Design Project
Design Project
Design Project
Design Group 5
Anna Bradley, Shamuil Dalvi, Daniel Handley, William Ko, Cara Mulholland, Alan Roper.
(i) Introduction
1. 2. 3. Aims of the Report Background Overview of Client Brief
3 3 4
Proposed Design
6 6
6 6 7
1.4 1.5
Slope Stability
1.4.1 Revetment Wall Construction
10 12
Kennels Bridge
1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 Method of Strengthening Kennels Bridge Archtec Reinforcement System Temporary Bridge Construction
1.7 1.8
17 19
3. 4.
20 21 22
22 22 24 26 27
National Grid Gas and Electricity Hydroelectric Power Water Harvesting Lantys Tarn Recommendations
4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 Heat Electricity Water
28 29 29 30 32
Traffic Management
5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 Bus Routes Train Routes Ullswater Steamers Cycling and Horse Riding Networks Restoration of Local Pathways
6. 7.
Bill of Quantities
6.1 Cost Breakdown per Activity
57 58
59 59
1.2 1.3
60 60
Environmental Considerations
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Noise Water Use Energy Use View Disruption Destruction of Vegetation Damage to Local Wildlife Air Pollution Soil Pollution Remarks
61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 64
3. (iv) (v)
Planning Permission
66 67 68 2|Page
Conclusion References
This report aims to provide a sustainable Business Case for a camping site on the site of Abraham Byers Field as development of the Patterdale Hall Estate. The report will provide a tender stage design for a permanent access road, including traffic enforcement measures, from the Patterdale Village to the site for vehicular access. The report will include further tender stage design for the camping site route and on-site car parking. The report will also show Scheme Designs for an Outdoor Education Centre Building. The report will address the issues of sustainability and use of renewable sources to meet water and power requirements. The report will focus on its environmental impact and suggest control measures for waste management during the service life of the site. The report aims to provide the optimised solution as agreed from several areas of detailed research and using the most modern advances in technology to add the most value per capital spent. However the report will also highlight the limitations of the proposed design and provide possible solutions to overcome these limitations through extra capital costs.
The report will comply with the core strategy of the Local Development Framework and will work in partnership with the Lake District National Park Planning Authorities to enhance the economic, social and environmental needs as required to meet planning permission. The report will meet the requirements to promote the quality of the landscape and use principles in sustainable development. In particular the design works will comply with the Core Strategy Policy CS10: Achieving design excellence4 that will confirm the identity of the Lake District as well as enhancing the economic, social and environmental factors. Where possible the design team aims to be proactive in ensuring the collaborative discussion of design.
Patterdale Hall Estate lies within the area of Grisedale Beck between the communities of Patterdale and Glenridding. It lies within the Eden District in Cumbria - an area within the Ullswater Valley. The estate covers roughly 300 acres of woodland and farmland within the Lake District National Park. The Estate includes a variety of permanent self-catering holiday homes. These are in the form of timber chalets and traditional existing cottages. The primary building within the Estate is Patterdale Hall. Built in the 1800s the hall now serves as a residential outdoor education centre owned by Bolton School. It currently offers indoor accommodation for 30 guests. As a licensed centre, Patterdale Hall offers group activities including, but not limited to, archery, kayaking and ropes courses1. The Hall also owns three boathouses where kayaks, canoes and sailing dinghies are stored for use of the activity centre. The Hall offers team building activities and residential courses for the pupils at Bolton School. 3|Page
The Estate lies within the boundary of the Lake District National Park. The Lake District National Park was established on the 13th August 1951. The Lake District (or The Lakes) is the United Kingdoms largest national park, covering an area of 885 square miles (2,292 km2). The Lake District offers a distinct community base for its permanent residents. There are 42,239 people living within the boundaries of the National Park in 22,930 total dwellings2. Holiday homes and second homes occupy 15 per cent of this figure. The Lake District is owned by such organisations as the National Trust, United Utilities, Forest Enterprise and other private landowners. It is the home to Englands largest mountain, Scarfell Pike and Englands deepest lake, Wastwater. Development of the national park is governed by the Lake District National Park Authority which complies with the Local Development Framework to ensure the national park offers a high quality to life without affecting the beauty of the landscape or wasting resources. The Lake District National Park Authority owns approximately 3.9 per cent of the National Park4. The Local Development Framework (LDF) offers a management of the development of the Lake District National Park by emphasising an excellence in design. The LDF reports annually and has produced a core strategy for which guidance is taken in the decision for all planning applications. The aims and objectives of the Lake District National Park Authority are: To conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Lake District National Park; and To promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by the public.
It also has a duty in pursuing those purposes: To seek to foster the economic and social well being of local communities within the National Park by working closely with the agencies and local authorities responsible for these matters, but without incurring significant expenditure
The Lake Districts primary industry is tourism. Every year 8.3 million people visit the Lake District3. The main feature of the Lake District is the topography and landscape formed from geographical movements during the Ice Age. The peace and tranquil environment gives the region an advertisement for families, couples and individuals to relax within.
Patterdale Hall Estate currently has permanent buildings for 60 residents with a further 30 resident indoor accommodation at Patterdale Hall. Due to an increase in demand in the summer months the client wishes to expand the Estate business to offer a camping plot to tourists and visitors to the Education Centre. The client assigned this task for the design team to provide a plan for a camping site with amenities building using advances in water and energy renewable sources. The plan is to 4|Page
include a tender stage design for all access links to the campsite and within the campsite. The plan must provide an appropriate vehicular access route to the site from the A592 and a suitable road network to aide vehicle mobility within the site. The access routes must not exceed a gradient of 1 in 8 so it is suitable for emergency services. A concealed car park and turning area must be designed to hold 6 vehicles. The site also needs to provide a waste management plan for when the site is in service and include recycling points positioned around the site. The proposed site also requires an Outdoor Education Centre Building to provide resources and facilities for camping residents. The building needs to include a drying room as well as washing and toilet facilities for campers. It must also include a locker store room with a work room to be used for up to 50 people. The energy and water requirements should be found through local sustainable resources to minimise the impact it will have on the environment. This must include a feasibility study for types of commercially viable renewable sources available to the client using the surrounding environment of the site. Access links to these sources will need to be designed on a temporary basis and possible discussions of permanent links. The site must not visually impact the surroundings and aim to preserve current environment features (trees etc) and maximise a positive change for the local community and enhance the natural beauty of the environment.
Proposed Design
A single lane tarmac surfaced road is required to provide vehicular access to the Amenities building and Campsite, it is to be suitable for lightweight vehicles and have sufficient passing places. The gradient at any point in the road is not to exceed 1 in 8. The road must also be suitable for construction vehicles and emergency services vehicles. A smaller road is also required to provide access to Lantys Tarn if it is to be used as a sustainable water source for the amenities building.
The following map shows the general plan of the area surrounding Abraham Byers field and the roads and bridges already in place. The two fields hashed in black are not possessed by the client and are therefore unavailable for use.
When deciding upon the best route for the road several factors needed to be considered. The gradient at any point in the road should not be steeper than 1 in 8. The client does not possess all of the land surrounding Abraham Byers field. The road must cross Grisedale Beck. There are currently two bridges in the area which cross this river although each has a weight restriction of 7.5 Tonnes. There is a Listed Building in the area which must not be disturbed. The road must have as little impact on the natural beauty of the area as possible.
Taking these factors into account, two possible routes were determined.
Route 1 provides access to the Amenities building and Lantys Tarn crossing Kennels Bridge.
This route bypasses the land the client does not own and also passes behind the protected building causing no harm or depreciation to the building. There is also a very suitable route to go to Lantys Tarn. It was discussed with the client that as this route would only be used by dedicated vehicles the gradient could be greater than 1 in 8. The length of the route in this position is approximately 720m. The access road to Lantys Tarn is approximately 286m.
Route 1. The gradients of the land vary greatly in this area so the route would have to be planned very carefully. This route is approximately 460m in length.
It was decided that Route 1 would be the most suitable route for the road to take. This is the longer path however the gradients are low and it provides the best possible place for an access route to Lantys Tarn if and when it is needed. As Route 1 passes over Kennels Bridge, careful consideration is needed to ensure the bridge can support the weight of the vehicles travelling over it and if not, methods to strengthen the bridge will be addressed.
The next section of the road involves a horizontal bend. Due to the position of the corner, it was decided that the complete corner would act as a passing place so that in the event of two vehicles 8|Page
meeting on the bend at the same time, they would be able to pass easily. A Traffic Mirror will also be in place on this bend to give motorists a better view of oncoming traffic. The maximum desirable gradient on outside radius of the bend is 1 in 8. Using this as a guide the dimensions of the bend can be determined. The Transition Length must equal at least 20m, and the outside radius of the bend should be 60m. The bend width will equal 6m to be able to accommodate two passing vehicles. The Outside Bend Arc length will equal 95m. The Inside Ben Arc Length will equal 85m. The total Outside Length of the bend (including Transition Lengths) will be 135m, with the inside length being 125m.
Following the bend, the road curves upward slightly, at a gradient of 1 in 14, and then proceeds across, behind Grassthwaite Howe, descending very slightly. It then enters into Abraham Byers Field on a relatively flat gradient of 1 in 24. Overall Dimensions of road to Amenities building and campsite1 Total Length = 795m Single Lane Width = 3.4m Lane Width in Passing Places = 5.5 to 6m
[This section is incomplete. The exact position of passing places will be decided in a meeting on 25/3/11.]
Slope Stability
As mentioned before, it will be necessary at some points along the road to cut into the slope and use the excavated soil to level the surface of the road. Even though the gradient of the road is compliant with a maximum 1 in 8, sometimes the gradient across the road is too steep and this is why some excavation will be necessary. Slopes will need stabilizing if a road solution is to be effective.
Figure 1-g: Cut and fill method in slope stabilization Source:
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Upland slopes to either sides of the road width are prone to slippage, particularly when vegetation has been lost and therefore some support will need to be installed to hold up the remaining sections of the slope. To support the slope Revetment Walls can be constructed. The revetment is a rough-faced, random coarsed, dry-stone wall. On steep slopes the structure may need to be a formal retaining wall. Preferably, a less formal approach should be used, with large wire mesh cages filled with large boulders butted together along the path edge to support the banking. Both should be made to look as natural as possible by incorporating turves (grass) into and over the structure. The strength of the soil must be determined at each point along the path to determine the strength of the revetment wall. Revetments are generally built from large boulders for informal revetments or variable sized, block stone for formal revetment walls. Stone for revetments should be in its natural form with the outer faces weathered, preferably lichen or moss covered, to blend with the surroundings.
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Cross-Section Design
Although the road is to be built as part of a private development, it is hoped that it will be adopted by Cumbria County Council, meaning that once construction has been completed the maintenance shall be taken over and governed by the local council. This is preferable as it would ensure the high standard and safety of the road is up kept and further capital costs will not be used in the maintenance. For this to happen two criteria have to be fulfilled:
Where new streets are to be constructed by a developer in accordance with the local highway authority's specification and the developer wish them to become maintainable at public expense. An agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 can be entered into between the developer and the local highway authority which provides for their construction, maintenance and adoption.
Figure 1-h: Highway Regulations for Council Governance during service
Therefore the cross-section of the road shall be designed using Department for Transports Government Standards.
1.5.1 Construction
The design specification requested that the road be asphalt, a material already more environmentally friendly and sustainable than HBM2. To construct the road the options between hiring local labor and using local resources have to be compared with the impact on the environment, whilst still looking for good quality construction. Tarmac Limited is a nationwide reputable company concerned with sustainability, ethical business and supporting local communities. Using their methods of TarmacDry porous asphalt1 this also provides sustainable drainage. However, the British Standards do outline several negative points of using Porous Asphalt2 these are mostly problematic when dealing with a heavily trafficked road as this road will not expect many accidents or need much noise reduction. In regards to the reduced life of the road, there has now been a motorway resurfaced with Porous Asphalt3 meaning that this low traffic road will definitely achieve the life-span needed. It is also important to source materials that are sustainable and have a limited environmental impact on the local area. The aggregate used to construct the road shall therefore be sourced from companies supplying secondary aggregate from previous construction.
Using the Government Standards for Pavement design4 it can be deduced that the pavement required is Foundation Class 1 >50MPa, as the traffic will be <20msa (million standard axels). This requires a flexible pavement which does not include layers of Hydraulically Bound Materials (HBM), therefore complying with the design brief of an asphalt layered road. This requires only capping, so no sub-base needed. Asphalt Layers- consists of the surface course, the binder course and the asphalt base course. The ratio of these layers is 95% aggregate to 5% bitumen. The added depth of these layers can be found using the following formula5. H = 16.05(Log(N))2 + 101Log(N) + 45.8 N= 1msa H= 45.8mm, but has to be minimum thickness of 100mm Where: N = Design traffic (msa) Calculated thickness (mm) to be rounded up to the next 10mm; with a minimum thickness of 100mm for <4msa >S3A The surface course will be 50mm thick, but only account for 20mm relative depth (point 7, page 13) as it is Porous Asphalt. The aggregate shall have a nominal 6mm diameter. >Bi3A The binder course will be 60mm thick and densely packed to account for the porous layer. It will consist of aggregate approximately 20mm in diameter. >Ba3C The base course shall be 70mm thick to spread the loading further. The aggregate used will be up to 75mm diameter. Road Base Course- this is an important layer in distributing loading so the lower layer is under less loading. This layer will need to be 100mm deep, as point 2 in the notes for Figure 2.1 states that the minimum total depth must be 200mm and these asphalt layers are 100mm thick5. The road base will consist of secondary construction aggregate with approximately 150mm diameter. 13 | P a g e
Sub-grade this is the indigenous soil originally found on site. This needs to be tested for stability and stiffness by site investigation and lab experiments to ensure it can support the road. However, this will be done prior to designing the campsite amenities building and this information shall be collected there.
Kennels Bridge
Currently, Kennels Bridge can support a weight of 7.5 Tonnes. This is acceptable for its present use however when construction for the Amenities centre begins it may fail under the load of the construction machinery and heavy goods Lorries. To prevent this occurrence it is necessary to consider ways in which to strengthen the bridge.
drilling methods to strengthen masonry arch bridges internallywhile preserving their historical value.
The strength of individual bridges can be accurately calculated both before and after reinforcement. This enables the complex composite behaviour of the reinforced masonry to be predicted and allows accurate simulation of its response to permanent and live loads. After the reinforcement the bridge can be expected to double in strength. This means Kennels Bridge could support a weight of at least 15 Tonnes with the insertion of Cintec anchors. It is easy to install and the installation causes minimum disruption to users. The method is cost effective and an excellent, invisible method for the strengthening and repair of this bridge. The branch of the Cintec Company offering this reinforcement service is based in Wales making it an excellent and viable option for the reinforcement of the bridge.
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In the unlikely case of Kennels Bridge not being eligible for the strengthening treatment, it may be necessary to construct an emergency bridge for the duration of the works on the site. This is a temporary bridge which can easily be constructed to enable the construction vehicles access to and from the site. The most suitable bridge for this situation is the CB12 Bridge provided by Mitchell Bridges Ltd. They are the leading temporary bridge provider in the UK7.
Bridge Specifications7 The CB12 is a construction vehicle bridge designed to take a safe working load of up to 45 tonnes. It has unique abilities which include its speedy installation, and its exceptional live load / dead weight ratio, reducing costs of hiring a crane to install. It can be used in many and varied applications. The bridge will arrive on one articulated trailer in two planks, each plank is then lifted into the final position. Bridge Dimensions7 Overall width Internal width Minimum bank support Overall weight 3.70 m 3.20 m 0.76 m 10 Tonnes
Figure 1-n: Photos of previous CB12 temporary bridge constructions Source:
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Road Drainage
Drainage needs to be provided along the road side to prevent the road from flooding. It is a safety feature for road users and important for the drainage to uphold the current water distribution system around the site. Failure to do so could lead to boggy regions and damage to vegetation. Road-side ditches should transport all the water from banks, road surface and often adjoining property, without flooding the road. Where possible, ditches should be paved with a natural substance which costs little, is easy to move, and does not impede water flow, while being easy and cheap to maintain. Properly constructed drainage systems prevent erosion and gullying of land on slopes by catching the surface water before it reaches the slope. Another important purpose of drainage is to prevent an excessive accumulation in the soil of soluble salts that might be detrimental to plant growth. As this is a rural road project, only a simple drainage method is required. It is common practice along rural roads to provide drainage by means of a ditch at the side of the road. This allows the ditch to fill with water when it rains, thereby drawing the water away from the road surface8. This ditch can be of variable depth and is left uncovered at the road side. Due to the nature and position of the access road being planned, this type of drainage is not suitable. The exposed ditch would be a danger to large vehicles and the many walkers in the area. Figure 1-o shows a roadside ditch.
On choosing the most suitable type of drainage for the road, the same method of the Roadside Ditch will be implemented however it will be filled with a type of gravel. The gravel will aid the draining and as the ditch will be filled, it will pose no hazard to any people in the area8. The coarse gravel has a large void ratio within its soil layer allowing easy seeping of the water through to the underlying 17 | P a g e
soils. The drain needs to be dug along one, side of the road. A drain could be dug at each side of the road however for this minor works it is unnecessary. The excavated drain needs to then be filled with various types of coarse aggregate. The coarse gravel will keep the shape of the ditch intact and water will be able to flow easily through the gaps in the gravel. Note that the verge in Figure 1-p is filled with gravel to aid drainage.
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Traffic Management
Speed Limit
Although this road is for private use, as public access is not restricted the same rules will still be applied. The national speed limit of 60mph is applied to most rural single carriageway roads but the natural geometry and characteristics mean most drivers will not drive at this speed. However, it makes sense to reduce the speed limit to 30mph as there will be pedestrians, and the road then moves alongside the campsite and walking path. Within the campsite the speed limit should be reduced to 10mph to maintain a safe environment for vehicles passing through the campsite. Including appropriate signage to warn vehicles that walkers walk along the route will also prevent accidents. As the road is not a through road and provides local access only it should not greatly affect journey times.
As this is a single-lane road used by a limited amount of vehicles there is not a great need to have markings along the road. After construction the road approaching the large corner shall be assessed again and then decided if some markings are needed to clearly direct the drivers so as to stay on the left side of the road.
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[This section is incomplete. Within this section the site layout is shown with individual camping plots and the ground slope. The inner camping route is also discussed. It was decided grasscrete should be used for this road.]
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Below are the designs for the amenities building keeping within the clients brief. The two figures are attached as a pdf file to this report as a scale view of the proposed building. The scale in these attachments is 1:50. The two figures below are not to scale.
Figure 2-b: Floor Plan of adjacent car park within the site of Amenities building
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Passed by government in 2008, the Climate Change Act 2008 set greenhouse gas reduction targets of at least 80% by 2050 and 34% by 20201. Substantial cuts are required nationwide with local government taking a frontline role in order to meet these targets. In response, Cumbria Strategic Partnership has signed up to a target to reduce emissions per capita with 11.5% savings by 2010/11 with 3.75% of this to be achieved by local action2. This study will outline the energy and water options for the amenities building in the proposed plans for a campsite on the Patterdale Hall Estate and assess their suitability for this project both environmentally and economically.
Ground source heat pumps (GHSP) convert heat stored in the earth into energy which can be used to heat buildings. Radiation from the sun heats the earth which is then stored a metre or so down at a temperature of around 8C-12C. Ground source heat pumps convert this heat into energy using pipes buried underground. The heat extracted from the ground can be used to heat radiators, under floor heating systems and water3. The technology works by a mixture of water and anti-freeze flowing through the underground pipes (known as ground loops) which absorbs heat from the ground and is pumped through a heat exchanger in the heat pump. Low grade heat passes through the heat pump compressor and extracts the heat which can be used in heating systems around the building. The fluid in the ground loop, now cooler, passes back into the ground where it absorbs further energy from the ground in a continuous process while heating is required.3 A ground source heat pump system compromises of three main elements: a ground loop, a heat pump and a heat distribution system4. The loop is buried underground in a horizontal trench 1.52m deep4 or vertical borehole depending on the space available and the required heat output. Horizontal trenches are generally cheaper for smaller systems despite using more land. Vertical boreholes however benefit from the ground heat better due to being deeper underground (15150m). The coils can be coiled in order to increase heat absorption and improve performance. Once the system is installed there are no external visible signs of the system, it is quiet, safe and requires very little maintenance. Figure 3-a shows an example of a coiled ground loop in a horizontal trench. Figure 3-b is a simple diagram showing the basic setup of a GHSP system.
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The cost of installing a typical system will range between 9000-170003 depending on the size of system required due to building size and how well insulated it is. The systems are 300%-400% efficient meaning they produce 3-4 units of energy for every unit of electricity used to power the system. If this electricity is provided by a renewable source, the need for fossil fuels is removed and the carbon emissions are effectively zero4.
Benefits of ground source heat pumps: Has a low carbon footprint Can provide space heating Relatively low running cost Requires very little maintenance and has a long lifespan External components are be hidden from sight
Potential Application and Suitability for the Project Due to the large amount of space available in the area, a GHSP system would be suitable option. Horizontal trenches can be dug outside the amenities building and around the campsite to make best use of large amount of ground available. Also, as the system is not externally visible it will not ruin the landscape and would rarely need to be dug up due to being low maintenance. As the technology is fit and forget the ground will very rarely need digging up to access the ground loop.
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Solar Panels
Solar panels can used to generate electricity and heat depending on what type of panel is used.
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Potential Application and Suitability for the Project PV cells can be quite easily installed with the construction of the amenities building. However, it is unlikely that PV cells alone could fulfil the electricity needs of the building. However it is possible that PV cells can be used as a potential supplement to another electricity source and if batteries are included with system too, electricity can be stored when it is not required. In order for the system to be most effective the panels must be placed on south pitched roof around 40 degrees to the horizontal7. If there was not a south facing roof, in order to make the system efficient, panels would need to be installed on both sides of the building which would double the installation costs with only half of the panels in direct sunlight at a specified time.
Potential Application and Suitability for the Project Like PV cells, it is unlikely that a solar water heating system can fulfil the heating requirements of the amenities building alone, particularly in the winter months where there is significantly less sunlight.
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Wind Turbines
Wind turbines harness the power of wind and convert it into electricity. 40% of Europes wind passes over the UK, making wind power an ideal alternative to conventional power generation9. Wind is caught by large blades which are forced round causing the turbine to generate the electricity. If the wind is stronger, more electricity is produced.
There are two types of small scale wind turbines that can be used to generate electricity: Mast mounted - These are free standing turbines in a relatively exposed position in order to maximise the effect of wind. They generate 2.5kW-6kW9 depending on size and amount of expose to wind. Roof mounted - These are positioned on a suitable area on a roof and are smaller that mast mounted turbines. They are 1kW-2kW in size9. The costs of mast mounted turbines are around 2000 while larger mast mounted systems vary between 15000 and 240009. Recent monitoring of a range of small domestic wind systems has shown that a well sited 6kW turbine could generate around 10,000kWh per year. The systems do require regular checking and maintenance every 2-3 years; however they have a lifespan of around 20 years or 6-10 years if batteries are used. Benefits of wind turbines: Green and renewable technology which is carbon free. 26 | P a g e
40% of Europes wind passes over the UK, so a large source is available to harness. Excess electricity can be stored in batteries for later use.
Potential Application and Suitability for the Project As Abraham Byers field is on a hill there is likely to be a strong wind which will cause the turbine to generate large amounts of electricity. In order to be effective the wind speed must be a minimum of 5m/s 9 which will not always be possible as the area is not exposed due to local trees surrounding the proposed building site. It is not always windy either meaning it will not be always generating electricity. Planning permission would be required in order to build a turbine and it is debatable as to whether they are aesthetically pleasing. In order to be effective the turbine would need to be mast mounted in an open area to reduce the effect of trees and this is not suitable as it could potentially ruin the landscape.
Biomass is a biological material derived from living organisms12, or recently living organisms such as wood, plants and waster etc. Fossil fuels such as coal and oil are not considered to be biomass as they are not recently dead, nor were they produced especially to become biomass.13 Biomass makes use of the carbon cycle as it takes carbon out of the atmosphere while it is growing, and when it is burned returns carbon to the atmosphere. If it is managed on a sustainable basis, biomass is harvested as part of a constantly replenished crop12. This means that biomass is certainly more sustainable than burning fossil fuels and is also more environmentally friendly and considered carbon neutral. In order to produce energy biomass can be burnt to provide heat using a stove and a back boiler. These would typically use wood pellets and/or wood logs and one could expect output to be in the 6-12kW range14. A standalone system costs for the equipment and installation in the region of 1500-300014, while the cost for a boiler based on 20KW pellet burning boiler is in the region of 5000-6000 for equipment and installation14. As this system requires fuel, therefore there are running costs unlike many other renewable energy sources. Benefits of biomass: More environmentally friendly than fossil fuels as plants and trees are specifically grown to produce biomass and can be replaced making it a renewable energy. Can be grown almost anywhere in the world removing transport distances and costs can be significantly reduced saving more money and causing less pollution during transportation. Can be burnt to produce steam in order to generate electricity.
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Potential Application and Suitability for the Project The energy requirements for the amenities building will vary across the year and the amount of energy produced from biomass can be controlled whereas with many other renewable sources there is some form of dependency on the weather and nature. A biomass wood stove can be easily placed in the amenities building either hidden away or as an aesthetic feature within the areas open to the public. Biomass also holds potential benefits for the local area as fuel could be grown in the area reducing transport costs and supporting the local economy. Fuel can also be obtained from local farms which otherwise may end up in landfill.
For decades gas has been supplied to UK homes and businesses for electricity and heat and has become Britains most dependable form of energy15. However gas is not an unlimited resource and it is predicted that fossil fuels will be depleted by the end of the century and in the past decade particularly, countries are coming under more pressure to supply energy from more renewable methods. Although natural gas produces less carbon dioxide than coal or oil it is still a major contributor to overall carbon emissions and is not environmentally friendly. Currently very little electricity generated on the national grid comes from renewable sources and instead comes from burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Similarly to gas this unsustainable in the long term due to the environmental damage and the depletion of fossil fuels. Benefits of the National Grid: Very little risk that the building will be left without power unlike with some renewable technologies which rely on weather and nature to supply energy which cannot always be guaranteed.
Potential Application and Suitability for the Project The National Grid could quite easily fulfil all the energy requirements of the amenities building as there is generally enough to energy available on demand when required. However this is not a long term solution as gas supplies are running low and using the National Grid would only contribute to increased carbon emissions and further global warming. Also, it does not fulfil the clients brief for energy supply to the building. Therefore it would not be feasible to supply the amenities building solely from the Nation Grid as the Cumbria Strategic partnership is aiming to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
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Hydroelectric Power
Hydro-electricity systems use running water from streams/rivers etc to generate electricity. Systems vary from small scale which can power an average home, to large scale which can provide power to thousands of homes. The technology works by running water turning a turbine which generates electricity. electricity is generated if the flow is faster. Benefits of Hydro-Power: Green, renewable source which is carbon free. Initial cost expensive, but in many cases installation costs are cheaper than connecting to the national grid11. Excess electricity can be used in heating systems around building. More
Potential Application and Suitability for the Project There is currently an increase in interest in small-scale hydro schemes across the Lake District due to increasing costs of energy and environmental issues10. A small hydroelectric power scheme taking water from Grisedale Beck was used to provide power for a sawmill on the estate. Currently however the disused HEP scheme is in poor condition and would need full replacement with new up to date equipment. The feed pipe has been damaged by fallen tress and by erosion of the river bank near the inlet. The inlet basin has also been almost entirely washed away. The cast iron pressure pipe is not in good condition either; however it may still be intact. The header tanker would need replacement and the turgo turbine and the generator are obsolete and would be very inefficient if they still worked at all. The cost to replace the components would likely be very expensive (up tens of thousands of pounds) and in the long term may not worth the price when cheaper schemes are available. However, a HEP scheme holds the potential to provide all the electricity of needs of the amenities building, so with detailed costs calculated this may prove to be a viable option. A new pipeline would also need to be built over Abraham Byers field to the amenities building, which could potentially damage the landscape unless it was suitably hidden. This makes this option less viable.
Water Harvesting
Currently in the UK, efficiency of water usage is poor due to that the majority of the supply comes from the mains supply, which has been treated to a drinkable standard but is used for many applications which do not require this level of treatment. Rainwater harvesting collects rain water and puts it to use rather than using mains supply water. Harvested rainwater can provide a supply for outdoor use such as gardening, car washing etc and for indoor uses where the water is not drank, for example toilet water. 29 | P a g e
Systems can vary but the main components that all systems require is a catchment area and a tank in which to store the water. Tanks can be placed on the roofs of buildings (however this can prove to be expensive), guttering can channel the water into a tank, or a tank can be left in a specific area to catch rainfall. Payback may take a long while due relatively high initial installation costs. Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting: Eco-friendly as it reduces the demand for mains supply water which reduces the amount energy needed to treat water to supply water for the house. After initial cost, provides a free supply of water. Equipment can easily be incorporated into building and other areas without causing any damage to the local environment.
Potential Application and Suitability for the Project Rainwater harvesting has high potential to be put to good use in the project. In the amenities building there are many applications which could use collected rainwater. There are a large amount of toilets which need to be filled, and walkers/hikers will want to wash their footwear down which does not require treated water. The building has the potential to gather rainwater through guttering while landscaping around the campsite can accommodate tanks which can gather rainwater for use.
Lantys Tarn
Lantys Tarn is a natural pond to the north west of the proposed site for the campsite. It was acquired by the Marshalls of Patterdale Hall where they enlarged the pond by erecting a dam and used the tarn for fishing and collecting ice in the winter16. The tarn has been previously used as water source for Patterdale Hall. The tarn has a small catchment area of approximately the tarns surface area as it has a high elevation relative to many of its surroundings and has little if any intake from surface runoff. Info16: Elevation; Size; Area; Depth; 278 m (913 feet) 141 x 35m (460 x 115 feet) 0.38 hectares (0.93 acres) 2m (6 feet)
If the tarn is taken as rectangular, a catchment area of 4935m2 and has a total volume of 9870m3.
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Calculations of Water Inflow and Outflow The average annual rainfall per year in Patterdale is 2460mm. Therefore Lantys Tarn has an average annual intake of 12140m3. An average modern toilet uses 6 litres per flush. The average toilet flushes 5000 times per year and there are 10 in our current design for the amenities building. 1 litre =0.001m3 therefore an average toilet flushes 0.006m3 per flush. The total volume of water required for toilets is 300m3. As the water supply needs to constant all year round, the calculation of water in will use the minimum monthly rain data from between 2004-2010. Recently Patterdales lowest rainfall has been ~25mm. Therefore Lantys Tarn had an intake of approx 0.0025m x 4935m2= 12.34m3 during the period of lowest rainfall. However during these periods 25m3 of water is required and therefore the water in at summer may not equal water outflow. Toilets are not the only consideration to make as there are urinals too and other elements in the building which will use grey water. Potential Application and Suitability for the Project The tarn cannot be used as source for drinking water as the water may contain pollutants. Despite having a greater catchment over the year than water leaving, it is not consistent throughout the year. It is not is it recommended to use Lantys Tarn as a water source for grey water as it may not capable of fulfilling water requirements particularly in the summer months as rainfall is lower and would not fill the tarn up as fast as it is emptied. Nor would it be practical for the tarn to be empty as it would ruin the local environment.
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4.9.1 Heat
Ground source heat pumps have the potential to fulfil the heat requirements of the amenities building if the ground loop is big enough. The initial construction will require the removal of ground in order to dig the trench and place the ground loop, however after construction this can replaced quite easily and no signs that the land was excavated will remain. There will be no external signs of the system and the area will appear to be undisturbed. The technology uses a constantly renewable source of energy and is environmentally friendly and very efficient. It has the potential to be carbon neutral if the electricity running the system is supplied from renewable methods. This technology works very well with under floor heating which can be incorporated into the building design. Solar water heating panels can be placed on the south siding roof to provide hot water, particularly for in the summer months where there is more daylight. This would not be enough to generate electricity alone but could act as a subsidiary. Biomass is a sustainable way of providing heat to the building and could act well as an aesthetic feature within the building or be hidden away. It is environmentally friendly, renewable and could potentially contribute to the local economy. Gas from the national grid is not a sustainable option as in the long term it is not sustainable nor is it environmentally friendly. Recommendation: A combination of a ground source heat pump system and a biomass heating system will be able to fulfil all energy requirements of the amenities building and provide sustainable, economic and environmental benefits.
4.9.2 Electricity
Photovoltaic cells like solar heating panels can be placed on the south siding roof to provide electricity particularly in the summer months, however again this would not be enough alone and would need to act as a subsidiary. Wind turbines are environmentally friendly and a renewable source, however because the wind may not always reach 5m/s it is not a reliable system as the building may be left without electricity. The aesthetics of wind turbines are also debatable and require planning permission. Like solar panels at best they could act as a subsidiary to another system, however as the system is not reliable it is not a recommended option. Even though hydroelectricity holds the potential to fulfil all electricity needs it would be too expensive to construct, particularly as the old system would need full replacement. It would also not fit in well with the local environment and would require landscaping. 32 | P a g e
Electricity generation from biomass is a sustainable way of generating electricity and like biomass heating is renewable and environmentally friendly. National Grid electricity is not recommended due to the environmental impact generating electricity causes. Recommendation: Biomass electricity generation with photovoltaic cells on the south facing roof of the amenities building to act as a subsidiary to biomass.
Drinking water will need to be supplied by mains supply as it unsafe to drink untreated rainwater. A rainwater harvesting system is suitable to provide water for outdoor use and toilets etc.
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Waste Management
Waste Management is an important aspect of the serviceability of the proposed campsite. The waste hierarchy follows the 3 Rs; Reduction, Re-use, Recovery. Waste Management is continually changing due to new technologies and practices, new legislation and the rise in public awareness1. On site waste will be produced in two stages of the project; the construction of the project and the service life of the project. The nature of the industry is also a contributing factor to its continual change to maximise the value of waste through recovery and recycling facilities. During the service life of the campsite municipal solid waste will be produced from consumer items and everyday items. As the site will not hold caravans or motor home vehicles the disposal of chemicals will not need to be planned. However as a control measure the inclusion of a disposal unit for chemicals may need to be considered to preserve the ecology of the site. During the construction phase of the project aggregate waste will be produced which will need to be properly disposed of. The Local Development Framework Core Strategy highlights the necessity to control the waste produced on site to contribute to a sustainable community. The waste produced from the activity on the proposed camping site will need to be managed complying with Policy CS31: Waste Management as part of the Core Strategy2. It aims the land developer to promote recycling of materials and show an efficient waste management strategy that is most effective in the local area through diverse economic opportunities and reducing the impact on the environment. The control of waste produced within the National Park is centrally controlled by Cumbria Waste Management Group3. It is composed of the Cumbria Waste Management Ltd, Cumbria Waste Recycling Ltd and Lakeland Ltd. They provide solutions to commercial businesses, domestic houses and Local Authorities to the controlling of the disposal of waste. It supports the Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust.
The Bin Type & Size3 The bin must be large enough to contain the waste produced on the site. The waste must be contained to allow a feasible collection frequency so the collection costs are at a minimum. The bin must fit into its environment in terms of design, appearance and its dimensions. Bins come in several preformed manufactured products. A list of these products can be found in figure... in the Appendix.
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Compaction of the Waste3 On sites with large waste volumes the compaction of waste on site will allow a more suitable collection of the waste in loads up to 10 tonnes per collection. For smaller waste volumes the compaction can be completed on the vehicle. This allows a large number of bin lifts per day.
Landfill Diversion3 Tax applies to each tonne of waste taken to landfill. The current tax rate is 48 per tonne and increases roughly 8 per tonne every year. However the tax rate increase may also be sufficiently larger. In addition to this tax there is the cost of disposal of wastes to landfill. To minimise the cost of waste taken to landfill the waste management scheme will need to incorporate imperative methods of recycling as much waste as possible.
Recycling of Wastes3 Recycling is an important aspect of diverting waste from landfill and consequently reducing costs of a waste management scheme. Cumbria Waste Recycling recycles 40,000 tonnes of waste every year. This option is discussed further into the report.
Option 1:
Landfill is when waste is buried with other waste materials and compacted into the ground. The resultant pit of solid waste is covered. It provides a safe disposal of waste unable of being recycled, composted or burnt for energy. It is the most common and traditional method for managing waste. Modern landfill sites ensure the deposited waste is safely contained and the decommissioning of the landfill site leaves a minimal impact on the environment. This includes ensuring the site fits back into the surrounding landscape. Waste to landfill has decreased over the last 10 years as a way of reducing impacts on the environment - only 44% of industrial and commercial waste is now sent to landfill4. This reduction is encouraged by the targets set by the Landfill Directive and the Government. A landfill tax was introduced in 1996 to provoke a change in waste management solutions and keep towards targets set by the Directive. The process of land filling is completed in 7 stages; Site Preparation, Waste Arrival, Compacting, Decomposition, Gas Production, Leachate, New Land. Site Preparation: The landfill is prepared with infrastructure and a series of containment, control and processing systems. The infrastructure on a landfill site includes excavation pits, liner systems, leachate collection control and boreholes. These systems remain in operation until 50 years after the decommissioning of the landfill site to monitor its stability.
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Waste Arrival:
Waste at the site is weighed and contents checked to the landfill licence. The waste is then tipped into an operational part of the landfill. The waste is compacted in the landfill progressively and covered with layered covering material. At the end of each day the area of landfill is covered over to deter scavengers and control odour. The waste is broken down under anaerobic conditions. The decomposition process produces leachate liquid and gas. The gas produced is stored in storage tanks and extracted through a series of pipes. It is either burned off or directed to an on-site energy generation plant and connected to the National Grid. Electricity can be produced many years after the landfill is decommissioned. The leachate is contained by a lining of the landfill and extracted to storage pipes. It is either pumped into tankers and treated or treated on site and discharge into a sewer or water flow. Once the landfill reaches maximum capacity it is capped and covered with a final layer, clay and vegetation. This causes a boundary locking in odour and keeping rainwater out. The site is cultivated to return to its natural beauty.
Gas Production:
New Land:
The land filling process has a long term harmful effect to the environment on the site. Biodegradable material will degrade overtime whereas materials that are not biodegradable will remain within the ground for over 100 years. This means the site becomes contaminated and construction cannot 36 | P a g e
happen. If water is forced out of a lining it can alter the acidity of the water contained in the soil. Before construction can take place on a historic landfill site several ground works are needed to clean the soils which landfill waste underlies costing a large proportion of money and environmental. Also since 1996 a Landfill Tax has been introduced. It aims to encourage more economical waste production and promote uses of recovering more value from the waste. These options are discussed further in the report and are commonly environmentally friendly methods of waste management. The rates for Landfill Tax for 2010 to 2011 are: Active waste: Inactive waste: 48 per tonne of waste (excluding VAT) 2.50 per tonne (excluding VAT)
Figure 5-b: Landfill Tax Source:
Every year the rate of active waste will raise 8 every year until it reaches 80 per tonne. This means that the more waste taken to landfill increases the tax. Therefore measures must be put in place to reduce the waste produced on the campsite.
The location of the landfill site is important to reduce transportation costs of the refuse collection vehicles carrying municipal solid waste. The nearest landfill site to the proposed site is at: Lusco Pike Landfill, Flusco Landfill, Newbiggin, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0JA.5 This landfill site is 12.2 miles from the proposed site. Transport costs of refuse collection vehicles will be accounted. Further costs will come from the Landfill Tax. The landfill tax rate is charged from the weight of waste taken to the site. Therefore to reduce costs and approach a more sustainable control of waste the mass of waste taken to landfill should be minimised.
Option 2:
Recycling is an important aspect of controlling waste management. It provides a sustainable solution to managing waste. Recycling is the forming of new products by processing of waste materials such as paper, metal, glass, organic waste, plastics and textiles6. It uses the potential of these used materials and reduces the need to produce more fresh material. The effects of recycling have a positive environmental effect by reducing air pollution, water pollution and energy usage. It has a smaller greenhouse gas effect than landfill and so has a minimal effect to climate change. Recycling
is becoming an ever increasing option, quadrupling over the last 10 years.
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Recycling is ever improving its operations by expanding in the materials that can be recycled and the locations of recycle stations. The recycling industry is working to provide further facilities to recycle and cooperating with local authorities to promote use of these facilities. The list of materials that can currently be recycled is shown in figure 5-c below. However several factors affect the success of the scheme. One of which is the correct presentation of the distribution bins. The scheme that is implemented needs to be clearly communicated to users so there is a simple understanding of how the waste is distributed. A useful way of implementing a cohesive and clear waste distribution system is to use a colour coding for each material. Visual images improve the perception of the materials that can be deposited in each recycle bin and improve the communication to users. An example of the visual aides to users is shown in the figures below. The colour coding scheme must be cohesive throughout the site. Also for a recycle scheme to be effective recycle stations need to be readily available and are in an accessible area with clear identification.
To reduce costs of the waste management system put into place the route collections must be optimised so the maximum amount of waste is collected in appropriate time intervals. The collection system will depend on the average amount of waste produced on the site and the size of each collection vehicle. The transportation to recycle outlets costs more the further away the recycle
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outlet is from the campsite. Therefore the recyclable material should be transported to the local outlet plant. The local recycling plant for common waste materials is situated at: Eden Community Recycling, Unit 4, Mardale Road, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9EH7
This is situated roughly 13.4 miles from the proposed site. This is about 1 mile further from the landfill site in Penrith. Therefore the increase in transportation costs to this site is one twelfth of the cost to the landfill site. Cumbria Waste Recycling Company tailors packages for businesses to the individual waste on site to produce an efficient recycling scheme that includes the correct presentation and efficient collection. The company also finds solutions to materials that cannot be easily recycled. Outsourcing waste management solutions means higher quality scheme enforcement and a clearer control of waste. By providing a higher quality scheme the system could lead to bigger savings in waste taken to landfill and a more efficient process. However the local perception of recycling needs to be positive for the scheme to be most useful. Residents in Patterdale take particular care for controlling the waste it produces. The Parish Council have included several recycling initiatives to ensure residents reduce the impact they have on resources and maximise the value of the waste produced. There is a domestic recycling station in Glenridding car park where locals can recycle glass, paper and cans9. It can also recycle plastic bags, plastic bottles and other plastic products. Local businesses and services in Patterdale use recycled materials to save waste being sent to landfill for example Patterdale School accepts empty inkjet cartridges. Garden waste is also recycled in a green skip which is supplied to residents every other weekend. Further strategic measures have been implemented for waste produced during farming of which is an importance to the local area. Every year the council offers drop off days for waste at a local site which is returned as new wooden products and plastics. The recycling strategy has an economic incentive. The money produced from recycling contributes to local projects which benefits the village. Every year the scheme raises between 500 and 700 for the local community. Due to the recycling scheme Glenridding is within the top quarter of Eden parishes from the amount of waste that is recycled. For the business to involve itself with the local community it could use the money collected in a recyclable scheme to contribute towards local projects. This gives a positive perception to locals and to not exclude itself from the strong community base.
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Several benefits of recycling are clearly identified in savings to the cost and the environmental impact the waste has on future generations. Although there is an additional cost for sorting materials either on site or not there is still an opportunity to financially benefit from this scheme.
Option 3:
Composting is the breakdown of biodegradable material such as food waste and green waste with micro-organisms to produce compost. Composting of waste materials provides a number of beneficial effects on physical, chemical and nutrient properties to soil which it is deposited onto. The soil structure improves and provides plants with nutrients and vitamins, increasing quantities of organic material and reducing disease. The quality of the compost meets environmental and safety standards and replaces the need for soil improvers such as peat. There are three types of composting processes; open windrow composting, in-vessel composting and biological treatment processes9: 40 | P a g e
An open air facility constructing elongated piles from shredded and formed waste. It is turned every 14 weeks for ventilation and watered to meet ideal conditions. The organic waste is shredded, watered and mixed before being enclosed within a vessel. It achieves 60C for four days. It is turned every 6-10 weeks while formed into heaps. A typical In-Vessel Composter is shown in figure... Technologies using earthworms (Vermicomposting) or specialised bacteria can convert waste into other useful materials.
In-Vessel Composting:
Commercial composting facilities monitor temperature, oxygen concentration and moisture content to ensure optimum conditions are met. In-vessel composting allows more control of these parameters, allowing a process to be completed within a shorter time. The composting process occurs in 5 stages; collection, sorting, composting, screening and grading, and laying onto soil11. Collection: Sorting: The organic waste is collected and taken to a composting facility. The organic waste is sorted into Green Waste and Food Waste. Green waste is used in Open Windrow Composting and Food Waste is used in In-Vessel Composting. 41 | P a g e
The waste undergoes micro-organism breakdown to compost either by Open Windrow Composting, In-Vessel Composting or Biological Treatments.
Screening and Grading: The compost is screened for contaminants. The compost is then graded into the required particle size for different uses. Laying onto Soil: The compost is ready for use. It can be sold for restoration, landscaping, agriculture and domestic purposes.
The benefits of composting are that it is an environmentally improving system that improves the condition of soils by adding nutrients and moisture to the soil that it is composted onto12. Also there is the added benefit of the possibility to provide a cheap composting facility on site. This would save on transportation costs and provide the campsite with a high quality of compost should the topsoil need to be replaced. It should be able to provide for the local villages as a disposal site for organic material. However by initiating this scheme the composting process would need to be closely monitored so the compost is of a high quality and meets environmental and safety standards. Also the composting process lasts between 4 and 6 months. During this time period waste will build up on the site. Appropriate storage is needed within the site to contain this waste and overflow of waste build up can lead to high costs of transporting to landfill. Therefore the composting infrastructure needs to be large enough to hold the required waste that is produced on site. Finally the expansion of the site needs to be considered so the composting process adaptable to an increased demand. Nevertheless the UK Government is trying to provoke an increase in composting as a waste management source9. Significant advances in the volumes of organic waste being composted means it has also being supplied to commercial and domestic locations through the local authorities.
Option 4:
Energy, heat and residual materials for recycling can be produced from the incineration of residual waste. The Energy from Waste (EfW) process is the recovery of renewable energy as electricity or heat. Waste facility incineration provides 23% of renewable energy in the UK equivalent to 726000 tonnes of oil13. This generates enough power for 250,000 homes through combined heat and power systems14. Currently 2.8 million tonnes of waste is converted to energy using this process. National Government targets are for 25% municipal waste treatment to be treatment through energy from waste methods. New technologies such as Anaerobic Digestion are being developed to enable waste to produce a sustainable energy and organic materials to preserve soils from composting. It also restrains from having to transfer material to landfill. The Government is looking to increase the number of Anaerobic Digestion systems within its long term waste management studies. There are currently 20 facilities for energy recovery from waste. Several other facilities recover heat, metals and other materials used in construction. One option could be to use the material gained and 42 | P a g e
feed it into a bio fuel system. However control of toxic gases will need to be contained. Design and operation standards are monitored regularly. Standards of Emissions are reviewed regularly and strict guidelines for emissions are enforced by the Waste Incineration Directive14. There are six processes to producing energy from waste; Collection, Control, Preparation, Furnace, Incinerator Bottom Ash, Gas Distribution13.
Waste collected in refuge waste vehicles is dropped into bunkers and mixed. Dust and odours are controlled by spraying water and induction fans. Waste is loaded into a feed chute into the furnace. Grate bars move waste through the furnace. It is burned at roughly 1000C creating hot flue ash and incinerator bottom ash. Hot flue ash is used as renewable energy and incinerator bottom ash is used within the construction industry.
Incinerator Bottom Ash: This is quenched and the stored. Magnets extract iron metal from the ash. It is sent to recycling plant before being used in construction. Gas: The hot flue gas transfers its heat to boil water creating steam to drive turbines which produces electricity. Lime and carbon is added. The gas then passes through a fine fabric filter before being released. Particles collected in the filter are treated in a special treating facility.
The method is advantageous because it will mean that with appropriate measures and planning permission in place the site could use waste produced to feed a bio fuel system. This could supply combined heat and power to the building and reduce the carbon emissions into the atmosphere. However stringent requirements need to be met for the local authority to grant permission for this. Emission control and Health and Safety must be paramount in the design of a bio fuel on the site as it is important for the welfare of the visitors.
Control of waste water is an important aspect to ensuring a clean environment. The discarded water can be recycled into a valuable resource. Although Government Legislation does not enforce major efforts for reducing waste water sent to sewage plants it recommends recovering as much value as is feasible on the project. 43 | P a g e
Option 1:
Grey water is water that has been used in a shower, sink or other domestic tasks. However whereas it is commonly taken to a water treatment plant it can be contained in a reuse system and treated with basic disinfectants or microbiological treatment. It can then be reused within the site for the flushing of toilets, uses on garden watering or any use not requiring excessive treatment of water16. Issues raised from using grey water are the length of time the grey water can be stored for. When warm rich nutrient grey water is kept in storage the bacteria multiply causing possible health risks and damage to the water harvesting system16. Therefore on the site it would need to be emptied over the winter months when the Outdoor Centre is not in use. Some advanced systems address the issue with some filtration and treatment of grey water over periods of time. However if there is a low supply the water mains might need to be applied as a backup if there is excess demand. The mains flow must be separated from the grey water at all times to stop risk of contamination by back flow. Grey water can also be used for gardening on vegetation. On the site grey water can be used as a non potable water supply for washing muddy boots. It is feasible to provide this waste reducing method on the site providing special provisions for ensuring the grey water does not contaminate any potable water supply or edible food. However not all waste water can be collected. Dishwashers and kitchen sinks may contain too concentrated effluents and this could damage the chemical properties of the soil having an adverse effect on ecosystems16. Also grey water should not be used for crop irrigation.
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Option 2:
If the site does not have a direct mains sewerage connection in the local area could use composting as an alternative. The waste from toilets or sinks is composted into a fertilizer which could either be sold or used on the site for vegetation purposes16. The size of the storage box depends on the average use in the Amenities Building. Tumbling mechanisms can be used to increase the rate of decomposition. However the site would need to ensure the organic waste produced is contained as to not produce a bad odour or contaminate local soils. The system would need to be emptied and maintained over the winter months.
Option 3:
Reed beds can be used as a form of sewage treatment where there is a lot of space or low concentration effluents are produced. The system is low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing and benefits the local ecosystem16. It attracts wildlife and can benefit the soil with rich nutrients. Several processes are involved in separating out solids, eliminating disease carrying organisms and removing some nutrients.
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Primary treatment involves separating the solid from the liquid effluent16. This is done in a settlement chamber for example a septic tank. The solid waste can be composted or disposed of safely. The effluent is transported through a series of pipes in underground trenches and percolated through gravel. The liquid obtained is clean to be released into the soil. Vertical flow beds are an alternative secondary treatment. The effluent is passed through several layers of sand and gravel planted with reeds16. The reeds help break down the pollutant. The will also encourage wildlife and contribute to a diverse ecosystem. Tertiary treatment using horizontal flow reed beds when further treatment is needed.
The system is advantageous to treating waste water on site. However this would require special monitoring on site and special planning permission will need to be granted. Also the system will not work well in clay soil layers or places with a high water table. As the site is uphill this should not be
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an issue. Also the resultant liquid will need to be drained safely to return back to the environment. This could cause boggy regions and flooding further downhill.
Recycling materials possible into other construction projects can reduce environmental impacts and produce income from sold materials21. Using a waste contractor can outsource the control of construction waste and find appropriate solutions for sorting waste and appropriate recycling solutions. They provide a service to meet the sites waste output giving a high waste recovery rate. If the site is to recycle many different materials separate containers and a clear system of sorting waste materials means the waste is sorted on site. However similar to recycling municipal solid waste an appropriate strategy is needed using clear signage and proper communication with workers on site. If space is limited the waste can be produced at a recycling facility. However this will incur extra costs. There are many benefits of using sustainable construction methods; a reduction in costs, reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, conserved natural resources and reduced accidents through careful storage of materials. Using recycled waste will also produce income for the site. The Waste & Resources Action Programme help construction projects to benefit from waste management reducing waste, developing sustainable products and improve efficiency of resources.
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About 93% of the 8.3 million annual visitors to the Lake District come by car- contributing to traffic issues and a large impact on climate change23. Maintenance of rural roads is expensive and lack of car parking means a large number of people using roadside car parking causing traffic flow issues. Expanding road infrastructure is difficult in a protected landscape. Therefore transport hubs and public transport improves traffic management and promotes a sustainable transport system. The Lake District National Park aims to Ensure that public transport integration and services are improved and the proportion of travel to and within the National Park by public transport, walking and cycling is increased23. Providing local transport routes will benefit the traffic management around the Patterdale area adding to the quality of life for residents. It promotes a carbon friendly option so local transport schemes reduce the CO2 emissions required for tourists to travel to the campsite. However efficient networks need to be produced so that tourists have an appropriate travel time compared to using vehicles. Also suitable interchanges are required between parking and continuing routes.
the Midlands and runs roughly twice every hour. Further routes are available to Manchester and surrounding cities and towns from Oxenholme station. The train service from Windermere also runs to Manchester Airport offering ease for international visitors to the campsite. By promoting the possible services it will expand the availability the campsite has to visitors and offer a range of travel solutions for reducing car emissions to the campsite.
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Bill of Quantities
Item description
Labour Hours
Unit Price /
Total /
Bridge Reinforcement (Sub-Contract) - Cost subject to preliminary examination (Amount given is an estimate sourced by phone call) Class E : Earthworks Setting Out of Road Layout - One off cost of materials Excavation by machine to depth of 1m - Rate here relates to the combined cost of driver and machinery Class U : Brickwork, Blockwork and Masonry Revetment Wall Construction - Gabion Baskets, galvanised mesh 80mm x 100mm, filled with broken stones 125 200mm in size.
52 | P a g e
Item description
Labour Hours
Unit Price /
Total /
Class R : Roads and Pavings Laying of Road 96 - Asphalt Base Course 70mm thick - Asphalt Binder Course 60mm thick - Asphalt Surface Course 50mm thick Road Drainage - Gravel fill, including excavation Traffic Markings and Signs Landscaping Site Closure TOTALS
m2 m2 m2
24 16 24 360
24.62 -
8 -
196.96 -
Price Per Unit Per Total / Week / 35.00 170 40.00 194.30 200 200 Total 564.30
Information obtained from Spons Architects and Builders Price Book 2010. Classes are given according to Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM 3)
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This table is a breakdown of the costs estimated for each activity discussed in the proposal of works to be completed below. This has then been sectioned into the Bill of Quantities above. Work Breakdown Labour Hours Rate/ Labour Price (Total) / 241.92 Material Price / Kg Unit Total/
Site Preparation Bridge Reinforcement* (Sub-Contract) Setting Out of Road Layout Excavation of Road Revetment Wall Construction Laying of Road - Base Course - Binder Course - Surface Course Road Drainage Traffic Markings and Signs Landscaping Site Closure TOTALS
24 16
10.08 -
241.92 15000
64 40
25 24.48
1600.00 979.20
501.61 797.60
m3 -
2101.61 1776.80
48 24
10.88 8.85
522.24 212.40
7870.50 196.96
m2 -
8392.74 409.36
16 24 360
8.85 10.08
141.60 241.92
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CRITICAL activities are shown in RED NON-CRITICAL activities are shown in BLUE
A. Site Preparation (3 Days) Site Clearance Fencing of the construction site Construction site drainage and skip delivery
B. Bridge Reinforcement (1 Day) Access on site to assemble either Archtec strengthening or a temporary bridge.
C. Setting out layout of the road (3 Days) Pegging out the roads path.
D. Excavation of Road (8 Days) Cut and Fill Method for levelling the road
E. Revetment Wall Construction (5 days) F. Road Construction (12 Days) Base Course Binder Course Surface Course For immediate slope stability
Landscaping (2 Days) Forming mounds (if required or extra material) Tree plantation Shrubbery and re-turfing damaged areas
Site Closure (3 Days) Removal of construction vehicles off site Removal of site fencing Removal of all remaining construction site waste
32 days
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Network Analysis
[This section is not complete. A network analysis is proposed to be included and the critical path established].
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[This section is not complete. A Gantt Chart is proposed to be included showing the order in which works will be completed and how they will overlap daily].
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(ii) Limitations
Although the site is feasible for development some boundaries are preventing the further development of the project. This is between the tender stage design and final designs to be used during the construction phase.
1. Site Survey
Before the project can progress to detailed design and planning application stage a site visit is essential. Observations and survey data recorded on site will allow for any necessary changes to be made for the proposed design. Technical Analysis will benefit in certain aspects of the current design and help with future progress of the project:
profile of the land more substantial calculations can be made to determine the precise movement of soil through cut and fill methods to level the land. By taking samples of the soil several mechanical aspects of the soil can be determined. Finally investigations into the solubility of the soil will help to determine whether the drainage designed in this report is functional to cope with the run-off produced at certain sections along the route. More accurate data obtained will help to determine a precise drainage system. Data for local ecosystems and local habitats should be found from wildlife investigations on site. From this data possible relocations of habitats may need to be considered.
1.2 Drainage
The current drainage design relies on several assumptions based on topographical features. Observing the drainage patterns gives a clearer understanding of how the soil absorbs water and the levels of run-off that are detected in certain areas of the site. From this data a more cohesive design can be made using quantitative methods and changes can be made in the depths of culverts and trenches. The investigations on site will further determine whether any flood risks are detected and where measures should be made to reduce this risk.
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2. Environmental Considerations
As the site is proposed within the boundaries within a National Park considerations must be made during the construction and service stages of the project to minimise noise, water use, energy use, view disruption, vegetation destruction, air pollution, soil pollution and damage to the local wildlife. Site surveys can form a site environmental study; highlighting possible risks for contributing to these factors and applying appropriate measures to be taken to reduce these factors.
During the Construction phase noise from the operation of construction machinery and workers will create a substantial increase in unwanted sound which can harm residents. Heavy duty machinery can be made with quieter engines to reduce the noise it produces. However this incurs extra cost towards more advanced machinery. In some cases the noise produced form the machinery can be reduced by lowering the efficiency of the machine. However this increases the time it takes to complete tasks on site. During the Service life of the campsite the access road will bring an increase in traffic levels within the local village. To overcome this issue sustainable transport methods can be promoted to advertise alternative methods of travelling to the campsite rather than taking a car. Speed limits will also reduce a revving sound produced from a quick acceleration of cars. Noise produced from electric lighting will also contribute to a low humming sound.
Water Use
Lakes and rivers exist within the local area of the construction site. Water flows from the site and surrounding hillside into Greisdale Beck and along the river. Effort should be made to ensure during the construction phase the ecosystem should not be unbalanced. Site pollution must be minimised to avoid run off of contaminant particles. Water quality can be monitored by regularly analysing properties such as the pH, dissolved oxygen and mineral content. Waste water and toxic chemicals must not interact with these waterways at all times. A safe disposal of contaminant effluents should be pre planned and monitored to ensure the chemicals do not cause damage to the local ecosystem. If the bridge is to be strengthened for the construction phase the waterways must not be diverted otherwise it will cause damage to adjacent fields. During the service life of the campsite similar efforts must be made to ensure the running of the campsite is not disrupting the ecosystem and damaging the local environment. Ensuring a quality pipe work design and a fully functioning drainage system will ensure pipes do not leak. 61 | P a g e
Energy Use
During construction large fluctuations in energy usage will be made. It is likely the energy cannot be guaranteed from renewable sources and so generators will have to be used. However the renewable energy methods outlined in the sustainability feasibility report can be applied during the construction phase providing there is enough space on site. Conserving the energy used during construction cuts capital costs and minimises the carbon footprint the construction of the project has on the environment. Using local suppliers for materials will reduce the fuel costs required to transport the materials to the site. Completing works on the site during the day will ensure the site does not spend on lights and heating at night. However this will add time to the project as works will not be able to continue overnight. The National Grid must also be contacted prior to work starting so fluctuations in energy of the local area does not cause mass blackouts. During the service life of the campsite energy will be conserved by using methods outlined in the sustainable feasibility report.
View Disruption
The site is on a green site within the boundary of the Lake District National Park. As part of the Environment Act 1995 the area should conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. During construction the heavy duty machinery will affect the beauty of the local area. The design of the site has been especially chosen for its feasibility to minimise the view. Major alterations will cause an. However during construction temporary green walls can be assembled around the perimeter of the site to reduce the adverse view from the public up to 3-4 metres tall. Green Walls are specially designed, either free standing or as an external wall to the building, is partially covered with vegetation and sometimes an inorganic growing medium such as soil1. However this will incur extra costs to the site construction and more time is needed to assemble the green wall. When the campsite is in use the infrastructure on the campsite has been carefully designed to fit within the landscape to minimise the impact it has on the landscape. However further landscaping can be applied around the building and car park sections and further plantations of trees around the perimeter of the site can reduce an adverse view from Greisdale Beck. The road will be designed similarly to fit within its landscape however it will be less inconspicuous. Therefore methods to reducing signage along the road and minimal materials use should be considered to minimise. The view of cars along the route is not easily overcome. However by careful Engineering of the cut and fill method means the road can lie below the ground so the view of cars travelling along the road is minimised.
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Destruction of Vegetation
Vegetation within the Lake District National Park is protected with tree felling only allowed in extreme circumstances once all other options have been considered. Also grass and shrubs within open land is vital to soil nutrition and good quality land. The impact of construction will damage the vegetation. Ways to prevent the impact of the tread of heavy construction materials should be analysed. Options include laying a temporary plastic road path, possibly made of grasscrete, along the proposed road to minimise its impact on the site. It will distribute the load of the vehicles and maintain the grass beneath the road track. However extra costs will be incurred and the condition of the underlying grass may be severely reduced. Other options for reducing vegetation growth is to use much smaller machinery to do the same tasks as heavy duties vehicles. However this will have a major impact on the project time and the efficiency of the construction phase. After the construction vegetation should be encouraged to grow in areas that have been disturbed. When the site is in operation the grass and shrubs on the campsite will be degraded by placing tents onto the site and by littering. To overcome this issue a strategy for promoting a clean environment around the campsite and setting up many waste facilities will ensure the amount of litter is reduced. Enforcement of action from patrolling areas overnight and strict guidelines for campers can promote a safe yet environmentally friendly site that reduces its impact on the landscape. To overcome grass degrading during its use over the summer an appropriate ventilation system must be enforced. This includes leaving the camping plot empty for a time after the previous occupants have left to provide the grass ventilation to recover lost photosynthesis during this time. However this will mean camping plots will need to remain empty during peak days and so a loss in profit and efficiency of use of the site. Careful monitoring of the condition of the grass is crucial to outlining any areas of poor vegetation. Further methods to re turf the grass during the winter is an expensive option and should only be used if necessary. A quality site will attract more tourists and maximise profits for the business. The campsite must enhance the growth of vegetation through landscaped areas in and around the campsite area. Applying landscaping along the proposed access roads will not only provide appropriate aesthetics for the area but also hide the road from view and reduce noise levels in the local village.
The site is within an area of thriving wildlife and deep habitat regions. The diverse species that live within the Lake District National Park give a cohesive ecosystem for life to thrive within. Therefore measures are needed to be put into place so the wildlife is not put into danger from either the construction of the project or the project in use. During construction protection of habitats should be paramount. Disturbing local habitats of species will alter the ecosystem which could lead to a dramatic change in the environment. 63 | P a g e
Air Pollution
Air can be polluted during construction from debris and fumes being released into the atmosphere. This can affect photosynthesis rates of nearby trees and alter the ecosystem. In extreme cases it could also be damaging to the health of locals. Reducing the emissions of the machinery used and transport for construction materials can employ a healthy site minimising effects of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. These gases are harmful to humans, other life forms and vegetation. Also by coordinating off a large site will mean the debris and fumes are dispersed to a lower concentration when it reaches the site boundary. This will reduce the risk of locals being harmed during construction. On site appropriate PPE will be worn and safety measures put in place for reducing health deterioration of staff. While the campsite is in use the increase in road traffic will bring an increase in air pollution to the local area. By promoting public transport and other travel options the number of cars travelling to the site will be reduced. Close monitoring of air quality around the site and in the local communities a proactive response to reducing air quality can be taken should the levels exceed national pollution levels. Monitoring of air quality should be taken during the construction and during the service life of the campsite.
Soil Pollution
The soil in the area carries a rich amount of minerals and organisms vital for plant growth and the preservation of trees. The levels of salts in the soil add to the nutrient value. Should the soil become polluted from chemical effluents or litter the acidity of the soil rises altering the nutrient levels and consequently altering the plant ecosystem. As the site is classed as a green site there has been no previous contamination to the land from construction works. Therefore no cleaning of contaminated soil should be required prior to construction works. Toxic Chemicals used during construction must be handled correctly and non-organic effluents must not be put into contact with the soil to stop contamination. Controlling the disposal of effluents and a feasible waste management strategy will prevent pollution of the soil. The acidity of the soil, salinity and any noticeable erosion to the surface of the soil must be closely monitored during the service life. Prevention of flooding risks also reduced the risk of erosion of soil if the nearby waterways overflow and run-off into the campsite.
The effect of construction and the service life of the project can have a lasting effect on the surrounding region. It can alter the ecosystem and biodiversity of the site and alter plant growth and soil quality. Appropriate measures need to be taken when on the site to prevent a change in the ecology and biology and to have a minimal impact on the landscape. The machinery selecting to complete the works must be the most suitable; low weight, low noise impact and minimal view 64 | P a g e
disturbances. The construction technology used must also minimise pollution on site and be as efficient as possible to reduce the energy usage it has on site. The control of effluents and toxic materials must be monitored so the land is not contaminated. The vegetation must be preserved at all costs and let wildlife be able to continue to thrive in the local region. Should vegetation or habitats be destroyed from the construction phase the vegetation must be encouraged to grow back and habitats moved nearby to continue a thriving conservation of wildlife. The construction vehicles must also not Close monitoring of air, water, soil and grass quality during the construction and service phases will ensure the operation of the site is not altering the ecosystem. The campsite must provide an efficient strategy for deterring littering on the site and an effective control on the condition of the grass. Applying new turf should be the last possible option and all other options should be considered beforehand.
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3. Planning Permission
The proposed site lies within the boundary of the Lake District National Park. This means it must meet the conditions of the Environment Act 1995 to: Conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Parks Promote opportunities for understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by the public.
Figure 3-a: Aims of the National Park Source:
It seeks to look at the enhancement and conservation of the local landscape for future generations. As it is a major construction project within the local area extensive planning permission will need to be granted before construction may begin. Planning Permission is granted by the Local Development Framework who asses the approved design for its suitability against their core strategy2. The main criterion for planning is a quality design that highlights all the issues within the site and incorporates these into the best possible solution. Receiving planning permission does require a few months so all factors in their decision can be assessed. The client and contractors need to accept a limitation of the time aspect of this project. The planning authority will be supportive of the design but require further assessment or an increase cost to overcome a certain aspect of the design. The contributors to the project should work in partnership with the Local Development Framework to bring a successful outcome that coincides within the strategic measures of the Core Strategy. Following any special provisions that arise following the initial request for planning permission the contractors will aim to overcome these issues to the best of their ability. This may incur further costs. The amount of special provisions that arise depends on how robust the design is in fitting into the Core Strategy.
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(iii) Conclusion
This report has identified the feasibility for constructing a campsite with amenities building with access routes. The report has highlighted the constraints of the site and special considerations the design should account for. The report has proposed a suitable tender stage design for the access routes based upon the evidence raised. The report also proposes a scheme design for the amenities building based upon the factors and constraints highlighted in the client brief. The report also addresses the feasibility of renewable sources for providing water, power and heat to the amenities building. Finally the report analyses some options the client can choose for managing waste and transport to the campsite The conclusions from this report show several options the client can use with some limitations attached to each. The Access Road should be along the proposed route 1 as it is within the 1 in 8 gradient constraint highlighted in the brief. The road should use a cut and fill method to level the ground to form a gentle slope that is levelled. The road thickness shall consist of a base coarse, binder course and a surface course. Several speed limit signs and reflector posts will be strategically placed along the route. Lighting will not be required. Kennels Bridge may need to be strengthened temporarily to accommodate the weight of construction vehicles. The most suitable option is using the Archtec method. This will not be confirmed until strengthening tests on the bridge are carried out. The Campsite should include appropriate drainage that can divert run off from further up the hill to the lower stream in Greisdale Beck. The drainage design The building shall incorporate renewable sources for water, power and heat wherever possible. Heat will be supplied from a combination of ground source heat pumps and a biomass heating system. Biomass will be used for electricity generation with photovoltaic cells on the South facing roof. Drinking Water will be supplied from the mains supply. Water Harvesting shall provide for uses in the toilets and outdoors use (for example gardening). Waste will be managed using a strategic recycling scheme. As bio fuel is a recommended sustainable energy then waste can be used to fuel the bio fuel incinerator providing planning permission is granted. Organic waste can be disposed of by composters placed around the site and outside the kitchen in the building. Sewage waste will be controlled by a series of grey water recycling opportunities. Grey water will be collected from rainwater and drainage to serve the toilets and outside taps of the building. Construction waste will be recycled wherever possible to generate extra income for the site. Efforts will be made to minimise the number of cars travelling to the site. The site should promote public transport options and possibly provide a service between the campsite and major network hubs. 67 | P a g e
The project will progress to determine a final detail design and a package assembled for planning permission. A Client review of this report shall determine necessary changes needed to be made regarding compliance to the brief.
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(iv) References
Patterdale Hall Outdoor Education, [online], Available: Cumbria County Council (Corporate Information Unit), [online], Available: Cumbria Tourism, (2008), [online], Available:
Local Development Framework: Core Strategy including Proposals Map, (2010), [online], Available:
Access Routes
Tarmac Porous Asphalt System, [online], Available: Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Page 21 (3.7), Vol. 7, Section 2, (2006), [e-book], Available:
3 2
Tarmac Case Study, [online], Available: Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Vol. 7, Section 2, (2006), [e-book], Available:
5 4
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Page 13(2.7), Vol 7., Section 2, (2006), [e-book], Available: Cintec Worldwide: Masonry Arch and Bridge Strengthening Overview, [online], Available:
7 6
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), (2010), [Online], Available: Cumbria Strategic Partnership, [Online], Available:
69 | P a g e
Energy Saving Trust), [Online], Available: Ground Source Heat Pumps Association), [Online], Available:
5 4
Energy Saving Trust), [Online], Available: Inter Hydro Technology- Pre Feasibility for Hydro Power Generation), [Online], Available:
11 10
Biomass Energy Centre,15049&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL Biomass Engineering Consumer Utility Services National Grid Chris Maddock Photography, [Online], Available: Patterdale Today, [Online],
Organic Recycling Ltd: Composting, [online], Available: Local Development Framework: Core Strategy including Proposals Map, (2010), [online], Available:
3 2
Cumbria Waste Management Group: Waste and Recycling Services, [online], Available:
70 | P a g e
Environmental Services Association: Recycling, [online], Available: Eden Community Recycling, [online], Available: Patterdale Today: Recycling, [online], Available:
Environmental Services Association: Composting, [online], Available: Organic Recycling Ltd: Composting, [online], Available:
11 10
SITA: Composting, [online], Available: Environmental Services Association: Energy From Waste, [online], Available:
15 14
The Renewable Energy Centre: Waste Water Recycling and Sewage Treatment, [online], Available: EPC for EPCs Energy Performance Certificates Commercial + Domestic: Grey and Black Water - Sewage Treatment and Recyclable Water Systems for Household and Business Water Treatment and Filtration, [online], Available:
17 16
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, (2008), [online], Available: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, (2008), [online], Available: Waste and Resources Action Programme: Reducing your Construction Waste, [e-book], Available:
20 19 18
Waste and Resources Action Programme: Reducing your Construction Waste, [e-book], Available: Organic Recycling Ltd: Composting, [online], Available:
71 | P a g e
Lake District National Park: Challenges for Traffic and Transport, [online]: Available: Patterdale Today: 108 Penrith to Patterdale, [online], Available:
25 24
Lake District National Park: Ullswater and Windermere, (2010), [e-book], Available:
Lake District National Park: Lake Windermere: Getting around, [online], Available:
Local Development Framework: Core Strategy including Proposals Map, (2010), [online], Available:
List of Figures
Access Road
Figure 1-e$FILE/specforestroads.pdf Figure 1-g Figure 1-h Figure 1-i Figure 1-j$File/Specification%20for%20the%20construction..pdf Figure 1-k Figure 1-l Figure 1-m Figure 1-n
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Figure 3-a
Meeting Notes
Design Group 5 Minutes - 09/02/2011 Date, time & venue: 11:00-12:00, 09/02/11, George Begg B3a Chair: Alan Roper Secretary: Daniel Handley Attendees: Alan Roper, Shamuil Daliv, Anna Bradley, Cara Mulholland, Daniel Handley, William Ko Apologies: None Missing: Aqib Afzaal
MINUTE 1 Define project scope 1.1 The project scope was discussed and defined.
Project Scope- Our mission is to build a campsite, with amenities building using power and water using renewable sources with access links.
MINUTE 2 Sub-Groups 2.1 Sub-groups for project need to be decided and finalised. Sustainable feasibility- Research local sources, feasibility report and environmental assessment. (Dan) Access road (Cara & Anna) Amenities building (structure engineer) (Sham) Architect (Will) 74 | P a g e
Campsite Route and Waste Management (Alan) Alan to provide support to all sub-groups
MINUTE 3 Research groups 3.1 Research topics need to be distributed amongst the group in order to reach goal of first plan being ready on time for meeting with client. A suggestion was for everyone to research all areas in minor detail to understand the surroundings and issues. All members agreed to this. After discussion research groups were finalised below: Topography i.e. contours (Dan), existing tracks (Cara, Anna) Planning application study (Alan) Trees, features/ruins. Horticulture Study (Cara/Anna) Contracts (Alan) Hydrology study- Lanty Tarn, disused hydro-electric plant (Sham/Aquib) Geological study e.g. underlying rock (Cara/Anna) Neighbourhood study- transport routes, local suppliers, local community (Will) Environmental assessment (initial). (Dan)
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Design Group 5 Minutes- 14/02/11 Date, time and venue: 14:00, 14/02/11, Renold D6 Chair: Alan Roper Secretary: Daniel Handley Attendees: Alan Roper, Shamuil Dalvi, Cara Mulholland, Anna Bradley, Daniel Handley, William Ko Minute 1 Matters arising from last meeting None discussed Minute 2 Report Back on Research Areas 2.1- Topography- Gradients of land at Abraham Byers field calculated. ACTION: Decide on suitable area to place amenities building and campsite. 2.2- Trees/features- Details of any features which may require attention during the planning and construction phase. ACTION: Continue research in area and determine what attention particular features need. 2.3- Hydrology study- Lanty Tarn could provide adequate source, however more research is needed. Water can be supplied by gravity as it is above the proposed works area however this involves building through wooded area. ACTION: Research alternatives and determine whether Lanty Tarn could provide adequate source economically and environmentally. 2.4- Geological study- Initial research began, more detail required on specific site. ACTION: Continue research in area. 2.5- Environmental assessment- Initial research began, more needed due to the area that the works are proposed to take place. ACTION: Dan to research area further. 76 | P a g e
2.6- Neighbourhood study- None as of yet. ACTION: Prepare neighbourhood study for client meeting on 15/2/11 2.7- Planning application study- Begun, but more research required. ACTION: Continue to research planning application study. 2.8- Contracts- Some research started need more details. ACTION: Continue to research area Minute 3 Access Paths/Roads Access road will enter via the east over existing track. Track will need to be upgraded to accommodate increased traffic. Road will continue around the campsite and break off to amenities building. ACTION: Determine whether preferred route will be acceptable. Minute 4 Camping Route Campsite will be situated on south western area of site where gradient is most shallow. Need to find out how many guests the campsite needs to accommodate for. ACTION: Determine how many guests campsite needs to accommodate so plan can be finalised. Minute 5 Amenities Building Amenities building will be placed on the north eastern corner of Abraham Byers field. Minute 6 Water/Energy Water can be potentially provided from Lanty Tarn, further study is required to determine whether this is acceptable. Supply can be provided by gravity; however pipeline would have to travel through woodland, preferred route travels through area of least woodland. Energy can be supplied by hydroelectric means, but more work required. ACTION: More work on water/energy required before decision can be finalised. Minute 7 Briefing for Client Meeting Team needs to meet to finalise the brief for the client meeting. ACTION: Team will meet on 15/02/11 at 12:00 prior to the meeting to finalise brief. Minute 8 77 | P a g e
Other Business Gantt Chart- A Gantt chart needs making for the client meeting on Tuesday and to make sure the project is on track and targets are being met. ACTION: Alan will see to Gantt chart before client meeting. Suitable meeting times- Suitable meeting times need to agreed by everybody so that meetings can be regularly set at a specific time each week. ACTION: Appropriate times to be discussed with group and a final regular meeting slot finalised. Questions for Client Meeting- Numbers campsite needs to accommodate? Next Meeting: 15/02/11 at 12:00 after Design 2 lecture.
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Design Group 5 Client Meeting Minutes- 15/02/11 Attendees: Alan Roper, Shamuil Dalvi, Daniel Handley, Cara Mulholland, Anna Bradley, William Ko Chair: Alan Roper Secretary: Daniel Handley
Minute 1 Project ScopeDiscussion of our intended project scope with client. Client was satisfied with this. ACTION: None required
Minute 2 Discussion of research groups and topics and work completed so far. I.e. Contours, geology, roads/access, building, water/energy, planning issues, environmental issues (e.g. tree removal). ACTION: Continue research particularly in geology, access building and water/energy issues
Minute 3 3.1 - Discussion of access roads and potential locations The client believes there is a better route to access the campsite than the route we have chosen (See diagram for original route and proposed new route by the client.
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ACTION: Alter plans to accommodate new access route and make any necessary changes and research area further if required. 3.2 - Discussion of access road to Lantys Tarn (if used as water supply) The group believes that the steep gradients of access roads to Lantys Tarn by be a problem however the client informed us that it will not be an issue as vehicles accessing area will be 4x4. ACTION: Continue to work on access road to Lantys Tarn, but do not make detailed plans until decision on whether it is a credible water source is finalised
Minute 4 4.1 Discussion of Lantys Tarn as a credible water source The group did not get chance to ask about this in much detail, however the client did not write it out as a solution. ACTION: Determine whether Lantys Tarn is suitable to supply amenities building.
Minute 5 Questions The group had a number of questions to ask the client however it was not possible due to time constraints. ACTION: Email client with questions.
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Minutes from Building Client Meeting 22/02/2011 Time, Date and Venue: 14:10, 22/2/11, Renold F5 Attendees: Alan, Will, Sham, Cara, Anna, Dan Secretary: Dan Minute 1 Spatial Elements of Building- Technical and Psychological 1.1- Develop understanding of how you feel in a building Incorporate these factors into design e.g. height of ceiling, size of corridors, access to natural light, space awareness. These factors influence peoples perceptions of a building and influence the effectiveness of any tasks/work they are carrying out. 1.2- How spaces relate to each other Spaces in a building are positioned to provide functionality and supplement each other. Minute 2 Functions of Building 2.1- Functions of a particular space Consider what functions a space must allow e.g. spaces between tables and chairs in classroom, size of the snack bar etc. 2.2- Circulation space
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The correct size of circulation space is necessary as this can make a building too full or empty e.g. wide/small corridors, space between table chairs. Space needs to be considered for disabled access, building access, link to exterior and emergency escape. 2.3- Dual purpose Value can be added to a space by making it dual purpose e.g. different setup of classroom equipment.
Minute 3 Energy 3.1- Energy Efficiency Develop energy saving design to reduce energy usage of building as a whole to reduce carbon footprint. ACTIONS: Take these points into consideration during design process of amenities building.
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