MT UNIT 1 - Part1
MT UNIT 1 - Part1
MT UNIT 1 - Part1
BCS 308
B.Tech CSE 6th Sem CSE 1 and CSE 2
Divanshi P. Wangoo
IGDTUW, New Delhi
Multimedia Technologies
BCS 308
• According to webster - using or composed of more than one
form of communication or expression
Analog Device
• Multimedia involves the application of various
communication channels to a communication
exercise. When the various communication
channels are used in association with a
computer: we call the result computer
• The essence of the process of creating
multimedia is that a number of types of
information (including text, graphics,
animation, sound and video) are able to be
combined through the use of a computer.
• Desktop multimedia occupies a role between
traditional alternatives of cheap but ineffective
single-medium technologies, and the expensive but
impressive technologies relying on mainframes,
digital editing, and customized software.
• The written word is still the medium used for most of
our information requirements, but it offers a limited
information bandwidth.
• Decorated with graphics, a document's information
content and flow can be markedly improved.
• Animation is an even more powerful
• Video images and synchronized
sound allow the depiction of reality
and the expression of complex
• Considerable synergy is obtained by
combining these technologies.
• The advantage of multimedia communications is that
– they have the capacity when properly executed,
– to convey more information more quickly, and
more effectively than traditional communications.
– the effectiveness of communication is an
important issue that is at the heart of most
human endeavors and is particularly important in
the information age where there is frequently an
overabundance of information and little time
available to sort it all out.
– If a picture is worth a thousand words, a
moving picture is worth two thousand words,
and moving pictures combined with text,
sound, and direct user involvement via
hypertext is worth ten thousand words.
– Multimedia can by definition carry more
information, can deliver it more quickly and
can deliver it in a form that builds on what the
user already knows and therefore requires
less user interpretation and less user time to
understand more of the message being sent.
• In its simplest terms every communication
requires a sender, a message to be sent,
and a receiver.
• The addition of a digital component such
as sound, clipart, photographs, animated
characters, video clips or interactive
navigational mechanisms results in a
multimedia communication. In this day
and age senders and receivers use
machines to communicate.
• Machines used in electronic communications
include telephones, modems, computers, data
collection devices such as electronic cash
registers, electronic time clocks, grocery store
optical scanners, televisions, VCRs, camcorders,
digital cameras, stereo receivers and video-
teleconferencing equipment.
• Regardless of the nature of the communicators,
the effectiveness of the communication remains
a function of the quantity of information
communicated, speed of the communication,
and the degree of comprehension of the
communication’s meaning.
• Multimedia communications include television
advertisements, computer based business and
classroom presentations using programs such
– Microsoft PowerPoint,
– World Wide Web (WWW)
– home pages, and
– a wide range of products including electronic games,
edutainment (programs that are both entertaining and
educational such as learn to read and learn to count),
– corporate training programs,
– flight simulators and
– sales presentations that are distributed via media
such as
• diskettes and
• CD ROMs.
Multimedia Assets
ü Read about Adobe Multimedia Tools
• Video List-
• Homework -
ü Research for the history of multimedia and its various types