How Should Microrobots Swim
How Should Microrobots Swim
How Should Microrobots Swim
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Kathrin E. Peyer
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Li Zhang
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Lixin Dong
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Ioannis K. Kaliakatsos
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Bradley J. Nelson
Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
1. Introduction
Microrobots have the potential to dramatically change many
Fig. 1. Swimming microrobots with a 30:1 size differ-
aspects of medicine by navigating through bodily fluids to
ence. Magnetic fields are used to: (a) pull a 900-1m-
perform targeted diagnosis and therapy. Microrobots, like mi-
long assembled-MEMS microrobot (Yesin et al. 2006)1 and
croorganisms, swim in a low-Reynolds-number regime, requir-
(b) rotate a 30-1m-long artificial-bacterial-flagella microrobot
ing swimming methods that differ from macroscale swimmers.
(Zhang et al. 2009).
Microrobots can also vary in size by orders of magnitude. Re-
searchers have proposed numerous microrobotic swimming
methods, many biomimetic, with the vast majority utilizing
magnetic fields to wirelessly power and control the microro- To understand this phenomenon, we turn to the Navier–Stokes
bot. At ETH Zurich we have developed two different magnetic equations, which, when combined with boundary conditions,
microrobots that utilize very different propulsion schemes: one completely define a fluid flow. For a fluid with constant den-
is a submillimeter-sized device that is pulled with magnetic sity 2 and constant viscosity 3, the Navier–Stokes equations
field gradients (see Figure 1(a) and Yesin et al. (2006))1 the are given by a single vector equation, which can be non-
other has a helical propeller that mimics a bacterial flagellum dimensionalized in space and time by the magnitude of some
in both form and scale and is rotated with a magnetic field characteristic velocity U and some characteristic length 4:
(see Figure 1(b) and Zhang et al. (2009)). Another propul-
1 2 2
2U 4 2 78 Re 3 2U 4 5
sion scheme proposed in the literature utilizes an elastic tail dV
that is wiggled behind a magnetic head (Sudo et al. 20061 3 45 p2 6 5 2 V (1)
3 dt 3
Guo et al. 2008). It remains unclear which propulsion method
is optimal, and a comparison that considers the microrobot’s Here V 2 is the velocity vector field and p2 is the hydro-
size coupled with the practical limitations in generating mag- dynamic pressure scalar field, which have both been non-
netic fields is needed. In this paper, we compare these three dimensionalized as in White (1991). From this equation we
propulsion methods, which are representative of the majority discover the Reynolds number, the dimensionless quantity that
of active research in wireless microrobots. We show that met- embodies the interaction between a fluid’s inertia and viscos-
rics of efficiency, which are often used to characterize low- ity. At low Re, we are in a world that is very viscous, very
Reynolds-number swimming, can be quite misleading, and slow, or very small. Low-Re flow around a body is referred
that practical limitations in magnetic control have a major im- to as creeping flow or Stokes flow. We no longer see a tran-
pact on which method is best for a given application. We show sition to turbulence, even behind bluff bodies. At low Re, the
that helical propellers and elastic tails have very comparable role of time becomes negligible in (1)1 the flow pattern does
performance, and they generally become more desirable than not change appreciably whether it is slow or fast, and the flow
gradient pulling as size decreases and as distance from the is effectively reversible. Consequently, reciprocal motion (i.e.
magnetic-field-generation source increases. We also find that body motion that simply goes back and forth between two
limitations in the hardware used to generate the magnetic fields configurations) results in negligible net movement.
can influence which swimming method is best. In the end, we Microorganisms are able to swim at low Re using a variety
provide a discussion of why helical propellers are likely the of techniques (Brennen and Winet 19771 Vogel 20031 Lauga
best overall choice for in vivo applications. and Powers 2009), none of which look like macroscale swim-
mers (Figure 2). Cilia are active organelles that are held per-
pendicular to the flow during the power stroke and parallel to
2. Swimming at Low Reynolds Number the flow during the recovery stroke. Many cilia are used simul-
taneously. Eukaryotic flagella are active organelles that deform
It has long been known that swimming at the microscale re- to create paddling motions, such as traveling waves or circular
quires techniques that are very different from those used by translating movements. Bacterial (prokaryotic) flagella work
macroscale swimmers such as fish and humans (Purcell 1977). differently by using a molecular motor to turn the base of a
where n is the number of turns of the helix (such that the helix
length is n), and the constants and
are the viscous drag
coefficients for a thin cylindrical element of a helical propeller
for flow locally normal to the cylinder’s axis and along the
length of the cylinder’s axis, respectively, given by Lighthill
(1976) as
3 9 05368
ln r sin
6 055
3 9 05368
ln r sin
3 83d 3 (14)
and the translational drag coefficient is given in (5). et al. 2009). The step-out frequency is a function of
max , the
In the case of magnetically applied torques, the rotational maximum magnetic torque that can be generated as described
frequency of the magnetic field is the fundamental control in- in (2), as depicted in Figure 5.
put. The microrobot rotates synchronously with the applied It is notable that the fluid viscosity 3 enters into (8)–(10)
field, nearly instantaneously reaching an equilibrium phase linearly. Consequently, 3 enters into linearly, but does not
shift such that the magnetic torque perfectly counterbalances enter into . Taking this into consideration, from Figure 5 we
the fluidic drag torque. It is more instructive in this case to re- find that the effect of doubling viscosity with all other parame-
arrange the linear equations with the non-fluidic applied force ters held constant would be to reduce the step-out frequency
f and angular velocity as the input variables: by half and, consequently, to reduce the maximum velocity by
3 5 3 53 5 half. That is, the maximum velocity is inversely proportional
f to fluid viscosity.
4 634 64 67 (15)
6. Swimming with an Elastic Tail
where (13) and (15) are related by
1 4b The final method of wireless magnetic swimming that we con-
3 7 3 7 sider is swimming with an elastic tail (sometimes referred to as
a 6 a 6
a “flexible oar”), which is depicted in Figure 3(c). A magnetic
b2 field is oscillated in time, and a magnetic torque is applied
3 c 6 4 5 (16) to the magnetic head as it attempts to align with the applied
a 6
field. There have been a few experimental demonstrations of
Figure 5 shows the behavior observed with this type of swim- this type of microrobot swimming (Sudo et al. 20061 Guo et al.
ming. The forward velocity grows linearly with frequency un- 2008), but the deformable nature of the elastic tail makes even
til a step-out frequency is reached. Beyond this step-out fre- basic analysis of this type of swimming significantly more
quency, the available magnetic torque is no longer sufficient complicated than that of the rigid helical propeller, and there
to keep the microrobot rotating in sync with the applied field, currently exists no analytical model for this method. The clos-
and a drastic and non-deterministic decrease in the swimming est is the free-swimming elastic tail being driven by a pure
velocity is observed. This behavior has been demonstrated ex- torque at one end considered analytically for small deforma-
perimentally at a number of scales (Honda et al. 19961 Zhang tions in Wiggins and Goldstein (1998) and numerically for
In order to make a fair comparison between microrobots that We begin by comparing swimming with a helical propeller to
utilize magnetic fields in different ways, we must consider the simply pulling with field gradients. We assume a simple mag-
quired to simply pull the body through the fluid at the same the field-generation hardware, and is governed by (2). Neither
velocity: swimming method relies on field gradients, which means that
both methods will improve relative to gradient pulling as the
power required to simply pull body
3 5 (22) distance to the field-generation hardware is increased.
power consumed during propulsion Let us consider an elastic tail driven by a pure sinusoidal
Under this definition of efficiency, pulling with field gradi- torque at one end, as detailed in Section 6. We assume that the
ents is 100% efficient (i.e. 3 1), and every other swimming tail is being driven optimally, and that we are making use of
method will always perform less efficiently. The problem with the available magnetic torque such that
0 3
max . Although
this definition in this context is that the amount of power that the peak in dimensionless velocity in Figure 6 occurs at Sp
can be harvested from the applied magnetic field is different in 453, this is not the location of peak velocity, due to the way
each of our cases, so a comparison of the efficient use of that that affects both 1 and Sp. We find that velocity is actually
power does not give meaningful results. optimized when Sp4 1 is maximized, which we find occurs at
Theoretical models of microrobot swimming should be im- Sp 552, and which corresponds to
proved, but the discrepancy between the models at the mi-
croscale observed in Figure 8 might be too large to be drasti- 3 154 9 1043 5 (23)
0l 2
cally affected by improved models. However, there is another
practical limitation in the magnetic control of helical swim- After some substitutions, we can express the maximum swim-
mers that we must consider. Our actual control variable is ming velocity as
the rotation frequency of the magnetic field. As described 1 2
in Section 5, the microrobot rotates in sync with the field, max 3
max 5 (24)
l 2
with the field leading the magnetization such that the magnetic
torque from (2) balances the viscous torque. As is increased, With an understanding that the maximum magnetic torque will
the magnetic torque eventually reaches its step-out frequency, scale with the volume of material, and with all other parame-
above which the microrobot can no longer track the rotating ters held constant, we find that max scales with microrobot
field. The maximum velocity and force curves of Figure 8 as- size as l. We also find that max is inversely proportional to
sume that the microrobot is turning at its step-out frequency, fluid viscosity. We can also consider the case of a helical pro-
which also increases linearly with the quantity Mi3. For peller being driven by a pure torque. For the helical propeller
any field-generation system, there are practical saturation lim- of (7), we compute
its in generating high due to, for example, induction, eddy 1 2
currents, motor speeds, or sampling rates. If this -saturation max 3
max 5 (25)
is reached, the values shown in Figure 8 will over-estimate b2 4 ac
the capabilities of helical propulsion. We must also recall that
We again find that max scales with microrobot size as l, and
the propulsion model implicitly assumes low-Re flow, which
that max is inversely proportional to fluid viscosity.
could be violated for very high . Thus, although it is always
The performance of both helical propellers and elastic tails
desirable to increase M and i for improved control using ei-
scale in the same way. However, we have not yet considered
ther swimming method, it could reduce the performance of he-
how the driving frequency changes with scale. To main-
lical propulsion relative to pulling. It should be noted, however,
tain the elastic tail swimmers running at peak performance,
that the step-out frequency is scale invariant (discussed more
we must achieve 1 2
in the next section), and published experimental results for he-
552 4
lical swimmers have typically had step-out frequencies below 3 5 (26)
60 Hz, indicating that this high- problem is unlikely to sig- l
nificantly impact on our conclusions. Assuming that the stiffness varies as l 4 (see (20)), we
find that the peak value for does not change as we scale
the elastic-tail microrobot. If, however, the length of the tail
7.2. Helical Propeller versus Elastic Tail is changed without changing the cross section, we find that
varies as l 44 , which would lead to a significant increase in
To compare helical-propeller swimming with elastic-tail optimal driving frequency if we shorten the length of the tail.
swimming in the context of wireless magnetic control, we For the helical-propeller swimmer, for optimal performance
make use of the fact that both methods transduce mechani- we must run the swimmer at the step-out frequency, which is
cal power from the applied magnetic field in the same way: the maximum frequency max that can be achieved for a given
through magnetic torque. So, for a given magnetic bead driven
max , and which is described in free swimming by
by either type of propeller, we can simply assume some maxi-
1 2
mum available torque
max available to the microrobot, which a
is a function of the bead geometry and material as well as max 3
max 5 (27)
ac 4 b2
For the helical-propeller, we find that the driving frequency outperform field-gradient-pulled microrobots once we con-
does not change as we scale the microrobot size. sider the practical limitations involved in generating magnetic
We have shown that the performance of these two methods fields.
of microrobot swimming scale identically to one another, as- From a fabrication standpoint, constructing an elastic-tail
suming the cross section of the elastic tail scales proportionally microswimmer seems feasible, considering the relatively sim-
to all other parameters. This means that if one type of propul- ple design. However, this has not been done to date (prior
sion outperforms the other, it will always outperform, regard- experiments have considered up-scaled models), and it is not
less of scale. However, we would still like to know which, if clear which materials would be the best choice for the tail. It
either, swimming method is superior. To do this, let us con- has already been shown that it is possible with currently avail-
sider an example. If we construct a 2-mm-long helical swim- able technology to microfabricate helical-propeller magnetic
mer with a pitch of 3 45 , four turns, and a cross sec- microrobots (Zhang et al. 2009). This has been accomplished
tion with r 3 50 1m, we compute a maximum velocity of with nanocoils, which are rolled-up pre-stressed multilayer
max 3 9757 9 104
max 3, with a corresponding angular ve- strips. This technique has better control over helical geome-
locity of max 3 9753 9 109
max 3. Note that both
max and try than grown helical carbon nanotubes or ZnO nanobelts.
the reciprocal of fluid viscosity enter into these terms linearly, The radius of the coil is determined by the thicknesses of
and can therefore be factored out. For an elastic-tail swimmer the films, the Young’s moduli of the materials, and the lat-
with 2-mm length and a cross section with r 3 50 1m, we tice mismatches of the layers. Figure 9(a) shows the process
again calculate max 3 9757 9 104
max 3. It is a coincidence sequence to fabricate nanocoil microrobots, which consist of
that these two peak-velocity values are identical, and we find a 42-nm-thick ribbon that, upon wet etch release, self-forms
that by varying parameters we can make either type of mi- into a 3-1m-diameter coil with a length of 30–40 1m. A
croswimmer outperform the other. However, this example does 455 1m 9 455 1m 9 052 1m Ni plate is formed on one end that
give us an indication that we should expect similar peak per- serves as a “head”. The geometrical relation of the nanocoil
formance from these two types of microswimmers, assuming parameters is shown in Figure 9(b). The width of the stripe is
the same length and the same maximum magnetic torque. We given by its initial pattern design, and the depth is controlled
have compared our numerical models with prior experimental during fabrication. Figure 9(c) shows a scanning electron mi-
results (Sudo et al. 20061 Zhang et al. 2009) and find excellent croscopy (SEM) image of an as-fabricated nanocoil with a
agreement. These prior experiments also indicate that optimal Ni plate on one end. For a first propulsion experiment, indi-
driving frequencies are comparable between the two types of vidual magnetic nanocoils were immersed in water, actuated
microswimmers, and also feasible from a hardware standpoint with a rotating magnetic field (see hardware in Figure 1(b)),
(e.g. 30–60 Hz). and their motion was captured on video through a micro-
It may be the case that comparing microswimmers of the scope. One sequence for a 40-1m-long nanocoil is shown in
same length biases the comparison in favor of the helical pro- Figure 9(d).
peller. In some cases it may be acceptable to shorten the length Microrobots that swim using helical propellers have a num-
of the elastic tail to increase the forward velocity, as indicated ber of additional potential benefits for use as in vivo medical
in (24). However, we know that this shortening may drastically devices that we believe makes them the most promising as a
increase the driving frequency, as indicated in (26). technology worth pursuing. They include the following.
In our comparison of peak velocity, we found that
could be factored out for both microswimmers. However, we 1. Reversing direction is simple with a rigid helical pro-
find that the optimal for helical propulsion is linearly af- peller. It simply entails reversing the rotation direction
fected by the non-scale-related contribution of
max (i.e. the of the magnetic field. This could be particularly useful
field strength and the magnetization of the material), whereas in retracing a path already taken. Microrobots that are
the optimal for elastic tails is completely independent of pulled with field gradients are also easily reversed. How-
max . This indicates that, as we reduce the strength of the ap- ever, to reverse the swimming direction of an elastic-
plied magnetic field, the optimal driving frequency of the he- tail microrobot, the microrobot must turn completely
lical swimmer will reduce relative to that of the elastic-tail around, which is less efficient and potentially more
swimmer, which may be desirable from a hardware and control difficult to accomplish.
2. A rigid helical propeller can be functionalized (e.g.
coated) without significantly changing its fluid-dynamic
8. Discussion properties. This is not likely true of an elastic tail, whose
bending properties will change due to functionalization.
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tions, helical-propeller microrobots and elastic-tail microro- with gradient-pulling methods. It has also been sug-
bots have very comparable peak performance, and both will gested that the microrobot’s payload, such as a strip of
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