Q3FY22 Result Update DLF LTD.: Strong Residential Performance Continues
Q3FY22 Result Update DLF LTD.: Strong Residential Performance Continues
Q3FY22 Result Update DLF LTD.: Strong Residential Performance Continues
Operating Parameters
Residential (INR cr) Q3FY22 Q3FY21 YoY% Q2FY22 QoQ%
Pre-sales 2,017 1,022 97.4% 1,512 33.4%
Operating Cash Flows after interest & taxes 831 181 359.1% 1013 -18.0%
Net Debt (Residential) 3220 5100 -36.9% 3985 -19.2%
Management Commentary
• Exceptional items of INR224cr were recorded on account of impairment of investee company Joyous Housing, a JV that owns
the project in Mumbai. The company has invested INR405cr thus far in this project. DLF focused only on incremental
investment in the project, while the remaining partners did not contribute. DLF also stopped investing in the project, resulting
in a default on the interest payment. Hence, on prudent basis, auditors has asked them to write the investment and has
partially written off Rs224 crore out of total investment of Rs403 crore were provided in Q3 FY22. DLF seeks to resolve the
issue with its partners and may increase its take in the project with rise in contribution.
In terms of expansion in the annuity portfolio, structure work at Down Town Gurgaon is complete, aggregating 1.5mn sq ft,
which is pre-leased by over 90%. In terms of Down Town Chennai, construction on 3 mn sq ft is on track (completion by
October 2022).
DLF plans to continue debt reduction through healthy collection with sale of completed inventory and strong launch pipeline in
the residential business. The company enjoys a disproportionate positive cash profile in the residential business with no
significant investment in landbank. The rental business recorded a temporary blip in January 2021 due to Omicron, but we expect
the occupancy level to improve in the next two or three quarters. The company is self-sustainable for expansion even in this
business and will be the key beneficiary when the commercial cycle recovers. Hence, we maintain our BUY rating on the stock
with an SOTP price target of INR477 per share.
Segment Per share Remarks
(INR cr.)
DLF - Devco 76,220 308
Inventory + Receivables to be sold and collected over the next two
Residential - Completed projects 3,967 16
Previous Outlook
Q2FY22: DLF to continue with its debt reduction path through healthy collection with sale of completed inventory and strong
launch pipeline in the residential business. On the commercial business, vacancy rate are bottoming out and leasing enquiries has
picked up. Improving leasing environment and ramp up in rental capex cycle would be another trigger for DLF over next few year.
Hence, We maintain our BUY rating on the stock with SOTP price target of Rs477/share.
Tactical Buy: We valued DLF’s (a) completed and upcoming residential inventory using the NAV-based approach, (b) commercial
assets at 8% cap rate on FY23E EBITDA and (c) land bank using the discounted cash flow approach to arrive at an SOTP-based
price target of INR370 (44% upside). While the current market cap implies P/BV of 1.1x to DLF’s ~INR217bn (book value) residential
and commercial landbank, our land valuation approach implies a value of 2.4x to its BV (marginally lower than P/BV of 2.5–4x
during the previous upcycle over 2010–13). Thus, we consider sustained demand uptrend to be a likely re-rating trigger for DLF’s
Valuation Metrics
Year to March FY20A FY21 FY22E FY23E
Diluted P/E (x) nm 71.6 72.6 93.3
Price/BV (x) 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.7
EV/EBITDA (x) 92.1 73.5 33.2 27.8
Dividend yield (%) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Key Ratios
Year to March FY20A FY21 FY22E FY23E
RoE (%) -1.7 3.7 3.8 2.9
RoCE (%) 3.7 4.2 6.9 6.8
Inventory days 2,402 2,791 2,228 1,257
Receivable days 47 44 27 21
Payable days 1,538 1,521 1,200 759
Working cap (% sales) 272.1 304.1 183.3 116.9
Gross debt/equity (x) 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.8
Net debt/equity (x) 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.8
Interest coverage (x) 0.7 1.5 1.7 1.3
Vinay Khattar
Head Research
VINAY Digitally signed by VINAY
Rating Expected to
DLF Sensex
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