The National Academies Press: Manual On Subsurface Investigations (2019)
The National Academies Press: Manual On Subsurface Investigations (2019)
The National Academies Press: Manual On Subsurface Investigations (2019)
GET THIS BOOK Glenn J. Rix, Njoroge Wainaina, Ali Ebrahimi, Robert C. Bachus, Maria Limas,
Rodolfo Sancio, Brooke Fait, and Paul W. Mayne; National Cooperative Highway
Research Program; Transportation Research Board; National Academies of
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For many civil infrastructure projects, uncertainties regarding subsurface soil and rock conditions are a
significant contributor to the overall technical and financial risks for the project (National Research Council
[NRC] 1984, Institution of Civil Engineers [ICE] 1991). The broad purpose of a subsurface investigation
is to inform geotechnical engineers, contractors, and other professionals about soil and rock conditions to
aid with identifying and mitigating the geotechnical-related risks (FHWA 2017). The objective of the
investigation is to gather sufficient information regarding subsurface conditions to reduce technical and
financial risks due to subsurface conditions to a level that the stakeholders of the project find tolerable.
The uncertainties related to subsurface conditions are typically divided into two categories: (i) natural or
aleatory variability, and (ii) knowledge or epistemic uncertainty (Baecher and Christian 2003). Natural
variability is the inherent randomness in geologic materials that manifests itself on both spatial and temporal
scales. In principle, natural variability cannot be reduced; however, it can be estimated more accurately by
collecting additional data. Knowledge uncertainty is related to a lack of data or information about geologic
materials and a lack of understanding of the physical laws that govern their behavior and, thus, limit the
ability to model subsurface conditions. In geotechnical engineering, knowledge uncertainty is often
considered to include (i) site characterization (or statistical estimation) uncertainty, (ii) model uncertainty,
and (iii) parameter (or measurement) uncertainty (Lacasse and Nadim 1996, Phoon and Kulhawy 1999,
Baecher and Christian 2003). Unlike natural variability, knowledge uncertainty can in principle be reduced
collecting additional data and improving the quality of the data and models.
Geoprofessionals infer or estimate the uncertainties regarding the geometry (i.e., stratigraphy and
groundwater level) and properties of subsurface materials using inductive reasoning based on limited data,
judgment, and experience (Baecher and Christian 2003) when performing analyses and preparing designs.
A subsurface exploration program can be viewed as a critical element to identifying and reducing the
knowledge uncertainties and to more accurately estimating the natural variability regarding soil and rock
conditions at the project site. A thorough subsurface exploration program is a means to an end of
identifying, characterizing, and reducing geotechnical risks associated with knowledge uncertainty and
natural variability. In many cases, the marginal costs of a more thorough subsurface exploration program
are small compared to the risk-reduction benefits.
Geotechnical Risks
Geotechnical risks comprise both technical and financial risks. Technical risks are related to the inability
of a structure to satisfy the desired performance requirements for one or more limit states, including service,
fatigue and fracture, strength, and extreme event. Financial risks are related to claims, change orders, and
cost and schedule overruns attributed to subsurface conditions that differ from those anticipated based on
the preconstruction site investigation, as well as an overly conservative design.
Sowers (1993) examined nearly 500 failures of civil infrastructure, including foundations, embankment
dams, excavations, tunnels, highways, waste disposal facilities, port and marine structures, and heavy
construction. Most of the failures he examined involved geotechnical engineering issues. Based on analysis
results presented by Sowers, it can be inferred that approximately 20 percent of the failures he considered
involved inadequate or missing data, factors that Sowers attributes often to an engineer or owner’s decision
in the early stages to postpone or forego a detailed site investigation to save time and money. The timely
recognition of the benefits related to detailed site investigation may have reduced the technical risks and
the number of failures.
respondents indicated geotechnical-related problems frequently caused cost overruns, schedule overruns,
and construction claims resulting in additional costs ranging from at least 5 percent to more than 25 percent
of the project cost. Among the most common geotechnical-related causes of cost and schedule overruns,
claims, and change orders were (i) an insufficient number of borings or soundings, (ii) misclassified or
mischaracterized subgrade soils, and (iii) poorly defined groundwater conditions (i.e., higher groundwater
table than expected).
The results of these studies are consistent in drawing attention to the significant financial risks caused by
a poor subsurface investigation that fails to sufficiently reduce the knowledge uncertainties and accurately
evaluate the natural variability in the subsurface soils.
The results of the referenced studies and surveys imply that technical and financial risks can be readily
mitigated by conducting a more thorough subsurface exploration to reduce knowledge uncertainties and
better characterize natural variability. While this is true, it should be recognized that (i) these risks cannot
be eliminated altogether and (ii) there may already be an implicit acceptance of these risks as tolerable and,
thus, a more thorough subsurface exploration is not considered justified. This latter point is called the
normalization of deviance, defined by Vaughn (1996) as “the gradual process through which unacceptable
practices or standards become acceptable.” In many cases, the normalization of deviance associated with
an adequate subsurface investigation can be attributed to human and organizational factors that are not
included in engineering analysis and design methods (Sowers 1993, Baecher and Christian 2003, Bea 2006).
Sowers (1993) attributes it to “ignorance of prevailing practice” or “rejection of current technology.” Bea
(2006) calls the failure to take advantage of available information an “unknown knowable,” and Bazerman
and Watkins (2004) call the consequences of not using available information a “predictable surprise.” From
these descriptions, it is clear that many geotechnical-related risks can also be reduced by becoming familiar
with best practices for geotechnical site investigations and avoiding the normalization of deviance.
provide geotechnical risk management tools that can be used to implement those strategies on typical
design-build projects.
Chapter 2 References
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