Department of Business Administration: Course Description
Department of Business Administration: Course Description
Department of Business Administration: Course Description
Course Description:
This course develops basic skills in financial statement analysis needed to identify and analyze
the relevant financial data used in a variety of decision contexts e.g., equity valuation,
forecasting firm-level economic variables, distress prediction and credit analysis.
Business uses financial statements as the primary means to communicate financial information to
parties outside the organization. This financial statement is prepared in partnership as well as in
company. Cash flow plays a vital role in company financial statement to understand how
company is generating and using cash resources. Managers in business have to analyze and
understand the financial performance and strength of their company. For this purpose they take
help from financial statement analysis.
Course Objectives:
This course has been designed keeping the following objectives in mind:
1. To enable student to understand the key role of Financial Statement (Income Statement,
Balance Sheet, statement of Cash flow and Owner’s Equity Understand and discuss the
fundamental concepts of Finance
2. To enable student to understand component of Income Statement, Balance Sheet and
Cash flow statement
3. To enable student to interpret various business activities with the support of reports
published by company
4. To enable student to develop a sound knowledge of various ratios used in analysis of
5. To enable student to have a sound idea of various regulatory authorities
6. To enable student to develop a concept of disclosures and financing liabilities
7. To enable student to evaluate company performance from investor, creditor point of view
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course a student will be able to:
1|P age
Teaching Methodology:
Teaching at Iqra University is learner oriented. Students are involved in lectures, assigned
readings, reference readings, exercises, case studies, presentations, and class discussions. In the
same way, grading tends to focus on the students’ overall performance and participation in the
classroom activities.
Code of Conduct:
Students have to follow the rules stated below to avoid a failing grade in the course:
Understand and follow the University policy regarding attendance.
Arrive in and leave the classroom strictly on time. Late arrival will be marked as absence.
If you leave the classroom in the middle of a session even for a short while, you will be
marked absent.
Keep your cell phone off during the class.
Do the assigned readings for a class before coming to the class.
Maintain a disciplined, cordial, and respectful attitude towards the teacher and your
fellow students.
Submit your homework on the due date before the class begins.
Do not plagiarize from books, journals, or the internet.
Do not cheat (make someone else do your work or present work for some other course as
work for this course).
The teacher’s decisions about marks and grade will be final.
Course Contents:
2|P age
Interpretation of Income Statement.
Understanding the concept of Balance
Explain the measurement bases,
historical cost and fair value.
4. Understanding the concept of Balance
Classification of balance sheet accounts. Assignment
Classification of Owner’s Equity
Case study
5 Interpretation of Balance Sheet.
Understanding the concept of Cash flow
6. Understanding the concept of Cash flow
Free Cash flow analysis.
Interpretation of Cash flow Statement.
7. Financial Analysis Techniques.
Critical overview of income statement
and balance sheet.
Qualified Accounts versus audited
approved accounts
Case study
8. Understanding and interpretation of
Financial Analysis Techniques.
Problems using corporate practical QUIZ
examples and case study.
Corporate Earning.
9 Concept of Inventories.
Classification of inventories.
Inventories Accounting Treatment.
10. Understanding the concept of Long
Lived Assets.
Effects of Capitalization. QUIZ
Long Lived Tangible Assets.
Case study
11. Understanding the concept of Income
Understanding of Long term liabilities.
Interpretation of Long term liabilities.
12. How to read annual reports and its
interpretation on industry specific.
3|P age
13 Case study: selected company from market
14 Project Presentation
Rescheduling of Class:
The teachers at Iqra University are very particular about taking their classes, but in case of an
emergency, an alternate teacher may conduct the class. Students are informed through SMS in
case of rescheduling of a class.
Grading Policy:
Quizzes ______10_____
Assignments/Case Studies: ______15_____
Project/Project presentations: ______10_____
Mid-term ______25_____
Final Exam ______40_____
Total 100____
Recommended Readings:
Reference Books:
4|P age