RLE Nursing Skill No. 2 3 Body Mech Restraints
RLE Nursing Skill No. 2 3 Body Mech Restraints
RLE Nursing Skill No. 2 3 Body Mech Restraints
NCM 103:
Prepared by:
Trochanter Rolls Prevent external rotation of legs when clients are in supine position.
The roll is place under the buttocks and then rolled away from the
client until the high is in neutral position or an inward position with
the patella facing upward.
Maintain the thumb slightly adducted and in opposition to the fingers;
Hand Rolls
they maintain fingers in a lightly flexed position
Individually molded for the client to maintain proper alignment of the
Hand-wrist splint thumb in slight adduction and the wrist in slight dorsiflexion. These
splints should be used only for the client for whom they were made
Descends from a securely fastened overhead bar attached to the bed
Trapeze bar frame. Allows the client to use upper extremities to raise the trunk off
the bed, to assist in transfer from bed to wheelchair, or to perform
upper arm strengthening exercises.
Side rails Are bars positioned along the sides of the length of the bed
Are plywood boards placed under the entire surface of the mattress.
They are useful for increasing back support and alignment, especially
with a soft mattress
Or abductor pillow is a triangular-shaped pillow made of heavy foam.
It is used to maintain legs in abduction following total hip
replacement surgery
Positioning Techniques
In general, clients should be repositioned as needed and at least
– -every 2 hours if they are in bed
– -every 20 to 30 minutes if they are sitting in a chair
Kinds of Positioning Techniques
Fowler’s (45-60% head elevation)
-The head of the client’s bed is elevated, and the client’s knees are slightly elevated to avoid
pressure on the popliteal vessels. This position allows lung expansion. It also decreases risk of
Supine (rests on the back)
-The supine position is when the client rest on the back. The risk of aspiration is greater with this
position; thus, supine position should be avoided when client is confused, agitated, experiencing a
decreased level of consciousness, or is at risk of aspiration.
Prone (face-down position)
Lateral (side-lying)
-In side-lying position, the client is supported on the right or left side with the opposite arm, thigh
and knee flexed and resting on the bed. The upper leg is flexed at the hip and knee positioned on
a small pillow. Clients who are obese or older may not be able to tolerate this position for any
length of time.
Sim’s (semi-prone)
-The client is semi-prone on the right or left with the opposite arm, thigh and knees flexed and
resting on the bed. The sim’s position differs from the side-lying position in the distribution of
the client’s weight. In this position, the client’s weight is placed on the anterior ilium. Humerus,
and clavicle.
3 2 1
Able to Able to Not able
Preparation perform perform to
with perform
1. Assess:
The behavior indicating
the possible need for
Underlying caused for
assessed behavior
What other protective
measures may be
implemented before
applying restraint
Status of skin to which
restraint is to be applied
Circulatory status distal to
restraint of extremities
Effectiveness of other
available safety
Attach the belt around the client’s waist
and fasten it at the back of the chair.
If the belt is attached to a stretcher,
secure the belt firmly over the client’s
hips or abdomen.
Jacket Restraint
1. Place vest on client, with opening
at the front or the back,
depending on the type.
Mitt Restraint
5. Document:
a. Behavior(s). indicating the need
for the restraint.
b. All other interventions
implemented in the attempt to
avoid the use of the restraints
and their outcomes.
c. The time the physician was
notified of the need for restraint.
Also record:
d. The type pf restraint applied, the
time it was applied, and the goal
for its application,
e. The client’s response to the
f. The times that the restraints were
removed and skin care given.
g. Any other assessments and
h. Explanations given to the client
and significant others.
_________________________________ ________________________________
Printed Name & Signature of Student Printed Name & Signature of Evaluator/