Think of an event
you will hold organizing the marathon description of the marathon time, distance, where it will held,
when, who will participate and objective
Activities of the project: Someone gives goodies, or you are giving goodies
Kind beings
763/11, Jyoti Park
Gurgaon- 122001
Date: October 27th, 2022
Tata Motors Limited
Tower B, Signature Tower
South city-1
Subject: Letter for asking grant for cancer patients
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I, Janhvi Arora from Kind being non-profit organization is writing this letter with the hope that you
will help us in contributing towards the treatment of the cancer patients. We are working for last 25
years with the aim of imparting a better life for those cancer patients who cannot afford their
treatment’s fees. In order to seek your support, we are planning something that will not only be
beneficial to us but will also help your organization in doing something for social cause. We are
thinking to organize a 5kilometers marathon on 30 October i.e, coming Sunday at 9 a.m. in which all
your employees can take part. Location for this marathon is Leisure Valley Park.
All the employees of Tata Motors Family will receive a token of appreciation from our side in form of
goodies like bands which are created by women who are seeking opportunities to work up on. In
return, we just want your contribution to the fullest in this marathon and towards our cause. We
daily receive so many requests for funding of cancer patients and in order to fulfil these requests we
require funds arounds 25 Lakhs. We look forwards for your active participation in the marathon and
your contribution towards this cause.
You are professor at glim and you are approached by a student to write a letter of recommendation.
The student is planning to go for a super specialization in your subject abroad. This candidate is
currently employed in an MNC as an associate analyst. You remember the student as being sharp,
interactive, attentive and a quick learner. Draft an appropriate recommendation letter
Students name
Introducing the student draw the connection
Introduction, what program is the student applying for, what is the student doing currently
2 para- skills,
3rd para- how will be an asset to the institution as he has workex
Janhvi Arora
Great Lakes Institute of Management
Date: October 28th, 2022
Professor Thomas
Cisco College
101 College Heights
TX, United States
Subject: Letter of recommendation for master’s program
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to you for recommending one of the most precious students of our institution
named Aman Kumar. He is willing to enrol in your one-year master’s program for pursuing his
further studies. With an excellent academic record with stellar performance in all the case study
competitions, he has always indulged himself in enhancing his skillset by learning something new.
Having keen in subjects related to analytics, he was the only one who was placed
Buffer statement
Session 8
1. Customers does not like price increase. In order to charge high price it is necessary for
marketers to justify their products in relation to its price.
2. Concept of Just Noticeable Difference (means companies should increase the price of their
products gently in order to prevent customers from walking away.
3. Geographical factor affects pricing strategies.
4. Giving price discounts and allowances to customers in order to retain them.
5. Use of promotional pricing strategies for stimulating more purchase.
6. Price discrimination and different types of pricing.
7. With the help of airlines example, learned the concept of yield pricing that customers can
sometimes pay less prices on late purchases as well.
8. That how companies use price cute as defensive strategy to have market domination.
Session 9
1. Meaning of system and network
2. Concept of Marketing channels and how sellers do brand representation.
3. In case when distributors lack products, it creates a negative perception among the
customers which will harm brand they are representing.
4. Importance of intermediaries in distribution channels. With these intermediaries’ company
can incur less cost and can have more customer reach.
5. Wholesalers deals on bulk and retailers on margin and retailers have 4 times profit margins
in comparison to wholesalers.
6. With marketing channel system how a company can convert its potential customers to
profitable customers.
7. Company can take advantage of the wholesalers and retailer’s advice and value it while
launching new product line.
8. How lack or stock out of products can lead to loss of potential customers of the company as
they will try something new.
9. With air bag manufacture example we learned that how the company should not worry
about their immediate suppliers but also the suppliers’ customers.
10. Importance of demand planning in an organization in estimating the quantity of the product.
Session 10
1. Learned the difference between exclusive and multi-layered stores and exclusive store
attract loyal customers.
2. Channel members adding value with respect to time, place, quantity and possession
3. Concept of assortment and how by having proper size assortment they are making sure
that the store has one more customer.
4. Retailers know about their customers and form assortments on that basis.
5. Understanding the role of marketing channel
6. Decisions regarding channel design like how consumers choose the channel they prefer
based on price, product assortment and channel segmentation.
7. Channel design decision and establishing objectives that whether help is required for self
help, on demand help and full service. And how full service require more knowledgeable
8. Ways which differentiate channel alternatives like type of intermediaries, number of
intermediaries and terms/responsibilities of channel/member.
Persuasive Letter
Subject: Request for renewal of miss Knightly’s contract
Respected ma’am/ Sir,
Session 12
1. Meaning of retailing and how retailer gets value by the end of the line interaction.
2. Different types of retailers and their characteristics
3. Use of different level of services for store retailers
4. Meaning of franchising and its characteristics
5. How technology is shaping modern retail marketing environment
6. Stake in the put-label marketing is high.
Session 13
1. Integrated Marketing Communications means bringing different communication in a
single one
2. With the help of example of cartier watches we learned that how without speaking only
with advertisement the objective of a brand is communicated through a lot of precision,
eye for detail and how it shows sense of luxury through wine in advertisement
3. Role of marketing communication – it was demonstrated through the example of Coca-
Cola that it is the 2nd most understandable word and has a great brand power.
4. Marketing communication mix includes advertising, sales promotion, events and
experiences, mobile marketing and so on.
5. Examples of eight common communication platforms.
6. Broad communications process models like macro model of the communications process
and micromodel of consumer responses
7. Elements in the communication process that includes sender, encoding of the message
and then message is decoded by the receiver. After receiving message the response is
given in the form of feedback.
8. Different consumer response hierarchy model and its stages.
Session 14
1. Discussed about ELM Model- peripheral and central model. In Central model, there
is large focus on reading i.e., on the research part due to which impact of endorsers
will be less.
2. Learned about moment marketing through the Oreo dunk in the dark article.
3. Objectives of communication that it is necessary to know our audience in order to
make effective communication happen.
4. Discussed the example of Titan bag that if it didn’t have brand name Titan then it
would have been less known to the people.
5. Various strategies involved in designing the communication like message, creative
and message source. Discussed that how luxury products uses time lapse video in
order to show modification.
6. Message strategy depends up on the amount of the budget. According to the budget
company will decide whether to keep an endorser or formulate any other strategy.
Discussed about the Byju’s example of having an endorser.
7. Learned about one-sided and two- sided appeals. Two- sided appeal was explained
with the help of example of Ambuja cement.
8. Methods for establishing marketing communication budget.
9. Learned about marketing communication mix and its characteristics
Title Page
Analytical Report
Patient Waiting Time Minimization
Submitted By
Author’s Full Name
Submitted To
Dec 2,2022
Page 2
Table of contents
Topics Pg No.
Executive summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Situation Analysis
1.1.1 brief
2. Literature Review
Page number in roman numerals (i)
Page 3
Executive Summary
Summary of the entire report
No bullet points
1. Executive Summary- 2 para
2. Introduction
2.1 Situational analysis- 1 para
2.2 Problem Statement- 2/3 para
3. Discussion/Methodology
3.1 Method of Data collection
3.2 Options- Bullet points/List
3.3 Criteria for evaluation of options-List
3.4 Evaluation of options- Table
3.5 Description of evaluation- Paragraph+Table
Write a feasibility report to determine whether a company should provide child-care facility
for its employees or not?
Problem statement
Goal of the statement
Target audience
Options that the company has
Criteria for these options
Do the table of evaluation
Company image
The main objective that this step will fulfil is enhancing the company’s image. As while applying for
jobs people look deeply into company’s profile. So, with such great facilities and values company will
not increase its reach but will also have employee’s loyalty. In addition to this, employees can work
at ease knowing that their kids are getting best care facilities
Employees Satisfaction
For single parents and mothers, if this facility is not provided then they have to keep
worrying about their kids all the time. This will not only reduce their efficiency by lack of focus during
work but will also lead to diversify looking other job alternatives.
Session 16
1. Learned how to evaluate advertising effectiveness on the basis of share of expenditure,
share of voice and share of mind and heart share.
2. Heart share is only for those people who owns the product.
3. Sales promotion backs loyalty if product is really good.
4. Learned about various place advertising out of the house options like billboards, public
spaces, product placement and point of purchase like hypermarkets and all.
5. How to select an effective consumer promotion tools and trade promotion tools. Other than
various tools for selecting various business and sales force promotion tools were also
6. Discussed how sales promotion programs are developed
7. Ways to maintain public relation and various events and experience objectives.
Session 17
1. Discussed about the gestation period that it is the period between first pitch and the
closing order.
2. There is an opportunity to create good relationships with face-to-face contact or selling.
3. Learned what is selling and set of activities that makes it possible. Selling is a commerce
related thing and is last step in the chain of commerce. The set of activities are R&D
Production Operations, Finance & HR Marketing Sales
4. Sales is a happening function as if sales fails, company fails.
5. It is important to know prospecting i.e., your target market. It was explained with the
example that even if the person is able to achieve his target but takes too long to
achieve it then there is lack of prospecting.
6. Good sales people are good in taking calculated risks, using leverage to negotiate better
price, predicting future. A good sales person must have followed knowledge-:
Business knowledge, Industry knowledge, Company knowledge, Product knowledge,
Selling knowledge, The right attitude.
7. Learned various rules of professional selling.
8. It is important to be in sync with the customers in order to know what pain point the
client is facing
9. Importance of listing down the unique value propositions
10. Significance of the questioning skills. Also learned what is spin selling method and it is
built on the ability to ask right questions.
11. Learned 9 act of sales, action selling and various milestones and commitments.
Session 18
1. Discussed the importance of first 30 seconds and how its influence matters a lot.
2. B2B marketers experience longer sales
3. With the example of Ashok Leyland and DTC buses learned how it is difficult to sell a
fleet of low floor buses to city transportation department
4. Significance of determining the stage of buying cycle the customer is in and what will
be the appropriate action to be taken.
5. There are fewer identifiable buyer and learned this through example of aircraft
materials and how China also stepped in this industry.
6. Importance of negotiation skills and how it is Important for the survival of a sales
Session 19
1. Learned about 3 PL’s like people, planet and profit. If a business has all of these
only then it is sustainable and accepted by the society.
2. Discussed various new trends in marketing like chatbots & voice search,
influencer marketing, video marketing and all with the help of examples like
Starbucks’s application which informs Starbucks company that what a person is
ordering and what time and location. In influencer marketing mama earth’s
example. In Video marketing took the example of brands like Nike, Adidas and
3. With the help of Budweiser’s advertisement brands are focusing on responsible
marketing. It was portrayed with the line that “I thought I shouldn’t come home
last night”.
4. Discussed about various players involved in sustainable marketing and how
these players help in brand patronage i.e., repeated purchase.
5. Various causes of non-sustainable marketing were discussed through the
examples of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, HUL, Apple iPhone and many other brands.
6. Learned about sustainable marketing and key principles of sustainable
Session 20
1. Ethical marketing basically emphasizes more on being a marketing philosophy
2. With the help of the example lifebuoy instead of thinking about its own promotion it kept
the strategy of using any soap to be safe from infection.
3. Discussed about unethical practice of window dressing and how people don’t like
manipulative brands.
4. Good ethical practices are required to have good brand image and to retain customers
through trust.
5. Learned about cause marketing through Tech Mahindra’s example and how it is different
from CSR marketing
6. Various CSR areas that a company can focus on is education, environment and gender
Part a short notes
4 short notes of 5 marks each
What kind of document it is
List of options
Procedure what will be done, when it will done, how much each component or phase will
cost. Budget over what period of time
Testimonials,credentials, qualification of company and u
Cover letter- gaps can be mentioned personality types
The difference between these two proposals can be identified through their names.
Solicited proposals are presented as an answer to a need. Unsolicited proposals are
used to initiate the sales process, they usually show the customers why they would
need this product. Solicited proposals are often welcomed; however due to the
increasing number of unsolicited proposals today, customers don’t pay attention to
them. Solicited proposals are presented because they are wanted by the customer;
but an unsolicited proposal is like telling the person how you can help even if they
do not require you to help.
Solicited proposals are submitted because they are needed, on the other hand,
unsolicited proposals are submitted even if they are not needed, it is the proposal
that usually tells the person that they should need the product they are proposing.
A proposal is a written document that outlines a plan, idea, or solution to a problem, and is often
used to seek support or funding for a project or initiative. Proposals can be written for a variety of
purposes and audiences, and can be either solicited or unsolicited.
Solicited proposals are those that are requested or invited by an organization or individual, usually in
response to a specific request for proposals (RFP) or request for information (RFI). These proposals
are written in response to a specific need or problem, and typically include detailed instructions or
guidelines for what should be included in the proposal.
Unsolicited proposals, on the other hand, are those that are not requested or invited, but are
instead submitted spontaneously by an individual or organization in the hopes of gaining support or
funding for a project or idea. These proposals are often more general in nature, and may not be
tailored to a specific need or requirement.
Proposals can also be classified as internal or external, depending on the audience. Internal
proposals are those that are written within an organization, and are typically used to seek support or
funding for projects or initiatives from within the organization. External proposals, on the other
hand, are those that are written for an external audience, such as a funding agency or potential