MAPEH+GRADE+9+DLL 3rdquarter
MAPEH+GRADE+9+DLL 3rdquarter
MAPEH+GRADE+9+DLL 3rdquarter
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
The teacher will post The teacher will ask the The teacher will play a The teacher will play examples
pictures of Franz Haydn, students about how romantic song, while the of the program music and
Wolfgang Amadeus cultural, economic, social students make drawings draw students will analyze its
Mozart, and Ludwig van and political aspects based their feelings. musical elements.
Beethoven. were greatly affected by (10min) (10 min)
A. Reviewing Previous progress in science
Lesson or Presenting The Compare the life mechanics such as
New Lesson and music of photography,
Haydn, Mozart steamboats, telephone,
and Beethoven telegraph, etc?
In what ways are (5min)
they the same?
B. Establishing A Purpose For The teacher will ask the Picture parade of different
The Lesson students the following composers in program music.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
How do you The teacher will ask the
express your students to describe the
inner feelings? pictures.
What do you feel (5 min)
when these
emotions are not
(10 min)
The teacher will show The teacher will play examples
the picture of “The of program music like
Peaceable Kingdom” by symphonie Fantastique.
Edward Hicks (1846) The students will listen and
analyze the music.
C. PresentIng Examples/
What can you say
Instances of The New
about the music?
What musical elements
What emotions did you observe?
are being (10 min)
portrayed in the
(10 min)
The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss the
the historical and cultural program music, different
background of romantic composers and their
period through a compositions under the
PowerPoint presentation. program music. The teacher
The teacher will play a will also explain the
D. Discussing New
short film that shows the different forms of program
Concepts And Practicing
history and culture of the music. (15 min)
New Skills #1
western countries during
the romantic period that
can be related to the
history of the Philippines
during 1820-1900.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Listening Activity:
E. Discussing New Concepts
The teacher will play a music
And Practicing New Skills
video of Romeo and Juliet and
describe the musical elements
(5 minutes)
Group Activity: Listen to the musical pieces
Romeo and Juliet and Wedding
The teacher will play a March
video clip about the Describe each piece in
works of Romantic your own point of view
composers. Ask Compare the musicality
F. Developing Mastery
students to relate it to of these two
(Leads To Formative
historical and cultural compositons
Assessment 3)
background of the How do they differ?
romanctic period What are their
(15min) similarities?
Which do you prefer to
listen to intently/ Why?
(20 min)
Group Activity: Group Activity:
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
D. No. of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which of My Teaching
Strategies Worked Well?
Why Did These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor Can
Help Me Solve?
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use/Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
A. Reviewing Previous Teacher will present a Students will enumerate Ask students to recall the “Picture Presentation”
Lesson or Presenting New short background/ the characteristics of the Neo-classical sculptures
Lessons history of the Neoclassical painting. by giving examples. Students will name the sample
Neoclassical period. pictures of Neoclassical
architecture using powerpoint
(5 min) (5 min) (5 min) presentation of the teacher.
The students will be The students will enumerate Activity “4 pics 1 word”
divided into small groups the sculptures of the “Buildings Blocks”
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
and do Neoclassical period and give The students will create an The teacher will prepare the
identifying the its example of building using different pictures related to the
characteristics of recycled boxes and Romantic arts.
Neoclassical painting tubes. Students will
based on the different describe the their output Students will answer the 4 pics 1
principles of arts based on: word activity.
using the presented Shape
video. Color The teacher ask the
Size students about their
(5 min) Textur experience on the activity.
(5 min)
e (10 min) (5 min)
B. Establishing A Purpose For The teacher will give a Video Clips presentation, an The teacher will introduce a The teacher will give an
The Lesson short introduction of overview of short background of introduction on the Romantic
the topic about the Neoclassical sculpture which Neoclassical architecture. period
Neoclassical painting will be presented by the
through video teacher Neoclassical Romanticism was an artistic
presentation architecture is an style popular in the early 19th architectural style century. It emphasized the ZVb0 produced by the need for art to express
x6wKFjiY neoclassical movement emotion, irrational feelings, and
Neoclassicism (from Greek that began in the mid-18th imagination
Neoclassical painting νέος nèos, "new" and century. In its purest form,
typically involved an Latin classicus, "of the it is a style principally "Romanticism is precisely
emphasis on austere highest rank") is the name derived from the situated neither in choice of
linear design in the given to Western architecture of classical subject nor in exact truth, but
depiction of classical movements in the antiquity, the Vitruvian in a way of feeling." Charles
events, characters and decorative and visual arts, principles, and the work of Baudelaire
themes, using literature, theatre, music, the Italian architect Andrea
historically correct and architecture that draw Palladio.
settings and costumes. inspiration from the
Its emergence was "classical" art and culture
greatly stimulated by of Ancient Greece or
the new scientific Ancient Rome.
interest in classical (5 min) (5 min)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
antiquity that arose (10 min)
during the course of the
18th century. (10 min)
C. Presenting Examples / The teacher will The teacher will discuss Explain the context of The teacher will discuss the
Instances Of The New discuss the distinct the Neo-classical the Neoclassical famous painters of the
Lesson characteristics of sculptors architecture and cite Romantic period and also the
paintings and artists of examples characteristics of each
Neoclassical period. ZVb0 artworks.
0w Film viewing/ video clip qvtb6Mc (15 min)
(10 min) (10 min) (10 min)
D. Discussing New “Paint me a “SHOW ME” Ask the students to identify the
Concepts And Practicing New Picture” The students will name Students will reconstruct artist and his artwork of the
Skills the artworks/sculptors the building based on the Romantic period
Ask the students to flashed by the teacher identified characteristics of Example:
make a tableau based based on the discussion. neo classical architecture. Artwork -Liberty leading Artist
on the paintings of the –Delacroix
Neoclassical art ( The teacher will provide (the students will be
discussed by the different pictures of graded using the score
teacher. sculptures) card or rubrics)
(5 min)
(15 min)
(10 min)
(10 min)
As a student what is the images from Paete Pangasinan People by E. As a student what is the
significance of Neoclassical Laguna Municipal Hall Delacroix significance of
art in the development of Baguio City Hall The Third of Neoclassical art in the
Philippine art especially in Manila Post Office May by F. Goya development of
painting? 5 minutes Manila city hall Saturn Devouring Philippine art especially
De la Salle University His Son by F. Goya in painting?
(5 min) National Museum The Burial of Sardine
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Malacanang palace by (5 min)
El Hogar F. Goya
Filipino Charging Chasseur
Building by. T. Gericault
Insane Woman by T.
(5 min) (5 min)
E. Continuation Of Ask the student to Let the students compare Let the students give Ask the student to identify the
Discussing New Concepts And relate any Neoclassical their Neo-classical examples of buildings that artist and paintings of the
Practicing New Skills art to the present sculpture to Philippine have the influences of the Romantic period
scenario in the sculpture by giving architectural style of The raft of the medusa by
Philippine examples. Neoclassicism in our T. Gericault
setting Example: country Liberty Leading the
Christ by Thorvadsen Possible answers:
F. Developing Mastery Students will give their Students will answer the Students will answer the Students will share their ideas or
(Leads To Formative insights on how the question: following questions: themes portrayed by the artist of
Assessment 3) artists of the How do the Neo-classical As a student how the Romantic period in their
Neoclassical period artists convey their ideas in can you help in the artworks.
convey ideas and their artworks? preservation of
concepts of their Neoclassical How will you express your ideas
artworks. Architecture in the related to the development of
Philippines? Romantic painting?
What is the
architecture (5 min)
to Philippine
(5 min) art?
(5 min) (5 min)
G. Finding Practical Paper and Pen test Paper and Pen test Paper and Pen test Paper and Pen Test
Applications Of The Concepts
And Skills In Daily Living Painter who was Enumerate five (5) What are the three Explain briefly
regarded as one of characteristics of (3) types of
the great exemplars of What Can you say
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
academic art and Neoclassical Sculpture Neoclassical about the Romantic
one of the finest Old architecture period
masters of his era. Possible Answers: ? particularly their
Answer:Jean- Portrayal of History Answer: paintings? (5 min)
Auguste- Dominique Formal composition Temple Style
Ingres Shows the Palladian Style
peak of Classical Block style
This painting showing emotion Who are the two
the three brothers religious famous architects
whom appear willing to mythol of Neoclassical
sacrifice their lives for style
good of Rome. ogical (5 min)
Answer: Oath of the Answer:
Horatii Henri Labrouste
Charles Garnier
He is referred to as the
Father of Danish
Answer: Christoffer
Wilhelm Eckersberg
It is David’s
masterpiece shows
the portrayal of a
revolutionary martyr.
Answer:The Death
of Marat Who is the
French Neoclassic
painter focused his
subject of paintings
more on history?
Answer: Jacques-
Louis David. (5 min)
H. Making Generalizations Group work Using clay or any available The students will draw of Using the technology/multi-
And Abstractions About The material in the area, the their own design or media, student will make a
Lesson Each group will make students will create their structure of building using research regarding on the
of their own painting own artwork based on the the concept of the Romantic painting focuses on
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
similar to Neoclassical sculpture. Neoclassical architecture. the
Neoclassical art. artworks, artists and
(5 min) (5 min) (10 min) characteristics
(5 min)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp.279-280 pp. 281- 282 pp. 283- 289 pp. 283- 289
2. Learner’s Material pages pp.239-240 p.240 pp. 241- 246 pp. 241- 246
Agapay, N.,C.,(2006) Music, arts, P.E. and health, making us fully equipped in the 21st Century.
3. Textbook pages
LightQuest Publications, Inc. National Highway, Paciano, Calamba City. 127-133.
4. Additional Materials from
Resource (LR) portal
REFERENCES grb9YuL_ZP k 7s and- romanticism-in-the-philippines
delfi no/romantic-period- uo
ival_churches_in_the_Philip pi.
A. Reviewing Previous What are the famous Students will answer the Students will enumerate the Ask the students to
Lesson or Presenting New painting of the Romantic question, What can you say different Gothic Revival enumerate the famous
Lessons painting? about Roman sculpture, Architecture Churches in the Filipino Artists of
give their characteristics? Philippines. Neoclassicism and
Give the characteristics of Romanticism.
Romantic painting (3 min) (5 min) (5 min)
(5 min)
B. Establishing A Purpose The teacher will show the “PICTURE PUZZLE” The teacher will introduce
For The Lesson pictures of sculptors of The students will arrange the topic by giving brief
the Romantic period. cut-outs pictures to form history of the Neoclassicism
The students will try give structure of sample and Romanticism in the
impressions about the building. They will be given Philippines.
artists/sculptors of the two minutes to finish their
Romantic period.(10 min) work. Each group will Neo-classicism and
have a representative Romanticism can be seen
to share their through various major
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
experience on the artworks such as paintings,
activity. sculptures and architectural
(10 min)
D. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss the Using the powerpoint Discussion on the Article on
And Practicing New Skills the artists of the period characteristics of the presentation,the teacher will the internet by R.G. Chan &
as well as the artworks architectural design of the discuss the different artists associates on the
Romantic period as well as and their artworks Neoclassical and Romantic
Artists the famous architects Fernando Amorsolo Architecture during the
Francois Rude during the period. Guillermo Tolentino American colonization in the
Antoine-Louis Charles Barry Juan Luna Philippines.
Barye Artwork James Renwick Napoleon Isabelo Pictures slideshow of some
Departure of Veloso Abueva buildings built during that
the Volunteer time
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Jeanne d’ARC Ask the students to give the
Hercules Sitting characteristics of the
on a Bull Philippine artist during the
Theseus slaying period
(8 min) (25 min)
the minotaur
(20 min)
(15 min)
E. Continuation Of Ask the students to Drawing Activity Identifying Artworks
Discussing New Concepts enumerate the Students will draw a The students will name the
And Practicing New Skills characteristics of the building based on the pictures and the artists
artworks based on the Romantic architectural flashed by the teacher
discussion design
The students will be graded Bonifacio Monument
using a rubric Spolarium
Manila post office
(See attached rubrics) Planting Rice
5 minutes
G. Finding Practical The students will give Possible answers: How does the art piece
Applications Of The their insights on how the San Sebastian convey the idea of the
Concepts And Skills In artists of the Neoclassical Church , Manila period?
Daily Living period convey ideas and Saint Augustine
concepts of Metropolitan Cathedral What are the visible
their artworks. Puerto Princesa Neoclassic or Romantic
Cathedral characteristics of the artwork?
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
(10 min) Saint Thomas
Aquainas Parish
Church of Santo
Tomas , Batangas
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Church in Calape,
(3 min) (10 min)
H. Making What can you say about the Enumerate 5 artworks
Generalizations And Gothic Revival Architecture? during the Neo-classicism
Abstractions About The and Romanticism in the
Lesson Philippines
(3 min) (5 min)
I. Evaluating Learning Using bath soap, the Make a reflection on the
students will make a Neoclassicism and
simple sculpture of their Romanticism in the
own. Philippines completing the
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Group Activity Ask the students to state the The teacher will ask the The students will make a
Picture Puzzle: food which they last ate. students what are the warm up exercise before
practices in good eating the activity.
The teacher will ask each What food did you eat? Was habits. Always remind the students
group to pick 1 envelope it healthy? (5 min) about the possible injuries
containing cut-out pictures that might occur when
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson associated to festival dance. How does it affect your doing physical activity and
or Presenting The New body’s health? situation:
Lesson Each group will form the Not having proper
picture and identify/name Why is it important to eat warm-up exercise
the picture, and give a healthy? Does it have a Not executing the
short description. connection if dancing will be proper
done as an activity movements
(15 min) (5 min) Not
measure at
all times
(10 min)
B. Establishing A Purpose For The Ask the students to state the The teacher will ask students
Lesson food which they ate about their BMI and
last. What food did you Nutritional status.
eat? Is it healthy? How it Let them analyze their
affect your body’s health? nutritional status and reflect
The teacher will present the it in their daily activities.
different words/ foods. What will happen on the
Let the students classify the person if his/her status is
words/foods which group under weight? Overweight?
they belong. Obese?
( 10 min)
(20 min)
The teacher will give a The execution of
Quiz/ Problem Solving: fundamental movements
I. Evaluating Learning See TEST IV. will of students will be
COMPUTATION numbers 1 assessed using a scoring
and 2 LM-p. 156 guide/rubrics.
(10 min) (ANNEX B)
The student will review the
J. Additional Activities For Five Fundamental Positions.
Application Or Remediation
A. No. of Learners Who Earned
80% In The Evaluation.
B. No. of Learners Who Require
Additional Activities For
Remediation Who Scored Below
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
D. No. of Learners Who Continue
To Require Remediation
E. Which of My Teaching
Strategies Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My Principal or
Supervisor Can Help Me Solve?
G. What Innovation Or Localized
Materials Did I Use/Discover Which
I Wish To Share With Other
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Classify whether
they are religious or
non-religious festivals
Give at least 3
positive effects of
festival dancing or
involvement in
festival dances to
yourself, family,
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
(15 min)
The teacher will post a
matching type activity and
C. Presenting Examples/ let the students identify
Instances of The New the place of Origin of the
Lesson different festivals in the
See LM P. 124
(5 min)
The teacher will discuss
the nature and
D. Discussing New Concepts background of some
And Practicing New Skills famous festivals in the
#1 Philippines through a
PowerPoint presentation.
(25 min)
The teacher will discuss
how dancing contributes to
the improvement of cardio-
E. Discussing New Concepts vascular endurance by
And Practicing New Skills determining the Target
Heart Rate (THR) range.
The students will get
thier own computation of
Predicted Maximum Heart
Rate (PMHR) Lowest Traget
Heart Rate (LTHR) and
Highest Target Heart Rate
(10 min)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
The teacher will
demonstrate the locomotor
and non locomotor
movements, basic steps,
and arm movements.
(40 min)
The teacher will ask the
students why we need to
consider reviewing of
locomotor, non locomotor,
basic steps and arm
movement before the
H. Making Generalizations
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
And Abstractions About festival dance.
The Lesson
What is the importanceof
engaging in this kind of
physical activity?
(10 min)
Student performance will
be assessed using scoring
I. Evaluating Learning Variety of movements- 10
Creativity- 10
Cooperation- 5
Total- 25 points
Bring any music that can be Ask the students to
J. Additional Activities For used in festival dance. research other examples of
Application Or Remediation festival dances. Bring it to
class the next meeting.
A. No. of Learners Who Earned
80% In The Evaluation.
B. No. of Learners Who Require
Additional Activities For
Remediation Who Scored Below
C. Did The Remedial Lessons Work?
D. No. of Learners Who Continue To
Require Remediation
E. Which of My Teaching Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did These
F. What Difficulties Did I Encounter
Which My Principal or Supervisor
Can Help Me Solve?
G. What Innovation or Localized
Materials Did I Use/Discover Which
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
I Wish To Share With Other
(5 min)
The teacher will discuss the
C. Presenting GRASPS for students to
Examples/ Instances able to know the festival
of The New Lesson dance routine of
all grade 9 level and the
preparation for it. See TG.
Each section will select one
festival that represent their
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
sections. (10 min)
D. Discussing New Concepts And The teacher will discuss the
Practicing New Skills #1 The teacher together with Rubrics in their festival
the students will assign first dance performance.
the respective committees (See Attachment) (5 min)
The teacher will present the
possible festival that might
used by the students in their
Maskara Festival
Panagbenga Festival
Buhayani Festival
Ati-atihan Festival
Sinulog Festival
Bangus Festival
(10 min)
Let the students to use Let the students to use
E. Discussing New MAPEH time in practicing MAPEH time in practicing
Concepts And Practicing their dance presentation. their dance presentation.
New Skills #2
Before the Practice start Before the Practice start
make sure that the make sure that the students
students will have their will have their warm-up
warm-up exercises exercises (Wellness Dance)
(Wellness Dance) for them for them to prevent injuries
to prevent injuries that that may happen during
may happen during practice.
Every Physical Activity
Every Physical Activity (Practice) that might
(Practice) that might happen students should
happen students should record their Heart Log for
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
record their Heart Log for them to have self-assess
them to have self- assess and report the heart rate
and report the heart rate before and after they
before and after they perform.
Always remind the students
Always remind the students about the possible injuries
about the possible injuries that might occur when
that might occur when doing physical activity and
doing physical activity and situation:
situation: 1. Not having proper
1. Not having proper warm-up exercise
warm-up exercise 2. Not executing the
2. Not executing the proper movements
proper movements 3. Not observing safety
3. Not observing safety measure at all times
measure at all times (5 min)
(5 min)
F. Developing Mastery The teacher will monitoring The teacher will
the practice properly. (25 monitoring the practice
(Leads To Formative min) properly.
Assessment 3) (45 min)
G. Finding Practical Dance Presentation in the
Applications Of Concepts community.
And Skills In Daily Living
The students will make a
reflection about the festival
H. Making learned .
Generalizations And
Abstractions About I’ve realized
The Lesson .
I am happy because
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
The teacher will evaluate
their performance based
I. Evaluating Learning from the rubrics: (see
The students shall prepare
J. Additional Activities For Festival Dance
Application or Remediation Journal and submit their
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Daily Lesson
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will For Review Activity: The students will answer
Lesson or Presenting conduct a pre-test the activity 4: “What will
New Lessons through; Paper-and -pencil Test you do?”
The students will answer (5 min)
“Fact or Bluff” the questions individually,
What is first aid?
Why it first aids
(See Activity 1 3rd Qtr. important?
Give 2 characteristics of
(5 min)
a good first aider.
Criteria for checking:
2 points if the students
answer correctly.
1- point – clearly and
(10 min)
B. Establishing A Purpose For The teacher will present a The teacher will give the The teacher will ask some
The Lesson video clip of the Typhoon situation below, and let the representatives to
Yolanda. Then ask to students decide what they demonstrate on how to put
student to answer the will do next if they are in bandage in an injured
following questions; the situation/ scenario. person and dressing for the
What do you feel wounds.
after watching the Situation: A man found (5 min)
video? unconscious after his
Who are the people motorcycle hits the truck.
helped the victims? (5 min)
What kind of help
they rendered?
What do you think
will happen if there
are no one who
assisted them?
(10 min)
C. Presenting Examples / The teacher will present this The teacher will present the The learners will watch a
Instances of The New Lesson question: flow chart on LM page 331, video clip, then answer the
to check if their answer on questions afterwards;
How important the presence the first activity is correct.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
of the first aider? (10 min) Why it is important
(5min) to apply proper first
aid in a wound?
If you are going to
have this, what will
be the first thing
you will do?
(6 min)
D. Discussing New Concepts And The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss
Practicing New Skills # 1 Nature and Limitation of Vital Signs and difference of the difference between the
First Aid including the signs and symptoms using dressing and bandages.
following sub-topics; Venn Diagram Supporting videos will be
Principles, Roles, ( Refer on LM page 333) used to present the
Responsibilities and lesson
Characteristics The teacher will ask the
students watch the video, Worksheet will be
Refer to LM page 325 (For “Philippine Red Cross Basic provided.
additional information, See First Aid Training Exercise” (Refer to Activity 5)
attachment no.3)
(10 min) Processing questions: (20 min)
How the Red Cross Note:
intervene in the But if the video is not
different sitautions? available refer to LM for
What intervention specific and detailed
gives you learning? content. Also some
(10 min) materials are provided
E. Discussing New Concepts And The teacher will use the The teacher may use other
Practicing New Skills # 2 Interactive Strategies video clips if he/she is not
wherein: familiar in the first aid
Discuss the Primary standard. (Links are
and Secondary available in the references)
Survey on LM page The teacher will ask the
333, through the use following questions after
of images. viewing; What are the
Teacher- Student two phases of
Collaboration Bandages?
The teacher will ask How it differs from
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
some students to each other?
demonstrate the (15 min)
Processing questions:
After you watch
the group
presentation, what
is the importance
of basic knowledge
about first aid basics?
How you work as a
(15 min)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
G. Finding Practical Applications The teacher will go back Triad Activity: The group of learners will
of The Concepts And Skills again to the statements of The learners will make their be presenting a
In Daily Living facts and bluff activity, then emergency action plan. demonstration of the
ask the students to identify They are free to choose the following; Group 1:
in which aspects of first aid scenario: Techniques in bandaging
is exemplified. Use the Group 2: How to manage
following choices: Scenario A: accidentally fell wounds Group 3: Phases of
Role on the ground but still Bandaging students will
Objectives conscious Group 4: Bandaging in a
Characteristics puncture in foot
Principles Scenario B: A girl can’t Group 5: Putting first in an
(5min) breathe after she eat open wound
sea foods.
(10 min) 5-performed the activity in
one try correctly
5-creative and clear
H. Making Generalizations The learners will complete The teacher will be posting The teacher will ask the
And Abstractions the thought of the following a picture, then students learners what they learned
About The Lesson open-ended statements: will give their feedback/ about the lesson?
First Aid is realization about the he students re free for
. image. iving of eedback. It hould
The absence of First be
Aid can lead to . (Refer to Activity 4) (10 Positive- Negative-
You are a first Positive
aider if min)
. (5 min) (10 min for preparation and
planning, 10 mins for
10 for feedbacks
I. Evaluating Learning The learners will answer the Dyad Activity: The The teacher will ask the
activity 3. learners will do they Do students to do activity on
Think-Pair- Share LM page 349
( Refer to Activity 3 about the (10 in)
attachment) following keywords;
Signs and
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
(5 min) Symptoms
Vital Signs
Primary Survey
(15 min)
J. Additional Activities For For Advanced For Advanced
Application And Learners/ Section: Group Learners or Section: Learners: Make a
Remediation of 5, they will research on Do page LM 341 demonstration on how to
the common accidents manage wounds and
encountered by their For Students’ with suppose you are going to
schoolmates in different learning needs follow- teach the grade 7.
aspects, up;
A. Home Answer the question on For learners with
B. Classroom LM page 340. learning needs: Answer
activity 6 “ Help me to
For Students who are in (15 min) Put Bandage”
need of follow-up: The
learners will answer the
activity 3, additional
(Refer to Activity 3
A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The Evaluation
B. No. of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. Of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. of Learners Who
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Continue To Require
E. Which of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Daily Lesson
Getchell &Pippin et. al. (2006) Perspectives on Health:First Aid and Manual Review Toronto, Ontario. 680-681.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016