Rahul Sharma Leads 27march2022

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The document provides contact details like name, mobile number and email ID of various clients assigned to Rahul Sharma on March 27th, 2022.

Each entry provides the client's name, mobile number, email ID and the person they were assigned to along with the assignment date.

There are details of multiple clients provided across 6 pages, with some pages having details of more than one client listed one below the other.

Client Owner Mobile Owner Email ID Assigned to Assigned Date

Chandrasekhar 9920248005 18.sekhar@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma

Rahul 919899677725 rahul725@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Shashi chawla 919210111370 Shashichawla270@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Arnav 919821894694 Brightfuture9210@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
anupam kumar 919911514514 anupamlamba40@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Karan Jhamb 8929394544 karanjhamb999@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
uma shankar 9582858788 usg3154@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wesdmkl 919667047381 wasiop@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Jyoti Mehra 919873762629 Jyoti.mehra@hotmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
walmkp 919910860336 wasuio76@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasmkouh 917024215825 wsayu@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasokl 918979494928 wedsnjk89@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sunil 919897120905 Msvd1959@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasmklp 912268271224 wasnjmlp@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Priya Bandi 919533083456 bandipriyanka2001@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sunitha 919010044571 vishnadh07198@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sunil kumar 919625750641 Sunik3335@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Titu 919680575757 titu@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasmklp 911203668115 wasnjmlo8909@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
GurRattan kaur 919953577229 Gur.r@Gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Raj 919990373804 Onerkone@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Not Mentioned 9838903690 anuragrnk@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
edfnjm 919625933090 aqhnmkl@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
User 7837123323 munim22nov@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sahil Sharma 9599225627 sahil.sharma@propertystation.in 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sanchit Satija 8368989821 sanchit@kian-consulting.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
User 8742928298 ashokrao84@yahoo.co.in 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
random 917651230123 radom@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Saurabh Kumar 9835119000 saurabh.4579.sk@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Mohit Tyagi 8700426776 tyagi.mohit17@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
pradeep 919899378989 sueradmin@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Tarun Sharma 9910369123 tarun.saidelhi@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
John 919896877247 johngurgaonindia@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Gora Property 9310763218 propertygora@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Lekhraj 917671007169 lekhrajmachoboy@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ankur Biyani 9990656056 ankur.biyani30@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
rdmklp 919911498866 edsmklp678@gmil.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sandeep Kumar 911505138926 sandeepmech03@yahoo.co.in 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ramsingh 9999900262 fab.mech0121@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
abc 917290084910 abc910@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Deep 9910068422 deepparkash@hotmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Aamrit 7289076000 vrana2929@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
xyz 919560460774 xyz0774@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ranjana 9810215263 ranjanagupta15@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sourabh 9468436688 sachdeva88@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Df 7210002000 r@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
R Singhal 8447010115 rajansinghalca@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Pranav Kumar Chaudhary 2065028342 chaudhary.pranav@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Saurabh malik 9999994262 Ehicalrealestate1@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
kanav arora 9654354626 kanav.efusion@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Madhur Malhotra 9810154922 madhurmalhotra10@yahoo.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Mayank 7666909233 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ashok Kumar 919953991992 Ashokkumargahlawat@yahoo.co.i 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
SONU 7206770778 SJANGRA720@GMAIL.COM 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Harinder 9910099115 savvy.showercabins@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Rohit 919899907242 rohit3457@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
ajay 9148910282 ajay.biet@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
ranveer seth 9667018921 ranveerseth2808@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
AJAY KUMAR 506363188 ajay.rauth@yahoo.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wanpp 917207557475 konlm@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Lokesh Wadhwa 9717984446 lokesh27jan@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Harsh Goyal 917042224185 harshgoyal.always4u@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Vicky Sharma 919319654102 Sharmavicky8102@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
YASH PAL KATYAL 9540134333 yashpal.katyal@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
rdmklp 919911498866 edsmklp678@gmil.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Aditya 8769927737 adityasinggh@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Gaur 919319614091 Gaur@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
manish tyagi 918826141200 monutyagi.ic@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Shekhar Middha 9811250123 shekharmidha@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sandeep Khatana 9650064902 Sandeep@rizin.in 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ankit Doomra 919582484770 ankitdoomra1@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
swasvmkl 919810036964 wasmklpo@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasmklp 919810130544 wasmklp76@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasmkl 917048995757 walpok@gmil.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sudhir Kumar Garodia 918002488315 sudhirkumargarodia1965@gmail. 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
esdmklo 919711198591 wasnkol@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Anil Goyal 919255161400 Director@thearyanschool.org 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Varun Vij 9999788874 vijvarun84@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
xyz 919811899675 xyz9675@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Satish Kumar 9643487687 satish.makaansearchrealty@gmail 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Mohit 918826794552 Virmani.m@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
eswklp 919835230041 esdnmlk@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
eswklp 919835230041 esdnmlk@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
eswklp 919835230041 esdnmlk@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Megha Agrawal 9599503819 agrawalmegha0392@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
vinod yadav 919654760326 yadavvinod940@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
ewsmkp 917045416568 wsanjm76@gmsil.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sandeep Sethia 593809801 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ritesh 918586010630 riteshprajapati123456@gmall.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Shantanu Goyal 8587839123 shangoyal@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Prerit Gupta 919811585919 prerit11192@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
waskol 919999293769 wasnjik@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Anil Gupta Faridabad 919212405407 abx07@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
awalp 918826230307 wamlp@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Hgf 915677856785 gffg@gfg.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Kg fcmf 917381036374 uskahebak@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Rohit 9910333061 rohitdahiya331@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Anil Uppal 9717633994 akuppal.64@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wasmklp 918384010756 wasbhnj@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Prem 9810783123 pahwa1957@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Subhash Chandra 8800929888 subhash.budania89@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Tarsem Jain 7986702851 tarsemjain59@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
waslm 919828930555 wasjop@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Pankaj 919810689998 abcde98@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Brijesh Sharma 919911220348 Cwa.brijesh@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Rahul Chopra 9910302265 hvac.sts@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Anil Menghani 543130720 ak.menghani@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
MD.salauddin 918116284400 waskolp@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Utsab 919333546728 utsab.banerjee@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Rahul 917632857574 rahul234@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wamklp 919999312775 wsauio@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
kanika 9311377785 Sehgalk186@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Not Mentioned 918595370910 xyz910@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Manuj 919711039444 nehasharma923@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
prashant 917078402020 prashantranaji1@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Dharmendra singh 918744038799 dharmender799@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Jayanthi Shiva 9354019893 jayanthishiva1966@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Ramesh Paiyala 7330651442 ramesh.paiyala@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Sweta 917488952961 Dhawan.sweta94@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Biswajit 9873321581 bis.patra5@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
jay 9381523727 jay.naik2210@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Somnath 919823316888 Somnathg888@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Mr sonu 918287296968 ujkloW@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Vijay Jagtap 9822414133 jagtap.ganesh9@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
Shubhanshu 918447338776 Shubhanshugarg202@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
xyz 919871454747 xyz4747@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
wsklom 917011868303 skmnj@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
R K BANSAL 9671779855 bansalrkin@rediffmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
cdmkj 919205946056 szanjokl@gmail.com 3/27/2022 Rahul Sharma
not interested
no. temp. out of service
not interested
no incoming
not interested
out of Covrag
call not connected
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not interested
not interested
voice not coming
number Inccorect
number invalid
not interested
not interested
not interested
number incorrect
not interested
not reachable
number invalid
not reachable
not interested
cut the call
not interested
number invalid
switch off
not receiving
switch off
not interested
not interested
not interested
call not connected
not interested
number incorrect
switch off
cut the call
not reachable
not interested
not receiving
cut the call
not reachable
cut the call
call not connected
not interested
not interested
not interested
not interested
not receiving
not interested
cut the call
not interested
not connected
number incorrect
not interested
low budget
not interested
not interested
not interested
not interested
not receiving
number not exist
not receiving
not interested
not interested
not receiving
not interested
cut the call
cut the call
cut the call
not interested
not interested
not interested
not interested
not interested
not receiving
not receiving
same number
same number
not interested
not interested
not interested
incorrect number
not interested
not receiving
I will tell you
not interested
not interested
no incoming
number incorrect
number invalid
not interested
not interested
not interested
not receiving
not interested
not receiving
not interested
switch off
not interested
not interested
incorrect number
switch off
call not connected
switch off
not receiving
not receiving
not interested
not interested
not interested
call not connected
not interested
not interested
not interested
not receiving
not receiving
not interested
not interested
voice not coming
not interested
not receiving
out of Covrage
not receiving
already purchased

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