imbued with the
awareness of the creative power of man. The great renaissance figures discovered
that the attributes of god in fact were the attributes of man as well. One can perhaps
think of an attempt towards the deification of man as one of the wonders of the
world. There are many illustrations from renaissance sculptures where human heroes
appear as divine figures. Michelangelo’s David looks like a Greek god. A man like
Ficino not only argued that god created man, but also stressed that once created,
man created himself over and over again. Ficino also spoke of the eternal restlessness
and dissatisfaction of human mind returning to the same dynamic concept of man
which refused to acknowledge any limits like an early modern merchant motivated
by boundless opportunities for profits.
This vision of the greatness of man dovetailed with man’s essential frailties. Machiavelli
himself believed that ‘all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature
partly because of the fact that human desires are insatiable’. The most powerful
motive Machiavelli sees as the incentive for every human action is self-interest. The
vileness of human nature therefore had nothing to do with any deliberate design for
evil and what Machiavelli described as human nature is synonymous with the general
ethical belief of the emerging bourgeois society in which reliance was placed mainly
on the unbiased observation of facts and behaviour. This precisely was the ethic of
experience which occupies a central place in Machiavelli’s definition of human nature
when he writes that ‘the desire to acquire possession is a very natural and ordinary
thing, and when those men do it who can do it successfully they are always praised
and not blamed’.
Artists presented this new vision of man as well. For the material remains of classical
culture were now sought as assiduously as the surviving ancient texts: the 15th and
16th centuries saw the birth of archaeology. Numerous works of art were discovered
in the ruins of ancient Rome, and the finds reinforced the new view of man that had
been developing in the previous century. A multitude of paintings and sculptures of
‘perfectly’ proportioned men and women was the result. A new, ideal-type human
being was created, which has captured our imagination through the ages. Early in
the 14th century life like frescos of Giotto di Baondone, had brought about significant
changes in the artistic visualization of human figure breaking away from the mechanical
style of the middle ages. In 1416, the Italian sculptor Donatelo broke new ground
with figures like his nude David, anticipating the more well known work on the same
subject by Michelangelo in 1503. Leonardo da Vinci painted Monalisa, which has
remained as one of the symbols of female beauty in modern times.
Renaissance and the Idea
of the Individual


Besides incorporating the secularist and individualist aspects of humanism, the reborn
age or Renaissance should be called realistic as well. In painting, attempts were
made to represent everything as it appeared. Though not totally absent in the previous
ages, one can certainly maintain that for many centuries realism had been relatively
unimportant. Already in the 14th and 15th centuries, during the first phases of
humanist culture, painters increasingly attempted to reproduce reality, casting off
preconceived ideas about what was morally or religiously acceptable. Increasingly,
what the eye could measure or observe was painted incorporating distance, depth
and colour in order to make the painting more realistic. In sculpture too people were
individualized, with recognizable faces, whereas the art of the preceding centuries
had been a component of an architectural background - reliefs more than free-
standing figures; in the changed context sculpted images presented man according to
his newly-won vision of himself as an independent and free personality, displaying a
certain pride in the beauty of the body, both the male and, in view of the conventions
of the preceding age, the female too.

Theories of the Whereas woman for a long time had been ‘stereotyped due to the limits imposed
Modern World
upon her role by the society, she now seemed to regain some stature as an individual
person, in whose body the perfection of God’s creation was made as visible as in
the male’. This was the case even when paintings and sculptures served religious
purposes, and were composed in such a way that they aroused an appropriate
devotional reaction in the viewers, like the Madonna and her child by the Italian
painter Raphael or the huge frescos, mosaics and statues that adorned walls and
ceilings and cupolas in the Church.


Inevitably, trade and travel, military conquest and diplomatic contacts linked the
new culture of the Italian towns and courts with the world beyond. The new culture
was admired and imitated all over Europe although, of course, by the better educated
and the wealthy, only. For both south and north of the Alps, Humanism and the
Renaissance were elite phenomena. Only very few of the new ideas and thoughts
filtered down to the ordinary man who, after all, could not read or write the polite
language, lacking, as the cultivated mind of the age saw it, the ability to acquire
virtue and wisdom.
Yet in the15th and early 16th centuries, the educational institutions in northern
Europe produced many humanists. Like their Italian colleagues, they too, began to
focus on the classical Greek and Roman texts along with the holy books of the
Christians. Desiderius Erasmus, one of the most famous of these north European
humanists, in a series of treatises, tried to lay down the rules for an educational
system that despite its Christian foundation, came to be animated by the critical
spirit of Humanism. Indeed, one should not forget that, contrary to what often has
been suggested, most people living the culture of Renaissance and humanism did not
display a ‘heathenish’, pagan spirit but remained firmly tied to a view of man and the
world as, essentially, redeemable only by a Christian God.
By the beginning of the 16th century humanist values had begun to refashion the
intellectual life of northern Europe. John Colet and Sir Thomas More popularised
them in England, Jacque’s Lefevre’d Etaples and Guillaume Bude in France, Conrad
Celtis and Hohann Reuchulin in Germany and Erasmus in Holland were the leading
humanists in early 16th century Europe. But unlike Italy, where professionals
dominated the humanist movement and gave it a secular character –even atheist in
some cases – in European humanism the leading protagonists were mostly members
of the clerical order. Their reassessment of Christian theology set the stage for the Renaissance and the Idea
of the Individual
Reformation by calling upon Christians to practice religion in the way it had been
stated in the ancient texts of the Christian religion, by discarding unnecessary and
unpalatable rituals, condemned as later accretions to a simple religion. With the advent
of the Reformation, the humanist ‘Self Congratulation on living in a golden age’ was
eclipsed by theological battles of the time. ‘The waning of the Renaissance’ had
begun. Yet the new view of man as a free rational agent was a principle to which the
post-Renaissance philosophy returned over and over again, inspired by the belief in
a distant god who created man but allowed him complete freedom to live his life
freely, in pursuit of happiness ‘here and now’.

This unit has tried to explain to you the different ways in which the Renaissance
created the condition for the making of a new world. It starts by explaining that
significant commercial, socio-cultural and literary developments in Europe during
the 13th-15th centuries came to be viewed and conceptualized as Renaissance only
in the 19th century. The Renaissance was marked by the emergence of a new culture
with roots in Italian humanism. This culture was the product of a set of unique social,
political and economic conditions prevalent in parts of Europe from the late 11th
century onwards. These conditions were most conspicuous in the northern part of
present-day Italy with the growth of commerce and cities. These developments
brought about an important shift in the centres of political power from the clerics
(men associated with the Christian Church) and feudal nobles to wealthy urban
merchants. At the same time there was also a tendency towards a consolidation of
political power. These crucial developments along with the emergence of new social
groups (lawyers and notaries), new ideologies (humanism and tendencies towards
secularism) and new technologies (print) cumulatively transformed the socio-cultural
and political landscape of Europe. These developments also created new forces
which, in the centuries to follow, worked towards a greater cohesion and integration
of the world.

Euro-centric Vision: a way of looking at history and the world that places Europe
and its history at the centre.
Oligarchies : a small group of people in control of state power in the society.
This term was generally used for the rulers of the city-states
in medieval Europe.
Pagan : used here to refer to small religious tradition that existed
outside, and prior to, the dominant world religious traditions.
Antiquity : used here in the sense of a distant past prior to the middle
ages in the history of Europe.
Usury : the practice of money lending at a high rate of interest.
Theology : used here in the sense of the study of god and religious

2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Idea of Progress
2.3 Science and Knowledge
2.4 Science Versus Religion
2.5 Of Man and Society
2.6 Summary

Eighteenth century Europe witnessed very wide sweeping changes in all spheres of
life. Although these changes did not occur at the same time or at the same pace in all
countries, they structured a distinct historical era – one that laid the foundations of
the modern age. The Enlightenment or the Age of Reason, as it came to be known
subsequently, marked a sharp break from the past. Even though its anti-clericalism
echoed the sentiments of the Renaissance and the Reformation it neither endorsed
the paganism of the former nor did it share the faith of the latter. It clearly identified
two enemies: religion and hierarchy, and attempted to displace the centrality accorded
to both in social and political life. The Enlightenment men were not irreligious or
atheists but they were bitterly opposed to and intolerant of the institutions of
Christianity and they sought to challenge them by articulating a conception of man,
history and nature that relied heavily upon the world-view expressed by the new
discoveries in the natural sciences. At the most general level, the Enlightenment used
the scientific method of enquiry to launch a systematic attack on tradition per se.
They questioned blind obedience to authority, whether that of the priest or the ruler.
Nothing was any longer sacred and beyond critical scrutiny. The new social and
political order that the Enlightenment thinkers aspired for expressed the optimism
that came with the advancement of material and scientific knowledge. They strongly
believed that human beings were in a position to create a world in which freedom,
liberty and happiness will prevail over all else. Even though this vision was very
widely shared it was most clearly evident in the writings of Voltaire, Diderot,
d’Alembert and Condorcet in France, Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith and David
Hume in Scotland, Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant in Germany and marchese di
Baccaria in Italy. The writings of these theorists best express the spirit of the
Enlightenment and its influence upon the modern age. In this Unit we are going to
discuss some of the essential features of the enlightenment.


The idea that is constitutive of the Enlightenment and central to this historical epoch
is the idea of progress. Through it the Enlightenment expressed the twin belief that –
a) the present was better and more advanced than the past, and b) this advancement
has resulted in the happiness of man. Both these claims about progress in history
were based on the assessment of the changes that were taking place around them.
The scientific discoveries of Copernicus, Kepler and Newton and their applications
by Galileo led them to believe that human beings could fully understand the functioning
of the universe and gain an unprecedented degree of control over their natural and
physical environment. This sentiment was further reinforced by the changes that The Enlightenment

were taking place in the traditional organization of life. The incorporation of new
technologies in the field of agriculture and in the manufacturing of goods had meant
significant increase in the sphere of production. Coupled with improved
communications, development of roads, canals, and the growth in internal and foreign
trade, they believed they were standing on the threshold of a new era: an era that
would be marked by abundance, perfectibility of man and the institutions of society.
At the most general level there was a feeling that we are now moving towards a
condition in which, to quote Gibbons, ‘all inhabitants of the planet would enjoy a
perfectly happy existence’.
Theorists of the Enlightenment were convinced of the achievements and superiority
of their age. They saw in history a movement from the dark ages to the civilized
present. This did not mean that human history was slowly but steadily moving in one
direction or that every stage marked an improvement over the previous one. While
pointing to progress in history they were primarily saying that there was a marked
improvement in the quality of life in the present era. More specifically, the Philosophes
(philosophers who espoused this vision in France) were claiming that there has been
a tangible and undeniable advancement in every sphere of life since the Reformation.
For Chastellux, flourishing agriculture, trade and industry, the rise in population and
the growth in knowledge were all indicators of the increase in felicity. The latter
meant that their age was a much happier one. It was marked by peace, liberty and
abundance. It was, to use Kant’s words, the best of all possible worlds.
Unlike many of his contemporaries Kant was however of the view that happiness
was not the main issue. It was not simply a question of increase or decrease in the
levels of happiness because civilization, even in its most perfect form, could not
bring about the happiness of men. Hence it was not to be judged in those terms.
Civilization, according to Kant, provided a setting in which men can test and prove
their freedom. The present merited a special place in so far as it had created conditions
in which men can encounter the most important category of reason, namely, freedom.
The belief that man had advanced from the ‘barbarous rusticity’ to the
‘politeness of our age’ was characteristic of the Enlightenment. Indeed, this
reading of the past and the present marked a sharp break from the earlier conceptions
of history. The Greeks, for instance, saw history as a cyclical process comprising of
periods of glory followed by periods of decline and degeneration. The Middle Ages,
under the influence of Christianity, had little place for mundane history. Nothing in
real history mattered because hope and happiness lay in the other-world. Man’s fall
from grace had meant the loss of idyllic existence. Consequently, for them, it was
only through redemption that men could hope to improve their present condition.
The Renaissance broke away from this Christian reading of history but it had a
pessimistic view of human nature. The Renaissance men believed that the
achievements of antiquity, in particular, of Greek and Roman civilization, were
unreachable. They embodied the highest achievements of humankind that could not
be surpassed. The Enlightenment, in sharp contrast to all this, focused on the ‘here’
and ‘now’ and saw in it unprecedented growth, accompanied by moral and intellectual
liberation of man. Johnson is reported to have said, “I am always angry when I hear
ancient times being praised at the expense of modern times. There is now a great
deal more learning in the world than there was formerly; for it is universally diffused”.
The Scottish philosopher Dugald Stewart was even more unequivocal in affirming
the progress in the present world. He argued that the increase in commerce had “led
to the diffusion of wealth and ‘a more equal diffusion of freedom and happiness’,
than had ever existed before”. Technological innovations that accompanied capitalism
Theories of the meant that men were “released from the bondage of mechanical labour and…free to
Modern World
cultivate the mind”. The present was thus seen as the age of progress where there
was unprecedented advance in every sphere of life.
While the present was seen as ‘spreading the light’ of reason, the Enlightenment
designated the past as `primitive’ and `barbaric’. It was, in its view, riddled with
superstition and dogma, and guided by religion and blind obedience to authority.
Above all, it was marked by the absence of individual freedom. The present, by
comparison, was designated as `civilized’ and `enlightened’: an era in which reason
was expected to prevail. The theorists of Enlightenment believed that there were
primarily two obstacles to progress – wars and religion. Both these could be, indeed
they needed to be, destroyed by reason. Once that was done then the world would
be a better place. It would, in the words of Condorcet, move from bondage to
ultimate perfection of freedom and reason.
Reason was, in a sense, the key to the earthly utopia. It was an instrument that
individuals could use not only to interrogate all received forms of knowledge but
also to lead a virtuous, rational and happy life. For the Philosophes, reason was an
ally of experience. It embodied a non-authoritarian source of knowledge that can be
tested and proved. In the Preface to The System of Nature, Holbach wrote: “[R]eason
with its faithful guide experience must attack in their entrenchments those prejudices
of which the human race has been too long the victim…. Let us try to inspire man
with courage, with respect for his reason, with an indistinguishable love for truth, to
the end that he may learn to consult his experience, and no longer be the dupe of an
imagination led astray by authority…”. Theorists, such as Holbach, believed that
reason could liberate men from the oppressive power exercised by religion and, at
the same time, provide them knowledge of the truth. Men had therefore to be taught
to use reason and to act in accordance with its potentialities. This was the main
Enlightenment project.


The growth in scientific knowledge had given the Enlightenment grounds for being
optimistic about the present and the future. Its spokesmen asserted with conviction
that civilization was moving in the right direction and that it must continue to move in
that direction. The apparent progress in material and social life also gave them a
sense of grandeur. They felt that there were no limits on what human beings could
know and accomplish. The development of human faculties and the advance that
had been made by the sciences and by civilization as a whole, gave them enough
reason to assert that nature had placed no limits on our hopes. The belief that human
beings could achieve whatever they set out to do was closely linked to the
Enlightenment idea of progress. Progress indicated the increasing ability of individuals
to control their natural and social environment. According to the Enlightenment
thinkers, the visible improvement in human life was the result of active and effective
application of reason for controlling physical and social environment. Vice-versa,
the success that their generation had in controlling their environment and harnessing
the forces of nature for the betterment of humankind affirmed the belief that scientific
application of reason would lead to the liberation of man. It could create an ideal
world in which individuals could strive to combine the virtues of knowledge with
Three points need to be emphasized here. First, the Enlightenment thinkers linked
knowledge with the natural sciences. The method of systematic observation,
experimentation and critical inquiry used in the physical sciences was, in their view,
the only viable basis of arriving at the truth. Knowledge must be demonstrable. It The Enlightenment

must be backed by proof that is accessible through reason and the faculties of the
human mind. Based on this conception of knowledge, the Enlightenment posited a
dichotomy between metaphysical speculation and knowledge. The Middle ages,
under the influence of Christianity, had assumed that the world created by God
could not be known by human beings. It was, by definition, inaccessible to human
reason. The truth about man and the universe could only be ‘revealed’, and hence,
known through the holy scriptures. “Where the light of reason does not shine, the
lamp of faith supplies illumination”. This was the avowed belief of the Middle Ages.
The Enlightenment rejected this view and maintained that things that could not be
known by the application of reason and systematic observation were chimerical.
What could not be known must not even be sought for it constitutes the realm of the
metaphysical, if not the non-sensical.
Second, the Enlightenment began with the view shared by the leading scientists of
their times: namely, that the secrets of the universe could be apprehended completely
by man. These theorists were convinced both of the intelligibility of the universe and
of the ability of individuals to understand it completely. They believed that while
discussing nature we ought to begin not with the authority of the scriptures but with
sensible experiments and demonstrations. In Les Bijoux Indiscrets, Diderot
compared the method of experimentation to a giant who could in one blow destroy
the grand systems created by metaphysics and idle speculation. The latter were
simply buildings without foundations so they could easily be knocked down by the
power of scientific reason.
Third, science had provided a new and fairly different picture of man and the universe.
Instead of positing a world of things that are ordered by their ideal nature or by
some prior purpose, it presented nature as a self-regulating system of laws. The
Enlightenment theorists embraced this world-view and like their counterparts in the
natural sciences they aimed to discover laws that govern society and human nature.
Identifying laws and establishing patterns entailed the study of cause and effect
relationships. It required the search for an antecedent event that is necessary and
sufficient for explaining an occurrence. The Philosophes abandoned the search for
final causes and focussed instead on the examination of an efficient cause; that is,
they tried to specify an antecedent event whose presence is necessary for the
occurrence of a given phenomenon and whose absence would imply the non-
occurrence of that phenomenon.
The study of cause-and-effect relationships was central to the Enlightenment
conception of science. According to Francesco Algarotti “things are concealed from
us as though by a heavy fog especially those things that are most often before our
eyes. Nature has hidden from us the primary and elementary effects almost as
thoroughly, I should say, as she has hidden the causes themselves. Thus, if we cannot
find the order of mutual dependence of all parts of the universe, nor discover first
causes, perhaps…you will think it no small achievement to show the relationship
among effects that appear to be very different, reducing them to a common principle,
and to extract by observation from particular phenomenon the general laws which
nature follows by which she governs the universe”. This conception of scientific
enquiry marked a sharp departure from the Aristotelian world-view that had
dominated the study of nature before this. In place of using observation as a tool for
categorizing and classifying things, it now urged the discovery of causes in an attempt
to explain `why’ certain things happen and also to predict the occurrence of such
events in the future. Discovery of causes, in other words, was a means of increasing
man’s control over his environment – both natural and social.
Theories of the While endorsing this conception of science the Philosophes were nonetheless aware
Modern World
that knowledge would have to be built from small foundations. Yet, they were firm in
their belief that the little that we had learnt by method of observation and causal
analysis had vastly extended our knowledge; and, that it alone could reveal to us the
truth about the world. “[T]hanks to observations with the microscope our vision has
penetrated into the deepest recesses of bodies, and that by observations with the
telescope it has scanned the breadth of the heavens to enrich natural history and
astronomy with a thousand wonderful discoveries. Only through the study of
observations has Chemistry been perfected so that it is now succeeding in analyzing
bodies into their component elements and is on the verge of being able to put them
together again. Only in this way has nautical sciences made such progress that now
we can speed from one hemisphere to the other in great safety. It is undeniable
…that in Medicine, where hypothetical systems are dangerous, only sober reason
and ... passionate observation can bring improvement and development. What then
remains for us? Nothing but the responsibility to observe ourselves attentively….”
for this alone will lead our “mind towards truth”.
Working with this conception of knowledge the Enlightenment thinkers attempted to
observe and systematically explain the world around them and the society in which
they lived. They focussed on the observable and attempted to understand the
complexities of individual and national character by relating them to other physical
and social elements that are given to empirical investigation. Montesquieu examined
the connections between political and civil laws of a country and its physical character
– the climate, temperature and other demographic configurations. Adam Ferguson
and David Hume undertook a scientific analysis of the mind by examining empirically
the process of socialization. The manner by which individuals internalize moral, social
and intellectual ideas and come to acquire a notion of virtue and propriety was a
subject that received their attention. Even as they studied the process of ‘moral
education’ they believed that men of reason could only accept data that is given in
observation. Hence, almost all of them focused on the empirical manifestations of
objects and in their work they tried to build relationships between observable
dimensions of different phenomena. Through systematic observation of concrete
particulars, these philosophers sought to arrive at the general principles and laws by
which nature and society are governed.
Theorists of Enlightenment believed that the world was like a machine, controlled by
and functioning in accordance with certain general laws. Consequently, by discovering
these underlying laws they hoped to understand the mysteries of the universe and
gain control over them. Knowledge was intended to serve, what Habermas calls, a
technical interest. Its purpose was to enable individuals to gain greater control over
their environment so that they can protect themselves against the ravages of natural
forces and, at the same time, harness the energies of nature in a way that is
advantageous to humankind.
To the Enlightenment mind, increasing degree of control over physical and social
world, and the success of technological applications indicated progress and truth.
Indeed, they signified scientific knowledge and validated its claim to truth. Although
technical success was favoured for the sake of improving human condition, what
was desired above all was freedom and happiness. It was believed that the ability to
explain and control natural and social environment would enable individuals to
construct a world in which these twin goals can be realized. To quote Hume,
“happiness was the end to which all human life was directed and as society provides
men with these ideas which made life intelligible and happiness possible, men can
find happiness in society”. Hume was not alone in claiming this. Most of his
contemporaries maintained that expanding knowledge of the laws of the universe The Enlightenment

would enable humankind to fashion their lives and create a perfect society. At the
very least, it will give men the satisfaction of knowing that they have the correct
methods of enquiry, consequently they will never `relapse into barbarism’.
What needs to be reiterated here is that the Enlightenment thinkers did not simply
associate knowledge with science, they wanted to apply the “experimental method”
used in the physical sciences to the study of society. Like the natural scientists they
searched for laws of human nature and laws of social development. Montesquieu
maintained that “[E]verything which exists has its laws: the Diety has its laws, the
material world its laws, the spiritual beings of a higher order than man their laws, the
beasts their laws, and man his own laws…. As a physical being, man is governed by
invariable laws in the same way as other bodies”. However, as an intelligent being he
continuously violates those laws and creates new ones. With this basic understanding
he analyzed two kinds of laws: those that are common to all men and all societies,
and those that are peculiar to a society. While both were to be analyzed and
discovered, the former was regarded to be particularly important. In fact, by identifying
and enumerating the qualities that are common to all men they hoped to determine
those customs and institutions which were in harmony with the universal natural
order and sort those that did not have a place in that order. Discovering the constant
and universal principles of human nature was thus of the utmost importance, especially
for the task of reconstructing a better and more perfect world.


Science was, for the Enlightenment, more than a method of enquiry. It was
synonymous with a rationalist orientation. In the attempt to create conditions in which
men would be free to explore their potentialities to the fullest, the theorists of
Enlightenment launched a thorough critique of the institutions of Christianity and,
with it, of existing religions and sects. Almost all of them, from Voltaire to Holbach,
wrote about the harmful effects of religion over individual and social life. Voltaire
pointed to the violence engendered in the name of religion. “It is asked why, out of
the five hundred sects, there have scarcely been any who have not spilled blood?”
And why “there is scarce any city or borough in Europe, where blood has not been
spilled for religious quarrels’. He noted further, “I say that the human species has
been perceptibly diminished because women and girls were massacred as well as
men…. In fine, I say, that so far from forgetting these abominable times, we should
frequently take a view of them, to inspire an eternal horror for them; and that it is for
our age to make reparation by toleration, for this long collection of crimes, which
has taken place through the want of toleration, during sixteen barbarous centuries”.
The Enlightenment critique of religion stemmed from the understanding that religion
has been a source of oppression in history. It was the basis of intolerance and hatred
among men. It promoted inequality and ‘unfreedom’ of man. “It is as a citizen that I
attack religion, because it seems to me harmful to the happiness of the state, hostile
to the mind of man, and contrary to sound morality’, wrote an Enlightenment thinker.
What was perhaps equally important for the Enlightenment was the role that religion
played in the Medieval Ages. Under the hegemony of the Established and Unified
Roman Catholic Church men were expected to renounce reason and place their
faith instead in revealed truth. Religious authorities spoke of the limits of human
reason and asked individuals to listen passively to the voice of tradition as
communicated by the Church. Theorists of Enlightenment were particularly critical
of this world-view. The attempt to propound a doctrine that could not be questioned
by men and that gave men a fixed view of the world and their role in it was, in their 25
Theories of the view, inimical to reason. “Instead of morality the Christian is taught the miraculous
Modern World
fables and inconceivable dogmas of a religion thoroughly hostile to right reason.
From his very step in his studies he is taught to distrust the evidence of his senses, to
subdue his reason…and to rely blindly on the authority of his master”.
The Enlightenment thinkers attacked the Church for promoting superstition and
ignorance. On the one hand, its doctrine was anchored in miracles and mysteries
that were irreconcilable with reason, and, on the other, it was intolerant of true
knowledge. This perception of religious institutions and religion was reinforced by
the hostile attitude of the Church towards the new thinking that came with the
Copernican Revolution. The persecution of the scientists and the philosophers for
their beliefs led Voltaire to comment that “those who persecute a philosopher under
the pretext that his opinions may be dangerous to the public are as absurd as those
who are afraid that the study of algebra will raise the price of bread in the market;
one must pity a thinking being who errs”. It is to break free of a “frantic and horrible”
persecutor that the Enlightenment thinkers derided the Church and all existing religion.
Anti-clericalism and rejection of existing religions does not however imply that the
Philosophes were atheists. Indeed many of them provided rational grounds for
accepting the presence of a supreme creator. Diderot went a step forward. He
rejected atheism. To quote him: “Atheism leaves honesty unsupported; it does worse,
indirectly it leads to depravity”. Thus, while their critique of Christianity led them to
question the belief that the world was created in seven days, they nevertheless believed
that the world was a “beautifully crafted machine” and it must have been designed
by a Supreme Being according to some rational plan. Belief in a creator did not
however imply an acceptance of a religious orientation or the faith that a religion
embodies. Voltaire wrote, “He who recognizes only a creating God, he who views
in God only a Being infinitely powerful, and who sees in His creatures only beautiful
machines, is not religious towards Him any more than a European, admiring the
King of China, would thereby profess allegiance to that prince. But he who thinks
that God had deigned to place a relation between Himself and mankind; that He has
made him free, capable of good and evil; that He has given all of them the good
sense which is the instinct of man, and on which the law of nature is founded; such a
one undoubtedly has a religion, and a much better religion than all those sects….”.
While pointing to the injustices perpetrated by existing religions, theorists of the
Enlightenment presented a new ‘natural religion’ – Deism – that did away with rituals
and supernatural elements and anchored itself in the principles of tolerance and
equality of all persons. Explaining the distinctiveness of a person who affirms this
new faith Voltaire writes, “ It is he who says to God: ‘I adore and serve you’; it is he
who says to the Turk, to the Chinese, the Indian, and the Russian: ‘I love you’. He
doubts, perhaps, that Mahomet [Mohammad] made a journey to the moon and put
half of it in his pocket; he does not wish that after his death his wife should burn
herself from devotion; he is sometimes tempted not to believe in the story of the
eleven thousand virgins, and that of St. Amable, whose hat and gloves were carried
by a ray of the sun from Auvergne as far as Rome. But for all that he is a just man.
Noah would have placed him in his ark, Numa Pompilius in his councils; he would
have ascended the car of Zoroaster; he would have talked philosophy with the
Platos, the Aristippuses, the Ciceros….”. Philosophers like Voltaire cast the true
believer of this new religion in their own image.
Deism expressed the beliefs and the vision of the Philosophes, and through it they
articulated their belief that there is a Supreme Being, that all creatures in the world
were His creations and they deserve to be treated with kindness and without cruelty.
The natural religion was thus a religion of humanity. It was expected not to be a The Enlightenment

source of derision and hatred among men, instead it was to incorporate true principles
of human nature and a universal system of morality that arises from the latter. Although
tolerance was central to the new religion, the Philosophes denounced all those
creeds of Christianity that claimed a right to destroy all those that differed from
them. These theorists showed no signs of tolerance towards those who perpetuated
religious intolerance. Indeed their main aim was to destroy all traces of religious
fanaticism that were visible in their world.


The Enlightenment demolished the Heavenly City of St. Augustine but they never
lost faith in the ability of human beings to construct a new society in which peace,
liberty and abundance would prevail. While they denied the possibility of miracles
happening, they continued to believe in the perfectibility of the human species. With
complete confidence in rationalist will and a humanist pride in the capacity of human
beings to overcome all hurdles they hoped to construct a world in which there will
be a steady increase in felicity. They were aware that this was a difficult task. “To
prolong life, clear the roads of assassins, keep men from starving and give them
hope of enjoying the fruits of their labour” would, they knew, require more than just
political stability. It would need a moral and intellectual revolution and it was this that
the Philosophes hoped to accomplish through their writings. Their belief in scientific
rationality and the accompanying critique of the institutions of the Church and existing
forms of religion, were essential components of this bigger agenda of social and
cultural revolution.
The Philosophes saw scientific knowledge as power, consequently, those who tried
to challenge it were identified as men who wished to keep everyone in ignorance.
They were seen as the ‘enemies’ of humankind. However, the Enlightenment did
not merely target religious institutions. Anti-clericalism may have been the
predominant sentiment but it was blind obedience to authority per se that they were
most critical of. Whether the authority was that of the priest or the ruler, tradition or
custom, each was subject to the same critical gaze. To put it in another way, fighting
the dogmatism of religion and its institutional structures was an important pillar in
their struggle for freedom but it was by no means the only one. Challenge to religious
authority was supplemented by a parallel attack on the absolutist monarchies that
existed all over Europe in the post-reformation period. Writing in defense of the
liberty of the individual, Diderot asserted that “no man has received from nature the
right to command others…. Liberty is a gift from heaven, and every person of the
same species has the right to enjoy as much liberty as he enjoys reason”.
Theorists of Enlightenment cherished liberty and freedom. For them, these were the
highest and the most cherished values, and they were critical of despotism for not
sufficiently safeguarding these values. Liberty required, on the one hand, a government
in which one has the freedom to depose a tyrannical ruler and, on the other, the
option to elect people whom one is expected to obey and be governed by. A
democratic regime based on the principle of popular sovereignty followed from
their defence of liberty. Although many of them were skeptical of the possibility of
establishing a popular, democratic government, they maintained that power that
comes from the “consent of the people” alone is legitimate, and advantageous to
society. Montesquieu added another dimension to the discussion on political liberty.
He maintained that liberty entails two elements: 1) a moderate government and 2)
not being compelled to do anything other than what one should do. Experience
shows that individuals are easily tempted to misuse their power for personal ends. 27
Theories of the It is therefore essential to place limitations upon the exercise of power. Montesquieu
Modern World
spoke of the need to curb the power of each wing of the government. “When legislative
power is united with the executive power in a single person, or in a single body of
the magistracy, there is no liberty, because one can fear that the same monarch or
senate that makes tyrannical laws will enforce them tyrannically. Nor is there liberty
if the power of judging is not separated from the legislative and from executive
power. If it were joined to legislative power, the power over the life and liberty of
the citizens would be arbitrary, for the judge would be legislator. If it were joined to
executive power, the judge could have the force of an oppressor. All would be lost
if the same man, or the same body of leading men or of the nobility or of the people,
exercised all these powers, to make the laws, to carry out public decisions and to
judge crimes or disputes among individuals….”.
A government in which the three aspects of government – namely, formulation of
laws, execution of laws and arbitration or interpretation of laws – are separated and
each wing checks the powers of the other is only one dimension of a system committed
to protecting the liberty of its citizens. It had to be supplemented by the privilege of
being governed by one’s own laws or by people of one’s choice. A democratic
government was regarded to be important for giving power to the individual. Most
Enlightenment theorists recognized that power to the people may not translate into
freedom of the people. The latter entailed “doing what one should want to, and in
not being compelled to do what one should not want to”.
Liberty did not however imply the freedom to follow one’s whims or to do that
which is not permitted by law. Almost all of them accepted the importance of law.
For them, obeying laws was a necessary condition of protecting liberty. If individuals
were to follow their own impulse by infringing the law then there would only be
anarchy in society. Political liberty could exist only when individual citizens
acknowledge the centrality of law and subject themselves to its command. Indeed,
the presence of political and civil laws was seen as a continuous reminder to the
individual of his duty to his fellow citizens. Some theorists of Enlightenment even
represented law as an embodiment of reason. For them laws place the necessary
restraint upon passions of individuals to violate the natural order and, at the same
time, they induce men to channel their sentiments in a direction that facilitates social
and civil life in the world. Individuals, in their view, can enjoy liberty only when
public safety is ensured and crimes of all kinds are reduced, if not eliminated. It was
regarded to be the task of the legislature to ensure this; in particular, to ensure that
crime of all kinds becomes less frequent, even if that means using powerful means at
its disposal to prevent disorder in society.
The point that needs to be emphasized here is that the Enlightenment men accepted
that individuals tend overwhelmingly to pursue their own interest and this can be a
cause of political disorder. Laws were, for this reason, considered necessary to
place certain restraint upon unchecked pursuit of one’s own private interest. However,
they felt that it was equally important to see that punishments for defying the law are
in proportion to the evil produced by the act. Marcese di Baccaria in fact spoke of
the need to devise a universal scale for measuring crime and for determining the
punishment proportionate for it. If we could have a universal scale of this kind,
Baccaria believed, it would be possible to measure the degree of liberty and slavery,
humanity and cruelty that exists in different nations. What must also be mentioned
here is that the Enlightenment was concerned not only with the excesses perpetrated
by despotic regimes but also by the inhumanity of man to man, and it was the latter
that they hoped to minimize. Reforming the system of government and the practices
incorporated in existing laws was but a means to realize this end. In other words,
civility for the Enlightenment meant something more than rule of law. Obeying laws The Enlightenment

was necessary but what was equally necessary was that laws reflect the principle of
general reason. Indeed, obedience was emphasized because laws were supposed
to create conditions in which individual liberty is protected and enhanced.
The discourse on crime and punishment formed a part of the Enlightenment’s larger
concern for creating a free and enlightened society. Just as the natural scientists
hoped to achieve greater control over the physical elements through their knowledge,
the social scientists believed that their understanding of the laws of human nature and
society would enable them to eliminate evil and create a better world. Theorists of
Enlightenment were full of optimism in this regard. They felt that all limitations could
be overcome and a free world could be created. In part this optimism was fostered
by the new forms of production introduced by the capitalist economy and the
technological innovations spurred by the growth of scientific knowledge.
The Enlightenment thinkers favoured freedom of enterprise. Adam Smith argued
that even though individuals seek this freedom to further their own private gain,
nevertheless the pursuit of self-interest is likely to promote the interest of society as
a whole. Freedom of enterprise would lead to growth in production, more employment
opportunities, and this would benefit all citizens. Although these philosophers defended
capitalist enterprise and argued that a life of virtue did not entail forsaking commercial
society, they created space for themselves away from the world of business, politics
and fashion. In the salons, coffee-houses and taverns of the emerging modern cities
they would meet, discuss and express opinions that would be among the most
influential ideas of their times. More importantly, men, and sometimes even women,
would meet as friends and as equals. Addison and Steele saw coffee-house
conversation as a form of social interaction that “taught men tolerance, moderation
and the pleasure of consensus. It also taught them to look at their own behaviour
with a critical detachment which was difficult to acquire in public life”. The
Enlightenment theorists placed considerable stress on the spirit of critique. For them
virtue lay in teaching ourselves to be critical of our beliefs and in learning how to
review our opinions in the light of experience. Cultivating skeptical habits of mind
would, according to Hume, help to release men from the bondage of myth and
prejudice which corrupts the mind and generates enthusiasm that can stand in the
way of human happiness.
Education was to play an important role in this regard. The Enlightenment had
tremendous faith in the power of human beings brought up rationally from infancy to
achieve unlimited progress. They also entrusted the state with the responsibility of
changing the structure of laws and institutions, and undertaking the work of reform.
Surrounded by a world that was full of promise for a better tomorrow, the
Enlightenment thinkers wished to instill the spirit of tolerance and minimize crime and
torture. They were of course aware that knowledge about human nature and society
would not automatically create virtue, but they believed that it could certainly shed
light upon ignorance and warn us against the misuse of power.

The ideas of the Enlightenment, in particular, its faith in scientific method of
investigation, its optimism that the new era of scientific-technological advancement
and industrialization would lead to a world filled with happiness for all and its attempts
to create a social order based on the principles of human reason, tolerance and
equality, effected a profound social and intellectual revolution. Although votaries of
Enlightenment had little political clout in the first half of the 18th century, theirs was
Theories of the perhaps the most popular voice by the end of that century. Certainly it was the most
Modern World
effective in determining what constitutes a ‘modern’ outlook. The distinction that
they posited between tradition and modernity, religion and science, their reliance on
reform and state initiatives for re-structuring society provided a model of development
that would be endorsed not only in the advanced industrialized societies but also in
the colonized world. Indeed, all over the world Enlightenment was to become
synonymous with modernity.
The influence of Enlightenment is evident as much in the modernization theories that
dominated the study of societies in the mid-twentieth century as it is in the social
reform movements of the nineteenth century in India. The former invoked
Enlightenment’s understanding of the past and present, tradition and modernity to
rank societies and to construct a model of a modern, democratic polity. The latter
drew upon the humanist liberalism of the Enlightenment and attempted to bring religion
and custom in line with the principles of human reason. They subjected traditional
practices to critical scrutiny and struggled to change those that violated the fundamental
principles of equality and tolerance. So strong was the impact of the Enlightenment
upon these reformers that they welcomed the new ideas that came with the British
rule and believed that when they ask for self-government it would be granted to
them. Although the exploitative nature of the colonial rule is readily acknowledged
today, the Enlightenment conception of individual and its faith in scientific knowledge
and free enterprise continue to dominate the popular imagination even today.

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Romantics
3.3 Nietzsche
3.4 Karl Marx
3.5 Marcuse and the Frankfurt School
3.6 Critics of Science
3.7 Postmodernism
3.8 Summary

The Enlightenment embodied the spirit of optimism. Its advocates believed that they
lived in a world marked by greater wellbeing and happiness of all. There was visible
progress in every walk of life and indeed the possibility that men could now shape
their future. Reason and scientific rationality had emancipated men from the “empire
of fate” so that they could advance firmly and surely towards the apprehension of
truth and the creation of a world free from scarcity, hunger and disease. This vision
of liberation and progress was accompanied by the understanding that men now
had the “determination” and the “courage” to use their intelligence to challenge religious
dogmas and discover for themselves the laws by which the natural and the social
world are governed. The enlightened mind could therefore think of controlling nature,
harnessing its energies for the advantage of humankind and shaping a better social


The Enlightenment understanding of man, society, history and knowledge did not
however go unchallenged. By the end of the 18th century itself the Enlightenment
faced a challenge from a group of intellectuals who were identified as Romantics.
They questioned almost every aspect of the enlightenment thinking – from its
conception of truth, science and reason to its belief in the idea of progress. The
Enlightenment had represented the present as an advance upon the past, the
Romantics, by contrast, saw in it the deterioration of the human condition. Jean
Jacques Rousseau argued that the development of arts and sciences had resulted in
the social and moral degeneration of man. Division of labour, differentiation of functions
and applications of technology had, in his view, corrupted men and destroyed their
idyllic existence. Indeed it had created a hiatus between nature and man. While man
in his natural state was guided by the principle of pity – that is, “ a natural aversion to
seeing any other sentient being perish or suffer, especially if it is one of our kind” the
progress of civilization had made him egoistic and self-centred. Above all, it had
resulted in the loss of freedom for the self. Men led an alienated existence now,
subordinated to the order of time and work that is imposed by industrializing capital.
Romanticists like Rousseau sought salvation in the “natural order”. For them, it was
only in the natural order that man’s truest and deepest needs could be satisfied.
Further, in contrast to that ideal world the present appeared as a disappointment, if 31
Theories of the not a complete failure. It was an object of bitterness and resentment. Consequently,
Modern World
several romanticists idealized the past. Some even wanted to turn the clock back.
These writings, attempting to glorify the past echoed the sentiments of the disinherited
aristocratic class and they were congenial to their demand for returning to feudalism.
However, this was not the defining attribute of Romanticism. The Romantics rejected
the present society, harked back to the pre-modern world and created the image of
a “natural” man primarily to challenge the mechanistic and instrumental rationality of
the new capitalist order. Through its representations of the past and other civilizations
it sought to reveal the limitations of the modern world-view and the scientific rationality
that underpinned it.
The Romantic rebellion was, in many ways, the ‘other’, that is, the negation, of
Enlightenment. It affirmed values that opposed everything that Enlightenment stood
for. The Enlightenment had elevated reason to the position of sovereign authority. It
believed that reason had the ability to discover the absolute truth, both about the
meaning of history as well as the working of the universe. The Philosophes assumed,
on the one hand, that reason rules over the universe and, on the other, that it was
supremely important to man. Reason could enable us to understand the functioning
of this intricately designed machine, called nature, discover its laws and apply that
knowledge to control the physical and the social world. This idea that reason either
“controls everything or could be made to do so” was fundamentally challenged by
Romanticism. The challenge took many different forms. At the most immediate level,
the Romantics pitted passions against reason. Against the carefully controlled and
mathematically precise observations of the scientist, they placed the reason of the
heart and extolled its virtues.
In Enlightenment thought reason was closely linked to scientific rationality. Its
applications were expected to yield truth – i.e., knowledge of universals as well as
knowledge that is universally applicable. By referring to reason of the heart, the
Romanticists questioned this basic conception of universality and truth. Against the
notion of objectivity of taste and permanence of the truly beautiful, Romanticism
affirmed the value of the contingent. They stressed inward conviction and juxtaposed
it to judgements oriented to externalized standards. Not only did they resist conformity
to impersonal laws, they maintained that the “single narrow door to truth lay within
us. By looking within ourselves, into our inner consciousness we come to understand
and know the truth”.
The Scottish Enlightenment thinker, David Hume, had once suggested “If we take in
our hand any volume, of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance, let us ask,
Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No.
Commit it then to flames; for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion”.
Romanticism consciously sought to retrieve that which the Enlightenment had
consigned to the flames. They focussed on the magical and the mystical and exalted
the unknown over the known in a bid to reject the Enlightenment conception of truth
and science. On the one hand, they challenged the need to adhere to laid down
procedures and methods of observation and generalization, and, on the other, they
focussed on the “exotic, deviant or the special case, counterposing these to the
probable or average case”. Romanticism conferred a special status on the unique,
and, along with it, defined individuality in terms of departure from social norms and
conventions. Against the classical unities of time and place, they welcomed a “melange
of times, tones, moods and places”.
The Enlightenment had viewed the world as a harmonious, integrated whole.
Romanticism, on the other hand, perceived it as an “incongruous assemblage” and
tension filled conjunction of parts” that could not add up to a single, coherent, unified Critiques of
whole. The totality was at best a mosaic, characterized by plurality and dissonance.
The use of standardized techniques and procedures by the Enlightenment was based
on the assumption that the universe – both natural and social – had a patterned
regularity. It functions in accordance with certain laws that can be discovered by the
application of human reason and scientific method. By emphasizing dissonance of
parts and uniqueness of events Romanticism rejected this assumption of Enlightenment
thinking. In its view the world defied neat categorization and was not amenable to
the kind of systematic, analytical study that was the hallmark of science. The writings
of these theorists were filled with imagery of twilight, blurring boundaries and absence
of clear-cut distinctions. Their works of art depicted pictures of the natural forces
and elements that defied human control. While the Enlightenment art told a story of
clear, calm skies in which man was in control of his destiny, Romanticism presented
a turbulent world in which chaos and uncertainty prevailed, reminding human being
of the limits of their knowledge and the finitude of their existence.
By concentrating on the singular and the unique, on the one hand, and the mystical
and the unknown, on the other, Romanticism drew attention to the failure of human
reason. If the Enlightenment expressed optimism that the world could be known
fully by the human mind, Romanticism pointed to that which resisted explanation by
human reason and scientific knowledge. Romanticism did not simply reverse the
antinomies that defined the Enlightenment, they challenged the philosophy of Realism
that informed the latter. Scientific rationality was anchored in the belief that truth can
be arrived at through an accurate description of the external world. Romanticism
challenged this notion of realism in three ways. First, it questioned the possibility of
apprehending truth through the methods employed by science; second, it retrieved
categories that had no place in a world that is experienced as fact; and third, it
redefined the notion of truth emphasizing the capacity of the individual to create new
meanings and values.
The idea that truth entails an accurate description of an external reality that is known
through sensory perception and systematic observation was the constant object of
doubt and criticism within Romanticism. In response to Newton’s Opticks Thomas
Campbell wrote:
“Can all that optics teach, unfold
Thy form to please me so,
As when I dreamt of gems and gold
Hid in thy radiant bow?
When science from Creation’s face
Enchantment’s veil withdraws,
What lovely visions yield their place
To cold material laws!” (from To the Rainbow)
In a similar vein Keats also rebelled against the reduction of the rainbow to prismatic
colours. Such representations, in his view, deprived it of its poetry and aesthetic
quality, and in the process failed to fully experience or perceive this object.
While some Romanticists questioned the loss of truth through the analytic-synthetic
method of the sciences, others, like Rousseau, gave a privileged place to emotions
and feelings. The Enlightenment had dismissed these categories as subjective, and 33
Theories of the unable to grasp objective truth, but Rousseau held them to be crucial to the
Modern World
understanding of the self and society. Further, he emphasized the role of the individual
and maintained that the creative originality of the artist is better able to capture the
truth of the external world. The Enlightenment Philosophes attempted to discover
the world, i.e., to unveil the truth that was already there. In contrast to this, the
Romantics stressed the capacity of the individual to create new meanings and values.
The idea that truth is an object of construction and creation rather than discovery
was subsequently developed by Nietzsche to provide a critique of the Enlightenment
and even its Romantic critics.

Romanticism had lamented the loss of meaning in the modern world. To fill this void
they turned to nature, religion and tradition. Nietzsche, writing in the late nineteenth
century, questioned just this. While accepting the spiritual wasteland in which the
modern man walks alone, he maintained that neither proximity to nature nor religion
could provide the free man with peace, joy or certainty. Speaking passionately
against a return to the past, he wrote: “The barbarism of all ages possessed more
happiness than we do – let us not deceive ourselves on this point! – but our impulse
towards knowledge is too widely developed to allow us to value happiness without
knowledge, or the happiness of a strong and fixed delusion: it is painful to us even to
imagine such a state of things! Our restless pursuit of discoveries and divinations has
become for us as attractive and as indispensable as hapless love of a lover….
Knowledge within us has developed into a passion, which does not shrink from any
sacrifice and at bottoms fears nothing but its own extinction….It may be that mankind
will perish eventually from this passion for knowledge! - but even that does not
daunt me….”
For Nietzsche there was another reason why man could no longer rely on custom
and tradition. Tradition oppresses: it appeals to a higher authority, an authority that is
obeyed not because “it commands what is useful to us but merely because it
commands” . The free man cannot therefore depend upon it. He is an individual,
defying custom and norms of received morality. It is his will to depend on nothing
but himself. Since the free man of the modern age cannot find solace either in religion
or tradition, there are just two options before him; a) he may abandon the search
for an ultimate meaning; and b) he may create meaning by his own will and action.
In exploring these alternatives Nietzsche did not merely reject the Enlightenment
and its Romantic alternative, he questioned the entire tradition of western rationalist
thought, beginning with Plato. For Nietzsche all schools of thought had one thing in
common: they had firm belief in themselves and their knowledge. They believed that
they had arrived at the truth. In the Athenian world of ancient Greek city-states
Plato claimed that reason could give man access to the ultimate reality – the world of
forms. In recent times, the Enlightenment claimed that the application of scientific
method has yielded the truth about the world. Each in its own way thus claims that it
has discovered the truth about the external world that exists independently of us.
Further, that this truth has been arrived at impersonally and objectively; i.e., in terms
of qualities that inhere in the objects themselves.
Men have, according to Nietzsche, lived in this state of “theoretical innocence” for
centuries believing that they possess the right method for discovering the nature of
ultimate reality, and for determining what is good and valuable. Working under the
influence of these childish presuppositions they have failed to realize that the external
world is in itself devoid of all meanings and values. Whatever has value in the present
world “has it not in itself by its nature”. Rather a value was “given to it, bestowed Critiques of
upon it, it was we who gave and bestowed! We only have created the world which
is of any account to man”.
In making this argument and suggesting that man is a “creator, a continuous poet of
life”, Nietzsche was not undermining the significance of cognition. For Nietzsche
knowledge remains a supreme value, but if pure knowledge as revealed by reason
or experiments is the only end then we would have to follow whatever direction
these faculties take us in. We have to be prepared, for instance, to follow the path
that experimental reason leads us towards, be that of nuclear energy or genetic
engineering. However, this would be complete “madness”. Knowledge has to be
mediated by values that we regard to be worth affirming, values by which we may
wish to construct the world.
The role of the artist is therefore of the utmost importance. For it is the work of an
artist that creates and unravels for us alternative worlds. While men of science aim
to discover what is already there, the artist gives shape to a world, expressing human
ideals. For this reason Nietzsche maintained that poetry and myths were a valuable
source of knowledge for us. In Nietzsche’s works the artist was not just the ‘other’
of the modern rational scientist. He was, first and foremost, a creator; and as a
creator he embodied the ability to transcend the boundaries of the social and what is
designated as the rational. The artist as such stood alone, challenging the moralism
implicit in western philosophical traditions.
Thus it was through Nietzsche and the Romanticists that some of the basic tenets of
the Enlightenment came to be questioned in a fundamental way. In particular the
view that the present was the most advanced and civilized era in the history of
humankind became subject to scrutiny. Critiques of the idea of progress, reason and
industrial rationality sought to displace the centrality accorded to science in the
Enlightenment scheme of things. The critics, by and large, accepted that the new age
of capitalism, scientific discovery and industrialization had provided a much “softened”
world for the mortals. It had offered a benign ethic of health, vitalism and welfare but
the problem was that these developments challenged the existing conceptions without
offering any alternative vision of the meaning of life. Consequently, the critics searched
for an alternative to the industrial society, especially to the instrumental and technical
rationality that permeated the present. Romanticism of the late 19th century only
marked the first step in this direction. Subsequent theorists carried this task forward
by pointing to – a) limitations of the Enlightenment project of progress; b) the
exploitative nature of the capitalism; and c) the violence implicit in modern science.


The early writings of Karl Marx showed that capitalist mode of production generates
four types of alienation: alienation of man in the workplace; alienation of man from
his product; alienation of man from his species life; and, alienation of man from man.
For human beings, work is a means of self-expression and development of one’s
potential. However, in capitalism work ceases to fulfil this requirement. The industrial
unit divides the work of production into small fragments; it compartmentalizes jobs
such that each individual repeatedly performs the same differentiated and narrowly
specialized task. Under these circumstances, work becomes a routine, if not a
drudgery. At the same time, individual gets alienated from the end-product of their
creation. They can no longer relate to the product that emerges from these factories.
Even though the worker through his labour creates all the products, from the simplest
to the most complex machines, yet, they appear to him as reified commodities in the
Theories of the market. He can no longer own them as his creations. In fact he confronts these
Modern World
objects as a stranger and is dominated by them. Work thus becomes a mode of
oppressing men. Instead of being a means of self-realization and fulfillment it is
transformed into a repressive activity. The instrumental rationality that governs the
workplace also extends to the social space. The urban industrial towns in which
men live also function on the principle of utility and need. Men see each other as
objects of use value and relate to each other on that basis primarily. Their alienation
is thus complete: it extends from the economic domain to the social and the political.


For Marx, freedom could not effectively exist in such a society. The world that
Enlightenment had fantasized about could not possibly ensure liberation of men. Not
even the most progressive expressions of that rationality – namely, science and
industrialization - could provide for a society in which men could realize their potential.
Towards the end of the 18th century, Romanticism had spoken of the moral ambiguity
of the newly emerging order. It had also hinted at the loss of freedom in the age of
industrialization. These themes were revived in the second half of the 20th century
by the New Left, most notably in the writings of Herbert Marcuse. In his book, One
Dimensional Man, Marcuse characterized the post-enlightenment industrial society
as “irrational” and “repressive”. Despite the apparent progress and increase in
productivity, this society, in his view, was “destructive of the free development of
human needs and faculties”. To many it may appear that political freedom is protected
in this society and there has been an expansion in the liberties enjoyed by men.
Today there is more to choose from: many different newspapers, radio stations, TV
channels and a whole gamut of commodities in the market – from different varieties
of potato chips to motor cars and washing machines. Yet, men have no real capacity
to make choices of their own.
Men’s needs are constantly shaped and manipulated by the media industry that
furthers the interests of a few. It moulds and constructs images that determine the
choices we make at home, in the market place and in social interactions. In a world
where “false” needs are fashioned by the media there is no effective intellectual
freedom or liberation of man. Men act and participate as “pre-conditioned receptacles
of long standing”. Indeed through their actions they reinforce the instruments of
socio-economic control and their oppression. According to Marcuse, the modern
industrialized world constituted a “more progressive stage of alienation”. Its seeming
progress, “the means of mass transportation and communication, the commodities
of lodging, food and clothing, the irresistible output of the entertainment and
information industry carry with them prescribed attitudes and habits, certain intellectual
and emotional reactions which bind the consumers more or less pleasantly to the
producers, and through the latter, to the whole. The products indoctrinate and
manipulate; they promote a false consciousness which is immune against its falsehood.
And as these beneficial products become available to more individuals in more social
classes, the indoctrination they carry ceases to be publicity; it becomes a way of life.
It is a good way of life, it militates against qualitative change. Thus emerges a pattern
of one-dimensional thought and behaviour”. More importantly, as men and women
share in the same images and ideas there is less and less the possibility of challenging
the present and seeking alternatives to it.
In a world where images, presentation and appearance count more than even the
content, these theorists felt there could be no real freedom, or for that matter, the
possibility of “communicative rationality” asserting itself in the “life-world”. For
Marcuse as well as for other members of the Frankfurt School the Enlightenment
had transformed what was once liberating reason, engaged in the fight against religious Critiques of
dogma and superstition, into a repressive orthodoxy. It had done this by visualizing
reason as an instrument of control; and, as a tool for gaining mastery over the world
rather than critical reflection and reconstruction. Instrumental reason that was
concerned primarily with efficiency, economy and utility could not be expected to
liberate man or to construct a better world.


In the second half of the twentieth century, a similar doubt is raised about science.
Can science create a better world: a world in which individuals can enjoy freedom
and happiness? The Enlightenment had answered this question in the affirmative. Its
optimism emanated, in part, from its view that science had revealed the truth. Its
method had enabled men to know the external reality, the world around us, while
technological application had facilitated control over that reality such that it could
now serve the interest of man. Science had in this dual sense made man the master
of the universe. Men may not have designed that magnificent machine but they were
certainly in a position to control and manipulate it to suit their ends. Science symbolized
this faith and it was for this reason that the Enlightenment had given it a special status
in the order of things. This faith in science has been challenged in the late twentieth
century. Among other things the critics maintain that modern science and technology
promote violence, and cannot therefore be a means for improving the human condition
or shaping a better, more peaceful, world.
In India this point of view is best represented in the writings of Ashis Nandy, Vandana
Shiva and Claude Alvares. All of them see a link between science, technology,
oppression and violence. For these analysts science is intrinsically violent. Both
science and technology are violent ways of handling the world; hence, their “use for
violent purposes is assured”. In collusion with colonialism and imperialism, science
unleashed violence against traditional ways of life. Today, it has resulted in the vast
accumulation of armaments and nuclear arsenal, all of which threaten the very
existence of life on earth. In addition, it has resulted in concentration of power in the
hands of few. Science does not simply downgrade tradition, it positions scientific
knowledge against everyday experience and received knowledge. In the process it
gives a special position to the technocrat, the specialists. In the scientific world-
view, it is these men of knowledge rather than ordinary citizens who are empowered.
Likewise, development and progress sanctioned by science has uprooted people
from their natural surroundings and has resulted in the displacement of countless
people from their land. Heavy industries and big dams have dislodged communities
without any real possibility of rehabilitating them, taken over their land and resulted
in the destruction of valuable agricultural land. At the same time, it has alienated
communities from the resources that are crucial to their very existence.
According to Vandana Shiva, science is not merely responsible for the creation of
sophisticated weapons of mass destruction, it is destructive even in its peaceful
applications. In activities like agriculture and health, where the professed objective
is human welfare, science remains largely violent. Scientific agriculture has resulted
in aggressive and “reckless pillage” of nature. While traditional modes of farming left
time for nature to regenerate itself, today the pattern of crop cultivation has generated
problems at various levels. The use of new seeds, which promise higher yield, has
destroyed bio-diversity and the richness of nature. Excessive exploitation of ground
resources through cultivation of at least three crops each year, primarily for purposes
of sale in the market, has left the farmer poorer. The condition of soil has deteriorated
and it has created an environment that is “favourable for multiplication of disease”. 37
Theories of the In the area of health similarly, there is an increase in iatrogenic illness. In fact “iatrogenic
Modern World
illness cause more deaths than road accidents”. In university hospitals in America,
one out of five patients contract iatrogenic illness and one out of 30 die because of
it. In other words, for these theorists, science has not yielded a safer and better
world. While increasing productivity and cure for several diseases, it has created
newer forms of illnesses, upset the balance of nature and worsened the condition of
life for the ordinary man.
As we observed earlier, Romanticism had contrasted the world ushered in by
industrializing capital and science with the ideal existence of man in nature. It
had challenged the Enlightenment idea of progress by glorifying nature and
seeking a return to it. If Enlightenment had credited science with advancing
the happiness of man, Romanticism blamed it for increasing alienation, violence,
loss of peace and security. It warned humankind of the disasters that come with
science and its technological applications, and craved for the cosmic order that is
supposed to be there, present in nature. It is this reliance upon tradition and the
natural order that distinguishes Romanticism from the postmodern critiques
of Enlightenment.

Postmodernism, taking its cue from Nietzsche, problematizes not just science but
also philosophy and religion. Each of these intellectual engagements, in its view,
seeks foundations; that is, they look for absolute and unconditional basis of reality
and claim to arrive at the truth. The only difference being that while religion locates
the absolute in the world beyond, science points to the laws of nature as constituting
the foundations of the world and philosophy places its faith in the capacity of reason
to unearth that absolute truth. What remains unaltered is that each of them looks for,
and seeks to discover the truth that is already there. Against this worldview,
postmodernism asks us to abandon the search for foundations and universal truth.
Like Nietzsche, the postmodernist thinkers assert that knowledge does not involve
discovering a meaning that is already there, pre-contained in the text. For the
postmodernists, the task of every inquiry is, and must be, to deconstruct the text: to
read it in a way that allows new meanings to emerge from it. Nietzsche had argued
that the history of the west, from the time of Plato onwards, reveals a “tyranny of the
mind”. Plato claimed that philosophers armed with the power of reason would
penetrate the world of appearances and arrive at the truth. He therefore banished
the poets from the Republic. In recent times, the Enlightenment bestows the same
faith in systematic observation and experience. Both are convinced that they possess
the absolute truth and the perfect method to arrive at it. Countless people have,
over the years, sacrificed themselves to these convictions. Believing that they knew
best they imposed their ways upon others.
The idea that we know the truth, that we and we alone have access to it,
has been a source of fanaticism in the world. Postmodernists add to this
Nietzschean sentiment to say that it has also been the source of totalitarianism. To
protect freedom that the modern man so deeply cherishes we must therefore
abandon this search for absolute truth. And realize instead that others also believe
that they know the truth and are acting in accordance with it. Intellectual arrogance
must therefore give way to a sense of deeper humility: that is, to a framework
wherein meta-narratives give way to particular histories of people living in a
specific time and place, and space is created for the co-presence of multiple projects
and knowledge systems.
Critiques of
3.8 SUMMARY Enlightenment

To conclude, critiques of Enlightenment today have taken a new turn. Romanticism

had only questioned the Enlightenment system of valuation, its assessment of the
present modern era. Where Enlightenment had seen with progress and the march of
reason, Romanticism only found moral degeneration and loss of freedom for the
self. It challenged the Enlightenment by reversing its priorities and judgements.
Postmodernism, by comparison, treads the path shown by Nietzsche and rejects
the very search for some “good” values and morals. It therefore questions not merely
the Enlightenment idea of knowledge and the process by which we can arrive at the
truth. Rather it rejects the very idea of absolute truth and, with it, of a single method
of inquiry that can yield knowledge. Postmodernism thus charters the path of anti-
foundationalism where all signs of permanence, certainty and universality are wiped
clean. It is not possible here to discuss the idea of the self and the world that anti-
foundationalism itself ushers in, but we may with Nietzsche say that it is one in which
“taste” and “proportionateness are strange to us”.


Unit 1 : Renaissance and the Idea of the Individual
1. How did developments in trade and commerce create conditions for the
2. What was the process through which religion began to lose its dominate
position in European Society?
Unit 2 : The Enlightenment
1. What was the essence of the idea of progress as espoused by the
Enlightenment thinkers?
2. How did Enlightenment thinkers understand the relationship between
science and religion?
Unit 3 : Critiques of Enlightenment
1. What are the main ways in which the Romantics differed from the
Enlightenment thinkers?
2. How did Karl Marx and the Frankfurt School advance the ideas initiated
by the Enlightenment thinkers?

Theories of the
Modern World
(Block-2 of the Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences, FHS-1, for
B.A. students of IGNOU. (Specially recommended for those students who may not
have studied Modern World earlier. They may read it before going through this Block).
Hale, J.R., Renaissance Europe, 1480 – 1520.
Hyland, Paul and others (ed.), The Enlightenment: A Source book and Reader,
London, 2003.
Jacob, Margaret C., The Enlightenment: A Brief History with Documents,
New York, 2001.
Johnson, Paul, The Renaissance, London, 2000.
Keke wich, Lucille (editor), The Renaissance in Europe: A Cultural Enquiry
(The Impact of Humanism), UK Open University, Oxford, 2000.
Kramer, Loyd and Maza, Sarah (editor), A Companion to Western Historical
Thought, Oxford, 2002.
Munck, Thomas, The Enlightenment: A Comparative Social History, London, 2000.

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Understanding the State
4.3 Liberal Conception of the State
4.4 Rousseau
4.5 The Marxist Perspective
4.6 Welfare State
4.7 Liberal – Egalitarian State
4.8 Libertarian – Minimal State
4.9 Gandhian Perspective on the State
4.10 Feminist Theory and the State
4.11 Summary
4.12 Exercises

The State is central to our understanding of modern societies and politics. It is a
truism to mention that State plays a crucial role in the functioning of modern society.
What then is the State? This appears to be a simple question but when we attempt to
answer this we find the answers elusive. In the course of answering this question we
would realize that our understanding of politics itself is to a great extent linked with
our understanding of the State.
Today it is impossible to think of life without the framework of the State. The State
has come to be equated with civility and identity. Although there are enough sceptics
and critics who decry the institutions and the practices of the State, it has become an
integral part of everyday life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that we start and
end our lives within its confines and the recognition of the State in both these matters
is rather crucial. This should amply illustrate the significance of the concept and our
need to study it. Besides most of our fundamental concerns and the debates
surrounding it (for instance around the concepts of rights, obligations, laws) acquire
meaning only in the context of the State.
Our attitude to the State is to a great extent determined by our conceptualization of
it. From the point of view of an active citizenship it is important to include a critical
and insightful understanding of the State as part of any meaningful political education.
All this makes the study of the State significant.
Having highlighted the importance of studying the concept of the State, it needs to be
mentioned that it is done of the most problematic and ambivalent conceptss in politics.
its ambivalence being a consequence of its certain yet elusive character. So
overwhelming is the importance of the State in contemporary societies that politics is
itself conflated with the State, the appropriateness of this conflation is the subject of
a rather lively debate in political theory.
Differing historical experiences have led to differing perceptions and practices of the
State. Yet all States do have a territory, legal system, judiciary and monopoly of 1
Modern World : force and so on. The idea of an impersonal and sovereign political order is an
Essential Components
intrinsically modern idea and by extension also the idea of citizenship. The gradual
erosion of feudal ties and controls meant a redefinition of political authority and
structures as well. The idea of the modern State which we will examine in this unit
emerges around this time. In fact it was only towards the end of the sixteenth century
that the concept of the State became central to European political thought.


It was around the time of the Enlightenment that major enquiries into the basic
nature and structure of the State began to be made in a systematic manner. The new
concerns focussed on the distinctions between the new, modern State that had
come into being and the traditional state systems. The new concerns also focused
on the relationship between the State and society. The Enlightenment thinkers were
particularly concerned with the question of where the State ended and the society
began. It was as a result of the intellectual efforts of the Enlightenment thinkers that
we are today in a position to address some key questions regarding the nature of
the State. Some of these questions are: What is the State? How long has it been
with us? What are its main features? These are all important questions and need to
be answered before we proceed to enquire into the theories of the State.
State can be defined as the centralized, law making, law enforcing, politically
sovereign institution in the society. In other words, it is useful to understand and
define the State in terms of the functions it performs. Put briefly and simply, the
l Comprises a set of institutions with ultimate control over the means of violence
and coercion within a given territory;
l Monopolizes rule-making within the territory;
l Develops the structures for the implementation of the rules;
l Regulates market activity within the territory; and
l Ensures the regulation and distribution of essential material goods and services.
However, in modern times, that is to say during the last three hundred years or so,
a whole new set of functions have been added to this. It has been argued that a
major task of the modern state system in Europe was to enable the development of
industrialism. It was also under industrialism that the modern State came to enjoy
tremendous powers. It also became so omnipotent that it became virtually impossible
to think of human life outside the framework of the State. The state is all pervasive
today, but was it always like this? Was there a time when people could live without
a state? This leads us to the second question: how old is the State?
Living in modern times we tend to take the State for granted as if it has always been
a part of human society. Moreover, we also tend to take some of the features of the
modern State – national, representative, centralized, interventionist – for granted.
We need to recognize that not only were these features not always a part of the
State, the State itself was not always there. Therefore the question on the life of the
State can be answered by suggesting that although there is nothing exclusively modern
about the State, it nonetheless does not have a very long life in human history. It is
therefore best to look upon State as a contingency and not a perennial feature of
human life. If we were to divide the entire human history into three phases – pre-
2 agrarian, agrarian and industrial – then the State certainly did not exist in the pre-
agrarian phase of human life. In the elementary situation of the hunters and gatherers, Theories of the State

there was no surplus and no division of labour. As a result, there was no need for
any political centralization. However, once humans took to agriculture and consequently
to a more settled life, a division of labour and a more complex form of human
organization began to emerge. It was then that gradually a State came into being to
extract surplus, regulate the division of labour, maintain exchange mechanism and
settle disputes whenever required.
However not all the agrarian societies had a State. Only the large and the more
complex ones did. Small, primitive, simple and elementary agrarian societies could
still manage their affairs without a State. Although the State had arrived in the human
world at this stage, it was still an option and not an inevitability. Some agrarian
societies had a state and some did not.
It was however in the third phase of human society, i.e., under industrialism that the
State ceased to be an option and became an integral and necessary part of human
society. With a limitless increase in the division of labour and an increasing complexity
of human life, people have found it impossible to manage without a State. So it
would be fair to say that in the beginning, i.e., in the pre-agrarian stage of human life
there was no State. Then, under agrarian conditions, some human societies had a
State and some did not (we can even say that some needed a state and some did
not). But under industrial condition there is no choice but to have a State. State
under modern conditions is no longer an option but a necessity.
The range of the nature of state-systems in human history has varied a great deal.
There have been small kingdoms, city-states as well as large empires. However
under modern conditions, a new type of State – nation-state – has emerged and
pervaded the modern world (you will read more about nation-state in Unit 10 of
Block 3). We can say that the history of State in modern times is the history of
nation-states. It is this nation-state – centralized, interventionist, representative –
that has been the object of theorizing by various scholars. We can now turn to some
of the theories that have propounded about the modern State.


Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) and Jean Bodin (1530-96) were amongst the
earliest writers to articulate the new concerns, although it was Thomas Hobbes
(1588-1642) nearly a century later who addresses the question sharply. The questions
that arose were seeking answers to basic issues like, what is the State? The State’s
origins and foundations were examined, as also its relationship with society and the
most desirable form of this relationship, its functions and of course whose interests
should the State represent, and then at the end of it all how would the relationship
between States be governed?
Thomas Hobbes offers a brilliant analysis of the State and related issues. He represents
a point of transition, between a commitment to the absolute State and the struggle of
liberalism against tyranny. Without going into too many details, liberalism can be
explained as that worldview which gives central importance to the idea of choice,
this choice is to be exercised across diverse fields like marriage, education, enterprise,
work and profession and of course political affairs. This ability to choose is what
characterizes a rational and free individual and politics is about the defence of these
rights and any interference whatsoever is to be limited and through the State based
on a constitution.
Hobbes in his book ‘Leviathan’ acknowledges clearly the development of a new 3
Modern World : form of power, public power characterized by permanence and sovereignty. Hobbes
Essential Components
is a fascinating point of departure for our discussions on the modern theories of the
State, because he combines within him many profoundly liberal and at the same
time many illiberal arguments. Hobbes opens his account by describing human nature
that he says always seeks ‘more intense delight’ and hence is characterized by a
restlessness and a desire to maximize power. This famously reduces human society
into a ‘war of all against all’. The idea that people might come to respect and trust
each other and co-operate and honour their promises and contracts seems remote
to Hobbes. This is what he describes as, the state of nature, here life becomes to
quote him ‘ nasty, short and brutish’. What then is the way out? It is the creation of
the State, which in this case turns out to be an absolute State, and this is quite clearly
a direct outcome of the dreadful life that Hobbes visualizes in the absence of the
He suggests that free and equal individuals should surrender their rights by transferring
them to a powerful authority that can force them to keep their promises and covenants,
then an effective and legitimate private and public sphere, society and State can be
formed. This would be done through a social contract wherein consenting individuals
hand over their rights of self-government to a single authority, authorized to act on
their behalf. The sovereign thus created would be permanent and absolute. At this
point it is interesting to note the liberal in Hobbes emphasizing that this sovereign
would be so only as a consequence of consenting individuals, who in turn are bound
to fulfil their obligations to the sovereign. It would be the duty of the sovereign
however, to protect the people and of course their property.
Thomas Hobbes considers the State to be pre-eminent in social and political life.
According to him it is the State that gives to the individuals the chance to live in a
civilized society. The miserable life in the state of nature is altered by the emergence
of the State. Then follows the creation of a civilized society. Thus it is the State that
in Hobbes’ conception constructs society and establishes its form and codifies its
forces. Moreover the self-seeking nature of individuals leads to anarchy and violence
and hence State has to be powerful and strident enough to resist this and maintain
order, for order is a value that Hobbes cherishes greatly. And since it is all the
consenting individuals who have created the State, the State is legitimate and
represents the sum total of all individuals enabling them to carry on with their
businesses and lives in an uninterrupted manner. To do all this, a giant and powerful
State is envisaged, and this vision is remarkably close to the image of a modern all
pervasive State that we are familiar with. His conception of individuals as being
nothing more than self- interested is also a depressingly modern and familiar view.
Hobbes’ political conclusions emphasizing on an all powerful State does make him
profoundly illiberal, and this tension in his writings between the emphatic claims on
individuality on the one hand, and the need for an all powerful State on the other
hand make his arguments very exciting.
Rapid and far-reaching technological, economic, political changes apart from a good
number of years separate John Locke from Hobbes. Locke is not prepared to
accept the idea of an absolute sovereign, and this is a major point of departure from
where he then establishes his theory of the State. For Locke the State exists as an
instrument to protect the life, liberty and estate of the citizens. Locke like Hobbes
saw the establishment of the political world as preceded by the existence of individuals
endowed with natural rights to property, which includes life, liberty and estate.
Locke begins with a picture of free, equal and rational men (Locke like Hobbes
4 and in fact like most other political theorists is not thinking of women when he writes
about social and political issues) living quite amicably in the state of nature governed Theories of the State

by natural laws. In the state of nature they enjoy natural rights, but Locke points out
that not all individuals would be equally respectful of the natural laws. This creates
some inconveniences, the most significant of these being inadequate regulation of
property which for Locke is prior to both society and the State. Locke suggests that
these inconveniences can be overcome only by the consenting individuals forging
contracts to create first a society and then a State. The State is thus very obviously
a creation for the purpose of the individuals and it would be they who would be the
final judges in this matter. This is a very novel idea though today seems commonplace
because it has become almost the central idea of liberalism. Locke holds categorically
that the individuals do not transfer all their rights to the State, and whatever rights are
transferred is only on the condition that the State adheres to its basic purpose of
preserving the individual’s life, liberty and estate. This is today one of the central
ideas of liberalism and is central to our understanding of the State.
Thus Locke paved the way for representative government although Locke himself
advocated constitutional monarchy and was clearly not articulating any of the now
routinely accepted democratic ideas of popular government based on universal adult
franchise. Yet there is no denying that it was his idea that the State should be for the
protection of the rights of the citizens which made the transformation of liberalism
into liberal democracy possible.
Taking off from Locke’s ideas that there must be limits upon legally sanctioned
political power, Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), and James Mill (1773-1836)
developed a systematic account of the liberal democratic State. In their account the
State would be expected to ensure that the conditions necessary for individuals to
pursue their interests without risk of arbitrary political interference, to participate
freely in economic transactions, to exchange labour and goods on the market and to
appropriate resources privately. In all this the State was to be like an umpire while
individuals went about their business as per the rules of the free market, and periodic
elections determined who would be in power.
The idea was that such an arrangement would lead to the maximization of pleasure
for the maximum numbers as per the principle of utility, to which both Bentham and
Mill subscribed. This argument was clearly advocating a limited State on the grounds
that the scope and power of the State should be limited in order to ensure that the
collective good be realized through individuals freely competing and pursuing utility
without State interference.
Yet significantly certain kinds of interference were allowed, any individual, group or
class that would challenge the security of property, the working of the market or the
upkeep of public good could be held by the State. Prisons became the hallmark of
this age, the enactment and enforcement of law backed by the coercive powers of
the State and the creation of new State institutions advocated in order to uphold the
general principle of utility.
The modern liberal democratic State which we are familiar can be traced to the
writings of Bentham and Mill. However they stopped short of advocating universal
suffrage (for instance workers and women were kept out of the charmed circle),
finding one reason or the other to deny the vote to all individuals. For the utilitarians,
democracy was not an end in itself only a means to an end. Democracy was seen as
the logical requirement for the governance of a society freed from absolute power
and tradition, inhabited by individuals who seek to maximize their private gains,
constituted as they are by endless desires.
Modern World : John Stuart Mill (1806-73) is perhaps one of the first and strongest advocates of
Essential Components
democracy as an end in itself who saw its primary purpose as the highest and
harmonious development of the individual. John Stuart Mill was deeply committed
to the idea of individual liberty, moral development and the rights of minorities. He
was concerned with the nature and limits of the power that could be legitimately
exercised by society over the individual. Liberal democratic government was
necessary not only to ensure the pursuit of individual satisfaction, but also for free
development of individuality.
While he conceded the need for some regulation and interference in individual’s
lives, but he sought obstacles to arbitrary and self-interested intervention. To ensure
all of this, Mill proposed a representative democracy. However despite the firm
commitment to liberty and democracy that Mill makes, he too believed that those
with the most knowledge and skills should have more votes than the rest, inevitably
this would imply that those with most property and privilege would have more votes
than the rest. Of course it needs to be mentioned that deep inequalities of wealth,
and power bothered Mill who believed that these would prevent the full development
of those thus marginalized.

Standing apart from the liberal and democratic tradition is Rousseau (1712-1778)
who might be described a champion of the ‘direct’ or ‘participatory’ model of
democracy. Rousseau is uncomfortable with the idea that sovereignty can be
transferred either by consent or through the ballot, actually he did not think it possible
even. Rousseau justifies the need for the State by beginning his arguments in the
‘Social Contract’ with the description of the state of nature in which human beings
were rather happy but were ultimately driven out of it because of various obstacles
to their preservation ( some of these obstacles that he identifies are natural disasters,
individual weakness and common miseries). Thus human beings come to realize that
for the fullest realization of their potential and for greatest liberty it is essential for
them to come together and co-operate through a law making and enforcing body.
This State would be thus a result of a contract that human beings create to establish
possibilities of self-regulation and self-government. In his scheme of affairs individuals
were to be directly involved in law making and obeying these laws would not be
akin to obeying a sovereign authority outside on oneself but it would amount to
obeying oneself and this to Rousseau constitutes freedom.
Individuals are thus to vote in disregard of their private interest, to each individual
who is an indivisible part of the sovereign what matters is oly the interest of the body
politic itself. Rousseau calls this general will. For Rousseau the sovereign is the
people themselves in a new form of association and the sovereign's will is the will of
each person. The government is thus the result of an agreement among the citizens
and is legitimate only to the extent to which it fulfils the instructions of the general will
and obviously should it fail to do do so it can be revoked or changed.


The take off point for Karl Marx (1818-83) and Engels (1820-95) in their analysis
of the State is unlike the preceding accounts not the individual and his or her relation
to the State. As Marx put it very eloquently ‘man is not an abstract being squatting
outside the world…’
Marx argued that individuals by themselves do not tell us much, it is the interaction Theories of the State

between individuals and institutions and the society that makes the account
worthwhile. He contends that the State has to be seen as a dynamic institution
circumscribed by social forces and always changing. Thus the key to understanding
the relations between people is the class structure. Classes they argued are created
at a specific conjecture in history, the implication is that historically there was a
period characterized by the absence of classes and the future could hold a classless
society. With the creation of surplus produce a class of non- producers that can live
off the productive activity of others emerges and this is the foundation of classes in
society. Those who succeed in gaining control over the means of production form
the ruling class both economically and politically. This leads to intense, perpetual
and irreconcilable conflicts in society. Such struggles while becoming the motor force
for historical development also become the basis for the emergence of the State.
Marx and Engels challenged the idea that the State can be neutral and represent the
community or the public interests as though classes did not exist. When the liberals
claim that the State acts neutrally it is according to Marx protecting a system of
individual rights and defending the regime of private property, thus its actions produce
results that are far from neutral. Marx is of the opinion that the dichotomy between
the private and the public which characterizes the modern State is itself dubious for
it depoliticizes the most important source of power in modern societies i.e. private
property. That which creates a fundamental and crucial divide in society is presented
as an outcome of free private contracts and not a matter for the State. However he
argues, all the institutions and structures of the State defend the interests of private
property and thus the claims of neutrality that the State makes are untenable.
Marxist politics would therefore require an action plan to overthrow the State and
by implication the classes that uphold the State. Marx characterized the history of
State broadly as having set out from a slave State, to feudal State and then to the
modern State (with capitalism as its basis). The last mentioned carries within it as a
consequence of heightened class struggle the possibility of revolutionary transformation
and the creation of a socialist State. This would be for the first time in history a State
representative of the majority. It would be controlled by the proletariat, and unlike
the earlier dictatorships controlled by the property owning classes, this State would
be the dictatorship of the proletariat, the toiling classes.
Eventually Marx argues that the logic of historical development would lead this State
to a communist stage. Material abundance and prosperity would distinguish this
State from the earlier stage of statelessness described as primitive communism by
Marx. In the communist stage of society’s evolution due to the absence of classes
and class struggle, the State would become redundant and wither away. The State
according to Marx exists to defend the interests of the ruling classes and is deeply
embedded in socio-economic relations and linked to particular class interests. We
can discern at least two distinct strands in Marx explaining the nature of this relationship
between classes and the State.
Of the two, the more subtle position is the one that we will examine first. This position
holds that the State and its bureaucratic institutions may take a variety of forms and
constitute a source of power which need not be directly linked to the interests or be
under the unambiguous control of the dominant class in the short term. Thus,
according to this view, the State appears to have a certain degree of power
independent of class forces, thus it is described as being relatively autonomous.
The other view that we find often represented in Marx’s writings is that the State’s
role is to coordinate a divided society in the interests of the ruling class, thus it sees
the State as merely a ‘superstructure’ serving the interests of the dominant class.
Modern World : Later Marxists have differed considerably with each other on the interpretations of
Essential Components
the Marxist concept of the State. One of the most celebrated of such differences is
the now famous ‘Miliband vs. Poulantzas’ debate.
Ralph Miliband begins by stressing the need to separate the governing classes from
the ruling classes. The latter exercises ultimate control whereas the former makes
day-to-day decisions. Miliband is suggesting that the ruling class does not get
embroiled in the everyday business of governance, for the State is an instrument that
is for the domination of society on behalf of this very class. His contention is that in
order to be politically effective the State has to separate itself from the ruling class.
And in doing this, it might even have to take actions that might not be in the interests
of the ruling class, of course in the long run.
For Poulantzas the class affiliations of those in State positions and offices is not of
any significance. He draws attention to the structural components of the capitalist
State which enable it to protect the long-term framework of capitalist production
even if it means severe conflict with some segments of the capitalist class. A
fundamental point in Poulantza’s argument is that the State is what holds together
capitalism by ensuring political organization of the dominant classes that are constantly
engaged in conflict due to competitive pressures and short term differences.
Further the State ensures ‘political disorganization’ of the working classes which
because of many reasons can threaten the hegemony of the dominant classes, the
State also undertakes the task of political ‘regrouping’ by a complex ‘ideological
process’ of classes from the non-dominant modes of production who could act
against the State. Thus in this perspective the centralized modern State is both a
necessary result of the ‘anarchic competition of civil society’ and a force in the
reproduction of such competition and division. The State does not simply record
socio-economic reality, it enters into its very construction by reinforcing its form and
codifying its elements.


Marxist theory of the State as we have seen challenged the hegemony of individualism
that was intrinsic to liberal and liberal-democratic theories. However from within
liberalism attempts at revisiting the basic assumptions came with the reversal of the
explanation of the process of social causation, and the consequent effect this had on
the idea of personal responsibility that had been a feature of nineteenth century
thought. The emergence of the case for the welfare State began with the argument
that instead of public welfare being the cause of dependence, loss of autonomy and
capacity for individual responsibility for action and the market the source of
independence and freedom, the opposite was the case.
A considerable amount of re-interpretation of certain basic concepts like liberty,
community and equality were undertaken, and the nature of society was no longer
visualized as a loosely coordinating set of individuals bound together by common
rules but lacking a common purpose rather as a more intimate form of order. People
were seen as being held together by social bonds that were not merely contractual
and hence they could make claims on one another as citizens engaged in a common
enterprise. This made the welfare State appear less like a charity and more like a
form of entitlement. T. H. Green (1836-82) was one of the first and strongest
advocates of the kind of the welfare State that Europe became familiar with. It
began with a redefinition of liberty and its recasting of the notions of citizenship and
community, moving as it did from the earlier foundation of the State based on the
subjective preferences of atomized individuals.
The theory of modern welfare State stems out of an enquiry into the alleged Theories of the State

inadequacies of the individualistic market order rather than from a socialist or Marxist
theory. The latter theories would not argue for a welfare State without the backdrop
of socialism. In fact Marxists are deeply critical of the welfare State institutions since
they are merely set upon existing capitalist structures. On close scrutiny of the
intellectual foundations of the welfare State we would notice that it does not sanction
the abolition of the market but only a correction of its defects. Hence the successful
welfare State is something that would in the long run help the capitalist State.


The primary concern of welfare State theories has been equality, and to realize this
goal an interventionist state was advanced as an option. John Rawls on the other
hand has been concerned with the justification in rational terms of socially and
economically necessary inequalities. Rawls’s notion of State is similar to that of
Locke: the State is a voluntary society constituted for mutual protection. This civil
association regulates the general conditions so that individuals can pursue their
individual interests. In Rawls’ conception individuals are viewed as rational agents
with interests and right claims, and a State can provide a general framework of rules
and conditions which enable the fulfilment of these rights and claims. Rawls bestows
upon the State an active role in the integration and promotion of the lives of the
Rawls believes that ‘public reason’ would be the basis of the liberal legitimacy of the
State. This is described by him as intellectual and moral power of citizens. In Rawls’
most well known work, ‘A Theory of Justice’ as well as in his later works there is no
conscious attempt made to develop a theory of State. However a close reading of
his works suggests that he has in mind a constitutional democracy based on the
principle of ‘public reason’ where each departure from the principle of equality should
be justified on the basis of the famous Rawlsian principles of justice. The State
would in this framework be expected to intervene in favour of establishing the principle
of justice as fairness, and establish the principle of equality of individuals.


Robert Nozick has in his work ‘Anarchy, State and Utopia’ (1974) expressed his
deep reservations regarding a State that is allowed to intervene and in fact to the
whole quest for equality. Nozick is of the view that it is only the minimal State that
can be morally justified, being limited by rights bearing individuals. Nozick challenged
both anarchic visions of statelessness as well as welfare oriented interventionism.
Nozick repudiated the claims of any State to ‘forbid capitalist acts between consenting
adults’. He argues that a State that does anything more than provide services will
necessarily violate people’s rights and so cannot be morally legitimate. He argues
primarily against the view that a major function of the State is to achieve distributive
justice on the basis of some conception of the right pattern of distribution. Nozick
therefore argues that a State which is more extensive than the minimal State is bound
to be non-neutral by increasing the scope for manipulations. The position that Nozick
took led him to become one of most invoked philosophers of the New Right, who
were arguing through the 1980s for the rolling out of the State from the society.
Nozick’s prescription for a minimal State seemed to fulfil these requirements and
thus gave an intellectual basis for the rapid withdrawal of the State from many key
areas in England, Europe and America.
Modern World :
We have till now looked at theories of the State that are circumscribed by the
western experience. Anti-imperialist movements and the subsequent de-colonization
was the context of new theories of State that questioned, re-examined and in some
cases moved away completely from the western vantage point. Of these Mahatma
Gandhi’s is a profound challenge to both the liberal and the Marxist views of the
Gandhi’s views on the State begin from a position of deep distrust and discomfort
vis-à-vis the State. He differed from the core commitment that liberals make to the
idea of unbridled individualism. Hence he obviously does not subscribe to the notion
of the State that has as its fundamental principle competing individuals pursuing an
end defined by the interests of the isolated, atomized self.
Gandhi was equally uncomfortable with the interventionist role of the State advocated
by some other theories albeit in the interest of equality. Gandhi argued that increasing
State interference is immoral and opens up ever increasing possibilities of violence
and corruption.
Gandhi described swarajya as the ideal State. This would imply not only self-rule as
is commonly understood but it implied governance of one’s self, self-control and
self regulation. A situation where each individual is able to govern and control himself
or herself thus making the State redundant.
Gandhi advocated an active citizenry that would be involved in decision making and
control of its destiny, rather than a huge and centralized, monolithic State structure.
For Gandhi such a structure would be an embodiment of violence and would lead to
alienation. This was an extension of his opinion that large scale industrialization would
lead to violence and alienation.
Gandhi denounced the modern State as a soulless machine, which even while engaging
in ostensibly egalitarian acts unwittingly leads to violence, and in the last instance a
destruction of the individual. Gandhi expected the State to ensure internal peace
and external security. He was however extremely sceptical of the modern State’s
claims to act on behalf of something described as autonomous ‘national interest’.
This discussion is only a fleeting glimpse of the very interesting arguments Gandhi
puts forth in his dialogue with the tradition of western political theory that we have
looked at so far. Needless to add that in order to present the total picture we need
to place this discussion in the larger context of Gandhi’s political philosophy.


Feminists of the liberal persuasion do not see any harm in engaging with the State
and using the State as an ally to fight for their rights. They see the State as a neutral
institution from which women had so long been excluded and into which they should
make an entry.
However there are many that see the above approach as being rather short sighted.
Malestream (which is also mainstream) political theory and politics has all along had
a way of structuring politics and political institutions that does not permit the entry,
articulation and much less the realization of feminist goals. The State from this point
of view is presented as male in the feminist sense. The laws thus see and treat
women the way men treat women. Radical feminists would go on from here to urge
10 abandonment of such a State. This is however not a very widely shared view, most
feminists would argue they need to engage with this State as women, challenging the Theories of the State

State’s spurious claims to gender neutrality, and insisting on the validity of female
Marxist-feminist attitude of scepticism towards the welfare State is premised on the
belief that the benign use of the State to provide welfare for its citizens simply
represents the most cost-effective way of reproducing labour power. It also assumes
and reinforces women’s domestic responsibilities and their economic dependency
on a male breadwinner within the patriarchal family. The contention is that far from
freeing women, welfare provision has helped to maintain oppressive gender roles,
and has led to increased surveillance of sexual and reproductive behaviour and of
child rearing practices. In the 1960s at the height of political radicalism, feminists
argued that collaborating with the State amounted to a sell out. Today however there
is a much more open-ended and less consistently hostile attitude to the State and to
conventional political activity.
Post-Modernism and the Understanding of the State
Post-modernism sees the sovereign State as a metanarrative that is part of the totalizing
discourse of modernity. Michel Foucault has argued that power is exercised not only
at the level of the State but at the micro levels where it is constantly being redefined
and experienced. Resistance too therefore to power has to happen not just at the
spectacular levels but at these micro levels. Since such an approach is questioning
the existence of a centralized system of power, there is no basis within this approach
for either the use or the undermining of State power.

We have in this Unit surveyed the liberal, the Marxist, the welfare, Gandhian, feminist
and the post-modernist conceptions of the State. Each of these short discussions is
a pointer to a much larger debate and analysis that can be developed with the help of
further readings. The modern nation-State emerged at a particular historical juncture,
and the changes in the contemporary world seem to suggest a difficult future ahead
for the nation-State. Technological, economic, financial, cultural and political changes
seem to suggest a disjunction between the structure of the modern nation-State and
the world around it. The future would hold answers as to the form and longevity of
the institution of the nation-State as we know it.

1. What do you understand by the State?
2. Write a note on the liberal conception of the State.
3. Briefly compare the conceptions of the welfare State and the minimal State.

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Before 1917
5.2.1 Developments in Italy
5.2.2 New Groups: Lawyers and Notaries
5.2.3 Humanism
5.2.4 New Education
5.3 After 1917:
5.3.1 Early Bolshevik Theories
5.3.2 Changing Assumptions
5.4 Summary
5.5 Glossary

A number of prominent thinkers in Europe evolved a socialist critique of capitalism
that has been important to how Europeans (and others) thought about industrialization.
The critique decried capitalism as exploitative and unjust, and sought alternative
means of economic and social organization for future industrial development. The
heavy stress on the exploitative nature of capitalist industrialization and the quest for
different models distinguished the socialist critique from classical political economists
who found weaknesses in capitalism. David Ricardo for instance, showed that tension
and conflict were inherent aspects of capitalism: the result of increases in rent which
followed naturally from initial increases in production, labour and population. Thomas
Robert Malthus showed that population increases that followed from capitalist
development developed exponentially, and gradually led to immiserization and
catastrophe. Neither, however, offered a solution to these problems other than an
expansion of capitalism (in Ricardo), or capitulation to short-lived disasters (in
Malthus). Socialist critics of capitalism sought to go beyond this. Before the October
Revolution of 1917 in Russia, much of this thought came from social activists and
philosophers who obtained prominence as innovative writers and as eminent figures
in the First and Second International. They seldom wielded great political or
administrative authority, although the Social Democratic Party in Germany (SPD),
the French Socialist Party (SFIO) and the British Labour Party had gained influence
in the parliamentary politics of their respective countries by 1917. After 1917, socialist
thought assumed a different form. It not only evolved a critique of capitalism, but
suggested alternatives, based on the experiences of the Soviet state and (after 1945),
of socialist economies in Eastern Europe.

The October Revolution, though, was not the only factor which was decisive to the
character of socialist evaluations of capitalism. Growth of the working class
movement in 19th century Europe, and popular awareness about the problems of
capitalist industrialization encouraged socialists. Socialist Parties also came to power
in Western and Central Europe after 1918 - giving their own version of what could
be done with capitalist industrialization to strip it of its worst aspect. Equally important,
16 the nature of the socialist critique of economic aspects of capitalist industrialization
adapted to different economic and social ideas. Hence, whereas much of the early Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
socialist critique was either outrightly focused on justice or dealt with the labour
theory of value (which was popular with classical economists), later evaluations
were less wedded to labour-value theory. Thinkers approached the problem of
what could be done with capitalism inspired by ideas from neo-classical economics,
as in the work of the Polish economist Oscar Lange, who was preoccupied with the
way prices worked. Again, in early socialism itself, some were more ‘moral’ and
‘religious’ (as in the case of Christian Socialism), whereas other trends were wholly
indifferent to religion or outrightly hostile to it.

5.2 BEFORE 1917

Before 1917, various thinkers looked to innovative forms of social organization, or
methods of regulating capitalism, to achieve changes in prevailing structures. They
were often inspired by philosophical notions about the intolerability of the prevailing
commercialization of everyday life - which, for instance, partly lay at the heart of the
work of writers such as Thomas More (in his Utopia), or Jean-Jaques Rousseau
(who deplored the ‘unnatural’ character of contemporary society). There is no
hard and fast link here, though, and it is better to think of socialist ideas in the
immediate context of their time.

5.2.1 Early Critics

Among socialist critics of capitalism as an economic phenomenon, many fixed on its
unjust character, and sought remedies in various forms of social action. Several
utopian socialists fell into this category. Robert Owen (1771-1858), a leading textile
manufacturer, focused on the existence of poverty in conditions of abundance. He
explained it as the result of competition among capitalists, which led to technical
innovation, sudden falls in the demand for labour, decline in general consumption
and contraction of production. The degeneration in human life and human character
which this spiral caused, according to Owen, could only be set right by a more just
link between wages (and prices), where the amount of labour spent on the object
would be regularly taken into consideration. Also, he advocated a more wholesome
approach to social organization. And he wanted the development of idyllic
communities where profit would be near-equally shared, work-allocation proceed
according to capability and strict limits be established for ownership of property.
Such communities, he argued, represented a satisfying existence and would be a
model for social organization. With this end in mind, he ran his New Lanark cotton
mills on humane principles, and fostered cooperative communities such as New
Harmony in Indiana (USA). The followers of Ricardo such as Charles Hall (1745-
1825), Thomas Hodgskin (1789-1869), John Gray (1794-1850) and John Francis
Bray (1809-1895), expressed similar preferences (for the encouragement of
cooperative activity). The sources of their ideas were different from Owen’s.
Following David Ricardo’s theories, they saw capitalism generating a rent increase
spiral that would lead to impoverishment of the working class. The solution, they
argued was a brake on competitive capitalism. For this they suggested cooperative
bodies for exchange and production (Gray), and even development of communal
property ownership (Bray). Such initiatives would balance the relentless pressures
of capitalist competition.

In France, the unsystematic activist Charles Fourier also advocated workers’

cooperatives to stem the ascendancy of capitalism. Louis Blanc (1813-1882), wanted
encouragement of producer cooperative, to replace capitalist enterprise, but 17
Modern World : demanded that such cooperatives should be formed through state intervention and
Essential Components
state sponsored industrialization. Prudhon (1809-1868), took a slightly different line
in his What is Property (‘it is theft’): i.e. that state action should be encouraged to
restore the right of the small proprietor, whose position should be preserved through
the imposition of serious disabilities (in the form of taxes) on those who sought to
extend their property. Such a regulatory role for the state was also sought by Sismonde
de Sismondi (1773-1842), a convinced supporter of Adam Smith in his early work
(Commercial Wealth). After travel and lengthy research, he evolved a solid critique
of capitalism, and argued that it was naturally susceptible to crises and to injustice
(New Principles of Political Economy), arguing that the only solution was some
form of state regulation. Sismondi linked crisis, misery and injustice in capitalist society
to the dispossession of the independent producer by the large capitalist enterprise,
the subsequent dependence of labour on capital. The suffering of labour, he
contended, proceeded logically from the striving of capitalists to increase production,
as the quest for profit dictated. This led the economy into glut and depression.
Competition and technical sophistication, according to Sismondi, merely intensified
this tendency to cyclical crises; and in the crises, even if the capitalist lost, his position
was hardly as bad as that of labour. Solutions to this abominable situation did not lie,
according to Sismondi, in communism (which suppressed private interest). It could
only lie in state intervention that restored the position of the small producer.

5.2.2 Christian Socialists

Christian Socialists in France, who were morally outraged by the degradation of
labour in prevailing circumstances, took up similar arguments. Abbe Felicite Robert
de Lamennais (1782-1854), advocated increased Trade Union activity and diffusion
of property to contain the moral horror. Pierre Guillaume Frederic Le Play (1806-
1862), the leader of the Christian Socialist movement in France, who founded the
Society for Social Economy in 1863, worked for social and legal reforms which
would introduce an element of ‘family’ into the contemporary community. Le Play
was an apostle of ‘solidarism’ which would link classes and diminished the violent
fluctuations in income and welfare. His position, and the position of Lamennais,
echoed some of the sentiments of Count Saint Simon, who considered unemployment
unnatural, and spoke for Christian Humanism as a means to contain untrammeled
exploitation and restore harmony to industrialization. Such a spirit, he argued, though,
should manifest itself not by cooperativism, but through decisive action by an elite of
engineers, philosophers and scientists. Although targeted at the middle classes, and
seldom critical of property, Saint Simon’s ideas had a socialist ring, since he was
clearly dissatisfied with capitalism and wanted a deep study of society to set its evils
right. His notions influenced a series of publicists and activists whose writings had a
social edge: Thomas Carlyle, Michael Chevalier, John Stuart Mill and Leon Walras.
Saint Simonian ideas were also popular among capitalists who had a social mission
(such as the French bankers, the Pereires) and social reformers.

5.2.3 Critique in Germany: Marx and Engels

In Germany, Saint Simon’s ideas had followers in Young Hegelians - enthusiasts of
G.W.F. Hegel’s early revolutionary zeal. These included Johann Karl Rodbertus
(1805-1875), who wanted state provision for the working class, and a gradual
collapse of private property. Ludwig Feurerbach (another Young Hegelian and
socialist sympathizer), though, was less at ease with the religious edge to Saint
Simonianism, since he considered the preoccupation with religion the prime factor
that prevented an out and out focus on the problems of material prosperity.
The most influential socialists in Germany in the mid-19th century did not follow Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
such positions. Important was Ferdinand Lasalle (1825-1864), who founded many
workers’ cooperatives to allow workers access to profit. And yet more decisive in
the German socialist movement were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who, like the
French thinkers Louis Blanc and Auguste Blanqui, and the British activist Hyndman,
and unlike most of the advocates of cooperativism, had little respect for private

Marx and Engels and the major leaders of the Second International represented a
distinct and unusual path in socialist thought. Here, Marx, not only associated
capitalism with exploitation but also with alienation, a shortcoming which even affected
those who benefited most from capitalism that is the bourgeoisie. He also argued
that the collapse of capitalism was inevitable, that the dominant class of the future
was the proletariat (that is the urban working class), who would not only inherit the
structures provided by industrial capitalism, but would divert them from its exploitative
course. Marx’s analysis provided a sense of assurance that capitalism was bound to
fade away. His socialism was, he argued, scientific, i.e. based on the laws of the
history of social development. Working out of the assumption that social relations
constitute the core of economic structure and economic activity, Marx argued that a
particular social set up created an economic dispensation with which it developed
tensions over time. This led gradually to change. Capitalism, like feudalism before
it, was bound to change.

Marx’s primary work (Capital), was distinguished, though, not by such broad
philosophical positions, (albeit that they remained fundamental to his arguments).
He was able to demonstrate exploitation of workers within capitalism with a degree
of theoretical rigour that other theoreticians seldom brought to the subject. Working
out from the standard notion (shared by Smith, Ricardo and others), that all value of
economic activity could be reduced to labour inputs, Marx fixed on the surplus that
prices included, after wages and costs had been paid, and argued that the
appropriation of this by the capitalist represented the scale of capitalist exploitation.
Unlike ‘liberals’, he did not regard that entrepreneurial functions could also be judged
in labour inputs. ‘Surplus value’, moreover, according to Marx, came to be rendered
in money and capital - an end in itself, independent of the production process and
productive of rewards. Competition among capitalists, however, and consequent
fall in rates of profit in industry led to increasing exploitation and a steep rise in
‘contradictions’ between capital and labour. This, according to Marx, would lead
unavoidably to the breakdown of capitalism.

Marx did not, it should be noted, indicate how ‘contradictions’ would be resolved.
His ‘scientific socialism’ provided a critique of capitalism but did not provide a
forceful reference for how ‘labour’ should operate under capitalism - except that it
should be made more aware of its rights and interests. This marked him off from
‘utopians’ - just as he claimed that ‘utopians’ lacked a proper sense of what made
(and would make) capitalism intolerable. This led them to half-baked palliatives.
The attitude led to a break not only with ‘utopians’ but also with the Anarchist,
Michael Bakunin. Bakunin, who stood by his own distinct perspective to socialist
ideas, which argued against capitalism’s concentration and its use of the centralized
state, wanted a ‘syndicalist’ approach to labour strategy: i.e. avoidance of
participation in the activities of the state as it existed since it would be contaminating
to labour. Marx clearly found such an approach one more ‘utopian’ fixation.

5.2.4 Changing Assumptions

Modern World : Later German socialists, (primarily Karl Kautsky and Hilferding), followed many of
Essential Components
Marx’s assumptions closely, and showed the way in which the exploitative process
under capitalism had become refined over the mid and late 19th century to establish
the authority of ‘finance capitalism’ (i.e. investors and bankers) over ‘industrial
capitalism’. Lenin showed the way imperial expansion reinforced capitalist production
in Europe. The rhetoric of such writing was redolent of a strong critique of capitalism
and imperialism, and focused an attack on large-scale private property, together
with the state which legitimized it, as the main villains of the drama of exploitation
under capitalism.

The main departure from such perspectives came from Bernstein, in Germany. He
accepted almost all the standard analysis of capitalism and imperialism that Marxists
produced. But he considered that as capitalism developed, the extent of exploitation
of the working class would decrease: that a greater degree of cooperation between
capitalist and proletariat would emerge and capitalism acquire a robust quality which
would be resistant to collapse. Such assumptions were accepted by the Fabian
Socialists in Britain. This was the group that formed around Sidney and Beatrice
Webb, and its ideas were circulated in Sidney Webb’s Facts for Socialists (1884)
and Fabian Essays on Socialism (1889). The writer George Bernard Shaw and
other leading intellectuals were members of the group. They advocated close work
by socialists with political parties and trade unions, and argued that socialist aims
could be achieved through such political means.

Much of this argument followed from the increasingly self-evident preoccupation,

among advocates of ‘capitalism’, with the idea that market mechanisms were not
perfect: that these mechanisms may need guidance. Such a change implied that
capitalism was not immutable and intransigent, and went against Marx’s idea that it
would be. Social policy (concerning hours of work and unemployment) in France,
Britain and Germany in the late nineteenth century indicated this mutability in
capitalism. So did the great authority that Trade Unions came to demonstrate in
Britain and France by 1900. At a theoretical level, non-socialists began to look at
economic exchange carefully and question the perfection of market mechanisms.
This followed from the move among some, to question the idea that economic activity
could be studied purely in terms of its labour inputs (including the entrepreneur’s) -
as in the case of the liberal economist Jean Baptiste Say. Working from notions that
equally important was examination of economic activity in terms of the utility of
production and market response to production (till now a subordinate focus of
attention). Using historical evidence (from the French and German Historical Schools),
as well as speculations about how consumers chose their products (by the ‘marginal
utility’ school of William Stanley Jevons (1835-82), Carl Menger (1840-1921) Leon
Walras (1834-1910) and others), a position emerged among non-socialist economists
that the market could not be left alone. Once this was accepted, and once concessions
were made to workers’ demands, moderate ‘socialism’ of the non-Marxist variety
did not differ excessively from the standard orthodoxy among capitalist or ‘liberal’
economists. For the less revolutionary, the situation showed the way to reconciliation
with capitalism.

5.3 AFTER 1917

The situation seriously changed owing to the First World War, the October Revolution
of 1917, the Depression of 1929 and the Second World War. The World Wars and
the Depression undermined the economy of the European states so decisively that
20 capitalism itself came into question. Alternative means of economic organization
became popular. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (i.e. the seizure of power by Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
the Bolshevik fraction of the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party in October
1917, and its success in the Civil War that followed) provided an example that
attracted attention.

5.3.1 Early Bolshevik Theories

For Bolshevik socialism was not only critical of capitalism, it rejected revisionism
and it showed ways of going beyond capitalism through means other than
cooperativism and piecemeal state regulation. Among the Bolsheviks, a serious
economist, Nikolai Bukharin, dismissed liberal notions of the ‘utility’ school as
unworthy of the attention of those concerned with more than the activities of the
rentier or leisured class. More fundamentally, the Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin, argued,
contrary to many socialists, that the state could provide a means for managing the
economy for the benefit of society, once and for all overcoming exploitation and the
conditions that led all society into a state of ‘alienation’ from the fruits of its labour.
The state could, Lenin contended, restore socially wholesome priorities to society
on a large scale. Hitherto, this had not been a path socialists took, even if they
supported state intervention in economic affairs. For a dominant role for the state in
such matters meant handing major powers over to great landowners and great
capitalists (who exercised hegemony in governments in France, Germany and Britain
until then). Lenin took the line, in his ‘State and Revolution’ that previous critics of
large scale state control had been thinking of such cases where the state was run by
the ruling class. The situation changed when the proletariat and socialists took over
the state.

Nationalization and abolition of private property became the cornerstones of this

perspective. ‘Planning’ also became crucial to it: the notion that it was possible,
statistically, to evolve a plan of the economy and its potentials, and thereafter to
‘plan’ targets for it. Such ideas were evolved by various Soviet economists, and
became a major ingredient in the socialist critique of capitalism. S. Preobrazhensky,
for instance, pointed out that with such enormous controls and powers, the state
could achieve capital accumulation itself, in the way capitalists had done it in the
early stages of the industrial revolution. Through manipulation of prices, resources
could be diverted from agriculture to other economic ends if necessary. The rigour
with which this could be followed up was stressed by the leading ‘Planner’ of the
late 1920s and 1930s, S. Strumilin, a great supporter of ‘targets’. The ‘Planned
Economy’ of the 1930s in the Soviet Union showed how this could work, achieving
great increases in industrial production and revolutionizing the country’s economy.
In all this, rigorous standards of welfare were preserved, and strict curbs enforced
concerning the accumulation of wealth.

With great sophistication, and with scant respect for labour theory of value (which
most Soviet economists accepted), various economists outside the USSR argued
for the preferability of a Planned Economy. This was true of the Polish economist
Oscar Lange (1904-1959?), who, in his On the Economic Theory of Socialism
(1938), argued that the Planned Economy could be more efficient than a capitalist
economy, if adequate attention was paid to the price mechanism. His popularity
was as great outside Soviet socialist circles (who regarded him with some care) as
that of Michael Kalecki, another Polish economist who worked with concepts such
as ‘class conflict’ and integrated these with important work on business cycles.

5.3.2 Changing Assumptions

Modern World : Absorption of the underlying principles of this new socialist onslaught on capitalism
Essential Components
into ‘liberal’ economic notions in post Depression Europe, and the ascendancy of
J.M. Keynes’ ideas, gradually led to the decline of the importance of the new socialist
perspective in post-1945 Europe. Keynes followed up the ‘marginal utility’ school,
and its concessions concerning the imperfections of the market, to argue for a degree
of management of the economy in notions not far off those of Lange. In economies
which were not ‘socialist’, therefore, due accommodation came to be made for the
socialist challenge. Thereafter, the insights such as those of Friedrich von Hayek
(1889-1992), the LSE-Freiberg-Salzburg economist, concerning the distortion that
Planning invoked in the function of prices in the market assumed a degree of popularity
in European circles. And this, together with the influence in Europe of the Chicago
monetarists (M. Friedman and others), led to a gradual decrease in interest in the
socialist challenge in late 20th century Europe. A few Keynesians, such as Nicholas
Kaldor and Joan Robinson (the ‘Cambridge Keynesians’) continued to have some
interest in the Soviet legacy. Otherwise, the crisis of the Eastern European economies
in the 1970s and 1980s gave foundation to scepticism concerning socialist ideas.
Wild uncertainties in the market in the developing world, however, and the major
social implications of such uncertainties, have ensured a persistent interest in socialist
perspectives. Trade has compelled Europeans to take account of the perspective.
Socialism is thrust on Europe by the world, as it were, even if Europeans have little
interest in it.

It has become customary, in recent times, following the collapse of socialist projects
in the Soviet Union, China and Eastern Europe, to argue that socialism seldom
established a powerful critique of the efficaciousness of capitalism as a system of
production. Socialist thinkers, runs the rhetorical assertion, are focused on distribution,
not production. Standard histories such as Eric Roll’s A History of Economic
Thought, or W.W. Rostow’s Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume
to the Present reinforce the position through neglect of any socialist thought after
Marx. Standard socialist accounts such as G.D.H. Cole’s History of Socialist
Thought, moreover, do not seriously revise the perspective. A respect for Marx
and earlier socialists is evinced in non-socialist history in that they were the first to
argue vigorously that distribution in capitalism would be so problem-ridded and
capitalism so dissatisfying that society would want to overthrow it. It is assumed
that time and social policy solved this problem. If there is attention to the challenge
of ‘planning’ (Soviet style) in Europe, it is quickly assimilated into the notion that
whatever needed to be added to capitalism to set it right by this route was achieved
by Keynesian policy in Europe. Soviet specialists may object, but this has seldom
made an impact in European accounts of the socialist critique of capitalism.

Is this a fair representation of the socialist critique and its status in Europe at various
times ? Probably to an extent - since socialists rarely wrote about how to get richer
unless it was through greater justice. But as standard respect for Marx indicates,
distribution and production cannot wholly be delinked. A social path to prosperity is
viable only as long as it is tolerable. This has meant that concerns with inequality
have led to interventions in Europe about how to rework production patterns on
many occasions in European history. Again, application of Soviet planning was very
much about growth - addressing the question of how to provide maximum prosperity
for the majority of the population in as short a time as possible. Just because there is
no interest in the problems solved by the Planning mechanism in Europe today does
not mean that this was always the case. Especially in Eastern Europe (even before
Soviet take-over), planning strategies attracted interest. Soviet economists faced Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
highly unusual conditions, and their ideas were innovative, and evoked some interest.
Even non-socialist historians such as Alec Nove have pointed this out. The current
downturn in interest in socialist perspectives hardly means that such perspectives on
growth are foreclosed for the indefinite future in Europe. In fact, the persistence of
the perspectives outside Europe in the context of a ‘globalized’ economy merely
means that they will continue to draw attention.

1. What are the essential features of the critique of capitalism as propounded
by Marx and Engels?

2. Distinguish the pre-1917 critique of capitalism from that of the post 1917

1.1 Introduction
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Nature of Modern Society
6.3 Economic and Demographic Changes
6.4 Urbanization
6.5 Changes in Working Lives and Social Structure
6.6 Modernization: Secularization and Rationalization
Modernisation: Problems of Mass Society
6.7 Modern Society and World Society
6.8 New Developments in Social Structure
6.9 Summary
6.10 Exercises

The previous two Units of this Block focused on the transformations in the realm of
State and Economy. This is the last Unit of the Block and talks about new social
configurations that were ushered in by the process of modernity. Far reaching, profound
and irreversible changes took place in virtually every section of the society, e.g., new
demographic profile, erosion of traditional communities, declining hold of religion,
secularization of life in general, massive, transfers of population both forced and
voluntary – from villages to cities, creation of new and large urban centre, and creation
of new jobs and occupations. All these changes were limited to, and product of, a
new type of economy which established strong roots in some parts of the world
around the 18th – 19th centuries. This Unit elaborates each of these aspects in detail.


Modernity can best be approached against the background of what went before. A
broad distinction may be drawn between agrarian and industrial; rural and urban
societies. The most rapid changes with regard to these distinctions took place during
the 19th and 20th centuries, when the hierarchical categories that had endured in the
(mainly) agrarian societies for millenia began to change irrevocably. Industrial structures
took much of their characteristic form from the rejection of pre-industrial ways, and
modernity derived meaning and momentum by contrast with what went before. Thus
modernization may be viewed as a process of individualization, specialization
and abstraction. Firstly, the structures of modern society take as their basic unit the
individual rather than the group or community. Secondly, modern institutions perform
specific tasks in a socio-economic system with a complex division of labour in contrast
with the peasant family. Third, rather than attaching rights and prerogatives to particular
groups and persons, or being guided by custom or tradition, modern institutions tend
to be governed by general rules and regulations that purport to be rationally, if not
24 scientifically conceived.
Class society in the 19th century emerged from the estates hierarchy of feudalism. Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
Gradually at first and then more rapidly after the advent of the industrial revolution
the classifications of landlord and peasant began to be supplemented by that of
capitalist and worker, although it would be simplistic to suggest that the older class
divisions were replaced by the new ones. The socialist (especially marxist) political
tradition, however, predicated its analyses upon the fact that capitalist relations of
production were bound to subsume all social relations within its ambit, and promote
the appearance of two major classes, bourgeois (capitalist) and worker. Alongside
this, modern industrial society saw the new emergence of strata like the professionals,
intelligentsia, and the lower middle class or petty bourgeoisie.


World population had reached about 500 million by the middle of the 17th century.
During this time tendencies towards population growth were checked by starvation
and disease. The Industrial Revolution of the 18th century engendered certain changes.
From about 1700 there was a rapid population explosion. Since then global population
has increased more than eightfold, reaching 4.8 billion by the mid-1980s, and more
than six billion by 2000. Thus, not only population but its rate of increase has also
accelerated since the advent of industrialization. Europe’s population doubled during
the 18th century, from roughly 100 million to almost 200 million, and doubled again
during the 19th century, to about 400 million. Europe was also the location for the
pattern known as the demographic transition. Improvements in public health and
food supply brought about a drastic reduction in the death rate but no corresponding
decline in the birth rate. This contributed to a population explosion in the 19th-
century. Only later did the phenomenon emerge of urbanized populations voluntarily
lowering their birth rates. The century of Russian and Soviet industrialization that
began in the 1880s also illustrates the link between industrialization and population.

The developing societies experienced rapid population growth after 1945, at rates
greater than the West. Medical science reduced the high death rates, and the birth
rates showed little tendency to fall. Attempts by governments to persuade non-
Westerners to have smaller families failed. One result was the persistence of youthful
populations in societies - people under 15 made up more than 40 percent of the
populations of the Third World, as compared with between 20 and 30 percent in
the industrialized world. The high birth rate in these societies was because
industrialization was fragmentary, modern classes took much longer to emerge, and
it remained rational for the bulk of the population to continue to have large families
to share in labour and provide security for parents. Lower fertility would come, it
was argued, when wealth was more evenly distributed and social security systems
well established.
Economic growth became the defining feature of modern polities, especially in the
first industrializing nations, of western Europe and North America. This transformed
the nature of society. Underlying this phenomenon were technological change, the
replacement of human and animal power by coal and oil-driven engines; the freeing
of the labourer from customary ties and the creation of a free market in labour; the
concentration of workers in the factory system. A pivotal role was to be performed
by the entrepreneur. Later industrialisers were able to dispense with some of these -
the Soviet Union industrialized on the basis largely of a regulated rather than free
labour market and did away with large-scale entrepreneurship, and Japanese
entrepreneurs were sustained by strong state involvement in industrialization. Certain 25
Modern World : states - such as Denmark and New Zealand industrialized through the
Essential Components
commercialization and mechanization of agriculture, rendering agriculture another
Mechanization made a large portion of the rural labour force superfluous, and the
proportion of the labour force employed in agriculture dropped steadily. This ‘sectoral
transformation’ was one of industrialization’s most obvious effects. Most workers
came to be employed in the production of manufactured goods and in services
rather than in agriculture. In the United Kingdom and the United States, by the mid-
1970s more than 95 percent of the employed population were in manufacturing and
services and less than 5 percent in agriculture. In Japan, in 1970, more than 80
percent of the employed population were in manufacturing and services, and less
than 20 percent in agriculture. In pre-industrial agrarian societies, on the other hand,
typically 90 percent of the adult population are peasant farmers or farm workers.

Industrialization brings a growth in trade and manufactures. To serve these activities
it requires centralized sites of production, distribution, exchange, and credit. It
demands a regular system of communications and transport. It multiplies the demand
that political authorities establish a dependable coinage, a standard system of weights
and measures, a reasonable degree of protection and safety on the roads, and regular
enforcement of the laws. All these developments conduce to a vast increase in
urbanization. Industrialism concentrated mass populations in cities. Modern urbanism
differs from pre-industrial urbanism in quantitative reach and intensity; in new
relationships between the city and society. Thus, in imperial Rome, the high point of
pre-industrial urbanism, only 10 to 15 percent of Romans lived in cities. Whereas in
typical agrarian societies 90 percent or more of the population are rural, in industrial
societies it is not uncommon for 90 percent or more to be urban.
In the United Kingdom, in 1801 about 20% of its population lived in towns and
cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants. By 1851 it was 40% and if smaller towns are
included, more than half the population was urbanized. By 1901, the year of Queen
Victoria’s death, the census recorded 75% of the population as urban. In the span of
a century a largely rural society had become a largely urban one. The pattern was
repeated on a European and then a world scale. At the beginning of the 19th century,
continental Europe (excluding Russia) was less than 10 percent urbanized, by the
end of the century it was about 30 percent urbanized (10 percent in cities with
100,000 or more), and by the mid-1980s, the urban population was more than 70
percent. In the United States in 1800, only 6 percent of the population lived in towns
of 2,500 or more; in 1920 the census reported that for the first time more than half
of the American people lived in cities. By the mid-1980s this had risen to nearly 75
% the same as Japan’s urban population - and more than two-fifths of the population
lived in metropolitan areas of one million or more. In the world as a whole, in 1800
no more than 2.5 percent of the population lived in cities of 20,000 or more; by
1965 this had increased to 25 percent, and by 1980 to 40 percent. It is estimated
that by the year 2000 about half the world’s population will be urban.
There has also been a growth of very large cities. Cities of more than one million
inhabitants numbered 16 in 1900, 67 in 1950, and 250 in 1985. The fastest rates of
urban growth were to be found in the underdeveloped nations. For the rapidly
expanding populations of overpopulated villages, cities were a means of escape and
opportunity. Between 1900 and 1950, while the world’s population as a whole
26 grew by 50 percent, the urban population grew by 254 percent. In Asia urban
growth was 444 percent and in Africa 629 percent. By the mid-1980s, Africa and Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
Asia were about 30 percent urbanized, and Latin America nearly 70 percent. Cities
such as São Paulo (15 million), Mexico City (17 million), and Calcutta (10 million),
had mushroomed to rival and even overtake in size the large cities of the developed
West and Japan. Urbanization in the underdeveloped nations did not carry with it
the benefits of industrialization. The result has been the rapid growth of slums in or
on the outskirts of the big cities. About four or five million families in Latin America
live in slums and the numbers in Asia are far larger.
Urbanism cannot be understood simply by statistics of urban growth. It is a matter,
too, of a distinctive culture and consciousness. City life can detach people from
their traditional communal moorings, leaving them morally stranded and so inclined
to harbour unreal expectations and feverish dreams. In the very number of social
contacts it necessarily generates, it may compel individuals to erect barriers to protect
their privacy. At the same time, cities promote diversity and creativity; they are the
agents of change and growth. The French sociologist Émile Durkheim, declared
great cities to be ‘the uncontested homes of progress’, where alone minds were
‘naturally oriented to the future.’ Whereas pre-industrial cities were surrounded by
the countryside and dependent on the peasantry, modern urbanism reversed this
relationship. The countryside now became dependent on a single economic system
centred on the cities. Political and economic power resided in the city; industrial and
financial corporations became the dominant landowners, replacing individual
proprietors. Rustic life no longer significantly affected the values and practices of
the larger society. The city came to symbolize industrial society, dictate the style and
set the standard for the society as a whole.


In pre-industrial and peasant societies families were the basic unit of production;
and subsistence the aim of productive activity. From weavers in 18th-century England,
to coal miners in 20th century colonial India, men, women and children could all be
found performing different tasks in a co-ordinated work-process. More often than
not this labour would be remunerated in piece-rates, or through the putting-out
system, based on advances. The families might also be able to cultivate small plots
of land, and have access to common lands or forests for fuel and jungle produce. In
the Western world, the experience of industrialization disrupted the family economy.
(It is noteworthy that these aspects are modified considerably in the so-called
developing countries, where casual, informal and seasonal labour is widespread,
and takes into its ambit the employment of children and women as members of
Modern industrial economic processes have done away with the economic function
of the family as production sites shifted to factories. Most family members have
become landless agricultural labourers or factory workers. Work for subsistence
has been replaced by work in the factories, and for wages. In the less developed
world, conditions remain similar to what they were in the early stages of
industrialization in the West. Families struggle to maintain traditional collective unity,
and continue to pool their resources, and make regular visits to homes in villages.
Their wages still contribute to a common family fund. In the absence of a
comprehensive system of social security, villages and families fulfill the role. Despite
this, workers’ lives, whatever their location, have become dependent upon the
capitalist system of wage labour, and the place and functions of the family have
undergone a qualitative shift. The extended families of the pre-industrial and early
Modern World : industrial periods, have given way to nuclear families of parents and dependent
Essential Components
Under modern social structures, work has become the principal source of individual
identity. This has been accompanied by a massive increase in the division of labour
that went beyond artisanal specialization, what Adam Smith and Karl Marx called
the ‘detailed’ division of labour, in the work task itself. The tasks involved in fabricating
a product, are fragmented and allocated to several individuals as a means of increasing
productivity. This division of labour is the basis for the heightened productivity of
modern capitalism. The latter is also associated with the innovations of entrepreneurs
like Henry Ford who introduced the moving assembly line and the ‘scientific
management’ techniques of Frederick Taylor with his ‘time and motion’ studies.
In modern industrial society, economic position and relationships have become the
key to social position. While wealth was always important in determining social
position, it was not the central determinant. Other aspects of social being, such as
membership of this or that community, race, religion, age and gender were of great
importance in determining positions in the social hierarchy. But industrial society has
subordinated all these principles to the economic one. The position of the individual
in the production system and the marketplace gives him or her a place in a particular
class. Property ownership and education levels affect market position. Karl Marx
predicted that these trends (still evolving in his time) would leave two main economic
classes, the propertyless workers, or proletariat, and the capitalist owners, or
bourgeoisie. It is a matter of debate among sociologists of modern society whether
these processes of class differentiation are still moving in the direction suggested by
Marx. Although it is true that economic relationships have not completely eliminated
non-economic determinations of social status, (a fact that carries a great deal of
political significance), it may also be argued that the subordination of human productive
activity to capitalist markets and the wage-labour form is proceeding uninterrupted.


Max Weber called modernization a process leading to ‘the disenchantment of the
world.’ It eliminates all the supernatural forces and symbols which pre-modern
cultures use to explain natural and social phenomena; substituting for these the modern
scientific interpretation of nature. Only laws and regularities discovered by the scientific
method are admitted as valid explanations of phenomena. This process of
secularization tends to displace religious institutions, beliefs and practices, in favour
of reason and science, a process first observable in Europe toward the end of the
17th century. With colonialism, secularization was exported to the non-European
world. Although religion has not been driven out from society, and although the
public may hold traditional religious beliefs alongside scientific ones, religious
phenomena have lost their centrality in the life of society as a whole. Right-wing
political movements worldwide do indeed resort to the evocation of religious
symbolism as a means of mobilizing public sentiments in favour of conservative
programmes. This tendency however, does not obviate the basic fact that religious
establishments have lost control of political power in the modern state.
The process of rationalization touches many more areas, such as the capitalist economy,
with its calculation of profit and loss. For Max Weber, it referred to the establishment
of a rational system of laws and administration in modern society. He saw the highest
development of the rational principle in the impersonal and impartial rule of rationally
28 constituted laws and procedures: the system of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy was the
modern alternative to traditional and ‘irrational’ considerations of kinship or culture, Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
its power, the triumph of the scientific method in social life. Although he was aware
that bureaucracy could be despotic in actual operation, Weber nevertheless believed
that trained officials were ‘the pillar both of the modern state and of the economic
life of the West.’ However, Weber stressed that modern rationalization did not lead
to entire populations becoming reasonable or knowledgeable.
Modernization: Problems Of Mass Society
Another feature of modern society is the emergence of the mass phenomenon, which
tends to merge rather than distinguish classes, and counter-balance the rise of modern
individualism with the decline of local communities and the acceleration of political
centralization. Political and cultural centralization and uniformity have been interpreted
as pointers to the creation of a ‘mass society’. Tocqueville a 19th C. French scholar
had warned that individuals lacking identification with strong intermediate institutions
would become atomized (‘alienated’, in Marx’s language), and seek the protection
of authoritarian governments. The rise of totalitarian movements in the 20th century
showed that these tendencies were real and present in all modern societies. These
tendencies signified a new stratification of elite and mass, and theories appropriate
to that. Even a class party like Lenin’s incorporated a belief in this stratification with
its concept of ‘vanguard’ and ‘rank and file’. Fascist sociology recognized only the
division between leader and mass, Stalinist sociology that between Party and People,
with the latter consisting of the three ‘classes’ of intelligentsia, peasant, and worker
in non-antagonistic relationship, as a single mass.
Mass society has brought new problems, matching social progress with social
pathology. Urbanization has meant crowding, pollution, and environmental destruction.
The decline of religion and community has removed restraints on appetite, while
competitive capitalism that stimulates expectations cannot provide everyone with
the means for their realization. Modern life has seen an increase in suicide, crime and
mental disorder. As mass political parties have come to monopolize civic life,
individual citizens have retreated into daily life. These phenomena have put a strain
on civic loyalties and the willingness of people to participate in political life. Political
apathy and low turnouts at elections have called into question the democratic claims
of modern liberal societies. A similar concern has been raised with regard to the
spread of mass communications in the 20th century. The uniformity and conformity
bred by the press, radio and television have been seen to threaten the pluralism and
diversity of modern liberal polities, and a reminder of the totalitarian tendencies that
lie beneath the surface of modernity.
Industrialism was found to have created new pockets of poverty. Despite steady
economic growth, between 15 and 20 % of the population remained permanently
below (officially defined) poverty levels throughout the industrial world. Did
industrialism by its very mechanism of growth create a new category of poor who
could not compete according to the ‘rationality’ of the new order? The communal
and kinship supports of the past having withered away, there appears to have been
no alternative for the failed and the rejected but to become claimants and pensioners
of the state.
Some might see these as signs that modernity is fractured, that human-kind will need
ultimately to re-think the utility of modernization and industrialism. Karl Marx offered
the most systematic analysis of this ‘alienation’. The industrial worker is estranged
from his labouring activity because of the compulsions of class: he has no control
over the terms and conditions of the disposal of his product. Unlike traditional
artisanship, modern labour processes do not require his constructive and creative 29
Modern World : faculties. The industrial system of production is phenomenally powerful; but this
Essential Components
power is achieved at the cost of reducing workers, to mere labour-power, semblances
of humanity. Marx believed that the high productivity of human labour in modern
industrial systems could free human beings from a greater part of the burden of
work; but not until modernity severed its links with capitalism.


Western industrialization rapidly became the model for the whole world, and western
modernity an example to be followed by all nations. Colonies or clients of Western
powers, were ‘developed’ along these lines before they attained independence.
Apparently the only viable polity in the modern world was industrial society, and
only industrial societies could be active global agents. Thus Japan, humiliated by the
West in mid-19th century, industrialized and became one of the most powerful
societies in the world.
Japan’s experience confirmed that there were several routes to modernity. Britain,
Western Europe and the USA had industrialized on the basis of individual
entrepreneurship and the free market economy. In Germany and Japan, the state
and political elites played a major role, in organizing and planning development, and
restricting foreign access to home markets in the interests of native industry. Following
the Russian Revolution of 1917, there came the authoritarian model of modernization
under the one-party state. Many developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America industrialized according to economic plans drawn up by political elites and
imposed upon their populations. Independent India, instituted formal liberal
democracy, but its industrialization was guided by the Indian National Congress,
identified with the struggle for independence. There were also the African socialisms
of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana and Julius Nyerere’s Tanzania, the Chinese socialism
of Mao Zedong, the Cuban socialism of Fidel Castro, and the Yugoslav socialism of
Josip Broz Tito. All these became models of development to certain Third World
The experiences of Japan and the Soviet Union suggested a general pattern of late
development appropriate to nations that attempted to industrialize in the late 19th or
early 20th centuries. This involved protectionism, control of unions, and centralized
banking and credit. Late developers put the state at the centre of modernization.
India under colonialism underwent the ironic fate of state-sponsored economic
development supervised by a foreign elite committed to the Victorian economic
ideology of laissez-faire (a policy of non-interventions in the economic affairs) at
home. In Japan, the Soviet Union and China the state supervised industrialization,
made major decisions about investment, transport, communications, and education.
Mass communications became agencies of mass socialization.
Industrialization has taken place within a context of world industrialization, in a world
system of states of unequal power. Towards the end of the 20th century the ideological
divisions between West (the developed capitalist nations) and East (the socialist
nations), became obsolete with the collapse of communist regimes in the USSR and
Eastern Europe. Increasingly primary emphasis is being placed on levels of economic
development: the differentiation is known as the ‘North-South’ divide – a somewhat
misleading term, not least because Australia in this divide is placed in the ‘North’
and North Korea in the ‘South’. Some commentators also speak of First, Second,
and Third Worlds.

30 Immanuel Wallerstein a leading American economist, argues for a single world

capitalist economy, expanding outward from northwestern Europe since the 17th Capitalist Economy
and its Critique
century. He classifies countries according to their power within the system. There
are Core countries that include the United States and Japan; ‘semi-peripheral
countries’, include Brazil, eastern European states and China; ‘peripheral countries,’
include the poor countries of Africa and Asia. Wallerstein’s model recognises the
internationalization of the industrial economy. Nation-states, whether capitalist or
communist, are becoming increasingly subordinate to world economic developments.
Thus, the politics of energy procurement are global in nature, just as much as military
strategy. Capital investment and growth are global issues, and multinational
corporations are significant actors on the world stage, busy establishing a new
international division of labour. Manufacturing units are shifted from place to place,
depending on considerations such as the presence of cheap labour, compliant
governments and tax-havens. In this sense multinational corporations embody the
interdependence of core and periphery nations.


Industrialism has unfolded as a system of ceaseless innovation. In its core-countries,
it has virtually eliminated the peasantry, and is now creating automated technologies
that can increase productivity while displacing workers. Manufacturing once
accounted for about 50% of the employed population of industrial societies, but is
now shrinking to between 25% to 30%. New employment is now available in the
service sector, which accounts for 50% to 66% of the work force and over half the
GNP. These occupations - in government, health, education, finance, leisure and
entertainment- are called white-collar jobs, and indicate an expansion in health,
education and public welfare. The population in the core countries has become
healthier and better educated. The ‘knowledge class’ of scientific and technical
workers have become the fastest-growing occupational group. Pure sciences and
technology have become even more closely inter-linked. This is evidenced in heavy
investments in research and development, especially in industries such as information
technology, pharmaceuticals, bio-genetics, aeronautics and satellite communications.
The social sciences also generate complex models of sociological and economic
Some sociologists have interpreted these phenomena as signifying a movement to a
‘postmodern’, postindustrial society. This may be a semantic exaggeration, given
that most changes under late industrialism have flowed from the logic of capitalist
industrialization itself, such as mechanizatio and technical innovation, the increase in
complexity of industrial organization and the union of science with industry and
bureaucracy. But these changes do add a new dimention to modern societies, such
as the decline in manufacuring, and the advent of computerized information-
processing that can replace masses of white-collar workers. And urbanization may
give way to the decentralization and depupulation of many cities as old manufacturing
industries decline and new service industries move out. Recent trends in the USA
and UK indicate that the countryside has begun to gain population and the cities to
lose it. Speaking globally, however, urban life continues to spread over greater areas.
Metropolitan areas have merged into the megalopolises, with populations of 20 to
40 million. Chains of contiguous cities and regions with huge populations may be
found in the developed as well poorer countries.
These processes embody patterns in contemporary global society. The structural
forces of industrialism have produced reactions against large-scale bureaucratic
organization, and movements for alternative and intermediate technologies. The
Modern World : political realm too, has witnessed such a reaction. All over world, not least in Europe,
Essential Components
there have been regional movements for autonomy or independence - ironically,
globalization has kept pace with fragmentation. Areas such as Scotland in Britain,
Normandy in France, the Basque region in Spain, and several regions in the erstwhile
USSR have all developed such movements and aspirations. The break-up of
Yugoslavia in the civil war of the 1990s was only the most extreme example of a
general trend. New forms of internationalization of the world economy and polity
have given rise to new nationalisms. It is arguable that the latest assertions of ethnicity,
culture and ‘tradition’ reflect attempts by endangered elites in disintegrating states to
mobilize public disquiet towards a new conservative ‘mass politics’. Howsoever
historians of the future will see these phenomena, it is undeniable that the process of
modernization has reached a significant turning point, and the governing institutions
of the post-1945 world order no longer seem capable of managing rapidly changing
social, economic and political realities.

This Unit has tried to introduce you to the idea that a new type of society has begun
to emerge around the 18th – 19th centuries under the impulse of modern economy.
The Unit also discussed some of the features of the new society. One component of
this society was a new demographic pattern characterized by tremendous increase
in the population brought about mainly by a decline in the death rate, followed by
stability brought about by a decline in the birth rate. The new economic pressures
also ushered in a process of urbanization because of the growth in trade and
manufacture. Family, as a unit of production was replaced by a new production
system based on factory. There was also an erosion of traditional structure of the
communities, leading gradually to the creation of mass society. Simultaneously there
was an increasing secularization of life following a general decline in the control that
organized religion had exercised in people, lives. All these changes were profound
and cumulatively they changed the profile of the world.
However, it is important to keep in mind that although these developments, described
above, are generally associated with the 18th – 19th centuries, they had begun
germinating a few centuries earlier. Also the entire world did not change uniformly or
at the same time. These changes occurred primarily in the European and the North
American societies and many pockets of the world remained untouched by them.
Nonetheless, a process of change was set in motion which was to gradually bring
more parts of the world into its fold. These changes also constituted a model for
development for the rest of the world.
However, a transformation at such a mammoth scale has also brought dislocation
and trauma of various kinds. The processes of modernisation have certainly brought
material abundance - but in a differentiated pattern that is reflected in the complex
nature of social classes and identities. It has brought control of the natural environment
- this too, at the cost of damaging it, some would say, irreparably. Its scientific and
technological achievements are impressive, indeed magnificent. At the same time,
the spiritual and emotional life of humanity appears to be undergoing immense
turbulence, violence and conflict. Modernity’s failures and disasters take place on a
global scale, the fate of the world and its inhabitants sealed together in a way no
previous generations could have imagined.

Capitalist Economy
1. What are the ways in which human life under modern conditions is different and its Critique
from earlier times?

2. What do we mean by modern society?

3. How is the process of secularization a part of modern social structure?

Bourgeoisie, Bourgeois: The bourgeoisie are a social class who make their money
from the capital they own. They make money from money, or from owning business.
They are distinguished from the landowning aristocracy, who make their money from
rents, and the working classes who make their money by their labour. Depending
upon the context, sometimes they are used for the middle class or sometimes for the
upper class. The word bourgeois is also used as a word for attitudes that some
people believe to be typical of bourgeoisie denoting conventional, humdrum,
unimaginative or selfish and materialistic, sometimes also as opponent of communist.
Alienation: A separation of individuals from control and direction of their social life.
Widely used in German philosophy in the 18th & 19th century, the term has acquired
a special meaning after Karl Marx. Marx claimed that human alienation was created
by a socially structured separation between humans and their work. It attained its
highest intensity under capitalist system where individuals were separated from
ownership, control and direction of their work and were unable to achieve personal
creative expression.
Petite/ Petty Bourgeoisie: A middle class of professionals and small-business people
who work for themselves or own small productive facilities.
Industrial Capitalism: The process of developing Capitalist economy founded on
the mass manufacturing of goods. Industrialization is associated with the urbanization
of society, an extensive division of labour, a wage economy differentiation of institutions
and growth of mass communication and mass markets.
Surplus Value: In Marxist theory, this is the value crated by individual labour which
is left over, or remains in the product or services produced, after the employer has
paid the costs of hiring the worker. It is this value which the worker produces but
does not receive which allows the capitalist owner to expand their capital
Class-Conflict: It is a Marxian concept which sees it as a driving force for all historical
change. Marx and Engels in their ‘Communist Manifesto’ had proclaimed that ‘the
history of hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle’. Even though class-
conflict has been seen existing even in pre-modern times, e.g. between the peasants
and the feudal aristocracy in medieval period, it is only in the era of capitalism that it
is seemed to be getting crystallized as a struggle between the bourgeoisie and the
Finance Capitalism: Finance Capitalism is a concept developed by 20th century
Marxism and used systematically for the first time by Hilferding (1910). According to
him, it actually denotes that state of capitalism where monopolistic banking firms join
hands with monopolistic industrial firm to establish control over the sources, means
and networks of production, exchange economy etc. According to Lenin, it is actually
a characteristic feature of imperialism where banking firms establish their control
over the world economy by selective inter linkages.
Modern World : Constitutional Monarchy: A constitutional monarchy is a form of government
Essential Components
established under a constitutional system which acknowledges a hereditary or
elected monarch as head of state. Today, it is usually combined with
representative democracy, representing a compromise between theories of
sovereignty which place sovereignty in the hands of the people & those that see
a role for tradition in the theory of government. So, while it is the Prime Minister
or elected representative who actually governs the country, the king or queen is
seen as symbolic head of the government.
Planned Economy: In a planned economy economic decisions are made on
behalf of the public by planners who determine what sorts of goods and services
to produce and how they are to be allocated. Since most known planned
economies rely on plans implemented by the way of command, they are also
termed as command economies. To stress the centralized character of planned
economies and to contrast the term with the economic planning required in any
rational economy, a more specific term, centrally planned economy is also
used. They are usually contrasted with the concept of market economy.


Barrington-Moore, Jr , The Social Origins of Dictatorship & Democracy,
Penguin, 1966.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, articles and social structure & process of
Giddens, Anthony, Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of
the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber, Cambridge, 1971.
Habermas, Jurgen, Post-National Constellation, Cambridge, Polity Press,
Lenin, V.I., The State and Revolution, 1917.
Luhmann, Niklas, Political Theory in the Welfare State, Stanford, Stanford
University Press, 1998.
McLennan, Gregor, Held, David and Hall, Stuart, eds., The Idea of the Modern
State, Open University Press, Philadephia, 1984.
Miliband, Ralph, ‘Marx & the State’, in Jessup, Bot, ed., Karl Marx’s social
& political thought: Critical Assessments, Volume 3, London & NY,
Routedge 1990, Hp 14-33.
Miliband, Ralph, Marxism and Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
Roll, Eric, A History of Economic Thought, London, Faber & Faber, 1954.
Rostow, W.W., Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the
Present, USA, OUP, 1990.
Wallerstein, Immanuel, The End of the World as We Know It, University of
Minnes of a Press, Minneapolis, 1999.

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Bureaucratization and the State
7.3 Bureaucracy in Political Parties
7.4 Bureaucratization in Trade Unions
7.5 Summary
7.6 Exercises

This Unit will explain the coming of bureaucratization as an institution in the modern era.
It will also attempt to show the way in which our life has been fully encompassed by
different forms of bureaucracy, even those, which we think are engaged in fighting
against it.
Bureaucratisation could be said to encompass the processes both of the centralization
and expansion and of the professionalization of all institutions; and this happens as
much in government as in the other principal structures of power like political parties,
trade unions, corporations, the armed forces, and the educational, religious, legal, and
medical and other technical establishments, as also what has come to be known as the
non-governmental organizations.
Its principles are well-known. It consists in centralizing decision-making through a tight
chain of command, appointing professional “experts” through uniform criteria of
examination and certification, demanding impersonal adherence to rules and laws, and
attempting a nearly full calculability of action. An official in any one of these hierarchies
acts impersonally, on the basis of expertise, and obeys and issues instructions which are
“legitimate”, that is, framed in accordance with the law and the rules and regulations
that derive from the law. The individual official may be replaced effortlessly, and the
system functions like a machine with moveable replaceable parts. It is immensely
attractive to all modern rulers, who are always looking for instruments of rule that are
effective, politically reliable, impersonal, and professional.
But bureaucracies are only instruments of modern rulers: they are not the rulers themselves.
How rulers are chosen is varied; but in most of the world it occurs through some form
of election rather than rising to the top of a bureaucracy. The electoral processes are
not bureaucratic even if they must submit to rules most often; but the electoral machines
like political parties and their supporters are or attempt to be thoroughly bureaucratic
organizations. Thus, those at the top who ultimately rule, reach that position
through processes that are not bureaucratic; but they rule through instruments
that are bureaucratic.
These occur alongside what is known as democratization. This appears as a paradox,
since it is always assumed that bureaucracy and democracy are opposed in principle.
Indeed they are, but they can and do coexist and even reinforce each other. But more,
if we understand democracy, not as rule by the people so much as legitimation of rulers
by the people through elections, then bureaucracy is fully compatible with it. Further,
democracy also implies the active citizen asserting rights in numerous spheres, claiming 5
The Modern State and new rights, forming organizations to promote them, and participating in the political
process. Every one of these actions by the active citizen requires powerful organization
and funding; and even the active citizen furthering democracy acts through a bureaucracy.
He advocates, promotes, and consolidates democracy through, among other things,
more bureaucracy. For example, a non-governmental organization is set up to empower
a citizen’s group in some sphere of activity. It is set up first of all according to procedures
laid down by the law; it must raise funds and function according to the charter permitted
by law; its functioning is open to scrutiny; its officials are appointed in a hierarchy for
fixed terms for their recognized expertise; and they are answerable to a general body.
Not all of this might occur with the rigour that is implied by this bald statement, but this
does apply to all large bodies, and it is the orientation of lesser ones. Innumerable small
and often ephemeral bodies are formed to fight for the rights of citizens; but they must
become bureaucracies, small or big, to do so effectively; and the largest and most
famous of all of them are of course the political parties themselves.
The phases and processes through which the expansion of bureaucracy and
professionalization has occurred have been necessarily uneven, both across countries
and within countries. Usually, the armed forces, police, and civil services have been the
first to do so thoroughly, followed by the business corporation and the political parties,
and what are known as the “free” professions, those of education, the law, and medicine,
with the non-governmental sector coming last. Significantly, in Europe and the Christian
world in general, the Churches have been among the earliest to have become regular
bureaucracies, perhaps earlier than the state itself. Between countries, Britain and
Germany exhibit higher levels of bureaucracy in the first half of the nineteenth century,
with France following and Russia coming far down the list; but in the course of the
twentieth century, especially after World War I, all of them did so with a vigour and
energy that yielded extraordinary results in World War II. It would suffice here to deal
with just the bureaucracies of the state, of the party systems, and of trade unions, to
suggest the manner in which all structures, including the ones that were most opposed
to bureaucracy and professional career, have submitted to that very logic.


It is customary to note the process of formation of bureaucracy from about the fifteenth
until the eighteenth century in Europe as royal absolutisms imposed themselves against
feudal nobilities. However, this was more a process of centralization of power in the
hands of the king, not of its professionalization in the manner of a modern bureaucracy.
The king gradually monopolized power and appointed his own officials to collect taxes,
administer justice, and run the armed forces, denying such powers to the feudal nobility
and other estates. The nobilities and estates could now merely act as employees or
agents of the king, no longer in their own right. In terms of professional capacity, the
persons employed by the king were no different from those of the great feudal magnates.
They were chosen for their loyalty (combined with competence of course, but often
that was a limited consideration), and appointments were acts of personal whim and
patronage. The king merely commanded a larger area of patronage with greater resources
and higher stakes to play for. By this means the modern state, as the monopolist of the
exercise of legitimate coercion, or the absolute centre of power in any single territory,
was established by the eighteenth century; but its institutions were not the modern
professional ones we know today.
That transformation occurred in the nineteenth century in Europe by when the challenge
from feudal nobilities and local estates had been overcome, and the modern state
accumulated apparently unlimited resources through industrialization. The challenge
before the state was to harness and exploit these vast new resources and ever newer
sources, both material and human. Generating and exploiting material resources took Bureaucratization
the form of industrialization; doing the same with human resources took the form of
social mobilization. Entirely new institutions and professions were required for these
activities; and the emergence of professional bureaucracies takes place against this
background. The first of these were the direct servants of the state, the civil servants
and the armed forces.

The direct activities of the state vastly expanded, starting with Britain from the 1830s,
and with it, the number of employees of the state. This occurred with interventions by
the state in the fields of factory inspection, public health, municipal administration, school
education, poor relief, all in a wave of “reform” in the 1830s, topped by the parliamentary
reform of 1832 when the franchise was extended. But all these were accompanied by
a comparable campaign against “corruption” and in the cause of “efficiency.” By
corruption the reformers meant the system of patronage in place since the sixteenth
century, by which officials were appointed as personal favours, salaries were distributed
for doing little or nothing (sinecures), and worse still, persons could buy their jobs, as
happened especially with army officers (purchase of commissions). The sweeping reforms
of the thirties and forties did away with many but not all of these practices, and
appointments now began to take place against proven professional qualification,
especially through the competitive examination. Thus officialdom both vastly expanded
and became immensely more professional.

This was when schools became modern centres of high quality education, mutating
from the Dootheboy’s Hall caricatured in Charles Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby to
Thomas Arnold’s public schools, celebrated in Tom Brown’s Schooldays. Similarly,
universities became centres of modern professional education, and academic scholarship
itself became a new profession. In the eighteenth century, the education of an aristocrat
did not require a university, but it did need the “grand tour” of the courts of Europe, to
learn manners and acquire social contacts. In the nineteenth century, the grand tour was
discarded, university education became indispensable, and Oxford and Cambridge
assumed their formidable reputations and positions of eminence. All these systems were
dominated by competitive examinations.

The process was completed in the next wave of reforms in the 1860s and 1870s,
during the first government of W. E. Gladstone (1867-1874). In stages from 1870,
entry into the civil service was to take place through competitive examination; purchase
of commissions in the army was abolished; in 1873 seven courts of law dating from
medieval times were merged into one Court of Judicature, and the obviously
unprofessional judicial functions of the House of Lords were terminated; and in 1871
the Anglican Church’s monopoly of teaching posts at Oxford and Cambridge was
ended. Disraeli’s government in 1874-1880 followed up with welfare measures which
furthered the first series of the 1830s: a maximum of 56.5 working hours per week;
further restrictions on the legal age for employment; the effective introduction of what
has become almost a religious observance in developed countries, the weekend;
regulation of working class housing; laying down standards for sewage disposal; controls
on the adulteration of food and drugs; restricting the pollution of rivers; establishing
safety limits for the loading of ships (the Plimsoll Line), and much else.
As may be gauged from this extraordinary series, each sphere of expansion of government
activity demanded the recruitment of a fresh body of professionals, whether to inspect
factories, to work out sewage disposal systems, or to control pollution. In each case
problems had to be diagnosed, solutions proposed, and standards established, all of
which required advanced academic competence gained from the modern university
system; they then had to be enforced which required bureaucratic “efficiency”; and 7
The Modern State and more had to be prepared for as newer areas appeared for intervention with each
technological advance or with “progress.”. The process was never-ending; government
became gargantuan and ever more “bureaucratic”; but the demand for more and more
of it was insatiable. The professional took charge everywhere; and education itself
became a form of investment for the accumulation of a new kind of capital that yielded
the richest dividends.
This process was slower in France, despite the French reputation for absolutist states,
royal bureaucracies, and Napoleonic efficiency. These high levels of professionalism
and bureaucracy were attained in Paris, but the province remained in the hands of local
interests to a degree greater than in Germany or Britain, although less than in the
Mediterranean. Napoleon certainly conceived of bureaucracy as a perfect chain of
command in which the central authority issued instructions that passed “swift as an
electric current” to subordinates, that is the prefects (like the district magistrates in
India) governing the 83 departments (districts), sub-prefects in the arrondissements,
and mayors in the 36,000 communes. The model was of perfect bureaucracy, and the
prefect enjoyed ample power of every kind that a government in a modernizing state
can possess and hence dispensed patronage as a local potentate. For that very reason
local interest groups consisting of landlords, businessmen, the Church, unions when
they arose, and peasant lobbies, all competed furiously to gain control of these
appointments; in effect these offices became agents of local factions and clans rather
than of the state itself. Already, by 1866, 37 percent of the mayors were farmers; after
they began to be elected from 1882, that trend was accentuated. By 1913, 46 percent
were farmers, and in the smallest communes as many as 78 percent. Thus appointments
became arbitrary; transfers were frequent according to local factional struggles, officials
were overtly political rather than neutral, they were expected to ensure the election of
local politicians, and they were punished or rewarded according to their performance
in such matters. It was in everybody’s interest to resist rationalization, and the competitive
examination system was introduced only in the 1880s. But thereafter the process gathered
momentum, and especially after World War I France became another typically advanced
industrial society in these respects. As the above account indicates, there could be
considerable differences between different states and images and ideals may be only
distantly related to reality.
Russia occupied an extreme position in these respects, both before 1917 and after. In
the nineteenth century, this was an undergoverned country despite the extraordinary
concentration of power at the top. The towns and the provinces were left to various
forms of local self-regulation (but not self-government) by local notables and factions,
all in a manner that did not challenge the power of the state. Until the forties officials
were astonishingly untrained, with high rates of actual illiteracy. But a new educational
system was set in place from the forties, with new universities like Moscow and Kazan,
and a new generation of qualified officials took up positions during that decade. In
forbidding conditions they relentlessly pursued their goals of professional excellence
and “progress”, none of which meant democracy but certainly did mean efficiency; they
were especially concerned to eliminate arbitrariness and to establish the rule of law and
rational administration. It was thanks to the efforts of this generation that the “great
reforms” of the sixties were carried out, that is, the abolition of serfdom, the introduction
of elected local government bodies known as the zemstvo, the creation of professional
advocacy and courts of law that acquired a European reputation for high standards,
and increasingly higher standards in the civil services and armed forces. However, a
uniform competitive examination system was never introduced and appointments
remained acts of patronage. But this patronage was exercised among a widening pool
of expert manpower thanks to the education system expanding and improving in quality
at so rapid a rate. The greatest extension of government was perhaps in the zemstvo Bureaucratization
and the municipalities, in the domains of public health, elementary education, agronomy,
collecting statistics, maintaining communications and other aspects of local modernization.
These were all jobs carried out by armies of graduates of universities and sundry higher
educational institutes, especially medical, technological, or engineering institutes. They
were known as the “Third Element”, so called because the first was the nobility and the
second was the bureaucracy in local society; but this Third Element was the backbone
of the effort because they were the “experts.”
In Soviet times, these processes were carried far, with high levels of professionalism
and specialization, as in advanced industrial societies. Owing to the immensely rapid
rate of industrialization, collectivization of agriculture, and other processes of
modernization, the administrative structure was professionalized at a similar rate, not
the half century and more that Britain took in the nineteenth century. The greatest stress
was placed on technical education to optimize industrialization, and a vast body of
competent managers and technical staff poured out of these institutes to run the economy.
Just as Western bureaucracies present a public image of training in the humanities, law,
and the social sciences, the Soviet image of the administrator was of technocracy; but
all were uniformly professionals selected for their expertise, combined with loyalty to
the regime in question. However, there were notable variations. All activity was
bureaucratized and professionalized, not only the direct activity of the state and of the
Party, but even of professions which are in principle utterly inimical to these forms of
organization or regimentation, namely writers and artists. Even these were required to
form their own organizations to carry out their creative work, like officials, within such
structures. The Union of Writers is merely the most well known. This did not in fact
prevent works of great significance and originality being produced, but authors were
answerable to the state in this fashion. The state provided patronage and support through
these institutions, and demanded from them that standards of excellence and expertise
be established and enforced. It thus elaborated hierarchies of achievement and patterns
of recognition, which, in the West, was substantially the work of the market.


Political Parties, like all else, tended to become bureaucratic structures as they
transformed themselves into large mass organizations from the 1860s and 1870s
especially. In the UK, the party used to be a loose association of groups engaged in
local politics, with great variations on issues of concern and forms of functioning. But
then the following changes occurred: 1) From about 1867, the local party club network
expanded enormously, with each party, Liberal and Conservative (or Tory), organizing
its own brass band, football clubs, benefit societies, and even building societies in a
great wave of mobilization that was apparently non-political, but was designed to foster
political loyalties to the party that was promoting this range of action. 2) Each of them
organized their own “Constituency Associations” consisting of local voluntary activists,
who came to be known as the “caucus.” These associations were centralized in a
national party body: for the Liberal Party it was the National Liberal Federation from
1877, and for the Conservatives it was the National Union of Conservative and
Constitutional Associations (NUCCA) from as early as 1867 but acquiring momentum
in the 1880s. 3) This structure allowed the central party leadership to impose strict
discipline on the local party units, especially to decide electoral strategy, candidates for
election, electoral alliances, and so on. The typical party bureaucrat, known as the
party agent, appointed by the central command, now supervised these associations.
His main job was to ensure that party supporters were entered on the voters’ lists, to
provide intelligence to the centre on the public mood, and to impose discipline locally. 9
The Modern State and The results were evident in the nineties for the Conservative Party which was better
organized than the Liberals: in the 1850s, governments suffered 10 to 15 defeats in
parliamentary votes in a year; from 1900, the average was just one per session. By
1914 the party had become a centralized bureaucratic machine that overrode local,
individual variations and preferences and headed toward becoming a mass party with a
larger and larger electorate. The local enthusiast, activist, or notable was overtaken by
the party official from the centre, in the manner that royal bureaucracies subordinated
the remnants of feudal aristocracies all over Europe between the sixteenth and eighteenth
centuries; and independent members of parliament were increasingly a thing of the past.
This process continued throughout the twentieth century, with the Labour Party following
suit when it replaced the Liberals as the alternative to the Conservatives from the twenties.
In the Labour Party also, the candidate is formally selected by the constituency body,
but this is subject to central control. The sovereign body is the Annual Conference of
delegates and members, but its resolutions are never binding on the party whether in
government or in opposition despite the many pious and ideological statements to the
contrary. The conduct of members in parliament is decided solely by the central party
bureaucracy. This party makes loud claims to its being more democratic than others;
but it is like any other, a mass organization run by an oligarchy through its paid
The German party system developed in comparable manner. The Social Democratic
Party or the SPD by its German acronym, formed in 1875, and from the 1890s rapidly
became a mass party with a large trade union base like the Labour Party. Indeed, the
German civil service became something of a model across the ideological spectrum,
from the right wing pressure group, the Agrarian League, for corporates like Siemens
and Krupp, and even for its bitter antagonist, the SPD. As with the Labour Party, the
Party Congress is the sovereign body; but not only does it meet only once in two years
after 1914, but the party leadership and the parliamentary party (the group of members
of parliament) known as the “fraktion” in the Bundestag (parliament) has the decisive
say. The conservative opposition, the Christian Democratic Union or the CDU, differs
only by being a trifle looser. It has tended to be more dominated by personalities,
especially Konrad Adenauer, the Chancellor (prime minister in Germany) from 1949 to
963 and party chairman until 1966. However, in fundamentals of organization, it differs
little from its principal opponent, the SPD.
The contrast, to some extent, is France and the Mediterranean states. France, despite
its fearsome reputation for Napoleonic bureaucracies, in fact possessed parties with
weaker organizational structures than the German or British counterparts. The reason
is perhaps more to do with the size of parties: the German SPD had 1.7 million members
in 1914, the British Conservative Primrose League could boast more than 2 million
members, while the French Section Française de l’Internationale Ouvrière (SFIO) had
only 35-75,000 members and the Action Libérale Populaire only 250,000. In France,
local influences and personalities counted for more than national organization. Local
bodies of the village and canton decided on candidates, provided the election machine,
organized the campaign, and grabbed the benefits in case their candidate won the election.
The benefits were the usual patronage of the state, jobs, subsidies, relief, contracts and
the like. The national party organization had great difficulty exercising control over
deputies (members of parliaments), for, if these deputies kept their local supporters
happy, there was little the national body could do. In these senses, French parties
reflected the localism and patronage politics of the French bureaucracy also.
These features changed after World War II, especially with the Communist Party (PCF)
being such an excellent bureaucracy in typically Stalinist fashion, with its professional
training and strict enforcement of the Party line from above, to the extent of its not
allowing even direct communication between party cells at the base. These cells were Bureaucratization
required to communicate only with their superior levels, that is vertically. This, it should
be noted is one of the typical features of the bureaucracy of state, where communications
between departments must take place only with the permission of the head of the
department and not between lower officials in the hierarchy.
The most obvious cases of party bureaucracies are those of the fascist and socialist
states. The fascist bureaucracies formally submitted to the “leader-principle”, that is, a
single charismatic leader controlled the entire movement, the party, and where
appropriate, the state itself. But in modern times a single leader cannot control personally
such vast machines as those of industrial societies; and however charismatic, energetic,
or able the leader or dictator, he could not be any more personal in his choice of
officials than the American president is: he had to submit to the logic of bureaucratic
structure to get things done. These forms of leadership were chosen differently from
those of the electoral systems of the democracies, they provided a different ideological
direction, and they adopted a distinct style of their own; for the rest they ruled modern
industrial or industrializing societies through familiar structures of bureaucracy.
The professionalization and bureaucratization of political parties is arresting for the party
having been originally conceived as an agent of democracy against the bureaucracy of
the state. A considerable amount of democratic rhetoric is employed by these bodies
to mobilize mass support and to further their campaigns to influence the state. But the
process of representing mass electorates and securing their support imposes its inexorable
logic on these organizations; and they must summon the professional to use all the
techniques of management and administration to ensure the required results. In addition,
parties aspire to install their own governments or actually do so, in anticipation or
furtherance of which they replicate the structures and functioning of the government
itself. As a result, multiple bureaucracies of professionals emerge, those of the civil
service itself, and those of the respective political parties.
In the case of single party states, there are ostensibly just two such bureaucracies,
those of the party and of the state. But in fact there could be many of them, all hierarchies
competing for the attention of the Leader and bases for manoeuvring into the top position.
Thus, even in Hitler’s Third Reich, the following structures competed with each other,
and each one of them could have provided the avenue to the top: the Nazi Party itself or
the NSDAP; the SS, headed by Himmler, who thought of himself as the successor; the
armed forces, which periodically conspired to overthrow Hitler and eventually provided
the actual successor in 1945, Grand Admiral Doenitz; and the security services. This
feature was more pronounced in the fascist and conservative dictatorships that spread
across Europe in the inter-war years. Such competition however does not and did not
take the form of elections, for which reason they are not called democratic. The most
extreme and lucid case is that of the Soviet Union in which a single bureaucracy ran the
country, that of the Party itself; it provided the sole arena to aspire for power; and all
competition to reach the top took place strictly within it. All the other bureaucracies
were strictly subordinate to it and never did challenge its monopoly, whether they were
the planners, the managers, general administration, the armed forces, or the security
services. As such, this single Party was, in itself, like the multiple party system of the
liberal democracies, for in each case either the single Party or the multiple parties was
the sole avenue to power, not the military, the paramilitaries, the civil services, the
religious hierarchies, the corporate structure, the legal establishment, or the academic
system. As has been noted earlier, the manner in which leaders and rulers are chosen in
modern bureaucratic societies is not bureaucratic, but the instruments with which they
rule are uniformly bureaucratic across the ideological divides.
The Modern State and
Unions is the other typically democratic institution of modern times, embodying the
hopes of the “exploited” to secure a just distribution of power and wealth. They are
arguably also the first and most significant of the non-governmental organizations
(NGOs). Their origins and formal procedures are quintessentially democratic: they were
and are voluntary associations mostly of persons asserting their rights. Through most of
the nineteenth century they were just such bodies, sprouting in factories and
workplaces as and when occasion demanded, usually to protect their wages or to
demand higher wages and shorter working hours. Factories were small in size, unions
were also small, and the negotiations were highly personal, between a few workers and
an employer.

But dramatic changes occurred from the eighteen seventies, with a new wave of
industrialization, new technologies, and new structures of management. Plant size became
larger, technologies diversified and grew in sophistication, and management was
separated from ownership, leading to the emergence of professional management.
Workers’ protest actions likewise became all the more complex, larger in scope,
covering many factories simultaneously, or a full industry or region, and negotiations
between unions and management became more professional and less personal. Along
with the professional manager there emerged the professional union official. Two new
bureaucracies began to face each other, those of corporate management, and those of
the unions. Just as managers required academic qualifications, examination procedures
for selection, and training programmes, union officials were now selected for their
qualifications, subjected to competitive selection examinations, and were thereafter trained
on the job. They were no longer just workers representing other workers; they could
be anybody chosen for their skills at organizing research, framing plans for action,
committee work, and negotiation. Negotiating skills were especially decisive, and among
them high competence in mathematics and economics, since union officials were expected
to negotiate ceaselessly on costs of production, productivity, profits, wage rates,
standards of living, insurances, welfare and the like. But the demand went beyond
negotiation. Unions had to prepare their plans on the basis of the state of the economy,
not merely of a single factory or industry; their understanding of the economy and their
capacity to convince a wider public about the impact of their actions on the economy
and on the rest of the population became vital.

This became ever more demanding as union action began to play a role in national
elections. Political parties across the ideological spectrum, from left to right, prospected
for support among unions; and the social democratic or labour parties with socialist
ideologies were especially energetic and commanded the largest following among the
working class. As unions supported particular political parties, they needed to plan,
advertise themselves, and act in tandem with the political parties and their priorities.
The party bureaucrat and the union bureaucrat had to work in unison, both leaving the
rank-and-file voter and rank-and-file union member far behind. As socialist ministers
entered governments from the beginning of the twentieth century, and as social democratic
parties became governments or led coalition governments from the twenties, union,
party, and civil service officials had to work together and on an equal footing with
comparable levels of competence. For the purposes of national representation, unions
built up national organizations to represent them. These were federations of unions, or
head organizations, samples of which are the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in Britain,
the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) in France, or the Deutsche
Gewerkshaftsbund (DGB) in Germany. There could be more than one such federation
12 in a single country, with each ideological orientation forming its own head organization
also. These are merely representative listings. Thus the original union of a single factory Bureaucratization
had first become a member of a federation of unions within an industry, and these
federations then formed the national federation like the TUC. As may be imagined,
these enormous bodies could be run only by full-time paid officials, not by workers
taking time off work to look after the interests of other workers. These national federations
also routinely negotiated and signed agreements with national federations of employers,
a typical specimen of which would be the Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
representing British capitalists.
How deeply immersed unions are in affairs of state and responsible for governance
may be gauged from the examples of Britain and Germany after World War II. British
unions emerged from the War with heady plans for 1) public control of core areas of
the economy, including nationalization and extensive regulation of the private sector; 2)
high levels of employment through demand management; 3) extensive welfare “from
cradle to grave”; and 4) planning of investment, including even an ambitious scheme of
a “manpower budget” that would make annual estimates of manpower requirements
and availability so that investment could be planned to ensure adequate levels of
employment. But it was all conceived in the manner that any civil servant might; there
was no concession to “democracy” in these plans; and the TUC took the decision-
making hierarchy for granted with workers at the bottom, and assumed that professional
management, under the surveillance of the government of course, would ensure that the
benefits reached workers. Democratic guarantees lay in the presence of the TUC and
of the Labour Party, not of workers playing a direct role. Little of all this was achieved
in fact, especially since the TUC was not committed to socialism or to planning and was
merely anxious that the agony of the Depression years should not be repeated. Therefore
it was satisfied with the extensive welfare system established, that about 20 percent of
productive capacity was publicly owned, and that demand management kept employment
levels high. Even this relatively modest achievement demanded considerable
responsibility for governance and professionals to manage the role of the TUCs. They
had to be good economists enough to understand that if they pressed their wage demands
too far and were too successful, inflationary pressures would build up and real wages
would not rise adequately, for which they would eventually have to take the blame. In
like manner, they had to be nimble political managers to keep a friendly Labour
government in power and to accept the constraints and responsibilities that power
brought. All these were functions of professional economists, political managers, and
officials, all far removed from the original ideal of a trade unionist fighting for his little
This is not a question of centralization of decision-making so much as of its
professionalization. Thus, the British union structure is astonishingly, indeed bewilderingly
decentralized, and the TUC has little control over the national federations and great
industrial unions; deals are struck between unions in an industry and the corresponding
employers’ federation, and often lower down the hierarchy; any union could negotiate
anything and any agreement could be abrogated; multiple unions flourished in an industry,
the bane of British industrial relations according to some; and even on the employers’
side multiple bodies flourished until the co-ordinating top body, the Confederation of
British Industry was formed as late as 1965. This could pass for democracy; but it is a
democracy run by officials, not workers.
German unions after the War were even more optimistic than the British because they
were the only sector in Germany untainted by National Socialism. As codified at the
Munich Congress of the DGB in 1949, they expected 1) co-determination
(Mitbestimmung), that is, to run industry jointly with capitalists by having an equal
number of union-appointed directors on boards of companies; 2) comprehensive welfare; 13
The Modern State and 3) socialization of key industries; 4) unions to be non-partisan and organized for each
industry; and 5) planning. Little was eventually achieved, chiefly because of the Cold
War, the rightward political drift in Germany, and the continuous government by the
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) all the way until 1963. However, what was attained
was 1) advanced levels of centralization and of industrial unionism, eliminating multiple
unions that had so plagued the Weimar Republic in the twenties and early thirties; 2)
according to the Works Constitution Act of 1952 only one-third of the directors were
to be from the unions, not half as originally hoped; 3) advanced welfare. In retrospect,
this is considerable, and requires unions to play a major role in governance. In the most
important two industries however, coal and steel, parity between labour and other
directors had already been achieved by 1947 and was formalized in 1951. German
union action is also marked by an advanced degree of “juridification”, that is, any action
has to be according to the law in all its detail, union membership is totally voluntary,
collective bargaining may take place only between unions and managements, and strikes
may be organized only by unions and not during the life of a contract. Violations of
these principles attract severe penalties at law and unions must function like any
corporation with full legal liability. When the DGB amended its radical Munich Programme
at Düsseldorf in 1963, only nationalization was reduced in importance while co-
determination retained its pride of place. Thus unions have to function, not merely as
pressure groups to extract what they can for their members, but more as partners in
industrial governance, and therewith as another kind of management.
However, the trends are not quite so unidirectional as implied by the above account. A
constant challenge is mounted from the base, from the rank-and-file, what are known in
Britain as the shop stewards and in Germany as works’ councils or Betriebsräte.
These are elected bodies at the lowest levels of organization; they represent the
immediate democracy of workers; they are concerned only with the particular problems
of their members; and they have been consistently more radical than the union
bureaucracies. In Britain they have repeatedly erupted to challenge union leaderships’
dealings with managements and governments. In Germany however, the highly regulated
union system has integrated even these potentially radical and independent bodies.
They have been permitted to negotiate agreements in extension of what unions themselves
do, for example with respect to bonuses but not wages. Thus dualism, or the co-
existence of unions and of works’ councils, has been built into the system.
While the above picture may describe Western and Central Europe, the situation in the
Soviet Union and East Europe (after 1945) was different in certain respects. Here also
the union, party, management and state bureaucracies engaged with each other, each
acting for its own constituency. However unions did not act to assert the rights of
workers since they were already in a state which had abolished capitalists and capitalism,
and the state itself claimed to be the promoter of the interests of workers. This matter
was settled as early as 1921, at the Tenth Party Congress in Russia, when unions were
denied the right to agitate on behalf of workers against management, and they had to
accept the function of partnership in governance, with its necessary discipline. This was
then derided as “statization” and bureaucratization. In effect in the Soviet Union, all four
bureaucracies were different forms of state bureaucracies, functionally differentiated
from each other like ministries, but all equally subject to the same political imperatives
and leadership in a manner that was direct and constitutional. The role of the unions
therefore was to ensure that the policies of the Party and of the state with respect to the
welfare of workers were carried out and that productivity and discipline were maintained
at appropriate levels. While labour policy was determined at the top, unions at the base
engaged with management on deciding the worker’s wage category, work quotas,
bonuses and the like, which typically the German works’ councils also dealt with. Unions
14 participated in framing plans at the enterprise level, kept a watch on welfare and wage
aspects of the law, monitored disciplinary proceedings, and attended to all welfare Bureaucratization
matters like housing, recreation, education, and healthcare. Unions had distinct functions
in the West and the East, but they belonged to networks of hierarchies of officialdom in
symmetrical fashion.

As may be seen now, four major bureaucracies dealt with each other, those of unions,
employers, parties, and of the state; they wrangled, negotiated, conflicted, competed,
or otherwise worked together from national to local levels in a complex and interlocking
system of policy formation, decision-making, administration, and most of all government
formation, collectively called governance. They were all professionals dealing with fellow
professionals with comparable and compatible levels of qualification, work ethic, and
self-interest, but each pursuing the case for its own constituency, somewhat like lawyers
appearing on opposed sides in a structured legal system.
As the above account suggests, all spheres of public action have been professionalized
and are run through bureaucracies. This is only to be expected of the armed forces, the
civil services, and the security services, the principal arms of the state. But the complexity
of modern industrial society, even in territorially limited states like Switzerland or
Singapore, attains a depth which imperatively demands professional expertise and its
corporate organization to be effective. The process therefore penetrates other spheres
also. Thus entrepreneurship, with its origins in individual creativity and risk-taking giving
rise to the legend and slogan of laissez-faire, has been transformed from at least the
1870s into corporate activity run by professional managers, and its origins, like most
stories of origin, have entered the realm of myth. The stories of political parties and of
trade unions have been told, of both setting out as self-conscious bodies of persons
fighting off the pretensions and prestations of bureaucracy and capitalists respectively
and themselves becoming parallel bureaucracies and partners in those structures of
governance. Churches have always been tight corporate bodies that have demanded
high standards of professionalism from especially the eighteenth century and are
possessed of a degree of discipline and ideological certainty that would be the envy of
the armed forces and communist parties. Even the academic system, while maintaining
an image of freewheeling individualism, has become properly professional from the
early nineteenth century, with universities and research and other specialized institutes
offloading products on to the market like corporate houses, and academics being
subjected to the severe test of the market place, as evidenced in the harsh slogan,
“publish or perish.” Academic research is increasingly expected to consist of team
work led by project investigators who raise funds on the market and organize vast
bodies of team research by experts, which then appear on the market in a flood of
articles, conference proceedings volumes, and serial monographs. The dogma and
ideology of individual free choice and action retain their seductive charm; but it is possible
to sustain that subjective conviction only thanks to the pluralism of the modern world
which gives us a choice as to which form of bureaucracy and structured profession we
may individually submit to, not whether bureaucracy itself is acceptable or not.

1) What do we mean by bureaucratization in the Modern World.?
2) What are different forms of bureaucracy?
3) What are the elements that different type of bureaucracies have in common?
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Democracy: Ancient and Modern
8.3 Democracy in the Modern World: Ideas and Institutions
8.4 Explaining Democracy and Democratization
8.5 Democracy and its Critics
8.6 Contemporary Challenges to Democracy
8.6.1 Development
8.6.2 Diversity
8.6.3 Gender

8.6.4 Globalization

8.7 Summary
8.8 Exercises

This Unit will make a survey of different forms of democracy historically, theoretically
as well as geographically. The attempt will also be to give a range of criticisms which
have been offered to the notion of democracy and democratization process. Even as it
has become the most dominant principle of modern political system, democracy is still
fraught with many new and contemporary challenges. A brief survey of such challenges
is made towards the end of this Unit.
Most discussions of the history of democracy tend to begin with an invocation to its
origins in ancient Greece. In the next section, we briefly consider the question of whether
democracy in the modern world bears any similarity with democracy in ancient Greece.
Democracy has been, and continues to remain, one of the most contested concepts in
the political vocabulary of the modern world. It means many different things to different
people, but the fact that all manner of political regimes have sought to appropriate the
label ‘democracy’ to legitimise themselves, clearly shows that it carries a positive
normative connotation. Rather like justice and freedom, then, democracy is widely
perceived to be a good thing, and a desirable attribute for a polity to possess. However,
the task of determining which democracies are truly worthy of the name, or of
distinguishing between polities in terms of the extent of democracy they have achieved,
is a difficult if not impossible one. There are no universal standards to which we can
appeal to decide such questions, so that ultimately, any person’s judgement or evaluation
of particular democracies is necessarily predicated on the way in which s/he understands
the democratic ideal.
If judging contemporary democracies is so fraught with difficulty, the task of describing
the evolution of democracy in the modern world is no less contentious. Historians disagree
about the origins of modern democratic ideas, as also about the emergence of democratic
institutions. Thus, for some, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man was an early Democratic Politics
statement of democratic principles, while for others it was a manifesto of the bourgeois
class which, though opposed to hierarchy based on nobility, was neither egalitarian nor
democratic. Similarly, while John Locke is for some the first significant theorist of liberal-
democratic ideas, for others he is at best a theorist of constitutional government (and at
worst an unabashed advocate of private property rights). On this interpretation, it is
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, with his faith in the direct participation of the citizens in the
making of laws, who is the premier philosopher of democracy.


In 1992, 2500 years of democracy were enthusiastically celebrated all over the world.
This was an unusual celebration for two reasons. Firstly, while anniversaries of statesmen,
revolutions and the founding of nations are quite commonly celebrated, no other political
ideal has ever been celebrated in this way. Secondly, democracy in the modern world
is quite different from democracy as it was practised in ancient Greece 2500 years ago.
The democratic ideas and practices with which we are here concerned are emphatically
modern, but it would be useful to briefly note the chief features of democracy in the
city-state of Athens (widely considered to be the most stable, enduring and model form
of democracy in Greece) in ancient times.
Appropriately, the word democracy itself is of Greek origin. The Greek word demokratia
is a combination of the words demos (meaning the people) and kratos (meaning power
or rule). Thus, the one common principle underlying democracy in both the ancient and
modern worlds is the idea of rule by the people, whether directly - through personal
participation - or indirectly, through elected representatives. The important difference,
of course, is in the way in which ‘the people’ were defined. In the ancient Greek polity,
the ‘demos’ was rather restrictively defined, and notably excluded three main categories
of persons: the slaves, women, and metics (the foreigners who lived and worked in the
city-state). This meant that barely a quarter of the total population were members of the
citizen body. Nevertheless, it is notable that the direct participation of a 40,000 strong
citizen body was no mean achievement. The actual career of Athenian democracy was
fairly troubled, as aristocrats, generals and demagogues made periodic attempts to
control power. Their contempt for the poor - described as ‘the mob’ or ‘the rabble’ -
finds echoes in the modern world, where democracy was achieved through struggle,
and against considerable odds. Indeed, the struggle for democracy everywhere and
throughout history, has been simultaneously a struggle against political inequality based
on, and justified by, inequalities of birth and wealth.
At its best, however, Athenian democracy conveys an impressive picture of direct
participation by citizens in the assembly which deliberated and took decisions on all
policy matters, and met on as many as 300 days in the year. Citizens also participated
directly in government, as they were chosen by lot to serve in official administrative and
judicial positions.


The story of democracy in the modern world is not merely the story of the evolution of
democratic institutions in the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. An
understanding of modern democracy is not possible without an account of the social
and political ideas, as well as of the patterns of material development in the economic
and productive spheres of the societies in which modern democracy took birth. As one 17
The Modern State and of the ‘characteristic institutions of modernity’, democracy was the result of complex
and intertwined processes of ideological, social and economic change. In Britain, this
change was signalled by the Industrial Revolution that began in the middle of the eighteenth
century, while in France and America it was launched by the political revolutions in the
last quarter of that same century.
Britain is conventionally regarded as the first modern democracy because, in the aftermath
of the Civil War (1640-1649), royal absolutism was brought to an end, and powers
were transferred from the crown to the two Houses of Parliament, of which one, the
House of Commons, was an elected chamber. Though the franchise continued to be
highly restricted - based on ownership of property - control of the executive had
effectively passed to a loose coalition of the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie, such that
political conflict was henceforth peacefully conducted between competing elites. It was
only in the nineteenth century that the expansion of the suffrage took place, beginning
with the enfranchisement of the upper middle classes in the Reform Act of 1832. This
was followed by the gradual extension of the franchise to the working classes, largely
as a response to the pressure of political struggles by the working-class and radical
movements like Chartism. By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and three Reform
Acts later, about two-thirds of the male population stood enfranchised. It was, however,
not until 1929 that women secured the right to vote, and universal adult suffrage was
only fully achieved in 1948, when plural voting was abolished in favour of the principle
of one-person one-vote.
As in Britain, so also in France, the achievement of universal adult suffrage was not
completed until 1946. The rather more radical tradition of democracy in France was
inaugurated by the French Revolution of 1789, with its stirring call of Liberty-Equality-
Fraternity. The principle of popular sovereignty was crucial to the deliberations of the
National Assembly. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen proclaimed the
following individual rights as the natural and imprescriptible entitlements not merely of
French citizens, but of ‘mankind’ at large: among others, the rights of personal liberty,
freedom of thought and religion, security of property and political equality. Though the
Revolution proclaimed an end to both the feudal economy and two centuries of royal
absolutist rule, republican democracy in France suffered many reverses. The
revolutionary constitution of 1791 established something akin to universal male suffrage
(though the philosopher Condorcet and some others advocated the extension of the
franchise to women, this was seen as quite contrary to public opinion), and even the
property requirement for the right to vote was low enough to exclude only domestic
servants, vagrants and beggars. Thus, four million male citizens won the right to vote in
1791, but four years later, more restrictive property requirements were introduced,
bringing down the number of voters to just 100,000 prosperous taxpayers. Universal
male suffrage was reintroduced only after the revolution of 1848.
In the United States of America, too, the advance of democracy in the aftermath of the
Civil War was restricted to white men, and the enfranchisement of women, as also of
indigenous and black people was not achieved until the twentieth century. Nevertheless,
the Declaration of Independence (1776) was the document that simultaneously effected
the legal creation of the United States of America, and that of democracy in that country.
Though slavery continued to be practised until the mid-nineteenth century, the American
Revolution did give the modern world its first democratic government and society.
Hereditary power - of monarchy and aristocracy alike - were overthrown as republican
government, in which all citizens were at least notionally equal, was put in place. An
important institutional mechanism of the separation of powers between the three branches
of government - the executive, the legislature and the judiciary - was also effected,
making it difficult for any one branch to exercise arbitrary or untrammelled power.
The ideological importance of these early - albeit limited - victories of democracy cannot Democratic Politics
be underestimated. It has been argued that the foundations of democratic ideas had
been prepared by the implicit egalitarianism of the Reformation. Though the Reformation
was often - as in Britain and Germany, for instance - carried through by absolute
monarchical power, Protestantism nevertheless had the long-term effect of creating
religious minorities, and therefore providing the grounds for doctrines of religious
toleration to be articulated. The idea that God spoke directly to individuals, without the
mediation of priests, also made possible and legitimate the questioning of political
authority. The political ideas of the Levellers, John Locke and Tom Paine, and documents
like the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), and the American Declaration
of Independence (1776), expressed the important ideas and principles that have
underpinned democracy in the modern world.
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
dissole the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume,
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws
of natur and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of
mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights,
governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent
of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute
a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established,
should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to sufer, while evils are sufferable,
than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their
right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government and to provide new Guards
for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies,
and such is now the necessity which constraints them to alter their former Systems
of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of
repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment
of an absolute Tyranny over these States....
(American Declaration of Independence, 1776).

These writings and documents are also often seen as charters of liberalism, and liberalism
was indeed an important handmaiden of democracy at this time. This is why it is not
surprising that the beginnings of democratic theory are distinguished by a strong emphasis
on the concept of liberty, rather than the concept of equality with which it later came to
be identified. As their name indicates, the Levellers in seventeenth century England
advanced a radical conception of popular sovereignty and civil liberties. Interrogating
property ownership as the basis for political rights, they advocated a nearly universal
male suffrage, though - echoing ancient Athens - servants and criminals, apart from
women, were to be excluded.
John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government (1681) is an important source-book
of classical liberal ideas. In this work, Locke presents an account of a hypothetical 19
The Modern State and state of nature, governed by a Law of Nature, which mandates that no individual ought
to harm another in life, health, liberty or possessions. The natural equality of men -
stemming not from any equality of endowment in terms of virtue or excellence, but from
the fact that they are all equally creatures of God - gives them the equal right to freedom.
Though this state of nature is governed by a Law of Nature that endorses these rights,
there is no agency to administer and enforce this law. Therefore, to prevent others from
invading their rights or to exact retribution for such invasions, men will enforce the law
as they interpret it. In a state of nature that is largely characterised by peace and mutual
assistance, the absence of such an agency contains endless possibilities for conflict, and
these are the chief inconveniences of the state of nature, which is therefore transcended
through a social contract. This social contract, founded in the consent of every individual,
is the basis of legitimate government. Civil law must now conform to the eternal rule that
is natural law, and hence the purpose of political society and of government is the
preservation of the life, liberty and property of individuals (and Locke accordingly
supplements this account with a defence of private property). If the government fails to
discharge the purposes for which it was created, the people have the right to resist and
replace it. It is this statement of the core principles of classical liberalism - individualism,
popular sovereignty and limited government - that provided the foundation for liberal
These principles were also celebrated in the American Declaration of Independence
(1776), which followed Locke in describing as natural and inalienable the rights to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness (the last widely interpreted as an euphemism for
property). The continued exclusion of slaves and women from the category of those
who possessed such rights is only one example of the contradiction between the
universalism of liberal principles and the selectivity of liberal practices.
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) reflected the republican spirit of
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in idealizing citizenship by presenting individuals as public-
spirited members of a community. For Rousseau, however, representative government
simply was not good enough, and the only form of free government was direct democracy
in which citizens would participate directly. Of course, Rousseau was aware that gross
inequalities of wealth as well as large political communities were obstacles to popular
sovereignty, while liberty, welfare and public education in the context of a small city-
state provided the ideal conditions for democracy.


Though liberal ideas found institutional embodiment in democracy, democracy was not
simply the result of a fruitful exchange between political ideas and political institutions,
confined to the domain of political action. We cannot understand the birth of democracy
in Europe without some reference to the important material transformations that were
taking place in these societies. Industrial capitalism created new social classes which
questioned the stranglehold of the older elites, whose power was based entirely in the
ownership of land, and demanded a share in political power. Gradually, the middle and
working classes also became more vocal and assertive in claiming rights of political
participation. States also, over prolonged period of time, engaged in military conflict
with each other. These wars required higher levels of technology, the deployment of the
industrial power generated in the society, and more intensive resource (in terms of
extraction of taxes) and social mobilization by the state. All this gave to modern states
a greater centrality in the life of their citizens than they had previously enjoyed. This
centrality of the state naturally resulted in greater pressures for controlling the state and
sharing in the power and the resources that it commanded. The pressures for Democratic Politics
democratization were surely facilitated by these developments, as they were by the
greater literacy, and new forms of communication and transport that made political
organisation possible for groups that had, in the past, been ruled, without actually
participating in ruling.
Some historians have suggested that these processes of democratization took place in
the course of ‘the long nineteenth century’, the period from 1760 to 1919, beginning
with the Industrial Revolution and ending with the First World War. At the inception of
this period, there were no democracies, but by its end most Western states had some
form of liberal democracy in operation. In Western societies, capitalist industrialization
is widely believed to have been a powerful impetus to democratization. However, outside
of the west, social theorists have many different explanations for the varied routes through
which democratization occurs, in what sorts of historical circumstances, at what levels
of material development, and so on. They have tended to search for such historical
patterns to explain the nature and even durability of democracy in specific contexts, as
also the past and future relationship between democracy and development.
Some scholars, like Barrington Moore, have sought to explain democratization in terms
of long-term processes of historical change, especially the changing structures of power.
Why, Moore asked, did England and France move towards liberal-democracy, while
Japan and Germany turned to fascism, Russia and China to communism, and India
proceeded in an altogether different direction. His answer was that the route to liberal
democracy generally lies in a common pattern of changing relationships between
peasants, lords, the urban bourgeoisie and the state. The signposts on this journey
include the following: the investment of the agricultural surplus in industrial growth; a
turn towards commercial agriculture and therefore greater freedom for the peasantry; a
balance of power between the state and the landed aristocracy; a dynamic bourgeoisie
with its own economic base leading a revolutionary break from the past; and so on.
Other scholars, also searching for a structural explanation for democratization, have
argued that processes of democratization are powerfully shaped by class power, state
power and transnational power. They emphasise the changing dynamics of class power
in relation to the structure and form of state power, and the context of both these in
transnational power, taking many diverse forms such as imperialism or economic/military
Patterns of economic development thus effect significant changes in the nature of class
forces and class divisions, and both these interact with the state and political institutions
to redefine society and politics. In addition, the nature of civil society, the political
culture of a society, and international factors (ranging from aid to war) are also helpful
in accounting for patterns of democratization. On the whole, while comparative studies
can provide some illumination, it is futile beyond a point to search for a single explanation
that can account for the emergence (or not) of democracy in any given country at any
point in the history of the last two centuries. There is tremendous variation, across both
time and space, in the forms of democracy that have evolved in different parts of the
world, and no one explanation - however comprehensive - can explain them all.
This is why, though the evolution of democracy in Europe and the United States through
the nineteenth century is generally treated as the exemplar of democratization, the
experience of post-colonial democratization in Latin America and Asia, and of post-
Communist democratization in Eastern Europe, has raised questions about the conditions
under which democratic institutions take root in some countries but not in others. This
is also why it is difficult to establish uniform standards for judging or comparing the
nature and extent of democracy as found in the different states which claim or have 21
The Modern State and historically claimed the label of democracy. The ‘real world of democracy’, as the
political theorist C.B. MacPherson famously called it, has been populated by many
variants of democracy: from bourgeois democracy to socialist and even communist
versions, each of which has insisted that its form of democracy is the truest and most
genuine. The eagerness with which the title of democracy is claimed points, in fact, to
the unparalleled legitimacy that this form of government has come to enjoy in the modern
As a corollary, it is important to note that it has now come to be recognized that the link
between liberalism and democracy is not a necessary one. Liberal-democracy may be
seen as a historically specific form of democracy, based on a culturally specific theory
of individuation. It combines liberalism as a theory of the state with democracy as a
form of government. As such, for societies which attach greater significance to the
community than to the individual, the democratic part of liberal-democracy (such as
free elections and freedom of speech) is more universalizable than its liberal component.
It has, thus, become possible today to speak not only of different paths to democracy,
but also of different ways of being democratic, or even being ‘differently democratic’.
Despite these limitations, it is true that the twentieth century saw an unparalleled extension
of democracy in terms of both its inclusiveness as well as its spatial expansion.
Beginning with the extension of the suffrage to women in the older western democracies,
and ending with the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa, democracy in the twentieth
century surely became more inclusive. The provenance of democracy also increased in
spatial terms, as - following decolonization in the 1950s and 1960s - it was eagerly
adopted by most of the new nations of Asia and Africa. Many of these new laboratories
of democracy did not manage to sustain it, and in the 1990s the process of
democratization met new challenges in post-Communist Eastern Europe.
It is clear, then, that the history of democracy has by no means been an uninterrupted,
smooth or even process. It has been marked by successes and reversals within particular
democratic societies, but it has also varied across countries and continents. At all times,
it is important to keep in mind the interaction between ideas and institutions mentioned
earlier. This is also true of the arguments of the critics of democracy.


Democracy has had its fair share of critics and even enemies in the modern world, no
less than in ancient Greece. If the Athenians of the ancient world feared democracy as
potential monocracy, the 19th century English political philosopher John Stuart Mill
expressed his fear of the tyranny of the majority, which he equated with ignorance and
a lack of education. Mill’s anxiety was that democracy would mean the dominance of
mediocre public opinion, elbowing out dissent and creative ideas. Nevertheless, Mill
significantly improved upon his intellectual inheritance of Utilitarianism by his impassioned
defence of liberty and by his insistence on various welfare measures for the working
classes. This gives him a special position in the liberal tradition, as the forerunner of
social-democracy and the principles of the welfare-state.
The socialist critique of democracy has its origins in the writings of Karl Marx whose
attitude to democracy was somewhat ambivalent. Even as he viewed bourgeois
democracy as inherently flawed, on account of its class character, Marx nevertheless
endorsed the battle for democracy as an important stepping-stone on the journey of the
proletariat towards revolutionary change. In the Soviet Union, however, democracy
was characterised as a handmaiden of capitalism, which could not be used to realise,
through peaceful means, the ascendancy of the working class.
Among the most important critics of democracy were the elite theorists of the late Democratic Politics
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca, whose
ideas struck a sympathetic chord in Mussolini’s fascist politics. For Mosca, all talk of
democracy was ideological hogwash, because the reality was that, throughout history,
society had always been divided between elites - a minority of the population which
had taken the major decisions in society- and the mass of the people. The dominant
minority, the ruling class, was beyond the control of the majority or the mass, which the
elite theorists viewed as atomized, ignorant, politically incompetent and incapable of
concerted dynamic political action. In the mid-twentieth century, this argument was
taken forward in the ‘realist’ account of Joseph Schumpeter who said that the classical,
eighteenth century definition of democracy (as an institutional arrangement for arriving
at political decisions by making the people decide issues through the election of legislators
to carry out their will) was flawed because the people were ignorant, irrational and
apathetic, and therefore the principle of popular sovereignty was meaningless. In a
democracy, said Schumpeter, there must be recognition of the vital fact of leadership.
The role of the people should be restricted to choosing their rulers through competitive
elections, and thereafter leaving them to govern. This redefinition changed the purpose
and the essence of democracy from that of vesting decision-making power in the
electorate, to that of merely selecting representatives. The normative force of the
democratic ideal was thus undermined.
Nevertheless, the equalising thrust of democratic institutions appears to have persisted.
At least some of the anxieties of nineteenth century observers, that democracy would
have an alarming impact in terms of revising social rankings and undercutting the power
of hereditary elites, proved to be true. At the same time, however, democracy proved
to have a certain power of containment of social divisions, to the extent that it provided
peaceful avenues of political competition and prevented social inequalities from acquiring
an explosive or violent form.


Among the important challenges to democracy at the beginning of the twenty-first century,
the following may be identified :
1) Development
2) Diversity
3) Gender
4) Globalization

8.6.1 Development
Though many scholars have tried to establish a correlation between democracy
and development, by exploring the extent to which democracy furthers or inhibits
development, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the relationship between
these. The slow pace of development in India is sometimes attributed to its
adoption of democracy, while the developmental successes of the East Asian economies
are attributed to their lack of democracy. However, the comparative studies undertaken
by scholars present mixed results and do not conclusively establish either that
democracy inhibits development or that it facilitates it. Background historical
conditions, the nature of economy and society, significantly affect developmental
outcomes. Logically, to the extent that people have the right to make claims upon the
state and to insist that the state be responsive to their needs, democracy is potentially a 23
The Modern State and powerful weapon against poverty and deprivation. If the poor in developing democratic
societies have failed to use this weapon effectively, this should be blamed not on
democracy per se, but attributed to the concentration of economic and social power
that predisposes the state to act in ways that are biased in favour of dominant classes
and social forces.
Further, conventional notions of development (equated with economic growth) are today
being fundamentally challenged and questioned, most famously in the human development
perspective of noted economist Amartya Sen. Sen has drawn attention to the importance
of providing people with economic entitlements and social opportunity structures, so
that they may enlarge their human capabilities and enhance their ability to determine
their own life-plans. So defined, development should make political participation more
meaningful, even as democracy provides channels through which people can press
their claims for development upon the state.

8.6.2 Diversity
Till the middle of the 20th century, classical democratic theory was ambivalent on the
question of cultural diversity. The first significant challenge of pluralism in a liberal polity
was the civil rights movement in the United States. More recently, immigrant populations
in Europe, as well as indigenous people in Australia, Canada and the United States,
have demanded cultural recognition and community rights. These claims have pointed
to an important gap in democratic theory which makes a virtue of its commitment to
individual equality, but remains blind to diversity, and so does not sufficiently respect
cultural plurality. This can mean that minority groups, defined in terms of their distinctive
cultural or racial or ethnic identity, will suffer. Individual members of such groups may
be formally entitled to equal rights in the polity, but social prejudice and lack of equal
opportunity may render them less than equal. In such circumstances, the neutrality of
democratic theory becomes a problem, as it prevents special consideration from being
given to those citizens whose formal equality is undermined by the disadvantages and
prejudices that they are subject to by virtue of their cultural identity. Hence, the state
must move beyond mere tolerance, which is essentially a negative value, to affirm the
value of multiculturalism.
This challenge has also been difficult to accommodate because classical democratic
theory has envisaged the individual, and the individual alone, as the legitimate bearer or
subject of rights. Within such theory, it has been near-impossible to conceive of
groups as the bearers of rights. In recent years, the communitarian critics of liberalism
have argued that individuals are not the autonomous pre-social creatures that liberal
theory makes them out to be. Rather, they are formed and constituted by the traditions
and communities in which they are located. Hence, minorities must be given group
rights in order that their cultures may be protected from assimilation by the dominant

8.6.3 Gender
It is notable that, even in Europe, the home of liberal-democratic theory, the granting of
the suffrage to women has been a slow process. Switzerland gave women the right to
vote as recently as 1971. Even today, women in Kuwait do not possess this right. In
many countries where they do possess democratic political rights, women continue to
lack political and economic power. In 1993, it was estimated that women owned only
1 percent of the world’s property and earned 10 percent of world income. Women
account for barely 4 percent of the heads of state across the world, and 5 percent of
cabinet ministers/national policy-makers. In national legislatures, they accounted for
just 10 percent.
Early feminists like Mary Wollstonecraft had invoked essentially liberal notions of equality Democratic Politics
and universal individual rights to buttress the claim of women to equal rights of citizenship.
Today, almost a century after female suffrage was first granted, it is clear that franchise
alone had a limited potential to transform women’s lives, leading ‘second-wave’ feminists
to question the apparent gender-neutrality of the liberal conception of the individual
There are two important aspects of the feminist challenge to democracy. Firstly, feminist
arguments have pointed to the male-centred character of democratic theory and
institutions. The customary division between the private and the public realm, feminists
argue, tends to relegate women to the private sphere characterized by subordination to
patriarchal power and lack of freedom, while democracy is restricted to the essentially
male-oriented public sphere. Despite ostensibly universal and gender-neutral categories
of citizenship, women have continued to suffer subordination and exclusion, both within
and outside the family. The availability of rights is further severely compromised for
those belonging to subordinate social groups (e.g., racial or religious or linguistic minorities
or lower castes in India), and especially so for women belonging to these groups. Even
in their most minimal and negative conception, rights are frequently not available to
large numbers of women. Let alone the right to make meaningful choices about one’s
life in accordance with one’s conception of self-realization, basic civil and political liberties
are routinely denied or severely constrained. These include, variously, the free exercise
of the right to franchise, freedom of association and movement, the right to be elected,
reproductive rights, etc.

This is why feminists have sought, secondly, to ‘engender’ democracy, by providing for
greater participation for women in political processes, if need be by quota-based
reservations in political parties or legislatures. The case for quotas is often justified by
an appeal to Anne Phillips’ argument that a politics of ideas (political choice between
the policies and programmes of political parties, rather than on the basis of group concerns
and interests) does not ensure adequate policy concern for groups which are
marginalised or excluded. This suggests the importance of a politics of presence, in
which women, ethnic minorities and other similarly excluded groups are guaranteed fair
representation. In this way, feminists have attempted to rework the theory of democratic

8.6.4 Globalization
The institutions of democracy as we have known it are inextricably linked to the idea of
the sovereign and territorially defined modern nation-state. So are its principles and
practices, whether these pertain to the nature of citizenship or the idea of self-governance
through consent and representation. Thus, a democratic political community is assumed
to be one whose borders are coterminous with those of a territorial nation-state. To the
extent that it entails transcending national borders, globalization is increasingly changing
all this. Globalization, as we know, increases the intensity of transnational flows of
trade, finance, capital, technology, information and even culture. In so doing, it makes it
difficult for democratic governments - particularly in the countries of the South - to
control their own affairs internally and in a self-contained way. The new institutions of
global governance, such as the International Monetary Fund or the World Trade
Organization, perform regulatory functions but are not themselves organised in ways
that are democratic or accountable. On the contrary, they reflect and reinforce the
asymmetries of global power relations.

However, even as the forces of global capital and global institutional power place
limits on democracy as it is practised within nation-states, globalization and the 25
The Modern State and information flows made possible by it do have a certain democratising potential
too. One of the most striking examples of this is the phenomenon called ‘global
civil society’, a term that describes the organizations, associations and movements
which cut across national boundaries, and generate new types of political solidarities
around issues of environmental degradation, or women’s oppression, or human
rights. Of course, these movements and organizations are often criticised because
they are themselves unaccountable. Another form of supranational democracy and
citizenship is found in the creation of regional organizations like the European Union,
which seek to advance models of ‘cosmopolitan democracy’ beyond the nation-state.
Cosmopolitan democrats believe that the era of the sovereign state is coming to an end,
and there are transformative possibilities in globalization and regionalization which can
lead us towards greater and more substantive democratization. Thus, while many people
believe that the nation-state is the most suitable site for the practice of democracy, there
are others who argue that since the practice of power in the world is being rapidly
transformed, the mechanisms of democracy have also to be revisioned and possibly

As we have seen, the evolution and the practice of democracy in the modern world
have varied greatly. Each of the nation-states that today claims to be democratic has
arrived at its own distinctive form of democracy by a quite distinctive route. History,
society and economy are powerful influences shaping democracy, as are democratic
ideas and ideals. It is a mix of the material and the ideological that must explain democracy
anywhere. Both, further, are dynamic forces: material conditions change, but so do the
ideas and visions of what is a democratic, egalitarian and participatory society, and
how it may be brought into existence. In this sense, the struggle for democracy is never
concluded; it just constantly assumes new forms.

1) Differentiate between the ancient and modern forms of democracy.
2) Briefly discuss the historical process of democratization.
3) What are the problems with the principles of democracy? Outline different schools’
criticisms in this respect.
4) What are the contemporary concerns of democratic politics?

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Welfare State
9.3 From Charity to Welfare: The English Experience
9.3.1 Elizabethan Poor Laws

9.3.2 Poverty and Charity : Differing Perspectives

9.3.3 Relief to Services: Change to Welfare

9.4 Social Legislation for Social Control: Germany under Bismarck

9.5 From Benevolence to Community Centred Welfare: The Case of Japan
9.5.1 Taking care of the Urban Poor: Wealthy Merchants and Charity

9.5.2 Confucian Piety and Self-Help: The Ideas of Ninomiya Sontoku

9.5.3 Meiji Welfare Polices: Saving the Samurai or Charity begins at Home

9.5.4 Relief and the Poor: The Dangers of Dependence

9.5.5 Influence of Western Ideas on Japan

9.5.6 National Objectives and Welfare: Strengthening State Control

9.5.7 Private Charity: Emperor and Christian Groups
9.5.8 New Ideas about Relief: Public Responsibility of the State

9.5.9 The Ministry of Health and Welfare: Furthering the War Effort

9.6 Summary
9.7 Exercises

Unit 4 of Block 2 (Theories of State) informed you about a new type of state that had
emerged in the wake of industrialization. This Unit goes into a discussion of one
important feature and function of the modern state: welfare and social responsibilities.
The Unit will argue that in the pre-modern time charity and welfare were tasks that
were generally performed by the family, community or the religious establishment. In
modern times, however, the state looks upon welfare as a part of its responsibility and
handles it in an institutionalized manner.
This Unit will discuss the concept of welfare state and then take up three examples of
welfare states - England, Germany and Japan. In all the three models, the policy makers
faced the same dilemmas on the questions of charity and welfare. For instance, who
should be the real recipients of relief and help from the state? Does relief genuinely help
the poor or promote indolence and idleness among them? How to ensure that the
benefits of relief reach only those who need it? And, how to ensure that it does not
create a group of parasites who would soon become a liability on the system? These 27
The Modern State and questions came up for debate in the context of welfare in the three countries discussed.
These questions are relevant even today. This Unit will give you some idea about how
these unresolved questions were debated by the thinkers and philosophers and what
were the type of welfare measure and institutions, evolved by the three modern state


One of the defining characteristics of the modern state is seen in the responsibility it
takes for the welfare of its citizens. The state regulates social and economic relations to
ensure the well being of all its people. This change from a time when charity and relief
provided by the family, community or Church to social welfare is seen as the process
by which the modern Western European State has progressed and this history is
inextricably linked with the creation of a modern sensibility. In the premodern period, it
is argued, the individual could only appeal to the Church or religious groups, family or
the community when faced with poverty or illness and the causes of poverty were often
seen either in fate or in individual failure. Communities or individuals in distress could
then appeal to the charity or benevolence of the rulers or that of their family or community.
Industrialisation brought with it economic growth but also the growth of urban centres
where an increasing class of people lived at subsistence levels. The modern state began
to tackle the social problems that arose out of this through measures that grew in coverage
both out of a strong sense of humanitarian concern as well as because of a fear of social
unrest. This body of legislation developed the welfare state where not just the poor but
all citizens were entitled to a variety of social benefits such as a minimum wage, access
to public health systems and schemes were established for social insurance such as old
age pensions, or unemployment benefits. The state moved from moral exhortation to
providing assistance to help the disadvantaged and as it did so it took positive steps to
reduce income disparities through taxation and special schemes to benefit those who
were economically or socially disadvantaged.
How does this process take place? Is it a natural progression as societies modernise
and develop? What underlies this humanitarian concern? Some historians would explain
disinterested reform as serving class interests so that the ascendancy of a new class led
people to think in terms of social legislation. Is there a convergence so that all societies
slowly emulate the experience of the European states? The European experience has
become the norm against which to measure the progress of all states but it can be
argued that the history and traditions of a country can act as equally important influences
on the shape and character of welfare policies and the philosophy that underlies them.
Contemporary debates about entitlements and welfare policies both in the United States
and Western Europe as well as in India and other developing countries have been sharp
and acrimonious criticising state assistance for removing incentives for work as well as
for placing an intolerable burden on the state exchequer. Critics have also seen help to
the disadvantaged as a form of ‘reverse discrimination”. These debates highlight the
different approach that countries have followed and an examination of the history of
social legislation will allow us to understand that there is not one ideal system to which
all countries have to aspire to emulate. An examination of English and German social
legislation shows the differing approaches and objectives that the two countries had so
that even when we talk of the West it is important to bear in mind the diversity that this
word often hides. The history of social legislation in Japan shows how a non-Western
society that developed within the period of Western dominance was able to develop a
welfare system that owed as much to the new doctrines and ideas coming from the
West as to its own historical traditions. By considering both Western and non-Western
countries it will be possible to see the complex strands that have contributed to shaping Modern State and
the nature of welfare in the modern world. Welfare


England was the first European country to come under the spell of industrialisation. As
a consequence, it took the lead in modern institutions like democracy and a modern
representative state system: England also had a long tradition of charity. These features
placed England at the centre of any debate on welfare state. In this section we will look
at the English experience of charity and welfare.

9.2.1 Elizabethan Poor Laws

The European experience has been heavily influenced by the experience of Britain
which has had a long history of public assistance to the poor and private charity. The
poor were in earlier times wards of the Church but by Elizabethan period in the sixteenth
century laws were enacted to establish a national system of relief that provided legal
and compulsory help to the poor. The Poor Laws were codified in 1597-1598 and re-
enacted in 1601 and under these laws the parish became the basic unit of administration
to manage relief work. A compulsory tax was imposed on each household and this
money was used to provide relief to the aged, the infirm but not the ‘sturdy beggar’.
The able-bodied poor were punished. Social reformers and social legislation was
concerned with discouraging dependence on charity that would lead to idleness. They
did this through forced work or punishments such as whipping. The principle that the
poor laws were based on was ‘work for those that will labour, punishment for those
that will not, and bread for those who cannot.”
In economic thought the idle poor also represented an intolerable drain on the wealth of
the nation and consequently many schemes were devised to put them to work. Reformers
wrote about workhouses and labour camps and the condition in the workhouses was
designed to be worse than outside. Part of the concern about the drain of wealth was
due to the expenditure on relief works which rose to astronomical heights from £665,000
in 1685 to £900,000 in 1701 and by 1711 it was over £2 million and that for a population
of 6 million!
It was this background that put England far ahead of the other European states in its
concern and policies for the poor. Many travellers were impressed and wrote glowingly
of these polices. Benjamin Franklin came to England in 1766 and praised the way
England looked after her poor but he also raised the question that was much debated in
contemporary England, and which continues to evoke a debate even today. He wrote,
“There is no country in the world where so many provisions are established for them[the
poor]; hospitals, almshouses, a tax for the support of the poor…In short, you offered a
premium for the encouragement of idleness, and you should not now wonder that it has
had its effect in the increase of poverty.
Alexis de Tocqueville, a French scholar visited England in 1833 and wrote a Memoir
on Pauperism (1835) where he wrote “with indescribable astonishment…[that]..one-
sixth of the inhabitants of this flourishing kingdom live at the expense of public charity”.
He was astonished because he saw England as a developed, prosperous country, the
very “Eden of modern civilisation” and noted that other European countries were poorer
and the poor in England rich compared to the European poor but English poverty was

The Modern State and of a different type. This poverty amidst plenty had nothing to do with subsistence but
for the English “the lack of a multitude of things causes poverty”. This was, he wrote,
also accompanied by a commitment to alleviate poverty for ‘society believes itself bound
to come to the aid of those who lack them. These changes brought about a more
reasoned and systematic form of social action to mitigate poverty. It transformed what
was private charity oven out of a moral duty into a legal obligation. Like Franklin before
him Tocqueville noted that the guarantee of the means of subsistence removes the incentive
to work and will promote idleness. Tocqueville, as a result, came out openly in defence
of private charity. Public charity, by marking the recipient as a pauper, he wrote, stigmatises
the recipient as well as creates incentives for idleness. The poor had to write their
names in poor rolls and Tocqueville found this to be, “a notarized manifestation of
misery, of weakness, of misconduct on the part of the recipient.”

9.2.2 Poverty and Charity: Differing Perspectives

Economic development as well as social dislocation marked the capitalist transformation
of the world between 1750-1850. In this situation ideas about relief and charity also
began to change. The reform sentiment that gathered momentum during this period
effected a range of social policies but perhaps the movement against slavery was the
most dramatic of these. Electoral reforms allowed greater participation and in turn
parliament was made more sensitive to popular opinion and became the vehicle for
realising social legislation. The reforms of 1834 set up a Central Poor Commission to
supervise the administration of poor relief that had become inefficient and corrupt. The
able-bodied poor were kept out of relief system through the workhouse test since
conditions in the workhouse were always harsher than outside. Yet these reforms did
establish a system that carried social legislation further by regulating hours and conditions
of work in factories and mines.
Concern for public health had become particularly necessary because of the cholera
epidemics of 1831-3 and 1847-8 but the untiring efforts of Edwin Chadwick were
equally important for a better organisation of urban life. An Act of 1848 established a
central board of health on the lines of the Poor Law Commissioners that had the power
to establish local boards. Other Acts enforced regulations governing education, prison
conditions, and working conditions for children and women. The New Poor Laws
gave rise to intense debates that centre around a distinction between the poor and the
pauper. The laws it was argued was ‘pauperising the poor’. This was because the laws
gave an allowance to the poor. The funds for this allowance were generated through
extra rates levied on tax payers. It was argued that not only did this work as a disincentive
to work but it drove wages down, led to a fall in productivity, and was a burden on
those who paid the extra rates but did not benefit from it. Because of this burden these
people were driven to swell the ranks of unemployed agricultural labour.
The question of who are the poor was central to much of the debates and proposals for
social legislation. At the end of the eighteenth century Edmund Burke had objected to
the phrase ‘labouring poor’ arguing that there were ‘labouring poor’ who worked for
their subsistence and the ‘poor’ who were the sick, infirm, or those orphaned in their
infancy or incapacitated by old age. The Church had given alms regardless of whether
the recipient laboured or not as did the Elizabethan poor laws. It was John Malthus
who introduced an idea of ambiguity. Malthus argued against the idea that an expanding
industrial economy would produce sufficient wealth to provide for the ‘happiness and
comfort of the lower orders of society’. Industrial growth would lead to a growth in
population but agricultural production would not rise leading to a worsening of conditions
for those struggling for subsistence. Any relief given to these paupers would increase
their population and consequently worsen the situation as there would be a decrease in
food available for the entire poor population. The only way to break out of this vicious Modern State and
cycle was through the exercise of ‘moral restraint’. Welfare

It was this type of thinking that supported and sustained programmes of social amelioration
and created a division among social reformers. It was this thinking and these debates
that are reflected in Disraeli’s comment that in England now “Poverty is a crime” or in
Thomas Carlyle’s statement that these laws put a ‘bounty on unthrift, idleness, bastardy
and beer drinking.’ The debates however, also had a positive effect as they shifted
concerns from poverty narrowly defined to larger issues of the obligations of state and
society, of the causes of social inequality, the basis of law and obligation. Thinkers such
as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles argued that inequities in the system could only be
changed through revolutionary change that would give the full value of his labour to the
worker, others sought to return to the old community based systems that had disintegrated
and some others sought to bring about legal restrictions that would regulate factory
work, public health and mitigate the effects of early industrialisation.
As the general condition of the working class began to improve the stigma attached to
poverty began to change and disappear. It was now narrowly focussed on the urban
vagrant whom Henry Mayhew characterised as the ‘peculiar poor’ marked by a
‘distinctive moral physiognomy’. This differentiation of the poor was taken further by
Charles Booth who through careful household surveys, (published as Life and Labour
of the People of London between 1889-1903 in 14 volumes) made a distinction between
the very poor (paupers, street folk) and the comfortable working class. He drew a
poverty line and laid the basis for providing social legislation to help this category of
deserving poor and they benefited from subsequent legislation such as the Old Age
Pensions Act of 1898 or the National Insurance Act of 1911.

9.3.3 Relief to Services: Change to Welfare

Poverty and its relief were now transformed into a social problem that required a different
approach. It was no longer a matter of providing relief but services and these not just to
a particular group of people but to all citizens. Moreover, these were not the bare
minimum required but would soon be set at what the 1945 Labour Party manifesto
called the ‘optimum standard’. Comprehensive social legislation was made a reality
with the Liberal party in 1905 under the leadership of the younger generations of liberals,
Herbert Asquith, David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill and the pressure of trade
unions. They were committed to waging a war against misery and squalor. Under their
leadership an impressive array of legislation was enacted: Workers Compensation Act
(1906), Old Age Pension Laws (1908), Trade Board Acts (1909) that was empowered
to set up special commissions to fix a minimum wage for workers. The National Insurance
Act (1911) which was a contributory scheme for all workers was modelled on
Bismarck’s scheme of 1883-9 and made friendly societies and trade unions ‘approved
societies’ to administer the scheme reflecting the cooperation between state and voluntary
bodies. Similarly measures for town planning were influenced by German laws and the
Education Act of 1902 was an attempt to catch up with the German and French systems
that were far more advanced.
The Liberals also enacted laws to clear slums and build proper houses for the poor in
1909. This aside from improving living conditions also fuelled a construction boom in
the coming years. Lloyd George’s proposed budget of 1909 which was defeated in the
House of Lords was written reflecting this new philosophy of welfare. He provided for
an increase in income tax as well as a super tax on the incomes of the rich. He proposed
to confiscate 20 per cent from unearned increment of land values as well as levied a
heavy tax on undeveloped land. These revenues were to be used for old age pensions
as well as other forms of social insurance. They would also go towards changing the 31
The Modern State and social structure by breaking the monopoly of the rich nobility. There were many big
landowners among the nobility, for instance the Duke of Westminister owned over 600
acres in London at this time. Though defeated the Liberals managed to enact many of
these measures when they came back to power in 1910.
The post war years influenced by the economic crisis and unemployment before the
war and this sense of crisis during the war fuelled the resurgence of left wing movements
all over Europe. People increasingly demanded that the state had an obligation to secure
the well being of its citizens. In 1942 Sir William Beveridge’s Report on Social Insurance
and Allied Services (1942) laid out a practical plan for a comprehensive public protection
of the individual. It was on the basis of this that the Labour government of 1945 enacted
laws that ended the old poor law system and created a social security system that
brought together earlier elements as well as allowed for voluntary schemes as well.
Education had been reorganised through the Butler Act of 1944 and in 1945 a system
of family allowances was started.


In Europe Germany presents an example where a different philosophy helped to
determine the nature of the welfare system. Poor relief had traditionally been left to the
communes but in Prussia systematic efforts were made to provide relief for the poor. In
the Rhine provinces an unsuccessful attempt had been made in 1824 to restrict working
hours of children in factories. They became more concerned when they realised that
these provinces were not contributing their full quota of troops because of physical
problems in the population. The powers to control industry had been taken away from
the guild but after the middle of the century they were given the function of social
insurance. A system of state sponsored education was also developed.
Germany under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck was the first country to adopt
comprehensive social legislation. Bismarck was motivated by a political vision glorifying
the nation and an economic vision that stressed national self-sufficiency and paternalism.
He also sought to counter the threat posed by the demands of a socialist movement. In
the Reichstag he stated clearly that the purpose of enacting legislation to provide insurance
against sickness and old age to workers was so that ‘these gentlemen [Social Democrats]
will sound their bird call in vain. The workers health was important to the nation because
the worker was also the soldier that protected the state. The duty of the State, according
to Bismarck was to regulate all aspects of life in the national interest. To make the
nation strong it was necessary to help the weaker citizens.
The logic of the Bismarckian view can be traced to the changes brought about during
the French Revolution when the levee en masse or universal conscription was introduced
in August 1793 and then continued in the Law of Conscription 1798. The state now
had the right to call up all its citizens to defend it. Now wars became conflicts between
nations so that in democratic societies just as the state could call up all its citizens to
defend it, it became the duty of the state to look after the welfare of its people. The
scope of the revolutionary government in France reflected this new relationship as it
carried out policies to improve and assist its people even abolishing slavery in the colonies.
As David Thompson writes, “This connection between the necessities of warfare and
the development of welfare was to remain constant throughout subsequent European
Bismarck’s motives have been debated and it has been noted that he never mentioned
social legislation in his memoirs. However, that is not a reliable guide because even as
Minister President of Prussia in 1862-63 he had begun to think of insurance plans for Modern State and
workers so that the subsequent legislation he initiated grew out of this earlier thinking. Welfare
Certainly Bismarck tried hard to eradicate socialism, just as hard as he tried to control
the Catholic Church, as a force in German political life. The anti-Socialist law of 1878
however failed to curb the growth of socialism and was allowed to lapse in 1890.
The German welfare system codified earlier voluntary activities by guilds, parishes and
benefit societies through laws passed between 1883 and 1889, sought to provide
insurance for urban workers against sickness, accident and problems of old age. These
were further extended in 1911 to non-industrial workers such as agricultural workers
and domestic servants so that in 1913 around fourteen and a half million people were
insured. Laws regulating factories and child labour came in 1914 and unemployment
insurance for workers only in 1924. In fact the German welfare system provided the
most comprehensive protection to workers in all of Europe and became a model that
many copied.
State Preserving Policies: Combating Socialism through Legislation
During 1883-84 Germany enacted social legislation that provided for factory inspection,
limited the employment of women and children, fixed minimum hours of work, established
public employment agencies and insured workers for their old age. Except for
unemployment insurance Germany under Bismarck had adopted all the elements of
welfare legislation. These measures were adopted because as the Emperor stated in
the Reichstag in February 1879, while introducing the anti-socialist law of 21 October,
1878 that this House would not refuse its cooperation to the remedying of social ills by
means of legislation. A remedy cannot alone be sought in the repression of socialist
excesses; there must be simultaneously the positive advancement of the welfare of the
working class. And here the care of those workpeople who are incapable of earning
their livelihood is of the first importance. The statement added to the Accident Insurance
Bill, March 1881 explained the motives of the legislation in clear terms that the state:
should interest itself to greater degree than hitherto in those of its members who need
assistance, is not only a duty of and Christianity - by which state institutions should be
permeated - but a duty of state-preserving policy, whose aim should be to cultivate the
conception - and that, too, amongst nonpropertied classes, which form at once the
most numerous and the least instructed part of the population - that the state is not
merely a necessary but a beneficent institution. These classes must, by the evident and
direct advantages which are secured to them by legislative measures, be led to regard
the state not as an institution contrived for the protection of the better classes of society,
but as one serving their own needs and interests.
In Europe other countries also followed this path to cope with the democratisation of
politics. France enacted a law to regulate the employment of women and children and
it fixed ten hours a day as the maximum for all workers. Working hours were further
reduced in 1905. Other laws instituted free medical services, protection to labour unions
and compensation for work related injuries from the employers and finally in 1910 an
old age pension system. The Italian government also passed similar laws, except it did
not provide free medical services though it encouraged co-operative stores and provided
nationalised life insurance.


Unlike these polices that were marked by obligatory help on a long term basis in pre-
modern Japan ideas of welfare were based on an ideology of benevolent rule where the
ruler helped to mitigate the suffering of his people through timely help. To demonstrate 33
The Modern State and his compassion and re-assert his moral authority the ruler would provide relief. Relief
usually followed bad harvests and often vast sums were used to purchase rice that was
distributed to the people. By the early nineteenth century such aid was supplemented
by construction projects that provided work. The nature of this relief was grounded in
a hierarchical relationship between the lord and his people but this was also reinforced
by the demands of political stability. Peasants hit by famine posed a threat to social and
political stability so benevolence became a vital political instrument.
The rulers saw the political necessity of ameliorating the effects of disaster but their
benevolence was not unlimited. The people who could be helped were limited to those
who had no one to turn to such as orphans and the destitute. It was not meant for the
able-bodied for whom moral exhortations to be diligent and thrifty were the favoured
panacea. Relief measures were carried out mostly through the family and the community.
Since taxes were paid collectively the richer families were motivated to help the weaker
and poorer. However, the authorities, domain or central actively encouraged and helped
to set up institutions to provide help in calamitous times. In some domains granaries
were set up in villages to provide rice during emergencies and charity was encouraged
by official commendation.

9.5.1 Taking care of the Urban Poor: Wealthy Merchants

and Charity
Pre-modern Japan had a high proportion of its population living in urban centres. The
capital Edo (now called Tokyo) had over a million people at its height and Kyoto and
Osaka a population of approximately half a million each and there were over dozen
large castle towns. These urban centres attracted people from the countryside and
inevitably a class of vagabonds and those with no fixed work grew. The cities mostly
administered directly by the Shogunate set up relief shelters in the mid-seventeenth
century. These provided temporary help after which the people were sent back to their
villages. These gradually became permanent facilities by the late seventeenth and early
eighteenth century. In the late eighteenth century a type of workhouse was started in
Edo where the aim was to help those without a criminal background to learn new skills
and become gainfully employed. This was in part a reaction to famine as well as urban
riots. The inmates were also given a course of practical ethics to ensure that they were
provided the appropriate moral basis to develop their lives.
Along with this a fund was created for providing temporary relief during emergencies as
well as on-going help for the aged, children and the ill without relatives. The scale of the
help provided can be gauged from the fact that in 1805 about 4 out of 1,000 townspeople
in Edo received help. This relief system was sustained by a special tax and managed by
wealthy merchants. This was then compared to Shogunal benevolence a more public
and sustained relief system than the measures practised in the villages that tended to
deal with specific emergencies.

9.5.2 Confucian Piety and Self-Help: The Ideas of Ninomiya

The development of such institutions was accompanied by ideas about how to tackle
poverty and provide aid to the downtrodden, poor and destitute. Ninomiya Sontoku
(1787-1856) was the most famous of the philosophers coming out of a prosperous
farming family who advocated self-help. He and other reformers like him preached
Confucian ideas of filial piety and diligence but they did not see the social order as
static. They argued that even poor peasants by working hard, being thrifty and improving
productivity by using new agricultural methods could improve their lot and become
wealthy. However, it must be noted that while promoting self-help they did not see the
self as the individual but rather as the community. This led them to be critical of charity Modern State and
as counterproductive and they placed their emphasis on mutual assistance as well as Welfare
interest free loans. So in 1830 Ninomiya Sontoku wrote, “Grants in money, or release
from taxes, will in no way help them in their distress. Indeed, one secret of their salvation
lies in withdrawing all monetary help from them. Such help only induces avarice and
indolence, and is a fruitful source of dissension among the people.”

These were the different strands that together with the new ideas coming from the West
that shaped the intellectual and institutional forms that welfare measures would take in
the modern period. What does emerge is that certain key elements had been clearly
formulated and these underlie much of the contemporary writing on the subject. These
elements are that the problem of poverty can only be resolved through the joint efforts
of the community and the state, the fear that relief would lead to laziness and dependence
on state help and that moral suasion was an important element in resolving the problem
of poverty.

9.5.3 Meiji Welfare Polices: Saving the Samurai or Charity

begins at Home
The creation of the modern state in Japan began after the restoration of 1868 when the
Tokugawa Shogunate was overthrown and the Meiji Government established. The
Meiji government instituted a series of measures to set up the institutional structure of a
modern state system grounded in the belief that it was the responsibility of the state to
create a strong and prosperous country. As in many other areas the idea of welfare was
heavily influenced by the earlier notions of giving relief to the needy thus the government
responded to disasters and helped those without support. The biggest beneficiaries of
state aid by the new Meiji government were the samurai, the erstwhile ruling group that
as a class had seen its incomes decline. The government alive to the potential of political
disruption instituted a scheme to commute their land rents into government bonds that
would enable them to make the transition.

Government practices were also influenced by the examples now available to them
from Europe. Thus the Agricultural distress fund Law of 1880 which set up reserve
funds to provide grants or loans to those affected by bad harvests was modelled on
regulations in effect in Prussia. Under this law during 1881-1886 over three million
affected people were helped and another million families received grants. The success
of this was praised in German newspapers of the day but this fund was severely curtailed
after 1890 when the state withdrew its contributions. Other groups of poor who did not
constitute a political threat were not so generously looked after.

9.5.4 Relief and the Poor: Dangers of Dependence

The Meiji government’s centralisation policies found in civic institutions alternative centres
of power that needed to be curtailed. Thus the fund managed by the wealthy merchants
of Edo was abolished in 1872 despite the massive relief work it had done during the
turmoil of the Meiji restoration. The basic law that looked after the welfare of the poor
was the Relief Regulations of 1874. This law aimed to provide small assistance to the
poor but because conditions for giving relief were so stringent that actually very few
received it. In 1876 only 2,521 received it and by 1892 it had gone up to only 18,545
and this despite years of recession and distress. The idea that state welfare could debilitate
the recipient remained very strong. Thus the Home Ministry wrote that ‘if the elderly,
sick, poor and decrepit grow accustomed to relief, in the end, will not good people
lapse into idleness and lose their spirit of independence and, in particular, become
reliant on the government.” 35
The Modern State and
Politics 9.5.5 Influence of Western Ideas on Japan
Ideas about poverty began to be influenced by western writings where the influence of
John Malthus Essay on Population gave rise to a vast literature against public assistance
programmes. In books such as Henry Fawcett’s Pauperism: Its causes and remedies
it was argued that poverty was due to individual failing and the answer was in self-
improvement rather than government assistance. Similarly, Fukuzawa Yukichi, arguably
one of the most influential Meiji thinkers, argued for a national relief law, on the basis of
England’s New Poor Law of 1834 but only if it served to take people off state assistance.
This thinking was reflected, in the reduction of public relief by state bodies. In 1881 the
Tokyo Prefectural assembly stopped funds for free medical treatment and the first
popularly elected Imperial Diet of 1890 attacked the government’s poor relief bill.
English liberalism and ideas of laissez-faire (non-interventionism) helped to buttress
government desire to reduce expenditure on poor relief. The government sought to
ensure that relief would be managed through the community and the family and in this
the Civil Code of 1898 provided explicit support. In other words the state intervened
to force family and neighbours to aid the poor. The state worked through private relief
efforts in time of emergencies and this policy proved successful because Japan was still
largely an agrarian society. The number of farm households declined slowly till WWII
and this meant that family, community and mutual assistance networks continued to
function effectively.
The mid-1880’s witnessed economic recession and social problems so much so that
the question of poverty and how to eliminate it became a central focus of discussion
and debate. The influence of Bismarck’s social policies in Germany provided an alternative
route for some of the leading Japanese thinkers and bureaucracy involved in formulating
policy. They argued that it was the responsibility of the State to raise productivity and
maintain order and for this the health and well being of its population was an integral
element. Bureaucrats influenced by these ideas wanted a European style welfare
programme in which public assistance and social insurance for workers would be
provided. The first attempt to modify the Relief Regulations, along European lines,
where central funds would be disbursed through municipalities was defeated.
Redefining Japanese Welfare: The Difference from Europe
In Japan in 1902 when another attempt to propose a poor relief bill was made critics
argued that it would encourage indolence, drain resources and increase the number of
poor. A man who represented this new thinking was Inoue Tomoichi, who had made a
close study of the welfare systems practised in Europe and written extensively on them.
In his various official positions he was to exercise a great influence on policy formation.
Now they began to define Japanese policy in terms of its difference from England,
Germany and other European countries. Their concern was how to prevent the rise of
poverty that seemed to accompany industrialisation and for this they argued that welfare
is not a right but an act of mercy by the State and will be given by the central government.
The healthy poor will be excluded unlike Europe where there was an on-going relief
system for the healthy and able bodied poor.
Here arguments were advanced that Japan was different from the West because in
Japan the family was the important unit rather than the individual. This was the reason
for a low population of poor and helped to keep relief expenditure by the state down as
well. They saw England as the prime example of escalating welfare expenditure. In this
they were successful as the number of welfare recipients was brought down so that in
1903 it was only 3 in 10,000 Japanese. There were subsequent cuts in the central
budget and the responsibility was shifted to municipalities so that even as the population
rose and inflation grew welfare expenditures fell. Government efforts were directed at Modern State and
preventing poverty through moral instruction. Welfare

The idea that poverty could be reduced through a proper moral curriculum and training
was in part a product of the influence of the British Fabian socialists Beatrice and
Sydney Webb. Beatrice Webb’s Minority Report to the Royal Commission on the
Poor Law (1905-1909) argued for abolishing the Poor law. Their jointly written book
The Prevention of Destitution, (1911) suggested that while preventive measures such
as minimum wages, education, medical services were important there was also an equally
important need to reform the habits of the unemployed. In line with this thinking the
Webbs when they visited Japan emphasised to their hosts the need to prevent the poor
from developing the idea that relief was a matter of right.
9.5.6 National Objectives and Welfare: Strengthening State
The period after the Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905) saw government policies
successfully integrating and linking the individual and the state. Policies were directed at
directing individual effort to fulfil national objectives and welfare polices too were drafted
within this framework. Rather than poor relief the government focussed in rebuilding
the community as with urbanisation and industrialisation community and village bonds
had loosened if not withered away. The growth of slums in urban centres reflected the
growing numbers of poor workers. In the Local Improvement Campaign (1906-1918)
the government used municipalities as well as private organisations to organise community
groups such as the local “repaying virtue societies (hotokusha) The government also
encouraged local leaders to undertake social work and to that end sponsored seminars
at the national and local level to teach them how to go about doing this. It also established
in 1908 a central Charity Association to study issues of poverty and carry out relief
9.5.7 Private Charity: Emperor and Christian Groups
The government guided private work because as they said unlike the West Japan did
not have a long tradition of private charity. Christian groups played a very important
part both in setting up orphanages and other charitable institutions and in influencing
government policy on moral reform. It was Christians such as Tomeoka Kosuke, a
social reformer who were active in introducing the ideas of Ninomiya Sontoku that
hard work and thrift would eliminate poverty.
The Imperial household also played a large role in contributing to welfare activities
through donations. These were directed through private organisations and often
motivated by a desire to curb radical political movements. Thus the largest donations
were made in 1910 when twelve socialists were executed for allegedly trying to kill the
Emperor. In terms of the amount of money spent private institutions continued to play
a major role but the state managed many of the voluntary bodies often forcing people to
donate. The thinking behind government policies continued to be that relief was not a
matter of right.

9.5.8 New Ideas about Relief: Public Responsibility of the State

The years following WWI saw the emergence of Japan as a major political actor on the
international scene. Internally the expansion of the economy also helped to sharpen
social problems. Japanese bureaucrats as well as reformers began to now look for
welfare models in Britain, Weimar Germany and the United States. Relief work had
been supervised by the Bureau of Local Affairs but by 1920 a Bureau of Social Affairs
was established which looked after poor relief, veteran’s assistance, children’s welfare 37
The Modern State and and unemployment. The bureaucrats in these offices had a different viewpoint. They
argued that in these new times it was no longer possible to rely on family or
neighbourhood for relief. The state must spend resources on ensuring public assistance.
They saw society as the unit at which poverty could be tackled and this view was
grounded in social theories emanating from Europe that said the state had a public
responsibility. However, even while the state’s obligation to relieve poverty now became
the key element in social policy earlier ideas were not jettisoned and the family system
continued to be stressed. Also the idea that public assistance must not create dependency
continued to be a major strain in official documents as well as in the thinking of reformers.
The Bureau managed to institute labour exchanges (1921) workers health insurance
(1922) restrictions on work hours for children, women (1923) mandatory retirement
age and severance pay (1936) and seaman’s insurance (1938). While debates continued
about what system to adopt and various commissions studied European practices the
district commissioner system developed in Osaka was an innovative contribution. In
each school district the government selected a local notable or person of virtue. Each of
these unpaid commissioners was responsible for two hundred households. They in turn
elected representatives to an Executive Council which met once a month. The
commissioners surveyed the poor in their area, provided counsel and helped organise
relief funds or medical care and other social services. This system spread so that by
1931 district commissioners were in 43 prefectures and by 1942 there were nearly
74,560 commissioners (4,537 of them women). Nearly all the municipalities had adopted
this system by 1942.
The district commissioner system became the cornerstone of social policy because it
was cost effective and allowed timely intervention to help families in a variety of ways
ranging from advice on better household management to medical care or providing
relief. The commissioners could also help to correct household registers as they tracked
down relatives who could provide support to destitute relatives. These commissioners
came from the middle classes rather than the local notables who had been the earlier
focus of relief systems.

9.5.9 The Ministry of Health and Welfare: Furthering the War

The district commissioners system was followed by the Relief and Protection Law
(1929) which was not in any way different in its assumptions from the earlier relief
regulations but with the war in China the government established the Ministry of Health
and Welfare, at the suggestion of the Army Ministry. The military wanted an efficient
health policy for not only its soldiers but for the people from whom it drew its soldiers.
The revised Military Assistance Law of 1937 provided for assistance with minimal
requirements. Moreover, the assistance was not channelled through the family and the
recipient did not lose his right to vote. Unlike earlier systems this did not make it difficult
for the poor to seek state relief. Through the war all systems including the district
commissioners system were directed towards the war effort. This helped in providing
welfare facilities for the general population rather than just the poor. For instance, day
care centres were provided for all children, as was medical care allowances to fatherless
families and finally in 1938 a National Health Insurance Law that covered the whole
population was passed. The war years while they did see a broadening of the scope of
social legislation did neglect the destitute and infirm because it concentrated on the
mobilising the nation for the war effort.
Japan’s social legislation did not achieve the levels of Britain, the United States or many
countries in Europe till after WWII. The history of its pre-war system shows that
38 indigenous institutions and practices played an important role in shaping social legislation
often incorporating and building on West European and United States policies. Equally Modern State and
Japanese policy makers changed and adapted these ideas to suit their objectives. Welfare

Surveying the history of state concern for the welfare of the people shows the varying
paths that countries have taken influenced by their histories and traditions. The traditional
concerns whether of relief and charity or of benevolence guided the thinking of rulers
and ruled in their understanding of how to better the conditions of the poor and infirm.
In the eighteenth century the capitalist transformation of the world created a global
economy. The expansion of the economies of the European powers not only allowed
them to carve the world into colonial enclaves but also created a larger class of people
who benefited from this expansion within their own countries. The British Reform Acts
of 1867 and 1883, for instance, expanded the electorate from 3 per cent to 29 per
cent. This expansion changed the terms of political debate forcing the state to forge
new forms of legitimacy.
Humanitarian concerns became politically important. Earlier such concerns had
been expressed through the family or community, particularly religious organisations, or
had been seen as acts of benevolence in times of calamity. Now the state began to see
the need to provide social legislation to not only provide relief during disasters but also
to improve living conditions and reduce subordination and exploitation and accommodate
increased political participation. This did not follow a uniform pattern. In Germany and
Japan social legislation became a vital element in the policy of social control. In this
welfare legislation was a way of strengthening national power. However, the general
democratisation of politics and greater political participation through the electoral process
changed the forms of social control and placed greater reliance on internalised moral
and cultural mechanisms. Relief and charity expanded and were transformed through
social legislation that sought to provide for the needs of all its citizens from ‘cradle to
grave’. The questions that were raised when these policies were initially formulated still
remain, namely, does state support lead to dependence and loss of initiative, are the
financial costs placing an unacceptable burden on those who do not benefit from these
policies, and do entitlements or reservations create special interest groups. These
questions are still with us and are far from resolved, one way or the other. Even though
we do not have the answer, we at least know that these questions are important even
today and will continue to attract attention so long as economic disparities persist in the

1) How was welfare as practised in Britain different from that practised in Germany?
2) What were the various ideas that were propagated on the concept of welfare?
3) Write an essay on the welfare measures taken in Japan.

10.1 Introduction
10.2 What is a Nation: How are Nations Formed
10.3 Nationalism
10.3.1 Defining Nationalism
10.3.2 Emergence of State and Nation
10.3.3 Agrarian Society
10.3.4 Industrial Society

10.4 Stages of Nationalism: Types of Nationalism

10.4.1 Gellner’s Typology

10.4.2 Anthony Smith’s Typology

10.5 Nationalism in South Asia

10.6 Summary
10.7 Exercises

We live in a world that is very nationalist though not in the sense of the world having
become one nation. The world today is very nationalist in the sense that nationalism has
clearly emerged as the most dominant political force during the course of the last two
centuries. There is no individual or a piece of territory that is not a part of some nation-
state or the other. It is therefore important to try and understand this phenomenon. This
Unit proposes to discuss the following issues:
l What is nation and how were nations formed
l What is nationalism and what is its relationship with nations and nation-states
l The ways in which nationalism has altered the political map of the modern world
l What are the different types of nations that have dotted the modern world
A great paradox of nationalism is that its political power is strangely accompanied by its
philosophical poverty. Although the political salience of nationalism is now acknowledged
by all, it did not receive much of a scholarly attention that it deserved, until the 1960s.
The great nationalist experience of the world remained curiously untheorized until the
1960s. Now that the works on nationalism have poured in, in a big way, we do not as
yet have anything like the final word or even a consensus position on it. According to
Benedict Anderson, a pioneering scholar on nationalism, the question of nations and
nationalism ‘finds the authors more often with their backs to one another, staring out at
different, obscure horizons, than engaged in orderly hand-to-hand combat.’ (Quoted in
Gopal Balakrishnan (ed.), Mapping the Nalion, p.1. It is also strange that those
scholars, who fully acknowledge the historical legitimacy, reality and political validity of
nationalism, refer to it as an ‘invented tradition’ (Eric Hobsbawm, Nations and
Nationalism), ‘imagined community’ and a ‘cultural artifact’ and sometimes also as a Nationalism
‘myth’ (Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities). The variety of issues that are
still hotly debated relates to the antiquity of nations. Have nations been in existence
through the centuries of human history or are they the products only of its modern
phase. The various positions on it can be broadly divided between what might be called
the modernists, who believe nations to be a modern phenomenon, and the primordialists,
who tend to trace the history of nations to the pre-modern period.


Are nations formed or is humanity inherently blessed with nations? In other words, are
nations a contingency or are they an integral part of human condition? Understandably
most nationalists (nationalist ideologues, writers, poets or practitioners of nationalist
politics) have tended to look upon nations as given and somewhat perennial. These
nations, according to nationalist perception, only needed to be aroused from their deep
slumber by the agent called nationalism. In the traditional nationalist perception the role
of nationalism has been seen as that of an ‘awakener’ who makes nations rise from
their deep slumber. In the nationalist discourse nations appear like sleeping beauties
waiting for their prince charming! What is missing in this understanding is the process
through which nations themselves arrive in this world. Nations were not always there;
they emerged at some point. It is therefore important not to see nationalism in its own
Definitions on nations have been quite scarce. It would be true to say that nations have
been described much more than they have been defined. Perhaps the earliest attempt
to define a nation was made in 1882 by Ernest Renan, a French scholar. He defined
nation, as a human collectively brought together by will, consciousness and collective
memory (and also common forgetfulness, or a collective amnesia). He called the nation
as an exercise in everyday plebiscite. The strength of Renan’s definition lay in providing
a voluntaristic (as against naturalistic) component to the understanding of nation. He
forcefully rejected the notion that nations were created by natural boundaries like
mountains, rivers and oceans. He emphasized the role of human will and memory in the
making of a nation. A human collectivity or grouping can will itself to form a nation. The
process of the creation of a nation is not dependent upon any natural or objective
criteria and a nation, in order to be, is not obliged to fulfil any of the objection conditions.
Renan’s understanding of nation, pioneering though it was, could be criticized on three
accounts. One, it overlooked the specificity of nations as a unique form of human
grouping. Whereas Renan defined a nation well, he defined many non- nations as well,
or groups that could not be considered nations - actual or potential. By his definition,
any articulate, self-conscious human group with some degree of living together (a club,
a band of thieves, residents of a locality, students living in a hostel or a university) could
be called a nation. Will and consciousness are elements which can be found in many
(indeed most) human groupings. This definition helps to identify a greater number of
human groupings but does not go very far in distinguishing nations (actual or potential)
from non- nations. It is a definition-net which, when cast into the sea of human groupings,
captures the nations but also many obvious non- nations. It successfully lists all the
possible human groupings which have the potential of developing into nations, but doesn’t
explain precisely which ones actually do. Two, the question about the role of
consciousness in the making of nation is a bit tricky and complex. Consciousness must
The Modern State and certainly assume the object that it is conscious of. As Karl Deustch remarked, there has
to be something to be conscious of (Quoted in Gopal Balakrishnan, Mapping the
Nalion, p.79) . In other words, nations have to first exist, if people have to develop the
will and consciousness of belonging to that unit. Consciousness can only follow the
making of the nation, not precede it. And if the emergence of the consciousness is of a
later date than the making of a nation, then certainly consciousness cannot be seen as
having contributed to the making of the nation. Consciousness can at best describe a
nation, not define it. This then is the great paradox about the role of will and consciousness
in the making of the nation. A human collectivity called the nation cannot exist without
‘human will’ (As Renan rightly pointed out); yet factors pertaining to will and
consciousness cannot be sufficiently invoked to define a nation. The polemical question
on their relationship will be: does a national create its own consciousness or does the
consciousness create the nation? Three, it was rightly pointed out that coming from
France (culturally a fairly homogeneous society that already possessed some of the
features of a nation) Renan may have taken the objective factors (like language, territory
etc.) that went into the making of a nation, for granted. Renan considered nations to be
a specifically Western European attribute. In other words, nations, according to Renan,
could only emerge in societies that were already culturally homogenous. That
heterogeneous groups could also evolve (or invent, or sometimes even fabricate)
homogeneity in their journey towards acquiring nationhood, was something that was
not very clear to Renan.
A significant corrective to Renan’s understanding was provided by Joseph Stalin in
1912. Stalin offered a much sharper and comprehensive understanding of nations.
Nation, according to Stalin, was a human collectivity sharing a common territory,
language, economic life and a psychological make-up. His complete definition in his
own words: ‘A nation is a historically constituted, stable community of people,
formed on the basis of the a common language, territory, economic life and
psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.’ Stalinist definition
consisted of objective yardsticks as against the subjective factors enumerated by Renan.
However, the Stalinist definition was not entirely without problems and he may have
over stressed the role of factors like language and territory. Stalin may not have taken
into consideration the capacity of many human groups to form nations without already
being blessed by either a single language or a common territory. Jews in the 20th century,
scattered through Europe and America and completely devoid of a territory they could
call their own, nonetheless possessed the necessary prerequisites of a nation, without
fulfilling some of Stalin’s criteria (though they would fulfil Renan’s).
If Renan’s definition-net was too wide catching nations as well as many non- nations,
Stalin’s net tended to be a bit narrow, leaving out significant nations though it eliminated
the risk of catching non- nations. It should then be possible to look upon Renan and
Stalin as complementing rather than contradicting each other. The question then is: do
Renan and Stalin, put together, cover the entire spectrum? Can an assemblage of the
two definitions be considered adequate in identifying all the nations (actual and potential)
of the world? Perhaps not.
The problem with both sets of definitions is that they are both completely rooted in
Western European experience and thus leave out of their orbit a significant number of
national formations which may not have shared a common territory or even language
(e.g. Jews in the early 20th century, Indian Muslims in the 1940s, Poles in the late 19th
century etc.). The western European experience of nation is linked directly to state and
territory. Therefore drawing upon this experience, these definitions have tended to see
nations in precisely these terms. But there is no reason for us to take such a restricted
view of nations. The trajectories of national formations is a varied one and this variety
needs to be grasped and retained: some nations inherit empires and slice pieces of Nationalism
nation-states for themselves; some nations inherits states and turn them into nation-
states; some nations inherit nothing - no state, no empire, no territory, no single language
- and fight (not always successfully) for the creation of a nation-state. It is important to
acknowledge the possibility of nations exiting without a pre-existing state and fighting
precisely to create a state of their own. These have often been referred to as ethnic
nations as against territorial nations. This distinction (between ethnic nations and territorial
nations) may or may not be valid, but there is no reason for us to privilege one variety
of nations over the other.
The range that is covered by the two definitions mentioned about is immense but by no
means complete. Stalin and Renan certainly represent two ends of the spectrum.
Whereas it is true that both ‘will’ and ‘culture’ should constitute important components
in any definition of nation, neither or even both can be treated as adequate. ‘Will’
creates too large a package of nations and non- nations; language and territory tend to
leave out significant nations. The former is too inclusive, the latter too exclusive. In fact
both the components put together are not able to accommodate all nations. What then
is the crucial element missing? It is here that Ernest Gellner provides the answer. In the
ultimate analysis, nations are best understood in the spirit of nationalism. Contrary to
popular belief it is not nations that lead to nationalism, but that nations are created by
nationalism. Nations are not the product of some antiquity or the working of some
distant historical forces (not always anyway) but they are the creation of nationalism, in
alliance with certain other factors. Human grouping may possess the characteristics
enumerated by Renan and Stalin, but they acquire nationhood only when they are imbued
with the spirit of nationalism. So nations are created by the objective naturalist factors
like common language, territory, history economic life; along with voluntaristic factors
like will, consciousness and memory; and nationalism. A particular nation is created
by its nationalism. The relationship between the two is somewhat like the proverbial
egg and the chicken. It is difficult to determine what came first but easy to predict that
they constantly reproduce each other.
The three components - will (Renan), culture (Stalin) and ideology (Gellner) - thus
complete our definition of nation. The writings of the three scholars mentioned above
(Ernest Renan, Joseph Stalin and Ernest Gellner) are stretched over a period of 100
years. Renan wrote his piece in 1882 and Gellner provided his definition in 1983. We
can thus say that a comprehensive definition of nation that is available with us today,
took over a century to evolve and is the result of a combination of many intellectual

Nation and Their Navels

On the question – how old are the nations? – there is an interesting debate between
Anthony Smith and Ernest Gellner, two scholars on nationalism. Gellner belonged
to the modernist lobby that firmly believed that nations were a modern creation i.e.
they were the product of the modern industrial world. Pre-modern world may
have occasionally thrown up nation-like formations (Kurds, Somalis or even
Marathas and Rajputs in medieval India) but they were rare and did not always
fulfil all the conditions. Modern world, on the other hand, is bound to (or condemned
to) be divided between nations. Smith’s argument was that this modernist position
was somewhat insensitive to the roots, pre-history, cultural traditions, historical
memories and heritages that have coalesced over generations which too have
gone into the making of nations. For instance, 19th century Greek nationalism was
shaped as much by the heritage of Byzantine imperial authority as by the classical
democratic antiquity. Smith’s argument was that nations may not have been produced
entirely by the pre-existing ethnic ties, but these ties shaped the nature of nations 43
The Modern State and as much as the modern conditions characterized by industrialism, mass literacy,
social mobility etc. Smith’s critique of the modernist position was not that it was
wrong but that it told only half the story, leaving out the other – equally important –

Gellner’s classic response to this was to invoke the 19th century debate between
the creationists and evolutionists on the origins of mankind after Charles Darwin
had made his famous theory on the evolution of mankind. The crux of the debate,
according the Gellner, was whether Adam had a navel or not. If Adam was created,
as Biblical wisdom would have us believe, he need not have a navel. In other
words, the absence of a navel would prove the creationist theory, because, apart
from indicating the process through which we arrive in this world, navel serves no
other purpose and it is possible for man to live navel-less. In order to live, man
needs, not a navel, but a digestive and a respiratory system. It is the same story
with nations. Do nations have genuine pre-existing navels (cultural traditions, ethnic
ties, historical memories etc.) or do they invent them? Gellner’s conclusion was
that some nations may possess genuine navels, but most don’t and they actually
invent navels. Moreover it is possible for some nations to exist and flourish without
any navels (Albania in the 19th century). Thus the absence of a navel is no great
disadvantage just like its presence does not necessarily mean any great advantage.
Nations can live navel-lessly without encountering any serious problems in their
lives. So, whereas on the origin of mankind, the evolutionists got it right, on the
origin of nations, the creationists (in other words modernists) got it right. If the
modernist position told only half the story, Gellner concluded, that was the half that
was important and the rest (like Adam’s navel) did not matter.

Since our definition of nations has become so crucially dependent on nationalism, we
need to answer the question: what is nationalism? In this section we would attempt to
provide a definition of nationalism. We will then discuss the emergence of state and
nation as constitutive elements in our understanding of nationalism and nation-state.

10.3.1 Defining Nationalism

Strangely enough, a lack of consensus on the question of nation does not quite extend
to the question of nationalism. For a global definition of nationalism, it is best to again
depend on Ernest Gellner: ‘Nationalism is political principle that holds that national
and political units should be congruent.’ Among the scholars who have grappled
with the problem of nation and nationalism, he really stands out for a variety of reasons.
Most of them have begun their enquiry by first trying to define nation, and from there
they have gone on to define nationalism as the articulation of the nation (the desire for
autonomy, unity, identity of the unit called nation, already defined). Gellner is probably
the only one who has begun his enquiry by first defining nationalism and then having
moved on to nation. His definition of nationalism covers, at one stroke, national sentiment,
thinking, consciousness, ideology and movement. The definition is simple and profound.
If the two concepts employed in it - political unit and national unit - are dejargonized
to mean state and nation, respectively, it becomes even simpler. We, living in modern
times, tend to take nation and state for granted and moreover, tend to taken them to be
more or less the same thing. We do so because they appear to us as very nearly the
same things. But there is no reason for us to believe that the two may have always been
the same thing, or to use Gellner’s words, they may have always been congruent. After
all, their congruence is not a condition given to us; it is the insistence of the agent called
nationalism. For this coming together of state and nation, there are clearly three pre- Nationalism
conditions - there should be a state; there should be a nation; and finally, they should be
nationalism to tell the other two that they are meant for each other and cannot live
without each other. In other words, the present day congruence of nation and state
(emergence of nation-state) is a product of three specific development in human history.
When did the three happen in human history? Let us now focus on the emergence of
state and nation as preconditions to the development of nation-state. As mentioned
earlier we look upon nationalism as a modern phenomenon and understand it to be
rooted in the transformation of the world from agrarian to industrial. We need to therefore
answer two questions: Why did nationalism not emerge during the agrarian period?
What was it about the industrial society that necessitated the emergence of nationalism?
In this section we will also try and answer these questions by pointing out some salient
features of the agrarian society and of the industrial society.

10.3.2 Emergence of State and Nation

State, as the centralized, power wielding agency, did not arrive in this world for a very
long time; it may sound improbable but is true that mankind, for most of its life - about
99 percent, lived happily without a state. Human society, in its pre-agrarian stage, was
a stateless society. Societies were small; forms of organization were simple; division of
labour was elementary. The nature of exchange, wherever it existed, was such as could
be managed easily by people themselves without having to resort to any central authority.
People did not need a state and, as a result, did not have one. The pre-condition for the
arrival of the state, and therefore nationalism, simply did not exist.
The first agrarian revolution - indeed the first revolution known to mankind-initiated the
first major transformation in human life. It liberated a section of the population from
having to fend for themselves; it could now be done by others. Those who were freed
from the need to procure food for themselves were obliged to do other things. A division
of labour came into being. With the passage of time this division become more complex.
The availability of large surplus, segregated people from each other. Groups of people
were separated and stratified. A state came into being to maintain law and order,
collect surplus, resolve disputes when the need arose, and, of course, to regulate the
exchange mechanism. Of course, not all agrarian societies had a state; only those with
an elaborate division of labour did. Simple agrarian societies resembling their pre-agrarian
ancestors, could still manage without one. State, at this stage of human history, was an
option, and as an option, was crucially dependent upon the existing division of labour.
A hypothetical anti-state citizen of the medieval world could still hope that under
conditions of a stable division of labour, state might be dispensed with. Our medieval
anti-state protagonist would certainly have been disappointed, if he had lived long enough,
by the arrival of the industrial era which increased this division of labour manifold thereby
ensuring a long life for the state. State, under conditions of industrial economy, was no
longer an option; it became a necessity. As of today, the state is still with us, strong as
ever, and the vision of a stateless society in some distant future is there only to test
human credulity.
So the state has arrived and shows no signs of disappearing. What about nation, the
other pre-conditions? We certainly did not hear of a nation in the medieval times, though
we did hear of cultural groups and units. It is possible that nations may have grown out
of these cultural units, under conditions favourable for their growth. Cultural units that
existed in the medieval world were either very small (based on tribe, caste, clan or
village) or very large (based on the religious civilizations of Islam and Christianity). This
range was also available to political units. They were either very small (city-states or
small kingdoms) or very large (Empires - Holy Roman, Ottoman, Mughal, Russian).
The Modern State and So the cultural units existed in the medieval world and so did the political units. They
often cut across each other. Large empires contained many cultural units within their
territory. Large cultural units could easily accommodate themselves under many political
units. They felt no great need for any major re-allocation of boundaries to suit nationalist
imperative. Nobody told them that they were violating the nationalist principle. None -
either the political or the cultural unit - was greatly attracted to one-culture-one polity
formula. Indeed it was not possible to implement such a formula even if the impulse had
existed (which it did not). Why was it that the passion for nationalism, so characteristic
of our times, was missing both from the human mind and the human heart during the
agrarian times? In order to address this question, we need to focus on some of the
features of the agrarian society.

10.3.3 Agrarian Society

So far our contention in this Unit has been that whereas some preconditions (emergence
of state, presence of distinct cultural communities) for the development of nation-states
had materialized in the agrarian period, some others (transformation of cultural
communities into national communities, the emergence of the ideology of nationalism)
had not. The question is: Why didn’t we see the emergence of state as representative of
cultural communities during the agrarian period? Why was the ideology of nationalism
absent fromt the world during ther same period? What was it about the agrarian society
which inhibited the growth of these preconditions to the development of a nation-state
system? Some of these questions can be satisfactorily answered if we could draw a
cultural map of the world. Ernest Gellner has actually drawn such a map. We reproduce
it below for you.

46 A General Cultural Pattern of the Agrarian Societies

The map consists of three major dividing lines. Line 1, the greatest social divide known Nationalism
to mankind, has the horizontally stratified groups of political, military and religious elite
on top of the line and the numerous communities of food producers, artisans and common
people below the line. Line 2 divides the three (or possibly four) types of medieval elite
- political, military and religious and those who possessed knowledge through a mastery
over written world. In some cases a commercial elite also joined the apex. Their method
of recruitment and reproduction varied from society to society. It could be open or
closed, hereditary or non-hereditary. Their relationship with each other also varied
from territory to territory. The religious elite (Ulema, Clergy, Brahmin) could dominate
the political elite or vice-versa. Culturally they formed different groups, but they were
all united by their great distance from common people. A China-Wall stood between
them and the simple peasant would dare not cross it. Indeed it was impossible for him
to do so. To join the exclusive high culture, he would need at least one of the attributes
like special pedigree, chosen heredity, privileged status, divine sanction and access to
literacy and written word. None of it was available to him.

The third dividing line stood vertically creating laterally insulated communities of common
people. They lived for centuries in stable cultural formations, not particularly informed
about the presence of other groups across the vertical lines. Written word was rarely
available to them. They lived their culture without ever articulating it. They could not
write and to understand what was written, they relied upon the clergy or the Ulema or
Brahmin. They paid their ruler what was demanded from them. In the absence of literacy
they evolved their own system of communication which was context based and would
be unintelligible outside the context or the community. This communication would not
cut across the vertical line; indeed there was no need for it, for across the line the other
cultural group would use its own evolved communication. The use of literacy for them
seldom extended beyond the need to communicate. Education among these groups
was like a cottage industry. People learnt their skills not in a University but in their own
local environment. Only scholars, from the apex went to the Universities to learn Latin,
Greek, Sanskrit or Persian. The skills acquired from the cottage industry were handed
over from generation to generation. The result: the citizens of the agrarian world lived in
laterally insulated cultural groupings. They did not need literacy; they used their own
evolved form of communication valid only in their culture. They lived in stable cultural
formations. Horizontal mobility did not exist. Vertical mobility was out of the question.
They viewed (or did not view) the exclusive high-culture at the apex with an aloof
distance and felt no need to relate to it. Both the ruler and the ruled felt no great need
for any kind of identification with each other. Man was (and still is) a loyal animal and
his loyalty was rightfully claimed by his village, kinship, caste, religious or any other
form of ethnic ties. Indeed he was a product of these ties. The exclusive high-culture
generally did not attempt to claim his loyalty, for to do so would be risky: it might
weaken or even erode the China-Wall. In other words, it might convert the China-Wall
into a German-Wall. The common peasant being so distant, felt no compulsion to express
solidarity with the exclusive high-culture. There were enough loyalty evoking units
available to them. No cultural bonding existed, or could possibly exist, between the
ruler and the ruled. The ruler was neither chosen by the people, nor was he representative
of them. The people in turn felt no need to identify with their ruler. This was the scenario
in which man lived in pre-modern times.

The continuity and stability of the pre-modern world, described above, terminated with
the arrival of the industrial economy and society. It is our argument that this
transformation - from the agrarian to the industrial - created conditions for the rise of
nations and nationalism. In the next section let us look at some of the features of the
industrial society.
The Modern State and
Politics 10.3.4 Industrial Society
The medieval man might have gone on living like this happily ever after, had an accident
of tremendous consequence not occurred. The tranquility and the stability of the medieval
world was shaken with a jerk by the strong tidal wave or a huge hurricane of
industrialization hitting the world, though not all of it at the same time. Nothing like this
had ever happened to mankind. This single event transformed the cultural map of the
world profoundly and irreversibly. The industrial society, when it was finally established
in some pockets of the world, was found to be just the opposite of the agrarian society
in very fundamental ways. Five crucial features of the industrial society separated it
from the agrarian world and had implications for the emergence of the nationalism.
One, it was a society based on perpetual growth - both economic and cognitive, the
two being interrelated. Cognitive growth in the realm of technology, though not confined
to it, directly fed into economic growth and the latter, in turn facilitated investments for
technological updating. Changes had occurred in the agrarian world, but it was never a
rule. The industrial society showed a tremendous commitment to continuous change
and growth. The idea of progress was born for the first time. Technology and economy
got linked to each other in a manner in which they were not in the pre-modern times. A
constantly growing society would not allow any stable barriers of rank, status and
caste. The two are indeed incompatible. Social structures, which had taken their
permanence for granted in the agrarian world, would find it impossible to resist the
hurricane of industrialism.
Two, it was literate society. Literacy in the agrarian world was confined to the exclusive
high-culture, in other words to the king, priest and the scholar. The common man did
not need literacy and did not have it or had it at a very elementary level which could
easily be imparted by his family or the community. Industrial society, on the other hand,
cannot survive without universal literacy. Why should full (or very nearly so) literacy be
a precondition for the smooth functioning, indeed the very survival, of the industrial
society and economy? There are in fact many reasons why it has to be so. One,
industrial economy requires greater participation in the running of the economy by a
much larger section of the population. These participants, drawn from very different
cultural backgrounds and involved in very different tasks assigned to them, must be
able to communicate with each other in order to ensure the running of the economy and
the system. Drawn as they are from different cultural settings, they cannot communicate
in their old idioms. They have to communicate in some standardized idiom in which all
of them have to be trained. This is an enormous task and can no longer be performed
by the traditional agencies (family, guild, community etc). Traditional agencies, rooted
in their own cultural contexts, cannot, in any case, impart context-free education. Such
training can only be imparted uniformly to all citizens by an agency as large as the State.
In other words, education which was a cottage industry in the agrarian world,
must now become full-fledged, impersonal and organized modern industry to
turn out neat, uniform human product out of the raw material of an uprooted
anonymous mass population. As a result, people start resembling each other culturally
and share the same language in which they have all been taught. The language at school
may initially be different from the language at home, but gradually, in about a generation’s
time, the language at school also becomes the language at home. The Hungarian peasant
only initially speaks two languages - the local dialect at home and its refined and
comprehensive version at school. Gradually, within a generation or so, the latter replaces
the dialect at home also. This process helps in the creation of a seamless, culturally
uniform, internally standardized society and thus fulfils a major precondition for
nationalism. Two, the new system also demands that these trained men should be able
48 to perform diverse tasks suited to the requirements of a constantly growing economy.
They should therefore be ready to shift occupationally. Only a generic educational training, Nationalism
imparted by a large centralized agency, can ensure that men are competent and qualified
to undertake newer tasks. The paradox of the industrial age is that it is a system based
on specialism but the specialism in the industrial age is very general. Every man is a
specialist. Every man is trained to be a specialist. One half of this training is generic
(based on language, cognition and a common conceptual currency); the other half is
specific and must be different for different tasks (like doctors, managers, engineers,
computer personnel etc.) Now anyone required to shift occupationally can be trained
specifically for that task because he has already received the generic training. This
enables people to move occupationally across generations and sometimes within the
span of a single generation. This provides the industrial society a certain mobility, which
also facilitates the nationalist project. Three, an industrial society is one in which
work is not manual but semantic. It does not any longer (certainly in mature industrial
societies) consist of ploughing, reaping, threshing, but rather of handling machines and
pushing buttons. In the pre-modern world work consisted of the application of the
human muscle over matter with the help of elementary technology based on wind and
water. All this changes with the arrival of modern technology. A qualified worker in an
industrial economy is one who must know which button to press, how to operate the
machines, and if possible, to fix minor errors. In other words modern workers have to
manipulate not things but meanings and messages. All these qualifications require literacy
imparted in a standardized medium. The image of a worker, just uprooted from his
village and pushed straight into industry is rapidly becoming archaic. A worker is not
inherently suited to the tasks of the modern economy; he needs to be trained (which
implies literacy) to perform his tasks suitably and satisfactorily. Modern economy
does not just need a worker; it needs a skilled worker. A part of the skill is also
the ability to perform different tasks, as and when the need arises. As stated earlier,
imparting standardized context free education to such a vast number is a monumental
task and cannot be performed by the agencies which had been doing it for centuries
namely kin, local unit, county, guild. It can only be provided by a modern national
education system, ‘a pyramid at whose base are primarily schools, staffed by teachers
trained at secondary schools, staffed by University trained teachers, led by the products
of advanced graduate schools.’ (Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, p.34).
Only the state can maintain and look after such a huge structure or delegate it to one of
its agencies. The implications of such a literate society are various; emergence of
nationalism is only one of them. It creates internally standardized and homogeneous
cultural communities. This is just what nationalism needs.
The third, fourth and fifth features of the industrial society are actually an extension of
the first and the second (i.e. literate society, committed to perpetual growth). It is mobile
society; it is an egalitarian society; and it is a society with a shared high-culture and not
exclusive as it was in the agrarian world. Let us briefly look at all three.
The agrarian world was a stable order devoid of any great transformations. The
conditions making for any kind of mobility simply did not exist. The industrial society by
contrast, is essentially unstable and constantly changing. The changes include the strategic
location of the social personnel within it. Positions are changing and people therefore
cannot take their current social status for granted; they might lose it and make way for
others across generation. The factors that restricted mobility (or fostered stability
whichever way you look at it) are no longer operative in an industrial economy. The
area and scope of a man’s employability gets enlarged thanks to literacy imparted in a
standardized medium. His cultural nests have been eroded and his status is threatened
by the arrival of new social and economic roles. The industrial society acquires the
features of systematic randomness (something like the children’s game of snakes and
ladders) in which men cannot take their present position for granted. The mobility 49
The Modern State and (physical, spatial, occupational, social) engendered by the industrial economy is
exceptionally deep and sometimes unfathomable. A mobile society has to inevitably be
an egalitarian society. Roles and positions are not fixed and are certainly not determined
by social status. A peasant’s son need not be a peasant; what occupational position he
occupies will depend, not on his heredity or community’s status, but on his own
competence and training. The role of social status does not completely diminish in the
industrial society, but it loses the eminence that it enjoyed in the agrarian world. The
description of the industrial society as egalitarian does not match with the brutally inhuman
and inegalitarian conditions that prevailed in the initial years of the industrial economy.
But they were soon overcome, paving way for a more mobile and egalitarian order.
All the four features put together (a society based on perpetual growth, literate society,
mobile society and also egalitarian) would ensure the fifth one also. The agrarian world
was characterized by deep and stable barriers - both vertical and horizontal. The biggest
barrier was that of status and high culture. The high culture(s) of the king, priest and the
scholar was/were sustained by access to literacy and the privileged status. Both these
features disappear in the industrial society. Everybody gains access to literacy and a
growing, mobile society just does not allow any barriers to settle down for long. To
quote Gellner again, ‘Men can tolerate terrible inequalities, if they are stable and hallowed
by custom. But in a hectically mobile society, custom has no time to hollow anything. A
rolling stone gathers no aura, and a mobile population does not allow any aura to attach
to its stratification.’ (Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, p.25). The implication of all
this is that the high culture loses its exclusiveness and becomes shared. All this has
serious implications for the emergence of nationalism.
The result of the above-mentioned developments was that mankind was shaken out of
its neatly nested cultural zones and liberated from the various identities which had claimed
its loyalty for centuries. Man ceased to belong to his local ties; indeed they were getting
increasingly difficult to recognize. He has now, either already or aspired to be, a member
of the shared high-culture. The guidelines for the membership of this shared high-culture
were provided to him by the uniform educational system. Man continued to be a loyal
animal even in the industrial society, but the units demanding or claiming his loyalty had
either disappeared or were in a process of disappearing. Who, or what, should claim
his loyalty now? The prestige of the modern man depends not upon his membership of
primordial ties but upon his membership of the new shared high-culture transmitted by
a uniform education system provided by the state. He is now a product of the shared
high-culture and has a vested interest in its preservation and protection. And he knows
his culture can be protected only by the state, its own state. In other words a marriage
of culture and polity is the only precondition to his dignified survival in a world
of dissolving identities. His national identity is important to him and only a state
representative of his nation can ensure the preservation of this identity. This is nationalism.
And this is why modern man is nationalist.
The large culturally homogenous national units cannot be preserved and protected by
the unit itself. They need a political roof of their own. This explains the nationalist man.
But it does not explain why the state should be keen on protecting this national unit?
Why can’t it just be happy ruling over the territory, and bothering about little else, like
the medieval state did? Why must the modern state insist on the unmediated membership
and loyalty of its citizens? It has to because the modern state, under conditions of
modern economy, cannot function without an active participation of its citizens. Didn’t
it train them to be literate and occupationally mobile? Modern state needs not only
trained men but also committed and loyal men. They must follow the instructions
of the state in which they live, and of no other subdivision within the territory.
Only nationalism can ensure this.
To sum up the argument, modern industrial economy has transformed the world culturally Nationalism
and economically. It requires everybody to be literate. This literacy has to be imparted
in a uniform standardized manner to facilitate the running of the economy. This process
displaces people out of their secure cultural nests and destroys their loyalty inducing
local identities. Gradually it rehabilitates them as a member of a new homogenous
cultural unit, held together by literacy. The China-Wall breaks down allowing people
entry into the high-culture (or rather the high-culture extending to people) which ceases
to be exclusive. Rules of the new membership are easy (literacy) and conditions
favourable. These new national units owe a great deal to the political unit that educated
them. Modern economy had displaced them; the state rehabilitated them as
members of a new national community. The two tasks were of course complementary.
The new national community (nation, if you like) would be keenly desirous of
preserving its identity, autonomy and unity (nationalism, if you like). It has nowhere to
go, no past to look back to except romantically. It looks up to the state for its protection;
or rather it wants a state of its own for guaranteed preservation and protection. To
return to the definition; nationalism insists that nation and state be congruent. We now
know why.

One question still remains. Since the bulldozer of the modern economy flattened out all
the existing cultural-ethnic differences and also the traditional units of the society, how
did it create new national units and loyalties? Bulldozers are not known to create
solidarities. In other words, since all the medieval cultural nests were destroyed by
modern economy, why didn’t the world become one cultural unit requiring one single
political roof? Why was the world divided among many nations requiring many nation-
states? To put it simply, why did we have many nationalisms instead of one world
nationalism called internationalism? Indeed it was predicted by 19th century Marxism
and liberalism alike. It simply did not happen. Why?

Part of the answer to the question must reckon with the tidal wave nature of
industrialization which did not hit the entire world at the same time and in the same
manner. There were clearly at least three waves (possibly more) - the early wave to hit
Western Europe and North America; a slightly later wave to hit the rest of Europe and
Japan and a third wave that hit the remaining part of the globe that later came to be
known as the third world. The recipients of the third wave did not achieve the economic
and cultural transformation with which the early industrial wave had blessed Europe
and North America. They only underwent political domination by the early industrial
countries. The different timing of the waves may have been an accident or may have
been because some parts of the medieval world were better prepared for a development
of this kind than other parts. But a different timing of the arrival of the industrial wave
effectively divided the globe into different zones. Secondly, modern economy did not
just expect people to be literate; it expected them to be literate in a particular language
(English, French, German). It couldn’t be the classical language of the high-culture like
Latin (it would be difficult to train simple peasants in the classical language) or the folk
language of the people (the dialect may not be suitable for a large-scale transmission).
The literacy would therefore have to be imparted in new modern languages resembling
both the folk and the classical. People, after receiving generic training in a particular
language, were obliged to look upon themselves as members of the shared high-culture
fostered by that particular language. Moreover, the language (and the shared high-
culture) also determined the boundary of man’s mobility. If he travelled beyond the
boundary line of that language and the shared high-culture he was trained in, he would
not be useful in the new territory (unless he was smart enough to equip himself with the
new cognitive set up). It is for this reason that modern man does not simply think; he
thinks as French or German. To extend the argument, modern man does not simply 51
The Modern State and exist; he exists as French or German. And he can exist with dignity only under a French
or German political roof.

The story so far resembles West European brand of nationalism. Would it be applicable
to societies where nationalism took the form of protest? Can it, for instance, be applied
to the Indian sub-continent? Indian people acquired a modern state in the form of
British imperialist state for the entire territory, but refused to live under it. The essence
of western European nationalism was that the Modern English or French man could live
only under a state that was English or French, respectively. In other words, the essence
of western European nationalism was loyalty to the state. Essence of Indian nationalism,
on the other hand, was rebellion against the state. However in spite of basic differences,
certain commonness can be found between the European and the Indian nationalism.
The arrival of the modern economy, however tentative, indirect and incomplete, did
create conditions for transformation, albeit incomplete, of herds of cultural communities
into a national unit of Indian people. These people insisted on having their own political
unit. This insistence (nationalism, if you like) gradually created and fostered an Indian
nation. This Indian nation was different from its European counterpart in that it was not
being sustained by a uniform educational system imparted in a single language (although
English did help in uniting the intelligentsia). It was being created not by the uniform
condition of economic development, but the uniform condition of economic exploitation
by the alien state. This exploitation was modern in that it was systematic, orderly and
efficient unlike medieval forms of loot and plunder. Indian nationalism was based on this
cognition and on the desire that the national unit of Indian people should have its own
political roof.

The bulldozer of industrialization was not operative in India. The pre-existing

socio religious identities were therefore not flattened out: some were politically
overcome by Indian nationalism; same made their peace with it; some others
challenged it; and some actually became successful in obtaining their own political
roof for their perceived national unit. The diversity and cultural plurality of Indian nation
(The 19th century Indian nationalists rightly called it a nation-in-making) created
the space for the possibility of rival or breakaway nationalisms. Thus came into being
Pakistan in 1947 based on the notion of all Indian Muslims being a nation. But the
territorial spread of Pakistan (with an east and a west wing on either side of India
separated by well over 900 miles) created a further space of yet another breakaway
nationalism on territorial grounds. Thus came into being Bangladesh as an independent
nation-state in 1971.

One scholar, perhaps articulating the extent of scholarly incomprehension on

nationalism, likened nationalism to a genie that had somehow been released from the
bottle of history some two hundred years ago and since then had been stalking
diverse lands and people without anyone being able to control it. Nationalism may not
be as unexplainable as a genie but it has certainly pervaded the entire universe
including its people and territories. And it shows no signs of disappearing. The neat
and nearly complete division of the globe into roughly 200 more or less stable nation-
states is no guaranty against a resurgence of nationalism. But nationalism cannot continue
to perform old roles. For nearly 150 years between the Congress of Vienna in 1815
and the end of the Second World War in 1945, nationalism was the lone promoter of
nation-states. Now that this task seems to be over nationalism must now turn into a
destroyer of the existing nation-states through the resurgence of breakaway nationalisms
seeking to create new nation-states. This means that societies with cultural, religious or
linguistic plurality and an uncertain economic development may still go through all the
violence, hatred and brutality that have come to be associated with a surcharged
52 nationalism.
The above explanation for the emergence of nationalism must make allowance for
two factors. One, nationalism could not have emerged in a day but that its emergence
was spread over stages which need to be located at various points in the transformation
of the world from the agrarian to the industrial. The section above constructed two
ideal types of human societies, the agrarian that was largely nationalism resistant and
the industrial that appeared destined to be nationalism prone. The two formations must
certainly not have existed in their pure form in most cases. But most agrarian societies
would have shown resemblance to the model constructed above. Likewise, the
advanced industrial societies should possess the traits listed in our description of
the industrial society. The timing, pace and trajectory of the transformation from one to
the other would inevitably vary from territory to territory. The basic point is that the
different stages in the arrival of nationalism are related to this transformation. Since the
very nature of this transformation was different for different societies (and probably
nowhere was it so neat and complete), the stages of nationalism also varied. It is,
therefore, not possible to construct stages uniformly applicable to all parts of the world.
It is still important to keep in mind that nationalism, like other global phenomena
(capitalism and colonialism) arrived in this world through stages and not in one single
Two, nationalism arrived in stages, but nowhere did it duplicate itself in shape and form.
Although the entire world changed dramatically in the last 200 years from being nationalism
free to being completely dominated by nationalism, the nature of nationalism differed
dramatically from area to area. So profound is the change that some scholars have
begun doubting the very existing of the generic category called nationalism. No two
nationalisms are found to be similar, yet all nationalisms do share certain basic traits in
common. This indeed is the great paradox of nationalism. To put it differently,
nationalism changes its form in different societies yet retains its essence in
all of them. Nationalism led to the transformation of nations into nation-states, but
the process of this transformation varied. The various nation-states of the modern
world were created through multiple routes, characterized by different kinds of
nationalisms. A common myth has been to look at the arrival of nation-states through
only two routes - the market and the protest, i.e., nationalism engendered by the market
forces or by national movements. In fact the range of nationalist experience is much
more varied than that. Two prominent scholars on nationalism, Ernest Gellner and
Anthony Smith have created their own typologies of nationalism. Let us briefly look at
both at them.

10.4.1 Gellner’s Typology

Gellner, writing exclusively about Europe, divided Europe into four zones travelling
from west to east and formulated four different types of nationalisms applicable to each
zone. These can be seen on the map of Europe given here. Gellner understood nationalism
in terms of a marriage between the states and a pervasive high-culture and saw four
different patterns of this marriage in the four European zones. Zone 1, located on the
western belt consisting of England, France, Portugal and Spain witnessed a rather smooth
and easy marriage of the two, because both the ingredients (state and high-culture for
the defined territory) were present prior to the arrival of nationalism. In Gellner’s
metaphor, the couple were already living together in a kind of customary marriage and
the strong dynastic states more or less corresponded to cultural linguistic zones anyway,
even before the decree of nationalism ordered them to do so. In other words, these
The Modern State and

Pattern of Nationalism in Europe

societies fulfilled the nationalist principle before the arrival of nationalism. Only the minor Nationalism
cultural differences within these societies needed to be homogenized; peasants and
workers had to be educated and transformed into Englishmen, Frenchmen etc. Needless
to say this process was smooth and conflict-free and therefore did not require any
violence for the fulfilment of the nationalist principle.

Zone II (present day Italy and Germany), situated on the territory of the erstwhile Holy
Roman Empire, was different from zone 1 in the sense that, metaphorically speaking,
the bride (high culture for the territory) was ready (among the Italians from the days of
early Renaissance and among the Germans since the days of Luther) but there was no
groom (state for the exclusive territory). Whereas strong dynastic states had crystallized
in zone 1 along the Atlantic coast, this zone was marked by political fragmentation. The
age of nationalism, which had found both the elements (state and high culture for the
territory) present in zone 1, found only one (high culture) in zone II. So, although no
‘cultural engineering’ or ethnic cleansing was required here, a state-protector
corresponding to the area had to be found or created. It was for this reason the nationalist
project here had to be concerned with ‘unification’. Here also, as in zone I, nationalism
was benign, soft and conflict-free. There were no claims and counter-claims for the
territory. Culturally homogeneous territories did not have to be carved out; they already
existed. The high-culture also existed; it only needed to reach out to peasants and

It is in zone III (territories east of Germany and west of Russian Empire, areas of
present day Poland, Ukrain, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, Balkans etc.) that nationalism
ceased to be benign and liberal and had to necessarily be nasty, violent and brutal. The
horrors, generally associated with nationalism, were inevitable here as neither of the
two preconditions (state and high-culture) existed in a neat congruent fashion. Both a
national state and a national culture had to be carved out. This process required violence,
ethnic cleansing, forced transfer of population in an area marked by a complex pathwork
of linguistic and cultural differences. The cultures living at the margins of the two empires
(Ottoman and Russian) did not correspond either with a territory or language or state.
Here, in order to meet and fulfil the nationalist imperative (passion for nationalism was
quite strong in 19th century Europe), plenty of brutal earth-shifting had to be done in
order to carve out areas of homogeneous cultures requiring their state Culturally
uniform nation-states could only be produced by violence and ethnic cleansing. To
quote Gellner, ‘In such areas, either people must be persuaded to forego the
implementation of the nationalist ideal, or ethnic cleansing must take place. There is no
third way.’ (Gellner, Nationalism, p.56).

Zone IV is the area of Russian Empire on the farthest east in Europe. This zone was
unique in some ways. The First World War relegated the empires of the world (Habsburg,
Ottoman, Russian) to the dustbin of history. Yet the Russian Empire survived under a
new dispensation and the socialist ideology. The marriage of state and culture did not
take place here, or at any rate not for a very long time. The nationalist imperative was
kept ruthlessly under check by the Tsarist Empire, and was, contained creatively by the
supra-nationalist ideology of socialism, by the soviet Empire. In fact many of the national
cultures flourished under the USSR; some were even nurtured by the state. There is no
evidence that the collapse of the Soviet Russia in 1991 was brought by nationalism, but
nationalism certainly benefited by the dismantling of the empire. In other words, the
marriage of state and culture followed the disintegration without causing it in any way.
A high culture in different cultural zones had been in a way nurtured by the socialist
state, and the other element (the state) simply arrived upon the collapse of the Soviet
Empire 55
The Modern State and
Politics 10.4.2 Anthony Smith’s Typology
So much for Europe. Is it possibly to create a similar typology for the entire world?
Though a neat zonal division of the world (along European lines) is not possible and the
pattern would be much more complex, Anthony Smith has attempted some kind of a
division of a world into different types of routes that nationalism takes in its journey
towards creation of nation-states. It can best be understood through the table given







His basic division is simple. The creation of nation-states has taken two routes -
gradualist and nationalist. The gradualist route is generally conflict free and contest
free and is one where the initiative was taken by the state to create conditions for the
spread of nationalism. Nation-states were thus formed either by direct state sponsored
patriotism (like zone I of Gellner) or were the result of colonization (Australia and
Canada: they did not have to fight for independence) or provincialism where cultures/
states just ceded from the imperial power, were granted independence and were on
their way towards becoming nation-states. One feature of the gradualist route is that it
was marked by the absence of conflict, violence, contesting claims over nationhood or
any national movement. The other, nationalist route is characterized by rupture, conflict,
violence and earth-moving. Smith divides this rupture-ridden route into two sub-routes
- those of ethnic nationalism and territorial nationalism. These terms are self-
evident and their meanings clear. The ethnic sub-route is divided into two lanes - based
on renewal and secession. Renewal is based on the renewal or the revival of a
declining ethnic identity like Persia in the 1890s. The secessionist lane could be further
divided into three by-lanes of breakaway, diaspora and irredentist nationalism. The
breakaway group (either from empires or multi-national states) sought to sever a bond
through cessation like Italians and Czecs from the Habsburg Empire; Arabs, Armenians
and Serbs from the Ottoman Empire; and Poles and Ukrainians from the Tsarist Russian
Empire. Bangladesh that broke away from Pakistan in 1991 could also come in the
same category. The diaspora nationalism is best represented by the Jews. Completely
devoid of a state, territory of their own, or even a high-culture till the mid-19th century,
Jews lived for nearly two centuries like perpetual minorities on other people’s lands.
They were eventually constituted into a nation-state through struggle, other powers’
diplomacy, ethnic cleansing (done to them by others), earth moving and also by statistical
probability of being on the right side in the great world war. Had the war gone the other
way, we can be sure that Israel would not have been formed into a nation-state in
1950. The irredentist nationalism normally followed a successful national movement. If
the new state did not include all the members of the ethnic group (this mildly violates the
nationalist principle) who lived on the adjacent land under a different polity, they would
have to be redeemed and the land on which they lived, annexed. This happened in Nationalism
Balkan nationalism among Greeks, Serbs and Bulgarians and in Germany of Somalia
Territorial nationalism occurred when a heterogeneous population was coercively
united by a colonial power. The boundary of the territory and the centralized
administration of the colonial power formed the focus of the nation to be. On taking
over power (invariably through a national movement) the nationalists try to integrate the
culturally heterogeneous population (tribes, various other cultural groups and people
living on the margin), who had neither shared history nor common origin except colonial
subjugation. This happened for instance in Tanzania and Argentina. In certain instances
(Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kenya, Nigeria) there were national movements that
defined their aims in terms of wider territorial units, yet were clearly spearheaded by
members of one dominant ethnic group. Later their domination was challenged by other
smaller groups, creating space for a breakaway nationalism.


The picture sketched above is a somewhat simplified version of the various routes,
lanes and bye-lanes which nationalism took in order to change and rearrange the political
boundaries inside the world. The range of nationalists’ experience is vast. There might
still be pockets that are left uncovered. What about India? Where does the sub-continent
fit? It is often not realized that although the sub-continent experienced one major
nationalism, it was not the only one. India experienced four different kinds of nationalisms,
and it is just as well to briefly get acquainted with it. The major Indian nationalism was
territorial, anti-colonial and led to the creation of a nation-state through a national
movement. Its territorial boundaries were defined partly by the colonial conquest and
administration and partly by the strong dynastic states that rules the territory from time
to time (Maurya, Gupta and Mughal Empires). It acquired not only one but three distinct
high-cultures during the colonial period. There was an Islamic high-culture inherited
from the Mughal times and sustained by Urdu that flourished in the pockets of Uttar
Pradesh and Punjab. There was of course a high Brahmanic culture that had thrived in
the past sometimes with official protection and sometimes despite it. Along with these a
new high-culture, engendered by English language and sustained by modern education,
also developed initially in the three Presidencies (Madras, Bengal and Bombay), and
later in the provinces of U.P. and Punjab. Although the dividing lines along these cultures
were always fuzzy and never very sharp, the national movement that developed from
the late 19th century onwards had a difficult time trying to reconcile them. It was partly
for these constraints that Indian National movement remained, throughout its life,
linguistically and culturally remarkably plural. Since cultural unity is the hallmark of all
nationalist projects, Indian national movement evolved the unique slogan of ‘unity in
diversity’ and remained committed to both. Paradoxically the plural and non-coercive
elements of the Indian national movement became its greatest strength and weakness at
the same time. The focus on cultural and linguistic plurality enabled the movement to
maximize mobilization, but it also rendered Indian nationalism somewhat handicapped
when confronted with a rival nationalism. So, Indian nationalism inherited an
administrative unity from the alien rulers, strove to create a political unity and generally
refrained from imposing a cultural and linguistic unity. When the new nation-state took
over after the successful culmination of the national movement in 1947, it went about its
task of creating cultural compositeness and economic integration.
The second major nationalism was a rival to Indian nationalism. This led to the creation
of Pakistan. Pakistani nationalism was based on the famous two-nation theory, which
implied that Indian Muslims were not a part of an Indian nation but were a nation in 57
The Modern State and themselves. The claim that Muslims in India were a nation was nothing short of an
invented tradition. Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of this nationalism, declared that
Indian Muslims always existed as a nation, but they did not realize this till the early
decades of the 20th century! He launched a movement that led to the creation of an
independent nation-state of Pakistan. This nationalism, compared to its Indian
counterpart, suffered from two disadvantages and enjoyed two distinct advantages.
The disadvantages were that there was no given territory and no state for that territory.
A territory had to be carved out and a state had to be fought for. Some of the nastiness
of this nationalism was thus inherent in this situation. The advantages that it enjoyed vis-
à-vis its Indian counterpart were that it was based on a religious identity and that it did
not have to fight the state. Religious unity proved easier to achieve and in a short span
of time (the actual time taken between the demand for a state and creation of a state
was seven years from 1940 to 1947!) The need for fighting the alien state through a
national movement was dispensed with, given the fact that Indian nationalism was busy
doing just that. All Pakistani nationalism had to do was to ask for its share when the
battle for Indian independence intensified.
Pakistani nationalism was strangely based on religious unity and territorial disunity. The
east and the west wing of the new nation-state were separated from each other by over
900 miles. The new state took religious unity for granted and imposed linguistic and
cultural unity without being able to achieve economic parity. The result was the emergence
of a breakaway nationalism inn 1971 that was territorial even though religion united
rather than divided the two sides. The struggle for the creation of yet another nation-
state was brief. The new state of Bangladesh fulfilled the nationalist principle but remained
vulnerable to irredentist possibilities because of the neighbouring area (West Bengal,
now a part of India and originally part of a full province along with the new nation-state
of Bangladesh). The two areas, West Bengal and Bangladesh have shared history and
other similarities. Though irredentism has not occurred here, there has been a transfer
of population from Bangladesh to India at an alarmingly high rate.
The fourth category is that of aspirant nationalism - forces for Khalistan in Punjab,
Azad Kashmir in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and the Tamil demand for a separate
state in Sri Lanka. These and probably more may be called potential nationalisms. If
successful in some distant future, and that is yet to be seen, these would be called
breakaway nationalisms. The experience of potential nationalisms (or nationalisms which
are not likely to ever culminate in the formation of new nation-states) is not specific to
India but is a world phenomenon. The world today is replete with potential nationalisms
to such an extent that by one estimate, for every single actual nation, there are at least
ten potential ones. These stories have generally not been told. It may be generally
difficult to anticipate a potential nationalism. It would be interesting to narrate the story
of failed or abortive or embryonic nationalisms; in other words the story of dogs that
did not bark, to use the famous phrase of Sherlock Holmes.

In this unit you have seen how nations and nationalisms have evolved through a complex
historical process in modern times. While there has been a large consensus among
historians about their recent origins (despite objections from the primordialists), there is
considerable confusion over different stages and types of nationalism. In this sense the
dominant models of European nationalism have met with a challenge from the likes of
colonial nationalism as in the case of India. It is in this sense that we talk of not just one
nationalism, but, many nationalisms. At the same time, it is a phenomenon which is part
of an ongoing process and which will continue to define our day to day lives for years to
58 come.
1) What is a nation? Discuss with an overview of different definitions.
2) Is nationalism the ultimate product of modernization? Discuss with reference to
Gellner and Smith debate.
3) Discuss different models of nationalism.

The Modern State and
Gopal Balakrishnan, (ed.), Mapping the Nation, London, 1996.
Eric Hobsbawn, Nations and Nationalism since 1780 : Programme, Myth, Reality,
Cambridge, 1990.
David Thompson, Europe Since Napolean, Penguin Books, 1966
Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, London, 1983.
Gertrude Himmelfarb, The Idea of Poverty England in the Early Industrial Age,
Faber and Faber, London,1984
Gordon Craig, Germany 1866-1945, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1978
Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread
of Nationalism, London, 1983.
Sheldon Garon, Molding Japanese Minds The State in Everyday Life, Princeton,
T.S. Hamerow (ed.), The Age of Bismarck, New York, 1973

11.1 Introduction
11.2 What is Commercial Capitalism
11.3 The Period of Commercial Capitalism
11.4 Significant Features of Commercial Capitalism
11.5 Evolution of Commercial Capitalism
11.6 Role of Mercantilism
11.7 Role of Trade
11.8 Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism
11.9 Commercial Capitalism in Spain, Italy, France, England and Holland
11.10 Results of Commercial Capitalism
11.11 Summary
11.12 Exercises

In order to clearly understand the concept of commercial capitalism in all its aspects,
it is imperative to first fully conceive what is meant by capitalism (you will read more
about capitalism in Unit 12), the different stages that it passed through and the exact
stage that is referred to as commercial capitalism. The International Encyclopaedia
of Social Sciences refers to capitalism as the economic and political system that in its
industrial or full form first developed in England in the late 18th century. Thereafter, it
spread over Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Together with its colonial manifestations, it came to dominate the world in the 19th
Dictionary of Social Sciences explained capitalism as denoting an economic system
in which the greater proportion of economic life, particularly ownership of and
investment in production goods, is carried on under private (i.e. non-governmental)
auspices through the process of economic competition with an avowed incentive of
profit. It has been pointed out that the wealth amassed by capitalism differs in quality
as well as quantity from that accumulated in pre-capitalist societies. For example,
many ancient kingdoms, such as Egypt, displayed remarkable qualities to gather a
surplus of production above that needed for the maintenance of the existing level of
material life, applying the surplus to the creation of massive religious or public
monuments, military or luxury consumption. What is characteristic of these forms of
wealth is that their desirable attributes lay in the specific use-values— war, worship,
adornment—to which their physical embodiments directly gave rise. By way of
decisive contrast, the wealth amassed under capitalism is valued not for its specific
use-values but for its generalized exchange-value. Wealth under capitalism is typically
accumulated as commodities or objects produced for sale rather than for direct use
by its owners.
Historians such as Werner Sombart (1915), Max Weber (1922) and R.H. Tawney
(1926), who were concerned to relate change in economic organizations to shifts in
religious and ethical attitudes, found the essence of capitalism in the acquisitive spirit 5
Capitalism and of profit-making enterprise. The spirit of economic activity under capitalism is
acquisition, and more specifically, acquisition in terms of money. Acquisition, which
is quantitatively and qualitatively absolute, degenerates eventually into
unscrupulousness and ruthlessness. It has been pointed out that rise of capitalism is
associated with three main features: (1) the growth of the capitalist spirit i.e. the
desire for profits, (2) the accumulation of capital, and (3) the development of capitalist
techniques. Until the 12th and 13th centuries methods of business were extremely
simple. Most trade was local, some of it was barter. During this era in which ideas
were hostile to profit, in which techniques of trade were primitive, the chance of
emergence of capitalism was slight. Until about 1200 the whole medieval economy
can be called non-capitalistic. As late as 1500, capitalism was still in its nascent
It is in this context that this unit tries to analyze the meaning and role of commercial
capitalism in the late medieval period. The attempt will also be made to look into
those historical processes which led to the coming of this phenomenon and, which,
in turn subsequently led to the rise of industrial capitalism (see Unit 12). Since
commercial capitalism too, like all other phases, had varying impact in different
countries, a short discussion about its specific development in different European
countries will be undertaken.


The question now is: what is then commercial capitalism and what is its period?
Marxist historians have identified a series of stages in the evolution of capitalism—
for example, merchant or commercial capitalism, agrarian capitalism, industrial
capitalism and state capitalism— and much of the debate on origin and progress
has hinged on differing views of the significance, timing and characteristics of each
stage. The first stage, i.e. mercantile or commercial capitalism provided the initial
thrust and impetus for capitalism in the sense that merchants started becoming
entrepreneurs to cater to market demands by employing wage labourers as well as
by exploiting the existing craft guilds. Commercial Capitalism metamorphosed into
industrial capitalism, which again, according to Marxist economists, gave way to
socialism. Because industrial capitalism was inseparably connected with problems
of the working class, this invariably gave rise to different currents of socialist thoughts.
Side by side with commercial capitalism sprang what is called agrarian capitalism
(capital accumulated out of agricultural surplus) that characterized Europe of the
16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Commercial Capitalism and agrarian capitalism were,
therefore, two forms of capitalism that overlapped with each other, the difference
between them being that one emerged out of commercial surplus while the other out
of agricultural surplus. Agrarian capitalism sometimes metamorphosed fully into
commercial capitalism i.e. invested the entire surplus accumulated from agriculture
into commerce and sometimes transformed directly into industrial capitalism by
investing in industrial development alone. Sometimes capital was accumulated from
both these sources, i.e. commerce and agriculture, and paved the path for the rise
of industrial capitalism. Agrarian capitalism was emphasized by Immanuel Wallerstein
who adopted a world-economy perspective, and considered its origin to be rooted
in the agrarian capitalism. Only transcending the national horizon, by establishing a
world trade and commercial network, could fulfil the requirements of capitalism,
according to Wallerstein. In this world economy, there existed certain zones— like
the periphery, the semi-periphery and the core— where international and local
6 commerce were concentrated in the hands of a powerful bourgeoisie. The strong
states imposed unequal exchange upon the weak states. Therefore, the strong states Commercial Capitalism

or the core dominated the entire world economy in agrarian capitalism as well as
industrial capitalism later. Tribe also emphasized agrarian capitalism which was the
essence of a national economy where production is separated from consumption,
and is made a source of profit after being utilized in profit-making enterprises.
Agricultural revolution, therefore, played a very significant role in the growth of
capitalism by feeding a growing population and by creating a surplus to meet the
demand for industrial raw materials.
Reference is sometimes made to a fourth form—state capitalism—defined by Lenin
as a system under which state takes over and exploits means of production in the
interest of the class which controls the state; but the phrase, ‘state capitalism’, is also
used to describe any system of state collectivization, without reference to its use for
the benefit of any particular class.
Still there is a fifth form in which there is an increased element of state intervention
either in terms of welfare programmes or lessening the impact of business cycle. This
is welfare capitalism or protected capitalism.
In all these stages of capitalism, identified by the Marxist historians, therefore, the
first stage was merchant capitalism or commercial capitalism. Now, what is it?
Precisely, capital accumulation out of the profits of merchants to be invested in various
economic activities, was what is called commercial capitalism. It took different forms
in different stages. For example, it existed in some of its elements in ancient Egypt
(as mentioned earlier) and in ancient Rome. In Babylonia, in the city-states of classical
Greece, in Phoenicia, in Carthage, in the Hellenistic states of the Mediterranean
littoral, and in the Roman Empire, also during different stages Commercial Capitalism
developed. There was, however, little uniformity of economic and political institutions
in these variant forms of commercial capitalism or merchant capitalism, which at this
time was in a very nascent stage. Even where merchant capitalism existed in the
ancient world, large applications of improved technology to goods production did
not occur. In short, therefore, the ancient times were the age of capitalist accumulation,
rather than capitalist production.
In the middle ages, however, the form assumed by commercial capitalism was entirely
different. It was during this time that it developed in the true sense. In England, and
even more emphatically in Holland, the birth of capitalism can be dated from the late
16th and early 17th centuries. Holland’s supremacy in international trade, associated
with its urgent need to import grain and timber (and hence to export manufactures)
enabled Amsterdam to corner the Baltic trade and to displace Venice as the
commercial and financial centre of Europe. The capital thus amassed was available
to fund the famous chartered companies (Dutch East India Company 1602; West
India Company 1621). It also provided the circulating capital for merchants engaged
in the ‘putting-out system’ whereby they supplied raw materials to domestic
handicrafts workers and marketed the product. This stage of capitalism based upon
riches amassed from commerce is known as commercial capitalism. An important
point to notice in connection with most of these early capitalisms, is the combination
of commercial and financial activities, of trade and banking. The type of capitalism
that was growing up in Europe in the Middle Ages and was well established by
1500 was predominantly of this sort. Here lay the distinction between commercial
capitalism of the ancient and Middle Ages. For the most part, the production of
goods was still carried on in a small way, on the basis of handicraft work. Under the
‘putting out’ system, or Verlagssystem, (as it was called in Holland), a wealthy
merchant (capitalist) buys the raw material, pays a variety of labourers to work it up
into a finished product at home or in shops, and sells the finished product. The
Capitalism and characteristics that distinguished it from the ordinary handicraft system were that it
was done on a large scale by hired labour, that the worker did not own the materials
on which he worked and frequently not even his tools, and that one man controlled
the whole process from start to finish. It was the merchants who made the crucial
decision about the style, markets and volume of production, and employed or turned
out the craftsmen at will. The whole industry became merchant-dominated and
craftsmen became mere wage earners. It was also known as the domestic system
as the work was done in the homes of individual workers instead of in the shop of
master craftsman.
However, as has been pointed out, much before Holland or England, the so-called
domestic or putting-out system was in full swing in Florence and northern Italy by
the 13th and 14th centuries. The Arte della Lana or cloth manufacturer’s guild of
Florence in the 14th century may serve as an example of the putting-out system. Its
members bought wool abroad, brought it to Florence and had it made into finished
cloth by carders, spinners, weavers, fullers and dyers who were paid wages. The
product then was sent abroad for sale. Even in Florence or Bruges or Ghent, industrial
capitalism was never developed in the modern sense. There was nothing truly
comparable to the factory system of the 19th century. Predominantly, medieval
capitalism was commercial and financial.
It can therefore be said that a limited form of ‘early’ or commercial capitalism,
already known in the ancient world, had developed in Italy as early as the thirteenth
century and later in the Low Countries. This commercial form developed in England
in the 16th century and began to change into industrial capitalism while elements of
feudalism and the guild system still existed. In short, therefore, the early stage of
capitalism, primarily founded upon commerce is called commercial capitalism, which
in course of time metamorphosed into industrial capitalism. Capitalism, therefore,
did exist in ancient world in the form of commerce as well as guild system and
merchant dominated putting-out system in the medieval world.


What then can be said to be roughly the date for commercial capitalism? Marx
placed the beginnings of the industrial era in the 16th century but admitted that ‘the
first attempts of capitalist production’ (not merely capital accumulation, it should be
noted) appeared precociously in the Italian city-states in the Middle Ages. Any
emerging organism, even if it is still far from having developed all its final characteristics,
bears within it the potential for such development before it can be assigned a name.
The roots of capitalism were, therefore, embedded, with all potentials of modern
industrial capitalism in the middle ages. The main reason behind this lay in the fact
that although making of profit or heaping up of wealth was generally condemned,
the development of certain circumstances left an indelible impact on the existing
situation and transformed the entire process of economic activities. Between 1100
and 1300, new gold and silver mines were opened up in Bohemia, Transylvania
and the Carpathians. Furthermore, as various rulers became stronger they were
able to coin more and better money. Florence began to issue gold coins called
florins, in 1252. Venice began the coinage of similar pieces, called ducats in 1284.
In the same century France began to issue gold coins and improved silver ones. The
increase in the number of coins permitted an increase in the volume of business
transacted by money. The middle ages were gradually developing what is called a
8 money economy.
According to scholars, while every economic system appears first within the Commercial Capitalism

framework of another, there are some periods during which economic processes
reveal in a comparatively pure form the features of a single economic system. These
are the periods of full development of the system; until they are reached, the system
is going through its early period, which is also the late period of the disappearing or
retreating economic system. Applying to capitalism this division into epochs, we
may distinguish the periods of early capitalism, full capitalism (Hochkapitalismus)
and late capitalism. In the period of early capitalism, which lasted from the 13th
century to the middle of the 18th century, economic agents, i.e. the entrepreneurs
and the workers operated within the old feudal framework and retained all the features
of their handicraft origin and pre- capitalist mentality; the output of factories and
manufactories was still not very significant. In the period of full capitalism, which
closed with the outbreak of the World War, the scope of economic activity was
expanded enormously, and scientific and technological application was also
remarkably broadened. Intensified commercialization of economic life and debasement
of all economic processes into purely commercial transactions were the typical
characteristic features of this period. The period of late capitalism can be best
characterized by describing the changes which capitalism has been undergoing since
the World War I.
Maurice Dobb admits that systems are never in reality to be found in their pure form
and in any period of history and elements characteristic both of preceding and of
succeeding periods are to be found, sometimes mingled in extraordinary complexity.
However, he refuses to look upon the transitional period prior to the ‘putting out
system’, when the craftsmen had started losing their independence and were being
subordinated to merchants, as early capitalism. As he says, ‘…we cannot date the
dawn of capitalism from the first signs of the appearance of large-scale trading and
of a merchant class, and we cannot speak of a special period of ‘Merchant Capitalism,
as many have done.’ According to him, the opening phase of capitalism must be
dated in England, not in 12th century as Henry Pirenne has done, nor in the 14th
century with its urban trade and guild handicrafts as others have done, but in the
latter half of 16th and early 17th century when capital began to flow into production
on a considerable scale and such relationships as that between the capitalist and
hired wage-earners or that between domestic handicraftsmen and merchant capitalist
in the putting-out system emerged.
From 1100 on, real accumulation of wealth were made, frequently in the first instance
in the form of coin, which might later be invested in land, buildings, or ships. In some
instances these accumulations sprang from the existence of an agricultural surplus.
The profits of a rising commerce and the new mines enabled some merchants to
heap up wealth. Often a man gathered wealth from one or two of these sources at
once. Indeed, few medieval accumulations of money had a single, simple origin.
However, one thing is very noteworthy. ‘Surplus value’ or surplus above subsistence
existed both in feudal society and in the Egypt of the Pharaohs, but in neither case
was bourgeois class its recipient. But under Commercial Capitalism capital
accumulation took place out of the profits of merchants, quite independent of the
employment of workers for wages. This is the point which distinguished commercial
capitalism from other forms of capitalism. The ancient period, therefore, was the
age more of commercial accumulation rather than of commercial capitalism.
Roughly speaking, therefore, the entire period from 13th to 18th century, till the
coming of industrial capitalism, can be designated to be the period of commercial
capitalism, though, following Dobb, it can be said to have attained its climax from
16th century onwards. 9
Capitalism and
From the discussion above, it can be concluded, that the intervening period between
feudalism and industrial capitalism can be designated as Commercial Capitalism. As
historians have argued, any historical period reveals the characteristics of both the
preceding and succeeding periods. In a similar way, Commercial Capitalism also
has certain features of feudalism along with capitalistic traits. In fact, according to
Sombart, Commercial Capitalism or ‘early capitalism’ operated within the feudal
framework. The feudal features are as follows:
1) Work was generally done in the homes of the producers and not under the
factory shades of modern industries.
2) Not full-scale machines, but simple tools were used for manufacturing. And
many a times these factors of production were owned by the workers themselves.
3) Since factors of production were limited, manufacturing was also on a much
smaller scale as compared to goods produced in factories.
4) One man, i.e., the merchant entrepreneur, controlled the whole process from
start to finish.
The capitalist features were as follows:
1) Incentive of profit was the main driving force behind the entire process.
2) With increasing desire for profit, the demand for labour was rising tremendously
with the result that the merchant capitalists were hiring more and more workers.
3) Financial advances were provided to the producers by the capitalists. These
could be equated to wages under industrial capitalism.
4) The final product as well as the entire profit was appropriated by the capitalist.


Any stage of capitalism, commercial or industrial, cannot be understood without
some appreciation of the historic changes that bring about its appearance. In this
complicated narrative it is important to distinguish three major themes. The first
concerns the transfer of organization and control of production from the imperial
and aristocratic strata of pre-capitalist states into the hands of mercantile elements.
This momentous change originates in the political rubble that followed the fall of the
Roman Empire. There merchant traders established trading niches that gradually
became centres of strategic influence, so that a merchantdom very much at the
mercy of feudal lords in the 9th and 10th centuries became by the 12th and 13th
centuries an estate with considerable measure of political and social status. The
feudal continued to oversee production of the peasantry on his manorial estate, but
the merchant, and his descendant the guild master, were organizer of production in
the towns and of finance for the feudal aristocracy itself. The transformation of a
merchant estate into a capitalist class capable of imagining itself as a political and not
just as an economic force required centuries to complete and was not, in fact
legitimated until the English revolution of the 17th and the French revolution of 18th
10 centuries. The elements making for this revolutionary transformation can only be
alluded to here in passing. Feudal social relationships were replaced by market Commercial Capitalism

relationships based upon exchange and this in turn steadily improved the wealth and
social importance of the merchant against the aristocracy. The rise of market society,
therefore, became the central theme in the overall transfer of power from the
aristocracy to the bourgeoisie. Economic organization of production and distribution
through purchase and sale dominated the entire scene. The economic revolution
from which the factors of production emerged came as an end product of a political
convulsion in which the predominance of one social order is replaced by a new one.
This is the second theme in the historical evolution of capitalism. It resulted in the
separation of a traditionally seamless web of rulership into two realms. One of them
involved the exercise of the traditional political tasks of rulership, and the other
realm was limited to the production and distribution of goods and services. A third
theme calls attention to the cultural changes that accompanied the evolution of
capitalism. The presence of an ideological framework based upon profit contrasts
sharply with that of pre-capitalist formations.
For a proper understanding of commercial capitalism, it is necessary to take a quick
glance at the current of events through which it evolved. It passed through different
stages already mentioned before finally reaching the stage of modern capitalism.
Feudal society had been established by the eleventh century when the organization
of production and extortion of surplus labour were carried out for the benefit of the
seigneur, an exalted landlord. Soon, however, the process of its decomposition began.
The most remarkable economic feature in the period during 1000-1250 was a steady
rise in the wages, rents and profits. However, as Carlo Cipolla has pointed out in his
book ‘Before the Industrial Revolution’, during the thirteenth century, certain
bottlenecks had begun to manifest themselves. As demographic pressure steadily
increased, there eventually came into play the economic law according to which
lands with diminishing marginal returns are taken into cultivation. The laws of supply
and demand inevitably pushed rents up and real wages down.
Things changed substantially from the 14th century onwards due mainly to two
factors – 1) dreadful plague epidemic of 1348-51 as a result of which 25 million
people disappeared in little more than two years, out of 80 million people who lived
in Europe before the plague. 2) Wars and revolutions like the Hundred Years War
(1337-1453), the War of Roses (1455-85) etc. which further depleted significantly
the population of Europe. Between 1347 and 1500, European population declined
from 80 to 60 or 70 million. The result was a drastic cutting down of the effective
labour force leading to a rise of real wages, and a simultaneous stagnation or reduction
of rents and interests. Consequently, the peasant classes improved their economic
and social position relative to the class of landed proprietors. The weakening of the
power of the merchant guild and formation of numerous craft guilds suggests that
craftsmen and workers in the towns were likewise improving their position relative
to the groups of the merchant-entrepreneurs. Simultaneously, there was a renewal
of commercial fairs, a renaissance of urban life and the formation of a commercial
bourgeoisie. It is in this decomposition of the feudal order that the formation of
mercantile capitalism or commercial capitalism took root.
Over a period of several centuries the ‘long journey’ toward capitalism continued in
this direction: the extension of trade and domination on the world scale, the
development of techniques of transportation and production, the introduction of
new modes of production and the emergence of new attitude and ideas. From the
year 1000, the European economy ‘took off’ and gradually gained ground. In the
course of the 13th century, Venetian merchants proved to be more advanced as far
as business techniques were concerned than those used by the Byzantine Empire. 11
Capitalism and The system of manufacture at this time was widely through guilds, that is, economic
and social association of merchants or craftspeople in the same trade or craft to
protect the interests of its members. Merchant guilds were often very powerful,
controlling trade in a geographic area; the craft guilds (as of goldsmiths, weavers or
shoemakers) regulated wages, quality of production, and working conditions for
apprentices. The guild system declined from the 16th century because of changing
trade and work conditions which led to the emergence of the putting-out system.
The composition of international trade between East and West indicated that it was
in the 13th and 14th centuries that Europe asserted its superiority. One of the main
reasons for European success, at least in the paper and textile industry, was the
mechanization of the productive process by the adoption of the water mill. The most
spectacular consequences of the supremacy acquired by Europe in the technical
field were the geographic explorations and the subsequent economic, political and
military expansion of Europe. One of the remarkable results of the geographic
explorations was the discovery of the American continent or the New World and
the beginnings of migration therein. The lightning overseas expansion of Europe had
far-reaching economic consequences. One of the major consequences was the
discovery in Mexico and Peru of rich deposits of gold and especially silver. In 1503
precious metals arrived from the Antilles; in 1519 the pillage of the treasure of the
Aztecs in Mexico began; in 1534 the pillage of the Incas in Peru started.
In the same period that precious metals became more abundant, prices rose because
demand for goods had risen because the abundance of precious metals had made
people richer. But due to fall in population, as explained earlier, production could
not be expanded proportionately. As a result, the rise in demand resulted in a rise in
price. Economic historians have labelled the period 1500 to 1620 as the ‘Price
Revolution’. It is generally held that between 1500 and 1620, the average level of
prices in the various European countries increased by 300 to 400 percent. A confused
debate ensued in which a number of causes have been held responsible for causing
high prices: farmers, middlemen, exporters, foreigners, merchants, and usurers as
well as ‘monetary revaluations’. In this debate the analysis of J.Bodin, a jurist from
Anjou, is particularly significant. Bodin wrote, ‘the principal and virtually sole cause’
of the rise in prices was ‘the abundance of gold and silver which is greater today
than it has been during the four previous centuries…. The principal cause of a rise in
prices is always an abundance of that with which the price of goods is measured.’
The net result was that the merchant and banking bourgeoisie gathered strength.
After Venice and Florence, Antwerp, London, Lyon and Paris developed, with
populations surpassing 50,000 even 100,000. Therefore, with banking and merchant
bourgeoisies having acquired immense fortunes and national states having mastered
the means of conquest and domination, the conditions were ready in the 16th century
for the future development of capitalism. It is in this sense that one can date the
capitalist era as beginning in the 16th century. However, historians and economists
have referred to this early stage as mercantile or commercial capitalism. Significant
progress in the field of trade and commerce took place. This unprecedented
commercial growth naturally led to immense accumulation of capital and is referred
to as the Commercial Revolution. It is undeniable that England, for instance, was
able to do what she did in the first stages of the Industrial Revolution partly because
this previous Commercial Revolution allowed a considerable accumulation of capital:
the profits of overseas trade overflowed into agriculture, mining and manufacture.
This situation is what is called Commercial Capitalism.
The Commercial Revolution was a very important economic event in the 16th and
17th centuries when the transformation of the European trade occurred as a result
12 of the overseas expansion and the influx of bullion. In trade the most significant
changes were: growth in international trade, ending of regionalism, trans-oceanic Commercial Capitalism

trade, growth of markets, and new kinds of commercial organizations. The

development in the international trade and the various means of banking and exchange
between 1550 and 1700, especially in Holland and England, can be termed as the
Commercial Revolution. It had certain outstanding characteristic features. One of
them was immense capital accumulation and intensification of Commercial Capitalism
as we have already noted. Another was the growth of banking. As we have discussed
earlier, banking was very limited in the Middle Ages due to moral disapproval and
was carried on mostly by the Jews. By the 15th century, however, the banking
business had spread to southern Germany and France. The leading firm in the north
was that of Fuggers of Augsburg. The first in order of importance was the Bank of
Sweden (1657), but the most important one— the Bank of England — was founded
in 1694. Another significant feature of Commercial Revolution was the replacement
of craft guilds by the springing of industries like mining, smelting and woollen industry.
The most typical form of industrial production in the period of the Commercial
Revolution was the domestic system or the ‘putting out system’ which developed in
the woollen industry. Although the scale of production was insignificant, the
organization was basically capitalist. Formation of regulated companies, i.e. an
association of merchants grouped together for a common venture, was another feature
of the Commercial Revolution. Usually the purpose of the combination was to maintain
a monopoly of trade in some part of the world. In the 17th century this was replaced
by the joint-stock company. The remaining feature of the Commercial Revolution
that needs to be considered was the growth of a more efficient money economy. A
standard system of money was adopted by every important state to be used for all
transactions within its borders. The creation of national currencies was therefore
really an important achievement of the Commercial Revolution.
By the end of the 15th century, in Western Europe, the Mediterranean was the most
developed area. But by the end of the 16th century, this area declined and the
economic balance of Europe shifted to the Northwest area, on the Atlantic coast.
There were changes in the type of commerce with the shift and growth of trade. In
the 16th century, the flow of spices from the East and the bullion from the West were
important. But gradually new overseas products became staples of consumption in
Europe and grew in commercial importance—indigo from the East, porcelain from
China, cocoa from America, tea and coffee from the Far East and the Near East,
etc. A considerable portion of the bullion from America went to India and the East.
The need for slaves transplanted black population to America. European goods
were also exported to distant land, and this served as a boost to industries. Refining
of sugar and preparation of tobacco were new industries. This acted as a great
impulse to the growth of capitalism from overseas expansion. That is why till the end
of the 17th century, capitalism can be called commercial capitalism, as it was capital
dominated by commercial activity. Maritime dominance also passed from the
Mediterranean to the Atlantic shipping. This was due to the development of cheaper
forms of sea transport by the Dutch and the English.
The development, therefore, can be summed up briefly. In the centuries following
the 12th, with the rise of commerce and business, there grew up a class of merchants,
traders and financiers who sought profit and looked upon usury as a normal part of
their business life. Though, of course usury was common among the Jews since the
11th century because they were the real moneylenders. The prohibitions against
usury issued by the church could mean nothing to them since they were not Christians.
As the merchant capitalists became more and more important and as the church
became involved in the financial and business mechanism of the times, the ideas of
the church and the public readjusted themselves towards the acceptance of the 13
Capitalism and capitalist spirit. The earlier method of manufacture on a large scale was through
guilds in towns. The guilds were of significance in medieval economic development
because of their deliberate policy of promoting sectional interests. A decisive change
took place in Western Europe, when the intermediary, the merchant capitalist, as a
result of the ‘putting out’ system, or Verlagssystem, separated the producer from
the final consumer. All these developments since the 13th century constituted different
stages of Commercial Capitalism or merchant capitalism. These capitalist tendencies
remained confined, however, to commercial activities and within the feudal
framework. The process was not complete by 1500, since more than a century
later usury was still being denounced by churchmen, rulers and publicists.


Mercantilism, a term coined by Adam Smith, played a very important role in the
evolution of Commercial Capitalism. Maurice Dobb refers to it as ‘a system of state
regulated exploitation through trade—essentially the economic policy of an age of
primitive accumulation.’ In short, mercantilism can be said to be a state controlled
economic policy which aimed at regulating the trade and commerce of the nation, as
well as its factories and manufactures with the primary purpose of ultimately to
concentrate and wield political power by building fleets, equipping army etc. Although
mercantilism varied from country to country, it had certain common characteristic
features like bullionism, paternalism, imperialism, economic nationalism etc.
Bullionism, which meant that the prosperity of a nation was determined by the quantity
of precious metals within its borders, became an essential element of mercantilism
ever since precious metals had started flowing in from America to the old world.
Generally speaking, the period between 16th and 18th centuries is designated as
the period of mercantilism, as great economic growth, an increase in the use of
money, a sharp rise in the volume of distance trade, acquisition of more and more
colonies etc. reached its zenith during this period. Mercantilism is closely interlinked
with Commercial Capitalism as growth of the latter attracted the attention of the
state and although the activities of the merchants were sometimes obstructed and
hampered by the policy of mercantilism and therefore the merchants were forced to
oppose mercantilist policies on those occasions, on the whole the merchants were
positively benefited by the state policies like creating markets by acquiring colonies
and thereby expanding exports by building fleets, by providing protection against
foreign goods by raising the tariff, by maintaining banks, by giving subsidies etc.
Jean Baptiste Colbert, the French chief minister under Louis XIV, for example,
gave a tremendous boost to commercial capitalism by adopting a vigorous mercantile
policy like prohibition of export of money, levying high tariff on foreign manufactures,
and giving bounties to encourage French shipping. He also fostered imperialism
hoping to increase a favourable balance of trade. On the other hand, as Christopher
Hill argues, the mercantilism of the Tudor monarchs in England was positively pro-
guild and restrictive towards the putting-out system, because with a weak army and
bureaucracy it was easier for them to tax the urban guilds more effectively than the
merchant-capitalists of the putting-out system located mostly far away in the
countryside. A series of Acts, starting with the 1533 Statute, passed by the Tudors
in an effort to restrict them demonstrates the fact. The Weavers’ Act forbidding the
clothiers to own more than one loom and two weavers and the Enclosure Commission
set up in 1548 to look into the enclosures slowed down the growth of the putting-
out system in England. The situation improved with coming of the Stuarts and
Commercial Capitalism under the putting-out system flourished.
Commercial Capitalism
As the name indicates, and as is clear from above discussions, Commercial Capitalism
emerged primarily out of profits of trade and commerce. The question now is what
was the nature of this trade? The noted French historian Fernand Braudel thinks it to
be long- distance trade. In his view, long-distance trade undoubtedly played a leading
role in the genesis of merchant capitalism and was for a long time its backbone. The
views of modern historians, however, are hostile to it in many ways. Jacques Heers,
for example, writing about the Mediterranean in the 15th century, insists that there
were a large number of short-range trades, instead of long-distance trade, the greatest
traffic being in grain, wood and salt. Peter Mathias has also established with statistics
that England’s foreign trade on the eve of the Industrial Revolution was considerably
smaller than her domestic trade. It has been argued that inter-regional trade within
Europe was a hundred times greater in the 16th century than the exchange between
Europe and the New World. Braudel says that even though the volume of local trade
might have been much greater and therefore the trade in the Mediterranean was in a
position of minority, the value of minority in history should not be overlooked, though,
he admits, today’s historiography is concerned primarily with the experience of
majority, of the millions forgotten by previous schools of history. In the first place,
Braudel continues, long-distance trade, known to German historians as Ferhandel,
created groups of Fernhandler – import-export merchants, who were always a
category apart. They introduced themselves into the circuit between the artisan and
his distant raw materials – wool, silk, cotton. They also interposed themselves between
the finished product and its marketing in distant places. The products of far-off lands
also found their way into the hands of the import-export merchant like silk from
China and Persia, pepper from India, cinnamon from Ceylon etc. The risks of long-
distance trade were great, but so were its profits. According to Braudel, the long list
of long-distance trade shows that distance alone could create ordinary everyday
conditions for profiteering.


The question now logically arises that what precisely was the role of commercial
activities and capital accumulated thereby in the transition from feudal mode of
production to industrial mode of production. Because by now we know that
commercial capitalism existed within the framework of feudalism since the Middle
The significance of commercial capitalism and its role in the transition becomes all
the more striking in the transition debate, which ensued among scholars and historians.
Two stages of the debate can be identified. 1) The Dobb-Sweezy controversy
(mentioned above), turned mainly on what would be the correct Marxist explanation
of the transition from feudalism to capitalism in the light of European experience. 2)
The second stage of the debate is less bound by such limitations. Robert Brenner’s
critiques of the ‘demographic model’, supported by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie of
the Annales School, Michael Postan and Habakuk of the Liberal School and Marxist
Guy Bois, the ‘commercialization model’ of Pirenne, Sweezy, ‘the falling rent rate’
of Perry Anderson, Rodney Hilton and ‘World System’ model of Immanuel
Wallerstein, are not only rich in fresh insights and developments of Marxist analysis,
but also utilize a mass of new and meaningful evidence on agrarian history, industrial
and commercial evolution and demographic changes. The debate was mainly about 15
Capitalism and two points – whether the exchange relations or external trade demolished the feudal
mode of production; or whether inner contradictions like exploitation of the peasant
by the nobility and unproductive use of economic surplus like expenditure on war
and luxury were responsible for the break-down of feudalism.
There was a long time-gap between the decline of feudalism in Western Europe
during the 14th century and the beginning of the capitalist period in the second half
of the 16th century at the earliest. Sweezy does not agree with Dobb’s
characterization of the intervening period as feudal. Rather he considers it as a
traditional form in which the predominant elements were neither feudal nor capitalist.
According to Dobb, feudalism had its own dynamic phase (10th- 12th centuries) of
expanding production based on the extension of cultivation, some technical
improvements and extraction of surplus and its use in unproductive ways. Dobb
indicated how the economic effects of trade and merchant capital were themselves
shaped by feudal class relations and rather reinforced feudal obligations. Further,
merchant or commercial capital is not directly involved in production and hence its
source of profit lies in the ability to turn the terms and conditions of trade against
petty producers in agriculture and industry.
Dobb made the following points regarding the emergence of capitalism: i) supersession
of serfdom by contractual relations or rise of peasant property. This was the result
of the inner contradictions in the feudal relations between the nobility and the
peasantry. The very misery of the peasantry created the danger of depopulation of
manors. The effects of the nobility’s expenditure on unproductive activities like war
were equally disastrous. Overexploitation of labour, unproductive use of economic
surplus and exhaustion of power and opportunities to increase lord’s revenue made
the feudal mode increasingly untenable. ii) Dobb attached considerable importance
to the growth of capitalist elements from the ranks of direct producers released from
feudal constraints and engaged in the petty mode of production. iii) Dobb sees the
English Revolution of 1640 as one in which artisans and yeomen seized political
power from landlords and merchants.
Le Roy Ladurie stressed the importance of the demographic model implying that the
long-term trends of the feudal economy conformed to the Malthusian sequence of
population growth outstripping food supply and then demographic decline due to
calamities like famine, starvation etc. A population upswing would then be associated
with falling wages, rising food prices and rising rents. According to Le Roy Ladurie,
there was a distinct upward surge of population during the 16th century, followed by
a sharp decline in the 17th century. Abundance of labour in the 16th century due to
population growth gave a boost to feudalism. Conversely, feudalism received a blow
in the 17th century with a sharp fall in population. This was, in the view of Ladurie,
the decisive role of the demographic factor in shaping the nature and sequence of
Brenner criticizes both the demographic model as well as the trade-centred approach.
The main thrust of Brenner’s argument placed the development of class structure
and state power and its effects at the centre of analysis. According to Brenner, the
two fundamental problems regarding the transition related to : i) the decline versus
persistence of serfdom and its effects, and ii) the emergence and predominance of
secure small peasant property versus the rise of landlord-large tenant farmer relations
on the land. The class-structure, according to Brenner, had three layers— the state
or the monarchy at the top, the gentry and feudal landlords at the middle and the
peasants and serfs at the lowest base. In the 14th and 15th centuries the perpetual
class conflict between the second and third social groups resulted in the triumph of
the peasantry and serfdom came to an end. In England, however, since the monarchy
was dependent on the gentry for taxes, it could not protect the peasantry against the Commercial Capitalism

oppression of the gentry and the feudal lords. As a result, the peasantry were ultimately
again suppressed by feudalism, leading to their deprivation of land which were
subsequently enclosed by the landlords. The successful enclosure movement in
England laid the foundations of agrarian capitalism in the 16th century and this
facilitated the process of her early industrialization. In France, however, the monarchy
was directly dependent upon the peasants for taxes. So the landlords could not
enclose the lands successfully as the peasants resisted the move vehemently and the
monarchy could not afford to impose it upon them against their will. As a result,
agrarian capitalism could not develop in France. It was all the more delayed in
Eastern Europe where monarchy was extremely weak, feudal lords were powerful
and consequently feudalism continued in its strongest form.
Perry Anderson, a Marxist, stressed like Dobb, Hilton and Brenner that changes in
social relations must precede development of productive forces. The nobility was
unable to maintain serfdom after the feudal crisis because the towns gave peasants a
shelter when they fled from their masters. In this manner, the political contradictions
were first heightened and then resolved by its disintegration. But unlike them, he
rejected the view that class struggle plays a decisive role in the germination as well
as in the resolution of social crisis. Like Sweezy and Wallerstein, on the other hand,
Anderson stressed the importance of towns and international trade to the process of
capitalist development. His theory is also known as ‘eclectic Marxism.’
On the other hand, prominent scholars like Sweezy, Wallerstein, Perry Anderson
recognized commerce and the capital accumulated thereby to be the most crucial
link between the decline of feudalism and the rise of capitalism. Capitalist
manufactories (i.e. large handicrafts employing wage labour) which competed with
and ousted the old craft guilds, were the crucial link – the form in which the
metamorphosis of merchant capital into industrial capital was achieved.
Paul Sweezy saw the Verlagssystem or the ‘putting out system’, in which large
merchants of the town employed craftsmen scattered in domestic workshops in the
villages or suburbs as the most significant point from which process of transition to
the matured factory system of the Industrial Revolution started. Sweezy’s view that
merchant capital, which developed and blossomed within the construct of the feudal
society, evolved directly into industrial capital, has, however, been considered by
others as misconception in the sense that only if merchant capital was invested in
industrial production, could it be responsible for the transition to capitalism.
A little elaboration of the point made above is essential. In other words, it is to be
clarified what is the distinction between investment in commercial production and
that in industrial production and why, therefore, the latter only could put an end to
feudalism and simultaneously paved the path for the rise of industrial capitalism.
These were: 1) Under commercial production the earlier method of manufacture
through guilds in towns underwent crucial organizational changes as production of
goods came to be dominated by the merchant capitalists under the putting-out system.
The putting-out system was much more elaborately developed and manufactories
were created when merchant capital was invested in industrial mode of production.
2) The change of investment from commercial to industrial production was
accentuated by the shift in the economic centre from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.
While earlier commerce was confined to the Mediterranean and Baltic region, a
geographical shift took place to the north-western region of the Atlantic during the
late 15th and 16th centuries. The reasons were many, like, the soil conditions in the
Mediterranean Europe were inferior to those of North- Western Europe. Discovery
of precious metals in America was another reason. It brought with it enormous
Capitalism and international liquidity and marked the growth of international trade. Between 1500-
1700 at least in Holland and England a commercial revolution took place. Moreover,
piracy deterred the merchants in the Mediterranean. Discovery of new trade routes
through geographical exploration further accelerated the process of shifting the
economic centre. Technological breakthrough was another reason. 3) Under industrial
production, a much wider range of choice of goods than before was made available
for the purpose of international trade, including a larger number of non-luxury goods;
4) the volume of articles of common consumption for both international and domestic
markets was substantially increased by industrial mode of production
It can be said, therefore, that capitalism prevalent till the end of the 17th century was
commercial capitalism, that is, capitalism dominated by commercial activity. A large
part of the goods in trade was obtained from the traditional sector—agriculture,
domestic work and craftwork. This growing volume of trade accentuated the
commercial aspect of the still expanding capitalism. However, the demand on the
manufactures multiplied bringing about in the end a fundamental technological
breakthrough—Industrial Revolution. A new economy was ushered in by the
Industrial Revolution—famous in the history of Europe as industrial capitalism. The
metamorphosis of commercial capital into industrial capital was completed basically
by two primary factors—the deployment of commercial capital increasingly into
industries, thereby transforming it into industrial capital and a significant increase in
the number of factories or manufactories, a typical feature of the industrial age which
in its turn completed the decline of the ‘putting out’ system.


Commercial Capitalism, as mentioned earlier, took different forms in different
countries. Here we will study briefly its features in different major countries of Europe
at that time.
In Spain, the old colonial and commercial country of Europe, for example, the growth
of commercial capitalism was not very successful for various reasons. Spain
possessed all the economic stimuli necessary for industrial growth—gold and silver
from the New World, rise in population and a class of affluent consumers. Still it
failed as far as industry and commerce were concerned. The development of the
Verlagssystem or putting-out system which symbolized the triumph of commercial
capitalism did not grow adequately in Spain. It developed to some extent in the rural
areas and struck a blow to the guilds, i.e. the Spanish gremios and benefited the
merchants, but in the urban areas the guilds proliferated at the auspices of the
government and set up rigid control over design and qualities of products, and thereby
became a positive hindrance to innovations. Moreover, permission of entry of foreign
goods and prohibition of the export of domestic products dealt a heavy blow to the
domestic industries of Spain. The overall defective tax system of Spain was another
impediment. Spain quickly became a country importing primary finished goods and
exporting raw materials. Seville’s (an important industrial centre and port on the
Guadalquivir river) trade with the New World or America started declining and fell
into the hands of foreign merchants.
The 16th century Europe obtained from America huge treasures in gold, silver and
other precious stones, food etc. Initially it had a tremendous beneficial impact upon
Spain and Seville became one of Europe’s major ports. It quickly became an important
centre of international trade, because rise in bullion led to a corresponding rise in
prices and attracted traders to sell their products in the Spanish markets. The Spanish
people also indulged in buying these imported foreign goods for their own needs Commercial Capitalism

using bullion as a means of exchange, rather than setting up industries for manufacturing
goods. Agricultural base in Spain was equally poor and made Spain a major grain
importing country. In other words, ‘Spain became a colonial dumping ground for
foreign goods in Europe.’ Commercial capitalism, therefore, could make no headway
in Spain as there was no inflow of capital, rather, its drain. Neither could Spain
capture a substantial foreign market for herself, nor was there a sufficiently large
home market, because high food prices left little in the hands of the mass of the
population to indulge in any other kind of purchase. All these factors along with
technological backwardness retarded the process of industrialization. Enormous influx
of capital, therefore, could not stimulate the growth of commercial capitalism and its
subsequent transformation into industrial capitalism.
As we had seen briefly earlier, even before it developed in England and Holland, the
‘putting-out system’ flourished in Italy—Florence and Northern Italy in the 13th and
14th centuries. The major parts of Italy, however, remained tied to the traditional
system of production and no further progress of Commercial Capitalism and its
subsequent transformation into industrialism could take place. The main reason was
that Italy went on producing only high quality, expensive woollen cloth which was
produced through old-fashioned guilds, which maintained obsolete forms of economic
organization and production and were unable to produce in large quantities. Therefore
in Italy problems like high cost of production, expensive labour, heavy tax system,
cumbersome internal tolls, imports of wool from Spain etc. retarded the growth of
capitalism. As a result, she failed to compete with England and Holland, who produced
new draperies that were lighter and brighter as well as cheaper.
In France and England, however, the situation was different. Trade developed in
France in the 15th and 16th centuries, and Lyons became the most active financial
centre of the west outside Italy. France’s only major foreign supplier was Italy from
whom she took fine silk, spices, drugs and dyestuffs. Later in 1536 the silk industry
of Lyons was set up with a view to making France gradually self-sufficient. Rouen
on the Channel Coast connected Paris and northern France with the trading metropolis
of Antwerp. Ports of Normandy and Brittany had old established fisheries and after
1520 they turned to Newfoundland fishery. Bordeaux and Rochelle exported great
quantities of wine to England and Netherlands. Salt was sent to Netherlands and the
Baltic. Linen was sent to Spain from Morlaix, St. Malo and woollens, corn, wood,
ironware, paper and other goods.
Merchants of France adopted the putting-out system as a result of which Commercial
Capitalism flourished, while the independence of innumerable master craftsmen,
journeymen, apprentices and casual labourers—particularly of textiles, construction,
mining and metallurgy industries—was ruined. They were replaced by what was
called in the 16th century France – arts and manufactures—which were not labour
intensive , but were marked by capital concentration, since the numerous workers
were only accessible to those who had capital and not to simple master craftsmen.
In the early 16th century, England was on the periphery of European trade with
marginal use of technology in industry and agriculture. The putting-out system
developed in the manufacturing units. 16th century capitalism in England was,
therefore, essentially commercial in nature. Basically, the type of industries in England
were two—industries like coal, mining or iron smelting where technical improvement
was required, and, on the other hand, the small-scale industry of independent
craftsmen who were gradually losing their independence at the hands of the merchant
capitalists. Trade was in very limited items like raw materials primarily, the sole
manufactured export being woollen cloth. All her basic needs she imported from
Capitalism and other countries. England traded primarily with Ireland, Normandy, Brittany, South-
western France, Northern Spain etc. from where she obtained wine, oil, dyestuff,
salt and iron. England’s trade with America initially started in the mid-16th century
through Spain and then with the establishment of English colonies, England found a
flourishing market in the New World for her manufactures. With the shift of the focal
point of trade from the Mediterranean to Western Europe, England was placed at
the centre of world trade by the mid-17th century.
The Dutch commercial capitalism was dependent on Northern trade i.e. trade with
the Baltic region and Norway. Special ships were developed for the purpose and
soon the Dutch industry became the best one. Holland was also the primary producer
of sugar. Amsterdam had sixty refineries in 1661. The putting-out system was
developed in luxury and semi-luxury goods. In 1660’s the United Provinces became
the principal centre of production in the European world economy. As has been
noted already textiles and ship-building were her chief sources of capital.


What were then the results of Commercial Capitalism? Evidently, the most important
was the growth of industrial capitalism. Another was the evolution of a Scientific
Revolution. The opening of America and the East and the consequent influx of Spanish
gold and silver created a tremendous demand for shipbuilding and navigation and
for the making of the compass, maps and other instruments. The age of Galileo,
Newton, Harvey, Descartes, Copernicus and Leibnitz saw the victory of the
experimental method and of the application of Mathematics in the explanation of
reality. It was in this cultural climate that the school of ‘arith politicians’—Grant,
Petty and Halley- rose and developed. It helped to create an institutional structure
and a business ethic, which accentuated the development of industrial capitalism
and thereby was the prime cause of the growth of large towns and industrial centres.
Another effect of commercial capitalism was a rise in demand for consumer and
capital goods—textiles, wine, weapons, equipment of various kinds etc. and also
for commercial and transport services for the transportation of finished goods as
well as raw materials from one place to another. The slave trade resulted in
transportation of black population to America. The rise in demand produced two
different sets of consequences. One was that the rise in demand resulted in increased
production, but due to certain bottlenecks in productive apparatus, production could
not be proportionately increased leading to a rise in demand, which again resulted in
rise in prices. The ‘Price Revolution’ was therefore an inevitable consequence of
Commercial Capitalism. Scholars have also attributed a special maturity to the English
pre-industrial economy. Accumulation of capital, big or moderate, for example,
enabled business to develop more elaborate techniques of capitalism. The credit
system was developed substantially because all these techniques were directly linked
with the extension of credit. The simple form of Bill of Exchange, for example, gave
way to a more complicated type called the draft, which was in use by the mid-14th
century and common by the 15th.
Commercial Capitalism resulted in the growth of markets that again had a very
important outcome—the rise of towns. From the nucleus of small trading centres,
they slowly and gradually evolved into flourishing, prosperous towns with all
characteristics of urban civilization. There is undoubtedly an eclectic explanation of
the rise of medieval towns, but one fact is certain: without capital these towns could
never have emerged as significant centres of exchange of goods and products. Therein
20 lay the role of Commercial Capitalism though of course, it would be wrong to regard
them as microcosms of capitalism, because many towns in the early stages were Commercial Capitalism

themselves subordinated to feudal authority. Nevertheless, they nourished the ‘first

germs’ of merchant and money-lending capital that was later to be employed on a
larger scale.
The Price Revolution, on the other hand, led to the rise of the bourgeoisie class.
Nobles, who could not cope, became heavily in debt. Merchants, businessmen,
traders, lawyers, i.e. the bourgeoisie, made fortunes and thereby emerged as a
powerful force in society. The beginnings of an organized trading interest in the towns,
distinct from the handicraft, evolved into close corporations of richer merchants,
who proceeded to monopolize wholesale trade and soon came to dominate the
town government and to use their political power to further their own privileges and
explicitly excluded from their ranks the handicraftsmen. The rule of the merchant
capital was established to the detriment of the craftsmen and these merchant capitalists
or merchant bourgeoisie who replaced the earlier burghers, rose to play an exclusively
preponderant role in the society posing a serious challenge to the old feudal
All these consequences of Commercial Capitalism helped to accelerate the pace of
the coming of Industrial Capitalism. By accumulation of capital, by stimulating
expansion and diversification of demand and thereby creating new markets, by
favouring the growth of the bourgeoisie, Commercial Capitalism brought about drastic
changes in the entrepreneurial attitudes after discarding the conservative ways and
methods and paved the path for the entry of the Industrial Revolution—a spectacular
landmark in the history of human evolution.

In this Unit we have seen the way money, trade and cash economy began to take
precedence over feudal economy based on land rent from the 13th century onwards.
It saw the beginnings of ‘putting out system’, large-scale financial and bank
transactions, establishment of manufactories for production of goods on a greater
scale, particularly textiles, leading to this phenomenon called Commercial Capitalism,
the first major phase in the development of capitalism. We have also seen how it led
to such a change through a survey of the debates over the internal problems emerging
within the feudal system. Yet, as seen through different case studies, this phenomenon
was not uniform and even happening at the same time across different countries. The
increasing interlinkages between the production for commercial purposes and
international and national trade prepared the ground for industrial capitalism, perhaps
the most classic stage in the development of capitalism. You will read about this in
the next Unit i.e. Unit 12.

1) Define the features of commercial capitalism.
2) Under what historical circumstances commercial capitalism emerged? Discuss
3) What are the different aspects to the debate over transition from Feudalism to

Capitalism and
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Capital
12.3 Capitalism
12.4 Capitalist Industrialization
12.5 Industrial Revolution
12.6 Theories for the Emergence of Capitalism
12.6.1 Adam Smith
12.6.2 Karl Marx
12.6.3 The Theory of Proto-Industrialization
12.6.4 Immanuel Wallerstein

12.7 Different Paths to Industrialization: Britain, France and Germany

12.8 Agriculture and Industrialization: Britain, France and Germany
12.9 The Capitalist Entrepreneur
12.10 Bourgeois Culture
12.11 Summary
12.12 Exercises

Even as you have read about the advent of capitalism in the form of commercial
capitalism in Unit 11, it was in the phase of industrial capitalization that capitalism is
said to have achieved its classical form. It is in this context that a brief discussion of
the terms like capitalism, capital, capitalist industrialization and industrial revolution
has been provided in this Unit. A brief survey of the theories of the emergence of
capitalism has been made along with a detailed discussion of capitalist industrialization
in different countries of Europe which also took different paths.
Definitions of capitalism are legion, contentious, and give rise to disparate and often
incompatible explanations of economic history. This is because capitalism is a historical
phenomenon. To say this is more than a truism. It implies that capitalism grew over
a long period of time. Consequently, historians differ as to the point in time where
the phenomenon may be reasonably said to exist. Some scholars take an expansive
view, beginning their story in classical antiquity and encompassing all manifestations
of profit-seeking trade, investment, and production. Others focus much more
narrowly, whether by equating capitalism with a single quality – such as competition,
markets, the predominance of money in exchange – or by identifying this form of
economic structure with modern factory industrialization as originally exemplified by
England during the Industrial Revolution.
A capitalist system implies, in the first place, that property is predominantly in private
hands and the allocation of goods, services, and factors of production (land, labour
and capital) is made mainly through market mechanisms, with capitalists responding
22 to profit signals, workers to wage incentives, and consumers to prices. In the second
place, capitalist economies are highly capitalised. Their stocks of physical capital, Capitalist
education and knowledge are large relative to their income flow and huge when
compared with pre-capitalist societies. This is because the most striking characteristic
of capitalist performance has been a sustained (although not continuous) upward
thrust in productivity and real income per head, which was achieved by a combination
of innovation and accumulation. In this respect, capitalism is very different from
earlier modes of production or social orders whose property and other social
institutions were oriented to preserve equilibrium and were less able to afford the
risks of change.

Historically, the rise of this new economic system was a complex and pervasive
process, eventually involving nearly every facet of economic life throughout Europe.
It was also protracted, stretching across the entire early modern period. The
development of capitalism entailed a revolution in economic relations, institutions,
and attitudes; on occasion it involved violence on the part of proponents and
opponents alike; and it gave birth to new social classes. None of this occurred
quickly or abruptly, however. The novel form of production grew up within the old,
gradually supplanting rather than suddenly and dramatically overthrowing it. Hence
its date of birth and critical moments of maturation are difficult to specify. Nor was
the advance of capitalism steady or uniform. On the contrary, it was a decidedly
uneven procedure, one that suffered disruptions, crises, even reversals. The process
unfolded in disparate fashion across nations, regions and sectors of the economy;
even within the same industry or farming district capitalist and non-capitalist methods
might be found cheek by jowl.

Despite the many difficulties of periodization and causal explanation, there is

agreement among historians of capitalism about certain features of this history. Among
these agreed-upon features are the following: The expanding market economies of
medieval Europe, with various institutional accompaniments (such as the development
of cities, merchant houses, and guilds) were the foundation on which later capitalism
developed. Somewhere in the late Middle Ages the economic centre of Europe
shifted from the Mediterranean littoral to Northern Europe, a shift that became further
stabilized in the early modern period, with its first focus in Holland and a second
(decisive) focus in England. Modern capitalism first became stabilized between the
sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. But a decisive leap forward came in the nineteenth
century, first in England, with the merging of a capitalist economy with the immense
technological power released by the Industrial Revolution. The modern capitalist
world system became established by the end of the nineteenth century and
consolidated itself in the twentieth century.

Strictly speaking capitalism is a term denoting a mode of production in which
capital in its various forms is the principal means of production. The term ‘capital’
(capitale, from the Latin word caput for ‘head’) first emerged in the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries, denoting stocks of merchandise, sums of money, and money
carrying interest. Fernand Braudel quotes a sermon of St. Bernardino of Siena (1380-
1444), who refers (in translation from the Latin) to ‘that prolific cause of wealth we
commonly call capital’ (capitale). The term came to denote, more narrowly, the
money wealth of a firm or a merchant. In the eighteenth century it gained common
usage in this narrower sense, especially referring to productive capital. The noun
‘capitalist’ probably dates from the mid-seventeenth century, to refer to owners of
‘capital’. 23
Capitalism and In everyday speech now, the word ‘capital’ is generally used to describe an asset
owned by an individual as wealth. Capital might then denote a sum of money to be
invested in order to secure a rate of return, or it might denote the investment itself: a
financial instrument, or stocks and shares representing titles to means of production,
or the physical means of production themselves. Depending on the nature of the
capital, the rate of return to which the owner has a legal right is either an interest
payment or a claim on profits. Capital is an asset which can generate an income flow
for its owner.
Two corollaries of this understanding are, first, that it applies to every sort of society,
in the past, in the present and in the future, and is specific to none; and second, that
it posits the possibility that inanimate objects are productive in the sense of generating
an income flow. This is the neo-classical conception of capital. It exemplifies what
has become known as fetishism, or the process in which men project upon outside
or inanimate objects, upon reified abstractions, these powers which are actually
their own. As Paul Sweezy, a critic of such economic theories argued, ‘Since profit
is calculated as a return on total capital, the idea inevitably arises that capital as such
is in some way productive’. So a ‘quantity of capital’ is postulated and this rather
than human labour is attributed with the power of producing wealth.
The Marxist concept of capital is based on a denial of these two corollaries. First,
capital is something which in its generality is quite specific to capitalism. While capital
predates capitalism, in capitalist society the production of capital predominates, and
dominates every other sort of production. Capital cannot be understood apart from
capitalist relations of production. Indeed, capital is not a thing at all, but a social
relation which appears in the form of a thing. Although capital is undoubtedly about
making money, the assets which ‘make’ money embody a particular relation between
those who have money and those who do not, such that not only is money ‘made’,
but also the private property relations which engender such a process are themselves
continually reproduced.

Capital is accordingly a complex category, not amenable to a simple definition, and
the major part of Marx’s writings was devoted to exploring its ramifications. Whatever
the asset form of capital itself, however, it is the private ownership of capital in the
hands of a class – the class of capitalists to the exclusion of the mass of the population
– which is a central feature of capitalism as a mode of production. Only Marxists
have consistently sought to integrate in a single theoretical construction the economic,
social, political and cultural dimensions of the capitalist phenomenon. Neither Max
Weber nor Joseph Schumpeter, nor Friedrich von Hayek, all of whom attempted to
construct non-Marxist frameworks to understand capitalism, succeeded in supplying
a satisfactory framework. Weber’s intellectual enterprise was essentially one of
comparative history, designed to uncover the roots of the unique Western
development of what he called ‘modern rationality’, which was intrinsic to the capitalist
system. Schumpeter remained essentially an economist and his most durable
contributions have remained in economics, for example, his theory of the economic
role of entrepreneurship. Hayek made some highly astute observations about the
relation of capitalism to various other phenomena in modern society, such as
democracy and the rule of law, but he never set out to construct a comprehensive
theory embracing all these relationships.
The term ‘capitalism’ is more recent than ‘capitalist.’ Adam Smith, commonly
24 regarded as the classical theorist of capitalism, did not use the term at all; he described
what he regarded as the natural system of liberty. It became common only after the Capitalist
publication of Werner Sombart’s magnum opus (Der moderne Kapitalismus,
Munich, 1928 [1902]) and by then was generally seen as the opposite of socialism.
The word ‘capitalism’ is rarely used by non-Marxist schools of economics. Even in
Marxist writings it is a late arrival. Marx, while he uses the adjective ‘capitalistic,’
does not use capitalism as a noun either in The Communist Manifesto or in Capital
vol. 1. Only in 1877, in his correspondence with Russian followers, did he use it in a
discussion of the problem of Russia’s transition to capitalism. This reluctance to
employ the word may have been due to its relative modernity in Marx’s day. The
Oxford English Dictionary cites its first use (by William Makepeace Thackeray)
as late as 1854.
Controversies concerning the origins and periodization of capitalism arise from the
tendency to emphasise one out of many features which can be said to characterize
the capitalist mode of production. Capitalism can be said to be characterized by,
1) Production for sale rather than own use by numerous producers. This contrasts
with simple commodity production.
2) A market where labour power too is a commodity and is bought and sold, the
mode of exchange being money wages for a period of time (time rate) or for a
specified task (piece rate). The existence of a market for labour contrasts with
its absence in either slavery or serfdom.
3) The predominant if not universal mediation of exchange by the use of money.
This aspect accentuates the importance of banks and other financial intermediary
institutions. The actual incidence of barter is limited.
4) The capitalist or his managerial agent controls the production (labour) process.
This implies control not only over hiring and firing workers but also over the
choice of techniques, the output mix, the work environment, and the
arrangements for selling the output. The contrast here is with the putting-out
system or with alternative modern proto-socialist forms such as the co-operative,
the worker-managed firm, worker-owned and/or state-owned firms.
5) Control by the capitalist or the manager of financial decisions. The universal
use of money and credit facilitates the use of other people’s resources to finance
accumulation. Under capitalism, this implies the power of the capitalist
entrepreneur to incur debts or float shares or mortgage capital assets to raise
finance. The contrast here would be with central financial control by a planning
6) There is competition between capitals. The control of individual capitalists over
the labour process and over the financial structure is modified by its constant
operation in an environment of competition with other capitals either producing
the same commodity or a near-substitute, or just fighting for markets or loans.
This increasing competition forces the capitalist to adopt new techniques and
practices which will cut costs, and to accumulate to make possible the purchase
of improved machinery. This competition strengthens the tendency towards
concentration of capital in large firms. It is to neutralize competition that
monopolies and cartels emerge.


Capitalism is the first stage in the history of the world to coincide with the phenomenon
of industrialization in its full-blown form. Together, the new economic institutions and
Capitalism and the new technology (in Marxist terms, the relations and the means of production)
transformed the world. Technical progress is the most essential characteristic of
capitalist advance, but it is also one that is most difficult to quantify or explain. This
is because its effects are diffused throughout the growth process in a myriad ways.
It augments the quality of natural resources and labour power (human capital) and
has an impact on trade. Investment is the major vehicle in which it is embodied, and
their respective roles are closely interactive. There is no doubt of its importance in
capitalist growth, or the contrast between its role in capitalist and pre-capitalist
industry. A major driving force of capitalist industrialization is the strong propensity
to risk capital on new techniques that hold promise of improved profits, in strong
contrast to the defensive wariness of the pre-capitalist approach to technology.
Some scholars regard the application of science to industry as the distinguishing
characteristic of modern industry. Despite its attractiveness, this view has its
difficulties. In the eighteenth century dawn of modern industry the body of scientific
knowledge was too slender and weak to be applied directly to industrial processes,
whatever the intention of its advocates. In fact, it was not until the second half of the
nineteenth century, with the flowering of chemical and electrical sciences, that scientific
theories provided the foundations for new processes and new industries. It is
indisputable, however, that as early as the seventeenth century the methods of science
– in particular, observation and experiment – were being applied (not always
successfully) for utilitarian purposes.
Nor were such efforts limited to men of scientific training. Indeed one of the most
remarkable features of technical advance in the eighteenth and early nineteenth
centuries was the large proportion of major inventions made by ingenious tinkerers,
self-taught mechanics and engineers (the word engineer acquired its modern meaning
in the eighteenth century) and other autodidacts. In many instances the term
experimental method may be too formal and exact to describe the process: trial-
and-error may be more apposite. But a willingness to experiment and to innovate
penetrated all strata of society, including even the agricultural population, traditionally
the most conservative and suspicious of innovation.
The most significant improvements in technology involved the use of machinery and
mechanical power to transform tasks that had been done far more slowly and
laboriously by human or animal power, or that had not been done at all. To be sure,
elementary machines like the wheel, the pulley, and the lever had been used from
antiquity, and for centuries humankind had used a fraction of the inanimate powers
of nature to propel sailing ships and actuate windmills and waterwheels for
rudimentary industrial purposes.
During the eighteenth century, a notable increase in the use of waterpower occurred
in industries such as grain milling, textiles, and metallurgy. The most important
developments in the application of energy in the early stages of industrialization
involved the substitution of coal for wood and charcoal as fuel, and the introduction
of the steam engine for use in mining, manufacturing and transportation. Similarly,
although metallic ores had been converted into metals for centuries, the use of coal
and coke in the smelting process greatly reduced the cost of metals and multiplied
their uses, whereas the application of chemical science created a host of new, ‘artificial’
or synthetic materials.
Though the term ‘industrialization’ is absent from the work of Marx and Engels, the
concept is clearly present. Marx distinguishes ‘Modern Industry’ or ‘The Factory
System’ or ‘The Machinery System’ from earlier forms of capitalist production, co-
26 operation and ‘Manufacture’. Modern industry is distinguished from manufacture
by the central role of machinery: ‘As soon as tools had been converted from being Capitalist
manual implements of man into implements of a mechanical apparatus, of a machine,
the motive mechanism also acquired an independent form, entirely emancipated from
the restraints of human strength. Thereupon the individual machine sinks into a mere
factor in production by machinery’. (Capital, 1, chapter 13, section 1)
In parallel with manufacture, Marx distinguishes two stages in the development of
the machinery system. In the first stage, ‘simple co-operation,’ there is only a
‘conglomeration in the factory of similar and simultaneously acting machines’ using a
single power source’. In the second stage, a ‘complex system of machinery’, the
product goes through a connected series of detailed processes carried out by an
interlinked chain of machines. When this complex system is perfected and can carry
out the entire process of production with workers only as attendants, it becomes an
‘automatic system of machinery’. (Ibid, chapter 13, Section 1)
The conversion of hand-operated tools into instruments of a machine reduces the
worker to a ‘mere’ source of motive power, and as production expands, the limits
of human strength necessitate the substitution of a mechanical motive power for
human muscles. In the factory system, all the machines are driven by a single ‘motive
force’, the steam engine.
In The Unbound Prometheus, David Landes placed technology at the centre of
the Industrial Revolution. He introduces this book by listing three areas of material
advance that comprised ‘the heart of the Industrial Revolution’. They are
1) The substitution of mechanical devices for human skills;
2) Inanimate power – in particular steam – took the place of human and animal
3) There was a marked improvement in the getting and working of raw materials,
especially in what are now known as the metallurgical and chemical industries.
Theodore Hamerow has measured the course of this technological modernization in
different European countries by citing the rising number of patents, the capacity of
steam engines and their diffusion in production, the concentration of labour in factories
and the increase in the efficiency of manufacture by way of rises in output per man-
Maxine Berg has questioned some of the assumptions of these perspectives by
pointing out that they reinforce the old ‘technological determinism’ of most accounts
of the Industrial Revolution. Landes’ approach, she argued, traced the history of the
most ‘progressive’ industries without enquiring into the patterns by which they were
adapted within different regions in Europe; Landes did not explore why
mechanization occurred faster (and earlier in her industrial history) in the USA than
in England; and he had no answer to the question of why French industry found it
difficult to adapt to British power and coal-using techniques.
Industrialization has come to be used as a synonym for sustained economic growth.
It is said to occur in a given country when output and real incomes per head begin to
rise steadily and without apparent limit. Expansion of total output alone, however, is
not a sufficient criterion of industrialization since, if population is rising more rapidly
than output, it is compatible with declining real incomes per head. Nor can mere
abundance of capital and land (which might give rise for a time to growing real
incomes per head) produce a growth in the economy which can be described as
industrialization if material technology remains unchanged. A country which retains a
large, even predominant, agricultural sector may be described as industrialised if
real incomes rise and technology changes.
Capitalism and Associated with industrialization are a number of economic and social changes which
follow directly from its defining characteristics. For example, as real incomes rise,
the structure of aggregate demand will change, since the income elasticities of demand
for the various goods available differ considerably. Again, and partly for the same
reason there will be a major, sustained shift of population from the countryside into
the city. Whereas there is room for argument about the length and makeup of any list
of the concomitants of industrialization, there is near unanimity upon the central
identifying characteristic: the rise in real income per head.


Probably no term from the economic historian’s lexicon has been more widely
accepted than ‘industrial revolution.’ This is unfortunate because the term itself has
no scientific standing and conveys a grossly misleading impression of the nature of
economic change. Nevertheless, for more than a century it has been used to denote
that period in British history that witnessed the application of mechanically powered
machinery in the textile industries, the introduction of James Watt’s steam engine,
and the ‘triumph’ of the factory system of production. By analogy, the term has also
been applied to the onset of industrialization in other countries, although without
general agreement on dates.
The expression revolution industrielle was first used in the 1820s by French writers
who, wishing to emphasize the importance of the mechanization of the French cotton
industry then taking place in Normandy and the Nord, compared it with the great
political revolution of 1789. In 1837, Jerome-Adolphe Blanqui referred to ‘la
revolution industrielle’ in England. Contrary to widespread belief, Karl Marx did
not use the term in its conventional sense. It acquired general currency only after the
publication in 1884 of Arnold Toynbee’s Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in
England: Popular Addresses, Notes and Other Fragments. Toynbee dated the
British Industrial Revolution from 1760. The dates implicit in Toynbee’s Lectures,
1760-1820, were arbitrarily determined by the reign of George III, on which Toynbee
had been invited to lecture. This view went unchallenged for about 50 years, until
Professor J.U. Nef stressed the essential continuity of history and traced its beginnings
to 1540-1660, with the new capitalistic industries of Elizabethan England.
Early descriptions of the phenomenon emphasized the ‘great inventions’ and the
dramatic nature of the changes. As an 1896 textbook put it, ‘The change...was
sudden and violent. The great inventions were all made in a comparatively short
space of time...’ a description that A.P. Usher dryly characterized as exhibiting ‘all
the higher forms of historical inaccuracy.’
Early interpretations also emphasized what were assumed to be the deleterious
consequences of the new mode of production. Although increases in productivity as
a result of the use of mechanical power and machinery were acknowledged, most
accounts stressed the use of child labour, the displacement of traditional skills by
machinery, and the unwholesome conditions of the new factory towns. For most of
its history, for most people, the term ‘industrial revolution’ has had a pejorative


The origins of capitalism are traced variously to the growth of merchant capital and
external trade or to the spread of monetary transactions within feudalism by the
commuting of feudal rent and services into money. This debate concerns the transition Capitalist
from Feudalism to Capitalism and pertains mainly to Western European experience
where capitalism first emerged. Whatever the reasons for its origins, the period from
about the fifteenth century to the eighteenth century is generally accepted as the
merchant capital phase of capitalism. Overseas trade and colonization carried out
by the state-chartered monopolies played a pivotal role in this phase of capitalism in
Holland, Spain, Portugal, England and France. The industrial phase of capitalism
opened with the upsurge in power-using machinery in the Industrial Revolution in
This section will briefly examine theories for the emergence of capitalism advanced
by four major thinkers, namely Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Franklin Mendels and the
theory of Proto-Industrialization and Immanuel Wallerstein.

12.6.1 Adam Smith

In the model put forward by Adam Smith (1723-90) in An Enquiry into the Nature
and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Book 1, the development of a society’s
wealth –equated with the development of the productivity of labour – is a function of
the degree of the division of labour. By this Smith simply means the specialization of
productive tasks – classically achieved through the separation of agriculture and
manufacturing, and their assignment to country and town respectively. The division
of labour in industrial production made possible an unprecedented growth in output
and productivity. If it was possible to sell this enhanced output over a wide market,
then such division would prove profitable, and the profits could be ploughed back
into further profitable activity.
For Smith, the degree of specialization is bound up with the degree of development
of trade: the degree to which a potentially interdependent, specialized labour force
can be – and is – linked up via commercial nexuses. Thus we get Smith’s famous
principle that the division of labour is limited by the extent of the market – literally,
the size of the area and population linked up via trade relations. For Adam Smith the
development of trade and the division of labor unfailingly brought about economic
Smith’s argument that the separation of manufacture and agriculture and their
allocation to town and country, consequently upon the development of trading
connections, will lead to a process of economic growth, as a result of the increased
productivity which ‘naturally’ follows from the producers’ concentration on a single
line of production rather than a multiplicity of different ones, has a certain plausibility.
In locating the growth of wealth in the interaction between division of labour and
growth of markets, Smith liberated economics from an agrarian bias such as the
Physiocrats had imparted to it, or the narrow commercial bias that the Mercantilists
had given it. Surplus did not originate in land alone, nor was the acquisition of treasure
(precious metals) any longer the sole or desirable measure of economic prosperity.
Thus wealth could take the form of (reproducible) vendible commodities. If the
wealth holders then spent it productively in further investment wealth would grow.
The growth of commerce and the growth of liberty mutually determine each other
for Smith. Smith and his fellow ‘political economists’ traced the advance of capitalism
to the onset of conditions that liberated purportedly inherent human qualities and to
the beneficent operation, in market transactions, of an ‘invisible hand’ that brought
the common good out of the conflicting self-interest of all individuals. Commerce
could be seen as a key to prosperity, but only its unhindered pursuit would secure
the maximum prosperity. Commerce, by spreading world-wide and making the 29
Capitalism and accumulation of wealth possible in liquid (that is, transportable) form, renders
merchants independent of political tyranny and hence increases the chances of the
growth of liberty.

12.6.2 Karl Marx

The transition from Feudalism to Capitalism was never a major preoccupation for
Marx (1818-83) and Engels. It was nonetheless a problem addressed periodically
in discussion of more central themes such as the historical materialist method, the
capitalistic mode of production, or class conflict in history.
To Marx, capitalism was powerful and dynamic, a superior form of production that
promoted economic growth far above anything possible in feudalism. He attributed
its appearance not to the release of natural, unchanging human predispositions but
to specific economic, political, and legal measures.
In Marx’s interpretation of the emergence of capitalism two broad perspectives are
offered. He first emphasises the corrosive effect upon the feudal system of mercantile
activity, the growth of a world market and new expanding cities. Mercantile capitalism,
within an autonomous urban sphere, provides the initial dynamic towards capitalism:
merchants entered production and employed wage labourers. The second variant,
evident especially in Capital, centres on the ‘producer’ and the process whereby
the producer (agricultural or in the crafts sector) becomes merchant and capitalist.
Marx regards the latter as ‘the really revolutionary path’ to capitalism since this
transforms the organisation and techniques of production. This is because mercantile
activity (the first variant) may well turn products for use into commodities for exchange,
but it does not explain how and why labour power should itself become a commodity.
Also, although the merchant path separates the worker from ownership of the product,
it retains inherited techniques and social organization of production. It is therefore
ultimately conservative. Hence it cannot explain the transition to capitalism.
The primitive (or original) accumulation of capital is a concept developed in Marx’s
Capital and Grundrisse to designate that process which generates the preconditions
of the ongoing accumulation of capital. In Marx’s words, ‘primitive accumulation is
nothing else than the historical process of divorcing the producer from the means of
production’. (Capital, 1: 873-5). Marx’s focus is upon how one set of class relations
becomes transformed into another. In particular, how it is that a property-less class
of wage-labourers, the proletariat, becomes confronted by a class of capitalists
who monopolize the means of production.
Many of Marx’s contemporaries saw capital as the result of abstinence and saving,
as the original source for accumulation. Marx’s point is that primitive accumulation is
not an accumulation in this sense at all. Abstinence can only lead to accumulation if
capitalist relations of production, or the polarisation between a class of capitalists
and a class of wage-labourers, are already in existence.
Marx argued that since pre-capitalist relations of production are predominantly
agricultural, the peasantry having possession of the principal means of production,
land, capitalism can only be created by dispossessing the peasantry of the land.
Accordingly, the origins of capitalism are to be found in the transformation of relations
of production on the land. The freeing of the peasantry from land is the source of
wage labourers both for agricultural and industrial capitalism. For Marx the first and
foremost effect of the ‘agricultural revolution’ in England was to expropriate the
peasant from the soil and establish capitalist agriculture. A new money-oriented
nobility and gentry forcibly enclosed demesne, common and waste land, consolidated
small farms into larger ones and at times converted to pasturage. Capitalist farmers Capitalist
grew from a differentiation of the peasantry. Enclosures converted property
characterized by shared rights into private property.

The genesis of capitalist agriculture contrasts sharply with the birth of capitalist industry.
While agriculture generated both its own capitalists and workers, the urban crafts
played a distinctly secondary role in forming either pole of industry. Rather, the
agricultural revolution supplied the labourers and merchants advanced much of the
money to employ them and shaped markets in which their products were sold.

For Marx, merchants could foster primitive accumulation by usury, crushing artisanal
guilds, expanding markets, providing employment or by investing profits. While Marx
emphasizes domestic causes of proletarianization, he focuses primarily on international
commerce in accounting for the genesis of the industrial capitalist. (Capital, 1, ch. 31)
This interpretation stresses the forcefulness, often genocidal, and the unevenness of
primitive accumulation. It was through servile labour in the colonies, the slave trade,
and commercial wars that the English prospered and replaced the Dutch as the
dominant mercantile power by 1700. Government laws, monopolies, taxes and debt
assisted the process. Far from the state being a brake on or an enemy of capitalism,
Marx held, it was one of its principal progenitors and servants.

12.6.3 The Theory of Proto-Industrialization

The theory of ‘proto-industrialization’ (henceforth PI) actually started with Franklin
Mendels’ 1969 dissertation at the University of Wisconsin, ‘Industrialization and
Population Pressure in Eighteenth-Century Flanders.’ This was a study of the
relatively rapid population growth experienced in an internal region of Flanders,
where a peasant population combined agriculture with part-time linen manufacture.
Much of the output was sold on overseas markets by entrepreneurs in Ghent and
other market towns to distant markets, especially those of the Spanish Empire. The
workers, family units of husband, wife and children, usually cultivated small plots of
ground as well, although they also bought additional supplies in markets. The term
has subsequently been refined and extended in both space and time to other, similar
industries. In some instances – for example, the Lancashire cotton industry – it has
been seen as the prelude to a fully developed factory system. In others, however,
such as the Irish and even the Flemish linen industries, no such transition occurred.

PI had distinctive patterns of development. It generally originated in pastoral regions

and declining or large-scale agricultural areas. Scholarship on PI emphasizes
interconnections among widening markets, rising populations (especially rural) seeking
wage-earning employment, and the search for cheap labour by entrepreneurs.
Highlighting rural, household and regional changes, studies of Industrialization before
industrialization by Peter Kriedte, Hans Medick and Jurgen Schlumbohm of the
Max Planck Institut fur Geschichte in Gottingen in 1981 (but first published in German
in 1977) attempted to situate PI within the ‘transition from feudalism to capitalism.’

PI is credited with creating the key changes in the uses of land, labour, capital and
entrepreneurship which made the Industrial Revolution possible in the following ways:

1) The generation of supplementary handicraft incomes will lead to an expansion

of population, breaking up the self-regulating or homeostatic equilibrium of
pre-industrial populations – by this process, the natural rate of growth of
population increases but also becomes adjusted to the augmented means of
subsistence that are locally available. Accordingly, handicrafts generated the
labour supply of the Industrial Revolution. 31
Capitalism and 2) A region thus experiencing growing population and growing PI will soon begin
to encounter diminishing returns as dispersed industry creates difficulties in the
collection of output and the control of quality. This will conduce to the
concentration of manpower in workshops and then to the use of labour-saving
mechanical inventions. In this manner, PI created pressures leading to the factory
system and to new technology.
3) As a result of PI development, capital for these workshops or the introduction
of machines will accumulate locally in the hands of merchants, commercial
farmers or landowners. In this manner, PI is supposed to have led to the
accumulation of capital.
4) PI will lead to the accumulation of technical knowledge by merchants as a
result of their experience with inter-regional and international trade. In this way
it provides ‘a training ground in which the early industrialists were recruited’,
and a new supply of entrepreneurs.
5) The simultaneous development of PI and a regional commercial agriculture will
prepare the agricultural sector for the task of supplying food during the
urbanization which accompanies the subsequent phase of industrialization, that
is, PI leads to agricultural surpluses and reduces the price of food.
PI and the related terms refer primarily to consumer goods industries, especially
textiles. Well before the advent of the factory system in the cotton industry, however,
other large-scale, highly capitalized industries existed, producing capital or
intermediate goods, and sometimes even consumer goods. The French manufactures
royales were usually located in large factory-like structures where skilled artisans
worked under the supervision of a foreman or entrepreneur, but without mechanical
power. Similar ‘proto-factories’ were built by noble landowner-entrepreneurs in
the Austrian Empire (Bohemia and Moravia) and elsewhere. Large landowners also
acted as entrepreneurs in the coal industry, mining the deposits located on their
estates. Iron-works, usually located in rural areas near timber (for charcoal) and
iron ore, sometimes employed hundreds, even thousands of workers. Lead, copper,
and glass-works also frequently had large-scale organizations, as did shipyards.
The state-owned Arsenal of Venice, dating from the Middle Ages, was one of the
earliest large-scale enterprises in history.

12.6.4 Immanuel Wallerstein

Capitalism was from the beginning, Wallerstein argues, a matter of the world-economy
and not of nation states. Capitalism has never allowed its aspirations to be determined
by national boundaries. For him, ‘the only kind of social system is a world system,
which we define quite simply as a unit with a single division of labour and multiple
cultural systems.’ There could be two varieties of such world systems, one with a
common political system and one without. These he called, respectively, world-
empires and world-economies.
The modern world system, which created a European world economy with an
unprecedented structure originated in sixteenth century Europe, during what Braudel
called the ‘long sixteenth century’ (1450-1660). The geographical limits of this world-
economy, determined largely by the state of technology at the time, included North-
West Europe, which became the ‘core’ of the system. Dividing the world into two
more elements, Wallerstein placed Eastern Europe (but not Russia) and Spanish
America at the ‘periphery’, while the Mediterranean littoral (Spain and the Northern
Italian city-states) became a ‘semi-periphery’.
How did the European world-economy operate? The core areas had mass market Capitalist
industries, international and local commerce in the hands of an indigenous bourgeoisie,
and, relatively advanced and complex forms of agriculture. The peripheral areas
were mono-cultural, with the cash crops produced on large estates by coerced
labour. The semi-peripheral areas were in the process of de-industrializing, although
they still retained some share in international banking and high-cost, quality industrial
production. The form of agricultural labour control used there was mostly share-
cropping, a form that was intermediate between the freedom of the lease system and
the coercion of slavery and serfdom.
This world was comprised of a multitude of political entities. In the core states
relatively strong state systems emerged with an absolute monarch and a patrimonial
state bureaucracy. By contrast, the critical feature of the periphery was the absence
of a strong state. The semi-periphery was, once again, in between in its polity. By
the end of the sixteenth century the decline of state authority was clear in Spain and
in the large city-states of north Italy.
The essential feature of a capitalist world economy is production for sale in a market
in which the object is to realise the maximum profit. In such a system production is
constantly expanded as long as further production is profitable, and men constantly
innovate new ways of producing things that will expand the profit margin.
Wallerstein identified three stages in the development of the world-economy. The
first was one of agricultural capitalism, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.
In this stage wage labour is only one of the modes in which labour is recruited and
paid; slavery, ‘coerced cash-crop production’ (his term for the so-called ‘second
feudalism’), share cropping and tenancy are all alternative modes. The second stage
commenced with the world-wide recession of 1650-1730. In this stage England
first ousted the Netherlands from her commercial primacy and then successfully
resisted France’s attempt to catch up. It was only in the third stage from the mid-
eighteenth century, that capitalism became primarily industrial (rather than agricultural
or mercantile). In this stage industrial production represents a constantly growing
share of the world’s total production. As importantly too, there is the geographical
expansion of the European world-economy to include the entire globe.
Some of the other important theorists in this respect have been Robert Brenner,
M.M. Postan and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladourie about whom you have already read
in Unit 11.


There have been and are many paths to industrialization between countries. One
would expect this from their historical and geographical diversity, with associated
differences in the gestation period involved. It is these variations that militate against
a non-country specific theory of capitalist industrialization.
Britain’s transition to capitalist industrialization was not at all typical of the European
experience. Thus Patrick O’Brien and Caglar Keyder, suggest that the British
experience is ‘initial’ rather than ‘normal practice’, especially with regard to the
relative size and productivity of agriculture, They state that ‘Economic theory lends
no support to assumptions….that there is one definable and optimal path to higher
per capita incomes and still less to the implicit notion that this path can be identified
with British industrialization as it proceeded from 1780 to 1914’. 33
Capitalism and Instead of being presented as the paradigmatic case, the first and most famous
instance of economic growth, the British Industrial Revolution is now depicted in a
more negative light, as a limited, restricted, piecemeal phenomenon, in which various
things did not happen or where, if they did, they had far less effect than as previously
supposed. Instead of stressing how much had happened by 1851 (whatever the
qualifications), it is now commonplace to note how little had actually altered
(whatever the qualifications). Recent research has stressed the gradualness of change
when seen from a macroeconomic standpoint and has also been tending to argue
that the ‘industrial revolution’ was not merely economic, but social, intellectual and
political too. The change in emphasis in historiography has been from national
aggregates and sectoral analysis to regional variations and uneven development,
from the few large and successful businessmen to the many small and inept
Social history has shifted away from analyses of new class formations and
consciousness, as characterized by E. P. Thompson and emphasized by J. Foster to
identifying continuity between social protest and radicalism between the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. Then, an influential tendency in the socio-cultural
historiography of the 1980s has argued that the British Industrial Revolution was
very incomplete (if it existed at all) because the industrial bourgeoisie failed to gain
political and economic ascendancy. Economic and political power remained in the
hands of the landed aristocracy: ‘Gentlemanly capitalism’ prevailed. The major
division in the social and political life of nineteenth century Britain is argued to have
been that between the dominant gentlemanly capitalism of the aristocratic and rentier
classes, and a subordinate industrial capitalism.
The historiography of the British Industrial Revolution has moved away from viewing
the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (particularly 1780-1815) as a unique
turning point in economic and social development. For example, A.E. Musson’s
survey, The Growth of British Industry criticizes what he regards as ‘the general
interpretation presented in most textbooks’, namely that ‘the industrial revolution
had taken place by 1850, that the factory system had triumphed.’ He stresses the
extent to which consumer goods industries remained handicraft industries, located
in small workshops; the degree to which, as shown in the 1851 Census, patterns of
employment and occupational structure remained dominated by traditional craftsmen,
labourers and domestic servants; and the very slow rate at which factories spread
and steam power was diffused. He argues that ‘There are good grounds for regarding
the period 1850-1914 as that in which the Industrial Revolution really occurred, on
a massive scale, transforming the whole economy and society much more deeply
than the earlier changes had done.’
Some historians challenge the broad view of the Industrial Revolution expressed in
T.S. Ashton’s memorable phrase, ‘A wave of gadgets swept over England.’Ashton’s
view was widespread during the 1950s and 1960s. His critics see the Industrial
Revolution as a much narrower phenomenon, as the result of technical change in a
few industries, most notably cotton and iron. Crafts wondered whether it was possible
that there was virtually no industrial advance during 1760-1850.
Since the 1980s, studies of the Industrial Revolution have borne out its gradual pace
of change. New statistics have been produced which illustrate the slow growth of
industrial output and gross domestic product. Productivity grew slowly; fixed capital
proportions, savings and investment patterns altered only gradually; workers’ living
standards and their personal consumption remained largely unaffected before 1830
and were certainly not squeezed.
Research by Williamson, Knick Harley and Feinstein has revealed the fact that Britain Capitalist
passed through a turning point around the 1820s. Growth in National Income was
much lower before than after that date. There was a doubling in the growth rate of
industrial production too. Feinstein’s estimates of the rate of capital formation shows
that it drifts upwards from then, as does the rate of capital accumulation and the
growth rate of capital invested per worker employed in industry. The turning point
was dramatic in the standard of living. The adult, male, working class real wage
failed to increase between 1755 and 1819, but from 1819 to 1851, it rose at an
annual rate of 1.85%, according to estimates in 1983 by Lindert and Williamson.
Among the early industrializers, France remains the most aberrant case. That fact
gave rise to a large literature devoted to explanations of the supposed ‘backwardness’
or ‘retardation’ of the French economy. The dominant tendency in the Anglo-
American literature on modern French economic growth was to treat it in this context.
Indeed, in what might be regarded as the founding account of that development, Sir
John Clapham went so far as to muse that ‘it might be said that France never went
through an industrial revolution.’ What has impressed economic historians as they
have looked at nineteenth century France is the failure of some dramatic breakthrough
to appear, the absence of a marked acceleration in growth.
Recent new empirical research and theoretical insights have shown that the earlier
debates were based on a false premise. In fact, although the pattern of industrialization
differed from that of Britain and the early industrializers, the outcome was not less
efficient and, in terms of social welfare, may have been more humane. Moreover,
when one looks at the patterns of growth of successful late industrializers, it appears
that the French pattern may have been more ‘typical’ than the British.
Two factors in the French situation account in large measure for its unjustified reputation
for ‘retardation’, namely, the dramatic fall in marital fertility, which reduced the growth
rate of the population to less than half that of other major nations; and, the scarcity
and high cost of coal, which resulted in a lower output of the heavy industries (iron
and steel, in particular) than in other large nations, such as Britain and Germany.
Moreover, these two factors in combination help to account for several other features
of the French pattern of industrialization, such as the low rate of urbanization, the
scale and structure of enterprise, and the sources of industrial energy.
The well-known characteristic of French industrialization was a relatively slow
expansion of large-scale capital-intensive forms of production. Investment in the
advanced sector proceeded at a leisurely pace, there being no clear acceleration
until the 1850s or 1860s and there was a correspondingly limited increase in new
employment outlets. In 1851, at the first industrial census, what the French call la
grande industrie occupied 1.3 million workers, or less than 25% of the industrial
labour force. More in evidence were the ‘proto-industrial’ forms. The persistence
of domestic workshops and hand tool methods until at least mid-century, if not
beyond, was common to a whole variety of industries, with urban artisans tending to
work full-time on the higher quality goods, leaving the less skilled tasks to the peasant-
worker. Even in the more mechanized industries, large numbers of mines, iron works,
spinning mills and weaving sheds were small by British or German standards, located
in isolated rural areas and dependent on labour which continued to work part-time
in agriculture.
Unlike Britain or France, capitalist industrialization in Germany had to wait the
formation of a well-defined area, a unified Germany, before it could commence.
Before the mid-nineteenth century political fragmentation, whether within the Holy
Roman Empire or the German Federation, was reinforced by the economic conditions 35
Capitalism and of numerous customs barriers, poor communications network, primitive roads and
the reduction of economic activity to isolated islands that were separately linked to
regional markets. As Sheehan has pointed out, there was nothing particularly German
about these economies.
R.C. Trebilcock has argued that the German pattern of development was very different
from that of the British ‘prototype’. Britain had faced an industrialization of low
cost, a technology of low capital intensity, and had acquired both by recourse mainly
to the savings – personal, familial, or local – amassed by entrepreneurs and their
thrifty reinvestment of profits. Bank participation was usually employed, at most, in
the provision of short-term working capital and rarely in connection with long-term
capital formation or share ownership. Banks were, in contrast, more important for
German industrialization. Indeed Germany was the principal case of ‘moderate
backwardness’ for some scholars, that case in which banks supply crucial financial
and entrepreneurial inputs. Unlike Trebilcock, others have found close affinities in
the British and German paths of industrialization. Both were concentrated within a
relatively brief and clearly marked period of years. Both were based on the classical
sectors of coal, iron, engineering, and, to a lesser extent in the German case, textiles.
The development of the railways triggered a greater range of ‘backward’ and
‘forward’ linkages in Germany (on the metallurgical and mining industries, the
employment structures and the rate of capital formation) than the industry had done
in England, at about the same periods of the nineteenth century.
German industrialization was also distinctive on account of the role performed by
cartels. Cartels were groups of firm that combined to control prices and markets.
They either lined firms making the same range of products or those that engaged in
different stages of the production of the same products. They began to emerge from
the late 1870s, and in close collaboration with the biggest banks, gave German
industry a degree of concentration in the spheres of capital and labour that was
unmatched anywhere else except in Imperial Russia. They promoted rapid technical
progress, a high rate of capital formation and an unrivalled supremacy in the export
of manufactured products.


The contribution of the agricultural sector to British, French and German
industrialization has varied in its chronology and content. Agriculture’s contribution
in this respect has been broadly assessed on four counts, namely whether it created
a food surplus for the non-rural population; whether it helped to widen home and
foreign markets; whether it generated capital for industrial investment; and, whether
it supplied a labour force for industrial employment.
The features of the so-called ‘agricultural revolution’ in northern Europe tended to
be similar: they included the introduction of new crops like artificial grasses or roots,
which preserved the soil’s fertility and so abolished the earlier necessity for fallow
periods. The earlier three-field system, where each field followed a cycle of wheat
or rye, barley or oats, was replaced by a cycle which both eliminated leaving some
area fallow and included the cultivation of forage crops. More forage meant that a
larger number of livestock could be maintained, which, in turn, produced more organic
manure and ensured a higher yield for the crops.
English agriculture became the most productive in Europe during the seventeenth
36 and eighteenth centuries, well before the advent of industrialization. Landlords, who
already by 1700 controlled three-quarters of England’s farm land, contributed to Capitalist
rising output and yields by enclosing land and providing capital. But it is now
increasingly recognized that it was not them but tenants and owner-occupiers who
were in the forefront of the new land use patterns and technologies. Before about
1960, the standard view on British agricultural change assigned it to the late eighteenth
and early nineteenth centuries, during the period of parliamentary enclosures, which
were seen as its cause. A few works suggest that that the fastest growth in agricultural
output occurred before 1760 and this growth was surpassed (or probably doubled)
in 1800-30, as agriculture became more capital-intensive.

The ability of British agriculture to sustain industrialization on an expanded food

basis has, however, been questioned. Addressing the phenomenon of ‘A British
food puzzle’ in 1995, Huberman and Lindert pointed out that even as per capita
income was growing from 1770 to 1850, food supplies per capita stagnated or even
declined. This is the food puzzle. To match the demand from rising real incomes,
domestic agriculture should have grown, they suggest, by 172%-228% in 1770-
1850. But there was actually little gain in productivity in this period. This implies a
decline in living standards since food consumption fell during the period of the British
Industrial revolution despite apparently rising real incomes.

French agriculture increased markedly from 1815 to the early 1870s, the period
during which rapid, sustained growth was seen to have occurred in both total and
per capita agricultural production in all regions of France. It grew steadily and rapidly
enough to feed a growing population, a decreasing proportion of which was engaged
in agriculture, and to meet the demand for industrial raw materials (barring raw
cotton, which was hardly surprising or unique to the case of France). Productivity
per unit of capital employed in agriculture increased steadily throughout the nineteenth

Annie Moulin has elaborately argued a case for the consequences of the French
Revolution having lain not in the creation of a capitalist economy but rather in the
consolidation for a century and a half (up to about 1950) of a system of small-scale
peasant agriculture based on subsistence and the intensive use of family labour. Over
the nineteenth century (1815/24 to 1905/13), productivity per worker employed in
French agriculture grew by 0.25% annually, against 1% in Britain. The main reason
was apparently that the French economy retained a far higher share of its labour
supply in the countryside rather than relocating it to industry. There was a pressure
of population on the land and the cultivation of soils of declining fertility. Yields per
hectare cultivated in France were around 75% of the British level for most of the
nineteenth century.

It has been argued that rural France provided little impetus as a market for industrial
goods. Overall, French cultivators saved to buy land rather than manufactured goods.
There was, indeed, an enduring autarky in rural France. Until about 1870, notes
Eugene Weber, ‘many peasants bought only iron and salt, paid for all else in kind
and were paid the same way, husbanded their money for taxes or hoarded it to
acquire more land.’ Through most of the nineteenth century, the internal terms of
trade moved in favour of agriculture. The French countryside provided relatively
few workers for industry; this reflects the fact that a majority of Frenchmen preferred
to remain on farms. David Landes cites an estimate that as much as 55% of the
labour force was in agriculture in 1789 and this was still true in 1886; by 1950, the
proportion had fallen to one-third. Historians like Dunham and Kindleberger have,
however, come to the conclusion that French industry had an adequate supply of
labour in the nineteenth century. 37
Capitalism and The transformation of German agriculture had to await the emancipation of the
peasantry. This process started with the legal reforms of 1807-21 and was largely
accomplished by 1830 in the western provinces and by 1840 in the eastern provinces.
The legislation effected the abolition of seigneurial duties concerning the legal protection
of peasants, the removal of burdensome feudal obligations and improved efficiency
of production by the use of wage labour. Agricultural production increased more
than three-fold during the nineteenth century, while population increased by a factor
of 2.3. The share of agricultural employment fell with industrialization. Germany was
almost completely self-sufficient in foodstuffs till about 1850 and German farmers
produced a surplus of grain, wool and timber for export. After that, Germany was
increasingly unable to feed herself: Germany became a net importer of wheat, oats
and barley. But agricultural productivity went on rising, although not as rapidly as in
industry and the craft trades.


The pre-capitalist social system, that of the ancien regime, was one of ‘estates.’An
estate was a stratum in which all the three major benefits—privilege, power, and
prestige—were largely determined at birth and, also, were fixed as legal inequalities.
The aristocracy constituted the dominant estate, stratified within itself. The Church
constituted a separate stratum, but not determined by birth. But even in the ‘Third
Estate’, the stratum of urban tradesmen and artisans, the guild system carefully
regulated the distribution of benefits. The modern bourgeoisie grew out of the Third
Estate, as, for instance, the developments preceding the French Revolution make
very clear. It is very significant that one of the first demands of this new class was
legal equality of all – or at least of those above a certain minimal level of wealth. In
other words, the relation of an individual to the order of privilege should no longer
be determined by birth or by royal favour but rather by his role and success in the
production process. Max Weber placed the contrast between estates and classes at
the core of his theory of social stratification and Marx made this a key criterion in his
analysis of what constituted a class. When Marx used the concept of class in political
analysis, he held that a class must have a certain degree of cohesion and sense of
common purpose, as well as a common relationship to the means of production.
Feudal estates were too internally stratified to possess this attribute.
One very significant change with capitalist industrialization has been the enormous
expansion of the middle strata. Capitalist accountancy called for a secular
bureaucracy, an army of agents and clerks to keep accounts, to attend to
correspondence, to furnish the news necessary in order to take advantage, if possible
before anyone else, of changed market conditions. So perhaps the first visible entry
of capitalism into the medieval town was made by the grammar school, where the
elements of reading, writing, and arithmetic were the main objects of study. The
control of paper became the mark of the new commercial bureaucracy. The institution
that marked the turning point in the development of the commercial town was the
Bourse, or exchange, which began to serve as a centre for large-scale, impersonal
commercial transactions in the thirteenth century.
The basic cause of this development was undoubtedly technological. An ever-smaller
portion of the labour force was required for the actual tasks of material production,
allowing the diversion of ever larger numbers of workers into administrative activities.
There was also a vast expansion of the state bureaucracies. The rise of the capitalist
firm as a new and immensely important form of economic organization has also
encouraged the growth of a bureaucracy. It has meant a separation between the
38 legal ownership of property and the function of economic control of the assets it
entails. It has been suggested that effective control over economic resources rather Capitalist
than legal ownership of them is the defining criterion for the top capitalist class. Thus
Nicos Poulantzas, in Classes in Contemporary Capitalism begins by defining the
bourgeoisie not in terms of a legal category of property ownership but in terms of
‘economic ownership’ (that is, real economic control of the means of production
and of the products) and ‘possession’ (that is, the capacity to put the means of
production into operation). By this criterion, the managers belong to the capitalist
bourgeoisie proper.

In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber makes it clear
that a capitalist enterprise and the pursuit of gain are not at all the same thing. People
have always wanted to be rich, but that has little to do with capitalism, which he
identifies as ‘a regular orientation to the achievement of profit through (nominally
peaceful) economic exchange’. Pointing out that there were mercantile operations –
very successful and of considerable size – in Babylon, Egypt, India, China, and
medieval Europe, he says that it is only in Europe, since the Reformation, that capitalist
activity has become associated with the rational organisation of formally free

It called for a new type of economic agent, the capitalist entrepreneur. One of Weber’s
insights that has remained widely accepted is that the capitalist entrepreneur is a very
distinctive type of human being. Weber was fascinated by what he thought to begin
with was a puzzling paradox. In many cases, men—and a few women—evinced a
drive toward the accumulation of wealth but at the same time showed a ‘ferocious
asceticism,’ a singular absence of interest in the worldly pleasures that such wealth
could buy. Many entrepreneurs actually pursued a lifestyle that was ‘decidedly frugal’.
Was this not odd? Weber thought he had found an answer in what he called the
‘this-worldly asceticism’ of Puritanism, a notion that he expanded by reference to
the concept of ‘the calling’. This idea dates from the Reformation, and behind it lies
the idea that the highest form of moral obligation of the individual, the best way to
fulfil his duty to God, is to help his fellow men, now, in this world. Weber backed
these assertions by pointing out that the accumulation of wealth, in the early stages of
Capitalism, and in Calvinist countries in particular, was morally sanctioned only if it
was combined with ‘a sober, industrious career’. For Weber, capitalism was originally
sparked by religious fervour. Without that fervour the organization of labour that
made capitalism so different from what had gone before would not have been possible.

Weber was familiar with the religions and economic practices of non-European areas
of the world, such as India, China or the Middle East, and this imbued The Protestant
Ethic with an authority it might otherwise not have had. He argued that in China, for
example, widespread kinship units provided the predominant forms of economic
co-operation, naturally limiting the influence both of the guilds and of individual
entrepreneurs. In India, Hinduism was associated with great wealth in history, but its
tenets about the afterlife prevented the same sort of energy that built up under
Protestantism, and capitalism proper never developed. Europe also had the advantage
of inheriting the tradition of Roman Law, which provided a more integrated juridical
practice than elsewhere, easing the transfer of ideas and facilitating the understanding
of contracts.

For Max Weber, ‘rational restlessness’ was the psychological make-up of Europe,
the opposite of what he found in the main religions of Asia: rational acceptance of
social order by Confucianism and its irrational antithesis in Taoism; mystical acceptance
of social order by Hinduism; the worldly retreat in Buddhism. Weber located rational
restlessness especially in Puritanism. 39
Capitalism and Such persons are ‘enterprising’ because they are liberated from strong communal
ties, which enable them to seek new opportunities without the constraints of collective
traditions, customs and taboos. This clearly involves a certain ‘ego ideal’, a strong
discipline, traits that Weber called ‘inner-worldly asceticism.’ This type of individual
is concerned with the affairs of this world, is pragmatic and geared to action, as
against the more contemplative or sensitive values. He is also self-denying, prepared
for ‘delayed gratification’, as against someone who immediately spends all he makes.
Weber pointed out that it is this ‘asceticism’, rather than acquisitiveness, that
distinguishes the capitalist entrepreneur.
Joseph Schumpeter stressed the central role of the capitalist entrepreneur, rather
than the stock of capital, as the incarnation of technical progress. In Capitalism,
Socialism and Democracy (1943), he sought to change thinking about economics
no less than John Maynard Keynes had done. Schumpeter was firmly opposed to
both Marx and Keynes. His main thesis was that the capitalist system is essentially
static: for employers and employees as well as for customers, the system settles
down with no profit in it, and there is no wealth for investment. Workers receive just
enough for their labour, based on the cost of producing and selling goods. Profit, by
implication, can only come from innovation, which for a limited time cuts the cost of
production (until competitors catch up) and allows a surplus to be used for further
Two things followed from this. First, capitalists themselves are not the motivating
force of capitalism, but instead entrepreneurs who invent new techniques or machinery
by means of which goods are produced more cheaply. Schumpeter did not think
that entrepreneurship could be taught, or inherited. It was, he believed, an essentially
‘bourgeois’ activity. What he meant by this was that, in any urban environment,
people would have ideas for innovation, but who had those ideas, when and where
they had them, and what they did with them was unpredictable. Bourgeois people
acted not out of any theory or philosophy but for pragmatic self-interest. This flatly
contradicted Marx’s analysis.
The second element of Schumpeter’s outlook was that profit, as generated by
entrepreneurs, was temporary. Whatever innovation was introduced would be
followed up by others in that sector of industry or commerce, and a new stability
would eventually be achieved. This meant that for Schumpeter capitalism was
inevitably characterized by cycles of boom and stagnation.


From the viewpoint of the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie appeared above all as ‘vulgar.’
What did this mean? It meant, essentially, that these people insisted that economic
success should count as much as noble birth, family virtue, personal honour, and
proximity to the throne. The word ‘vulgar’ derives from the Latin vulgus, denoting
common, ordinary people, as against the patricians. This ‘vulgarity’ was morally
shocking as much as it was politically threatening.
Bourgeois culture, at least from the seventeenth century and into its triumphal
nineteenth century, developed in sharp and conscious distinction from the culture of
the aristocracy, the earlier ruling class against which the bourgeoisie had to establish
its ascendancy. The ideal of the bourgeois gentleman was deliberately counterposed
to the older, aristocratic, ideal of the gentleman. The bourgeois extolled ‘rationality’
against the aristocrat’s reliance on ‘healthy instinct’ and spontaneity. The bourgeois
knew that his life-style was a matter of self-cultivation; the aristocrat always believed
(falsely) that his was the result of genetic inheritance or, as he would say, of ‘breeding.’ Capitalist
The bourgeoisie was, virtually from the beginning, a literate class; the aristocracy
contained many individuals who were proudly illiterate. The bourgeoisie believed in
the virtue of work, as against the aristocratic idealisation of genteel leisure. The
deliberate display of wealth was an aristocratic rather than a bourgeois trait. Bourgeois
culture, most importantly for industrialization, was individuating at the core of its
This prompted R.H. Tawney in 1921 to argue that capitalism had created The
Acquisitive Society. He thought that capitalism misjudged human nature, elevating
production and the making of profit, which ought to be a means to certain ends, into
ends in themselves. This had the effect, he argued, of encouraging the wrong instincts
in people, by which he meant acquisitiveness. A very religious man (and a socialist
intellectual), Tawney felt that acquisitiveness went against the grain – in particular, it
sabotaged ‘the instinct for service and solidarity’ that is the basis for traditional civil
society. He thought that in the long run capitalism was incompatible with culture.
Under capitalism, he wrote, culture became more private, less was shared, and this
trend went against the common life of men – individuality inevitably promoted
inequality. The very concept of culture therefore changed, becoming less and less an
inner state of mind and more a function of one’s possessions. He also contended
that capitalism was incompatible with democracy because the inequalities endemic
in capitalism, made more visible than ever by the acquisitive accumulation of consumer
goods, would ultimately threaten social cohesion.

In this Unit you have seen the myriad ways in which capitalist industrialization took
place in Europe. You have also seen the ways in which scholars have tried to
understand this phenomenon which even today remains central to our lives. Terms
like bourgeoisie, capitalist entrepreneur, bourgeois culture have become parts of our
everyday vocabulary and despite a comprehensive criticism of this phenomenon
which presumably led to large-scale underdevelopment in large parts of the globe
(see Unit 14), especially by Marxist thinkers, it retains its hold over our existence.
There have been attempts to provide alternative frameworks of shaping human lives,
economic structures etc, one of them being the socialist industrialization (about which
you would read in the next Unit), and yet it still is very much present before us, albeit
in more complex forms.

1) Define Capital and Capitalism.
2) Discuss the role of technology in the process of capitalist industrialization.
3) Who is a capitalist entrepreneur? Discuss in the light of the debates around the
4) How different was bourgeois culture from the aristocratic culture?

Capitalism and
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The October Revolution and the Development of the ‘Socialist’
Model of Economic Organization in the Soviet Union
13.2.1 Significance

13.2.2 Debates

13.3 The Soviet Experience

13.3.1 Background and the Period of Workers’ Control
13.3.2 The Revolution, State Capitalism and Workers’ Control
13.3.3 War Communism
13.3.4 Variations in the Historian’s Perspective on the Revolution
and War Communism
13.3.5 The New Economic Policy
13.3.6 Move towards Collectivization and the Planned Economy
13.3.7 Further Developments during the Period of Recovery (1945-64)
13.3.8 On the ‘Heroic’ Phase of Socialist Industrialization
13.3.9 The Private Sector

13.4 Spread of the Soviet Model in Eastern Europe

13.4.1 Hungary
13.4.2 Rumania
13.4.3 Poland
13.4.4 Czechoslovakia
13.4.5 Bulgaria
13.4.6 East Germany (German Democratic Republic)
13.4.7 Yugoslavia

13.5 The Achievements of Socialist Industrialization in Eastern Europe

13.6 Socialist Initiatives Outside the Soviet Bloc
13.7 Summary
13.8 Exercises

In the previous Units of this Block you have read about the march of modern progress
through the development in international economic formations. Starting from the late
medieval age and commercial capitalism, this economic progress further led to the
coming of industrial capitalism. All these phases were associated with the advent
and establishment of the principles of capitalist economy. But in the early years of
19th century a parallel critique of this market driven capitalist economy had begun.
There was attempt to think of alternate economic models. Foremost among such
42 thinkers were Marx and Engels apart from others. But the real testing time for this
socialist model came with the October Revolution in Russia in 1917. It is in the Socialist
backdrop of these developments that you would read about the background and
later developments in the formulation and application of this model, mainly in Europe.

The Nineteenth Century Background

Inevitably, since the socialist critique of capitalism was so varied in Europe, socialism
meant different forms of practice before the October Revolution in Russia (1917). It
implied activity to strengthen Trades Unions, Friendly Societies and labour
‘syndicates’ with or without the assistance of political parties. It also implied the
encouragement of utopian communities (such as Robert Owen’s New Lanark) which
would be a beacon of what was most fit and most wholesome. Socialism could also
mean an interest in cooperative enterprise and various forms of community enterprise
that would benefit the public as a whole rather than any one individual. The latter led
to initiatives associated with ‘municipal socialism’ or ‘municipal trading’, i.e. the
running of urban facilities for fuel, water and lighting. There was little here that
envisaged how the economy as a whole could be reoriented in practice, even if there
was some focus on wide-ranging measures to protect labour through schemes or
insurance against unemployment and sickness, or the redistribution of land among
peasant proprietors. Suggestions for government controls over the ‘commanding
heights’ of the economy (that is the coal industry or the steel industry) were voiced.
But it was not certain how this would be done. Most socialists had an abiding fear of
the state and state control as a possible source of intensification of exploitation rather
than a solution to it. Before the onset of the First World War, in fact, nationalization
(i.e. the state take-over of industry) was looked upon as merely one way of constituting
an area of activity where the proletariat had no say, rather than as a means of controlling


With the coming of the October Revolution, entirely new sets of economic principles
and policies were sought to be employed with the purpose of achieving a socialist
state. In this section, different phases of these programmes have been discussed and
also the kind of impact it brought on the Soviet economy and society.

13.2.1 Significance
In such circumstances, where there was no model of a ‘socialist’ economy before
1914, practices in Soviet Russia after the October Revolution were the first major
large-scale experiment with socialism in Europe and became a model of socialism.
By 1939, the main features of this ‘model’ were fundamental restrictions on private
property, major state regulation of production, finance and trade, and a system of
Planning which schematized the economy and provided flexible targets and goals.
Governments, as they evolved state control of the economy, used public welfare as
their reference point. The economy was regularly mapped, in order to indicate where
state investment was necessary: initially through ‘control figures’ and later through
adjustable Plan figures. Hence, the economy, as it matured, was called a ‘Planned
Economy’. The system of ‘Planning’ was highly innovative. It was only feasible
because relatively high control over different economic sectors made the mobilization 43
Capitalism and of resources possible on an unparalleled scale, ignoring market pressures of demand
and supply. Such control over the economy was unknown in any economy before
1917, even in conditions of War.
The Bolshevik Party, which took power in October, was the Bolshevik faction of
the Russian Social Democratic Workers’ Party, which was duly renamed the Russian
Communist Party (Bolshevik). Its members were committed socialists and
encouraged the notion that the Soviet economy was a socialist economy, and was
an exemplar for socialism. Each step of economic reform was justified as a
contribution to socialism. The Komintern, and Communist Parties in Europe took
up the refrain. Socialist parties in France, Britain, Germany and Italy did not adopt
Soviet technique when in power. But since a long stint of socialist government was
rare anywhere else, the Soviet economy became the reference for what socialism
was. After 1945, the prototype was exported to Eastern Europe, whose experience
added a new dimension to the model. Economists such as Maurice Dobb, encouraged
such notions, as did CMEA economists such as Oskar Lange, W. Bruz etc.
The Soviet Planned Economy was considered the archetype of socialist experiment.
The Bolsheviks set out to provide the benefits of industrial development to as many
people, in as just a manner, in as short a time as possible.
Here, we shall deal with how the Soviet system came to take shape during 1917-
1989, and how it evolved in the CMEA countries. The stages of development are
important, since all of them, at various times, have been defined as ‘socialist’. Also,
two points must be noted in addition to the features mentioned above. First, the
socialist initiative cannot speak for all initiative in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
at this time. Both in Russia and in Eastern Europe, sectors operated (however weak)
which did not follow the priorities and logic of socialist experiment. Again, ideas
from the Soviet model were taken up and used by ‘socialist’ governments in France,
Britain and Italy after 1945. Their initiatives must also be added to the economic
record of European socialism.
13.2.2 Debates
Some debates about Soviet industrialization deserve attention.
i) Was socialist industrialization on the Soviet pattern more concerned with socialism
and justice than with economic growth?
Socialist historians such as Maurice Dobb have argued that Soviet industrialization
came about through policies that had an eye to economic and industrial growth as
well as social justice. Ideas of socialism, defined by the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union, were important in everything that occurred; and steps taken for growth
were a success. Some non-socialist historians such as Jasny have agreed that growth
was achieved, while others, such as Alec Nove, have argued that, even if there was
growth, the industrialization was inefficient and the weaknesses were the result of
obsessions with socialist doctrines. E.H. Carr and R.W. Davies pioneered work
that goes against this kind of perspective. They showed how the Soviet leadership
was divided on the meaning of socialism and evolved policy while adapting to problems
of growth. Davies, though, disagrees with Carr that this was generally true. He
feels that concerns with doctrine and politics became crucial in the 1930s in Soviet
policy. In recent writings in the Russian Federation, there is a division of opinion
about how important doctrine was in socialist industrialization. The debate is important
because it raises questions about whether Soviet socialism deserves attention as an
experiment that took stock of what was convenient and useful for the country’s
44 population. Clearly one perspective runs that it was an experiment where policy
makers lost a sense of what could lead to prosperity because they became wrapped Socialist
up in Soviet politics and in ideas about what was socialism.
ii) Was socialist industrialization on the Soviet pattern a product of Russian
circumstances and inapplicable for other countries or regions?
A line of argument also runs that Soviet industrialization was not socialist since socialism
could not be constructed in an underdeveloped country like Russia where industrial
capitalism had been weak. V.I. Lenin, the leader of the October Revolution, himself
did not consider it possible for Russia to build socialism without a revolution in the
West. He was disturbed about the prospects of constructing socialism in a country
which was mainly agricultural, where industrial and finance capitalism were features
of the late 19th century. Following this position, socialism in Russia is regarded as a
travesty: economic experiment on a bad foundation with socialist jargon thrown in.
There are some problems with this argument. It implies that socialist experiments
cannot occur where there is no advanced capitalism: that socialist industrialization
must post-date capitalist industrialization. Marx was not certain about this. In
correspondence with Vera Zasulich, the Populist activist, in the 1870s, Marx
conceded that Russia might be able to proceed to socialism, bypassing capitalism,
since Russia possessed institutions which lacked capitalist orientation and which
were deeply influential. They were discussing the prevalence in Russian agriculture
of the repartitional commune, which prevented accumulation of land in peasant land
tenure. Other questions can also be raised. What is adequate capitalism? Lenin
wrote in 1891 that Russian agriculture was capitalist, and that the commune was in
retreat. Did not this provide some ground for socialist construction, even it was not
the foundation that Lenin wanted? Again, in countries which are backward even
when capitalism has developed elsewhere, is full-blown capitalist development always
possible? Or will socialism have to finish off the job that capitalism was meant to
achieve? Leon Trotsky suggested that this might be necessary. In the Soviet Union
and later in Eastern Europe, were we dealing with such situations? These remain
important questions in economic history, and debates on ‘development’.
iii) Was Soviet socialism an instrument of a new ruling class in Russia and a Russian
instrument to rule non-Russian territories of the Soviet Union and Eastern
This perspective has been raised by Leon Trotsky (The Revolution Betrayed),
and the historian who has followed his ideas most closely, Isaac Deutscher
(in his biographies of Trotsky and Stalin). Since it is somewhat a social question, it
will be dealt with in the unit on social development under socialism. Certainly, as
13.3.8 and 13.3.9 of the next section indicate, Soviet economic development
registered a good deal of inequality. Also, in Eastern Europe, in the early phase and
in the late 1970s, the Soviet Union was harsh in his treatment of ‘fraternal’ socialist
countries. It remains a moot point though whether these ‘inequalities’ were substantial.
Surely they came to be considered substantial when growth itself was in a poor state
(in the 1980s)?
iv) The Anders Aslund perspective
The anti-Soviet economist has recently advanced the notion that Soviet
production was so incompetent that it does not deserve serious attention as growth.
This has been his answer to contemporary criticism of the post Soviet economy of
the Russian Federation, where growth rates have been negative (i.e. the economy
has contracted). The argument runs that so much worthless production took place in
the Soviet economy and that shortages were so great that we cannot seriously talk
of growth.
Capitalism and Aslund’s perspective may hold good for a limited period (the 1970s and 80s) -
although only with heavy qualifications. More significant, though, is an underlying
assumption of most of his work i.e. that the Soviet economic system was, in the long
term, incapable of wealth-generation.


The focus of these debates, that is the construction of a socialist economy in Soviet
Russia (the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic until 1924, the USSR
thereafter), occurred in five major stages: the period of workers’ control (1917-
June 1918), War Communism (June 1918-March 1921), the New Economic Policy
(1921-1927); the Planned Economy in its early phase (1929-1939); the
reconstruction of the Soviet economy (1945-56); the development and crisis of a
globally oriented socialist economy (1956-1989). The existence of stages of
development indicates that there was no one sense of what a socialist economy
should be. Ideas changed, as the USSR moved to the state-controlled economy
that was the mark of socialism from 1939 to 1989.

13.3.1 Background and the Period of Workers’ Control

The period before the construction of socialism in Russia after the 1917 October
Revolution was marked by the following features: small-scale cultivation in agriculture,
an artisanal sector weakened by wartime inflation and military conscription, large
concentrations of commercial agriculture in the Ukraine and South Russia, and large,
heavily cartellized privately-owned industrial complexes in the Donbass (Ukraine),
the Urals and the Central Industrial Region (the belt from Moscow to Petrograd).
Inflation was ubiquitous. Deterioration of infrastructure (railways, roads and canals)
was clear. Government controls over pricing and production were constituted under
the Tsarist war effort (before the 1917 February Revolution), operating through a
series of committees made up of management and officials. In the metals industry,
for instance, a committee set down production quotas and pricing restrictions. Such
committees continued to exist at the time of the October Revolution. The Provisional
Government (February 1917 – October 1917) instituted severe restrictions on grain
pricing and distribution. The Government also set up land committees to look into
the possibilities of redistribution of land in the localities. A lack of care over strict
budgeting led to spiralling inflation. Currency was printed with little respect to how
much specie or other securities the government possessed. The rouble depreciated
rapidly, resulting in a deterioration of the market. The latter was already in a sad
state since diversion of industry for manufacture for the war economy had led to a
decrease of goods available to everyday consumers. This in turn had discouraged
production for the market in the Russian countryside.
The Bolsheviks shaped policy to deal with all this in a territory which varied in size
during 1918-21. After the October coup, and limited violence, the Bolshevik
government (an alliance of Left Socialist Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks, legitimized
by sanction from the All-Russian Congress of Soviets), had reasonable control over
the territories of the Tsarist Empire that were free from German occupation. Following
the elections to the Constituent Assembly in December 1917 and the dismissal of
the Constituent Assembly in the following month, the situation changed. ‘White’
(pro-Tsarist) forces gathered in the area north of the Black Sea, to oppose Bolshevik
authority. After the Treaty of Brest Litovsk (March 1918), Bolshevik Russia lost
large territories to Germany in the east, and also lost the Ukraine (which became a
German puppet state). The break with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries (March
46 1918) led to an enlargement of the opposition network in South Russia, where a
Committee of the Constituent Assembly was formed to represent the parliament Socialist
that had been disbanded. Thereafter a Civil War broke out which was supported by
Western interventionist forces: a war which continued until early 1920. During the
period, Russia west of the Urals passed out of the hands of the Bolsheviks, as did
almost all of the land of the Lower Volga and Central Asia. From 1920, the Bolsheviks
established control in Siberia and Central Asia.

13.3.2 The Revolution, State Capitalism and Workers’

The main watchwords initially followed by Bolshevik policy makers to deal with the
economy were ‘state capitalism’ and ‘workers’ control’. Here, state capitalism meant
the operation of industry, trade and finance with the collaboration of the old
entrepreneurial class, but with rigorous supervision by and participation from the
state. This participation Lenin justified in his arguments in State and Revolution
(discussed above). Workers control was an unspecific term: it did not indicate whether
this meant the control of a factory by the factory workforce, or the control of a
factory by a broader workforce which spanned an industry/many industries. The
term did, however, clearly indicate some form of workers’ control over management.
Following such watchwords, and wary of nationalization (which Bolsheviks did not
think was necessarily socialist since it could be used as much by ‘imperialists’ as by
socialists), the Bolsheviks first followed a policy of state take-over only in limited
areas. Where nationalization took place, it was mainly the consequence of initiatives
by factories or the soviets. The soviets which mattered in this case were the urban
soviets, composed of ‘workers’ and ‘soldiers’: bodies constituted with little reference
to electoral lists or proper procedure, but acknowledged to have greater popular
authority than any other forms of local government. Nationalization and sequestration
also took place in the countryside: but the scale was smaller, and restricted to handling
large estates which had escaped redistribution.
The only case of outright state take-over was the banks. Following refusal to cooperate
with the Bolshevik government by the banking establishment (the State Bank and 50
or so other major private and joint stock concerns), troops took over the State
Bank premises (20th November 1917), and the main banks in Petrograd and Moscow
(November 27th and 28th). This followed the declaration of the Central Executive
Committee of the (VtsIK) of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets that banking was
a state monopoly (27th November). Nationalized banks were merged into a National
Bank later in 1918.
Elsewhere, in agriculture, land was redistributed according to principles of equality
and labour (8th November 1917), except in the case of large estates which were
devoted to ‘industrial’ crops, which would pass to state control under the
Government’s Land Committees. In industry, by a VTsIK decree of 27th November,
manufacturing units were placed under workers’ control, where workers’ factory
committees were to be responsible to an All Russian Council of Workers’ Control
and the local bodies on control that constituted it. Regulation of pricing of grain and
other goods, however, was firmly continued through the Committees set up earlier.
Spontaneous nationalization of industry by workers, mismanagement under worker’s
control and the emigration of employers and management quickly took this situation
to a new stage. Beyond the standard systems of control by special committees and
the Komissariats (Narkomprod for supplies, Narkomfin for finance), a new regulating
and supervisory agency was created on 18th December 1917 – the All Russian
Council for the National Economy (Vesenka or VSNKh). Together with its local 47
Capitalism and agents (the Sovnarkhozy) in law it assumed authority over manufacturing. Vesenka
took over committees which co-ordinated prices and industrial quotas, renaming
them glavki (centres), which had greater administrative authority than their
predecessors. Following the Treaty of Brest Litovsk (March 1918) and the onset of
the Civil War, Vesenka ruled that the glavki control of individual enterprises be
increased (3rd March), and each ‘centre’ was required to appoint a commissioner
and two directors to firms under its control. From March, Larin, the leading light of
Vesenka, called for ‘planned nationalization’ and suggested major public economic
projects. The drift was reinforced by the essential rejection by senior Bolsheviks of
Lenin’s ideas of ‘state capitalism’ moreover – a rejection represented in the failure
of negotiations with the steel magnate Meshcherskii and the entrepreneurs Stakheev
and Gukovskii to set up powerful trusts which included capitalists and an official
interest. The trend attained its fulfilment in the decree of 28th June 1918 (by VTsIK)
where every branch of industry was nationalized. The overall running of industry
was entrusted to Vesenka.
Throughout this workers’ welfare was a major concern. After the October Revolution
the VtsIK was quick to pass decrees on 11th November to establish the 8-hour day
and the 48-hour week in industry, to specify limitations on the work of women and
juveniles and forbid the employment of children under 14. Measures of unemployment
and sickness insurance were anticipated in decrees of 24th December and 22nd
December 1917. The All-Russian Congress of Trades Unions supported the measures
and the Trades Unions (which embraced entire branches of industry rather than, as
in Western and Central Europe, a particular trade), became agents for the enforcement
of the measures. The conditions of war made it difficult to enforce the regulations,
but they became a hallmark of the new order.

13.3.3 War Communism

The nationalization of industry (June 1918) marked the beginning of a regime of
rigorous state control, which followed the period of ‘workers’ control’. The regime
was termed ‘War Communism’ and developed as follows, covering industry in the
core provinces of European Russia primarily, since other areas were in the hands of
‘Whites’ or ‘Greens’ until early 1920.
In agriculture, the period was characterized by attempts to encourage community
cultivation over private cultivation. The Bolsheviks had broken with the Socialist
Revolutionaries after the treaty of Brest Litovsk and the assassination of Mirbach
(March 1918). The latter were the main supporters of private peasant cultivation in
the government after October. After the break, the Bolsheviks tried to reshape
agriculture by the formation of committees of poor peasants (kombedy) by a decree
of June 1918. These committees were to assist the gathering of cereals by labour
detachments from the towns: a crucial function since peasant grain marketing had
plummeted following currency depreciation and decline in industrial production. The
kombedy were also to spread propaganda in the countryside. The Bolsheviks also
encouraged community cultivation through grants for agricultural associations, Soviet
collective farms (sovkhozy), agricultural communes and other forms. By the end of
1918, when the poor response to the policy was evident, Party conferences ceased
to talk about it.
Other aspects of economic policy were disastrous for agriculture. To provide food
to the urban areas, brigades were sent to requisition grain at the prices established
by the state. This took place often with no regard for the stock the peasant required
during the subsequent season, and led to a steady worsening of the infrastructure for
48 cultivation during 1919-20.
In industry, controls by Vesenka and Komissariats over enterprises increased during Socialist
1919-20. This was the result of attempts to remedy major problems of the Civil
War and catastrophic inflation. Such problems were: the out-migration of population
from urban areas owing to poor food supplies; the collapse of any system of credit
and investment due to over issue of paper money; poor supplies of essential raw
material to industry. Here, where the supplies crisis was met by forced requisitions,
Narkomfin and Vesenka handled other problems by use of the glavki’s powers to
concentrate use of labour and ending payments between nationalized industries. By
1920 (when Soviet Russia’s remaining bank, the National Bank, was abolished),
Vesenka had all industrial payments referred to it or its agents. Where possible, such
payments would be adjusted against each other; and the outstanding referred to the
Komissariat of Finance which would note it for future adjustments. Rationing of
food, clothes and fuel was standard.

Within such a system, trade was declared a state monopoly, except when it occurred
through cooperatives or licensed traders operating a special area.

13.3.4 Variations in the Historian’s Perspective on the

Revolution and War Communism
Most European and US historians are agreed that the development of socialist
industrialization to this point followed a meandering course, in which willingness to
work with capitalists was clear and evident. They have also stressed the survival of
Tsarist practices and institutions through the period. Russian historians, however,
have disputed this, arguing that the Bolsheviks always meant to establish rigid state
control over the economy. The new Russian scholars point to the doctrinaire
obsessions of the period. Certainly, much of policy was justified by Lenin in terms
of the proletarian and socialist character of the new regime: so there is good cause
for thinking that Lenin was not working from expediency. Bolsheviks like N. Bukharin
also justified aspects of what happened, such as the demonetization of the economy,
as ‘socialist’. It is unlikely, though, that in conditions of war, that inflexible doctrine
was the lodestone of the new order, even if it was its reference point. Continuous
adaptation was the order of the day, and the idea that ideology guided everything
comes from its recurrence in what was said: the fact that some principle had to be
followed as adaptation took place.

13.3.5 The New Economic Policy

Whatever such preoccupations, from 1921, perturbed by the low agricultural output
in South Russia and the Ukraine, and the display of disenchantment among strong
Bolsheviks during the Kronstadt uprising (March 1921), Bolshevik policy makers,
it is agreed, introduced measures to make the economy more flexible and
performance-oriented. The changes gave ‘socialism’ a new image: less centralized
and less hostile to the practices of the capitalist economies.

The urgency of reforms was demonstrated by the famine that swept south and south-
east Russia during the summer of 1921. The New Economic Policy, which was set
in motion in February 1921, sought to revitalize the market, which had come to be
associated with rationing, cooperative trading or black market operations.
Dependence on requisitions for food supplies was abandoned. A tax in kind was
levied on cultivators, enabling peasants to gauge state requirements precisely, and
establish an impression of what could be kept in reserve and how much could be
sold on the market. Later, this tax was transformed into a proper tax in cash, while
government purchased grain on the market at specified rates.
Capitalism and Encouragement to peasants to market grain was provided by currency reform -
whereby gold roubles and later chervonets (gold and securities-backed currency)
was put into circulation (1921-22). Inflationary pressure on the new currency was
reduced through a return to budgetary orientation (rather than an orientation to the
needs of industry) and a proper system of revenue collection, based on customs
dues, excise on a number of goods and taxation on certain professions. The creation
of a new banking system (based on a State Bank which was established in October
1921) was intended to strengthen the new dispensation. Private trade was legalized
to improve the distribution of agricultural produce and other goods.
A strong orientation towards everyday consumer demand was required of nationalized
industry. Enterprises were to proceed to a system of khozrachet, i.e. to relate
expenditure to income, rather than to rely on state subsidies. The authority of the
glavkis was weakened, and enterprises were required to form trusts which would
function independently. Measures were taken to encourage private enterprise, to
make up for the weaknesses of state-run industry. A decree of 17th May 1921
revoked the decree nationalizing all small-scale industry; by a law of 7th July 1921,
permission was given for the organization of enterprises provided he employed less
than 20 workers; and by a decree of 5th July 1921, arrangements were made for
the leasing of state enterprises.
The upshot of the new measures was initial uncertainty and long-term recovery.
Socialism was given a new image: of a mixed economy, with limits on capitalism,
and run by autonomous state corporations (trusts), under the supervision of the
Vesenka. Teething trouble was evident and suggested greater problems. With the
demand for industrial goods in 1922, a great increase in industrial prices took place,
together with a fall in prices for agricultural goods. This threatened the precarious
interest shown by peasants in the market and was known as ‘the scissors crisis’.
Official intervention dealt with the problem on this occasion, but the very existence
of the crisis indicated the poor level of consumer goods production at this time, as
well as the dangerous consequences for relations between industry and agriculture
should such poor production persist. Again, In 1921-23, many industries were
unable to adjust to khozrachet and had to curtail activities drastically. In the case of
some crucial sectors, the government intervened, but by and large trusts had to
stand on their own feet, even though their access to the network of private trade
was weak in the first years after the legalization of private trade.

13.3.6 Move towards Collectivization and the Planned

A number of Bolsheviks were dissatisfied with the ‘retreat’ of the NEP. An exception
was the economist Nikolai Bukharin (initially a great supporter of War Communism!).
He argued for dependence on peasant consumption, imports where necessary and
slow industrial growth based on it. Again, A. Chayanov was uncertain that bourgeois
forces were taking over in the countryside, and pointed out that such impressions
came from poor understanding of the ‘peasant economy’, where united family activity
gave an impression of great prosperity, although the property that was accumulated
around it was quickly divided in the long term, as the family itself divided. L.N.
Trotsky and E.I. Preobrazhenskii warned that the new dispensation would derail
socialism, leading to dependence on rich peasants and the ‘NEP bourgeoisie’, i.e.
the main traders and entrepreneurs of the time. Their ‘left opposition’ persistently
argued this position (and demanded the encouragement of revolution elsewhere as a
solution to Soviet Russia’s problems). They were ignored by Bolsheviks who were
satisfied with the terms of the NEP, and the industrial recovery it achieved. The
50 ‘left’, hence, collapsed as a political force by 1927.
The sharp decline of grain supplies in 1928-29, at prices set by the state, however, Socialist
changed the opinions of many Bolshevik leaders (except Bukharin and his supporters).
The phenomenon disturbed them as, from 1927, they focused on the First Five Year
Plan for economic growth, to go beyond industrial ‘recovery’. This ‘Plan’, which
later became an essential connotation of a socialist economy, was a general
assessment of the economy, indicating potentials, and isolating possible targets for
different sectors. How hard and fast the targets were depended on who handled the
plan - with politicians regarding them as necessary and possible, while economists
considered them as possible, desirable but adjustable.
The poor availability of food at government rates boded an ominous future for the
growth of the industrial economy on the scale Soviet politicians wanted. In certain
areas of the Urals and Siberia, the shortfall in grain procurements by the government
led to requisitions on the War Communism model. But a more severe alternative
was pursued in the following year. Faced with a repetition of the 1928 situation, if
not worse, as grain prices soared on the private market, the CPSU Politburo decided
to embark on strict regulation of agriculture through the Collectivization of agriculture.
Here, peasant farmers were grouped into collective farms (kolkhozy), which covered
the territory of several peasant settlements. The kolkhoz administration took over
the land cultivated, as well as the inventory (machines, livestock, ploughs etc.), leaving
the peasant a small plot, adjacent to his house, which he was permitted to cultivate
for his own personal use. The cultivator was required to continue with his work, the
difference being that his produce would be marketed by the kolkhoz administration
and he/she would receive a remuneration linked to the work put in. In most cases,
the head of the kolkhoz administration was a Bolshevik loyalist – frequently a ‘worker’
from the urban areas.
Collectivization was resisted with force in the Ukraine and Kazakhstan (where
independent peasant farming was strong, and where community farming was weak).
By 1932, however, the kolkhoz was the standard institution of peasant land
organization and cultivation. Using the collective farm, the government increased
grain procurements. It was also able to set rock-bottom prices for agriculture, charge
‘turnover’ taxes when grain left the kolkhoz, and charge high taxes elsewhere, when
agricultural products were sold. Thereby it provided reasonably priced food for
workers in the factories set up under the First Five Year Plan, and ensured adequate
revenue for itself, which could be invested in industrial construction. The peasant
was thus forced to invest in capital industry – a process which socialist theoreticians
equated to the process of industrial capital accumulation that had taken place during
the Industrial Revolution in the West, albeit through the means of the market. Sales
of grain abroad also gave the government funds to buy machinery for industrialization
under the First Plan, while the only gain to agriculture was the slow establishment of
Machine Tractor Stations (MTS) which were designed to improve agricultural
productivity. Inevitably, figures for industrial output for the First Plan were impressive
(even if they fell short of Plan targets).

1927-28 1932 (plan) 1932 (actual)

Coal (million tonnes) 35.0 75.0 64.0
Oil (million tonnes) 11.7 21.7 21.4
Iron ore (million tonnes) 6.7 20.2 12.1
Pig iron (million tonnes) 3.2 10.0 6.2

Source: A. Nove, An Economic History of the USSR 51

Capitalism and
Industrialization 13.3.7 Further Developments during the Period of
Recovery (1945-64)
Collectivization, the Planned Economy, nationalized banking and the prevalence of
large trusts in industry and trade (often called ‘kombinaty’) were to be the hallmarks
of Soviet socialism for the next fifty years. The institutions came to represent economic
socialism. The Soviet government undertook large projects within the framework
of the system (such as General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev’s ‘Virgin Lands’ scheme
to increase land under cultivation). A major feature of the economy for the whole
period was the use of revenue for arms industries and expansion of the armed forces
with only a marginal eye to improvement of consumer goods. The mechanism of the
Planned Economy made this possible.
Innovations did take place. Some were undertaken with a fixed eye to collective
enterprise; some were undertaken with an eye to a decrease of the burden on
agriculture, and some bearing in mind the private sector that survived in agriculture.
In the case of the burden on agriculture, for instance, procurement prices were
increased after 1952 to set right the anomalous nature of prices paid to the kolkhoz
- which were often insufficient to meet the cost of delivery of collective farm products.
Taxes on private plots in agriculture were substantially reduced. Various experiments
of the post 1952 period, however, with no attention to local circumstances, indicated
often how the Planning system could be misused. After 1956, for instance, Nikita
Khruschev, the Party General Secretary, disapproved of the cultivation of grasses
(for fodder): and many fields were dug up just because of this disapproval. Attempts
at decentralizing the Planning process through the creation of ‘sovnarkhozy’ - in
principle admirable for the increase of popular involvement - merely led to ‘localism’
in industrial policy. This meant that the broad sense that planners had, as well as their
knowledge, was wholly downplayed, and ridiculous instances of local favouritism
crept into economic development.

13.3.8 On the ‘Heroic’ Phase of Socialist Industrialization

This last phase of socialist industrialization has attracted imaginative comment recently.
Stephen Kotkin, for instance, in his Magnetic Mountain, (University of California
Press, 1995), proceeds far beyond the position of Alec Nove and his sympathizers.
Nove stresses the inefficiencies and bottlenecks of the planned economy, as well as
the imaginative ideas that went into it, while Kotkin regards such unintegrated
treatment, or a fixation with Bolshevik ideology, to be a limited perspective. Providing
a picture which goes beyond these perspectives, Kotkin’s focus is Magnitogorsk
i.e. the steel production centre created during the First Five Year Plan in the high
flatlands of the Urals, on the Ural River, by Magnetic Mountain. Kotkin treats the
city as a microcosm of Soviet life. He shows how this putative showcase for Soviet
socialist living came to be conceived; how the plans for its construction were pell
mell executed and how ‘the idiocy of urban life’ was the consequence.
The ‘heroic’, ‘breakneck’ construction of the factory complex at Magnetic Mountain
is reduced to a farce in Kotkin’s history. He points out that the location itself was
deemed questionable and, despite later legend, the complex got off the ground slowly.
The reality was a shoddy plant where there were 550 stoppages of work in the first
year alone and ultimate closure for complete reconstruction in November 1933.
Expansion at Magnitogorsk, in the years to come, followed a pattern common to
the Planned Economy. Over invoicing, cooked books, exaggerated statistics of
production and mismanagement for the sake of record and rhetoric: this litany,
52 meticulously documented by Kotkin, lay behind the further construction of blast
furnaces, coke batteries, open-hearth ovens and blooming mills. Much of this held Socialist
good for industrial expansion in established sites in the Ukraine and St. Petersburg.
It also held good for new sites such as Kuznetsk.
There was often little choice of whether to go or not, and mobilization went along the
lines described by one labourer: ‘Comrades, you’re going to Magnitka. Do you
know what Magnitka is?’/’No, we haven’t a clue’/’Unfortunately neither do we, but
you’re going to Magnitka all the same’.
Social and family life in the city’s cold and isolation degenerated into cards,
drinking, abuse and delinquency, despite the efforts of the Komsomol and Party
stalwarts. The various ‘clubs’ for locals were characterized by lack of heating and
other elementary facilities; poor urban communications, appalling distribution
arrangements for essentials (all planned with a lack of appreciation for local
requirements) left little time for recreation and culture. The only hot spots in this
mess were the Magnit cinema hall, the circus and a small local theatre. Little wonder
that many who came initially arrived on short contracts, and fled at the earliest.
When passports were introduced to restrict movements, a trade in false documents
quickly ensued.
In such conditions, the lexicon of Soviet achievement was spread; the bruiting of
socialist attainments and the ‘heroic’ depiction of every venture compelled public
wonder for what was often little better than a cloaca. Equally, the labour achievement
awards for Stakhanovites, the ‘proper’ classification and description of workers,
and the ‘proper’ recording of worker biographies, providing the necessary terms,
gave the inhabitants of the socialist urban complex their social identity. As Kotkin
points out, however, many failed to play their allotted role, just as solid proletariat
refused to lay off rearing goats and cows, despite the exhortations of Party faithful.

13.3.9 The Private Sector

Imaginative though Kotkin’s perspective is, it fails to detail the strength of private
enterprise in the midst of this ‘planned system’ or ‘command economy’. In agriculture,
this was crucial, as indicated in the following statistics of kolkhoz market sales (i.e.
returns from the sale of produce from private plots in the collective farm). At a time
when kolkhoz incomes in total came to about 12.5 billion roubles, such sales provided
(in billions of roubles):

1940 29.1
1950 49.2
1951 50.8
1952 53.7
Source: Alec Nove, An Economic History of the USSR
In industry also, however, there was a tendency for various deals to be made
within the framework of the plan as many memoirs have recently pointed out. The
dynamic role of management in the Soviet space is rarely discussed as yet, the
assumption being that blind following of the plan was the order of the day. Soviet
sources, who always congratulated themselves, give the impression that whatever
the Party said was good enough. They rarely show (except in stray incidents) how
planned production worked, despite many obstacles, and how it also created a
space for aggrandizement which gave the enterprise under socialist industrialization
a dynamic of its own.
Capitalism and
After the Second World War, Eastern European countries and the Baltic states
adopted many aspects of the Soviet model, although they initially favoured very
moderate versions of it since, unlike the case of Russia in 1917, the state had hitherto
played a moderate role in the economy. In the Baltic states, the assimilation into
Soviet practice was quick, since Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia became members of
the USSR. Elsewhere in Eastern Europe, the move came after the statement of the
Truman Doctrine, the initiation of the Marshall Plan and the formation of the
Cominform (1947). After this the USSR encouraged countries under its political
control to adopt its own perspectives on economic development. The Soviet model’s
crucial role in the region’s economic development was the result of the USSR’s
post-war military presence in the region and its position as the main recipient of
reparations from Hungary and Rumania, who had supported the Axis powers. In a
departure from what occurred in the Soviet Union, though, almost in all cases, in the
form of socialist industrialization that took place, small-scale cultivation played an
important part in agriculture, although collectivization was encouraged in the years
after 1949 for a brief period, and various measures were taken to hold such cultivation
together in collective or cooperative enterprise. Hungary, (and to some extent
Rumania) were slightly exceptional. Here large state farms also had a major role in
agriculture. This was an outcome of the organization of agriculture in Hungary and
Rumania before 1945, when large latifundia played a considerable part in agriculture.
The share of such latifundia substantially passed on to the state.
A decade-long experience of extreme varieties of Soviet-style planning and state
control in these countries came under the aegis of the Cominform and the Council
for Mutual Economic Assistance, acting in tandem as sources of pressure, in the
period after 1949. A good deal of industrial output was sold to the USSR at reduced
rates (sometimes linked to reparations, as in the case of Hungary and East Germany,
but sometimes not, as in the case of Poland). The ‘Stalinist’ experiment was subject
to major attacks during the mid 1950s (during the disturbances in Hungary and
Poland in 1956), but it was only modified in any meaningful manner after the approval
to economic reform by the Soviet economist Liberman in the Soviet newspaper
Pravda in September 1962. Here, the reform focused on: a reduction in planned
targets; a greater stress on profitability; economic rewards for efficiency; greater
variety in pricing; greater industrial concentration, accompanied by decentralization.
Stiffer controls were reintroduced rapidly, though, after 1968 (and the move against
economic reform in Czechoslovakia). The only country which was able to maintain
its reforms was Hungary, where, despite the ups and downs of the reform system,
imports of Western technology, relative freedom of movement abroad and
encouragement of small-scale private industry became a permanent feature of the
country by the late 1970s. In all countries, increase of Soviet oil prices in 1975
seriously destabilized the economies.

13.4.1 Hungary
With Soviet occupation, a Hungarian National Independence Front, comprising a
number of radical and socialist parties formed a Provisional Government (December
1944) which quickly moved towards economic reform. At the time, large-scale
private wealth dominated the economy. In agriculture, there existed a number of
latifundia or great estates that were commercially oriented and that were owned by
54 aristocratic families (Esterhazys, Szechenyis, Karolyis and others). Smallholdings
which belonged to peasant proprietors were divided: some were very small, others Socialist
substantial and geared to the market. Industry was concentrated, with the Credit
Bank and the Commercial Bank having major shares in over 60% of what there
was, and a number of important players running the important manufactures (the
Vida, Kornfeld, Weiss and Dreher-Haggenmacher families primarily).
The reforms came in the following stages:
i) In January 1945, workers control was introduced in almost all industry through
a decree which gave major powers to factory committees.
ii) By a decree of 17th March, the great estates were taken over by the state, as
were the holdings of the Catholic Church. Almost all peasant farms were exempt
from the decree. About 60% of the land was distributed - a large portion going
to agricultural labourers and small-scale proprietors.
iii) Despite the success of the non-socialist parties in the elections of November
1945, pressures from Soviet forces, the Communist and Socialist parties and a
section of the Smallholders’ Party forced through the nationalization of four of
the country’s largest industrial enterprises.
iv) A Three Year Plan was adopted in July 1947. In the wake of the political crisis
of 1947 (after the elections of Auguest) in November 1947, nationalization of
the major banks followed, as did the adoption of a Three Year Plan. On 25th
March 1948, the nationalization of factories employing more than 100 workers
took place.
The implementation of the reforms fell to the Hungarian Working People’s Party,
which was created from a fusion of the Social Democrat and Communist Parties in
June 1948. This party was reconstituted in 1956 as the Hungarian Socialist Workers’
Party, following the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Both before and after 1956, the
party dominated the government and followed the model of the Soviet economy. In
the period up to 1956, intensive industrialization was the order of the day, with a
stress on capital goods industries. Hence, under the first Five Year Plan (1950-54),
industrial production increased by 130%, and machine industry production by 350%.
There was little development of consumer industry, and collectivization of agriculture
was encouraged. After 1956, cooperativization among small-holders, rather than
collectivization, became the goal of the socialist economy, and a greater diversification
into consumer industry was noticeable.
Under the New Economic Mechanism (launched on 1st January 1968), steps to
develop a programme of ‘liberalization’ were undertaken. These involved greater
imports of Western technology and freer travel abroad and independence to major
enterprises: measures devised by Rezso Nyers, the country’s best known ‘reformist’.
Increases of oil prices by the USSR led to a restoration of controls on enterprises,
and heavy subsidies to maintain low domestic prices (and Nyers’ removal from the
Politburo). A return to a reform programme began in 1977, with restrictions on
private farmers relaxed in 1980 (they were permitted to acquire machinery), gradual
division of large enterprises and license to small foreign firms to work in the country.
Prices were permitted to rise in 1979 (to allow them to come to world levels) and in
1982, the country joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World
Bank. Attempts to return to a system of controls and subsidies in 1985 led to the
consolidation of a dissident radical group in the country under Imre Pozsgay. The
group’s influence was felt when long-serving President Janos Kadar was forced to
step down (22 May 1988), Pozsgay was admitted to the Politburo of the Hungarian
Socialist Workers’ Party in a prelude to Hungary’s quiet revolution of 1989. 55
Capitalism and
Industrialization 13.4.2 Rumania
Soviet troops were in occupation of Rumania from August 1945, although
the Communists (the Rumanian Workers’ Party) only formally established control
over the government of the country after the abdication in 1947 of King Michael.
Under occupation a number of steps were taken to adapt the economy to the Soviet
The main stages of the adaptation of the Rumanian economy to the Soviet model
i) The dissolution of the main Rumanian banks in August 1948 and concentration
of financial activities in the National Bank of Rumania (later the Bank of the
Rumanian People’s Republic).
ii) The formation of a number of joint stock companies (Sovroms) based on Soviet
and Rumanian government investments in various industries - iron and steel,
where (the Resita organization was transformed into a Sovrom), petroleum,
where the Sovrompetrol was formed, insurance and mining. Here the USSR
took over the German and Hungarian shares in the industries concerned by a
law of April 1946. During 1954-56, Soviet shares in industry were
systematically transferred to the Rumanian state.
iii) The creation of centres of control for the mining industry in 1948 at Bai
Mare (northern Transylvania) and Brad (Bihor mountains, central
iv) The promulgation of Land Reform Acts on March 22 1945 (mainly involving
the expropriation of properties over 50 hectares) and March 2nd 1949 (which
involved the confiscation of the land of property owners of more than 15,000
hectares). This intensified inter-war expropriation of large estates and
redistribution of property. The main beneficiaries were peasants (who dominated
the wool and subsistence agriculture oriented economy of the Carpathian uplands
and Transylvania; but, as in Hungary, larger holdings were directly controlled
by the state also the commercial grain economy of the Banat and the cash crop
belt of the Carpathian lowlands (Moldavia and Wallachia), where vineyards
and market gardens are common.
The considerable influence in Rumania of the National Peasants’ Party during 1944-
45, and thereafter of peasant proprietors in general ensured that peasant ownership
continued to be a decisive feature of the Rumanian economy until recent times.
Industry was dominated by state ownership, though, a small private sector (especially
in trade) persisted even after large scale nationalization of the trading apparatus.
Investments under the Rumanian Five Year Plans were directed to oil-based industry,
commercial agriculture and timber felling and export.

13.4.3 Poland
The Polish Committee of National Liberation undertook the application of the Soviet
model of socialist economic development to Poland. Formed in 1944, this was the
core of the post 1945 government. The main features of the socialist transition
(eventually supervised by the Polish United Workers’ Party) were:
i) The decree of 6 September 1944, which confiscated all landholdings above
50 hectares. This followed up legislation of the inter-war period which pushed
through redistribution of great estates. Together with the confiscation of Church
land ((1950), the 1944 measure increased the domination of agriculture by
peasant holdings, albeit to the advantage of richer peasants. Hence, while 65% Socialist
of the land was held in allotments of under 10 hectares, over 33% was still held
in allotments of between 10 and 50 hectares. Polish governments did not focus
on collectivization after redistribution, except for a brief period during 1947-
53, when they encouraged collective farms, which only covered 10% of arable
land by 1954, and maintained state farms. Collectives were allowed to dwindle
after 1956 (in 1959 they only covered 1% of arable land). Since state farms
came to 15% of the arable land at their peak, the bulk of agriculture was based
on peasant smallholdings until the most recent times. The government tried
various measures to induce collective activity (for instance the formation of
Agricultural Circles in 1956, where members could rent machinery at reduced
costs). These had hardly any effect.
ii) The formation of a Central Planning Office which organized a Three Year Plan
(1947-49), and later a Six Year Plan for the economy. Most industrial production
and mining were transferred to state hands after 1945. By 1949-50, 92% of
industry was nationalized.
Call for reform by Polish economists such as Lange and Brus in 1956 included
demands for flexibility in approach to economic policy, encouragement of foreign
investment and decentralization of industrial organization. Demonstrations in favour
of this intensification of the ‘New Course’ (initiated in 1953 by First Secretary Bierut
after Stalin’s death) merely led to a change in leadership in Poland (the selection of
the ‘moderate’ Gomulka as head of the Party). Reforms after 1962 (concentrated
around 1968-70), led to price increases and a wager on increased investment in
‘modern industries’ (machine building, electricals and chemicals). This in turn led to
and demonstrations against the effects of such measures (in December 1970) and to
the ascendancy of Edward Gierek in the Polish Party.

13.4.4 Czechoslovakia
Soviet troops moved out of Czechoslovakia in November 1945. But a Works Council
Movement began in 1945, which demanded nationalization of mines and industry,
establishing workers’ control. After initial reluctance by the Communist Party of
Czechoslovakia to accept this nationalization plan, it gave way slowly, and measures
in this vein were systematically undertaken, especially after 1947 and the statement
of the Truman Doctrine and the formation of the Cominform.
The pattern of land redistribution and rapid state take over of industry was followed
here as elsewhere:
i) In March 1948, all estates of over 50 hectares were confiscated, redistribution
and cooperativization were initiated. Thereafter, all cooperatives were merged
into collective farms by a law of 23rd February 1949, which was enforced with
special severity after 1953.
ii) By 1949-50, 96% of industry was nationalized, after initial restraint in this area
(in 1948, 20% of industry was still in private hands). Under planning, stress fell
heavily on heavy industry and munitions production.
A programme of economic reform was attempted under the encouragement of
Alexander Dubcek and the economists Sik and Selucky (all of the Slovak republic)
in 1968. This would have involved a degree of freedom to workers to demand wage
increases, a freeing of prices and due allowance for the formation of private
enterprises. The invasion by the Warsaw Pact of Czechoslovakia, however,
forestalled the implementation of the programme. 57
Capitalism and
Industrialization 13.4.5 Bulgaria
Collectivization was more marked here in the earlier stages of economic reform,
although peasant production never ceased to be important. Small plots occupied
13% of the arable land in 1975, and produced 25% of produce (dominating potato
and fruit output). A commitment to large scale industrialization developed in the late
1960s, when there was a move away from traditional stress on food processing.
i) During 1945-48, landholdings were limited to 20 hectares, and holdings above
this level were redistributed. Thereafter, smallholdings were merged into
collective farms, and 50% of arable land was in these by 1953. All privately
owned machinery and farm equipment was compulsorily acquired by the state,
and a kulak defined as one owning over 5 hectares. Proprietors owning over
10 hectares had to sell 75% of their grain crop to the state (1950), while
collectives had their delivery quotas reduced (1953).
ii) By 1949/50, 95% of the limited industry that existed in the country was
13.4.6 East Germany (German Democratic Republic)
Adaptation to the Soviet model began late here, since a myth was maintained that
East Germany would be united with West Germany in the long term, and radical
alteration in the production system was not a good idea considering this.
Nationalization of industry and trade, however, began long before the formal decision
to embark on socialist construction by the Socialist Unity Party in 1952 under the
direction of Walter Ulbricht. Industry and trade in private hands (19% and 37%
respectively) was taken over by the state thereafter, and collectivization of agriculture
begun and intensified (especially after 1958).
The Liberman-sanctioned reforms took shape in the GDR in the form of the New
Economic System that lasted from 1963 to 1970 (when controls through Planning
were intensified). Industrial production grew by 5.8% between 1960 and 1964,
and 6.4% between 1964 and 1970. Per capita growth rate and increase in standard
of living was of the order of 4.9% between 1970 and 1975. Abandonment of the
New Economic System was marked by the dismissal of Gunter Mittag from the
Council of State in 1971, and adaptation to increased Soviet oil prices (after 1975)
by increases in state subsidies of domestic prices.
13.4.7 Yugoslavia
An alternative variety of socialist industrialization, the case of the Yugoslav Federation
was marked by a ‘mixed economy’, where, like the other East European cases,
emulation of the Soviet model was clear, but where a large non-state sector grew up
over time. The following stages are noticeable in the Yugoslav model:
i) 1946 - a nationalization law which made permanent government takeover of
most German and Italian property in the country.
ii) Redistribution of land in German hands and of holdings over 45 hectares to
peasant proprietors. Peasant holdings were restricted to 20-25 hectares.
iii) Initiation of the First Five Year Plan. The USSR agreed to set up a number of
joint ventures in shipping and air transport. But these were quickly closed down
after the Yugoslavs considered these excessively favourable to the Soviet Union.
Grants from UNRRA were very important in this early phase.
iv) Slow move away from the Soviet model, after the political break with the
Soviet Union in 1948. This took time. Initially, the state favoured collectivization
through concentration of peasant households in Peasant-Worker Cooperatives,
58 in order to control grain marketing. But poor performance here and in
nationalized industry under central direction led to the development of self- Socialist
managed state enterprises (1950) and a decrease in interest in collective
agriculture (although maximum holdings were reduced to a size of 10 hectares).
The standard practice of using centralized investment was modified by the
creation of communal banks that had their own sphere of investment. After the
First Five Year Plan, the planning system was amended to involve less of the
‘command style’ and permit greater cooperation between state industry,
independent of the central (and state) planning commissions. The trend was
assisted by investment from the USA, although government stress on the
development of heavy industry and armaments industry persisted.
v) Following Stalin’s death, relations with the Soviet bloc varied. Initially,
improvements led to a large increase in trade with the CMEA countries. But
continuous inflow of soft loans from the United States and good relations with
Western Europe led to the development of several ventures in close association
with these countries: ventures which were not guided rigidly by the Planning
system. The significance of the state remained significant. Despite the existence
of self-management, communal banks etc., the Central Investment Fund
controlled 70% of investment and industry bore marks of political control. Marks
of central control included the focus of investment in heavy industry and the
existence of ‘political factories’, i.e. factories which were set up with non-
economic considerations in mind.
vi) Associate membership of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT)
in 1960 led to pressure on the 1961-65 Five Year Plan and intensification of
the move away from central control in the Planned Economy. Investment came
increasingly from communal banks, and devaluation took place to encourage
foreign trade. Initially, to curb inflation and maintain aspects of the old system,
a wage freeze was initiated. But this situation proved unworkable, led to a
debate on the future of the economy, and intensification of the development of
private enterprise and decentralization after 1965 (in the so-called ‘market-
oriented reforms’).
vii) The new course (which involved the development of a commercial banking
sector), received great impetus in the 1970s with the greater inflow of foreign
loans, and, after 1979, the country moved into a debt crisis in which the political
crisis of the late 1980s took shape, leading to the disintegration of the Federation.


The main achievement of the investments in agriculture and industry that occurred
under socialist industrialization is indicated by the following statistics:
Index of industrial Index of agricultural
production production
1938=100 1938=100
1964 1960-63 average
Bulgaria 625 111
Rumania 498 129
Poland 370 132
Hungary 314 98
Czechoslovakia 242 92
East Germany 208 80
Source: Walter Laquer, Europe since Hitler
Capitalism and As much of this system initially took shape, it was moulded by bilateral agreements
with the USSR (for imports of primary products from the Soviet Union at exaggerated
costs initially, and exports of primary and finished goods to the USSR at excessively
reduced prices). Bilateral trade between the countries was worked out within the
framework of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. But such trade was
notoriously lacking in a real bilateral quality: i.e. little trade developed according to
the initiative of any two CMEA states independent of the rest. Common investments
in Soviet oil and natural gas industries paid trumps for most CMEA countries in the
late 1960s and early 1970s, when all of them received output at rates below the
world price at a time of increases in oil prices in the West. All the countries benefited
from the USSR’s special relations with Angola, Mozambique, Syria, Iraq, Vietnam
and India. Moreover, from June 1971, under the terms of the ‘Complex Programme
for the Further Extension and Improvement of Cooperation and Development of
Socialist Economic Integration’ of the CMEA, coordination was given more
importance, and its status raised in CMEA affairs. A number of international economic
organizations were begun: the Interstate Commissions for the implementation of
specific tasks; the International Bank for Economic Cooperation; the International
Investment Bank; research and development coordinating centres and international
laboratories. At various sessions of the Council during 1973-81, integration measures
were introduced into the member countries’ plans and harmonized into a coherent
plan by the Committee for Cooperation and Planning.
Such measures did not come to much where it really mattered: in the development
of technology which could compete with global standards after the information
revolution. US blockade of sales of such technology to the ‘east’ was substantially
responsible for this. Equally responsible, though, was inertia within state-run industry,
which was willing to work with minor innovations, but unwilling to fundamentally
change what existed. The resulting poor performance in trade relations with the
West coincided with a major problem in the 1980s. The CMEA did not prevent
member countries interacting with the West - either through trade or through
application for loans. The decrease in oil prices globally in the 1980s, the refusal of
the USSR to reduce its prices, and the high level of indebtedness of many CMEA
countries (Poland and Yugoslavia especially) to the West led to a troubled situation.
By 1989, the CMEA had ceased to be useful in almost any sense and had ceased to
represent a common interest. Not only were some countries initiating experiments
with ‘market reforms’, but the common cause that had marked the bloc in the 1950s,
60s and 70s was gone.


Attempts to rein in capitalism were common in a number of countries where socialists
were powerful during the inter-war and post-Second World War period. In France,
for instance, under Leon Blum and the Popular Front (1936-38), attempts were
made to control capital transfers out of the country, and important steps were taken
to establish state control over the munitions’ industry. Major reforms were introduced
in the factories - where employers were compelled to give workers a minimum paid
holiday each year, and where working hours were strictly limited. In Britain, after
the Second World War, the Labour government nationalized the coal and steel
industries and introduced the ‘welfare state’ (i.e. the National Health Scheme, which
reduced health costs dramatically, as well as the introduction of unemployment benefit
to the out-of-work). The Labour governments of Harold Wilson (1964-70), extended
60 cheap housing for the population through the agency of local government, while
socialist governments on the Continent introduced their own version of the ‘welfare Socialist
state’ through systems of insurance.
Much of this initiative was in imitation of the state-led model prevalent in the USSR
(and Eastern Europe). But in developing their own focus on ‘insurance’ (where the
state, the employer and the employee contributed to a common fund), countries
such as France, Germany and Italy developed their own variety of ‘welfare’ which
involved a smaller role for the state. This dimension to socialism outside the Soviet
bloc is what made it unique. Accepting capitalist enterprise and a limited place for
state initiative, it was strictly non-Leninist.

In this Unit you have read about the way Soviet experiment in application of the
socialist model underwent various phases in accordance with the demands of the
time. You have also read how it was not a model which could completely shun the
principles of market economy, but tried very often to overcome the restrictions put
in its way. There were contradictions from within and outside which eventually led to
its disintegration. At the same time, the same model was applied differently even in
the countries under the Soviet influence, which gradually gave way to the dominant
capitalist system. Yet, it would be immature to argue that this model was a complete
failure as it was this model which forced the so called capitalist economies of the
western Europe to integrate welfare economic principles and strengthen social
distribution networks albeit with a limited role for the state. On the other hand, the
criticisms of the capitalist economic system and visions of alternative models have
continued to drive the thinkers and activists alike. It is in this respect that the theories
of underdevelopment, especially in the context of the third world, have taken the
centre-stage. About this you would read in the next Unit.

1) In what ways socialist industrialization is different from capitalist
2) Was socialist industrialization a uniform policy initiative in the case of Soviet
Russia? Comment.
3) How different was the experience of other countries under the hegemony of
Soviet Russia in terms of socialist industrialization?

Capitalism and
14.1 Introduction

14.2 Meaning of Underdevelopment

14.3 Salient Features of the Underdeveloped Countries

14.4 Approaches to Understand Underdevelopment

14.5 Attacking Underdevelopment: The Policy Options

14.6 Examining Some Economic Structures in the Light of Underdevelopment

14.6.1 The Indian Case
14.6.2 The Chinese Experience
14.6.3 Ghana’s Debacle
14.6.4 The Brazilian Economy

14.7 Summary
14.8 Exercises

Prior to the late eighteenth century, life was nothing other than ‘nasty, brutish and
short’ for the vast majority of human beings. Technology changed slowly and
sporadically, but it eased life only for a small ruling elite in the pre-industrial societies.
In the late eighteenth century, Britain began to industrialize on the basis of technical
progress in textile, coal-mining, iron-smelting and steam-power. Soon industrialization
started to spill over to other regions. International flows of capital and commodities
provided the stimulus for this development. However, this development was not
uniform. Many tropical countries lagged behind as they were the victims of this
developmental process due to the prevalence of colonialism. India, for example,
quite advanced at the end of eighteenth century, could not protect its industries
because of British control. The confident march of ‘progress’ was shattered in the
‘age of crisis’ marked by the two world wars and the Great Depression in Europe.
The dominant powers met in a conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire and
agreed to establish two international organizations designed to supervise the
emergence of a liberal international economic order. The International Monetary
Fund intended to deal with monetary questions and the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development or the World Bank’s purpose was promotion of
long –term flow of funds for reconstruction. Many former colonies started gaining
formal independence around the same time and fretted about being left behind in the
process of development. These countries adopted policies in which economic
development became a priority. The questions of growth, development and under
development became the global norms.
In the light of the above context we will look at what underdevelopment means,
various features of underdevelopment, how underdeveloped countries are
distinguished from the developed ones and how scholars have attempted to
understand it and counter it. To elucidate some of these aspects a short discussion
62 of the experiences of some of the developing countries has been given.
We live in an agonizing, inextricably designed bipolar world marked by severe
deprivation and social exclusion on the one hand and affluence and opulence on the
other. Eight hundred and eighty million are malnourished and millions go without
schooling. On the other extreme, three richest people in the world have assets that
exceed the combined GDP of 48 least developed countries. Such deprived people
are wholly or partially excluded from full participation in the society in which they
live due to lack of options, entitlement to resources and lack of social-capital. These
statements can be analyzed if we understand the meaning of development and
Economic development may be defined as the process by which a traditional society
employing primitive techniques and capable of sustaining only a low level of income
is transformed into a modern, high technology, high-income economy. Such a
developed economy uses capital, skilled labour and scientific knowledge to produce
wide variety of products for the market. Capital goods and human capital and relevant
scientific knowledge play a major role as factors of production in such a society.
Broadly speaking, lack of development may be defined as underdevelopment. World
Bank has set the following development goals:
 Reduction of poverty,
 Low mortality rates,
 Universal primary education,
 Access to reproductive health services,
 Gender equality,
 National strategies for sustainable development.
Many underdeveloped countries are not in a position to attain these high objectives
because of grinding poverty, low income and lack of resources. It is hazardous to
generalize about the underdeveloped world. Although they resemble in many negative
term- they are less industrialized, mostly non-European in descent, located in tropical
regions and many of them are former colonies yet they vary in cultural, economic
and political conditions. They share wide-spread and chronic absolute poverty, high
and rising burden of unemployment and underemployment, growing disparities in
income distribution, low and stagnant agricultural productivity, sizeable gap between
urban and rural levels of living, lack of adequate education, health and housing facilities,
dependence on foreign and often inappropriate technologies and more or less stagnant
occupational structure.
Despite these resemblances and common features, there are significant differences
among the underdeveloped countries in the size of the country (in terms of geography,
population and economy), their historical evolution, their natural and human resource
endowments, the nature of their industrial structure and polity and other institutional
Low income compared to the developed world economies is considered to be a
major characteristic of underdeveloped regions. Ghana and India with per capita
income below $785 are low-income countries; China between ($785-3125) is a
lower middle-income country while Brazil in the per capita income of $3125-9655
range falls in the upper middle-income category. However, per capita income is only
a measure of average income based on market valuations. It is not a complete indicator
Capitalism and of incidence of poverty. Some extra dimensions such as life expectancy, health
facilities, conditions of employment, social-structure and distribution of income must
be taken into account to make a proper assessment of a country’s economy. Most
underdeveloped countries are characterized by contrast between luxury and squalor,
skewed distribution of income, low productivity, high level of unemployment and
disguised rural/urban unemployment marked by surplus human labour who shares
agricultural chores that are otherwise redundant.


Although it is risky to generalize about so many underdeveloped countries of Asia,
Africa and Latin America, they share certain common socio-economic features. We
can classify these similarities for convenience into the following broad categories:
1) Low levels of living
2) Low levels of productivity
3) High rates of population growth and Dependency ratios in the population
4) Significant dependency on agricultural production and primary product exports
5) Dominance/dependence and vulnerability in International relations.
Low levels of living in the underdeveloped regions are manifested quantitatively in
the form of low incomes, inadequate housing, poor health, limited education, high
infant mortality, low life and work expectancy. The economists use the Gross National
Product per head as index of relative well being of people in different countries. Not
only their per capita income is low in absolute terms when compared to the prosperous
nations but they also experience slower GNP growth rates with a few exceptions.
Ghana and India are typical low-income countries. China has improved its position
slightly. Another dimension of income is how it is distributed among the population.
Despite relatively higher incomes, the Latin American countries also exhibit
simultaneously chronic poverty. This poverty gets reflected in widespread malnutrition,
lack of basic health services, high under-5 mortality rates and lower life expectancy.
The under-5 mortality in India and Ghana in 1996 was 107 and 109 respectively
compared to the single-digit rates for the advanced countries. The situation in Brazil
and China was better with mortality rates of 44 and 47 per thousand respectively.
The levels of living are functionally correlated to the low levels of labour productivity
in the underdeveloped countries. The lack of complimentarity among factors of
production like physical capital and expertise restricts labour output. Institutional
factors also hinder production. One such factor is the social-exclusion of people in
key area of life especially with regard to rights, resources and relationships. Other
institutional inputs affecting production are the land-tenurial system, taxation system,
credit and banking structure, educational programmes, nature of administrative
services, etc. The low levels of living and productivity are self-reinforcing. They are
also the principal manifestations of underdevelopment.
The underdeveloped countries have high population pressures on their resources
due to high birth rates and maternal fertility rates. While some countries like China
and Brazil have largely succeeded in checking their population growth (their total
fertility rates in 1996 were1.9 and 2.4 respectively) many others are still caught in
the phase of ‘demographic trap’---- a phase of declining mortality and persistence of
64 high fertility. This has a major implication for the age-structure of the underdeveloped
regions, which are heavily burdened with children below 15 years. This results in Underdevelopment

fewer producers compared to consumers in these societies, a factor that also affects
investment in productive capacities.
Underutilization of labour, a key phenomenon in the underdeveloped world is
manifested in two forms. It occurs as underemployment, or people working less
than they would like, daily, weekly or seasonally. Another form is disguised
unemployment where people are nominally working full time but whose productivity
is so low that their absence would have a negligible impact on total output. The
underemployment in urban centres is reflected in preponderance of labour in informal
sector i.e. people engaged in petty-trading, casual and irregular wage work, in
domestic services of very small ‘micro’ (enterprises) in unregulated sectors. This is
about 60-70% in Kumasi (Ghana), 40-50% in Calcutta (India) and about 43% in
Sao Paulo (Brazil). The sprawling slums in such underdeveloped cities are related to
this phenomenon.
The concentration of people on primary or agriculture production or stagnant
occupational structure is another indicator of underdevelopment. This sector is
characterized by primitive techniques, poor organization and limited physical and
human-capital and hence, low productivity. In many parts of Latin America and
Asia, it is also characterized by land-tenure systems under which peasants usually
rent rather than own their lands. Although, many underdeveloped economies are
not, strictly speaking, mono-crop economies or economies dependent on single
crop exports for their foreign earnings; yet many such countries rely heavily on a
small number of primary exports for the bulk of their foreign earnings. Ghana, for
example, depends on selling of Cocoa, timber and minerals to the West. Brazil,
despite recent diversification, relies on Coffee and minerals as major export items.
The exports of primary products, in fact, account for 60-70% of the annual flows of
total foreign earnings into the underdeveloped regions.
Another typical feature of underdevelopment is the dependence of these countries
on rich, advanced nations in terms of technology, foreign aid and private capital
transfers. Along with the capital flows, the values, attitudes and standard of behaviour
of the advanced countries are also superimposed on them. The phenomenon of
‘plunder by bureaucracy’ to emulate western life style and ‘brain-drain’ are a result
of such cultural invasion. In 1997, International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development commitments amounted to $14.5 billion as loans to the poorest
countries. The grants and loans provided by the OECD countries and private capital
flows are bigger than this amount. Much of this foreign investment is located in
mining or other extractive industries, which removes non-renewable resources at
rates and prices that are not in the interest of sustainable development. On the other
hand, many of the underdeveloped countries face foreign-debt crisis as a result of
increasing outflows required for dividends and repayments exceeding the new net
borrowings at one point or the other.


In this section we will discuss two major paradigms developed in order to understand
the nature of underdevelopment. These ideologically motivated approaches are:
a) The Neo-Marxist Dependency Model: This model is an outgrowth of Marxist
thinking. It attributes the existence and maintenance of underdevelopment to the
development of world capitalist system that divided the globe into the rich developed
and poor underdeveloped countries. According to it, the world is dominated by an
Capitalism and unequal power and exchange relationship between the ‘centre’ or the developed
region and the ‘periphery’ or the underdeveloped region. Certain groups in the
underdeveloped countries such as landlords, merchants, industrialists and state officials
who enjoy high incomes, social-status and political power constitute a small ruling
elite. They act as agents in the perpetuation of international capitalist networks of
inequality and exploitation. Surplus or the capitalist profits are transferred through
various channels from the ‘periphery’ to the ‘centre’. While some argue for the
impossibility of an underdeveloped country’s immanent development or the
spontaneous, natural process of development from within due to this unequal
relationship, others believe that intentional development through deliberate strategic
decisions is possible even though it may be determined by the needs and requirements
of the local elites.
The economic behaviour of local elites in the underdeveloped countries is marked
by the conspicuous consumption, investment in real estates and extreme risk-aversion
and the export of their savings to be deposited with foreign banks. These are rational
responses from the standpoint of private advantage in the circumstances prevailing
in these countries. Competition with the giant transnational corporations by the
indigenous entrepreneurs is not easy. The states in such environment have attempted
to become capitalists themselves in order to finance their industrialization with the
help of state-owned enterprises. However, unable to compete with more powerful
foreign competitors and because of their servility to local commercial, capitalist,
bureaucratic and landed interests, the states only ended up in investing in infrastructure
(mainly transport and communications) and tourism-industry. The neo-Marxist model
also stresses how the export sector that serves the need of foreign investors is linked
to the development of much of the tertiary sector such as banking, infrastructure and
administration. To quote Andre Gunder Frank: ‘With the export industry came its
satellite moons, now transformed into white elephants, and the people who
economically and socially, but thanks to cultural liberalism also culturally, learned to
ride on them.’
b) The Liberal Stages Model: This conceptual framework propounded by liberal
and neo-liberal economists is based on the belief that what are now developed,
modern societies were also in the earlier times traditional, backward and agriculture-
based societies. Therefore, we should not lay the blame for all the ills of
underdevelopment at the doorsteps of such developed nations. The American
economic historian W.W. Rostow developed a ‘stages of growth theory’, according
to which, every nation must pass through the following stages:(1) traditional and
stagnant low per capita stage, (2) transitional stage when the pre-conditions for
growth are laid down, (3) the ‘take off’ stage or the beginning of the growth process,
(4) industrialized mass production and consumption stage. The last stage was
supposed to be self-sustaining.
Most of the liberal and neo-liberal economists emphasize that the underdeveloped
countries can also generate sufficient investment by mobilization of domestic and
foreign savings to accelerate their economic growth. It is argued that the main obstacle
to growth in the underdeveloped countries was relatively low level of capital
formation. They might require an appropriate dose of foreign aid or private foreign
investment in order to take off. Thus, capital investment was supposed to act like a
development vending machine. In many Keynesian informed schemes, the economic
development of the underdeveloped countries is linked to the proper utilization of
capital. The Harrod-Domar model and Ragnar Nurkse’s scheme are examples of
this approach. The structural and institutional factors affecting the development are
ignored in this model while the dynamic of development through capitalist
entrepreneurs is stressed. Even the transnational companies through their private
investment, while reaping profits, will diffuse technology, improve productivity and Underdevelopment

harness domestic savings. In short, private greed will produce public good. Others
like Gunnar Myrdal, Raul Prebisch and Oswald Sunkel have raised doubts that
foreign investment will automatically lead to development. They believe that it will
merely create ‘enclaves’ of development surrounded by the vast oceans of


a) Balanced Growth: When economists first began thinking how policy could
deliberately stimulate development, a typical answer in the 1940s was that a
simultaneous expansion of output over a wide range of industries was necessary.
Economists Paul-Rosenstein-Rodan and Ragnar Nurkse were the leading exponents
of this view. They argued that an isolated expansion of output by one or two industries
was bound to fail because there would be no increase in the purchasing power
elsewhere in the economy to buy the additional output. They emphasized a balanced
expansion of a large number of sectors, each thus providing additional purchasing
power to help raise the demand for the output of the other sectors. However, the
solution did not work in small countries where it was difficult to obtain economies of
scale or the minimum efficient size of firms. Secondly, even if an economy develops
only a few key sectors, it could find markets for its products abroad.
b) Export-Promotion Strategy: This strategy demanded direct additional factor
investments to be made in the sectors already engaged in export-production. Another
way was to explore the possibility of developing entirely new export sectors. The
country might presumably have a comparative advantage in these sectors. Attempts
are made to tap foreign rather than domestic markets to provide the additional demand.
The proceeds from the exports could then be used to purchase the other needed
inputs from abroad.
c) Import-Substitution for Achieving Industrialization: New industries are
established to replace imports under this policy. The market for these industrial
products is domestic. The elimination of some imports releases foreign exchange for
the purchase of needed inputs in the world market. This policy often requires
imposition of protective tariffs and physical quotas to get the new industry started.
There has been a considerable amount of debate over the efficacy of policy options
available. Raul Prebisch, the Argentinean economist, argued in favour of import-
substitution on the ground that prices of commodities produced in the primary sector
have deteriorated in relation to manufactured commodities and would continue to
do so. Expansion of export of traditional goods could simply lead to further
deterioration of terms of trade. Therefore, the underdeveloped countries in order to
escape from their role as that of hewers of wood and drawers of water must try to
develop their own capital goods and durable consumer-goods sector. It means that
indigenous production should supply domestic markets with such import substitutes.
Such a strategy requires direct intervention by the state in the form of price-controls
and control of distributive channels. The state bureaucracy also acquires power to
enhance or remove domestic monopoly positions of the manufacturing firms. The
sheltered monopoly positions of the firms could also lead to inefficient production.
The export-promotion strategy, on the other hand, does not require severe import-
restrictions like high tariffs, quotas, import prohibitions and maintenance of an arbitrary
exchange rate. By simply providing incentives to export-oriented firms such as 67
Capitalism and adequate subsidies, these firms can easily obtain economies of scale. The
underdeveloped countries may, however, face problems when all of them start
competing for the benefits of trade by exporting their labour-intensive manufactures.
Such economies are also more prone to shocks generated by the international markets.
The choice between export-promotion and import-substitution is not absolute. Both
may have a useful role to play in the drive to obtain industrial maturity. These policy
options are still largely part of traditional thinking on development. The emphasis, in
all the schemes, is on raising the productive capacities of their economies by intentional
development alongside capitalism in order to ameliorate earlier lopsided development.
In recent years, a notion of ‘human-centred development’ has gained ground, which
sets the developmental goals in terms of quality of life. This is dependent not only on
low level of material poverty and low levels of unemployment but also on ideals such
as relative equality of incomes, accessibility to adequate education, health services
and housing facilities, equal participation in democratic institutions, sustainability of
development and lack of any form of open or disguised discrimination against any


In this section we analyze four economies from Asia, Africa and Latin America to
concretely understand the nature of this phenomenon and attempts to overcome it.

14.6.1 The Indian Case

India represents a typical case of underdevelopment. Its GNP per capita was $72
in mid-1950s. It is still in the low-income range of below $785 by the international
standards. In other dimensions of quality of life, such as life expectancy, health facilities
and conditions of employment, it lags behinds some of the other developing countries.
Its production and occupational structure remain stagnant. While China reduced its
under-5 mortality rate from 209 in 1960 to 47 per thousand in 1997, India could
reduce its infant mortality from 236 in 1960 to 108 in1997 per thousand only. Life
expectancy in China is 70 years compared to 62 years in India. Similarly, maternal
mortality rate or the numbers of women’s death per one lakh live births was 437 in
India in 1996 while in Chinese case it was 115 only. This is an indicator of deprivation
women suffer in India and of the poor health facilities we offer to them.
Though India inherited all the structural distortions created by colonialism, it also
had certain advantages over many other colonial societies. India had a relatively
strong industrial base and its capitalists had captured about 75% of market for
industrial produce at the time of independence. The indigenous entrepreneurial class
had also acquired the control of financial sector. There was also a broad social
consensus to attain rapid industrial transition. However, the growing capitalism failed
to absorb India’s growing surplus labour. Even at present, it only absorbs about
20% labour and this also includes the capitalist service sector.
India embarked on a strategy of import-substitution industrialization following
Fledman-Mahalanobis model. It was proposed to produce a wide range of
manufactures for the domestic market in order to reduce the need for imported
manufactures. It necessitated large investment in heavy industry and diversion of
more resources to the production of investment goods in general and machine tools
in particular so as to reduce dependence on international sources of capital goods,
68 intermediate and components. Exportable food and raw materials were taxed and
the revenues so generated were employed to subsidize domestic manufacturing. Underdevelopment

The plan also stressed a large expansion of employment opportunities. It was also
meant to give a boost to the weak and nascent private sector. Resources were made
available for capital goods sector through foreign aid and investment and also through
state loans and credits. The result was that public sector’s share in the production of
reproducible capital increased from 15% in 1950-51 to 40% in 1976-77. The share
of state enterprises in the net domestic product grew from 3% in1950-51 to 16% in
1984-85. It created infrastructure and basic industrial base as an incentive to the
rapid growth of private enterprises. The system of import and investment licensing
led to monopolistic controls often severing the critical link between profitability and
economic performance. It led to a spectacular rise of big Indian business with a
marriage of convenience with foreign collaborators. The big industrial houses enjoyed
the benefits of an infrastructure developed through revenues generated from indirect
taxes on public. They also got subsidized energy inputs, cheaper capital goods and
long-term industrial finance from the public enterprises. As a result of these benefits,
the assets of 20 big industrial houses grew from Rs.500 crores in 1951 to Rs.23,
200 crores in 1986.
However, there was no dynamic structural change in the Indian economy. Large
numbers of people remain tied to underdeveloped agriculture despite ‘green
revolution’. In the urban centres, a sizeable number of people living in sprawling
slums find employment in the informal sector and petty distributive activities associated
with it. The land reforms did not touch agrarian relations and the basic inequality in
rural assets persists. Therefore, there is only a restricted mass market catering to the
need of urban and rural elites. In these circumstances, a shift out of Mahalanobis
model became necessary, as the state could not find enough resources, within a
mixed economy framework. The private enterprises found the production of ‘non-
essential’ consumer goods more profitable. The state resorted to inflationary indirect
taxation and deficit-financing in order to finance unprofitable public enterprises
engaged in the production of investment goods. The private sector now clamoured
for the dismantling of public sector on the ground that it was causing budget deficits,
high inflation, high-wages and interest rates. The effects of earlier industrialization
had led to high government deficits, inflation and interest rates regime. For example,
the central government’s budget deficit grew from 6.4% of GNP in 1980 to 8.9% of
GNP in1990. The government’s domestic debt rose to 56% of GDP in1991. India
was close to ‘technical default’ on its foreign debts as reflected in the foreign exchange
crisis of 1991. At this point, the pace of ‘liberalization’ was speeded up under the
IMF structural adjustment programme. It meant easing of restrictions on imports
and foreign investment, steps to make rupee convertible, a huge cut in sugar and
fertilizer subsidies, deregulation of steel distribution and a curb on government’s
deficit by way of reduction in government’s spending on subsidies and social-services.
The main strategy of this phase is export-substitution with minimum public sector
intervention and unrestricted entry of foreign capital. Despite all these grand designs,
there is no basic structural change in the Indian economy. About 70% of our population
continues to live at bare subsistence level. About 76.6 million agricultural labourers
earn about 1/10th of what an organized sector worker earns. In the 1980s, the
number of unemployed youths registered in government exchanges crossed 34 million
or 10% of the total active population or the total number of productive people
employed in the urban manufacturing sector.

14.6.2 The Chinese Experience

China was more unfavourably placed than India at the time of its ‘liberation’ in
1949. It lagged behind India in terms of infrastructure and industrial development. 69
Capitalism and India and China initially followed the same set of policy options especially centralized
planning but in different institutional framework. China went for radical agrarian land
reform programme, thus, creating a truly mass market for consumption goods
produced by a more labour-intensive industrial set-up compared to more capital-
intensive Indian industries. China abolished landlordism in 1950, primarily to secure
the loyalty of poor peasants. Under its land reforms, 46 million hectares or 113
million acres of China’s 107 million hectares or 264 million acres of arable land was
redistributed among the peasants to give about 300 million peasants land of their
own. To accelerate economic performance of agrarian economy, commune system
similar to the Soviet collectives was adopted so as to squeeze more labour out of
the peasants. Collectives were granted more credits and other facilities than the
individual peasants. After 1956, more intensive collectivization measures were
adopted. The Chinese collectives were bigger than Soviet ones and also contributed
to industrial production. About 8% of male population was drafted to non-agricultural
production, thereby, increasing the burden on women. The Great Leap Forward
(1958) was intended to modernize Chinese agriculture by simultaneously developing
industries with small-scale methods in villages. It only led to a series of bad harvests.
The withdrawal of Soviet experts in 1960 led to further economic catastrophe. The
‘Leap’ was abandoned and more attention was paid to monetary incentives and
market mechanisms as well as efficient, economical production rather than aiming to
maximize output at all costs. The Cultural Revolution (1966-69) involved transfer of
production-decisions from ministries and experts to a group of revolutionary guards.
Millions of skilled workers and experts were sent to work on farms for ideological
reasons. It led to another drastic decline in the industrial production, foreign trade
and growth rate of GNP.
Initially, China also adopted Fledman-Mahalanobis type Keynesian economic
strategy of development. The main industries developed under planning were
fertilizers, machines, vehicle, oil and electric power, whereas textile, food-processing
and steel production grew rather slowly. Large-scale irrigation projects in Hunan
and Fujian, water conversancy and electric power-generation on the Grand Canal
in Hubei province were also launched. Another aspect of China’s economic
development was massive transfer of about 15-19% of agricultural population from
land to the industrial sector. The result was a high proportion employed in industry
compared to the level of industrial development and co-existence of modern
mechanized sector with partly rural, small-scale handicraft production. After the
failure of the Great Leap Forward, China realized that an over-populated and
extremely poor country could not afford high rates of savings and investment
needed to keep the import-substitution strategy in place. In a pragmatic shift, local
governments were given more roles in resource allocation and financial manage-
ment of the economy. In order to ensure the interior supply of inputs and finished
products for the bigger enterprises, simultaneous growth of small enterprises in small
towns and villages was emphasized.
Another shift to a more market-friendly strategy that provided an incentive to the
foreign capital came after 1978.The process of reform started with de-collectiviza-
tion under which user rights with respect to land were transformed by allowing
independent decisions on investment and land-allocation to peasants and by
permitting sale of a large output in the open market. This resulted in a sharp increase
in agricultural production but had an adverse impact on the employment and
utilization of surplus labour. Another aspect of this market friendly approach has
been to provide incentives to direct foreign investment especially in the special
economic zones to maximize their utility. The ethnic Chinese capital, not multinationals,
70 dominated these activities and China favoured launching of export drive without
liberalizing imports. Entry of foreign investors was favoured in new areas and not in Underdevelopment

the core industrial areas. As a result, the Chinese industrial growth increased from
11% per annum during 1970-80 to 16% per annum during 1990-97. The direct
foreign investment in China rose from $11.16 billion in 1992 to above $40 billion in
1996. There was, however, only gradual erosion of state control rather than a quick
retreat from planning. The Chinese state-owned enterprises were reformed. The
15th Congress of Chinese Communist Party decided to corporatize the state-owned
enterprises. Many of them have been converted into share-holding companies.
However, many of the basic components of a ‘pure’ market economy are still in
their incipient stage in China. Government guided investment mechanisms, a state-
controlled banking system and dominant state-owned enterprises still run in a
framework moulded primarily on the previous planned economy. The Chinese
economic reforms have raised incomes, created considerable private wealth and
reduced the incidence of chronic poverty. However, declining profits, growing
unemployment, idle capacity, unrepayable debts of state enterprises and environmental
costs due to over-dependence on coal in China’s fuel use are some of the
accompanying benign effects. Though China has slightly improved its position from
low-income (below $785 per capita income) to lower middle-income group ($786-
3125 per capita income), it still suffers from the signs of underdevelopment. However,
its record in achieving remarkable transition in health, nutrition and educational
accessibility has been universally acclaimed. It has also considerably raised life
expectancy and lowered infant-mortality besides taking effective public action to
ensure access to nutrition, health facilities and social support. In comparison to India’s
elitist, urban-biased schooling, China’s thrust has been towards universalization of
primary education, though it also has its own privileged urban schools financed by
the national government as well as private schools. However, the disparities in
education and health services between regions, gender and across social groups
and classes are less marked.

14.6.3 Ghana’s Debacle

Ghana emerged as a nation-state in 1957 with an optimistic note by merger of British
Gold Coast colony and British Togoland. Ghana inherited a large foreign reserve of
$190 million, adequate infrastructure and an efficient colonial trained bureaucracy.
With the richest and the best educated of black African territories, it set out to
industrialize with the advice of some best development economists in the Western
world under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah. Nkrumah planned a big push of
‘unbalanced growth’ in order to build a large industrial base to supply much of the
Africa. The launching of big Volta River Project, a huge scheme of a large dam for
irrigation and hydro-electric power generation, and connected with it Valeo Almunium
Smelter; showed little real planning. American companies (Kaiser-90% and
Reynauld-10%) financed the project. They gained huge concessions such as assured
power supply at the lowest rate in the world for their almunium smelter, five years
tax exemptions, thirty years exemptions on import-duty on its inputs, and the right to
import their own alumina rather than develop Ghanaian bauxite industry. The state,
which had to bear the debt-costs, could not generate enough revenues from the
scheme though it sold power to Benin and Togo. The government tried to provide
the required impetus to industrial growth. It provided 35% employment in its public
sectors in 1965 and government spending was 26% of total GNP in 1961. However,
the state bureaucracy itself was an artifact of colonialism and rarely development-
oriented. The state officials lacked the necessary techno-managerial skills. Despite
Africanization of bureaucracy, it retained old colonial privileges and prerequisites of
offices, thus creating a new breed of privileged elite. The state officials occupied
positions less to perform public service than to acquire personal wealth and status.
Capitalism and Ghana’s economy was distorted towards the export of a few primary products
especially Cocoa, timber and minerals to the west. The collapse of prices of Cocoa
in 1960s led to Ghana’s bankruptcy. Even in good years, the Ghanaian peasants
gained little as they bartered their produce with the manufactured products on the
international market of unequal exchange. Moreover, in a bid to diversify economy
and to meet the needs of capital to finance its import-substitution, Cocoa crop was
one of the major sources of government revenues. Profits were squeezed from
agricultural sector to finance state-run industries, welfare programme and food-
subsidies. State Marketing Boards were invested with monopoly rights to market
Cocoa and they gave peasants less than the prices available in the international
Another problem in Ghana was that 95% of the raw materials for import-substituting
industries such as tyre manufacturing, bus and truck-assembly, oil refining, textile,
steel and batteries had to be imported. Ghana’s main import oil itself consumed
18% of its foreign exchange earnings in 1984. Apart from it, increasingly more and
more of foreign exchange earnings had to be used by foreign debt-servicing as
Ghana’s external debt in 1998 was $6202 million. Another aspect of Ghana’s
development was unequal sharing of costs and burden among its population of
whatever ‘symbolic modernity’ was achieved in an ocean of poverty and traditional
agricultural sector. The Railways and communication facilities are concentrated in
cities of Southern Ghana like Accra and Kumasi. The principal avenue of social-
mobility in Ghana’s society or the higher education is accessible to the privileged
sections only.
The growing economic uncertainties led to political instability. Nkrumah was ousted
in 1966 and succeeded by a series of military regimes sandwiched between occasional
civilian rules. Cedi, the currency of Ghana, was devalued several times between
1967 to early 1980s to overcome the financial crisis but it did not produce the
desired effects. The provisional National Defence Council, which took over power
in 1981, tried initially to insulate Ghana from external pressures and negotiated more
favourable contracts with transnational corporations under threats of nationalization.
It also tried to control inflation, which was very high during 1975-80, by control of
domestic prices especially of Maize, cooking oil and Cocoa. However, unable to
control smuggling and informal markets, it accepted the structural adjustment
programme of IMF in 1983. Now it favoured a neo-liberal economic policy with a
populist tinge. The prices paid to Cocoa farmers were increased by 67% and incentives
were given to the farmers to plant new Cocoa trees, pesticides were made available
and price-controls were removed. The state enterprises or para statals were
privatized. By 1995, one hundred and ninety five state enterprises were sold to the
private bidders, many of them to the transnational corporations. More and more
multinationals were encouraged to invest. The key question, however, is whether
this structural adjustment has actually improved Ghana’s economic position. The
economy has been stabilized; there has been an increase in cocoa-production by
65% between 1983 and 1990 and there has been improvement in timber, bauxite,
and manganese and diamond production leading to a rise in export-earnings. The
budget deficits have been reduced from 47% of GDP in 1982 to 0.3% of GDP in
1987. There have been several surpluses since than. However, there is still no ‘take-
off’ into the stage of sustainable development. The country’s economy is still
dependent on the exports of Cocoa, timber and minerals. Ghana’s foreign-debt is
growing, though there is no influx of direct foreign investment into productive industries.
The dismantling of state enterprises and welfare schemes has led to growing
unemployment among professionals and industrial workers. The common man faces
72 undue hardships due to removal of subsidies on food and other key items. The
accessibility to health and educational services is becoming more difficult due to Underdevelopment

‘user charges’ or charges levied on citizens for these public services at the point of
use. Ghana, with a per capita income of $379 in 1998, continues to be one of the
low-income underdeveloped regions despite its attempt to overcome chronic poverty
and underdevelopment. The growth-promoting effects of a few heterogeneous
industrial projects on the other sectors of economy have been insignificant. Ghana is
still part of a system of dependence that links external pressures of international
financial institutions and transnational corporations with internal process of
underdeveloped resources and primitive technology characterized by self-reinforcing
accumulation of privilege on the one hand and the existence of marginal social groups
on the other.

14.6.4 The Brazilian Economy

Among the four economies examined by us, Brazil had an advantage of higher
incomes. Its income grew five times during 1928-55 and again doubled during 1955-
73. Its economy specialized in tropical agriculture especially coffee and there was
ample scope for the expansion of cultivation compared to India and China. Brazil
doubled the numbers of its farms and increased its cultivated area by 124% between
1950-70. However, rural economic structure differed considerably from Asian
agriculture. In India and China, it is fragmented and heavily congested dwarf holding
of peasants, which predominates rural life. In Brazil, like many other Latin American
countries, latifundia or large land holdings exist side by side with minifundia or
small peasant holdings. There are many large latifundia of more than 400 hectares
or 1000 acres especially in northeast Brazil. Contrary to what many economists
would believe, production on these farms is less efficient due to poor utilization of
land-resources. Such a concentrated distribution of land-ownership is accompanied
by a feudal type social-organization in which the masses of small producers are
dependent on the benevolence and goodwill of the large landowners. The ownership
of latifundia besides economic benefits also confers social status and political power.
Brazil also attempted import-substitution industrialization similar to China and India
in order to develop its economy. The state played a key role as a banker and the
owner of public enterprises. About 70% of investment funds from government banks
and one-third of the assets of the 50,000 largest firms in 1970s were owned by the
state. The transnational companies also played a key role in its economy, as the
Brazilian state turned away from state to state borrowings to private investors and
International Bank Consortia. However, the outflows required for dividends and
repayments soon exceeded the new net borrowings. As the prices of its major export
commodity, Coffee, started to decline, Brazil was not able to meet its foreign debt-
obligations, leading to foreign-debt crisis. Since government was not willing to curtail
flows of funds into unviable public sector utilities and key industrial enterprises, the
situation also led to huge public deficits. The large budget deficits led to hyperinflation,
with inflation hovering between 100-200% per annum in 1980s. Inflation became
one of the tools for the government to raise revenue. Deficits could be cut only by
wage-cuts and removal of subsidies on basic foods, electricity and fares, etc. But
these measures would result in higher prices and wage-increase demands, again
fuelling inflation. If not cut, the deficits would still continue to fuel inflation.
Brazil appears to be on the verge of overcoming the stigma of underdevelopment as
it falls into upper-middle income group of nations with per capita income of $ 3126-
9655. Post-War industrialization led to a big urban expansion in cities like Sao Paulo,
Meddelin and Monterrey. Investment in import-substituting industries and in
infrastructure was concentrated in such large cities. Internal population growth and 73
migration both contributed to the expansion of cities. The total urban population
Capitalism and increased from 19% in 1950 to about 66% in 1980. The agricultural labour force
also declined by 29% during the same period. However, this was not due to any
basic change in the occupational structure. Despite a tenfold growth in the industrial
output during the ‘golden period’ (1945-80), Brazil was not able to develop an
endogenous industrial core that might stimulate other sectors. Faced with the foreign-
debt crisis, the industrial output in Brazil grew only 1.1% per annum during 1981-90
compared to higher industrial growth rates of 8.5 to over 9% per annum between
1950-73. Actually, the shift in the labour force was illusory as the informal sector
was the major absorbent of rural migrants. Instead of leading to transformation of
the productive structure, it resulted in urban unemployment, poverty and growth of
slums putting undue stress on urban services. Another aspect of Brazilian society
that needs examination during this transition is the nature of demographic trends.
According to the demographic transition theory, there was a lag between decline in
mortality and fertility even in Europe. The same set of socio-economic changes that
led to reduction of mortality later led to reduction in fertility. However, public health
measures in underdeveloped countries reduced mortality at a stage at which socio-
economic development was lower than it had been in Europe. However, birth rates
continued to be very high. This led to population explosion and a ‘demographic
trap’ because the age-structure in these countries was such that age-dependency
ratio is higher. A high dependency ratio is viewed as a major threat to economic
growth because it drains resources away from productive investments and puts
intense pressure on social services such as education and health. Neo-Malthusian
economists linked high birth rates to the lack of potential for economic development.
The structuralists stressed institutional obstacles to development such as unequal
distribution of wealth particularly land and other productive resources, political power
of elites, historical roots of colonialism and faulty industrialization policies of post-
colonial phase. According to them, population growth will have no affect on aggregate
saving and investment due to mass poverty. They believed that development was
the best contraceptive.
Brazil had high birth rates till 1960, 42 per thousand but it declined to 30.6 per
thousand during 1980-85. The age dependency ratio also declined from 86.8% in
1960 to 68.7% in 1985. There has been further decline from 1990s as the average
annual population growth declined faster from 2.45 in 1980s to about 1.4 in 1990s.
The under-5 mortality, which is another indicator of development also declined from
176 per thousand in 1950s to 110 in 1980-85 to 44 per thousand in 1996. However,
these average indices conceal the fact that higher risk, lower-income and educational
group in slums may have higher infant-mortality. It appears that population growth is
not the primary or even a significant cause of low levels of living, gross inequalities of
income or the limited freedom of choice. Moreover, the problem of population is
not merely one of numbers but of the quality of human-life. However, we may safely
conclude that rapid population growth does serve to intensify the problems associated
with the underdevelopment especially those problems that arise due to massive
population concentrations in a few urban conglomerates.

In this Unit we have discussed the meaning of development and underdevelopment,
the salient features of underdeveloped economies, a few key approaches to understand
the phenomenon of underdevelopment and the policy options available to fight the
ills of underdevelopment. In the light of these, we also discussed the nature of
economic change attempted in four countries namely, India, China, Brazil and Ghana.
74 Underdevelopment represents much more than economics and the simple
quantitative indices such as measurement of incomes, employment and inequality. Underdevelopment

We cannot understand underdevelopment through mere statistics reflecting low

income, pre-mature mortality or underemployment. However, this cruel kind of
hopeless hell can be overcome. But there is no dogmatic policy option that will
secure development. Development must be conceived of as a multi-dimensional
process involving changes in structures, attitudes and institutions to achieve
acceleration of economic growth, reduction of inequality and eradication of absolute
poverty. Apart from raising the productive capacities of societies, we must set our
goals in terms of quality of life, which is dependent on low level of material poverty
and unemployment, existence of relative equality, democratization of political life,
equal status to women, sustainability of development without damaging environment
and general human- security.

1) Write a short note on the nature of employment in an underdeveloped economy.
2) Compare the export-promotion and import-substituting strategies for achieving
industrial development.
3) Compare the strategies of development adopted by India and China.
4) Explain why Brazil is considered to be an underdeveloped country despite
relatively higher per capita income.

Capitalism and
Absolute poverty: A situation where a population or section of a population is
able to meet only its bare subsistence needs.
Age-structure: The age-composition of a given population.
‘Big-push’ theory: A theory stating that all underdeveloped countries require a
massive investment to promote industrialization.
Debt-service: Interest due on loans, over and above capital repayments.
Economies of scale: These are economies of growth resulting from expansion of
the scale of productive capacity of a firm or industry leading to increases in its output
and decreases in its cost of production per unit of output.
Exchange-control: A governmental policy designed to restrict the outflow of
domestic currency that also controls the amount of foreign exchange obtainable by
the citizens.
Gross national product or GNP: The sum total of all incomes that accrue to the
factors of production in a particular country including net earnings by its citizens in
foreign countries.
Income per capita: Total GNP of a country divided by its total population.
Indirect taxes: Taxes levied on goods purchased by the consumers and exported
by the producers. Examples of indirect taxes are excise duties, sales taxes, export
duties and custom duties. They are a major source of governmental revenues in the
underdeveloped countries.
Intermediate production goal: Goods that are used as inputs into further levels of
production (e.g. iron ore in steel production).
Terms of trade: The ratio of a country’s average export price to its average import

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15.1 Introduction
15.2 The Age of Sail
15.2.1 The Non-European Navies
15.2.2 Changes in British Naval Power

15.3 European Penetration in the New World

15.4 The Collapse of Afro-Asian Regimes and Western Penetration into Australia
15.5 Summary
15.6 Exercises

Between 1500 and 1800, Western Europe acquired 35% of the globe’s land surface.
This is despite the fact that in 1800, Europe’s population was only 190 out of 900
millions living on the planet earth. Great Britain was the architect of the biggest overseas
empire, an empire over which ‘‘the sun never set’’. The population of Great Britain in
1838 was only 19 million but this country acquired large chunks of Asia and Africa with
many millions of inhabitants. The scholars of European expansion agree on the superiority
of European political organization and Western warfare over the various types of non-
Western people. Gunpowder armies and modern state infrastructure of the West
Europeans aided expansion in the extra-European world. However, technological edge
and managerial superiority by themselves are inadequate to explain European superiority
over the non-European world. In order to explain western supremacy the world over,
we need to focus on the process in which initial technological edges were transformed
into huge political advantages. This Unit, hence, is a brief exploration of European
expansion into different parts of the globe.


Western naval supremacy over the oceans was the first step in the process of European
expansion. The superiority of the Western navies especially as regards long-range bulk
transport was one of the principal factors behind the successful establishment of maritime
empires in the extra-European world. The unlimited oceanic range of the Western ships
gave them what could be termed as global reach. Oceanic transportation at per tonne
and per person was cheaper than any other comparable form of transportation. European
superiority in scientific knowledge, naval technology and finally naval artillery enabled
them to dominate the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.
The Indian Ocean comprises one hundred and forty thousand square miles of water
which lie between Asia and Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to the Malay
Archipelago. It covers about 20% of the earth’s hydro space. But for the occasional
appearance of the Portuguese, Dutch and the French navies, the Indian Ocean between
the seventeenth and the early twentieth centuries remained under British control. The
Royal Navy with its ocean going battleships established what could be termed as ‘sea
control’. In 1786, a base was established at Penang at the northern entrance to the
Straits of Malacca. With the capture of the Straits of Malacca in 1759 and Singapore in
Expansion of Europe 1824, British control over the eastern approach of the Indian Ocean was complete. In
1622, the British captured Ormuz, dominating the entrance to the Persian Gulf. Thus
the British secured control over the western approach to the Indian Ocean. Security of
the western approaches of the Indian Ocean required control over Egypt. In 1801 an
expedition was sent to Egypt against Napoleon’s Army. The Middle East emerged as
the soft underbelly of British control of the Indian Ocean region. By the early 1800s,
the Russian Empire had expanded into the Caucasus and had occupied an extensive
tract of north Persia. This raised the fear of an eventual Russian push to the Gulf. So,
southern Persia came under the British sphere of influence. Aden fell in 1839 to a
British naval expedition launched from Bombay.
Though some of the Afro-Asian regimes maintained navies, these were coastal craft.
Hence, the Afro-Asian states could not challenge the maritime supremacy of the Western
naval powers. The passing of control of the Indian Ocean from Asian to European
hands was a matter of great political and economic importance. The Arabs lost control
over the spice trade between South East Asia, India, Egypt and Arabia. The maritime
powers also enabled the European trading companies to establish coastal enclaves in
most of the territories whose shores lapped the Indian Ocean. These coastal enclaves
became the bases from which the Europeans expanded. For instance, the Dutch Navy
aided the VOC (Dutch East India Company) which was founded in 1602 to establish
control over the Ambon islands and finally over Indonesia. And the Royal Navy allowed
the East India Company to establish an empire in South Asia.
During the second half of the seventeenth century, the West European powers were
constructing battleships (two deckers) displacing 1,100-1,600 tonnes and armed with
24- pounder (11 kg) guns. Firepower was enhanced by the replacement of the bronze
cannons with iron cannons. Advances in cast iron production resulted in the manufacture
of cheaper and more dependable guns. In contrast, the South Asian ships’ planking
was sewn together and not nailed as in case of the European ships. The Indian ships
were sewn with coir. So, if the South Asian ships tried to fire heavy guns than they
would have disintegrated. It was the same with the Chinese junks and the Arab dhows.
The Afro-Asian navies were no match against the firepower generated by the European
In 1839, two British frigates defeated 29 Chinese war junks near Hong Kong. Frigates
were built for speed and hardiness. A frigate was a long and fairly low ship carrying its
main battery of 18-pounders on a single deck with 13-14 ports on each side according
to whether it was a 38 or 36 gun ship. After 1814, frigates with forty 20-pounder guns
were launched. The frigates carried six months provision. This meant that they could
sail anywhere in the world without requiring to touch any port. The frigates were built of
oak, the main beams being at least a foot square in cross-section, and the planking four
to five inches thick. The masts and spars were of pine from the Baltic. The European
ships’ crews were sustained by hard biscuits and beef. Occasionally they had pork
pickled in wine. In addition, they also had cheese, onions, garlic and fish. The officers
had access to dried fruits. However, due to lack of fresh vegetables and inadequate
intake of vitamins, the crew suffered from scurvy. An anti-dote against scurvy was the
introduction of limejuice.
Besides technology, in theory also the Afro-Asians were lagging behind the maritime
European powers. Theorization and conceptualization of warfare is a vital factor which
differentiated the West Europeans from the Asians. From the late fifteenth century, the
advent of printing brought about an increase in the number of treatises on combat
manuals and various other related technical subjects. Printing made possible transmission
and adaptation of knowledge throughout a wide region. Apart from the manuals coming
out from the German presses, the woodcuts also depicted in a pictographic manner the
various modes of combat. One of the characteristics of the theoretical works produced Conquest and
during Renaissance was the application of geometrical figures and symbols. Diagrams
were used for elucidating theories as well as for analyzing the different stages of particular
great battles. The eighteenth century European states established naval schools where
mathematics along with Newton’s Principia was taught. But non-European powers
did not set up naval academies for educating and training the officers and sailors. Let us
turn the focus on non-European navies.
15.2.1 The Non-European Navies
The Mughals had a riverine navy which conducted marine warfare against the zamindars
of Bengal and the Magh pirates in the Chittagong region during the sixteenth and the
seventeenth centuries. Aurangzeb realized that he needed a powerful navy for challenging
the domination of the high sea by the ‘hat wearers’. When Aurangzeb was thinking of
setting up an ocean going navy, his Wazir Jafar Khan told him that there was enough
money and timber available but adequate number of skilled men was not available for
directing the naval enterprise. The Siddis who were allied with the Mughals had ships of
300 to 400 tonnes equipped with cannon. But these ships were no match against the
European men of war. The firepower of the Mughal ships was inadequate even against
the Asian ships. The Kingdom of Arakan made boats of strong timber with a hard core.
And against them, balls thrown by the zamburaks and small cannons mounted in the
Mughal ships proved ineffective.
The Marakkars were descendants of Arab merchants who came to India in the seventh
century AD. Later they became admirals of the Zamorins of Calicut. In 1498, Vasco da
Gama arrived at Calicut on the Malabar Coast. In the same year, eight ships sent by
Zamorin encountered a single Portuguese caravel. A caravel had a triangular sail and
weighed about 200 tonnes. The bronze cannons of the Portuguese ship made mincemeat
of the Indian ships which tried to fight with arrows, swords and lances.
Shivaji set up the Maratha navy in 1659. The most famous Maratha admiral was Kanhoji
Angre (1669-1729). Kavindra, the court poet of Shivaji, paid tribute to the European
maritime superiority in his epic poem Sivabharata in the following words: ‘And nearly
invincible in faring on the high seas.’ The shipwrights of Konkan constructed the Maratha
ships. They were mostly illiterate. They could not put on paper the plan of the vessel to
be constructed. For modernizing his fleet, Kanhoji hired Portuguese deserters. Kanhoji’s
naval establishment did include some colourful characters. John Plantain a pirate from
Jamaica got tired of his trade and decided to settle in India. He took service with
Kanhoji. Another Dutch man became a Commodore in Angria’s service. In 1699,
Kanhoji’s fleet was composed of 10 grabs and 50 gallivats. Some of the grabs were of
400 tonnes each. The grabs had two to three masts. They were built to operate in
shallow water. The grab was very broad in proportion to length, narrowing from the
middle to the end where instead of bows, they had prows, projecting like those of a
Mediterranean galley. Each grab had 16 guns and 150 armed men for boarding the
enemy vessels. The gallivats were smaller ships. Each gallivat of 120 tonnes had 6 guns
and 60 armed men. Some of the crews were armed with muskets. Each gallivat had
about 50 oars and they could attain a speed of four miles an hour. These ships carried
6-pounder guns. The guns were lashed to the deck of the ships with ropes. So, when the
guns fired, the vessel recoiled with it. The Maratha ships, instead of depending on
firepower generated by the broadsides as was the case of the European men of war,
fought somewhat like the Roman ships. The Maratha ships were incapable of line action
on the high seas. Kanhoji’s ships were fast and maneuverable in coastal water but helpless
in the open sea and in the ocean. The Maratha naval tactics comprised of sending a
number of gallivats with 200 to 300 men in each who were armed with swords. They
boarded from all quarters simultaneously attempting to overpower the crew. However, 7
Expansion of Europe such techniques were of no use against the firepower of heavy sturdy European ships.
In 1739, a single Portuguese frigate defeated Sambhaji Angria’s squadron of 17 vessels.
Gheria, the Maratha naval headquarters finally fell to the bombardment of British
15.2.2 Changes in British Naval Power
While the Royal Navy protected the British sea lines of communications, the Company’s
marine took care of coastal security. By 1934 it had been rechristened as the Royal
Indian Navy.
The East India Company established its first trading post at Surat in 1607. In 1661, the
island of Bombay formed part of the dowry brought by Catherine of Portugal on the
occasion of her marriage to King Charles II of England. It was occupied by the British
three years later. This island was leased to the Company for an annual rent of 10
pounds. By 1686, Bombay superseded Surat as the main depot of the East India
Company. Bases were required for conducting long range maritime operations. Fort
William functioned as an important base for both the Company’s marine as well as the
Royal Navy. Fort William stored medicines, gun carriages and guns for the ships. In
1805, the Court of Directors and the British government agreed that the possession of
Ceylon would not only raise the security of Company’s territories in southern India but
would also strengthen British hold over the Bay of Bengal. As long as any European
maritime power was denied bases in Ceylon, their warships could neither raid Bay of
Bengal nor bombard the Coromondal coast. When Ceylon and Pondichery were lost,
the French Navy found that Mauritius was too far away for operating around the
subcontinent. The lack of a maritime base near India hampered French maritime
operations. This in turn choked the supply of men and materials to the French Army
under Count de Lally. After the defeat of Lally in the late eighteenth century, there was
no European military competition to the East India Company’s army in the Indian
The British naval supremacy in the coastal waters of India also shaped land warfare in
favour of the Company. In 1765, the Mysore Navy possessed 30 war vessels and a
large number of transport ships. In 1768, the desertion of the naval commander Stannet
resulted in the destruction of most of the ships of Mysore. In 1779, six British vessels
sailed for Bombay under Edward Hughes, a British Vice-Admiral. The same year also
witnessed the arrival of six French vessels to Mauritius under Count D’Orves. D’Orves’
escorts and the troopships carrying French soldiers who were supposed to cooperate
with Haidar Ali sailed from Mauritius. The whole fleet was commanded by Commodore
Suffren. While Suffren suffered from lack of a base in India, his rival Hughes had ample
reserves of guns, ammunition, timber, spars, canvas, rope, provisions and water available
at Madras. When Hughes’ fleet anchored at Madras for refitting, the shore batteries
guarded the British fleet. In February 1779, Suffren with ten warships escorting 20
troop transports entered the Bay of Bengal. Avoiding Hughes’ nine ships, Suffren
disembarked the troops who aided Haidar in capturing Cuddalore. During the Second
Anglo-Mysore War, a British fleet under Hughes destroyed the fleet of Haidar in
Mangalore and Calicut. Then the British fleet threatened Cuddalore. After the destruction
of Baillie’s force and retreat of Major Munro to Madras, the Madras Presidency
requested for military aid to the Bengal Presidency. In response, the Bengal Presidency
sent European infantry, European gunners, and guns with carriages, plus numerous
barrels of gunpowder to Madras by sea. And these troops took part in the successful
battle of Porto Novo against Haidar. In 1786, Tipu established a separate Board of
Admiralty with headquarters at Seringapatnam. Tipu’s attempt to get aid from France
was unsuccessful. And, the Mysore Navy could achieve little against British sea power.
After the defeat of Tipu, there were no more naval challenges from the indigenous Conquest and
powers. In the 1790s, the duties of the Bombay Marine were as follows: protection of
trade, suppression of piracy and convoy of transport. In 1791, each of the Company’s
ships averaged 750-800 tonnes with a crew of 101 men. In the 1830s, the core of the
British Indian navy was composed of several iron steamers. One typical steamer was
Indus which was 304 tonnes with a 60 horse power engine and manned by 52 crews.
Of the crews about half were Europeans and the rest Indians. The armament consisted
of a 3-pounder brass gun, and a 12-pounder 4.5 inch howitzer. In 1863 a marine
survey department was started which aided naval communication along the hitherto
uncharted waters of the Indian Ocean. In 1884, the duties of the Royal Indian Marine
also involved transport of troops and survey of the coasts and harbours.
In 1848 when Mulraj the Diwan of Multan revolted, the Second Anglo-Sikh War
broke out. And then the Company’s navy practised what could be categorized as
‘Littoral Warfare’. The Indus Flotilla transported men, guns and stores 800 miles up
the Indus to within a mile and half of Multan. During the siege of Multan, the two
steamers moved above the city and severed all water communication between the fort
held by Mulraj’s men and the rebel chieftains in west Punjab. The steamers protected
the British bridge, pontoon boats and the commissariat boats carrying grain for the
Company’s troops. These steamers were also employed in evacuating the wounded
British officers back to Karachi. Another steamer with its two 10-inch mortars provided
firepower support. The Company’s marine also provided a force of 100 ratings and
seven officers who participated in the siege of Multan fort.
Naval power came to the aid of the British during the crisis of 1857 Mutiny. Towards
the end of May 1857, steamers brought white troops from Madras to Calcutta. The
Royal Navy also brought reinforcements from Britain and Crimea into India during
1857-58. Military operations in India were dependent on adequate supplies of mules
and horses. Supremacy over the sea enabled the Raj to import war animals from abroad.
Special mules were bought at Argentina and were brought into India. Horses were
brought from England and Australia into South Asia.
Sea power enabled the British government in India to project power in various parts of
Asia. The Company was able to put together a bureaucracy capable of launching distant
amphibious operations. Thanks to the Royal Navy’s supremacy in the Indian Ocean,
the Raj’s troopships faced no threat. During the Dutch War of 1795, it was decided to
send troops from India to Malacca. Ships were chartered to carry Indian cavalry and
infantry to China during the nineteenth century. The Company’s sea going steamers
proved their worth during the Burma Wars. A squadron consisting of four steam frigates
and two sloops all armed with 8-inch guns as well as 32-pounders provided firepower
and logistical support to the Company’s army invading Burma in the early 1820s. The
frigate’s fire silenced the Burmese guns in Rangoon and allowed the Company’s troops
to land. The steamers of the Bengal Marine and ships of the Royal Navy transported
about 6,000 men from Madras to Rangoon. One of the principal reasons for the
annexation of the Arakan during the First Anglo-Burma War (1824-26) was the necessity
to ensure control over the eastern portion of the Bay of Bengal. Burma teak was highly
valued by the Royal Navy and the British merchantmen. And this was a contributory
factor for the Second Anglo-Burma War during 1852-53. In 1891, the Royal Navy
assumed responsibility for the Australian Station.
In the seventeenth century, the Portuguese in East Africa faced some opposition from
the Omani naval power. Close cooperation between the gunboats and land columns
aided French conquest of Senegal and Western Sudan. And naval control of upper
Niger facilitated the conquest of Western Sudan in the 1890s. Especially the emergence
of shallow draught steamboats equipped with guns enabled European penetration into
Expansion of Europe the interiors of Africa through the rivers. The British penetration into southern Nigeria
through the Niger delta involved use of naval vessels to shell villages and ferry troops
and supplies. The African canoes made of wood could traverse the lagoons. The light
guns lashed with ropes on the canoes could not be aimed properly. Thus the African
canoes had no chance against the steel guns and steel hulls of the European steamers.


Warfare in North and South America before the coming of the Europeans was
constrained by the low level of technology and religious and magical elements. Inter-
tribal warfare was not that lethal. In the far north of North America from AD 1000
onwards, the Palaeo-Eskimos of the eastern Arctic retreated before the eastward
migration of the sea faring Neo Eskimos. They used harpoons for hunting whales. In
addition, they also used sinew backed bows, dog sleds and fortifications made of stone.
In the later sixteenth century, they settled in the Labrador coast. In Ontario and in St.
Lawrence Valley the American tribes were farming communities. The villages were
fortified with palisades.
Bruce Lenman claims that in the early eighteenth century, the Dutch and the French by
introducing gunpowder among the American tribes raised the level of organized violence.
The original inhabitants of the New World did not use iron. Most of them employed
Stone Age technologies. The Aztec warriors of Mexico armed with bronze tipped
arrows and obsidian (a glass like substance formed by volcanic eruptions) rimmed
wooden clubs were no match against the steel helmeted firearms equipped
Conquistadores. Obsidian broke easily in contact with the iron swords of the Spaniards.
Hence, Hernan Cortes with 500 Spaniards and 14 cannon was able to defeat the
Aztec Empire repeatedly between 1519 and 1521. Similarly between 1531 and 1533,
168 Spaniards supported by four cannon defeated the Inca Empire in Peru. This was
possible because the Incas used clubs with semi circular bronze ends that lacked a
sharp edge. They broke easily in contact with the iron shields of the Spaniards. The
Incas tried to stem the European tide of conquest unsuccessfully by throwing stones
from slings and rolling down boulders from the slopes of the hills. At the siege of Cuzco
in 1536, 200,000 Inca soldiers were defeated by 190 Spanish soldiers. The discovery
of gold and diamond led to extensive Portuguese colonization of Brazil in the seventeenth
century. The settlers pushed ahead with the aid of bayonet and volley firing techniques.
Forts were constructed for resisting and harassing the raiding parties of the Indians.
In addition to the technological gap, the American tribes suffered further due to their
culture of warfare. While European warfare aimed at killing the enemy, ‘native’ American
warfare was aimed at capturing the enemy by wounding him. The objective of the
victors in American warfare was not to annihilate the enemy but to use him for religious
sacrifice or as captive labourers. For the Red Indians capturing scalps and the captives
was evidence of victory. But, the European settlers came and appropriated the tribes’
land and livestock. In North America the European approach to war was particularly
brutal. For instance in 1687, the Governor of Quebec launched a campaign against the
Westerly Iroquois people. Villages were burnt, corn destroyed, livestock slaughtered
and graves were pilfered. Again the ‘native’ Americans had never seen horses. The
war horses imported from Europe not only provided mobility to the European soldiers
but also caused a grave psychological shock among the Indian tribes. Gradually the
Indians were concentrated into smaller and smaller regions known as reserves or
sanctuaries, as if they were animals. Lack of food and disease reduced their numbers
considerably and continuous immigration from Europe changed the demographic balance
in favour of the white settlers.
The French towards the end of the seventeenth century realized that without Indian Conquest and
allies it was impossible to conduct colonial warfare successfully in North America. In
1712, the French allied with the Ottawa and Potawatomie attacked the Fox tribe. The
missionaries under French tutelage played an important role in playing off the various
North American Indian tribes against each other. The linear close order tactical formations
of the Western infantry though useful in the plains of Europe, was not very successful in
the midst of the jungles of North America. The Indian tribes of North America, who
were allied with the European powers during the seventeenth century, taught the
Europeans several tactical lessons like marksmanship, scouting, looking for cover and
concealment in the jungles.
Cooperation with the Indians was essential even in Central and South America. In
1520 Cortes had to retreat from the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. In 1521, he retook
the city with Spanish soldiers equipped with cannon and arquebuses who were supported
by 25,000 Indian allies. Cortes’ conquest of the Aztec Empire would not have been
possible without the support of the Tlaxcalans who provided warriors and supplies.
Again Diego de Almagro, the leader of the Spanish forces was able to defeat Emperor
Manco Inca in the Andes only by co-opting Manco’s brother Paullu and his followers.


In India, unlike in America, Australia and Siberia, demography aided the defenders.
After all, the South Asians were not swamped by numerically superior number of white
settlers and European colonists. In 1700, Asia contained 70% of the world’s population.
India in 1700 had 180 million people which meant about 20% of the world’s
population. Besides human resources, Asia’s economic power also remained
impressive. In the beginning of the eighteenth century, Asia remained the world’s centre
of artisan production and accounted for a huge volume of world trade. However,
economic potential and demographic resources did not necessarily generate great military
For explaining European military superiority over Afro-Asia in general and India in
particular, most of the historians followed Edward Gibbon’s emphasis on gunpowder
weapons. Superior organization of the polity and military technology assisted expansion
of British power in eighteenth century Asia. Geoffrey Parker asserts that the military
balance changed in favour of the West because of the Military Revolution which unfolded
between 1500 and 1750. The Military Revolution on land actually was an amalgamation
of two revolutions. The first involved a Revolution in Siege Warfare due to the emergence
of trace Italienne (star shaped scientific fortress architecture) and siege artillery. Then
a Revolution in Field Warfare occurred due to the rise of firearms equipped infantry
supported by field artillery. Another characteristic of the Military Revolution was sustained
growth in the size of the European armies. The late sixteenth century witnessed Europe’s
new way of making warfare which involved bastioned fortifications, scientific gunnery
and disciplined infantry tactics. All these resulted in a battlefield revolution. Jeremy
Black writes that European military innovations like the bayonet, flintlock musket, grape
and canister firing field artillery opened up a major gap in capability between firearms
equipped European armies and their non-European opponents. One of the chief
characteristics of the firearms equipped European infantry was that the men were drilled
in the style of the Roman legions. Superior administrative and political capability generated
effective tactical discipline on the part of the Western forces. Black continues that from
the sixteenth century onwards, European forces acquired an edge in keeping cohesion 11
Expansion of Europe and control in battle much longer than their adversaries. And this permitted
more sophisticated tactics in moving units on the battlefield and more effective fire
The gunpowder revolution in Europe established modern state structures that in turn
were able to sustain costly firepower armies. The Western advantage in military
techniques and infrastructure rested on foundations of European economic, social and
institutional changes. From the mid-seventeenth century, the impersonal bureaucracy
pushed the semi-independent military entrepreneurs (feudal knights and mercenaries)
to the margin. John Keegan asserts that by the fifteenth century gunpowder allowed the
French monarchy to cow down the refractory chieftains thus giving birth to a centralized
state structure backed by a fiscal system. After 1550, armour penetrating firearms used
by the infantry in the state’s payroll drove the feudal cavalry from the field. And the
artillery of the king destroyed the forts of the semi-independent knights. Artillery was
so costly that only the monarchy could maintain it. The Europeans were well advanced
in the field of international finance. The international credit network sustained the Western
military activities across the globe.
Compared to the Western warfare, the backwardness of the Afro-Asians was evident
in the theory and weapons of warfare as well as regarding the institutions supporting
organized violence. The Afro-Asian armies lacked any regular cohesive organization.
Soldiering was a part time occupation of the cultivators and pay was irregular.
Professional standing armies were absent in pre-colonial Afro-Asia. Hence, the Afro-
Asian soldiers were indisciplined. In battles, the Africans and the Asians fought as
aggregates of individuals and not as cohesive bodies of soldiers. Raiding and counter-
raiding before the monsoon constituted the principal method of fighting among the non-
European rulers. For instance the Maratha force was mostly composed of light cavalry
designed for levying tribute rather than for organized conquest. Asian warfare was
characterized by the use of elephants and inadequate cohesion among the mounted arm
during hand to hand combat. In the seventeenth century, the African and Asian method
of warfare proved ineffective against the European warfare which was characterized
by the use of bayonets, flintlocks, pre-fabricated paper cartridges, standardization of
artillery’s ball, ball weight and firing procedures.
However, a point of caution is necessary. To win in Africa and Asia, the British had to
imitate non-Western techniques of conducting grand strategy. This meant carrying on
negotiations and intrigues with partners within the enemy coalition simultaneously while
conducting field operations. Then the Indians as horsemen and sepoys of the British led
Sepoy Army and land revenue of the Bengal Presidency enabled Britain to conquer
India. In the first half of the nineteenth century, about 220,000 sepoys and horsemen
fought for the British both inside and outside India in regions as far as Africa and China.
Warfare in South-East Asia was also lagging behind the type of organized violence
practised by the West. In pre-colonial Philippines, warfare was characterized by small
scale seasonal raids rather than pitched battles involving sizeable number of soldiers. In
the Indonesian Archipelago, pre-European warfare was characterized by headhunting.
The combatants fought with sword and javelins. Prisoners were sold after the campaign.
Occasionally destruction of plantations and villages also occurred. Bloody conflict
resulting in total destruction of the enemy force and permanent conquest were trends
introduced by the Europeans.
In 1788, the British established a base in Australia. In the early 1790s, they explored
the coast of New Zealand. Initially, the British were interested in Australia as a base for
the furtherance of the East Indies and China trade. The Admiralty was interested in the
12 timber and flax of New Zealand and Norfolk Islands to furnish naval stores for the
Royal Navy’s vessels operating in the East. Free settlement in Australia by the white Conquest and
settlers started from the 1820s. During the early period, the initial settlers were soldiers,
marines and convicts. In Australia there were about 700 tribes. Initially they tried to
fight the British by using magic and charms. But these techniques were obviously of no
use against the invaders. Aboriginal warfare was merely an extension of the hunt. It
emphasized ambush and skirmishing. They lacked knowledge about sophisticated tactical
systems for conducting open warfare. The aborigines were wiped out by the British
mounted musketeers. Further, the aborigines had no immunity against the diseases
introduced by the British. Smallpox, measles, influenza and tuberculosis proved deadly
to them. However, the Maori tribesmen of New Zealand opposed the British boldly.
Between 1845 and 1872, the British had to mobilize 18,000 white soldiers against the
Siberia was a vast region inhabited by small numbers of nomadic and semi-nomadic
tribes. They were engaged in hunting and fishing. The Russian merchants were interested
in fur produced by this region. In the first half of the seventeenth century, Russia conquered
Siberia by a systematic construction of a chain of forts. As the Russians crossed the
Ural Mountains, they entered the West Siberian Plain inhabited by the Tartars. Tobolsk
on the bank of the river Ob was founded in 1587. In the Central Siberian Plain,
Turukhansk on the bank of Yenisey came up in 1619 and Yakutsk on the bank of the
river Lena was founded in 1632. The Manchu dynasty of China opposed Russian
advance in the Far East. The Russians equipped with cannons defeated the Manchus in
the Amur Valley. The farthest points were Nizhne Kolymsk and Okhotsk founded in
1644 and 1648, respectively. The Chukchi and Koryak tribes of Kamchatka were
finally subdued in the eighteenth century. From the defeated tribes, the Russians
demanded heavy iasak (tribute) in furs.
The nature of warfare in Africa was also limited and backward. During the second half
of the eighteenth century, the West Africans used firearms for acquiring slaves rather
than creating a strong empire. European drill and discipline were alien to the Africans.
The indigenous military system lacked staff, logistical apparatus, regular subdivision
and a command structure. There was no concept of regular payment and drill in the
African armies. Hence, the African armies were incapable of maneuver in the field of
fire. In 1847, the Amir of Algeria fielded 50,000 poorly armed and indisciplined irregular
troops against 108,000 French troops. In the final analysis the Africans had no machine
guns, rifles and steel barrelled field artillery of the European armies. European technical
superiority seemed excessive both in set piece battles as well as in siege warfare. The
frontal assault of assegais (spears) equipped Zulus was easily suppressed by the musket
equipped British redcoats. The Africans missed the breechloader revolution. During
1873-4, the British armed with snider rifles easily dealt with the Ashantis equipped with
muzzle loaders. In 1898 at the Battle of Omdurman, the Mahdis’ jihadi supporters
equipped with spears and swords were wiped out by Kitchener’s riflemen. In 1891,
the 95-mm French siege guns reduced the Tukolar fortresses to dust. Non-military
technologies like semaphore and telegraph also aided command and control of the
European armies.
While by the 1850s most of Asia was under the Europeans, even as late as 1876 less
than 10% of Africa was under the Europeans. This was due to lack of surface
communication in the jungle - filled continent and the prevalence of diseases which
hampered operations of the European armies in the ‘dark continent’. In West Africa,
half of the white soldiers died within three months of their arrival. The death rate in the
Gold Coast (in West Africa) in 1823-6 was 668 per 1000 each year. Malaria and
yellow fever were the chief killers of the white men. The final seal on African independence
was because, writes Bruce Vandervort, the failure of the various African tribes to 13
Expansion of Europe establish and sustain an anti-European coalition. And this allowed the European powers
to recruit Africans for expanding and maintaining their empires. The British recruited
African infantry from the Gold Coast. And the Portuguese in Angola used the Africans
as light infantry. Finally, the French used Senegalese as sharpshooters.

While the eighteenth century witnessed the conquest of Asia, European expansion in
Africa really gathered speed during the late nineteenth century. Structural contradictions
prevented the Mughals, Persians and the Chinese from modernizing their army. They
also did not possess the sea faring culture of the Western maritime nations. All these
factors resulted in the passing away of the big Asian land empires. Then the culture of
warfare in America and Africa also aided European conquest. However, the point to
be noted is that burning heat and high humidity in both Asia and Africa forced the
imperial powers to utilize Asian and African auxiliaries who further expanded the frontiers
of the imperial powers. State organization was virtually non-existent in most parts of the
New World and in Africa. All the non-European polities were friable entities and
characterized by divisible sovereignty. This made possible playing off various ethno-
linguistic and religious groups against each other by the Europeans. This in turn facilitated
not only conquest but also consolidation of imperial rule over the two American continents
as well as in Afro-Asia. Thus it was a combination of social, technological, strategic
and cultural factors that gradually brought about the entire world under European

1) How were the technological advancement and innovation in warfare strategies
responsible for the European conquests overseas?
2) In what ways did the Europeans adopt different strategies for demographic changes
across the globe?

Indira Gandhi National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Modern World

Expansion of Europe 5
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Migration in History
16.2.1 Economy
16.2.2 Climate
16.2.3 Culture

16.3 The European Expansion: 1400 – 1800

16.3.1 Migrations to South America
16.3.2 Migrations to North America
16.3.3 The English and French Approaches to Migration

16.4 A Biological Invasion

16.5 Forced Migration and Slavery
16.6 Summary
16.7 Exercises

Cross-continental migrations of people started with the origin of humanity and continues
till now. Migrations occur for economic reasons and occasionally also result due to
coercion by the political regime. The latter type of migration could be categorized as
forced migration. The migration of the Europeans in the early modern era was most
systematic and well recorded. This migration was mostly sea borne and occurred in the
east-west direction. Along with human beings, this migration also involved movement
of animals, plants and diseases. Some of the migrations occurred long before speech
and writing was invented. So, detailed accounts of these migrations are lost forever in
the mist of time. In this Unit you will study different patterns of immigrations, socio-
economic and political changes brought out by them and how they have affected world
history, particularly during modern times


Probably human beings (homo sapiens) first surfaced in Central Africa. Many thousands
of years ago, India and Africa were linked by a land bridge. So, from Central Africa,
some marched into India. These migrants in history are known as Dravidians. They
introduced agriculture and the art of constructing cities in the subcontinent. The landmass
known as Gondwanaland moved up in the northerly direction due to changes in plate
tectonics. This resulted in breaking up of the land connection with Africa and crushing
of the Tethys Sea which became the Himalayas. About 50,000 years ago, the people
from South East Asia settled in Australia. They reached Australia by island hopping in
small canoes. Or probably a landmass connected Australia with South East Asia which
in later times broke up and now constitutes the Indonesian archipelago. At that time,
the sea levels were much lower than at present. The aborigines of Australia moved
further east and inhabited New Zealand and Polynesia. Around 35,000 BC, the hunters
from Siberia crossed the Bering Straits and moved into Alaska. They migrated down
south into Chile. The descendants of these early migrants are the ‘native Americans’
Expansion of Europe whom the Europeans of the post-Columbian era encountered. Around 3000 BC a
group of people in Central Asia speaking what philologists call Indo-Aryan language
moved into India, Persia (Iran) and in the region along eastern Mediterranean. In India
they are known as Aryans. In Persia they are known as Indo-Iranians. And in the
Balkans they are known as Dorians who founded the Greek Civilization. The Germans
also trace their ancestry to the Indo-Aryan groups settled in Central Europe.
Long before Columbus, the Vikings in their longships discovered Greenland and also
made a landfall in Newfoundland. However, large scale migration from Scandinavia to
Iceland, Greenland and North America did not occur. Rather the Scandinavians and
the Goths moved south into central and southern Europe. Demographic expansion
pushed the Goths further south into the Roman Mediterranean. German (Teutons and
the Goths) tribal invasions had occurred before 100 BC but became more systematic
after 350 AD. The Germans attacked the Western Roman Empire due to rising
demographic pressure and the riches that could be obtained by plundering the rich
Roman provinces of Gaul (France), Spain and Italy. Why did these migrations take
place? Scholars have pointed out a number of factors that motivated these migrations.
Let us look at some of them.

16.2.1 Economy
The lure of fertile land, pillage and plunder as well as prospect of trade also encouraged
migrations and settlements. Greece was full of mountains and ravines. Fertile agricultural
land was scarce and quite constricted. The land hunger of the Greeks encouraged city
states like Corinth to occupy Sicily and South Italy where Greek cities like Tarentum,
Regusia, etc came up around 400-300 BC. The Greeks exported wine and olive oil
and imported wheat especially from the Black Sea region. Because the staying power
of the triremes was small, during the night every Greek ship had to make a landfall along
the coast. The maritime trade route moved across the straits of the Dardanelles hugging
the shoreline of Asia Minor. And the prospect of monopolizing maritime trade with
Anatolia (Turkey) and the Danubian principalities encouraged Athens to set up colonies
along the coast of Asia Minor. Before the Greeks, when the Achaemenid Emperors of
Persia occupied Tyre, the chief city of the Phoenicians, mass migration of the latter
occurred. The Phoenicians were the best mariners and most aggressive traders of the
ancient world. They founded the city of Carthage in Tunisia in North Africa. The
Phoenicians also founded colonies along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Spain.
Carthage colonized Sardinia and Corsica.
Afghanistan is full of ragged mountains. Some of the tribes survive even now by practising
pastoral nomadism. The deficit economy of the Afghans forced them to migrate to
India with their families in the medieval era. As military labourers the Afghans took
service with the Delhi Sultans and the Mughal Emperors and settled in India especially
in the fertile plains of Rohilkhand and Bihar.

16.2.2 Climate
Climatic changes also generated large scale migration for survival. The gradual desiccation
of Central Asia pushed the steppe nomadic tribes into Southern Asia and Eastern Europe.
Due to the drying up of the heartland of Eurasia and falling water table, the horse riding
nomads attacked the sedentary civilization. The Chinese called them hsung-nu (horse
people). One group of Central Asian nomads known as Huns migrated west along with
their families. They attacked India, Persia and both the Eastern and Western Roman
Empires. Some of the Huns settled in present day Rajasthan, Gujarat and Sindh. In
India the descendants of the Huns were known as Scythians who after intermarriages
16 came to be known as Rajputs. Long before the Huns, Persia encountered intrusion of
the Central Asian nomads in the form of Scythians and Parthians. Along with the Huns, Migration and
Sarmatians and Avars (other branches of the Central Asian nomads) also attacked
both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Some of the Central Asian tribes settled
in Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The present day Magyars of Hungary were
descendants of the Huns. Increasing cold in Scandinavia also encouraged Viking migration
in the late medieval age. The Vikings settled in Denmark, England, Normandy province
in France and also in south Italy. By sailing along the rivers of Russia, the Vikings also
reached the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire. Some Vikings settled in
the trans-Caucasus region.

16.2.3 Culture

Besides economy, climate, demography and technology, culture has also been an
important determinant of migration and settlement. In 1400 China’s maritime
technology was equal to that of West Europe. During 1405-33, China had maritime
relations with South East Asia. A Chinese fleet under Admiral Cheng Ho came
upto East Africa by sailing along Sri Lanka. The Chinese junks also visited the
shores of Australia and the Pacific coast of North America. But, Confucian China
held itself to be culturally and politically superior to its neighbours. China looked
down upon the surrounding nations as barbarians who were fit only to pay tribute
to the Chinese Emperor. Cheng Ho’s voyages were motivated by a quest for tribute
and for luxuries and curiosities for the Chinese court and not by a desire to extend
China’s knowledge about the rest of the world or to establish permanent maritime trade
relations and overseas settlements. Commerce and merchants occupied a low position
within the Chinese Empire. In contrast, the merchants in early modern Europe were
assertive and prosperous. Cheng Ho’s voyages were not followed up by the Ming
dynasty which retreated into its self- imposed isolation till the mid-seventeenth century.
Thus Confucianism in a way discouraged discovery and settlement of the overseas
regions. Again, the Romans believed that the world was in the shape of a square and if
anybody were to sail beyond the straits of Gibraltar into Atlantic, he would fall into hell.
This discouraged a Roman breakout from the constricted inland Mediterranean Sea
into the western direction. Associated with culture is the factor of religion. Driven by
poverty and the zeal of Islam, the Arabs in the seventh century burst out of the desert
of Arabia and settled along the coast of North Africa, Asia Minor and Ajam (Iran
and Iraq).

16.3 THE EUROPEAN EXPANSION: 1400 ---1800

The era of mass migration of the Europeans in the extra-European world was preceded
by what could be categorized as the ‘Age of Discovery’. The latter term refers to
intensive maritime exploration of the oceans by the European mariners. For the first
time, Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the globe during 1519-22. The sturdy
European cogs could cross the Atlantic regularly. Relying on a new capacity for long
distance voyaging the Europeans charted out the coastal features and principal outlines
of the major landmasses of the globe thus creating a new sort of knowledge which
previously did not exist. According to David Arnold, the age of discovery was sustained
by the invention of printing press. William Caxton first printed books in 1470s. Printed
pamphlets and books along with sophisticated techniques of map making disseminated
knowledge about the new worlds. This occurred during the fifteenth and the sixteenth
centuries. The mastery over the seas and the growth of European geographical
knowledge enabled the Europeans to control the commerce of the non-European
world. This also aided the expansion of European territorial control in the non-European
world. 17
Expansion of Europe The principal motive behind Europe’s expansionist drive was the search for trade. Europe
saw itself as the poorer neighbour of Asia and Africa. This was because of the
exaggerated travellers’ tales and the nature of products which reached Europe. Africa
and Asia exported gold, jewel, silk, carpets, spices and porcelains to Europe. All these
created the notion among the Europeans about luxury, wealth, skilled artisans and thriving
craft industries in Afro-Asia. The Indonesian archipelago was famous for spice. Cloves
were grown in the Moluccas, nutmeg and mace in the Banda islands and pepper in
Sumatra. Sri Lanka was famous for cinnamon and South West India (Malabar coast)
produced pepper. Due to inadequate fodder, the animals in Europe had to be slaughtered
before every winter. There were few fruits and vegetables available at that time. And
the principal diet of the Europeans remained meat. Spice was used to add flavour to
the stale and salted meat. Spices were also used in the cakes, drinks and confectionary.
Very few European products were in demand in the East. Coarse woollen goods
produced in Europe had no takers in the East. The Europeans needed gold in order to
pay for goods brought from Asia and for coinage which was required to sustain Europe’s
internal trade. This ‘gold famine’ encouraged the Europeans to explore and trade
overseas. The Europeans also searched for fish at ever increasing distances from Europe’s
shores. Dried salted cod formed a major item of Portugal’s trade with the rest of Europe.
In search of fish, the Portuguese moved west of North West Africa and in the North
Atlantic where the discovery of Azores in the 1430s gave them a strategic base for
further reconnaissance of the mid Atlantic. Before Cabral’s discovery of Brazil, the
Portuguese had conducted reconnaissance of the shores of South America. Spain,
from its bases in the Caribbean islands, despatched repeated expeditions in search of a
route to the East Indies for getting spices.
Instead of the Italian cities which were most interested in maritime trade, it was the
West European powers which took the lead in oceanic voyages. This was partly because
the Italian galleys were suited for calmer waters of Mediterranean than the rough seas
of the Atlantic. Again the geographic position of Spain, Portugal and Britain is more
suited than Venice and Genoa for undertaking exploration of the Atlantic. The Italian
cities were more interested in continuing their traditional lucrative trade with Asia through
Levant rather than to engage in the risky Atlantic ventures especially when economic
returns from such explorations remained uncertain.
Initially the European enclaves in the newly discovered lands were forts and ports. In
Asia the indigenous potentates were quite powerful. The Ottoman Empire, the Ming
Empire and the Mughal Empire were formidable entities. In such a scenario, the
Europeans found themselves in the role of supplicants and observers rather than as
conquerors and settlers. Since indigenous resistance in the New World was weak, the
European coastal enclaves quickly expanded into big territorial empires. Unlike the
commercial empires of the Italian city states, Spain went for a territorial empire. The
mobile sheep herders of southern Spain and the cattle herders of Andalusia joined the
ranks of conquerors and functioned as soldier-settlers. Militant Christianity enabled
them to believe that they were bound to win and bring the heathens into the fold of
Christianity. The search for the mythical Christian King Prester John who would aid the
Europeans in their struggle against the Muslims also encouraged the voyages of discovery.
Finally the search for a route to India was part of the Spanish programme of Reconquista
i.e. the crusade against Islam. This was because the Muslim Ottomans controlled the
land routes to Asia.
16.3.1 Migrations to South America
Columbus found gold in Hispaniola which in turn attracted more European settlers.
Returning to the West Indies in 1493, Columbus brought 1500 settlers with him including
farmers and craftsmen to colonize Hispaniola. Another 2500 arrived in 1502. They
were expected to form a self-sufficient community. But, the Spanish conquerors, greedy Migration and
for gold and contemptuous of manual labour, had no intention of tilling the land. The
Crown of Castile granted them legal power to command the labour of the local populace.
Many Indians died due to harsh treatment at the hands of the settlers. The search for
labour resulted in the conquest of Puerto Rico in 1508, Jamaica in 1509, and Cuba in
1511. Cuba, settled by Diego de Valazquez, started yielding gold from 1511 onwards.
The aggressive land hungry conquerors then moved on to the mainland of America. In
1519 an expedition of about 600 men with 16 horses, 14 cannons and 13 muskets
arrived under Hernan Cortes on the Gulf coast of Mexico from Cuba.
In 1428 the Aztecs defeated the city state of Atzcapotzalco and established an empire
that extended from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Coast. However, the Americans’
stone edged swords and fire hardened arrows were no match against the steel swords
and cannons of the Europeans. The Spanish were able to defeat Montezuma in 1521.
Between 1522 and 1524 most of the Pacific coast as far north as Santiago River was
conquered. The interior was full of dense rain forest, big rivers, riparian swamps and
mountain ranges.
Pachauti Inca in 1438 defeated Chimu and controlled northern Peru. He established a
dynamic centralized state. Topa Inca (1471-93) conquered northern Chile and northern
Argentina. His successor Huyana Capac (1493-1525) conquered Ecuador. From the
core area of Peru, the Incas extended their dominion upto Ecuador in the north and
Maule River in Chile in the south. At heights between 9000 and 13000 feet the Incas
established an empire which from north to south extended upto 2175 miles. The empire
was held together by an impressive road system. Their cities were built of solid dressed
stones. The capital was Cuzco. Huyana Capac founded a second capital at Quito. In
1531 Francisco Pizarro invaded Peru with 180 men and 27 horses. At that time, the
Inca Empire was passing through a succession crisis. Atahualpa and his half brother
Huescar were dominant in the northern and southern sections of the empire
respectively. Atahualpa commanded 65000 men. Nevertheless hand held firearms and
cannons gave victory to the small European forces. Almagro traversed Bolivia and
penetrated into Chile before returning to Cuzco in 1537. Almagro’s reconnaissance in
force was followed by Pedro de Valdivia who in 1541 founded the city of Santiago and
settled Spanish farming communities. Around 1572, the Inca resistance came to an end
in Peru.
By 1600, Portugal was controlling Brazil, West Africa plus the seaboard of China. And
the Spanish American Empire extended from Texas to Chile. The Araucanians in Central
Chile and the Muras in Central Amazonia tried to check the aggression of the Europeans
unsuccessfully. The Maya Civilization (also known as Itzas) extended along Guatemala
and Yucatan. In 1523 Pedro de Alvarado attacked the Mayas at Guatemala. The
Mayas lacked political unity. Fighting was going on between the Cakchiquel and Quiche.
This internal division allowed Alvarado to subdue both. Nojpeten, the capital of the
Maya people fell to Spanish attack in 1697.
16.3.2 Migrations to North America
From Mexico, the Spaniards expanded north into the southern portion of North America.
In 1781 the Yuma rebellion thwarted Spanish expansion along the Colorado Valley into
Arizona. Due to pressure on the Great Plains, the tribes like Comanche and Utes started
moving south and exerted pressure along the northern section of the fledgling Spanish
frontier. These tribes were mounted on horses and equipped with firearms supplied by
the French. By 1790 the Spaniards expanded in California.
The North American tribes practised rudimentary hunting and fishing. The British in
North America after settling down became fishermen, farmers, traders, etc. The early
Expansion of Europe English settlements in Americas were at Jamestown and Virginia. In 1760 fighting broke
out between the British and the Cherokee whose hunting land in east Tennessee and
west North Carolina were under pressure due to the advancing frontier of British-
American control and settlement.
In 1608, the French settled in Quebec. In 1699 Pierre Le Moyne founded Fort Maurepas
in Biloxi Bay, Mobile was set up in 1702 and New Orleans in 1718. The French also
consolidated their position on St. Lawrence in 1701. French missions were already
established at Cahokia in 1699 and in Kaskaskia in 1703 on the upper Mississippi.
Fort St. Charles came up on the Lake of the Woods in 1732 followed by another fort
at the southern end of Lake Winnipeg. In 1732 the French established a garrison post
to check the Chickasaws. Fort La Reine in 1738 was established on the Assiniboine
River. Fort Bourbon in 1739 expanded French presence to the northwest shore of
Lake Winnipeg and Fort Dauphin established French presence on the western shore of
Lake Winnipegosis. In 1748 Fort St. Jean was rebuilt to strengthen the French position
near Lake Champlain. A new wagon road linked the fort to Montreal. In 1750 the
French erected Fort Rouille (Toronto). And Fort La Corne in 1753 came up near the
Forks of the Saskatchewan. In the south the French expanded from Louisiana. The
Natchez tribe around New Orleans was crushed by the French.
In the sixteenth century, between 1000 and 2000 Iberians migrated to the Americas
annually. During the 1630-40s, the Europeans were attracted towards West Indies due
to availability of land in easy terms which was used for growing tobacco, indigo and
cotton. In 1640 the population of Barbados was 30000 or 200 per square mile. St.
Kitts’ population in the same year was 20000. In the middle of the century, the shift
was towards large scale sugar plantations. Between 30000 and 50000 white migrants
arrived in Jamaica in the first half of the eighteenth century. And they took to cultivation.
Many French immigrants went to West Indies especially Saint-Domingue. The Spanish
Americans took to farming, ranching and mining of precious metals. The Americas
exported hides, tallow and sugar. In the 1540s the Spanish discovered the silver mines
at Potsoi (Bolivia) and Zacatecas (Mexico). There was a higher percentage of Spaniards
in Central Mexico and Peru than in Columbia and Ecuador. The Cuiaba goldfields in
the interior of Brazil was discovered in 1719. In the 1760s about 5000 Portuguese
migrated to Brazil annually. They totalled about 400,000 by the end of the eighteenth
century. In 1763-4 about 9000 French colonists were shipped to Cayenne in South
America. Many of the European settlers were wage labourers, peasants and indentured
servants. In Latin America the indigenous population was mostly rural and the Spaniards
and the Portuguese were disproportionately present in the major towns. In North America
also the size of the European towns went on increasing. Philadelphia was planned in
1680 and had a population of 2500 in 1685; 4000 in 1690; and 25000 in 1760.
16.3.3 The English and French Approaches to Migration
The rise of European population in British North America was greater than in New
France because the British were willing to accept people of all religious backgrounds.
By contrast, the French colonial policy was to establish Catholic colonies in North
America. So, the Huguenots (French Protestants) went to British North America. An
Act of Parliament in 1697 which allowed people to seek work outside their own parish
if they carried a certificate made the poor mobile and encouraged their migration to
America and West Indies as indentured labours. In the seventeenth century English
migrants dominated emigration from the British Isles to the New World. But, in the
eighteenth century there was extensive emigration from Scotland and Ireland. Lack of
economic opportunities in Scotland and Ireland encouraged migration in North America.
Between 1643 and 1700, the population of Massachusetts increased from 16000 to
60000 and that of Connecticut from 5500 to 20000, and that of Virginia from 15000 to
60000. By the end of the seventeenth century, the population of New York increased Migration and
to 20000. The total population of the English mainland colonies at the end of the
seventeenth century was above 200,000 which was greater than the French colonies.
By 1666 there were only 3200 French in New France. During the 1660s and the
1670s the French government provided money to the settlers. Especially the immigration
of the orphans was subsidized. Fur dominated exports from Quebec, a principal French
colony. The French minister Colbert wanted to develop the St. Lawrence Valley as a
source of food and industry which would complement the fishing off Newfoundland.
Grain, fish and timber were exported from New France and Newfoundland to the
West Indies. By the end of the seventeenth century, while the number of French inhabitants
was about 10000, there were about 210000 Europeans in British North America. In
1740 while New France had only 56000 inhabitants of French origin, British North
America had about one million people of European background. Between 1608 and
1759, only 11370 French settled in New Canada. About 6-7 people per million left
France annually for New France. New Amsterdam had become New York which was
taken by the British in the second half of the seventeenth century in the aftermath of the
Second Dutch War. Under the Plantation Act of 1745 it was possible for all except the
Catholics to become eligible for naturalization after seven years in a British colony.
After 1730 as readily cultivable land grew scarcer in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia,
the colonists expanded along the Shenandoah Valley, James River and Roanoke Gap
and then moved into the Carolinas. Between 1730 and 1775, the white population of
North Carolina rose from 30000 to 255,000. The combined population of the blacks
and the whites (but not the Red Indians) in Georgia was 23375 in 1770 and 33000 in
Among the early migrants there were more men than women. So, many Spaniards and
Portuguese took Indian women as wives or concubines. Their offspring were known as
mestizos and they settled mostly among the coastal regions. By the 1690s in certain
areas such as the Chesapeake Bay, the percentage of American born inhabitants rose
which meant a better balance of men and women. The product of European-indigenous
American marriages helped the European settlers as translators and also played a major
role in trade. Such intermarriages were very common in the frontier societies at Hudson
Bay and in West Africa. In the eighteenth century tension broke out between the
peninsulares (natives of Spain) and the criollos (creoles, American born descendants
of Spanish settlers).
The Germans and the Dutch were minor players in the whole project of overseas
expansion. After the Thirty Years War, many poor people from North Germany went
to the New World. The Germans were concentrated in Pennsylvania. In North Carolina,
Swiss and German immigrants established New Bern which became the capital of the
colony in 1770. About 30% of the colony’s population were of German descent. But,
immigration from Germany fell because they were more interested to settle in Russia.
The Russians unlike the West European maritime powers expanded the frontiers of
Europe in East Asia by overland migration. As the Tsarist empire expanded into
that Crimea and Siberia, most of the Russians were concentrated in the urban areas.
During the reign of Peter the Great, the Russians started exploiting the mines. The
Russian population in Siberia rose from 100,000 in 1701 to 700,000 in 1721. Mining
and metallurgy developed first in the Urals and then in the Altay region creating
concentrations of people that had to be fed and protected. The Aleuts of
Aleutian Islands clashed with the Russians in mid-eighteenth century who were
searching for fur. In 1766, the Russians using cannons destroyed indigenous resistance
in the Fox Islands.
Expansion of Europe
In the tropics most Europeans died or could not sustain self- replicating populations.
But, in temperate America where few Europeans went they flourished demographically.
A few Dutch agricultural settlers went to South Africa. Some Europeans also settled in
the region around the Cape of Good Hope. But in general the Europeans failed to settle
in Africa in considerable numbers. Tropical diseases like malaria and yellow fever
checked the Portuguese migration in Africa. Yellow fever went with the European
mariners from West Africa to West Indies. And in the eighteenth century, it caused
devastating mortality among the European soldiers and settlers in these islands. In
Jamaica, white death rates were higher than those of the slaves.
Disease brought by the Europeans devastated the indigenous population of the New
World. In 1492 the population of the Americas was over 50 million. Even the Caribbean
islands supported one million ‘natives’. But, indigenous population declined drastically
under the Spanish rule due to a combination of enslavement, disease and demoralization
of the Indians. The indigenous population of the West Indian islands—the Arawaks
and the Caribs—were more or less extinct by mid-seventeenth century. Before 1519
the population of Central Mexico was 20 million. In the course of the sixteenth century
the population declined by 90%. Malaria introduced by the Europeans in the Americas
was one of the chief killers of the ‘native’ population. In Peru the Indian population
declined by 40%. After 1704, influenza and smallpox caused rapid decline of the Maya
people. During 1743-9, half of the indigenous population of the Amazon Valley fell
victim to measles and smallpox.
Due to smallpox, the Indians continued to die in large number in North America.
Simultaneously increasing migration from Europe enabled the British to increasingly
outnumber the ‘natives’ along the seaboard of Atlantic. Smallpox wiped out half of the
Cherokee in North America in the late 1730s. However, in South Carolina the Cherokee
continued to outnumber the Europeans even in 1730.
The Europeans transformed the ecology of the New World which in turn accelerated
the decline of the Indian population. The Indians of Mexico and Peru depended on the
cultivation of maize, potatoes, beans, etc. They had few domesticated animals. By the
1490s, the Europeans introduced pigs, sheep, goats, cattle and horses from Europe to
the Americas. British cattle were introduced into Virginia. They multiplied rapidly and
the agricultural lands of the Indians were changed into grazing and pastoral land. Horses
spread throughout North America through trade and theft. Gradually North American
tribes like the Apache and the Commanche adopted the horses. The European traders
along the St. Lawrence Valley also introduced horses. So forest and agricultural land
were replaced by big ranches.
Instead of allowing the Indians to grow their vegetable crops, the Spanish introduced
sugar plantations, cotton, tobacco and vineyards. The Europeans introduced timber
and dyewood in Brazil which were exported. Citrus fruits brought from Spain were
introduced in the New World in the early sixteenth century. The Spaniards brought
banana in 1516 to West Indies from the Canary Islands. Actually the Portuguese had
introduced banana in the Canary Islands from tropical Africa. Even now banana remains
a major export item of the West Indies. For feeding the slaves yam was grown. Guinea
yams entered West Indies from Africa. In the seventeenth century a superior form of
yam came to Africa from India. From West Africa it was introduced to West Indies.
Wheat was introduced in the sixteenth century in favoured highland areas of the American
tropics like the Puebla Valley in Mexico. In the seventeenth century the English and the
French settlers introduced wheat in temperate North America. Thanks to the intrusion
of the Spaniards, the edible dogs of Mexico became extinct.
The aboriginal society in Australia was not a surplus producing economy. The aborigines Migration and
were highly fragmented. From the linguistic point of view, they were divided into 700
tribes. In Australia smallpox, measles, influenza and tuberculosis as well as common
cold mostly wiped out the aborigines. In 1791, the aborigines around Richmond died
due to smallpox. In 1789 and in 1829 a wave of smallpox killed 6% of the Wiradjuri
people along the Murrumbidgee River. During 1847-8, the influenza epidemic finished
them off.
Warfare also reduced the indigenous population. Between 1725 and the 1780s, the
Portuguese wiped out the Paiagua tribe along River Paraguay. In 1780-1, due to rigorous
collection of taxes, the last descendant of the Inca ruler Tupac Amaru led an uprising.
The rebellion was crushed and about 100,000 people died. The European victory over
the Tuscaroras in the 1710s resulted in the decline of the latter’s numbers from 5000 to
2500. From 1715 onwards most of the Yamasee were killed and enslaved by the
colonial militia. Between 1712 and 1738, the French repeatedly attacked the Fox tribe
of Illinois-Mississippi region. The Fox numbering 10000 were reduced to a few hundred.
John Sullivan’s pacification campaign against the Iroquois in 1779 resulted in widespread
destruction of villages and 160,000 bushels of corn. The Colonial Militia and the mounted
police in Australia were in charge of suppressing the aborigines. To give an instance, in
1860 at Queensland about 4000 aborigines were killed.


The expulsions of the Muslims from the Iberian peninsula due to conquests and the
Africans Death left southern Portugal thinly populated. So, Portuguese overseas colonies
required cheap labour. In the Canary Islands the indigenous people known as the
Guanches were conquered and driven to extinction. Catastrophic mortality among the
‘native’ Americans following the arrival of the Europeans generated search for cheap
labour for working in the estates, plantations and mines. The Europeans imitated the
cultivation and consumption of sugar from the Arabs. Columbus introduced sugar in
West Indies in 1493. Very soon sugar plantations became common in Brazil. Slaves
were required for the collection of cacao and other forest products in Amazon. Virginia
and Maryland required slaves for working in the tobacco cultivation.
The resulting slave trade altered the demography by initiating a major movement of the
Africans from Africa to South America, West Indies and the southern states of North
America. Between 1680 and 1860, the loss of population due to slavery from West
Africa was a little over 10%. Slaves were acquired from Africa either by raiding or
through contacts with the African rulers. Prisoners in inter-tribal wars within Africa
were enslaved. At times the African rulers engaged in wars which could be categorized
as slave hunts. The slaves were sold to the European traders in return for guns, gunpowder
and European clothes. And the African potentates used the guns for acquiring more
slaves for selling to the Europeans. Thus a vicious ‘gun-slave’ cycle developed. Trade
and slavery at different moments of history had been common in other regions also. To
bridge over the unfavourable trade balance, Charlemagne’s Empire exported white
women who became slaves in the households of the Muslims in the Arab Empire. And
Akbar sold prisoners of war to Kabul for buying horses.
During the fifteenth century, African slaves were transported to Lisbon for sale. Founded
in 1575, Luanda in Angola became the leading port through which slaves were shipped
to Brazil. Congo was a vital source of slaves. Between 1450 and 1500 about 150,000
African slaves were taken to Europe and most of them went to Portugal. Then the
slaves from Africa were transported to the islands of Madeira and Sao Tome. In 1515
African slaves for the first time were sent to the Americas. Spain sent the African slaves
to Hispaniola in the Caribbean and started receiving slave grown American sugar. Direct 23
Expansion of Europe large scale trans-Atlantic traffic in slaves started from 1532. The British transported
more slaves than the French. Between 1691 and 1779, British ships transported
2,300,000 slaves from the African ports. The slave ships used to sail from London,
Bristol and Liverpool. The British slave ships supplied slaves to the British possessions
in North America and in the Caribbean colonies. The British also supplied slaves to the
colonies of the other powers.
In the sixteenth century about 367,000 African slaves were sent to the Americas. Between
1700 and 1763, the number of slaves in British North America rose from 20000 to
300,000. In the eighteenth century, the French colonies obtained 1,015,000 slaves and
in 1788 the French West Indies contained 594,000 slaves. During the 1780s, the French
West Indies colonies received 30000 slaves annually. By 1580, there were 60 sugar
mills in Brazil. And the population amounted to 20000 Portuguese, 18000 Indians and
14000 slaves. By 1600, there were about 100,000 African slaves in Eastern Brazil.
Angola supplied 2 million slaves in the eighteenth century mostly to Brazil. Most of the
Africans transported as slaves in the eighteenth century went to Brazil and West Indies,
and less than a fifth went to North America. The Portuguese moved slaves into the
sugar plantations of Northeast Brazil and from 1710s into the gold and diamond fields
of Mionas Gerais. In the late eighteenth century the slaves were used in the sugar and
coffee plantations near Rio De Janeiro.
In most cases the number of black slaves exceeded the number of white colonists.
Barbados had only a few hundred blacks in 1640. By 1645, there were over 6000
blacks and 40000 whites. In 1685, there were 46000 blacks and 20000 whites (bond
or indentured servants and free). In 1687 Saint Domingue contained 4500 whites and
3500 blacks. Between 1766 and 1771 Saint Domingue received 14000 slaves annually.
And during 1785-9, the number of slaves received rose to 28000 annually. In 1789
there were only 28000 whites, but 30000 free blacks and 406,000 slaves. On Montserrat
in the West Indies, 40% of the 4500 inhabitants in 1678 was black. The percentage of
the blacks grew to 80% of the 7200 people in 1729. By 1700, the French islands had
only 18000 whites but 44000 black slaves. In 1730 the African slaves outnumbered
both the Cherokee and the Europeans in South Carolina. Between 1730 and 1775, the
number of blacks in North Carolina rose from 6000 to 10000. Gradually American
born slaves dominated in the Chesapeake. In 1763 at Louisiana there were 5000 blacks
and 4000 whites.
The extensive scope of slavery in the New World becomes clear when compared with
the extent of slavery in the ancient world. Athens in 400 BC had 60000 slaves who
constituted about 30% of the city-state’s population. Roman Italy between 225 BC
and 31 BC possessed between 600,000 to 2,000,000 slaves. And the total population
of Roman Italy (including slaves) in that period was 10 million. About one million slaves
worked in the latifundias (large estates of the senators) of Italy. In 1800, about 15%
of the 800,000 population in Venezuela were slaves. Brazil between 1800 and 1850 had
between 1,000,000 to 2,500,000 slaves. The slaves amounted to 33% of the population
of the country. Slavery was rampant in the southern states of USA. Between 1820 and
1860 the number of slaves rose from 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 which represented about
33% of the populace. Finally Cuba between 1804 and 1861 possessed about 80000
to 400,000 slaves who amounted to about 28% to 30% of the total population.
Statistics does not give any glimpse of the picture at the micro level especially when
emotions and sensibilities of the slaves were concerned. Individuals were taken away
from their communities and families in Africa. Many died while being captured. In the
port towns and in the ships while being transported across the Atlantic, they were
crowded together in hazardous circumstances. About 10% of the slaves died while
being transported across the Atlantic. Hacking down sugarcane was a backbreaking
task. Slaves lived in deplorable conditions. They were less well fed, housed and clothed
than the white population. As a result, the slaves were more vulnerable to disease. Migration and
Uncle Tom’s Cabin remains the best description of a black’s life in the New World.
The slaves migrated to the towns where control over them was weaker. Some of the
skilled slaves in the towns enjoyed a life style which was higher than the European
Some white settlers were also coerced by the state to migrate overseas. The British
government was concerned due to the rising crime rate after the War of Spanish
Succession (1702-13). This, writes Jeremy Black, resulted in the Transportation Act in
1718. This Act allowed for transportation not only as part of the pardoning process in
cases of capital offences but as a penalty for a wide range of non-capital crimes including
theft of property. Between 1720 and 1763, the Parliament passed another 16 Acts that
established transportation as a penalty for crimes of perjury and poaching. Between
1718 and 1785, about 50000 convicts were sent from Britain to America and West
Indies. Of these 50000 ‘undesirable’ persons, 30000 from England, 13000 from Ireland
and 700 from Scotland were sent to America. The shipboard mortality was 14%. It is
to be noted that this rate was higher than the rate of mortality of the slaves during trans-
Atlantic voyages. Most of the convicts settled in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
After considering transportation to Africa, Australia was founded as a penal colony in
1788. Besides the criminals Parisian vagrants were seized in 1749 and were sent to
Cayenne. Many prostitutes were also sent away from France. In 1767 ‘reformed’
prostitutes were sent from Britain to aid in populating Florida.

History shows that maritime exploration was not an exclusive affair of the West
Europeans. The European expansion was partly the result of militant Christianity,
economic inducement and the rise of new military and naval technologies. The first
wave of migrants from Europe consisted of people from Iberia. Due to mass migration
of the Europeans in the Americas, population growth especially in the Iberian countries
slowed down in the mid-eighteenth century. The second wave of migrants included
people from North West Europe especially Britain. And finally the Africans as slaves
constituted the third wave of migrants. To an extent, state sponsored migration of selected
individuals was also a sort of social control. The aim was to sanitize home society by
getting rid of the undesirable characters. It would be no exaggeration to argue that the
Europeans intentionally engineered a holocaust in the New World. To sum up, the
European expansion in the extra-European world was sustained due to the enslavement
of the indigenous population. And when they died their place was taken over by the
African slaves. Compared to the ‘natives’ of the western hemisphere, the indigenous
population of the eastern hemisphere was demographically more numerous and
possessed more stable state systems. So, they were able to offer stronger resistance to
the Europeans. Moreover the hot climate of the tropics and extreme cold of Siberia did
not suit large scale settlement of the West Europeans. Thus European settlement in the
eastern hemisphere of the world was not as effective as migration and settlement of the
white people in the New World.

1) What were the social, economic, climatic and cultural factors behind migrations
during different phases of history? Describe briefly.
2) History of migration in the modern period has been mainly a European story.
3) In what ways have migrations to North and South America in modern period
been different from each other? Discuss.
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Definitions of Imperialism
17.2.1 Empire Versus Imperialism
17.2.2 Imperialism Versus Colonialism

17.3 Modes of Imperialism

17.4 Theories of Imperialism
17.4.1 The Economic Explanations
17.4.2 Non-Economic Explanations

17.5 Stages of Imperialism

17.5.1 Mercantilism and Early Trading Empires
17.5.2 Industrial Capitalis m -----Imperialism of Free Trade
17.5.3 Finance Capitalism

17.6 The Empire on Which the Sun Never Set

17.7 Summary
17.8 Exercises

This Unit attempts to explain imperialism both as a concept and historical phenomenon.
Various scholars have attempted to explain imperialism from various perspectives but
also differentiate it from terms like colonialism. The stress is also on the ways in which
imperialism adopted different forms at different historical junctures. The Unit begins by
looking at some of the definitions of imperialism. It will then go into the theories of
imperialism and examine different explanations of imperialism that have been offered by
scholars over the last century. The Unit will also focus on the stages of imperialism and
see how these stages correspond with the rise and expansion of capitalism. It will finally
take up Great Britain as a case study of the largest imperial power of the 19th and the
20th centuries.


There is no one standard definition of imperialism. Let us look at some often used ones.
Imperialism refers to the process of capitalist development which leads the capitalist
countries to conquer and dominate pre-capitalist countries of the world.
Imperialism is the system of political control exercised by the metropolis over the domestic
and foreign policy and over the domestic politics of another polity, which we shall call
the periphery (countries at the margins of the economic hierarchy).
The term imperialism is used to designate the international practices and relations of
the capitalist world during the distinct stage of mature capitalism that begins in the last
26 quarter of the 19th century.
All these definitions, their differences notwithstanding, firmly establish imperialism as a Imperialism
modern phenomenon and distinctly different from pre-modern forms of conquests and
political domination. In this context four important characteristic features of imperialism
• sharp increase in international flow of commodities, men and capital,
• interdependent set of relations between countries at different levels of industrial
• advanced and superior technology in imperialist countries, and
• competition between advanced capitalist countries
17.2.1 Empire Versus Imperialism
It is important to distinguish between empires and imperialism. There were many
empires in history but empire in the era of capitalism is imperialism.
What was new about imperialism in the modern era? What made it different
from earlier expansions of empire? In earlier eras the motive was exaction of tribute.
Under capitalism the economies and societies of the conquered or dominated
areas were transformed, adapted and manipulated to serve the imperatives of
capital accumulation in the imperialist countries placed at the centre of the economic

17.2.2 Imperialism Versus Colonialism

The distinction between imperialism and colonialism is equally important. The history of
imperialism is different from the history of particular colonies. Imperialism is a
specifically European phenomenon whereas colonialism is the system prevalent in
the colonies. It can also be argued that since European imperial history had a basic
unity – therefore to study an empire in isolation would be pointless.
When we study imperialism we examine the impact of empire on the
metropolis, whereas colonialism refers to the impact on the colony. The advantages
of the empire to the mother country ranged from the colonial wealth which
financed the industrial revolution to the evolution of superior military technology,
mechanisms of control such as the army and bureaucracy and disciplines such as


Imperialism can be both formal and informal. Formal imperialism involves annexation
and direct rule while informal empire means indirect rule by local elites who are
independent legally but politically dependent on the metropolis. Similarly, there are
three broad types of empires which have either existed in a linear chronology, one
succeeding the other, or also co-existed with each other at a particular historical juncture.
These types are:
1) trading empires which took the initiative in early conquests but eventually lost out
in the era of industrial capitalism, such as Portugal and Spain
2) industrial empires with full-fledged colonies, such as Britain and France
3) industrial empires without, or with few, formal colonies, such as Germany
At the same time, it is important to remember different historical stages through which
capitalist expansion took place leading to the formation of empires. The changing nature 27
Expansion of Europe of imperialism was dependent upon the stages of capitalist development. Broadly
speaking capitalism may be said to have gone through five stages, mentioned below:
1) end of 15th to mid 17th Century — rise of commercial capital and rapid growth of
world commerce
2) mid 17th to latter 18th Century — commercial capital ripens into a dominant
economic force
3) late 18th Century to 1870s — the era of industrial capital
4) 1880 to World War I — rise of monopoly capital, division of globe, etc.
5) Post World War I — socialism, decolonization, rise of multinational corporations
In this sense stages of imperialism coincide with stages of capitalism
Stage of capitalism Imperial Powers
1) Merchant capitalism Portugal and Spain
2) Industrial capitalism Britain, France and Netherlands
3) Finance capitalism Britain, USA and Germany
The history of the European colonial empires falls into two overlapping cycles. The first
began in the 15th Century and ended soon after 1800, the second in the late 18th
Century lasting into the twentieth. During the first cycle America was important as a
colony—in the second Africa and Asia.


The theories of imperialism can be grouped into two broad types, economic (J.A.
Hobson, Hilferding, Rosa Luxembourg and Lenin) and political (Schumpeter,
Fieldhouse, Gallagher and Robinson). They can also be distinguished as metrocentric
(Schumpeter, Lenin, Hobson) and pericentric (Gallagher and Robinson, Fieldhouse).
Let us look at these separately.

17.4.1 The Economic Explanations

The economic explanations offered by Hobson, Hilferding, Rosa Luxembourg and
Lenin had a common feature — a political agenda.
Hobson’s purpose was to alert the British public to “the new plutocratic phenomenon
that was hijacking British foreign policy” — to the expansionist agenda that was extracting
a heavy price from the ordinary people merely to satisfy the financial capitalists who
cared for nothing except maximizing returns on their investments. Hilferding was a
German Social Democrat who was Finance Minister and paid with his life for being anti
Nazi. Rosa Luxembourg, born in Poland, was a fiery revolutionary Social Democrat
leader in Germany. Vladimir Lenin, the prominent Bolshevik leader and maker of the
Revolution in Russia in 1917, wished to convince the Russian people that World War I
was an imperialist war which they would do best to stay out of.
In Imperialism (1902) Hobson explains imperialism as an outcome of the capitalist
system. The key concept used is underconsumption. Industry looked for foreign
markets as it cannot find domestic markets for its goods, wages being low. With major
industrial powers competing for foreign markets there was a race for colonies which
would serve as captive markets. Underconsumption also leads to oversaving as domestic
28 investment does not make sound economic sense when there is little purchasing power.
Here again colonies serve as channels for investment. Imperialism

Thus Hobson concluded that “..the dominant directive motive” behind imperialism “was
the demand for markets and for profitable investment by the exporting and financial
classes within each imperialist regime.” He dismissed other motives as secondary, be it
power, pride and prestige or “trade follows the flag” or the mission of civilizing the
Rudolf Hilferding, in his work, Das Finanzkapital, (Finance Capital) published in
1910, demonstrated how big banks and financial institutions in fact control industrial
houses in this last stage of capitalism, better known as finance capitalism. Monopoly
capitalists looked to imperialist expansion as a way of ensuring secure supplies of raw
materials, markets for industrial goods and avenues for investment. As each big European
power was a monopoly capitalist, economic competition soon became political rivalry,
which in turn escalated into war.
Rosa Luxembourg’s study titled Accumulation of Capital (1913) highlighted the unequal
relationship between the imperial powers and the colonies. The European powers
gained captive markets and secured profitable avenues for investment. In contrast, the
colonies were merely suppliers of raw materials and foodstuffs.
In Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916) Lenin argued that advanced
capitalist countries invest in backward countries because the limits of profitable domestic
investment have been reached. To invest at home would require development of the
economy and better standard of living for workers, neither of which was in the interest
of the capitalists. Lenin’s argument was that imperialist interests lay behind the rivalries
between European powers that culminated in World War I. His intention was overtly
political – to expose the capitalist designs and convince the people of Russia that they
should not participate in the War.
17.4.2 Non-economic explanations
Schumpeter’s Imperialism and the Social Classes (1931) broke away from the leftist
paradigm which located imperialism and capitalism on the same grid. In his scheme,
imperialism and capitalism were seen as clearly separate phenomena. Imperialism was
atavistic, generated by pre-capitalist forces (pre-modern in essence). In contrast,
capitalism was modern, innovative and productive and did not need control on a territory
in order to prosper.
Whereas the writers on the left saw imperialism as an economic system, for Schumpeter,
“Imperialism is the objectless disposition on the part of a state to unlimited forcible
expansion.” However, the problem with the usage of a conceptual attribute like
‘disposition’ is that it can not be empirically tested and can, therefore, never be proved
or disproved. Gallagher and Robinson (Africa and the Victorians) questioned the
common interpretations of modern imperialism on two counts. They understood the
distinction between pre 1870 and post 1870 imperialism to be invalid. Also, imperialism
of free trade or informal imperialism was seen to be as important as formal imperialism.
Political expansion was a function of commercial expansion - “trade with informal control
if possible; trade with rule when necessary.”
Gallagher and Robinson’s explanation of imperialism was pericentric. In their view
imperialism was a process driven by pressures from the peripheries - Asia, Africa and
Latin Africa. The scramble for colonies was a preemptive move by European powers
to occupy whatever territory they could in Asia and Africa so as to keep out rival
nations. This view questioned the traditional Eurocentric explanation of the scramble
for colonies in terms of the great conflicts of European diplomacy or the great thrusts of
expansionary financial capitalism. 29
Expansion of Europe Fieldhouse advanced a political explanation for imperialism. The new imperialism was
the extension into the periphery of the political struggle in Europe. At the centre the
balance was so nicely adjusted that no major change in the status or territory of any
side was possible. Colonies became a means out of this impasse. For the British this
“impulse” meant protecting the route to India through Egypt and the Suez Canal which
necessitated control over the headwaters of the Nile and a predominant position in
North Africa. For the French and Germans the impulse meant acquiring “places in the
sun” to demonstrate national prestige. Fieldhouse concluded: “In short, the modern
empires lacked rationality and purpose: they were the chance products of complex
historical forces operating over several centuries and more particularly during the period
after 1815.”

Colonialism, according to AJP Taylor, became a “move” in the European game of

balance of power. Doyle uses the term ‘colonialization of the diplomatic system’ to
describe the developments between 1879 and 1890. Bismarck acquired colonies in
the early 1880s in the hope that a colonial quarrel with England would establish German
credibility in France. France had to be compensated with colonies and overseas
adventures in lieu of her loss of Alsace Lorraine. Competition for colonies led to a rift
between England and Italy and Italy went over to the side of Germany.

To sum up this section, a whole range of theories and explanations have been offered
for imperialism and are now available with us. These can broadly be classified into
economic and non-economic explanations. The economic explanation includes the factors
pertaining to overproduction and underconsumption (Hobson), requirements of finance
capitalism (Hilferding ), unequal exchange between the imperial powers and the colonies
(Rosa Luxembourg), and the highest stage of capitalism (Lenin). The non-economic
explanations have looked at imperialism as a pre-modern atavistic force (Schumpeter);
or have offered a pericentric view concentrating on the developments in the colonies
rather than the metropolis (Gallaghar and Robinson); or have seen it merely as an
expression of political struggles within Europe (Fieldhouse).


The previous section was a discussion of the different ways in which imperialism has
been understood and defined by scholars. In this section let us examine its development
through various stages.

17.5.1 Mercantilism and Early Trading Empires

What enobled Europe to become the world leader? If we looked at the world in 1500
Europe’s dominant position could not be taken for granted. The Ottoman Empire,
China under the Mings and India under the Mughals were at the same stage of
development. They suffered from one major drawback, however, and that was their
domination by a centralized authority which did not provide conditions conducive to
intellectual growth. In contrast, the competition between different European powers
encouraged the introduction of new military techniques. For example, the long range
armed sailing ship helped the naval powers of the West to control the sea routes. This
increased military power combined with economic progress to push Europe
forward and ahead of other continents.

The growth of trans - Atlantic trade was spectacular. It increased eightfold between
1510 and 1550 and threefold between 1550 and 1610. Trade was followed by the
30 establishment of the empires and churches and administrative systems. The Spanish
and Portuguese clearly intended their empires in America to be permanent. The goods Imperialism
obtained from America were gold, silver, precious metals and spices as well as ordinary
goods like oil, sugar, indigo, tobacco, rice, furs, timber and new plants like potato and
maize. Shipbuilding industry developed around the major ports of London and Bristol
in Britain, Antwerp in Belgium and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The Dutch, French
and English soon became keen rivals of the Spanish and Portuguese. This competition
encouraged the progress of the science of navigation. Improved cartography, navigational
tables, the telescope and the barometer made travel by sea safer. This strengthened
Europe’s technological advantage further. The story of science and technology enabling
European domination in trade with other areas has been told in the previous two Units
of this Block.
The discovery of America and of the route to the Indies via the Cape of Good Hope
had great consequences for Europe. It liberated Europe from a confined geographic
and mental cell. The medieval horizon was widened to include influences from Eastern
civilizations and Western peoples.
Discoveries, trade and conquests, which followed them, had practical consequences.
Every colony or trading centre was a new economic stimulus. America was a market
and American bullion increased the supply of money circulating in Europe and intensified
existing economic and social developments. The volume of trade with America increased.
For four centuries America satisfied the hunger for land among Europeans. Gold and
silver stimulated exploration and conquest and attracted immigrants, who were followed
close on their heels by missionaries. American colonies were set up by individuals; the
state, patriotism and missionary impulse played little part.
Before 1815 Spain and Portugal were the pre-eminent imperial powers. Their primacy
lay not only in the fact that they were the first discoverers but that they worked out four
of the five models for effective colonization which were typical of the first colonial
empires. Both made huge profits from their colonies.
Portugal had a huge empire in Asia and then in America and Brazil. Colonial revenues
brought in the equivalent of 72,000 pound sterling in 1711. This was almost equal to
metropolitan taxes. One special feature of the Portuguese empire was that she made no
distinction between her colonies and the metropolis. No separate colonial department
was set up till 1604.
France, like Spain and Portugal, carried out expansion in the Americas – in the regions
of Canada and Latin America. This was undertaken by individual Frenchmen supported
by the Crown with the aim of ensuring supplies of groceries and increasing naval power.
The task of setting up the empire was carried out by the chartered companies. This
worked to the advantage of the state as it was at a minimum cost. After 1660s the
colonies became royal possessions and royal agents headed the government. French
colonial government was as authoritarian as that of Spain. France was then an absolute
monarchy and ruled colonies without giving them any constitutional rights. Local
administration and law in the colonies were modeled on those prevailing in France. Her
colonial empire suffered from too much state interference. France made no fiscal profits
on her colonies, in sharp contrast to Portugal. This was despite the fact that more than
two fifths French exports in 1788 were to colonial governments. By 1789 France lost
most of her colonial possessions in America and India to Britain. The crucial weakness
was her inferior naval power.
Some of the Western states developed their colonies in the tropics, in India, Africa,
Latin America and Australia. The Europeans did not settle in Africa, they were content
with slaves, gold dust and ivory. The colonies were crucial to the British economy, they
supplied raw materials and were markets for metropolitan products. The French minister,
Expansion of Europe Choiseul, regretted that ‘in the present state of Europe it is colonies, trade and in
consequence sea power, which must determine the balance of power upon the continent.”
Of the five big European powers, France, Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia, Britain
soon emerged as the leader. She had many advantages — the first was a developed
banking and financial system. Her geographical location at the westward flank of Europe
helped her to maintain a distance from the continent when she wished. The most important
factor, which gave Britain an edge, was that it was the first country to undergo the
Industrial Revolution. This enabled it to dominate Europe and to acquire colonies. In
Bernard Porter’s words, she was the first frogspawn egg to grow legs, the first tadpole
to change into a frog, the first frog to hop out of the pond.
The first empires represented European ambition, determination and ingenuity in
using limited resources rather than European predominance throughout the world.
“Christendom is also the proper perspective from which to view the religious drive
behind the Spanish justification for empire.”(Doyle:110) Doyle further sums up Spanish
and British empires: “Spain and Britain focused on trade in the east, on settlement and
production in the west, and neither acquired colonies for immediate reasons of national
The old colonialism had its natural limits. Flow of precious metals declined. By the late
18th Century Spanish and Portuguese power declined and they lost their colonies.
Dutch monopoly on shipping ended. Colonial rivalry between France and Britain ended
in Britain’s preeminence. Britain was now the world leader in empire, finance and trade.
As Eric Hobsbawm put it, “Old colonialism did not grow over into new colonialism. It
collapsed and was replaced by it.”
Let us sum up the discussion so far. Europe’s conquest of America, Africa and Asia
from the sixteenth century was possible only because of her mastery of the seas. In this
the countries on the Atlantic seaboard, Portugal, Spain, France, Britain and Holland,
had an obvious advantage because of their geographical location. Europe’s domination
was disastrous for other peoples: the indigenous populations in the Americas were
wiped out and twelve million Africans were made slaves between 1500 and 1860.
Europe benefited vastly in this era when merchant capital controlled the world economy.
Institutions such as the modern state and bureaucracy and the scientific revolution in
knowledge laid the foundations of the modern world.

17.5.2 Industrial capitalism — Imperialism of Free Trade

Hobsbawm describes the Industrial Revolution in Britain as that unusual moment in
world history when the world’s economy was built around Britain; when she was the
only world power, the only imperialist, the only importer, exporter and foreign investor.
The description of Britain as the workshop of the world was literally true in the middle
of the nineteenth century when she produced most of its coal, iron and steel. The Industrial
Revolution was followed by the single liberal world economy (in the 1860s possibly
because of the monopoly of Britain) and the final penetration of the undeveloped world
by capitalism.
The early British industrial economy relied for its expansion on foreign trade. Overseas
markets for products and overseas outlets for capital were crucial. The cotton industry
exported eighty per cent of its output at the end of the nineteenth century. The iron and
steel industry exported forty per cent of its output in the mid nineteenth century. In
return Britain bought specialized local products such as cotton from the US, wool from
Australia, wheat from Argentina, etc.
Britain’s trade also increasingly became greater with the empire. In cotton Latin America Imperialism
accounted for thirty five percent of British exports in 1840. After 1873 the East absorbed
over sixty per cent of British cotton exports. Thus there were sound economic reasons
for Britain opposing these areas being opened up to others.
By 1815 Britain had already become the preeminent world power, combining naval
mastery, financial credit, commercial enterprise and alliance diplomacy. The
following decades of British economic hegemony were accompanied by large-scale
improvements in transport and communications, by the increasingly rapid transfer of
industrial technology from one region to another, and by an immense increase in
manufacturing output, which in turn stimulated the opening of new areas of agricultural
land and raw material sources. The age of mercantilism was over and with it tariff
barriers stood dismantled. The new watchword was free trade and this brought
international harmony rather than great power conflict.
Europe’s military superiority continued. The improvements in the muzzle loading
gun, the introduction of the breechloader, the Gatling guns, Maxims and light field artillery
constituted a veritable firepower revolution, which the traditional societies could not
withstand. The decisive new technology was the gun, the symbol of European superiority
in the armament factory. As Hilaire Belloc said, “Whatever happens, we have got the
Maxim gun, and they have not.”
In the field of colonial empires, Britain brooked no rivals. The empire grew at an average
annual rate of 100,000 square miles between 1815 and 1865. One group of colonies
comprised those acquired for strategic and commercial reasons like Singapore, Aden,
Falkland Islands, Hong Kong and Lagos. A second group was that of settler colonies,
such as South Africa, Canada and Australia.
With the spread of industrial capitalism the need grew for colonies as markets for
manufactured goods especially textiles and suppliers of raw materials such as cotton
and foodgrains. The colony emerged as a subordinate trading partner whose economic
surplus was appropriated through trade based on unequal exchange. This international
division of labour condemned the colony to producing goods of low value using backward
Late industrializers and colonial powers
By the 1860s the other countries like Germany and United States, were catching up
with Britain in industrialization. In 1870 the figures for share of world industrial production
were 13 percent for Germany and 23 per cent for the United States. The extent of the
declining domination of Britain among the super powers can be understood by the table
given below.
Per Capita Levels of Industrialization
Relative to Great Britain in 1900 = 100
1880 1900 1913 1928 1938 Rank in 1938
1 Great Britain 87 100 115 122 157 2nd
2 United States 38 69 126 182 167 1st
3 France 28 39 59 82 73 4th
4 Germany 25 52 85 128 144 3rd
5 Italy 12 17 26 44 61 5th
Expansion of Europe In 1900 Britain was the unquestioned world leader. Her empire extended to twelve
million square miles and a quarter of the world’s population.
The race for colonies speeded up from the 1880s with the entry of Germany, Italy, US,
Belgium and Japan into the race for colonies. These rivalries between the powers led to
a race for new colonies as each power sought to make secure her markets, raw materials
and investments. Backward regions were annexed in order to control their raw material
supplies. Malaya gave rubber and tin and the Middle East gave oil. Empire was a
cushion in a hard world.
These imperialist rivalries which carved up the world into colonies, semi colonies
and spheres of influence also divided Europe into blocs armed to the teeth, the
logical corollary of which was World War I .
World War I ended in the defeat of Germany and the Ottoman Empire and redivision
of colonies among the imperial powers, who were henceforth called trustees. The
Depression of 1929 brought a change in the attitude of imperial powers. Gone were the
days of Free Trade; protectionism was the new catchword.
17.5.3 Finance Capitalism
Stages of capitalism and imperialism could overlap, as in the case of industrial capitalism
and financial capitalism, where one did not replace the other, it was superimposed on it.
The informal empire of trade and finance was added to the empire of industrial capital.
Many major changes took place in the world economy after 1860. Industrialization
spread to several countries of Europe, the US and Japan with the result that Britain’s
industrial supremacy in the world came to an end. For Britain this was a setback. She
exchanged the informal empire over most of the underdeveloped world for the formal
empire of a quarter of it, plus the older satellite economies.
The application of scientific knowledge to industries led to an intensification of
industrialization. Modern chemical industries, the use of petroleum as fuel for the internal
combustion engine and the use of electricity for industrial purposes developed during
this period. Moreover, there was further unification of the world market because of
revolution in the means of international transport.
Capital accumulation on a large scale took place because of the development of trade
and industry at home and extended exploitation of colonies and semicolonies. This
capital was concentrated in a few hands. Trusts and cartels emerged and banking capital
merged with industrial capital. Outlets had to be found for this capital abroad.
Significant export of capital had been there even before the stage of predominance of
finance capital. By 1850 Britain’s capital exports were 30 million pounds a year. In
1870-75 this was 75 million pounds. The income from this came to 50 million pounds,
which was reinvested overseas. This financed the trade with the colonies, wherein huge
quantities of raw materials were procured and equally vast quantities of industrial goods
sent out. As Paul Kennedy puts it so evocatively, the world was the City of London’s
The stranglehold of monopoly capital can be gauged from the statistic that by 1914
European nations controlled over 84.4 per cent of the world. Capital was concentrated
in and channeled through first, the City of London and then New York, the centres of
the international network of trade and finance.
The metropolitan country also used empire for political and ideological ends. Jingoistic
nationalism and glorification of empire acted to reduce social divisions in the metropolis.
34 Bipan Chandra notes that the slogan —‘the sun never sets on the British empire’ –
generated pride among British workers on whose hovels the sun seldom shone in real Imperialism
life. Each country justified its empire in different ways – for example, the “civilizing
mission” of the French and the pan – Asianism of Japan.
Between 1870 and 1913 London was the financial and trading hub of the world. By
1913 Britain had 4000 million pounds worth abroad. Most international trade was
routed through British ships at the turn of the twentieth century. After World War I
Britain lost this position to the US. The US became the major dominant capitalist
economy. She was now the world’s largest manufacturer, foreign investor, trader and
banker and the US $ became the standard international currency.
From the mid-twentieth century onwards, decolonization gathered pace, as did the rise
of multinational companies, international donor agencies and the entire gamut of
mechanisms of international economic influence. This process is generally known as


Let us take Britain and her empire, especially India, as a case study to assess the
advantages accruing to the mother country from her imperial possessions.
Bipan Chandra draws our attention to the simultaneity of birth of the Industrial Revolution
and the British Empire in India, which, interestingly, was not merely coincidental. The
conquest of Bengal in 1757 enabled the systematic plunder of India and the Industrial
Revolution took off around 1750. The drain of wealth or the unilateral transfer of
capital from India after 1765 amounted to two to three per cent of the British national
income at a time when only about five per cent of the British national income was being
In the 19th Century India emerged as a major market for British manufactures and
supplied foodgrains and raw materials. Opium from India was sold in China, enabling
Britain’s triangular trade with China. Railways were a major area of investment of capital.
Britain’s international balance of payments deficit was handled by the foreign exchange
got from Indian exports. British shipping grew in leaps and bounds on the back of its
control over India’s coastal and international trade.
India played a crucial role in the development of British capitalism during this stage.
British industries especially textiles were heavily dependent on exports. India absorbed
10 to 12 per cent of British exports and nearly 20 per cent of Britain’s textile exports
during 1860-1880. After 1850 India was also a major importer of engine coaches, rail
lines and other railway stores. Moreover, the Indian army played an important role in
extending British colonialism in Asia and Africa. Throughout this stage the drain of
wealth and capital to Britain continued.
England was particularly keen on the Indian empire as it provided a market for cotton
goods; it controlled the trade of the Far East with her export surplus (opium) with
China. The Home Charges (India’s payments for receiving “good” administration from
Britain) and the interest payments on the Indian Public Debt were important in financing
Britain’s balance of payments deficit.
India strengthened Britain’s position as an international financial centre. India’s trade
surplus with the rest of the world and her trade deficit with England allowed England to
square her international settlements on current account. Also India’s monetary reserves
helped Britain. Hence in India even the free traders wanted formal control!
Expansion of Europe The projection of India as the brightest jewel in the British crown played an important
role in the ideology of imperialism. The British ruling classes were able to keep their
political power intact even when it was being riven with class conflict. Thus the pride
and glory underlying the slogan of the sun never sets on the British empire were used to
keep workers contented on whose slum dwellings the sun seldom shone in real life.
India also played a crucial role in one other, often ignored, aspect. India bore the entire
cost of its own conquest. India paid for the railways, education, a modern legal system,
development of irrigation and detailed penetration of administration into the countryside.
Lastly once the struggle for the division of the world became intense after 1870 India
was the chief gendarme of British imperialism. She provided both the material and
the human resources for its expansion and maintenance. Afghanistan, Central Asia,
Tibet, the Persian Gulf area, Eastern Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Burma, China and to some
extent even South Africa were brought or kept within the British sphere of influence by
virtue of Indian men and money. The British Indian army was the only large scale army
contingent available to Britain. It is therefore not a surprise that the British empire in
Asia and Africa collapsed once Britain lost control over the Indian army and finances.

Hobsbawm has described the history of the world from the late fifteenth to the mid
twentieth century as the rise and decline of its domination by European powers. Britain
was the first unquestioned world power. Since 1870 this position was under challenge
from other countries in Europe who were industrializing and gaining military and economic
power. Even when this domination ended formally, the influence of Britain, and then the
US, continued, be it in multinational banks and financial institutions, parliamentary
democracy or association football. This Unit then is an exploration of the domination
of these geo-political forces in different forms in modern times.

1) What are different theoretical explanations for imperialism? Discuss briefly.
2) Describe different historical stages through which imperialism took different forms
on a global scale.
3) Why was India crucial as a colony in the expansion of British imperialism?

18.1 Introduction
18.2 Approaches to Colonialism
18.2.1 What is Colonialism?
18.2.2 Definition
18.2.3 Basic Features of Colonialism

18.3 The Colonial State

18.4 Stages of Colonialism
18.4.1 First Stage: Monopoly Trade and Plunder
18.4.2 Second Stage: Era of Free Trade
18.4.3 Third Stage: Era of Finance Capital

18.5 Colonialism in Different Territories

18.5.1 Africa
18.5.2 Egypt
18.5.3 South-East Asia

18.6 India
18.6.1 First Stage
18.6.2 Second Stage
18.6.3 Third Stage

18.7 British Colonial State

18.8 Colonialism or Colonialisms?
18.9 Summary
18.10 Exercises


If Imperialism is what happens in the metropolis, then colonialism is what

happens in the colonies. The same system of capitalism that produced
development in the Western world created underdevelopment in the
colony. In this sense imperialism and colonialism are two sides of the
same coin.

In the previous Unit, you were familiarized with imperialism as a modern phenomenon
directly related to capitalism. You also learnt how the process of conquest, expansion
and domination brought wealth and prosperity to the economies of the European
countries. This Unit is a discussion of what this process meant to the economy and
society in the colonies. It will provide a definition of colonialism and prepare a typology
of colonies (colonies of settlement and of exploitation, inland colonies and overseas
colonies, colonies under direct rule and colonies controlled only indirectly). It will then
go into a discussion of the stages of colonialism and see how these stages functioned in
different colonies.
Expansion of Europe South Africa, Australia, Canada were colonies of white settlers whereas India and
Indonesia were colonies exploited economically and politically over centuries. There
was a process of colonization which took place through inland expansion (as in Russia)
while there were many cases of overseas colonization as in the case of China. In this
Unit we shall be studying colonies of exploitation.

Similarly colonization could happen both through direct and indirect rule. Direct rule
meant a colonial state as in the case of India; indirect rule meant control over the politics,
economy and society without taking on the onus for ruling the country as was the case
in China. In this sense, colonialism could be both absolute and partial in terms of
political control. Hence, colonialism and semi-colonialism were different in basics.
In the case of a semi colony like China control was over the economy rather than over
the polity. Also, no one imperial power had a monopoly of control as it was exploited
by many powers unlike the case of India, where it was mainly Britain which retained
absolute political control.

Again, neo-colonialism is the continuation of colonialism by non-formal means.

Economic policies were dictated and military might was harnessed by the imperial power.
The US was the foremost neo-colonial power in the later phase.


There are mainly two approaches to the understanding of colonialism. The successful
liberation movements of the 1960s and the Cuban and Algerian revolutions led to a
plethora of writings on colonialism. Andre Gunder Frank’s major contribution was
followed by those of C. Furtado, Theodore Dos Santosa, Paul Prebisch, Paul Baran,
Samir Amin, Immanuel Wallerstein, Arghiri Emmanuel and F. Cardoso. According to
the dependency school (Andre Gunder Frank, Samir Amin etc.) a colony would
continue to be economically dependent even after achieving political freedom, as long
as it remains a part of capitalism – as the capitalist class was incapable of undertaking
the task of development. Wallerstein’s world systems approach divided the capitalist
world into the centre, periphery and semi-periphery, between which a relationship of
unequal exchange prevailed. The core economies of the centre produced high value
products and had strong states. The periphery was constrained by low technology and
low wages, the state was weak as was the capitalist class and the economy was
dominated by foreign capital. The countries on the semi-periphery, like India, were
marked by greater control of the state in the national and international market. Economic
nationalism was the hallmark of such states, which were able to negotiate a stronger
position for themselves in the world system. Cultural aspects of colonialism were
highlighted by Amilcar Cabral, Franz Fanon and Edward Said. Bipan Chandra analysed
colonialism in terms of colonial structure, colonial modernization, stages of colonialism
and the colonial state.

18.2.1 What is Colonialism?

Colonialism is as modern a historical phenomenon as industrial capitalism. It

describes the distinct stage in the modern historical development of the colony that
intervenes between the traditional economy and the modern capitalist economy. It is a
well structured whole, a distinct social formation in which the basic control of the
economy and society is in the hands of a foreign capitalist class. The form of the colonial
structure varies with the changing conditions of the historical development of capitalism
as a world wide system.
It is best to look upon Colonialism as a specific structure. What took place during Colonialism
colonialism was not merely the imposition of foreign political domination on a traditional
economy, as argued by some scholars. Nor was it merely the outcome of a vast
confidence trick that relied on the docility, cooperation or disunity of the colonized,
buttressed by the racial arrogance of their better-armed white governors. The view that
‘Empires were transnational organizations that were created to mobilize the resources
of the world’ (Hopkins, 1999) is also incomplete; it focuses on the metropolis, not on
the colony. Neither was a colony a transitional economy which, given time, would have
eventually developed into a full blown capitalist economy. It is also incorrect that the
colony suffered from “arrested growth” because of its pre-capitalist remnants. Many
apologists, for example, Morris D. Morris, portrayed colonialism as an effort at
modernization, economic development and transplantation of capitalism which could
not succeed because of the restricting role of tradition in the colonies.

Colonial economy was neither pre-capitalist nor capitalist, it was colonial, i.e., a hybrid
creation. Colonialism was distorted capitalism. Integration with the world economy did
not bring capitalism to the colony. The colony did not develop in the split image of the
mother country –it was its other, its opposite, non-developmental side. Colonialism did
not develop social and productive forces, rather, it underdeveloped them, leading to
contradictions and a movement forward to the next stage.

18.2.2 Definition
Colonialism is the internal disarticulation and external integration of the rural
economy and the realization of the extended reproduction of capital not in the colony
but in the imperialist metropolis.

Colonialism is a social formation in which different modes of production coexist from

feudalism to petty commodity production to agrarian, industrial and finance capitalism.
Unlike capitalism, where the surplus is appropriated on the basis of the ownership of
the means of production, under colonialism surplus is appropriated by virtue of control
over state power. When one understands colonialism as a social formation rather than
as a mode of production, we are able to see the primary contradiction as a societal one,
rather than in class terms. Thus we have a national liberation struggle rather than a class
struggle against the colonial power. The primary contradiction in society is the national
one, not the class one; the struggle against the colonial power is political.

18.2.3 Basic Features of Colonialism

One basic feature of colonialism is that under it the colony is integrated into the world
capitalist system in a subordinate position. Colonialism is characterized by unequal
exchange. The exploitative international division of labour meant that the metropolis
produced goods of high value with high technology and colonies produced goods of
low value and productivity with low technology. The colony produced raw materials
while the metropolis produced manufactured goods. The pattern of railway development
in India in the second half of the 19th Century was in keeping with the interests of British
industry. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the Indian nationalist leader, described this as decorating
another’s wife. The colony was articulated with the world market but internally
disarticulated. Its agricultural sector did not serve its industry but the metropolitan
economy and the world market. The drain of wealth took place through unrequited
exports and state expenditure on armed forces and civil services. Foreign political
domination is the fourth feature of Colonialism. Therefore, unequal exchange, external
integration and internal disarticulation, drain of wealth, and a foreign political domination
may be understood as the four main features of colonialism.
Expansion of Europe
The colonial state is integral to the structuring and functioning of the colonial economy
and society. It is the mechanism by which the metropolitan capitalist class controls
and exploits the colony. The colonial state serves the long term interests of the capitalist
class of the mother country as a whole, not of any of its parts.
Under colonialism all the indigenous classes of the colony suffer domination. No class is
a junior partner of colonialism. Thus even the uppermost classes in the colony could
begin to oppose colonialism as it went against their interests. It is useful to remember
that big landlords led the anti-colonial movements of Poland and Egypt. This is a major
difference between colonies and semi-colonies, where there are compradors, native
classes that are part of the ruling class.
The role of the colonial state was greater than the capitalist one. The state itself was a
major channel of surplus appropriation. The metropolitan ruling class used the colonial
state to control colonial society.
The colonial state guaranteed law and order and its own security from internal and
external dangers. It suppressed indigenous economic forces hostile to colonial interests.
The colonial state actively fostered the identities of caste and community so as to prevent
national unity. The state was actively involved in reproducing conditions for appropriation
of capital, including producing goods and services. Another important task is the
transformation of the social, economic, cultural, political and legal framework of the
colony so as to make it reproductive on an extended scale.
There is an explicit and direct link between the colonial structure and the colonial state.
Thus it is easy to politicize the struggle against colonialism. As the mechanism of colonial
control lies on the surface, it is easy to expose the links with the industrial bourgeoisie of
the home country. The state is visibly controlled from abroad and the isolation of the
colonial people from policy and decision making is evident.
The colonial state relied on the whole on domination and coercion rather than leadership
and consent. However, it functioned to some extent as a bourgeois state with rule of
law, property relations, bureaucracy and constitutional space within which colonial
discontent was to be contained. We shall discuss this in detail with reference to India.


There were three distinct stages of colonialism. Some countries went through one or
two stages only. India went through only the first and second stages, Egypt only through
the third stage, and Indonesia the first and third stage. These stages lasted over two
hundred years. The forms of subordination changed over time as did colonial policy,
state and its institutions, culture, ideas and ideologies. However, this did not mean that
stages existed in a pure form. The older forms of subordination continued into the later
The stages were the result of four factors:
• the historical development of capitalism as a world system;
• the change in the society, economy and polity of the metropolis;
• the change in its position in the world economy and lastly;
• the colony’s own historical development.
18.4.1 First Stage: Monopoly Trade and Plunder Colonialism

The first stage had two basic objectives. In order to make trade more profitable
indigenously manufactured goods were to be bought cheap. For this competitors were
to be kept out, whether local or European. Territorial conquest kept local traders out of
the lucrative trade while rival European companies were defeated in war. Thus the
characteristic of the first stage was monopoly of trade.
Secondly, the political conquest of the colony enabled plunder and seizure of surplus.
For example, the drain of wealth from India to Britain during the first stage was
considerable. It amounted to two to three per cent of the national income of Britain at
that time. Colonialism was superimposed on the traditional systems of economy and
polity. No basic changes were introduced in the first stage.
18.4.2 Second Stage: Era of Free Trade
The interest of the industrial bourgeoisie of the metropolis in the colony was in the
markets available for manufactured goods. For this it was necessary to increase exports
from the colony to pay for purchase of manufactured imports. The metropolitan
bourgeoisie also wanted to develop the colony as a producer of raw materials to lessen
dependence on non-empire sources. Increase of exports from the colony would also
enable it to pay for the high salaries and profits of merchants. The industrial bourgeoisie
opposed plunder as a form of appropriation of surplus on the ground that it would
destroy the goose that laid the golden eggs.
Trade was the mechanism by which the social surplus was to be appropriated in this
stage. In this stage changes in the economy, polity, administration, social, cultural and
ideological structure were initiated to enable exploitation in the new way. The slogan
was development and modernization. The colony was to be integrated with the world
capitalist economy and the mother country. Capitalists were allowed to develop
plantations, trade, transport, mining and industries. The system of transport and
communications was developed to facilitate the movement of massive quantities of raw
materials to the ports for export. Liberal imperialism was the new political ideology.
The rhetoric of the rulers was to train the people in self-government.
18.4.3 Third Stage: Era of Finance Capital
The third stage saw intense struggle for markets and sources of raw materials and food
grains. Large scale accumulation of capital in the metropolis necessitated search for
avenues for investment abroad. These interests were best served where the imperial
powers had colonies. This led to more intensive control over the colony in order to
protect the interests of the imperial power.
In the sphere of ideology the mood was one of reaction. The need for intensive control
increased. There was no more talk of self government; instead benevolent despotism
was the new ideology according to which the colonial people were seen as children
who would need guardians forever.
A major contradiction in this stage was that the colony was not able to absorb metropolitan
capital or increase its exports of raw materials because of overexploitation in the earlier
stages. A strategy of limited modernization was implemented to take care of this problem
but the logic of colonialism could not be subverted. Underdevelopment became a
constraint on further exploitation of the colony.
The third stage often did not take off. Colonialism had so wrecked the economies of
some colonies that they could hardly absorb any capital investment. In many colonies
the older forms of exploitation continued. In India, for example, the earlier two forms
continued, even in the third stage. 41
Expansion of Europe
So far you have seen the general pattern of colonial expansion spread over three stages.
In the next two sections we will take up specific case studies of colonies.
18.5.1 Africa
The conquest of Africa took place in the last decades of the nineteenth century. Till as
late as 1880 only 20 per cent of Africa had come under European rule. With the
spread of the Industrial Revolution to other countries of Europe rivalries increased as
did the search for colonies. The emerging industrial powers looked for a place in the
sun. A continent of over 28 million square km was partitioned and occupied by European
powers by a combination of two strategies, treaties and conquest.

In Africa in 1939, 1200 colonial administrators ruled 43 million Africans –

through local chiefs.

Three eras of conquest

The first phase, 1880-1919, was one of conquest and occupation. The colonial system
was consolidated after 1910. The second phase, 1919-35, was that of the independence
movements. The third stage was from 1935 onwards. Within forty five years the colonial
system was uprooted from over 94 per cent of Africa. Colonial rule lasted for a hundred
years on an average. British territories in Africa consisted of Nigeria, Gold Coast,
Gambia, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Tanganyika, Nyasaland, Uganda, North and South
Rhodesia and South Africa. Algeria, Morocco, Cameroon, French-Congo, Tunisia,
and Madagascar were some of the main French colonies.
The impact of colonialism in Africa was tremendous. The self sufficient African economies
were destroyed, transformed and subordinated by colonial domination. Class
differentiation in African society occurred as a result of the impact of colonial domination.
The links of African countries with each other and with other parts of the world were
disrupted. European powers reduced the economies of Africa to colonial dependencies
through the power of finance capital. The loans for the Suez Canal enmeshed Egypt in
There are different interpretations of the impact of colonial rule. The imperialist
school of thought would have it that Africans welcomed colonial rule. Social Darwinism
justifies colonialism by arguing that the domination over the weaker races was the
inevitable result of the natural superiority of the European race. Both colonial rulers and
latter day apologists have presented colonial rule as a blessing. It is said that modern
infrastructure, health and education would not have reached the colony had it not been
part of the colonial system. Other scholars, like D.K. Fieldhouse, have described the
effects as “some good, some bad”.
The primary motive behind colonialism was of course satisfying imperial interests. The
positive effects of colonialism, if any, were byproducts; they were clearly not consciously
intended. The negative impact was huge and in all spheres, with long lasting legacies.
For example, ethnic conflicts which paralyze many parts of Africa today are rooted in
the arbitrary superimposition of territorial boundaries on an essentially tribal society.

18.5.2 Egypt
Egypt was under the protection of both France and Britain. She became an agrarian
42 and raw material appendage of the metropolitan countries. Two stages of colonialism
were merged into one in Egypt.
Britain developed Egypt as a supplier of cotton for her textile industry. By 1914 cotton Colonialism
constituted 43 per cent of agricultural output. It accounted for 85 per cent of exports in
1913. Being a single crop economy was disastrous as Egypt became dependent on
imports for her essential food supply. The control of foreigners over cotton was total,
from owning or controlling the land it was grown on, the cotton processing and cotton
cleaning industry and the steamships it was transported in. There was not a single mill in
Egypt was also a valuable field of investment of banking capital. Five per cent capital
went into industry and construction, 12.36 into trade and transport and 79 per cent into
public debt, mortgage and banks. Egypt was enmeshed in indebtedness as a result of
exploitation by foreign powers.
The First World War showed up the exploitation of Egypt fully. Her natural resources,
manpower and economy were harnessed to the war effort. Crops were seized by the
army. The British Treasury took over the gold reserves of the National Bank of Egypt.
Egypt became a British protectorate in 1914.

18.5.3 South-East Asia

Colonialism in South-East Asia lasted five centuries, from the late fifteenth to the mid
twentieth century. Even after the heyday of the spice trade, South-East Asia remained
important as a supplier of basic raw materials like oil, rubber, metals, rice, coffee, tea
and sugar. The impact of colonialism in this region was considerable, even on countries
like Thailand, which did not formally become colonies. Traditional forms of government
disappeared, trading patterns were disrupted and the rich cultural traditions of these
regions were destroyed.

18.6 INDIA
India has generally been considered a classic colony. A study of colonialism in India
can tell us a great deal about the functioning of colonialism in general. Let us see how
the different stages of colonialism operated in India.
18.6.1 First Stage
In the first stage both the objectives – the monopoly of trade and appropriation of
government revenues – were rapidly fulfilled with the conquest first of Bengal and parts
of South India and then the rest of India. The East India Company now used its political
power to acquire monopolistic control over Indian trade and handicrafts. Indian traders
were ruined while weavers were forced to sell cheap. The company’s monopoly ruined
the weavers. In the next stage cheap manufactured goods finished them.
The drain of wealth was admitted to by British officials. In the words of the Deputy
Chairman of the Court of Directors, “Our system acts very much like a sponge, drawing
up all the good things from the banks of the Ganges and squeezing them down on the
banks of the Thames.”
The colony did not undergo any fundamental changes in this stage. Changes were made
only in military organization and technology and at the top level of revenue administration.
Land revenue could be extracted from the villages without disturbing the existing systems.
In the sphere of ideology too there was respect for traditional systems in contrast to the
denunciation of traditional values in the second stage. The respect with which Sanskrit
was held by British Indologists like William Jones was in sharp contrast to Macaulay’s
later dismissal of traditional learning as not being enough to fill a bookshelf of a good
Western library.
Expansion of Europe 18.6.2 Second Stage
The era of free trade saw India emerge as a market for manufactured goods and a
supplier of raw materials and food grains. Import of Manchester cloth increased in
value from 96 lakh sterling in 1860 to 27 crore sterling in 1900. Traditional weavers
were ruined by this competition. Rather than industrialization, decline of industry or
deindustrialization took place. In the middle Gangetic region, according to historian
A.K. Bagchi, the weight of industry in the livelihood pattern of the people was reduced
by half from 1809-13 to the census year 1901.
Estimates by Sivasubramaniam indicate that in the last half century of British rule per
capita income in India remained almost stagnant. Dadabhai Naoroji calculated per
capita income at Rs.20 per annum.
Railway expansion was undertaken and a modern post and telegraph system was set
up. Administration was made more detailed and comprehensive so that imports could
penetrate the villages and raw materials could be taken out easily. Capitalist commercial
relations were to be enforced. The legal system was to be improved so as to ensure
upholding the sanctity of contract. Modern education was introduced to produce babus
to man the new administration. Westernized habits were expected to increase the demand
for British goods.
Transformation of the existing culture and social organization required that the existing
culture be denounced. Orientalism, by depriving people of the power to study their
own languages, was an appropriation of the processes by which people understand
themselves. The new ideology was one of development. Underdevelopment was not
the desired but the inevitable consequence of the inexorable working of colonialism of
trade and of its inner contradictions.

18.6.3 Third Stage

The third stage is rightly known as the era of finance capital. A huge amount of capital
was invested in railways, loans to the Government of India, trade and to a lesser extent
in plantations, coal mining, jute mills, shipping and banking in India.
In this stage, Britain’s position in the world was constantly challenged by the rivalry of
new imperialist countries. The result was further consolidation of its control over India.
Control had to be strengthened to contend with competition from rival imperialist powers.
Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, wrote:
Other channels of investment, outside of India, are gradually being filled
up, not merely by British capital, but by capital of all the wealth-
producing countries of the world; and if this be so, then a time must
soon come when the current of British capital, extruded from the banks
between which it has long been content to meander, will want to pour
over into fresh channels, and will, by the law of economic gravitation,
find its way into India, to which it should be additionally attracted by
the security of British institutions and British laws.
Reactionary imperialist policies characterized the viceroyalties of Lytton and Curzon.
All talk of self government ended and the aim of British rule was declared to be permanent
trusteeship over the child people of India.
Loosening of links
The major spurts in industrial investment took place precisely during those periods
44 when India’s economic links with the world capitalist economy were temporarily
weakened or disrupted. In India’s case, foreign trade and the inflow of foreign capital Colonialism
were reduced or interrupted thrice during the 20th Century, i.e. during the First World
War, the Great Depression (1929-34) and World War II. But as the links were not
disrupted, merely loosened, what took place was only industrial growth, not industrial


That the British wielded brute force to maintain their rule in India and to crush opposition
is well known. Very often, the state did not actually repress; the very fact that it had the
capacity to do so was enough to contain revolt. Hence, the British considered the
maintenance of a large, disciplined, efficient and loyal army to be a prime necessity, for
the armed forces remained, in the ultimate analysis, the final guarantor of British interests.
But generally, for the continued existence of their rule and for the perpetuation of
imperialist domination, they relied on a variety of ideological instruments. It is in this
sense that the British colonial state in India was, in however limited a way, a hegemonic
or semi-hegemonic state. Its semi-hegemonic foundations were buttressed by the
ideology of pax Britannica, law and order, the British official as the mai-bap of the
people, as well as by the institutions of the ideological, legal, judicial and administrative

The impression of the unshakable foundations of British rule, the aura of stolidity and
general prestige of the Raj contributed towards the maintenance of imperial hegemony.
The prestige of the Raj, by showing the futility of attempts to overthrow it, played as
crucial a role in the maintenance of British rule as the armed might behind it. The
prestige of the Raj was very largely embodied in its much vaunted ‘steel frame’, the
Indian Civil Service (ICS), and, more specifically, in the district officer, who represented
authority in the countryside: “At the centre of the ‘benevolent despotism’ that British
rule in the subcontinent adopted stood the steel frame of the Indian Civil Service... and
in particular the figure of the district officer himself, the physical ‘embodiment of
Government’ across the Indian countryside...”

Rudyard Kipling’s ‘A Song of the English’ (1893) went thus –

Keep ye the law
Be swift in all obedience
Clear the land of evil
Drive the road and bridge the ford –
By the peace among Our peoples let men know we serve the Lord!

A state structure of this kind, based on “semi-hegemonic foundations”, called for certain
specific policies in the political sphere. A reliable social base for the state had to be
secured on the one hand; on the other, strategies had to be devised to limit the social
reach and effective clout of the anti-imperialist forces. Active cooperation of ‘native
allies’ in running the country was gained by a variety of techniques, ranging from the
handing out of jobs, favours and positions of some authority to concessions to the
‘legitimate’ political demands of the loyalist and liberal sections. As regards the
snowballing of anti-British discontent, it was sought to be neutralized by confining it
within the constitutional arenas created by the political reforms. Constitutional
concessions were regularly made, though under pressure, to the demands raised by the
anti-imperialist forces. 45
Expansion of Europe
If we look at British and French colonial rule it is clear that they are informed by different
perspectives though often the reality on the ground amounted to the same. Some scholars
point to this fact of the same reality on the ground to argue that all colonialisms were the
same. For example, historian D.A. Low disagrees with the view that there were different
patterns of colonialism on the ground that British and French colonies achieved
independence at the same time. In this section the existence of different patterns of
colonialism is discussed.
Wallerstein would have it that there was a basic paternalism which ran through the
philosophies of all the colonial powers. But this basic paternalism expressed itself in
very different forms, depending on the history and national character of the colonial
From the beginning there was a sparseness and economy about British colonial policy.
The British used trading companies to acquire colonies, insisted that colonies be self-
sustaining and varied the political structure in each of the colonies to suit local needs.
“This, then, is the classic contrast between Africa’s two colonial powers, Britain and
France: Britain – empirical, commercial, practising indirect rule, keeping Africans at a
distance, verging on racism; France – Cartesian in its logic, seeking glory, practicing
direct administration, acting as apostle of fraternity and anti-racism. Anyone who travels
in both British and French Africa will see the grain of truth in these generalizations. The
flavor of life is different; the two colonial governments have produced two different
cultures. And yet, anyone who travels there well knows the severe limitations of these
In practice the differences were not so clear. The French often supported chiefs where
they were powerful rather than rule directly. As for ‘empiricism‘ versus ‘Cartesian
logic’, this comparison is more the stuff of polemics than of analysis.
To contrast motives of money and glory seems even more dubious. For the British
were surely proud of their empire, and the French surely profited by theirs. As for
‘racism’ and ‘fraternity’, it may be that French paternalism was based on the exclusive
virtue but universal accessibility of French civilization and British paternalism on the
equal virtue of all traditions but the unique accessibility of British culture. Nevertheless,
in practice, there were parallel degrees of political, social and economic discrimination
in two settler territories like Kenya and Algeria, and there were parallel ideologies
among the settlers. There was also parallel absence of legal discrimination in non settler
British and French West Africa, though until 1957 the exclusive white clubs of both
areas barred Africans as members or as guests. There were differences also regarding
the role of the civil service. In Britain civil servants were nonpartisan whereas in France
junior civilians were political. But after independence this made little difference.
No clear distinction can be made between French direct rule and English indirect rule
which allowed traditional institutions to survive when we look closely at the actual
working of administration. Fieldhouse has shown that after 1929 and especially after
1932 attitudes and practices came closer together.

Colonialism is as modern a historical phenomenon as industrial capitalism. While the
metropolis experiences growth under capitalism the colony undergoes
underdevelopment. Colonialism is more than foreign political domination; it is a distinct
social formation in which control is in the hands of the metropolitan ruling class. In short, Colonialism
colonialism is what happened in the colony and imperialism is what happened in the

1) Define basic features of colonialism. How is it different from imperialism?
2) What are different approaches to the understanding of colonialism?
3) What were the different historical stages of colonialism? How did it impact the
Indian economy?
4) Can one talk of different types of colonies rather than one single colonialsm?

19.1 Introduction
19.2 Types of Decolonization
19.3 Approaches
19.3.1 The Nationalist Approach
19.3.2 International Context Approach
19.3.3 Domestic Constraints Approach

19.4 The Era of Decolonization

19.5 Decolonization or Decolonizations? France and Britain
19.6 Indian Independence: A Case Study of Decolonization
19.7 Summary
19.8 Exercises

This Unit discusses that important phase of the 20th Century when the erstwhile empires
gave way to the emergence of new nation-states or led to the independence of former
colonies. This era is often called decolonization. This Unit will discuss the broad scope
of the term with respect to various theoretical approaches, its historical manifestations
and two case studies of France and Britain, the two erstwhile imperial powers whose
distinct approach to decolonization led to different historical trajectories. Lastly, the
case of Indian decolonization is discussed.
Decolonization or struggle for independence? In the historiography of national liberation
the terms represent two opposite poles of interpretation. The first one suggests a process
of disentanglement by the imperial power, as it were, in the manner of a kite flyer pulling
back the thread of the kite when the kite is mangled. The second interpretation highlights
the proactive process wherein colonial power is whittled away, eroded by the action of
mass nationalism. The term decolonization is used here in the second sense, as
coterminous with the colonial peoples’ struggle for achievement of independence.
The term decolonization is believed to have been coined in 1932 by an expatriate
German scholar Moritz Julius Bonn for his section on Imperialism in the Encyclopedia
of the Social Sciences.
A recent study (Springhall, 2001) has defined decolonization as the surrender of external
political sovereignty over colonized non European peoples plus the emergence of
independent territories where once the West had ruled, or the process of transfer of
power from empire to nation state.


There are broadly four types of decolonization:
1) self government for white settler colonies as it happened in Canada and Australia
2) formal end to empire followed by independent rule as in India
3) formal empire replaced by informal empire or neo-colonialism as in Latin
4) mere change of imperial masters — in Indo-China when the French reluctantly
left, the US moved in.
In this Unit we shall focus on the second type, which was the most significant and the Decolonization
representative pattern of decolonization.

The explanations of decolonization have been classified as follows:
• The nationalist approach
• International context approach
• Domestic constraints approach
19.3.1 The Nationalist Approach
In the nationalist view indigenous resistance and anti imperialist struggle led to
independence. According to D.A. Low, the primary factor behind the end of empire
was anti-imperialist movements — the metropolitan response only influenced the nature
of this confrontation, not the outcome.
According to the nationalist approach the resistance movements of the colonial peoples
determined the pace of decolonization. Colonial rule became unviable once the groups
which sustained it withdrew support, often under nationalist pressure or influence.
The British imperialists presented the unravelling of empire as an orderly and rational
process but the messy reality was much less consistent and unavoidable, as John Darwin
has pointed out. In short, far from a planned withdrawal from empire, there was the
irreversible erosion of position as imperial powers struggled to retain power by one
means or another, conciliation or repression.
For example, in India, from the 1930s onwards, there was a swing of the pendulum
from repression to conciliation. This had demoralizing consequences for the officials
who had to implement both poles of policy. The same set of colonial officials who put
the nationalist leaders in jail during the civil disobedience movement in 1930-34 had to
serve under them during the period of formation of provincial ministries of 1937-39.
The same dilemma racked officialdom in 1942 and 1946 - officials were demoralized
as they feared that the leaders they had given harsh punishment to in the War years,
and particularly to contain the 1942 revolt, would soon be their political masters in the
provinces in 1946.
Whatever some of the metropolitan-centred accounts may suggest, the growth and
development of a vigorous nationalism was almost invariably the principal propellant of
sustained progress towards the ending of colonial rule.
19.3.2 International Context Approach
According to the approach highlighting the international context of decolonization,
empires could not survive in the new world order after the Second World War. As John
Darwin put it, in the Cold War era “colonial empires appeared as quaint survivors of a
prewar age, to be quickly dismantled lest they be knocked to pieces in the turbulent
wake of the superpowers.” The changed international climate was reflected in the Atlantic
Charter issued by the Allies during the War which called for the independence of colonial
peoples. The United Nations General Assembly went a step further in 1960 in its
Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples. It sharply
condemned colonial rule as a denial of fundamental human rights in contravention of the
UN Charter.

Expansion of Europe The myth of European invincibility was shattered by the Japanese takeover of South
East Asia during World War II, especially the British desertion of Singapore in 1942.
Yet decolonization was not the inevitable result of World War II – though its pace
This international approach attributes the end of empires to the opposition of the US
and USSR to ‘old style imperialism’. The US and USSR had nothing to gain from the
older imperial powers, such as Britain and France, retaining their colonies. They had
everything to gain from the end of empire as this enabled these two emerging superpowers
to establish their influence over the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa.
For example, US neo colonialism replaced France in Indo-China, Japan in Korea and
Britain in Pakistan, one of the two successor states of British India. The USSR treated
Eastern Europe, Cuba and Mozambique, among others, as little more than ‘colonies’.
Western Cold Warriors were quick to dub this as ‘socialist imperialism’, much to the
chagrin of self respecting socialists, for whom the very word imperialism was anathema.
19.3.3 Domestic Constraints Approach
The metropolitan or domestic constraints approach focuses on how the colony became
too big a burden on the mother country. From being the proverbial goose which laid
golden eggs a time came when it was not worth expending money and men on it. British
colonialism, it is argued by Holland, ‘became dysfunctional to the operational necessities
of the metropole.’
In this explanation the end of empire is seen as a political choice made under pressure
of domestic constraints and calculations of national interest. The mother country’s will
to rule slackened once empire became too much of a nuisance, financially, militarily and
in international relations. Historians John Gallagher and other scholars in the imperialist
tradition argued that British imperial interests in India were declining, that India no
longer fulfilled its role in the maintenance of imperial interests in the fields of either
defence or commerce or finance and that, in fact, over the years it had become a
liability for the British. Gallagher and Anil Seal argued that during the Second World
War Britain footed the bill for India’s defence requirements.
Aditya Mukherjee has conclusively contradicted this view and demonstrated that British
imperial control intensified considerably during the war and the economic exploitation
of India increased manifold –“the colony, far from ceasing to pay, was subjected to a
greater and most blatant appropriation of surplus through currency manipulations, forced
loans, large military expenditures and numerous other unilateral transfers.”
B.R. Tomlinson is critical of the this theory which sees decolonization only as a technique
by which formal empire became informal in the interests of maximizing advantages to
Britain. He concedes that there was an Indian angle to the end of empire, apart from
changes in the metropolitan and world economies, but the Indian factor in his view was
not nationalist pressure, but discontent with the ever-increasing financial burdens imposed
by the colonial government on its subjects.
The end of the Second World War found Britain in a severe economic crisis and a war
weary British populace wished to get rid of empire as quickly and painlessly as possible.
This theme of getting rid of empire is suggested by the very title of R.J. Moore’s book
on Attlee and India – Escape from Empire.
Another factor was the post war expansion of the welfare state. Decolonization gathered
pace once social reform became a priority and empire began to be perceived as a drain
on resources. Politicians who were in favour of withdrawing from empire became the
50 flavour of the day. It was no accident that the British public elected the Labour Party to
office in 1945 despite Churchill, a Conservative Party prime minister, having just won Decolonization
the war for them. The new understanding was that the Labour Party was suitable for
national reconstruction, which was the need of the hour. Another domestic constraint
was that suppressing colonial revolts, be it in Palestine, Malaya, Kenya, Cyprus or
Aden, was no longer viable. This was the argument given by Prime Minister Attlee
against reassertion of authority in India in 1946:
‘‘In the event of a breakdown of the administration or a general alignment of the political
parties against us are we prepared to go back on our policy and seek to reestablish
British rule as against the political parties and maintain it for 18 years? The answer must
clearly be no because
a) In view of our commitments all over the world we have not the military force to
hold India against a widespread guerilla movement or to reconquer India.
b) If we had, pub. [public] opinion in our Party would not stand for it.
c) It is doubtful if we could keep the Indian troops loyal. It is doubtful if our own
troops would be prepared to act.
d) We should have world opinion agst. [against] us and be placed in an impossible
position at UNO.
e) We have not now the administrative machine to carry out such a policy either
British or Indian.’’
(Attlee’s note, c. 13 November 1946, cited in Sucheta Mahajan, Independence and
Partition, p.162)
The argument, that the costs of coercion became too high, clearly has no basis. One
can show that very high costs were indeed tolerated. Thus there are many problems
with the Domestic Constraints Approach. One major problem, of course, is that it
looks for the causes of decolonization, not in the colony but in the metropolis. A direct
example of this approach is the assertion made by historian David Potter:
an explanation for the end of colonialism is unlikely to be found within the
boundaries of the subject country. Historians have so far been unable to
account satisfactorily for political events like the end of colonialism because,
quite simply, they have not been looking in the right place.
This is overly eurocentric. This approach refuses to acknowledge the powerful
political initiatives taken in the colonies and explains independence (in other words
decolonization) merely as an internal political arrangement within the metropolitan


The twentieth century was the era of decolonization. At the end of the twentieth century
the world was no longer eurocentric. The twentieth century had seen the decline and
fall of Europe, which had been the centre of power, wealth and western civilization at
the beginning of the century.
In the first decade of the twentieth century the nationalists posed a challenge in Asia and
Africa. They were encouraged by the ability of Japan, a small Asian country, to inflict a
crushing defeat on Russia, a European power, in 1905. Some of the well known leaders
of the national movements were Sun Yat Sen in China, Arabi Pasha in Egypt and Bal
Gangadhar Tilak in India. These movements were led, in this stage, by middle class
Expansion of Europe English educated elites whose demand for a say in the running of their countries was
changing into a demand for independence.

The First World War further fuelled nationalist discontent. The War effort had meant
increased exploitation of colonies for raw materials, manpower and taxes and nationalists
naturally questioned why the colonies should bear this burden. In 1919 when a new
international order was emerging in Europe the national movements in the colonies
underwent a transformation in a mass direction. In India this change was wrought by
Gandhi; China had the May 4th Movement; in Turkey Kemal Ataturk rose to power;
and in Indonesia the national movement reached a membership of 2.5 million. This
phase also saw the deepening and spread of movements in Philippines, Burma and

Differences emerged between the old imperial powers like Great Britain and the newer
ones like the US and Japan, on whether the old order should continue at all, and if so in
what form? This stance of the newer world powers encouraged nationalists greatly.

The old imperial powers were undergoing a decline in their position. Britain’s position
as the global power par excellence was challenged by other powers from the late
nineteenth century onwards. By the beginning of the twentieth century Britain lost her
commercial preeminence.

But decline in imperial power did not mean collapse of empire as the interest of imperial
powers in their colonies did not wane. In fact empire had to be maintained at any cost,
including severe repression, such as the brutal gunning down of innocent men, women
and children in Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar in India in 1919.

In the years after the Russian Revolution the process of colonial emancipation and
decolonization went much further. In the non western world countries either went through
revolution or the prophylactic decolonization by empires doomed in an era of world
revolution. Revolution, then, did change the world if not quite in the way Lenin expected.

Anti-imperialist activity was fuelled because of the world wide Depression of 1929.
Sharpening of conflict as in Egypt and India and victory of Republican ultras under De
Valera in the Irish elections of 1932 were belated anti-colonial reactions to the economic
breakdown. In the economic sphere, the Depression furthered the trend to set up local
production, which had begun after the First World War when imperial powers made
their colonies industrially self-sufficient. Japan had encouraged limited industrialization
in Korea and Manchuria and Britain in India. Bipan Chandra has described the impact
of the Depression as the loosening of links between the colony and the metropolis,
which encouraged independent capitalist growth in the colony.

World War II showed up Great Britain as a second fiddle to the US in the Anglo-
American alliance. After 1945 the US and Russia became the two superpowers.
Where earlier London held this position, now the world was no longer its oyster, to
use Paul Kennedy’s evocative phrase. As a US official put it, it is now our turn to bat
in Asia. As the Russians were equally keen to have a global role, a bipolar world
emerged. Britain had been one of the big three in the war. But for her, victory in the war
did not bring with it consolidation of power. The war had overstrained the British economy
vastly and it needed American help to keep going. The US propped up her economy
with the Lend Lease offer. But it was some years before the British withdrew from
India and later Palestine and even then this was presented as preserving more important
areas of imperial interests elsewhere. Outwardly Britain remained a big power, second
only to the US.
In the third world the Second World War had caused great upheavals, political and Decolonization
economic. Within years of the end of the War many colonies gained independence, but
often after protracted disagreement, encouraged by the imperial power, on the
contentious issue of distribution of power, leading to partition and civil war. Various
areas of troublesome conflict in the 1970s and 80s, Middle East, Cyprus, South Africa,
Kashmir, Sri Lanka, were legacies of British decolonization.
In India the imperial power delayed in handing over power on the specious ground that
it must await agreement between the communities on how power was to be transferred.
Specious in retrospect because when they left, they left any which way. Gandhi appealed
to them to leave India, to anarchy if need be. He understood that agreement could not
be brokered by a partisan broker. Once the colonial power left, he believed, the two
communities would, like siblings dividing ancestral property, agree or agree to disagree.
At worst, civil war would result but even that fire would be purifying. Given that the
much celebrated agreed solution left at least 200,000 dead, perhaps Gandhi could
have been tried out.


Was there decolonization or were there as many decolonizations as there are colonial
powers or even colonies? As we have seen, though there is a wider pattern of
decolonization – it was generally a mid twentieth century phenomenon under the impact
of the national liberation movements – there are also significant differences between,
for example, French and British decolonization. For example, if the British maintained
strategic, political and cultural interests in its erstwhile colonies through the
Commonwealth, cultural integration was the mode of association preferred by the
French. The French had no mechanism like the British Commonwealth to ease the
transition of colonies to independence. Assimilation remained the imperial ideal. The
French Union was federal only in name and the National Assembly continued to be
If we look at British and French India, a difference that strikes one is the long and
protracted negotiations for transfer of power in French India in contrast to the way the
British quit India. Seven long years after the achievement of Indian independence from
British colonial rule the de facto transfer of power in the French Indian enclaves took
place in 1954. This was linked to the political developments in Indo-China, considered
to be one of the more important areas under French imperial control. However, much
water was to flow under the bridge and eight years lapsed before the French Indian
enclaves achieved de jure independence from French colonial rule in 1962. This time
around the association was with the political developments in Algeria, a colony crucial
for France. The milestones of 1954 and 1962 were the culmination of a long and
protracted struggle for independence waged by the nationalists in the French colonial
enclaves in India.
A study of British and French colonialism in a comparative perspective in the specific
context of decolonization is extremely revealing. Whereas the liberation of India from
British colonial rule set off a chain reaction of independence in other British colonies,
such as Burma and Ceylon, France continued to cling to its colonial possessions. It had
the second largest colonial empire in the world and was keen to keep Indo-China and
Algeria and Morocco even if others saw this as beyond their means. It did not even
give up its five colonial enclaves in India with grace, perhaps because of their strategic
link with Indo-China. In this, there was a parallel with His Majesty’s Government’s
short-lived attempt to retain the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as a vital link on the
Suez-Singapore route. 53
Expansion of Europe France refused to see the writing on the wall in Indo-China. Following an armed
revolt in 1930 and peasant revolts led by communists in 1930-31, the French
executed nearly 700 nationalist and communist leaders. They made it plain, by the use
of repression, that Vietnamese ambitions of independence would not be tolerated. By
1945 there were popular revolts against the French in many parts of Vietnam, which
then came under communist control, with the help of the quite remarkable Vietnamese
guerrilla army. The French were conclusively defeated in the battle of Dien Bien Phu in

In contrast, the British were interested in preserving their empire in India but when a
non violent mass agitation fashioned by Gandhi steadily eroded their power, they saw
that they did not have the wherewithal to maintain rule and preferred a graceful withdrawal
to a messy holding on.

Indian independence in 1947 was followed by independence in Burma in 1948 and

Ceylon in the same year. Malaya gained independence nine years later. In Africa the
British were willing to grant independence except where there were large numbers of
white settlers as in South Africa and Kenya. Ghana gained independence under Kwame
Nkrumah in 1957. Togo, Cameroons, Somalia and Nigeria became independent in
1960. In 1964 all seven British East and Central African colonies, Somaliland, Tanganyika,
Uganda, Zanzibar, Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia became independent. Botswana
and Swaziland followed in 1966. Britain was not willing to hand over power in Kenya
because of white settlers there and hence got embroiled in suppressing a protracted
and violent revolt, such as the Mau Mau.

The French colonies of Morocco and Tunisia gained independence in 1956. In contrast,
independence was completely ruled out for Algeria as it was seen as an integral part of
France. This short sighted policy was to lead to a bloody war, as in Vietnam. In Africa
local autonomy was granted in 1956 but the colonies were placed in a union, termed
the French Community, strictly controlled by France. Eight colonies in French West
Africa, four in French Equatorial Africa and Madagascar gained independence in 1960.
Thus there were three different policies followed by the French in Africa.

In the words of Immanuel Wallerstein, “as a result of their special framework of

thinking concerning the colonies, the British were the first to begin the process of
decolonization.” They accepted national independence as a legitimate objective. They
were anxious to avoid a repetition of what happened in America in their other settler
colonies, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In Africa local people were given
representation in legislative bodies. Once India became part of the Commonwealth,
which was earlier White, the road was clear for Africa. “Thus, the pace of constitutional
development in British non-settler Africa was rapid and marked by a minimum of violence
and antagonism.”

In contrast to the British acceptance of national independence as a legitimate objective,

the French did not believe in the legitimacy of nationalism for colonial subjects “the
French concept of constitutional advance was to draw colonies closer to France, not
push them farther away.” This policy was reconsidered only after the Second World
War. French Africans were elected to legislative bodies in France. The British associated
Africans with local bodies whereas the French associated Africans with French bodies.
African political parties were extensions of metropolitan parties or attached themselves
to French parties. At the end of World War II French colonies started on a radically
different path of development from that of the British colonies. Yet fifteen years later
they had arrived at the same point as the British – viz., national independence. What
54 had happened to make the French pattern conform to the British pattern?
There were two factors that influenced a change in the French pattern of constitutional Decolonization
development. The first was the events in Ghana, the second was the developments in
North Africa and Indo-China. Tunisia and Morocco became restive, as did Togo and
the Cameroons. After their defeat in Indo-China in 1954 the French took decisive
steps towards independence of Algeria, l’Afrique noire and Madagascar. The difference
between the British and the French was that one long accepted the path to independence
while the other did it late and with the greatest difficulty.
But these were not the only differences. The British sought to maintain influence in their
colonies after the end of empire by encouraging their ex-colonies to follow the
Westminster model of parliamentary government with its multi party system. The French
did not care what form of government was adopted, their concern was with cultural
rather than political influence.
The British and French differed in their approach to larger political federations. The
French opposed federations in French West and Equatorial Africa as the nationalists
were behind them whereas the British worked towards federations as they would be
useful in the post-independence situation. However, as the overall trend was towards
unitary structures within states, differences in British and French attitudes eventually
made little difference.
There were differences between the British and French perceptions of the role of the
civil service. In Britain civil servants were nonpartisan whereas in France junior civilians
were political. However, this made little difference after independence.
Not all agree with the view of the particularity of the British style of transfer of power,
that it was planned, phased and orderly. It is pointed out that in practice transfer of
power in many British colonies was patchy, disorderly, reluctant and enforced. A middle
view is that they were pushed along the path of self-government. In the words of Dennis
Austin, “it was a peculiar and distinctive feature of British colonial rule to have always
contemplated its end: the colonial governments went (we might romantically say)
consentingly to their fate, but they had also to be pushed in that direction and they were
pushed primarily by local events within the colonial territories which obliged the Colonial
Office and local colonial governments alike to introduce reforms at a pace which, in the
post-war years, began to quicken beyond all earlier calculations.”
In sharp contrast, independence was dismissed as impossible at the French African
Conference in Brazzaville in Algeria in 1944:
The aims of the civilizing labours of France in the colonies exclude all
possibilities of development outside of the French imperial system; the
eventual formation even in the distant future of ‘self-governments’ in the
colonies must be dismissed [and the empire was to be conducted] in the
Roman not the Anglo-Saxon sense.
Yet, the outcome of these very different policies of the British and French was the
same. Widespread economic and political discontent in Africa led to the uniform collapse
of empire across British and French colonies. This seriously questions the view that
French and British Africa were poles apart. Under pressure from a continent-wide
‘wind of change’, in the words of the British Prime Minister, Macmillan, colonial empires
collapsed in Africa between 1957 and 1964 like “the proverbial row of dominoes”, in
the words of D.A. Low.
Also, it is very interesting that General de Gaulle’s explanation of decolonization is
a general systemic one which does not distinguish between British and French
patterns: 55
Expansion of Europe The relative weakening of England and France, the defeat of Italy and the
subordination of Holland and Belgium to the designs of the United States;
the effect produced on the Asians and Africans by the battles fought on
their soil for which the colonizers needed their support; the dissemination
of doctrines which, whether liberal or socialist, equally demanded the
emancipation of races and individuals; and the wave of envious longing
aroused among these deprived masses by the spectacle of the modern
economy – as a result of all these factors the world was faced with an
upheaval as profound, though in the opposite direction, as that which has
unleashed the discoveries and conquests of the power of old Europe.
(Memoirs of Hope)


India selects itself as a case study. It was the classic colony. Its mass movement was the
greatest the world has seen. Indian independence had an amazing demonstration effect.
The achievement of independence in India triggered off a wave of similar developments
across Africa and Asia.
When did the realization dawn upon the imperial power that the end of the fabled
empire, on which the sun never set, is near? At the end of the War, when the British
authorities in India evaluated their position in the context of the post-1942 situation, it
was clear to them that the hegemonic foundations of their rule were fast crumbling.
Even erstwhile loyalists were deserting and the Indian Civil Service (ICS) was reaching
a breaking point. The general consent of the people to British rule had diminished and
the open, military repression of the 1942 movement had contributed greatly to this.
Even liberal opinion in the country had shifted, slowly but steadily, away from the British
and towards the nationalist forces.
The Civil Service was deemed to be at breaking point by the end of 1943. The problem
of declining recruitment, which had plagued the ICS ever since the end of the First
World War, had reached alarming proportions by the Second World War. By 1939,
its British and Indian members had achieved parity. Overall recruitment was first cut in
order to maintain this balance and then stopped in 1943. By August 1945, the number
of British officials was down to 522 and Indian officials up to 524. Besides, the men
coming in were no longer Oxbridge graduates from upper class families, many of whose
fathers and uncles were ‘old India hands’ and who believed in the destiny of the British
nation to govern the ‘child people’ of India. The new officials were increasingly grammar
school and polytechnic boys for whom serving the Raj was a career, not a mission.
However, the main factor in the debilitation of the ICS was not manpower shortage but
the slow, invidious decline of its prestige and authority. Here the erosion of authority
had been taking place over the years, when the rising nationalist forces had been sought
to be contained by a policy of conciliation mixed with repression. But the strategy of the
national movement, of a multifaceted struggle combining nonviolent mass movements
with working of constitutional reforms, proved to be more than a match for them.
When non-violent movements were met with repression, the naked force behind the
government stood exposed, offending the sensibility of the government’s supporters;
whereas if government did not clamp down on ‘sedition’, or effected a truce [as in
1931 when the Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed] or conceded provincial autonomy under
the Government of India Act, 1935, British government was seen to be too weak to
wield control and its authority and prestige were undermined.
The impact of the nationalist movement on the bureaucracy was not only indirect, through Decolonization
weakening morale under pressure from mass movements and ministries. The permeation
of nationalist sentiment among the Indian element of the services, especially the
subordinate services and even the police, directly affected their loyalty and reliability.
Even earlier, during the provincial ministries of 1937-39, the tendency of Indian officials
to look up to the Congress was apparent, but, by 1945, the Indian services were
assertively nationalist. For example, railway officials in east U.P. decorated their stations
in honour of Nehru and Pant and in one instance detained a goods train for three hours
to enable Nehru to make a speech and then travel by it. In the Central Provinces the
clerical staff voted for the Congress at the elections and more interestingly, wanted this
to be known. The British, of course, preferred to see their feelings as merely the tendency
of the natives to worship the rising and not the setting sun.
By 1945, nationalist feeling had reached the army, which was otherwise, too, in a state
of flux. Politicized elements had entered the army, especially the technical services,
under the new recruitment policy, which was liberalized because the carefully selected
men of the ‘martial races’ did not suffice. The soldiers who fought in Europe and South
East Asia and liberated countries from fascist control, returned home with new ideas.
When the issue of the Indian National Army (INA) prisoners came up, the army
authorities discovered that army opinion was not clamouring for punishment, as initially
expected, but predominantly in favour of leniency. The Commander-in-Chief’s opinion
had changed by February 1946, when he stated that “any Indian officer worth his salt
is a nationalist”.
It was increasingly clear to the British that the old basis of British rule would not continue
for long, and a new structure would have to be devised, if rule was to continue. Later,
in mid-1946, many officials, including the Viceroy, were to argue that in the face of such
an eventuality the whole nature of British rule could be transformed to one of strong,
autocratic authority, replenished by new officials, which could then maintain British rule
for 15-20 years. Even then, their argument was turned down, but in early 1946 this
option was not even proposed.
In late 1945, when the British saw the imminence of collapse, they sought to avert it by
offering constitutional concessions. They could not take the risk of the concessions
being rejected, for, if that happened, a mass movement would follow which they might
not be able to contain. With the need being to avoid a contingency of negotiations
breaking down, the concessions had to be of substance, which largely met the demand
of the Congress. And so, faced with the Congress demand of Quit India and with the
large majority of people affirming it, the Cabinet Mission went out from England in
1946 to negotiate the setting up of a national government and set into motion the
machinery for transfer of power. It was not an empty gesture like the Cripps Mission in
1942; they intended to stay till they succeeded in securing some agreement. The reality
was that they could not afford failure, for failure would lead to a humiliating surrender
before a mass movement or would necessitate a basic change in the character of British
rule from semi-hegemonic to repressive and autocratic. The first was obviously to be
avoided at all costs; the second was also not likely to appeal either to the Labour
Government that was in power, or to British and American public opinion, which was
still conditioned by the pro-democratic and anti-Fascist euphoria of the War years. As
a result the outcome was somewhat contradictory. Although the British expressed a
political wish to transfer power to a United India, they actually ended up partitioning
India into two countries. Though it was meant to be a smooth, peaceful transfer of
power from British to Indian (and Pakistani) hands legitimized by an Act of British
Parliament, a turned out to be a violent and brutal process leaving millions of people
dead and homeless. 57
Expansion of Europe
The second half of the twentieth century witnessed the collapse of colonialism. Between
1945 and 1965 over fifty decolonizations took place in Asia and Africa and a handful
more ten years later. The 1970s freed another clutch, notably Portuguese Guinea-
Bissau, Mozambique and Angola. Zimbabwe was freed as late as the 1980s.
It is a paradox that the end of empire changed the world as much as the establishment
of empire did. The end of Empire deprived Europe of status and grandeur. Europeans
lost freedom of movement and economic activity given by empire. The foremost imperial
power, Britain, became a second rate power. The third world comprising the countries
which emerged from colonialism became a powerful force in world politics.
In the words of historian Eric Hobsbawm, “the huge colonial empires built up before
and during the Age of Empire, were shaken and crumbled into dust. The entire history
of modern imperialism, so firm and self confident when Queen Victoria of Great Britain
died, had lasted no longer than a single lifetime.”

1) What do we broadly understand by decolonization? What are the different
theoretical models to understand it?
2) Discuss the historical context within which decolonization of different countries
took different paths? How would you categorize India in this context?
3) What were the differences between France and England towards decolonization?
How did it lead to different or similar historical results?

Arnold, David, The Age of Discovery: 1400-1600, London, 1983.
Black, Jeremy, Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: Renaissance to Revolution,
1492-1792, Cambridge, 1996.
Black, Jeremy, Cambridge Illustrated Atlas: Warfare Renaissance to Revolution,
1492-1792 Cambridge, 1996.
Black, Jeremy, Europe and the World: 1650-1830, London, 2002.
Chamberlain, M.E., Decolonisation, Oxford, 1985.
Chandra, Bipan, et. al., India’s Struggle for Independence, New Delhi,1988.
Chandra, Bipan, Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India, Delhi, 1979.
Cohen, B.J., The Question of Imperialism, New York, 1974.
Crosby, Alfred W., Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe,
900-1900, Cambridge, 1986.
Doyle, Michael W., Empires, London, 1986
Fieldhouse, D.K., Colonialism, 1870-1945, An Introduction, London, 1981.
Fieldhouse, D.K., The Colonial Empires: a comparative survey from the
eighteenth century, Macmillan, 1982, Second edition.
Gallagher, John, The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire, Cambridge,
Geoffrey Parker (ed.), The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The Triumph
of the West, Cambridge, 1995.
Gifford, P. and Louis, W.R., The Transfer of Power in Africa: Decolonisation,
1940-60, London, 1982.
Grimal, Henri, Decolonisation: the British, French, Dutch and Belgian Empires,
London, 1978.
Headrick, Daniel R., The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism
in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford, 1981.
Hobsbawm, Eric, The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century,
1914-1991, New Delhi, 1995.
Hobson, J.A., Imperialism : A Study, London, 1938.
Holland, R.F., European Decolonisation, 1918-1981, Basingstoke, 1985.
Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Economic Change and
Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, New York, 1987.
Kurup, K.K.N., India’s Naval Traditions, New Delhi, 1997.
Lenman, Bruce, Britain’s Colonial Wars: 1688-1783, London, 2001.
Lenman, Bruce, England’s Colonial Wars, 1550-1688: Conflicts, Empire and
National Identity, London, 2001.
Low, D.A., Eclipse of Empire, Cambridge, 1991.
Expansion of Europe Magdoff, Harry, Imperialism: From the Colonial Age to the Present, New York
and London, 1978.
Mahajan, Sucheta, Independence and Partition: Erosion of Colonial Power in
India, New Delhi, 2000.
Moore, R.J., Escape from Empire: The Attlee Government and the Indian
Problem, Oxford, 1983.
Mukherjee, Aditya, Imperialism, Nationalism and the Making of the Indian
Capitalist Class, 1920-1947, New Delhi, 2002.
Parker, Geoffrey, The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the
West, Cambridge, 1988.
Phillips, C.H. and Wainwright, Mary, ed., The Partition of India: Policies and
Perspectives, 1935-1947, London, 1970.
Szymanski, Albert, The Logic of Imperialism, New York, 1981.
Thornton, A.P., The Imperial Idea and its Enemies, London, 1959
Wallerstein, Immanuel, Africa: The Politics of Independence, An Interpretation
of Modern African History, New York.

27.1 Introduction
27.2 Conceptualizing Modern War
27.3 Mobilizing Military Manpower
27.4 The Marriage between Technology and War
27.5 Modern War in the Colonies
27.6 Weaknesses of Modern Warfare
27.7 Summary
27.8 Exercises

War is the father of all things.
The clash between Napoleon’s infantry armed with muskets and the Mamelukes on
horses in the sandy plain of Egypt was a classic case of modernity confronting tradition.
Mobile artillery of Napoleon blasted the sabre wielding Mamelukes in the backdrop
of the Sphinx. Firepower, an adjunct of modernity resulted in victory over muscle
power, the hallmark of traditional warfare. War has always been a catalyst of great
change. Modern War not only initiated but also resulted from complex changes in
metallurgy, chemistry, ballistics, politics and economics. Continuous encroachment
of the military in the non-military sphere is termed as militarization. The emergence of
Modern Warfare resulted in military spillover into political, economic, social and
cultural spheres. This unit attempts to explain the origin, forms and legacies of Modern


Karl Von Clausewitz (1780-1831) was an untypical Prussian military officer because
he was a scholar in uniform. He proved to be a philosopher in his own right. Modern
scholars have placed him on the same pedestal as Karl Marx, Adam Smith etc.
Clausewitz fought against Napoleonic France and then distilled his experience in
writing. His philosophical treatise titled Vom Kriege (On War) was published in
1832 by his widow Maria Von Clausewitz. Clausewitz’s analysis of warfare turned
out to be one of the best if not the best ever produced in history. For Clausewitz, war
is organized violence unleashed by the state. He divided war into Limited War and
Real or Absolute War. For him, eighteenth century European warfare as practised
by Louis XIV and Frederick the Great represented Limited War. In contrast,
Napoleon Bonaparte, whom he admiringly called the ‘God of War’, tried to break
out of the paradigm of Limited Warfare. For Clausewitz, Napoleonic Warfare exhibited
seeds of Absolute War that would reach fruition in near future. Clausewitz’s prophecy
proved true but he did not live to witness Absolute Wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45.
So, what we mean by Modern War is Clausewitz’s early forms of Real or Absolute
War. Thus, Modern War is the stage between Limited War of the eighteenth century 5
Violence and and Total War of the twentieth century. Limited War is also referred to as Dynastic
War because the various monarchies fought against each other for making limited
gains along the frontiers at the expense of other dynasties. Louis XIV fought for
extending the French frontier on the left bank of Rhine. In contrast, Absolute War in
Clausewitz’s paradigm means war untrammeled by any obstruction. The objective
is to unleash organized violence wholeheartedly for absolute destruction of the enemy.
This in turn required mobilization of all available resources of the state for total
defeat of the enemy. The aim in such conflict is to annihilate the enemy’s schwerpunkt
(centre of gravity). For Clausewitz, schwerpunkt referred to the enemy’s army
which could only be destroyed by Kesselschlact (big bloody battles).
The French Revolution ushered in the idea of destruction of the enemy’s government.
Hence, the beginning of French Revolution i.e. 1789 could be taken as the beginning
of Modern War. This process reached its logical culmination under Adolf Hitler’s
der totale krieg (Total War) when the objective was complete destruction of
enemy’s society by wholesale mobilization of the volk (common people).


From this moment until our enemies shall have been driven from the territory of the
Republic, all Frenchmen are permanently requisitioned for the service of the armies.
Young men shall go to battle; married men shall forge arms and transport provisions;
women shall make tents and clothing and serve in hospitals.
Decree of the French National Convention authorizing levee en masse, 23 August
God is on the side of heavier battalions.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Increasing size of the armies was a characteristic of Modern War. Between Napoleon
Bonaparte and General Schlieffen, the size of the armies registered a linear growth.
Under Louis XIV (1643-1715), the French Army numbered 200,000. The opposing
British Army under Marlborough comprised about 100,000 personnel. In 1786,
when Frederick died, the size of the Prussian Army was 160,000 men. Since the
objectives of Dynastic Warfare were limited, small armies were adequate. Alternately,
small size of the forces under their disposal also prevented the monarchs from
conducting lengthy war for unlimited gains. Actually, the monarchs were afraid of
arming the landless peasants and the urban proletariat. The monarchical courts feared
that mass arming of the lower order might result in revolution against the ancien
regime (the old French regime before the revolution in 1789). Hence, the core of
the armies was composed of nobility who constituted the officer corps and their
armed retainers functioning as soldiers. During emergencies extra men were hired
as mercenaries. They were of various nationalities who preferred the trade of
soldiering due to pecuniary motives. Most of these soldiers were unenthusiastic to
die for the monarchs’ ambitions. However, the French Revolution changed the ‘face
of war’.
The French Revolution with its cry of la patrie en danger and the consequent levy
en masse in 1793 cleared the path for larger armies. The National Convention
decided to conscript all single Frenchmen aged between 18 and 25. This also enabled
the Napoleonic government to mobilize manpower on a hitherto unimaginable scale.
In 1812, when Napoleon invaded Russia with 600,000 men, his Grande Armee
6 numbered one million soldiers. However, for total mobilization of both the males
and the females, the West had to wait till the Third Reich’s clash with USSR during Modern Warfare

Modernization of organized violence resulted in the rise in scope, intensity and lethality
of warfare. Dynastic conflicts occurred within a confined geographical space. But,
under Napoleon, thanks to greater number of soldiers available, war acquired a
continental character. The theatre of Napoleonic warfare embraced whole Europe:
from Moscow in the east upto Lisbon in the west; and from Denmark in the north till
Sicily in the south. Thus, in terms of geographical spread, Napoleonic Warfare was
the prelude to Total War of 1939-45 which occurred on a truly global scale.
Increasing sizes of the armies and their deployment on a continental scale also resulted
in the battles becoming more bloody and lengthier. Battles in the age of Limited War
lasted for a maximum of about twelve hours. Combat in case of Dynastic War stopped
during night and campaigning ceased during winter. But, under Napoleon, fighting
continued throughout the year. In 1813, the Battle of Leipzig was fought between
Napoleonic France versus Russia, Prussia and Austria-Hungary. The fighting lasted
for three days. Battling continued even during the night. In this single battle, Napoleon
deployed 190,000 soldiers while the anti-Napoleon block responded with 300,000
men. The point to be noted is that the strength of the army deployed for a single
battle during the age of Modern War was bigger than the total size of the army
maintained by a country during the age of Limited War. One consequence of the
rising size of the armies was increasing casualties. In 1809, at the Battle of Wagram
against Austria-Hungary, Napoleon concentrated 160,000 soldiers. Though
victorious, Napoleon suffered 40,000 casualties. Due to Napoleon’s policy of
sacrificing 30,000 men every month, France between 1789 and 1815 lost 1.7 million
men. During the American Civil War, the Confederates mobilized half a million
warriors. About 622,000 soldiers died during the American Civil War. Since, the
‘Butcher’s Bill’ continued to increase with the passage of time, the percentage of
national population dying in war went up. In France during the eighteenth century, 27
people out of 1000 died due to warfare. The number for nineteenth century was 30.
Ironically, militarization of the society also accelerated democratization. Frederick
the Great of Prussia even conscripted enemy prisoners for meeting manpower
shortage in the army. In the pre-modern era, the armies were cosmopolitan
organizations. Changing sides did not offend national identities. National identities,
however, became rigid in the nineteenth century, during the course of the Modern
Wars. The causative factor behind nationalization of war was conscription of the
nation’s males, as it was necessary for mass mobilization. Thus, national armies
replaced mercenary militias. The notion of ‘every citizen a soldier’ was first introduced
in the 1790s by the revolutionary dictatorship of France. In continuation of this
policy, during 1883, the German military theorist Colmar Von der Goltz coined the
term ‘Das Volk in Waffen’ (nation in arms). While the French Revolution resorted
to mobilization on a large scale for meeting the rising demand of Modern Warfare,
this process also increased the political consciousness of the common mass. Thus
the slogans of ‘Liberty, Fraternity and Equality’, not only generated the cannon fodder
for mass warfare but also created ‘homo politicus’. When the states conscripted
citizens, they were told to fight in order to maintain the sovereignty of their fatherland
cum motherland. While citizens were under the obligation to give their lives for the
state, the citizen soldiers in return also demanded political rights. For survival,
Napoleonic France’s opponents were forced to increase their armies by recruiting
serfs who were given civic rights. Thus, the nineteenth century witnessed continuous
expansion of adult franchise in West Europe. However, the West had to wait for the
two World Wars for total franchise. 7
Violence and Mass mobilization also opened the gates to talents. Modern War witnessed the
replacement of the landed gentry with the educated middle class in the officer cadre.
Till 1798, entry into the officer corps was a birthright for the younger sons of the
declining landed gentry. They used to purchase the officers’ commissions from the
monarchs. However, the French Revolution opened the officer cadre to merit. In
Napoleon’s Army, even common soldiers with exceptional talents were promoted
to officer ranks. Many Marshals of Napoleon were of common origin. Marshal
Ney and Murat were sons of barrel maker and innkeeper respectively. Hence, the
cliché, that in Napoleon’s Army every common soldier carried a Marshal’s baton in
his knapsack. The possibility of upward mobility motivated the French soldiers to
fight better. In response, the opponents of Napoleon like the Prussians, Austrians
and the Russians were forced to plebianize their officer cadre. By 1910, about
40 per cent of the officers below the rank of Colonel in the Russian Army were
drawn from the peasantry and lower middle class. A contradiction developed between
these non-noble modernizers who wanted a high tech army and the traditional
aristocratic elements who emphasized the role of cavalry. However, history put its
weight behind the modernizers. Waging Modern War required increasing technical
knowledge. Engineering techniques, bridge construction and scientific knowledge
for gun laying, etc forced the Western armies to enlist University educated sons of
the urban bourgeoisie in place of the polo playing aristocratic scions in the officer
corps. Militarism could be categorized as excessive veneration for the army among
the middle class. Officers’ commissions became the badges of most prestigious
occupation in nineteenth century Europe.


One aspect of modernization of war was also industrialization of war. A dialectical
relationship existed between the growth of modern war and industrialization of West
Europe. Modern warfare in a way meant more killing in a shorter time. This in turn
necessitated newer technology especially by the bourgeois officer corps. Continuous
technological advancements made the acquisition of a lethal arsenal possible. This
in turn facilitated Modern War. The history of Krupps (a German military firm)
exhibited that innovation in technology was accelerated due to the soldiers’ demands
for more guns of better quality. And these big firms invested lot of human resources
and capital for research and development. The complex credit network emerging in
the West aided these firms. Besides Krupp, the Remington Gun Factory in New
York also made possible production of weapons in mass for arming large armies.
Remington developed assembly line techniques of production based on the principle
of interchangeable parts introduced early in the century by Eli Whitney. This marked
the beginning of the military-industrial complex.
The 19th century witnessed continuous improvement in weapons of mass murder.
Matchlocks were fired with the aid of lighted matches. Hence, they could not be
fired during rainfall. The use of flints removed this defect. However, flintlocks used
to misfire at every seventh shot. The introduction of percussion caps reduced misfires
to fewer than one in two hundred rounds. Again, the introduction of the cylindro-
conoidal bullet made practicable the replacement of the inaccurate short-ranged
smoothbore musket carried by Napoleonic infantry by the highly accurate longer-
ranged rifle. This transition occurred between 1850 and 1860. The grooved barrel
of the rifle imparted a spin to the bullet which enabled the latter to achieve accuracy,
range and penetrative power greater than the ball fired from a smoothbore musket.
The rifle first emerged among the huntsmen of Rhineland. From there it spread
among the huntsmen of North America. The rifle could hit target even at 1000 yards Modern Warfare

and it remained the basic infantry weapon till World War I. Then the smokeless
powder of the 1860s allowed clear vision for repeated firing.
While cavalry was the decisive arm in pre-modern warfare, artillery became the
definitive arm in Napoleonic warfare. Napoleon concentrated his guns in grande
batterie in order to blast a hole among the line of his opponent. Explosive ammunition
(shrapnel and high explosive shell) replaced solid iron balls, which made artillery
more lethal. They accounted for 50 per cent of the casualties inflicted on the
opponents. This trend continued in the post-Napoleonic Europe. During 1871, the
Prussians used rifled steel ordnance like Big Bertha. Such monsters were able to
reduce a city like Metz into rubble within a few hours.
Steel cannons became common with the advent of Bessemer process. After 1881,
Siemens Martin Open Hearth process raised steel production. Between 1856 to
1870, the price of steel dropped by 50 per cent. In 1863, the first steel ship and
locomotive came into existence. Mass production of steel weapons required a huge
industrial infrastructure. Military prowess became dependent on economic muscle.
This was reflected in the victory of the industrialized north over the agrarian south in
the American Civil War. US steel output in 1900 was 10 million tonnes and that of
Germany about 8 million. In the same year, British production of steel was only 4.9
million. This reflected British military power falling behind.
The state took up the responsibility of clothing, feeding and arming the citizens. This
was the beginning of Hobbes’ Leviathan. For supplying 750,000 soldiers,
revolutionary France had introduced price and wage control as well as press
censorship all over the country. Compared to the scope of this scheme, Sultan
Alauddin Khalji’s attempt in medieval India to regulate market price of Delhi for
paying his 120,000 troopers was paltry indeed. Generalfeldmarschal Helmuth
Von Moltke of Prussia, the winner of Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian Wars
introduced the General Staff system. The General Staff became the nervous system
for conducting conflicts. While the Minister of War presented the budget in the
Parliament, planning and execution including operational control of war devolved on
the General Staff. Instead of the monarch or the Prime Minister, the Chief of the
General Staff assisted by staff officers controlled forces in the field. Introduction of
electronic communications in the form of telegraph replaced horses as means of
command and control. Such advances in long-range communications enabled the
Chief of the General Staff in the capital to retain close contact with the distant field
commanders. It was a step in the emergence of the centralizing polities.
Special institutions like Ecole Normale in France and Kriegsakademie in Berlin,
were set up for training the staff officers. The officers were bound by a code of
conduct. In case of any breach of this code, the military personnel unlike the civilians
were judged by special military courts. In return the state offered the officers a
structured career with requisite pay and privileges. Specialized theoretical knowledge
was imparted to them in order to make the officer cadre professional. Officers
devoted their lives for understanding and conducting warfare. They became
‘specialists of violence’. The staff officers were specially trained in survey and
cartography which in turn were necessary for building roads and railways. Railways
were especially required for deployment of mass armies quickly and cheaply. In
1871 extensive railroads enabled Prussia to concentrate more soldiers than France
at a quicker notice thus enabling her to defeat Napoleon III.
Modern War in the sea witnessed the replacement of the wooden ships with ironclads.
Short recoil carriage and high explosive shell became the chief component of naval 9
Violence and artillery. The first clash between the ironclads occurred at Lissa in the Adriatic on 20
July 1866 between the Austrian and the Italian fleets. By 1840s the Western navies
experimented with steam propulsion which gradually replaced sail driven wooden
ships. Steam power enabled the ships to become heavier. Hence, for protection
against enemy naval gunnery broadsides, it was possible to cover the body of the
ships with armour plates. Britain the biggest colonial power first produced the iron
hulled warship with watertight compartments and boilers. Then a Swedish engineer
named John Erickson of the US Navy came up with revolving armoured turrets and
air ventilation below the decks. This supremacy in ships enabled the Western powers
to project power over long distance and to acquire colonies.


Whatever happens we have got the Maxim gun
And they have not.
Hilaire Belloc
Some techniques of Modern Warfare were imported in the non-European World
by the colonizing powers. The indigenous polities when faced with modern military
techniques of the colonial powers were forced to transform their own states and
societies. Thus an action-reaction dialectic set in resulting in spiralling cost and
increasing scale of warfare. Britain possessed the largest colonial empire. The British
used to remark arrogantly that the sun never set in their empire. And within it, India
was the ‘jewel in the crown’. For policing the subcontinent and to defend India from
a probable Russian invasion, the British raised a 158,000 strong army from the
Indians. Before the advent of the British no other power maintained such a huge
standing army in the subcontinent. For instance, Ranjit Singh, the ruler of Punjab
perceived threat from the British Indian Army. So, in the 1830s, he attempted to
replace the cavalry raised by the jagirdars with a Western modelled infantry force
with the help of French military officers. The Khalsa Army was composed of 35,000
permanent soldiers. And the permanent contingent of the Mughal Empire known as
the ahadis numbered only10, 000.
The British officered Indian Army also known as the Sepoy Army was not unique to
colonial India. For Congo, the Belgian Government maintained Force Publique of
20,000 men. The Army of Netherlands’ East Indies numbered 25,000 men. The
functions of the colonial armies were internal security, guarding the frontiers of the
colonies and also to acquire new colonies. All the colonial powers used indigenous
military manpower because each ‘native’ soldier was four times cheaper than a
white soldier. In the tropical climate, a European fell sick quickly due to heat and
sun. During emergencies importing white soldiers from the metrople (mother country)
to the colonies was not only costly but also time consuming. Also, the local soldiers
were more adaptable to the terrain for deployment. The Dutch found out that the
European soldiers were unable to adapt successfully for jungle warfare in the
Indonesian archipelago. Finally, the policy of integrating some colonial manpower in
the colonial military machines, argued the imperialist administrators, also prevented
the locally ambitious elements from rebelling against the colonial administration.
Besides the maintenance of a permanent army, another characteristic of Modern
Warfare was rising cost of warfare. The Khalsa Kingdom extracted 50 per cent of
the gross produce from the agriculturists. And 80 per cent of the durbar’s income
was used for maintaining the Westernized Sikh Army. The principal expenditure of
10 the British Government in India was maintenance of the army. About 42 per cent of
the government’s income was spent on the army. Again, increasing interaction between Modern Warfare

warfare and society was a cardinal feature of Modern Warfare. The Sepoy Army
was composed of long service Indian volunteers. Every year about 15000 Indian
peasants were recruited in this force. Thus, the Sepoy Army constituted the biggest
government employer in colonial India. In independent India, railways have overtaken
the army as the biggest government employer.
Recruitment of the sepoys (infantry) and sowars (cavalry) had massive impact on
the fabric of colonial society. From the Classical antiquity, European political and
military thinkers like Vegetius, Niccolao Machiavelli believed that farmers were the
best soldiering material. And in nineteenth century Europe, the modernizing regimes
depended on the semi-literate peasants for filling the vacancies in the armies. This
was because the farmers compared to the urban under employed and the unemployed
were regarded as ‘sterile’ and ‘docile’. This stream of thought also influenced the
British in India. However, the British refused to recruit landless labourers,
sharecroppers, etc. This was because being malnourished they possessed inferior
physique. Moreover, the army officers assumed that it was better to collaborate
with men of property who would have a stake in the continuation of the colonial
regime unlike the property less persons. However, the rich farmers were not eager
to join the army as they earned more from farming compared to the soldiers’ pay.
But, military service became very popular with the small farmers. Especially younger
sons of farmers with about 60 acres of land and four bullocks preferred to join the
army. Their military income supplemented the ancestral income from the land.
Moreover during litigations, the families of the soldiers got extra protection from the
sarkar. For popularizing military service further, the army introduced the system of
furlough (paid leave). During harvest time, when extra hands were required in the
family farms, the soldiers were granted furlough in order to help out their families.
Similarly in Indonesia, those groups who were unable to engage in sugarcane and
rice cultivation used to join the Dutch colonial forces.
In order to differentiate the colonial collaborators from the colonial society, the imperial
powers granted those joining the colonial armies special favours. Both in Africa and
in Asia, the soldiers before the advent of the colonial powers were paid either in
kind (a share of the crops) or with land grants. The European maritime powers for
the first time introduced the scheme of regular pay in cash, gratuity and pension
facilities. All these attracted the ‘natives’ towards their white employers. The
communities joining the colonial armies were given the status of ‘martial race’. The
Dutch colonial authorities marked the Ambonese, a group of Indonesia as a martial
race because they were loyal to the House of Orange and had also accepted
Christianity. They were granted extra pay, more pensions and better food. Gradually
generation after generation, the Ambonese used to join the Dutch colonial army and
developed a self-image of being a warrior community. In India, the British ascribed
the status of martial race to the Gurkhas and the Sikhs. Over development of Punjab
was the byproduct of British dependence on the Sikhs from 1880 onwards. In
order to pamper the Sikh farmers of central Punjab, the Raj pumped money to
construct canals and railways in Punjab. And these two boons of modern civilization
not only enabled Punjab to become the breadbasket of India but also enabled the
Sikh farmers to sell their grain to the world market. Grain was transported by rail
cars from Punjab to Karachi and Bombay. From these two ports, the grain was
taken to Europe in cargo ships. Both in the Sepoy Army and in the British officered
Kings African Rifles, for ensuring loyalty of the martial races, their sons were also
provided jobs of soldiers, drummers etc. Just like the French Revolution where the
army was made a platform for upward mobility, service in the Sepoy Army also
offered vertical mobility to selected Indian communities. Military service in colonial 11
Violence and India not only resulted in pecuniary advantages but also rise in ritual status. The
Bhumihars of Bihar by serving in the Sepoy Army got the status of Brahmins. The
Dalits of Maharashtra continuously petitioned the British Government in India to
allow them to join the Sepoy Army.
In order to prevent any mutiny among the martial races, the imperial powers followed
the policy of divide et impera (divide and rule). Segregation of the various martial
groups was a cardinal aspect of divide and rule policy. In India, the British planned
to use the Gurkha regiments in case of any uprising among the Sikhs and vice versa.
In a similar vein the US Army recruited various groups in the Philippines and
encouraged their distinctive language and customs to prevent any homogeneity among
the military personnel. The most favoured martial races were generally illiterate
peasants because of the imperial belief that literacy might encourage rebellious
tendencies. Further, to prevent the ‘natives’ from gaining any know how about the
higher management of Modern Warfare, the officer corps of all the colonial armies
were reserved for white males.
Most of the medical innovations in the nineteenth century were activated by the
need to ensure the health of the European soldiers in the extra-European theatre.
Compared to the Russians, cholera caused eight times more casualties among the
French soldiers during the Crimean War. Throughout the first half of the nineteenth
century, more than 30 per cent of the European soldiers in India were hospitalized at
any given moment due to sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, gonorrhoea,
etc. Besides venereal diseases, drunkenness was another vice of the European
soldiery in the colonies. Intense boredom forced the white troops to take recourse
to drink. The country spirits like arrack available in the Indian bazars were especially
ruinous to the health of the white troops. In India, the army’s medical corps carried
out a campaign against cholera, the biggest killer of European soldiery. Invention of
quinine gave victory to the white military manpower against the ravages caused by
During campaigns the African and Asian soldiers of the colonial armies moved with
their wives and children. Women were tolerated because they provided essential
logistical back ups in the colonial theatres. In the cantonments they looked after the
plantations and the gardens which provided vegetables for the soldiers. Again such
females also functioned as unpaid nurses. In India, the Madrassi and the Gurkha
soldiers were allowed to keep wives because the soldiers’ families were imperial
hostages that guaranteed good behaviour on part of the soldiers. The British officers
also encouraged the sepoys to bring their families within the lines because it enabled
the military to ensure complete isolation of their personnel from disruptive influences
of the society. The British officers commanding both African and Indian soldiers
found out that soldiers behaved well in presence of their wives. Lashing was common
for indiscipline. And the soldiers hated being lashed in front of their women. Again,
presence of the families not only kept the soldiers sober but also reduced any risk of
desertion. The Western maritime powers realized that if the soldiers’ families were
infected with diseases then sooner or later it would also adversely affect the military
personnel. To retain their military manpower in good shape, the imperialists were
forced to introduce modern medical measures in the colonies. So, the soldiers’
families in the cantonments received free medical care especially against colds, chicken
pox, etc. Both the African and Indian women residing within the lines were regularly
treated for venereal diseases. Further, the soldiers and their family members were
given instructions in personal hygiene.
From the 1880s, the colonial armies acquired firepower superiority in their struggles
against the Afro-Asians. This was because the former were equipped with three
elements of Modern War: rifled steel artillery, breech loading rifles and machine Modern Warfare

guns. Repeating rifles certainly aided British expansion in Africa. During 1874, General
Garnet Wolseley defeated the Ashanti tribe, thanks to the firepower generated by
the Snider rifles and 7 pounder guns. However, the techniques of Modern War were
not omnipotent against all colonial opponents.


Afghanistan was a classic case that proved the limitations of Modern War in the
non-European world. Afghanistan was not a nation state with a capital but a
decentralized tribal structure. Hence, the Clausewitzian notion of victory- capturing
the enemy’s capital after the destruction of the enemy’s army in a pitched battle was
inapplicable. In Afghan society due to the prevalence of the blood price for murder
and the operation of the Pukhtunwali code, every male was armed and a potential
soldier. In late nineteenth century, the Pathans could mobilize 400,000 males armed
with 230,000 rifles along the northwest frontier of British India. Instead of offering a
set-piece battle, the Afghans carried out a grulling guerrilla war. Due to the road less
mountainous terrain, heavy artillery could not accompany the British Indian military
columns. The Afghan sharpshooters with their jezails (long range home made rifles)
perched on the sangars (stone fortifications) at the mountain tops and taking every
advantage of the ground, inflicted horrible casualties on the imperial columns. Again,
in terms of cross-country mobility, the Pathan lashkars (war bands) were more
mobile than the Raj’s soldiers. Similarly in 1904, the Nama people in Southwest
Africa conducted guerrilla war against the Germans. Since the Namas were widely
dispersed, the German commander Von Trotha was unable to carry out concentric
operations and decision by battle. In a way, frontier commitments hampered the
colonial armies because of their very modernization. Due to lack of forage for the
horses and bullocks, horse artillery and field guns could not be used in Afghanistan
and in the jungle clad swampy interiors of Africa. Then mortars did not have much
lethal effect against the stone fortifications. Heavy howitzers (used for high angled
fire in order to destroy the personnel inside the fortifications) could not be hauled
over the ravines and mountain crevices. Rapid deployment of lightly armed mobile
units was the only solution. This resulted in close quarter combat with small arms
resulting in very heavy human casualties, a fact which the British Empire found costly.
Elimination of the distinction between the combatants and the non-combatants was
a feature of Modern War. This was also evident in the pacification operations
conducted by the colonizers against the colonized. Both in Africa and Asia, the
imperial military formations deliberately destroyed the livestock, grain and villages in
order to destroy the colonized’s ‘will to resist’. In East and Southwest Africa, the
Germans deliberately starved rebel groups for pacifying them. Von Trotha’s
Schutztruppe (German colonial force) carried out scorched earth policy. It was the
prelude to what the Nazis would do in Russia between 1943-45. For pacifying
Philippines, the US Army not only relocated entire communities but also put them in
concentration camps. It was an indication of genocide that in the near future became
a crucial component of der totale krieg.

Lazare Carnot’s (Minister of Revolutionary France) guerre a outrance signalled
the beginning of Modern War. While the French Revolution initiated Modern Warfare,
the Industrial Revolution sustained it. And Modern War albeit in a limited way exhibited
several characteristics of Total War like inclusion of the non-combatants as legitimate
Violence and targets of war, extermination of entire communities, etc. Increasing scope of Modern
Wars and management of its rising complexities in turn generated a Managerial
Revolution: the emergence of the General Staff System. All these resulted in
bureaucratization of violence by the centralizing nation states. Some of the features
of modern conflicts like centralizing polities and the General Staff continue in the
post-modern age. Again the notion that posts should be filled with men of talent and
merit instead of those with wealth and high birth, when first emerged in the last
decade of the eighteenth century appeared revolutionary. Today, such idea has
become common place. Then, the British construction of martial races with its
emphasis on the social and cultural peculiarities of the various groups aided the
emergence of sub nationalism among the various ethnic communities in South Asia.
Even today the Indian Army like the Sepoy Army remained over dependent on the
martial races like the Sikhs and the Gurkhas. Further, the army’s care for the soldiers’
families marked the beginning of a welfare state which probably reached its zenith in
the post-Second World War era. Herein lies the legacy of Modern War.

1) What do you understand from limited war, modern war and total war?
2) How did technology revolutionize the modern warfare?
3) Define the distinctive features of the modern armies in the colonies.
4) How did the introduction of modern warfare lead to larger social, political

Total War
28.1 Introduction
28.2 The Concept of Total War and its Novelty
28.3 The Mobilization of Resources
28.4 Populations at War
28.5 Summary
28.6 Exercises

The thirty-one years of conflict that began on 28 July 1914 and ended on 14 August
1945 is increasingly being seen by historians as the marker of a new phase in the
history of conflict. The noted Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm calls this phase the
age of total war, the period that saw ‘the great edifice of nineteenth-century civilization
crumpled’, whose witnesses ‘lived and thought in terms of world war, even when the
guns were silent and the bombs were not exploding’. There were indeed, two distinct
conflagrations, the first ending in November 1918 and known to Europeans of that
generation as the Great War, the second starting in September 1939 and ending in
1945, known as the Second World War. The interregnum, however, was marked by
tremendous domestic conflicts in the European nations, the Great Depression, the
emergence of Fascism and Nazism, and regional wars. These latter included the
Japanese invasion of Manchuria (1931), the Italian invasion of Ethiopia (1935), the
Spanish Civil War (1936-39), and the German invasion of Austria and Czechoslovakia
in 1938-39. The close linkages between domestic and international conflict during
this 31-year period make it appear as one seamless global crisis, with characteristics
deriving from the impact of competition between the great powers, capitalist
industrialization and the thwarted growth of popular democratic aspirations. It is
arguable that these elements have remained with us ever since, that humanity is still to
emerge from the reverberations of total war.
It is in this perspective that we seek to define its concept, the critical difference made
by the mobilization of resources and the role played by the great number of national
populations in the execution of total wars.


What is total war? Warfare till the end of the 19th century was still conducted between
professional armies, and was relatively brief. Apart from the Crimean war of 1854-
56, there were no major wars between the great powers for a century (1815 till
1914). In contrast, the conflict that began in 1914 involved all the major powers,
and crucially, the entire resources of society and economy. Although it was the French
Revolution that created the first civilian army, it is only in the 20th century that the
outcomes of war were decided not just by military strength but by the staying power
of entire economies. War aims were not confined to militarily defeating rival armies,
but encompassed the economic and political destruction of entire countries. On the 15
Violence and one hand governments exhorted their citizens to participate in the war, and on the
other, belligerent states enlarged target areas to include industrial centres and civilian
populations, with the aim of destroying public morale. The most glaring example of
this was the use of atomic bombs by the USA on Japan in 1945. But it was evident
from the First World War, when German submarine (U-boat) warfare against
commercial allied shipping was clearly meant to cripple the economy and starve the
British population. The scheme nearly succeeded, for in April 1917 the British
government had only 6 weeks supply of food-grain left in the country. Total war
inaugurated civilian massacre as an instrument of military strategy. Nuclear weapons
were a logical extension of an already prevalent characteristic in modern warfare,
and their capacity for infinite destruction has added a new word to the vocabulary
of conflict, viz., exterminism.
The nineteenth century era of imperialism resulted in the fusion of geo-political and
economic goals. This period had made clear to statesmen and ruling elites that the
pursuit of empire was simultaneously the basis for and the means of global dominance
and the out-stripping of competitors. The tendency of capitalist imperialism to expand
over national boundaries, the pre-eminent position of Great Britain, the belated
unification of Germany and its emergence as a major industrial power in central
Europe and as Britain’s chief competitor, the colonial ambitions of Japanese industry
in alliance with an entrenched military caste – these were the strategic trends that
disturbed the reigning peace between the great powers while they engaged in colonial
conquest and dominion in Africa and Asia. Total war exemplified the dangerous
imperial drives of the dominant economies of the capitalist world, in an age when
democracy was still anathema to most ruling elites.
The concept of war changed dramatically between the French Revolution and the
world wars of the 20th century. The novelty lies in how modern wars are fought, to
what end, and how resources are mobilized by the belligerents. The outcome of
modern war is decided not just by the strength of the armed forces, but also by the
staying power of the economy. In addition, total war is war without limit that can
end only in the ‘unconditional surrender’ of the enemy. The aim is not just the defeat
of the rival army but the economic and political destruction of the rival country. The
targeting of civilians went side by side with citizen’s participation in the war. This
idea went back to the French Revolution when the first civilian army came into
operation. The mobilization of mass national feelings, the ‘strange democratization
of war’, gave birth to the new phenomenon of ‘people’s wars’.


Once the process had been set in motion, it acquired a momentum of its own,
driven by political, psycho-social as well as institutional processes that appeared
unstoppable. Tsarist Russia’s involvement ended in revolution, and left a deep
impression. It was the trauma undergone by Russia in the First World War which
motivated the entire Soviet polity to mobilize its material preparedness for the
onslaught that was to come in the second. Students of Stalinist industrialization are
aware of the severe human cost of this preparation. The Great War, in Hobsbawm’s
words, ‘brutalized both warfare and politics, if one could be conducted without
counting the human or any other costs, why not the other?’ Although vast numbers
of survivors became pacifists, there were also those whose experiences of violence
and savagery drove them into the ranks of ultra-nationalist right-wing politics. The
German Freikorps were one example of this, and the German Workers Party of
Drexler, which was a precursor of Hitler’s National Socialists, another.
The phenomenon of total war was accompanied by the politics of totalitarianism Total War

(and we may not forget that authoritarian politics found resonances in the countries
of the liberal capitalist West as well). The Nazis forged an unchallenged control over
national resources, and even adapted the Soviet concept of economic planning, with
a Four Year Plan of their own. This was an ironic reversal of the situation in the
months following the Russian Revolution, when the Bolsheviks borrowed heavily
from the methods of the German war economy during the Great War. By 1938,
German re-armament consumed 52 per cent of government expenditure and 17 per
cent of GNP, more than the UK, France and the USA combined. Because of the
severe strain this put upon the economy, ‘there was a massive temptation on Hitler’s
part to resort to war in order to obviate such economic difficulties’. It is significant
that Germany’s conquest of Austria in 1938 resulted in the acquisition of $200 million
in gold and foreign exchange reserves.
Total war meant that the entire nation was mobilized for war, not merely the active
combatants. The outcome of the war reflected the capacity of the economy to produce
for it. This was the case with the First World War, wherein different sectors were
reorganized for the war effort, and belligerent governments took control of economic
life on an unprecedented scale, in order to secure regular supplies of munitions,
ordnance and manpower. To fulfil massive financial demands during the First World
War, governments increased the public debt, and printed more paper money. Britain
resorted to heavy borrowing on American markets, and high income taxes. Laissez
faire economic doctrine and democratic rights were soon eclipsed as military
commanders were given powers over civic administration, including food rationing.
Walther Rathenau set up special state corporations dealing in certain strategic
commodities, and under the so-called Hindenburg Programme, vital machinery was
transferred from less to more important industries. Certain factories were shut down.
Cartels emerged and the co-operation between state and big business in national
economic management was solidified. This set a precedent for the future, and
crystallized authoritarian trends in the polity. The French economy, which suffered
from the loss of significant economic zones to the Germans, was obliged to recuperate
its losses with heavy state inputs, leading to a massive development of heavy industry.
Historian James Joll remarks that it was the First World War that ‘really completed
the industrial revolution in France’. The numbers of workers in French military arsenals
grew from 50,000 to 1.6 million. Peasant constituted 41 per cent of conscripted
soldiers - women and children were left with major agricultural tasks.
Whereas the Russian incapacity to produce for war in 1914-1918 led to rout, a
quarter-century later, it was precisely the USSR’s gigantic resource base that once
mobilized, gave it the edge over Germany in the Second World War. Soviet five
year plans after 1937 were designed to build defensive capacity, and in the period
between September 1939 (when war broke out in Europe) and June 1941, (when
Hitler attacked the USSR), Soviet authorities evacuated entire industries eastwards,
to the Urals, Siberia, and Central Asia. 3500 new industrial units were built during
the war. Between 1942 and 45, production levels of Soviet armaments factories
had risen five or six times, and the USSR was producing (on annual average), 30,000
tanks and fighting vehicles, 40,000 aircraft, 120,000 artillery pieces, and 5 million
rifles - levels unthinkable in the first war. In 1942, 52 per cent of Soviet national
income was devoted to military spending.
International arms production statistics for the Second World War showed what
total war meant in an industrial age. Nearly 70,000 tanks were produced in 1944
alone by the USA, Britain, Germany and the USSR. The Allies produced 167,654
aircraft that year. These figures demonstrate the scale of economic mobilization. 17
Violence and Thus the American economy showed an approximate 50 per cent increase in physical
output as well as productive plant. Its annual growth rate was more than 15 per
cent, higher than at any stage in its history before or since. Defence related production
went from 2 per cent of total output in 1939 to 40 per cent in 1943.
Scientific resources were also mobilized by the belligerents in an unprecedented
manner. Constant improvements were made in communications, aeronautical
engineering, tank armour and design, rocketry, explosives and machine tools. The
most stark symbol of this destructive imagination at work is the development of the
atomic bomb, a weapon that was simultaneously being sought by the militaries of
Germany as well as the USA, and whose use signified the advent of massacre and
terror as instruments of military policy. Total war lent impetus to the search for
military applications of atomic theory, and each side feared the possibility of prior
achievements by the other. Britain, Canada and finally the USA put together an
international team of scientists, supported by the maximum official backing, to develop
an atomic weapon before Hitler could do so. The German effort fell short, not least
because of the exodus of brilliant scientists in the 1930’s fleeing from Nazi
persecution. They did however succeed in developing the first pilot-less aircraft and
rockets, which were used against Britain in 1944. After the war, some of the most
talented German scientists such as Werner von Braun were employed by the
American space and military programmes. The capacity to build weapons of mass
destruction had overspilled the boundaries of the nation-states system.


Working people’s lives were deeply affected by phenomenon of total war and the
preparation for it. Total War led to manpower mobilization, the drafting of women
into the labour force, and as a by-product in Britain after the first war, women’s
suffrage and the full-scale development of mass politics. Britain introduced
compulsory military service in 1916, and women were required in increasing numbers
to work in offices and factories. The Nazi regime began to define the German
economy as a ‘war economy’ by the late 1930’s, with the aim of preparing for total
war. The Nazis’ militarist version of Keynesian state intervention drastically reduced
unemployment figures, and increased national production by 102 per cent by 1937.
In a secret Defence Law passed on May 21 1935, Hjalmar Schacht was appointed
the economic Plenipotentiary for the War Economy, whose job included camouflaging
violations of the Versailles Treaty. Business was subjected to heavy taxes, ‘special
contributions’ and compulsory membership of the Reich Economic Chamber. Heavy
industry, especially the armaments sector, made good profits. Wage bills declined
and strikes ceased.
But the crucial role of the working population and of the economic infrastructure
meant that non-combatants became targets of terror campaigns designed to
demoralize the entire civilian population. This strategic goal, combined with the
impersonality of technological warfare made genocide the brutal new fact of modern
warfare. Civilians now became direct targets. The obvious examples come from
World War II with the blitz, genocide, carpet bombing, the atom bomb, and mass
population transfers; but they had begun in the Great War of 1914-18. The Turkish
government’s massacre of some 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 (which also created
320,000 Armenian refugees), is the first modern attempt to eliminate an entire
population. The starvation blockade of the German nation by the Allies was another.
Mass demographic changes were due to the exodus of refugees or by compulsory
exchanges of populations. Thus during the First World War, 1.3 million Greeks
18 moved from Turkey to Greece, and 400,000 Turks moved in the other direction.
Up to 2 million Russians fled the ravages of the Russian civil war of 1918-20. The Total War

Great War and its aftermath produced between 4 to 5 million refugees.

Without a doubt, the Second World War was the greatest catastrophe in human
history. Estimates of human war losses vary between 40 to 55 million people, both
soldiers and non-combatants. 35 million were wounded and 3 million missing. The
USSR suffered the most in human terms - losing about 20 million lives. In February
1945, 50,000 German civilians were killed in the Anglo-American bombardment of
Dresden in one night alone. A single air raid on Tokyo in March 1945 resulted in
80,000 deaths and a quarter of the city destroyed. In terms of displacement, it has
been estimated that about 40 million people had been uprooted in Europe alone.
Mass transfers took place in territories across Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia
and the Balkans. The discovery that the Nazis had created camps for the
industrialization of murder that had killed up to 6 million European Jews, left a
permanent shadow over the human conscience. It gave an impetus to the creation of
Israel that attracted 1.2 million Jews fleeing from Europe and resulted in the forced
displacement of 1.3 million Palestinians. The Korean War, a direct outcome of the
Second World War, left 5 million refugees. The decolonization of India and Partition
left up to 2 million dead and 15 million displaced. The Second World War was the
epitome of total war.

During the First World War, the trenches on the German-French military lines covered
a combined distance of 25,000 miles, three times the earth’s circumference. By
1916, soldiers had lost all hope of winning, and there were groups in the English
trenches that called themselves the Never-endians, who believed that the war would
never end. The Great War ended in 1918, but the rise of Fascism, the colonial wars
of the 1930s, the Spanish civil war, the Second World War, the Korean war, the
Vietnam war, wars over Palestine, wars in South Asia and Africa, the recent wars in
the Balkans and the Gulf, not to mention the insurgencies rampaging throughout the
globe, are evidence that the Never-endians were right. According to one estimate,
the past century experienced (conservatively) 250 wars and 110 million deaths related
to war and ethnic conflict. One estimate has placed the number of deaths due to
ethnic conflict in the last decade of the 20th century at 30 million. An increasing
proportion of these losses have taken place among civilians. During the course of
modern history, war has changed from being a strategic, military principle - the fare
of martial experts - to becoming part of the inmost fabric of civil society. It has
vacated its position at the nation-state’s outer periphery, where it supposedly
protected the nation against external foes, and has migrated inward, culminating in
perpetual civil war enacted to control, even eliminate the inner social enemy, or
‘other’. This process could not have occurred without the advent of the age of total
war in 1914.

1) What is the concept of total war? Trace its roots historically.
2) How has the coming of total war led to large-scale changes in the making of
our society? Discuss Briefly.

Violence and
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Compulsions behind the Genesis of Terrorism
29.3 Irregular Warfare in the Wider World
29.4 Low Intensity Warfare in British India
29.5 Counter-Insurgency Programme of the Indian State
29.6 Summary
29.7 Exercises

Viewed from the Marxist theory of state, the army is the chief component of the
state…. The whole world can be remoulded only with the gun…. Politics is bloodless
war while war is the politics of bloodshed…. Political power grows out of the barrel
of a gun.
Mao Tse Tung
The Chinese political theorist Mao’s dictum that Guerrilla Warfare is necessary for
capturing state power remains relevant even in the twenty-first century. Long before
Mao, a political sage of ancient India named Kautilya also realized the role of non-
state war in the survival of the polities in the power-politics dominated international
system. Kautilya advised the rulers to launch subversive campaigns instead of regular
operations against enemy kingdoms. Kautilya was for creating bheda (divisiveness)
within the enemy society that would tie down the enemy’s economic and military
resources. This ought to be done, advocated Kautilya, by encouraging the minority
groups to demand independence from the enemy’s central government. The point to
be noted is that the Kautilyan Strategy advocated in the Vedic Age has become
common in the Nuclear Age. The post-Cold War era is witnessing a surge of separatist
movements from the Danube to Sutlej by the non-state actors who have foreign
The term Guerrilla War comes from Spanish language which means Little War. The
term came into use in the first decade of the 19th century when Napoleon’s Grande
Armee which swept over Europe was challenged by the people’s movement in Spain
which turned out to be violent. While analyzing Napoleonic Warfare, the Prussian
military officer cum philosopher Lieutenant General Karl Von Clausewitz in his
magnum opus Vom Kriege (On War) conceptualized Little War as Kleinkrieg. In
the Clausewitzian paradigm, Little War is to be conducted by armed men and women.
Since they are not regular soldiers of any state, those conducting guerrilla warfare
are termed as irregulars. The irregulars do not engage in any set-piece battles with
the regular soldiers of the enemy state, but operate in small detachments to conduct
hit and run expeditions against enemy bases and supply columns. This sort of war
lacks any well defined frontlines. Hence, the war conducted by irregulars is also
categorized as Irregular Warfare.
After Clausewitz, Mao Tse-Tung was the greatest advocate of Guerrilla Warfare.
However, there exist elements of commonality as well as difference in the frameworks
of both Clausewitz and Mao. Both Clausewitz and Mao Tse Tung agreed that Violence by Non-State
Guerrilla Warfare should be the preferred strategy of the weak people against
superior numbers and advanced technology. Mao asserted: “Our inferiority in things
like weapons is but secondary. With the common people of the whole country
mobilized, we shall create a vast sea of humanity in which the enemy will be swallowed
up, obtain relief for our shortage in arms and other things, and secure the prerequisites
to overcome every difficulty in the war”.
Unlike Clausewitz, Mao theorized Guerrilla War as part of the Marxist class war; a
struggle by the exploited groups against the exploiters. While for Clausewitz, the
Guerrilla War is to be conducted against a foreign enemy, for Mao guerrilla conflict
can as well be launched by the economically marginal people against the class
controlling the forces of production. Clausewitz depended on pugnacious nationalism
to propel the mass for waging Little War. But, Mao like the religious leaders
emphasized the role of indoctrination among the civilians while launching a guerrilla
struggle. This is because both the messiahs and Mao focus on economic and social
betterment of the common mass as the objective of waging guerrilla struggle. Again,
Clausewitz relied on friendly regular soldiers for backup. But, Mao relied on mass
mobilization as back up to the guerrillas under pressure. Mao has written:
There are those who feel it is hardly conceivable for a guerrilla unit to exist for
a long time behind the enemy lines. This is a viewpoint based on ignorance of
the relations between the army and the people. The popular masses are like
water, and the army is like a fish. How then can it be said that when there is
water, a fish will have difficulty in preserving its existence? An army which
fails to maintain good relations gets into opposition with the popular masses,
and thus by its own actions dries up the water.
While Clausewitz views Guerrilla Warfare within the framework of regular
campaigns, Mao provides autonomy to Irregular Warfare. For Clausewitz,
Kleinkrieg should tie up as many troops of the enemy as possible in order to ease
pressure on the regular soldiers of the state. While the guerrillas should conduct
subsidiary struggle, the main blow is to be delivered by the regular soldiers of the
army. Clausewitz is referring to the Cossacks who by conducting mobile guerrilla
raids harassed Napoleon’s line of communications that stretched from Vilna in Poland
to Moscow. Hence, Napoleon was forced to detach large number of troops for
guarding his supply lines. This in turn enabled the Tsarist Army to gain a numerical
superiority over the Grande Armee before delivering knock out blow to the latter
in a Kesselschlacht (decisive set piece battle conducted by the regulars equipped
with heavy weapons). In contrast, Mao visualizes that with the passage of time, the
guerrillas should gradually transform themselves into revolutionary regular soldiers.
In Mao’s theoretical paradigm, initially the guerrillas should conduct ‘hit and snatch
raids’ against isolated posts of the enemy troops in order to capture weapons.
Gradually as the stocks of weapons build up, the guerrillas should challenge the
enemy regulars in a set-piece battle. Thus a transition will occur from lightly equipped
guerrilla bands capable of mobile strikes to heavily equipped guerrillas capable of
conducting positional warfare.
Occasionally, the guerrillas or the irregulars also wage war against their own
government to redress their socio-economic grievances. The government in order
to delegitimize the insurgents calls them brigands or bandits. And to hide the legitimate
social and political grievances that drive the guerrillas, the government attempts to
present their struggle as merely a ‘law and order’ problem. For acquiring funds, the
irregulars often resort to kidnapping important civilians as well as looting banks.
Violence and Such operations are often carried out by the irregulars, in order to pressurize the
government by heightening civilian tension on the issue of public safety. Thus, the
dividing line between criminality and violent political process conducted by the stateless
marginal groups is very thin indeed.
Guerrillas operate both in the countryside as well as in the cities. Marxist Guerrilla
theory as propounded by Mao emphasizes that the guerrillas should focus on
controlling the countryside. In contrast, urban guerrillas conduct two types of struggle:
urban warfare and urban terrorism. At times the guerrillas are able to win the support
of the lower classes of the urban populace and become daring enough to amass
heavy weapons. This requires an army to lay siege on the city. Such struggles could
be categorized as urban warfare. In 1944, the Polish underground was able to amass
so much heavy weapons that they captured the city of Warsaw and the Germans
had to send panzer (armoured) divisions from the Russian front to eliminate them.
However, when the threshold of violence remains low, the urban guerrillas indulged
in what could be termed as urban terrorism. Such activities include blowing up of
public institutions, murdering public figures, etc. The primary objective of the terrorists
has been considered to frighten the civilians. Hence, the term terrorism comes from
the Latin Word terrere i.e. to frighten. The devastation at the World Trade Centre in
New York in 2001 is a glaring example of urban terrorism.
The knee jerk reaction of a government faced with sporadic violence by the stateless
groups has always been to deploy the army. But, ordinarily an army is prepared for
conventional campaign against regular soldiers. Hence, an army is out of its depth
when faced with elusive guerrillas who prefer not to engage in set-piece battles.
Since the armed members of the marginal groups do not offer clear targets, military
deployments very often fail to check insurgencies. In fact, in the 20th century, the
introduction of sophisticated lethal hand held arms like AK 47s and AK 74s, grenade
launchers, land mines and bazookas have increased the lethality of the guerrillas.
Whether it is the mountainous terrain of Bosnia or the swampy jungle track of Assam,
the scenario is more or less similar. The guerrillas being local inhabitants are able to
take advantage of the terrain and frequently ambush the heavy army columns slogging
along the roads.
Both guerrilla operation and terrorism occasionally result in breakdown of civil
administration. Then the army is deployed under the jurisdiction of the civil
magistrates. In such instances, the army uses minimum force and the objective is to
retain the army till civil administration is able to cope up with the situation. Such sort
of operations lie at the lower end of the spectrum of anti-guerrilla or counter-insurgency
operations. Hence such operations are categorized as Aid to Civil Operations.


Terrain is an important factor behind the continuation of insurgencies. For example
in Northeast and Northwest India, the tribes from British Raj to Swaraj have been
able to combat the government. This is because the physical geography aids the
insurgents’ ‘hit and run’ expeditions. The mountains are cut by deep valleys and
narrow ravines. The higher slopes are covered with pine and oak trees. All these
facilitate ambush by small parties of the guerrillas on the slow moving columns of the
security forces. The Kukis of Northeast India are of nomadic habits. So, they
constantly change their sites of habitation. As they have no permanent settlement,
they have nothing to lose by moving out from one area to another area. This made
the Kukis a mobile enemy. And the swampy jungle tracks deny mobility to the road
bound military convoys. Both the Kukis and the Nagas are famous for constructing Violence by Non-State
stout stockades with timber, concealed breastworks and abattis. From these hidden
strongpoints these tribes have been able to inflict considerable casualties among the
security forces of the state. While in British times they were armed with bows and
arrows, now they possess self loading rifles. And this factor has made the tribal
guerrillas more lethal.
Guerrillas operate in the hilly ravines and swamps not only because of the advantages
the terrain offers to them but also for the fact that deficit economic zones breed the
guerrillas. From the beginning of history, the bleak Afghan plateau did not offer
adequate economic incentives. Large scale profitable agriculture has never been
possible in hilly landscape cut by steep ravines. So, it was necessary for the tribesmen
to indulge in pillage and plunder of the rich agriculturists settled in the plains of
Punjab. Lack of peaceful employment opportunities also encourages the people of
Afghanistan to take up soldiering as a vocation. Since the army has never been able
to accommodate all of them, the profession of being armed mercenaries is a necessity
and not a luxury for them.
In addition to economy, culture has a role to play. Terrorism is often the product of
failure of the nation state or a state with many nationalities like India and the ex-
Soviet Union, to integrate the ethnic minorities inhabiting the peripheral region with
the majority populace. Continuous subversion in Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram,
Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh is because of the clash between Hindi-Sanskritic
culture of the core of India (north Indian heartland) and the tribal culture of the
northeast. The culture gap heightens the communication gap between the people.
Religion often obstructs integration of the minorities with the majority populace. In
Han China, pan-Islamic ties encourage the Uighurs who are Muslim, to yearn for a
separate state with the Muslims inhabiting the post-Soviet Central Asian states.
Insurgents sustain themselves when they receive foreign support. And foreign
countries eagerly support the insurgencies because supporting terrorism against
enemy states has become a low cost option. Without facing the horrendous
manpower loss and financial drain that characterize the regular warfare, a state by
supplying the insurgents with arms and money could keep the security forces of the
enemy state thoroughly occupied. Kazakhstan is afraid of her big brother China.
So, the former is encouraging Uighur Organization of Freedom. In the 1950s, the
Nagas under the leadership of Phizo Angami, who had been an Axis client, demanded
independence of Nagaland. He organized a 3,000 strong guerrilla force known as
the Naga Home Guards. This organization received financial and military help from
Guerrillas have to be motivated to fight and die. While the military personnel are
motivated through symbolic honours (medals, awards etc) and monetary rewards,
the guerrilla leaders mostly take refuge to ideology. If not xenophobic nationalism
then religion has been used for mobilizing the mass. The advent of a self proclaimed
messiah and pan Islamic loyalty were the causative factors behind many Islamic
guerrilla movements from the 19th century onwards. The ‘messiah’ portrays such
struggle as a Jehad (Holy War). However, the Marxist guerrilla leaders instead of
relying on the religious leaders depend on political indoctrination with the aid of
grass root level cells. They lay down a framework of improvement of the peasant’s
social and economic conditions.
The Greek historian Thucydides points out the importance of money in waging war.
While Thucydides is referring to conventional campaigns, his insight is also applicable
in conducting guerrilla warfare. The guerrillas acquire money either from their foreign 23
Violence and sponsors as well as from the international mafia organizations. The jehadis of
Afghanistan who fought the Soviets are now operating in Kashmir and are financed
from the drug money acquired by selling poppy to the international underworld


Guerrilla Warfare is as old as human civilization. The Old Testament records night
ambushes by the irregulars. David led a guerrilla struggle against the monarch Saul.
Interestingly, David’s ranks were filled due to economic distress in Saul’s Kingdom.
So, long before the Marxist theorists linked economic exploitation with Guerrilla
War, this causality was already an established practice in the ancient Near East.
Counter-insurgency operations of the ancient world have certain similarities with
modern day anti-guerrilla operations. In 200 BC, the Syrian Seleucids conquered
Israel. The Israeli guerrilla leaders were able to establish a bond with the villagers by
caring for the old and disabled. Moreover, the guerrillas promised land to the tillers.
Many centuries before Mao, the Israeli guerrillas realized that they needed the villagers
(sea) for protection against the Seleucid Phalanx (regular infantry). For protection
against the imperialists, the guerrillas armed the villagers. Thus the guerrillas were
transformed from being a marauding band raiding villages from the nearby hills into
a genuine armed people’s movement. In 160 BC, the Seleucid monarch Antiochus
IV sent Greek settlers to take over the land. This programme was somewhat similar
to the 20th century Peking’s approach of curbing insurgency in Tibet. The Tibetans
are of a different ethnic stock from the Han Chinese. Peking’s policy is to send Han
Chinese settlers in Tibet in order to change the ethnic landscape of the ‘roof of the
Multiethnic empires have been essentially susceptible to insurgencies. Following
Clausewitz’s footsteps, the British Empire during the First World War used Irregular
Warfare as a subsidiary struggle against the Turks. While General Allenby conducted
a regular warfare against the Ottoman Empire, T.E. Lawrence encouraged and
commanded the Arabs to overthrow the Turkish domination. Lawrence’s sideshows
in the desert of Palestine diverted Turkish military pressure from the main front thus
aiding Allenby’s advance.
During the Cold War era, two greatest Guerrilla Wars occurred in Vietnam between
1950-71 and in Afghanistan during the 1980s. The Afghan experience of Soviet
Union could be termed as Moscow’s Vietnam. The two superpowers were humiliated
by the stateless armed groups. The American Army and the Red Army even after
deploying 536,000 and 115,000 troops respectively failed to crush the guerrillas. In
addition during 1979, Soviet Union deployed 50,000 elite troops to annihilate the
Afghan insurgents. In the ensuing combat, the Americans suffered 46,000 battle
deaths in Vietnam and the Soviets in Afghanistan lost 15,000. In Vietnam, Chinese
and Soviet financial and military supplies kept Vo Nguyen Giap’s North Vietnamese
Army fighting the Americans. Similarly, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
provided stinger missiles and billions of dollars for sustaining the mujahideens
against the crack troops of Moscow. For instance in 1988, US military aid to
Afghanistan amounted to $ 600 million. The American aid to the Afghan guerrillas
flowed through Pakistan.
History turned a full circle after the Soviet collapse when, the American pampered
24 Afghan mujahideens turned against their erstwhile sponsors. The bombing at the
World Trade Center in 2001 was the culmination of Osama Bin Laden controlled Violence by Non-State
Al-Qaeda’s (literal meaning The Base) war with the American ‘infidels’. Initially
USA used a novel weapon in attempting to eliminate the terrorist bases deep inside
Afghanistan. The US Navy following the doctrine of ‘dominating the littoral in depth’
tried to destroy the terrorist hideouts with cruise missiles fired hundreds of kilometers
away from the land from ships operating in the Arabian Sea. The next phase involved
a gigantic air-land operation known as Operation Enduring Freedom which started
in November 2001. Nevertheless many guerrillas escaped into south Pakistan and
then into Kashmir.


The insurgency in Kashmir was a part of the tribal problem involving Pakistan and
Afghanistan. The roots could be traced back to nineteenth century. The imperialists
faced a multitude of irregular opponents from Sudan in the west and Northeast
India in the east during this period. Charles Callwell, a British military theorist in the
first decade of the 20th century, attempted to explain Irregular Warfare in the following
Small War…. comprises the expeditions against savages and semi-civilized
races by disciplined soldiers, it comprises campaigns undertaken to suppress
rebellions and guerrilla warfare in all parts of the world where organized
armies are struggling against opponents who will not meet them in open field,
and it thus obviously covers operations varying in their scope and in their
Northwest India remained the sore spot of Britain’s Indian Empire. Various types
of Pathan tribes like the Afridis, Mohmands, Orakzais, etc were continuously engaged
in insurgencies. Frontier tribesmen proved to be dangerous guerrilla warriors. Captain
L.J. Shadwell, who fought against the Pathan tribes in Tirah during 1897 wrote:
A frontier tribesman can live for days on the grain he carries with him and
other savages on a few dates; consequently no necessity exists for them to
cover a line of communications. So nimble of foot, too, are they in their grass
shoes, and so conversant with every goat-track in their mountains, that they
can retreat in any direction. This extraordinary mobility enables them to attack
from any direction quite unexpectedly, and to disperse and disappear as rapidly
as they came. For this reason the rear of a European force is as much exposed
to attack as its fronts or flanks.
Unlike the guerrillas, the imperial soldiers of Britain were dependent on a host of
supplies that had to be transported to the front from the rear. So, supply depots and
base camps had to be established. This gave the guerrillas the opportunity to cut the
imperial lines of communications. To guard the long lines of communications, the
British were forced to establish guard posts all along which stretched back far to
the rear. This in turn tied up lot of troops who could not be used in the front for
‘Combing Operations’ against the guerrillas. Troops or convoys moving in the dusk
were vulnerable to ambushes.
In night fighting, the tribesmen had an edge over the British troops and the British
led sepoys. This was because they were accustomed to see better in the moonlight.
Since they knew the terrain, even in pitch dark they could approach through the
ravines and passes to concentrate and subsequently launch attacks on the slogging 25
Violence and imperial columns. The most favourite tactics of the Pathans was to fire their jezails
(long barrelled muskets) behind the sangars (fortifications made of stones). Imperial
counter-fire was stopped by the stone fortifications. The tribesmen were able to
pick up their victims easily because each Pathan male was an excellent marksman.
For him, the rifle was the joy of his life. From his childhood, he learned to handle
firearms. Moreover, continuous blood feuds due to the operation of the Pukhtunwali
code forced the Pathans to become versatile in the use of their weapons for survival.
Again many Pathans used to join the Sepoy Army for acquiring musketry instructions.
After the completion of their training, the Pathans deserted from the Sepoy Army
with their rifles. When the imperial column got demoralized, the Pathans armed with
swords and spears rushed down from the slopes. And in close quarter combat,
muskets of the sepoys were useless.

Northeast India which after 1947 became the six sister states of the Republic of
India also proved troublesome for the Raj. Occasionally the Sepoy Army made
forays into the territories of the tribesmen. When during the last decade of the 19th
century, the Lushai tribe proved to be troublesome, their villages were burnt. One
characteristic of such pacification measures was strict political control exercised by
the Political Agents over the conduct of operations by the military commanders.
This was necessary to prevent infliction of undue violence over the civilians. Control
by the political agents was the prelude to present day District Magistrates controlling
Aid to Civil Operations. During 1917-19, when the Kuki tribe of Manipur rebelled,
3,000 personnel of the Assam Rifles and the Burma Military Police were concentrated
under the overall direction of the Political Agents. Besides military operations, the
aim was to win over the Kuki chiefs.



At present at least five crores of Indians live under army rule. This is partly due to
the violent activities of the non-state actors. The post-colonial state inherited several
colonial legacies. The chief among them is the insurgencies in the periphery. The
fundamentalist clergy, arms running and foreign aid sustained the Guerilla War of the
tribesmen of the Indus frontier. Under the Raj, the clandestine operators from the
Persian Gulf region imported arms. To check the arms trade, the Royal Indian Marine
(predecessor of Royal Indian Navy) used to conduct maritime patrolling of the Gulf
region in order to deter and if possible capture the smugglers. After 1947, several
arms producing factories emerged in the North-West Frontier Province (hereafter
NWFP) of Pakistan. Arms smuggling through Iran and Central Asia aided by the
Pakistan Army, also sustained the guerrillas. Just after independence, the Pakistan
Army armed and directed the tribesmen of the NWFP to invade India. They were
designated as Azad Kashmir forces. They were led by many Pakistan army officers
who were supposed to be on leave. Once armed and trained, the tribesmen were
encouraged by the religious zealots to fight for liberating the land of the Muslims.
From the 1980s, General Zia-ul-Haq, the military ruler of Pakistan, encouraged the
growth of madrassas in NWFP. The Peoples Liberation Army, a militant organization
of Manipur receives training and equipment from the Chinese military bases in Lhasa.
In the late 1960s, about six separatist movements sponsored by China and Pakistan
tied down five Indian infantry divisions.

The government of India raised several paramilitary formations to combat terrorism.

One of them was the Assam Rifles which was initially raised by the British for Violence by Non-State
guarding the northeast frontier of India from the ‘wild tribes’. It had twenty-one
battalions and most of them were deployed for maintaining ‘law and order’ in the
six northeastern states. Compared to the police, the paramilitary forces were armed
with not only heavy but also sophisticated weapons. For example, the Assam Rifles
from the mid 1950s were equipped with sten guns, bren guns, and 2 inch mortars.
While the police of West Bengal even now retain .303 Lee Enfield rifles, the Assam
Rifle personnel had rejected such obsolete weapons in favour of Self Loading 7.62
mm rifles way back in 1968. However, unlike the army, the paramilitary forces lack
artillery and armoured fighting vehicles which are necessary for conducting
conventional warfare with the regular troops of the enemy states. The biggest
paramilitary force of India remains the Border Security Force (henceforth BSF)
which was raised by the Home Ministry in the mid 1960s.
Paramilitary forces are deployed when the police fail to curb the insurgents’ activities.
Naga insurgency is the oldest separatist movement in the northeast. The Naga leaders
argued that they are not Indians but brought to India due to the British conquest. In
1946, the Naga National Council demanded an independent state. The Naga leaders
told the departing British that India should remain as the ‘guardian’ power for ten
years and then the Nagas should decide about their future course of action. The
state of Nagaland was carved out from Assam in 1960. The Naga insurgents from
the mid 1950s onwards used to attack the railway line and the railway staff. The
BSF guarded the Indo-Burma border to prevent any insurgents escaping and also
to check any infiltration back into India. In general the regular police manned the
lines of communications. It fell upon the Assam Rifles to conduct ‘Combing
Operations’. In addition, the para military forces also send columns and organized
flag marches in order to restore confidence of the people of the disturbed areas.
Both British-India and independent India have used air power to bring the insurgents
under control. The Royal Air Force (henceforth RAF) regularly bombed the tribes
along the Indus. On 28 August of 1960, the Indian Air Force (hereafter IAF) strafed
the insurgents who laid siege to the Assam Rifles’ post at Purr. Moreover the IAF
also dropped supplies for the defenders. The Assam Rifles was used to guard the
rail installations. In 1966, when the police fled against the violent activities of the
Mizo National Front, both BSF and Assam Rifles units were deployed. Between 9
and 13 March, the IAF strafed the Mizo insurgents. The IAF was used in 1999 at
Kargil for evicting the intruders supported by Pakistan’s Northern Light Infantry.
But the IAF like its predecessor RAF found out that amidst snow blizzards and
rocky terrain, hitting the small bands of elusive guerrillas was next to impossible.
The Kashmiri militants were strengthened with a leavening of Afghan mujahideens.
The latter had downed several Russian helicopter gunships when the Red Air Force
tried to bomb them in the bleak Afghan plateau in the 1980s. These mujahideens
with the Pakistan supplied stinger missiles severely damaged several flying machines
of the IAF. In a way, airpower has been impotent in checking insurgencies.
From the 1980s, the Inter Service Intelligence of Pakistan has become more active.
Between 1985 and 1995, 20,000 guerrillas were trained and infiltrated into the
Kashmir Valley. Before 1993, the ISI was spending Pakistani Rs 100 million (US $
3.3 million) every month on the militancy in Kashmir. The ISI is maintaining bases in
Bangladesh for aiding the rebellious groups of northeast militants. Again Bangladesh
dislikes ‘hegemonic’ India’s behaviour. So, Dacca turns a blind eye when insurgent
groups like the Mizo National Front and the United Liberation Front of Assam
(hereafter ULFA) establish bases on the Chittagong Hill Tracts in order to escape
the ‘Cordon and Search Operations’ of India’s security agencies. After the Soviet 27
Violence and withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Pakistan trained mujahideens were sent to Kashmir
for launching a Jehad there. Being veterans of the Afghan War, they provided a
lethal addition of combat effectiveness to the insurgents combating the Indian state
in Kashmir. Again in pursuit of the policy of ‘tit for tat’, after 1993, the Research
and Analysis Wing (RAW) started supporting the insurgents of Sind. The latter are
encouraged to demand independence from the Punjabi dominated Pakistan.
In addition to such violent response, successive Indian governments have also
attempted to restore normalcy in the disturbed areas by devolution of power through
autonomous councils and panchayats and creation of jobs. This brings the rebel
leaders within the democratic political process. Besides coercion, absorption of the
terrorists in the main stream remains an important plank of India government’s
counter-insurgency policy. One of the causative factors behind the rise of terrorism
among the young generation is lack of employment. So, the government always tries
to create jobs wooing the militants back to the mainstream. From the 1960s, many
ex-militant Nagas were absorbed in the Border Security Force. As part of the
state’s ‘divide et impera’(divide and rule), they were used with much success against
their erstwhile brothers in arms. As part of the job creation programme, after 1960,
a Naga Regiment was also raised by the Indian Army. Another aspect of the divide
and rule policy on part of the government is to play the various insurgent groups
against each other. The army and other state agencies train and equip the Kukis
who are known as the members of the Kuki National Army. This organization attacked
the Naga supporters of National Socialist Council of Nagaland in Manipur.
Ethnic affinities often draw India into the vortex of insurgencies occurring in the
neighbouring countries. In Sri Lanka about one million Tamils are considered to be
alienated from the thirteen million Sinhalese. The former in the 1980s organized a
militant wing named as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (hereafter LTTE) for
conducting guerrilla struggle against the security forces of Lanka. Due to public
pressure from the people of Tamil Nadu, Delhi could not turn a blind eye to the
sufferings of the Tamil minority in Lanka. And when Sri Lanka threatened to turn to
USA for support, Delhi was afraid that Colombo might become a client state of
Washington. So, in 1987, India sent the Indian Peace Keeping Force for combating
the LTTE. The LTTE eliminated the moderate Eelam People’s Revolutionary
Liberation Front and demands Eelam (a separate homeland) for the Tamils. The
LTTE has been innovative in conducting maritime guerrilla warfare. The speedboats
of the LTTE have been harassing the Sinhalese fishing boats.

From the end of the 20th century one witnesses the transition in Irregular Warfare
from class oriented guerrilla struggle in the rural theatre to urban terrorism based on
religious ideologies inherited from the 19th century. However the originality of late
20th century insurgencies lies in the expansion of maritime insurgency. Along with
the navies, the coast guards of the respective countries are playing an increasing role
in checking the maritime insurgents. To sum up, terrorism is primarily directed against
non-combatant civilians whereas the guerrillas mostly target soldiers. While guerrillas
carry out political work for establishing a base among the civilians, the terrorists
remain an elite underground cell without any mass base. Religious extremism, regional
separatism and clash between ethno-religious identity with state generated monolithic
nationalism generate separatist movements which often turn violent. The stateless
marginal groups use violence for emancipation. And if that is not possible then the
terrorists’ agenda is to use violence or the very threat of it for bargaining greater
share of political power from the state’s ruling class. The use of violence by the Violence by Non-State
Akalis of Punjab in the 1980s is an example of the bargaining Guerrilla War. The
army is not suited for counter-insurgency duty because the military personnel have
no acquaintance with the local culture and terrain. Military deployments for blunt
suppression even cause large amount of collateral damage to the neutrals. This can
alienate them and push such persons into the terrorists’ camp. Counter-insurgency
requires political activities besides police actions. Terrorism has come to stay with
us because at present a Conventional War could rapidly escalate into Nuclear War.
So, in the twenty-first century, covert operations remain a favourite low cost strategy
of the polities for weakening their potentially hostile neighbouring countries.

1) Differentiate between Mao Tse Tung’s theory of Guerrilla Warfare and
Clausewitz’s view regarding the role of the non-state actors in war.
2) Point out the similarities and dissimilarities of Irregular Warfare in the Ancient
and Modern eras.
3) Explain the colonial legacy as regards low-intensity threats in the post-colonial
4) What are the steps taken by independent India in checking the secessionist
activities of the marginal groups?

Violence and
Repression GLOSSARY
Divide et Impera Divide and rule policy pursued by the colonizers over the
colonized. First introduced by the Roman Empire, the British
also followed this policy in India to prevent the emergence of a
sense of nationalism among the inhabitants of the subcontinent.
Guerrilla War Opposite of Conventional War. War conducted by the guerrillas
is also termed as Asymmetrical Warfare. Instead of large
decisive set piece battles, ‘hit and run’ expeditions characterize
Guerrilla War. Hence, the latter is also known as Low-Intensity
ISI Inter-Service Intelligence of Pakistan. This organization manned
by personnel from Pakistan Army is in charge of covert
operations directed against India and other countries.
Jehad Holy War by Islam to liberate the Pure (Muslims) from the
heathens. In the Koran, it is enunciated that Jehad could take
the form of both Conventional and Guerrilla Warfare and could
be pursued even by non-violent means. But, from the late 20th
century onwards Jehad has largely been in the shape of Guerrilla
Jehadis Warriors who conduct Holy War.
Madrassa Islamic theological School where young boys are taught and
trained in theological framework of Islam.
Messiahs Spiritual leaders or holy men who promise to bring liberation to
their people.
Mujahideen Jehadis who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets. They
were initially trained, equipped and financed by the Central
Intelligence Agency of USA. After the Soviet withdrawal, they
turned against their erstwhile sponsors. After the collapse of
the Taliban in the wake of Operation Enduring Freedom, the
mujahideens had turned their attention to liberate Kashmir.

Suggested Readings for

Bajpai, Kanti, Roots of Terrorism, New Delhi: Penguin, 2002.

Browning, Peter, The Changing Nature of Warfare: The Development of Land
Warfare from 1792 to 1945, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Calvocoressi, Peter & Wint, Guy, Total War: Causes and Courses of the Second
World War, Penguin, 1974.
Dupuy, Trevor, N., The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare, 1984, reprint, New
York: Da Capo, 1990.
Ellis, John, From the Barrel of a Gun: A History of Guerrilla, Revolutionary
and Counter-Revolutionary Warfare from the Romans to the Present, London:
Greenhill, 1995.
Fussell, Paul, The Great War and Modern Memory, OUP, Oxford 1975, 2000.
Gupta, P.S. and Deshpande, Anirudh (eds.), The British Raj and its Indian Armed
Forces: 1857-1913, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Harvey W. Kushner, Encyclopedia of Terrorism, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2003.
Hobsbawm, Eric, The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991,
Vintage Books, 1996.
Joll, James, Europe Since 1870, Penguin, 1983.
Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Economic Change and
Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, Fontana, 1988.
Killingray, David and Omissi, David (eds.), Guardians of Empire: The Armed
Forces of the Colonial Powers c. 1700-1964, Manchester/New York: Manchester
University Press, 1999.
Lawrence Freedman (ed.), War, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Omissi, David, The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940,
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1994.
Palit, D.K., Sentinels of the North-East: The Assam Rifles, New Delhi: Palit &
Palit, 1984.
Samaddar, Ranabir (ed.), Cannons into Ploughshares: Militarization and
Prospects of Peace in South Asia, New Delhi: Lancer, 1995.
Townshend, Charles (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern War, Oxford/
New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.


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