TLK-215 Mekanika Fluida II
TLK-215 Mekanika Fluida II
TLK-215 Mekanika Fluida II
Flow regimes
Basic equations of flow regime
(Darcy weisbach, Reynold number and
Froude number
Keadaan Aliran
Tinjauan berdasarkan:
1. Pengaruh viskositas
- laminar,
- turbulen dan
- transisi
2. Laminaritas:
Persamaan Darcy Weisbach (Bil. Darcy: Stanton. Blasius,
3. Turbulensi:
Persamaan Reynold : bervariasi terhadap media saluran
4. Pengaruh gravitasi
Persamaan Froude, menentukan sifat kritis suatu alian
berdasarkan perbandingan kecepatan dan kedalaman hidroulis
Rerfresh: Introduction
Internal flow
• where the conduit is completely filled with the fluid,
• the flow is driven primarily by a pressure difference.
Open-channel flow
• partially filled by the fluid and
• the flow is partially bounded by solid surfaces
• the flow is driven by gravity alone
Example: as in an irrigation ditch
Refresh: Introduction
• Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts
commonly used in heating and cooling
applications and fluid
distribution networks.
In general,
• flow sections of circular cross section pipes
(especially when the fluid is a liquid) circular
• flow sections of noncircular cross section
ducts (especially when the fluid is a gas)
rectangular duct
• Small diameter pipes tubes.
Dh = 4 Ac/P
Reynold Number is constant for the entire uniform flow section of an open
channel flow
Kinematic viscosity
is the ratio of absolute (or dynamic) viscosity to density
- a quantity in which no force is involved.
For Open Channel Flow
Effect of Viscosity
For Open Channel Flow
For Open Channel Flow
For Open Channel Flow
Dalam dinamika fluida , dalam
kerangka mekanika
kontinum , parsel fluida adalah
sejumlah kecil fluida, yang
dapat diidentifikasi sepanjang
dinamisnya saat bergerak
dengan aliran fluida .
Beberapa References Kriteria turbulensi
Jika tinta jatuh di aliran:
Turbulensi aliran
Hydraulic radius
relations for various
Typical Open Channel Shapes
Typical Open Channel Shapes
Unsur-unsur geometris penampang saluran
Typical Open Channel Shapes
Unsur-unsur geometris penampang saluran
Bilangan Froude
Bilangan Froude
Regim aliran
Bilangan Froude
Bilangan Froude
Bilangan Froude
Bilangan Froude