1) This document appears to be a model examination for a fifth semester Object Oriented Analysis and Design course. It contains instructions for the exam such as the date, time limit, and maximum marks.
2) The exam is divided into three parts - Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, Part B contains 5 long answer questions worth 13 marks each, and Part C contains 1 application question worth 15 marks.
3) The questions cover various topics related to object oriented analysis and design such as UML diagrams, design patterns, methodologies, testing, and more. They are mapped to specific course outcomes and knowledge levels.
1) This document appears to be a model examination for a fifth semester Object Oriented Analysis and Design course. It contains instructions for the exam such as the date, time limit, and maximum marks.
2) The exam is divided into three parts - Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, Part B contains 5 long answer questions worth 13 marks each, and Part C contains 1 application question worth 15 marks.
3) The questions cover various topics related to object oriented analysis and design such as UML diagrams, design patterns, methodologies, testing, and more. They are mapped to specific course outcomes and knowledge levels.
1) This document appears to be a model examination for a fifth semester Object Oriented Analysis and Design course. It contains instructions for the exam such as the date, time limit, and maximum marks.
2) The exam is divided into three parts - Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, Part B contains 5 long answer questions worth 13 marks each, and Part C contains 1 application question worth 15 marks.
3) The questions cover various topics related to object oriented analysis and design such as UML diagrams, design patterns, methodologies, testing, and more. They are mapped to specific course outcomes and knowledge levels.
1) This document appears to be a model examination for a fifth semester Object Oriented Analysis and Design course. It contains instructions for the exam such as the date, time limit, and maximum marks.
2) The exam is divided into three parts - Part A contains 10 short answer questions worth 2 marks each, Part B contains 5 long answer questions worth 13 marks each, and Part C contains 1 application question worth 15 marks.
3) The questions cover various topics related to object oriented analysis and design such as UML diagrams, design patterns, methodologies, testing, and more. They are mapped to specific course outcomes and knowledge levels.
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Reg. No.
Vel Tech High Tech
Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College An Autonomous Institution MODEL EXAMINATION- I Fifth Semester COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CS8592- OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (Regulations 2017) Date: 30.11.2022 Time: 180 Minutes Max. Marks 100
CO1:To Express software design with UML diagrams
CO2: To Design software applications using OO concepts. CO3: Identify various scenarios based on software requirements CO4: Design software applications using OO concepts. CO5: Identify various scenarios based on software requirements PART-A (5 x 2 = 10 Marks) CO. No. K.No Marks Time 1 Why do we need object oriented system development? CO1 K1 2 3 2 What are the Perspectives to Apply UML? CO1 K1 2 3
3 Define Association. CO2 K1 2 3
4 What is the relationship between SSD and Use case? CO2 K2 2 3 5 How to Apply Activity Diagrams? CO3 K2 2 3 6 Define State Diagram. CO3 K1 2 3 7 What is Design pattern? CO4 K1 2 3 8 Distinguish between coupling and cohesion. CO4 K1 2 3 9 Write the difference between a method and a process. CO5 K1 2 3 10 What is meant by Multiplicity? CO5 K1 2 3 PART - B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks) 11. Explain the different phases of unified process with CO1 K2 13 25 suitable diagrams. OR Explain about NextGen POS System. CO1 K2 13 25 12. Briefly discuss the Domain Model Refinement? Explain CO2 K2 13 25 with suitable examples. OR Construct Design for Library Information System which CO2 K2 13 25 comprises the following notations i) Aggregations ii) Compositions iii) Associations 13. Explain about UML activity diagrams. Draw the diagrams CO3 K2 13 25 for banking applications. OR Discuss about UML deployment and component CO3 K2 13 25 diagrams. Draw the diagrams for banking applications. 14. Explain about GRASP Patterns. CO4 K2 13 25 OR Discuss design pattern? Explain the GoF design patterns. CO4 K2 13 25 15. Explain about Object Oriented Methodologies. CO5 K2 13 25 OR What is OO testing? Explain in detail about the concepts CO5 K2 13 25 of OO testing in OOAD. PART - C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks) Note: Application/Design/Analysis/Evaluation/Creativity/Case Study questions 16. For an ATM system, every user has to be validated with a CO3 K3 15 25 PIN number to make transaction. A Customer is allowed three times to validate the card giving correct pin number. Show the use case representation for the same and elaborate the ‘Validate User use case using a sequence diagram OR Consider a system that includes a database client and two CO5 K3 8 25 redundant database servers. Both database servers are identical: the first acts as a main server, the second acts as a hot back-up in case the main server fails. The database 7 client annauniversityedu.blogspot.com accesses the servers through a single component called a “gateway,” hence hiding from the client which server is currently being used. A separate policy object called a “watchdog” monitors the requests and responses of the main server and depending on the responses, tells the gateway whether to switch over to the back-up server. What do you call this design pattern? Draw a UML class diagram to justify your choice (Apply) **********************************ALL THE BEST********************************** K1 – Remember; K2 – Understand; K3 – Apply; K4 – Analyse; K5 – Evaluate; K6 - Create