ODOÑO - Quarter 2 Week2
ODOÑO - Quarter 2 Week2
ODOÑO - Quarter 2 Week2
This plan is developed for you as a facilitator to guide the learner during the conduct of this modules entitled " FOCUSING
SPECIMEN USING THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE ". You will check the specified outputs of the learner, and afterwards, ensure
and keep the answer key with you.
You will guide/assist the learner to attain the following objectives which highlight the cognitive (thinking), psychomotor
(physical/kinesthetic) and affective (social/emotional/feeling) skills. Answer Sheets will be used to answer the questions/activities
(You can also include your schedule for FB group messenger synchronous activities and YouTube channel for asynchronous
discussion video)
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the parts and functions of the compound microscope
Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to:
employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to gather data about very small objects
be included in NOTES TO
the Learning FACILITATOR
Day 1 familiarize Module 2 SYNCHRONOUS FORMATIVE Guide students
Lesson 1 the steps in Lesson 1: CLASS: ASSESSMENT: on how they
Focusing specimen focusing Focusing 1. Discussion on 1. Answer would be able to
using the specimen specimen using how to focus WHAT I focus the
compound using the the compound specimen using KNOW on specimen in the
microscope compound microscope the compound page 2-4. compound
microscope; microscope. microscope by
and providing enough
determine instructional
the media materials
magnification that will give them
of a enough
specimen information and
seen under idea on how they
the could observe
microscope. specimens.
DAY 2 identify parts Module 2 ASYNCHRONOU 1. Assess the The answer keys
Lesson 1 of the Lesson 1: S CLASS: learning of are provided at
Focusing specimen microscope Focusing 1. Answer students by the end of the
using the and their specimen using ACTIVITY 1: answering module. The
compound functions. the compound IMAGINE ME page 6-7 of Teacher as
microscope determine the microscope WITH YOU on SLM. facilitator should
magnification 6. guide the
of a specimen 2. Answer WHAT students in
seen under the checking the
IS IT on 7..
microscope activities
Day 3 determine the Module 2 ASYNCHRONOU 1. Assess the The answer keys
Lesson 2 magnification Lesson 2 S CLASS: prior are provided at
Magnification of a specimen Magnification 1. Answer conceptual the end of the
Power of a seen under Power of a ACTIVITY 2: knowledge by module. The
Microscope the Microscope MAGNIFY ME answering Teacher as
microscope on page 11. page 11. of facilitator should
2. Answer SLM. guide the
ACTIVITY 3: 2. Assess the students in
learning of checking the
students by activities
answering administered.
COMES FIRST page 12 of
on page 12. SLM.
Prepared by: