A Study of Factors Affecting Investment Decisions: With Special Reference To Spiritual Intelligence Authors
A Study of Factors Affecting Investment Decisions: With Special Reference To Spiritual Intelligence Authors
A Study of Factors Affecting Investment Decisions: With Special Reference To Spiritual Intelligence Authors
Investor behavior influences financial environment of a country. Risk and Return expectation
of investors depend upon various demographic factors. This study tries to establish
relationship between demographic attributes like age, gender, spiritual orientation of
investor and his investment decision making. Structured questionnaire was administered on
100 investors. The result reveal that age has no significant relationship with risk taking
capacity of investor. Gender and spirituality intelligence have significant relationship with
risk taking capacity of investor.
The growth of an economy depends on savings and investment patterns of the individuals.
Investment decision making of individuals is affected by a number of internal and external
factors. The investment behavior includes risk taking capacity, return expectation and
investment objectives. Investor`s decision is affected to a great extent by their demographic
factors including age, gender, work experience, total income, their organizational setup and
spirituality intelligence. All these factors have been widely researched but spirituality
intelligence and its impact on investment behavior in Indian perspective is a less researched
dimension to investment decision making.
The dictionary definition of risk is the chance that an investment's actual return will be
different than expected. While some investors are inclined to take more risk than others, there
is always a place for low risk investments as part of a properly-balanced portfolio.
Determining what risk level is most appropriate for an investor isn't an easy question to
answer. We assume that people with high spiritual intelligence have more faith in themselves,
others and God as compared to those with low spiritual intelligence. The level of spirituality
intelligence of an individual will affect his risk taking capacity and also his return
expectation. In this study it is our endeavour to study the relationship between spiritual
intelligence and investment behavior of the individuals.
Risk tolerance differs from person to person. An investor’s decision will depend on his/her
goals, income and personal situation, among other factors.
*Assistant Professor, University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New
Delhi, divya.ipu@gmail.com
**Assistant Professor, University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka,
New Delhi, deeptimprakash@gmail.com
Apart from investor’s attitude and whole lot of other reasons; one may assume that the global
crisis was created and expanded because of a spiritual vacuum. According to Mayer
(Tammam, 2009), the crisis can be connected to with a lack of respect for spiritual and moral
principles in the field of finance. Various scholars have therefore highlighted the need to
integrate spiritual principles in finance and economics to make it more holistic. Spiritual
Intelligence is “The ability to act with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and
outer peace (equanimity), regardless of the circumstances.” Spiritual intelligence is an innate
human intelligence that is readily made available to us if we are willing to ask for it and
practice it. Investment would definitely care about compassion; because the investor cares
about longer term returns! Compassion is expanded sense of self; when combined with
Wisdom, Compassion creates incredibly effective decisions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: review of literature, research methodology,
results and discussion and conclusion.
Review of Literature
Drawing from the field of economics; Finance focuses on efficiency. From a societal
perspective, a key function of finance is to ensure allocational efficiency – the efficient
allocation of scarce resources to their most productive use. Emotional and psychological
factors often override the rational expectations theory in financial decision making, affecting
trading performance (Lo et al., 2005), and only if risk aversion is pegged at unrealistically
high levels, does the efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations theory explain the
volatility of the market overall (Shiller, 2003). ‘‘Risk aversion’’ is a preference for less risk
over more. The Penguin Reference Dictionary of Psychology (Reber and Reber, 2001, p.
634) however defines ‘‘risk’’ as ‘‘An action that jeopardises something of value . . . .’’Most
people are risk averse (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979). Wealthier investors are more willing
to incur more risk than less wealthy ones. Optimal asset allocation in an investment portfolio
must consider the tradeoff between expected return and risk (Yook and Everett, 2003).
Investors’ risk preferences may affect this optimization (Hallahan et al., 2004). Risk-taking
propensity is a multidimensional construct. Investment risk tolerance has four components:
propensity, attitude, capacity, and knowledge. People with high sensation seeking tendencies
showed greater risk-taking tendencies in financial decisions (Wong and Carducci, 1991).
Lovric et al. (2008, p. 1) stated that the: [. . .] investment process is influenced by a number
of interdependent variables and driven by dual mental systems, the interplay of which
contributes to bounded rational behavior where investors use various heuristics and may
exhibit behavioural biases. There are also other factors that skew decisions, such as
misevaluations of financial assets (Ritter, 2003), lack of understanding and miscalculation of
basic financial measures, such as volatility (Goldstein and Taleb, 2007), and finally, the
effect of word of mouth and media driven feedback (Shiller, 2003).Simon (1956, 1959)
proposed that decision makers are bounded rational and they aim at satisficing behaviour and
not maximizing one. Neuroscience research has shown that “financial decision making has
important roots in emotional and motivational processes and cannot be understood fully as
the expression of cognitive limitations” (Sjobreg and Engelberg, 2006, p. 21). This is on
account of the fact that investment decision making is a lot more than just mental processes
Hilary and Hui (2008) found that both individuals and organizations exhibiting a high degree
of religiosity display lower levels of risk exposure in decision making. Similarly, Fernando
and Jackson (2006) noted that in the individuals studied, outcomes of difficult decisions, and
both good and bad, were in some way attributable to a religious, spiritual or value
characteristic. Addressing the role of emotional intelligence in decision-making processes,
Sevdalis et al. (2007) noted that although empirical research has emphasized the relevance of
emotions in decision-making processes, individual differences in the perception and
experience of emotion have been largely overlooked. The authors concluded when people
make decisions, they often think about the emotions the outcomes are likely to trigger.
Further, Sevdalis et al. (2007) outlined decision-makers:1. Anticipate their emotions before a
decision materializes;. 2. Experience them when they receive the outcomes of their decision;
and3. Recall them from memory when they contemplate past decisions (good or poor).
There has been a debate on whether financial scandals are caused due to excessive profit
seeking. One of the real root causes of the corporate scandals is “the overemphasis
corporations have been forced to give in recent years to maximizing shareholder value
without regard for the effect of their actions on other stakeholders” (Kochan, 2002, p. 139).
Many corporations have profit-sharing programs that are intended to align management
interests with owners’ value maximization goals. Profit-based mechanisms create a huge
amount of pressure and opportunity for individual managers and may have some serious
flaws. Bazerman and Watkins (2004) have found that financial scandals are actually
surprises, which firms can predict well in advance. Owing to psychological, organizational
and political factors, firms fail to predict them. By proper recognizing, prioritising and
mobilizing firms can reduce their vulnerability to such scandals.
Haviland et al. (2009) opine that internalised controls through the inculcation of values make
firms and decision makers feel personally responsible for their own actions and conduct, thus
Research Methodology
The objective of the study was to analyze the investment behavior with respect to their
personal attributes and spiritual orientation. The sub objectives include:
• To study the relationship between spiritual orientation and risk return expectation of
• To study the impact of demographic attributes on risk, return and investment behavior
of respondents.
To carry out this study a well-structured questionnaire was administered on 100 respondents.
Another standardized questionnaire of Spiritual Intelligence at Work- Self Assessment (@ Judi
Neal 2004) was used to evaluate spiritual intelligence index of respondents.
Ho1: There is no difference between investors of various age groups and their level of
awareness about investment alternatives.
Ho2: There is no difference between risk taking capacity of investors and age.
Ho3: There is no difference between risk taking capacity of investor and their gender.
Ho4: There is no significance between spirituality intelligence of investors and risk taking
The questionnaire was administered on 100 respondents out of which 62 per cent were males
and 38 per cent were females. The total sample constituted 73 per cent people between the
Male 62
Female 38
20-30 years 73
Age Groups 30-40 years 21
40 and above 6
1-5 years 64
5-10 years 22
Work Experience
10 years and
above 14
0-5 Lakhs 24
Annual Family 5-10 Lakhs 36
Income 10 Lakhs and
above 40
Public Sector 24
Organisational Setup
Private Sector 76
The results of the study show that out of the total income 40 per cent is saving by the sample
investors (40 percent is the median value of saving). Out of total sample 14 per cent
respondents save 40 per cent of their income.
The respondents are having a portfolio of investment instruments out of various categories of
investment alternatives available. As depicted in table-2, 58.39 per cent of total investment is
in low risk instruments. 24.73 per cent of investment is in medium risk instruments and 16.48
per cent of investors invest in high risk instruments.
Percentage of
Financial Instruments
Low Risk Investment instruments 58.39%
Medium Risk investment instruments 24.73%
High Risk Investment instruments 16.48%
Table 4 depicts the results of kruskal wallis test on age group and level of awareness of
respondents about different investment alternatives. Chi-square value is 7.564 which is
significant at 0.023 per cent. It is clear that there is significant difference between level of
awareness about investment alternatives and people from different age groups. The
investment awareness of respondents having age group of 40 years and above is higher than
level of awareness of age group between 20-30 years. Ho1 is rejected that there is significant
difference between age of respondents and their level of awareness about different investment
Chi-Square 7.564
df 2
Asymp. Sig. 0.023
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable:
Table 5 shows level of awareness about investment alternatives amongst males and females.
In this table 45.16 per cent males having high level of awareness about investment
alternatives. 40.32 per cent of males having medium level of awareness about various
investment alternatives. 63.15 per cent of females having medium level of awareness about
various investment alternatives.
Table- 7 shows investor`s response on their risk taking capacity. 50 percent investors are
medium risk takers. 45 percent investor want to take low risk and only 5 percent are
aggressive investors.
Expectation Percentage
High Returns 34%
Medium Returns 47%
Low Returns 19%
The correlation between risk and return is shown in table-9, which shows that risk and return
has low degree of correlation but the relationship is highly significant.
risk Pearson Correlation 0.438
Sig. (2-tailed) 0
N 100
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table- 10 reveals that there is significant difference between gender and risk taking capacity
of investors. The results are significant at 0.05 per cent level. The null hypothesis Ho3 is
Table 10: Mann-Whitney U Test Between Gender and Risk Taking Capacity
Mann-Whitney U 777.5
Wilcoxon W 1.52E+03
Z -3.113
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.002
a. Grouping Variable: gender
The spirituality intelligence index scores were calculated for all investors and most of the
investors having high spirituality intelligence. Results as shown in table-11 reveal that there
is significant difference between spirituality intelligence of investors and their risk taking
capacity. The null hypothesis in Ho4 is rejected.
Table 11: Mann- Whitney U Test Between Spirituality Intelligence and Risk Taking
Mann-Whitney U 925
Wilcoxon W 2.88E+03
Z -1.821
The Mann-Whitney U test results as given in the table 12 shows that there is no significant
difference between gender and return expectation. The results are not significant at 0.05 level.
The null hypothesis Ho5 is accepted.
Mann-Whitney U 1.13E+03
Wilcoxon W 3.02E+03
Z -0.221
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.825
a. Grouping Variable: gender
The above discussion concludes that investment decision making is affected by numerous
factors. The results reveal that Indian investors majority want to get low risk and higher
returns. Their preferred investment alternatives are saving bank accounts, Fixed Deposits,
Insurance Plans, Gold, Mutual Funds and Real Estate. Females are having medium level of
awareness about investment alternatives as compared to majority of male category. Age has
no significant difference with risk taking capacity of investors. Gender and level of
spirituality intelligence has significant difference with risk taking behavior of investor.
Organisations which provide various financial products and instruments, should take care of
these demographic factors before convincing their clients about investment alternatives.