Virtual Art and Non-Fungible Tokens: Bstract
Virtual Art and Non-Fungible Tokens: Bstract
Virtual Art and Non-Fungible Tokens: Bstract
Lawrence J. Trautman*
* B.A., The American University; M.B.A., The George Washington University; J.D.,
Oklahoma City University School of Law. Mr. Trautman is an Associate Professor of Business Law
and Ethics at Prairie View A&M University. He may be contacted at My profound thanks to Professor Joshua A.T. Fairfield for his
wonderful body of work on this subject and kind suggestions for improving this manuscript. I
consider him a national treasure on this topic and will go so far as to suggest that if you read
something impressive in this Article, it is probably his thought. On the other hand, all mistakes are
On March 11, 2021, Metakovan, a pseudonym, paid $69 million for
a piece of unique digital art titled “Everydays - The First 5000 Days,”
and paid for it with Ether, a cryptocurrency.1 With this landmark
purchase, fueled in part by the wealth recently created from digital
currencies, art buyers, creatives, and investors became suddenly aware
of the exploding market for unique digital art. In the art world, major
traditional art dealers, such as Christie’s and Sotheby’s, have embraced
this new development. The underlying strange brew of cryptography,
game theory, interest in art collection, need for the creation of true
unique digital ownership interests, and a solid dose of speculative hype
has now fermented into a term that has become one of the driving law
and technology stories of the year: non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”). Also
during 2021, $2.9 million was paid “for the NFT of Twitter founder Jack
Dorsey’s first tweet, which you can easily see on-line: ‘just setting up
my twttr.’”2
What then are NFTs, how is this related to the blockchain, and what
do we know about this rapidly evolving market for digital art? It appears
that digital art can be added to the growing list of uses for blockchain
technology now becoming a part of modern life, such as: accounting and
auditing;3 agriculture;4 artificial intelligence (“AI”);5 business supply
chains;6 carbon markets;7 commercial real estate;8 commodity
platforms;9 copyrights;10 creative and artistic endeavors;11 economic
planning;12 elections;13 fiat money;14 financial services and capital
1. Scott Reyburn, The $69 Million Beeple NFT Was Bought With Cryptocurrency, N.Y.
TIMES, (Mar. 16, 2021).
2. Andy Kessler, Op-Ed, Mark Cuban Knows Crypto, WALL ST. J., (May 23, 2021, 12:04
3. See Lawrence J. Trautman & Mason J. Molesky, A Primer for Blockchain, 88 UMKC L.
REV. 239, 267 & n.107 (2019).
4. Id. at 267-68; see also Emily R. Lyons et al., What Blockchain Means for the Agriculture
and Food Industries, LEXOCOLOGY (Dec. 26, 2018),
5. See, e.g., Trautman & Molesky, supra note 3, at 268 & n.114.
6. See, e.g., id. at 269 & n.117.
7. See, e.g., id. at 269 & n.118.
8. See, e.g., id. at 269 & n.119.
9. See, e.g., id. at 270 & n.120.
10. See, e.g., id. at 270 & n.121.
11. See, e.g., id. at 270 & n.124.
12. See, e.g., id. at 271 & n.126.
13. See, e.g., id. at 271 & n.128.
14. See, e.g., id. at 272 & n.131.
markets;15 and the Internet of Things (“IoT”),16 just to name a few. But
the application of NFTs to art is a central application in a new direction.
After all, one Bitcoin is much like another. But an NFT equivalent of the
Mona Lisa is very different from the NFT equivalent of Action Comics
#1. NFT technology leverages digital uniqueness in a way that makes a
new social phenomenon possible. There is only one Mona Lisa in the
Louvre: owning a copy doesn’t provide the same thrill.
This Article proposes that pent-up demand for true digital
uniqueness—collectability—will drive the online market for NFTs to
survive the current crypto-crash.17 Values for digital art will be down in
the short term, certainly, as people absorb paper losses from paper gains.
But if we mean to say—as we do mean to say—that the technology will
be more than a flash in the pan, it is worth delving into the roots of the
demand for online uniqueness. The demand for one-of-a-kind art has
roots as firmly planted online as off and showing that the demand for
digital collectibles has long driven economies in online environments
and virtual worlds will help ground the inevitable discussion over
whether NFTs are merely a fad or a phenomenon.
The thesis is simple: founded in the belief that humans value rarity
and uniqueness particularly in a social context. When it comes to art, the
value that humans attribute to uniqueness is tied to the strength and
breadth of communities that gather around the art, that admire it, value
it, and provide social value to those who collect, support, and enjoy it.
Collecting art is social. This Article will establish that where strong
social bonds form online communities around items, whether a
community of admirers of Banksy, or the players of an online
role-playing game, markets for unique items and arts will arise.18 Thus,
it is argued that the NFT phenomenon is largely independent of
valuation of cryptocurrencies, except to the extent that those who are
excited about cryptographic token technologies are more likely to
understand and value unique tokens, and in a crypto boom, are more
likely to pay eye-grabbing sums.
This Article proceeds in seven Parts. First is a discussion about the
new and explosive market for digital art. Second, I explore the evolution
of the digital world and virtual property. Third is an explanation and
historical account of the blockchain and virtual currencies. Fourth is
coverage about NFTs. Fifth is a brief look at unresolved issues
impacting the law of NFTs and potential solutions are provided. Sixth is
a few thoughts about the future of digital property. And last, I conclude.
This dramatic extension of blockchain and other digital technology
to the world of art and music represents a new and exciting platform for
creative expression. This Article offers a valuable addition to the
literature by providing a readable introduction and overview of what is
now known about the likely impact of blockchain technology and NFTs
to music and art. This important development should have a significant
impact on the future of innovation and property law.
19. Kelly Crow & Caitlin Ostroff, EXCHANGE --- Crypto Investor Won Record Auction of
Beeple Digital Art, WALL ST. J., Mar. 13, 2021, at B12.
20. Id.
21. Id.
22. Jacob Bernstein, Here’s How Bored Rich People Are Spending Their Extra Cash, N.Y.
TIMES (Mar. 20, 2021),
23. Id.
24. Kelly Crow, Art World Gets Crash Course in NFTs; a Frenzy Ensues, WALL ST. J. (Mar.
17, 2021, 11:59 PM),
25. EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS (illustration), in Beeple’s Opus, CHRISTIE’S
Exhibit 1
It is now evident that “[t]he art market, coming off a pandemic year
marked by sluggish sales, also sees an opportunity to cozy up to a
largely untapped audience of crypto-millionaires.”27 The Wall Street
Journal reports:
Christie’s is aiming to capitalize on the momentum by reorganizing its
sales in May in part to appeal to millennials and cryptocurrency
investors who want more emerging art and NFTs in the big-league
action mix, the house said. Instead of labeling its two biggest sales by
their artistic styles—like impressionist-modern and
26. Id.
27. Crow, supra note 24.
28. Id.
29. Kevin Roose, Why Did Someone Pay $560,000 for a Picture of My Column?, N.Y. TIMES, (Aug. 12, 2021).
30. Id.
31. Id.
32. Id.
Exhibit 2
A Picture of My Words Was Worth $560,000 in the NFT
33. Id.
34. Kenneth Chang, You Can Buy a Piece of a Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery, N.Y. TIMES, (Oct. 2, 2021).
disclosure. That’s the form that researchers at Berkeley fill out to alert
the University about discoveries that have the potential to be turned into
lucrative patents.”35 Originating in 1996:
The title of the invention . . . is “Blockade of T-Lymphocyte
Down-Regulation Associated with CTLA-4 Signaling.” The University
hopes that potential bidders will be attracted to an early description of
a revolutionary approach to treating cancer developed by James P.
Allison, then a professor at Berkeley. He found a way to turn off the
immune system’s aversion to attacking tumors and he showed that it
worked in mice.
That advance eventually led to the creation of Yervoy, a drug for the
treatment of metastatic melanoma, and Dr. Allison, who is now at the
MD Anderson Cancer Center, shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine in
2018. Thus, the Berkeley disclosure form could be thought of as the
scientific equivalent of Mickey Mantle’s rookie baseball card - a
memento of the beginnings of greatness. “I think of it almost as a
history of science artifact,” said Richard K. Lyons, the chief innovation
and entrepreneurship officer at Berkeley. “Imagine somebody saying,
‘I want to own the NFTs for the 10 most important scientific
discoveries of my lifetime.’” A 24-hour auction of the NFT of Dr.
Allison’s invention disclosure will take place as early as June 2 [2021]
using Foundation, an NFT auction marketplace that uses Ethereum, the
cryptocurrency network of choice for NFT collectors.
Eighty-five percent of the proceeds will go to Berkeley to finance
research, the remainder to Foundation. If the piece is later resold,
Berkeley will receive 10 percent of the sale and Foundation 5 percent.
Because the making of an NFT requires a lot of computing power, part
of the money the university earns from the NFT sale will be used for
carbon offsets to compensate for the energy consumed, Berkeley
officials said. The second NFT that Berkeley plans to auction in the
coming weeks will be the disclosure form describing the
CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing invention by Jennifer A. Doudna, a
professor of molecular and cell biology at Berkeley. She shared the
2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Emmanuelle Charpentier of the
Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens for their work on
35. Id.
36. Id.
43. Id.
44. Id.; see Julian Sefton-Green & Vivienne Reiss, Multimedia Literacies: Developing the
Creative Uses of New Technology with Young People, in YOUNG PEOPLE, CREATIVITY AND NEW
TECHNOLOGIES: THE CHALLENGE OF DIGITAL ARTS 12, 13-14 (Routledge ed., 1999); see also
William Vaughn, Introduction: Digital Art History, in 1 COMPUTERS AND THE HISTORY OF ART:
DIGITAL ART HISTORY 1, 2 (Anna Bentkowska-Kafel et al. eds., 2005).
45. Jonathan Zittrain & Will Marks, What Critics Don’t Understand About NFTs, ATLANTIC
(Apr. 7, 2021),
The buyer is not, however, acquiring anything that they alone can use.
In the physical world, if you purchase a candy bar, you can’t give
someone a piece of it without losing a few bites of your own. That
makes your freedom to take a bite valuable, because the bar has only
so much chocolate.
By contrast, an NFT buyer is not purchasing a work, but rather a
publicly available token that links to a work. For example, for a digital
picture, the token may be a unique number and a link to a copy of the
picture, hosted on a service such as IPFS. The token itself is visible to
all, as is the work to which it points, so anyone else can look at the
work and download it. And most NFT transactions don’t purport to
convey copyright or other intellectual-property interests regarding the
work in question, so owning an NFT tied to an animation of, say, a
flying Pop-Tart cat doesn’t put you in a position to use that animation
any differently than someone who hadn’t bought it. You have only a
token that is hosted publicly online, “registered” as assigned to your
digital wallet rather than someone else’s. If you orchestrate your wallet
through an app, the app might present you with a handsome visual
trophy case listing the NFTs that you’ve purchased. (As you can see,
we’re having to reach to describe unique value.)46
Christie’s announced the sale of works made during the mid-1980s
by Andy Warhol that were recovered from obsolete floppy disks during
2014.47 These five original Andy Warhol works, existing previously only
as digital files “will be brought to life again in the form of 1/1
NFT . . . . They will be offered for sale individually by Christie’s on
behalf of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual
Arts . . . established by Warhol.”48 The online sale ran on Christie’s
website from May 19, 2021 to May 27, 2021.49
C. CryptoPunks
Noah Davis, Post-War and Contemporary art specialist at
Christie’s, New York states, “The CryptoPunks are the alpha and omega
of the CryptoArt movement . . . . This is a historic sale.”50 Accordingly,
46. Id.; see also Caroline Anders, Finally Impressed? NFT of Side-Eying Toddler Meme
Fetches Over $74,000 In Cryptocurrency., WASH. POST, (Sept. 25, 2021, 7:26 PM),
47. Press Release, Christie’s, Christie’s Presents Proof of Sovereignty: A Curated NFT Sale
by Lady PheOnix (May 25, 2021),
48. Press Release, Christie’s, Christie’s Presents Andy Warhol: Machine Made (May 19,
49. Id.
50. See 10 Things to Know About CryptoPunks the Original NFTs, CHRISTIE’S (Apr. 8, 2021),
during Christie’s 21st Century Evening sale on May 13, 2021, a single
lot of nine Punks, courtesy of LarvaLabs were brought to market.51
About three years earlier “two software developers created a quirky art
project called CryptoPunks that posed a serious and provocative
question: Could a few lines of code translate to a feeling of meaningful
ownership? It was a crazy idea that would require, in their words, ‘a
conceptual leap.’”52 Christie’s contends that CryptoPunks is now
regarded as the genesis of the CryptoArt movement of today.53 The
experiment begins, when, according to Christies:
In 2017, Matt Hall and John Watkinson, founders of New York-based
software company Larva Labs, created a software program that would
generate thousands of different, strange-looking characters. At first,
they thought they might have had the makings of a smartphone app or
game. [However, as we have seen, their creation] was a
paradigm-altering model for the digital art market and a challenge to
the concept of ‘ownership’ itself.
Larva Labs launched CryptoPunks on June 23, 2017. The CryptoPunks
are a collection of 24x24, 8-bit-style pixel art images of misfits and
eccentrics. There are exactly 10,000 of them, each with their own
ostensible personality and unique combination of distinctive, randomly
generated features. Each Punk has its own personality, thanks to
distinct, randomly generated features, from glasses to caps to
hoodies . . . . CryptoPunks 58, 603 and 768, three of the nine works
featured in Larva Labs’ single lot [were] offered in 21st Century
Evening Sale on 11 May at Christie’s in New York.54
In sum, “[t]here are 6,039 male Punks and 3,840 female Punks. A
total of 696 wear hot lipstick, while 303 have muttonchops. There are
286 Punks with 3-D glasses, 128 rosy-cheeked Punks, 94 Punks with
pigtails, 78 Punks with buck teeth and 44 beanie-wearing Punks.”55 In
addition, “eight Punks with no distinctive features at all—sometimes
referred to as Genesis Punks—and only one with seven attributes:
CryptoPunk 8348 a big bearded, bucktoothed, cigarette-smoking Punk
with an earring and a mole, wearing classic shades and a top hat.”56 The
London punk scene is attributed as the grand inspiration for this project:
To Hall and Watkinson, there was a raucous, anti-establishment spirit
to the early days of the blockchain movement. It was a vibe they
51. Id.
52. Id.
53. Id.
54. Id.
55. Id.
56. Id. (emphasis omitted).
Christie’s writes:
CryptoPunk 635, one of only nine alien Punks and the only one with a
sub-1,000 series number, is the highlight of the nine works featured in
Larva Labs’ single lot offered . . . 11 May at Christie’s in New York.
57. Id.
58. Id.
59. Id.
“The core of the idea was that every character should be unique,” says
Larva Labs. “The advantage of generative art is that the process, once
set in motion, can produce results that are even surprising to us. We
ran the generator hundreds of times, reviewed the results, and made
adjustments. Then, with little fanfare, we ran it one last time, linked it
to the Ethereum smart contract that we deployed, after which
the CryptoPunks were completely set in stone.” The collection of
10,000 Cryptopunks is definitive and unalterable. In accordance with
the nature of blockchain, once the project went live, Larva Labs
couldn’t alter the existing series, even if they wanted to. “It’s odd to
think of what might have been different if we had run the generator
just one more time, or used the penultimate run’s output.” The creators
regard each work as individual pieces of generative art, while allowing
that the entire project itself might be thought of as a larger conceptual
piece. “It’s possibly the first work of art with a self-contained
mechanism for recording and transacting its ownership.” CryptoPunks
inspired a community of collectors and connoisseurs. Once minted,
Hall and Watkinson offered the CryptoPunks for free, not forgetting to
claim 1,000 for themselves, “just in case it becomes a thing,’ as Hall
put it. At first, there was very little interest. ‘We were starting to think,
ah no, this doesn’t really have it,” Watkinson has recalled. But before
too long, Punks were selling for thousands of dollars. “For fans of
collectibles, it’s clearly a version of trading cards or something similar.
However, generative art fans see it as an interesting example in that
category. We like that its perception is flexible and brings together
several of these worlds into a single project.”60
60. Id.
61. Id.
62. Id.
Exhibit 3
CyberPunk work63
63. Larva Labs, CryptoPunk (illustration), in 10 Things to Know About CryptoPunks, the
Original NFTs, CHRISTIE’S (Apr. 8, 2021),
64. Bourree Lam, Finance Meets Crypto Art—Sarah Meyohas’s Work Places Her at
Vangaurd as She Prepares Items for Ethereum Network, WALL ST. J. (May 24, 2021),
65. Id.
Exhibit 4
Total Amount Spent on CryptoPunks Daily.66
66. For statistical information, see 10 Things to Know About CryptoPunks, the Original NFTs,
supra note 50.
67. Lam, supra note 64.
68. Id. (alteration in original).
69. Id.
70. For statistical information, see 10 Things to Know About CryptoPunks, the Original NFTs,
supra note 50.
71. See Press Release, Christie’s, supra note 47 (alteration in original).
72. Id.
73. E-mail from Joshua A.T. Fairfield, William Donald Bain Family Professor of L. at
Washington and Lee Sch. of L. (Aug. 3, 2021, 11:09 CST) (on file with author).
D. Nifty Gateway
Twins Griffin and Duncan Cock Foster “started Nifty Gateway to
mainstream what had been a highly technical subculture by, among other
things, allowing civilians to buy nifties (on the Nifty Gateway website)
with credit cards.”75 During 2019 they sold the less-than-a-year-old
company to another set of twins, the Winklevosses (of Facebook start-up
fame).76 Now, the Winklevoss-led company called Gemini has big plans
for Nifties:
The brothers’ stated mission is to have 1 billion people collecting
them. They talk about how nifties could one day be paired with
physical assets, so you could use a digital token to prove your
ownership of, say, real estate. But in these early days, the use cases can
seem generationally exclusionary. The first nifty to go viral was
CryptoKitties, a game featuring a digital feline you can collect and
breed. A single CryptoKitty has sold for a record $170,000, and
venture capitalists including Union Square Ventures and Andressen
Horowitz have put money into the company behind the game.
“CryptoKitties was the thing that got my attention,” Duncan said. “The
amount of money people were spending on CryptoKitties was
More recently, journalist Benjamin Wallace writes that Nifty
Gateway 2.0 provides “a marketplace to buy and sell nifties along with
several nifties by noted artists with whom they’ve partnered. The
brothers sketch a vision of a fully niftified world: ‘We want Supreme
78. Id.
79. See Natasha Gural, How The Cryptocurrency Crash Could Impact NFT Art Sales With
Ethereum, FORBES (May 19, 2021, 8:33 PM),
80. Id.
81. Elaine Yu & Chong Koh Ping, China’s Latest Crackdown on Bitcoin, Other
Cryptocurrencies Shakes Market, WALL ST. J. (May 25, 2021, 11:36 AM),
82. Id.
83. Sui-Lee Wee, China’s ‘Long-Term Time Bomb’: Falling Births Stunt Population Growth,
N.Y. TIMES (May 10, 2021),;
Daniel Workman, China’s Top Trading Partners, WORLD’S TOP EXPORTS, (last visited Jan. 15, 2022).
84. Yu & Ping, supra note 81.
85. Id.
86. Id.
87. Gregory Barber, NFTs Are Hot. So Is Their Effect on the Earth’s Climate, WIRED (Mar.
6, 2021),
88. Id.
89. Id.
90. What Is Crypto Art?, EDEN GALLERY (May 19, 2021), https://www.eden-
of digital scarcity . . . you treat digital art like physical goods and buy,
sell, trade, and collect it. Like traditional art, crypto art exists in limited
quantities, and in some cases, buyers can purchase the rights to partial
royalties and reproduction . . . .”91
While discussing the art of Alec Monopoly, Eden Fine Art Gallery
observes that his work “draws the viewer in with its vibrant color
schemes and iconic characters, that he uses to portray the lifestyles of
the rich and famous. Apropos to the Miami scene Monopoly sets his
painted characters atop yachts, flying helicopters, or coming out of the
bank with overflowing bags of money.”92 Exhibit 5 displays one of the
works by the artist known as Alec Monopoly.93 Further:
Alec Monopoly entertains his audience with his brightly colored
embodiments of the wealthy one percent in his graffiti-styled art.
Represented by the “Monopoly Gang,” embodying the wealthy elite,
epitomize the lifestyle of the rich and famous. As detached from our
own world as they may be, these characters still remain relatable as
they are the ones that we grew up watching on television and read
about in our comic strips. Richie Rich, the world’s richest kid, Scrooge
McDuck, a duck that enjoys swimming in his fortune, and everyone’s
favorite family, The Simpsons, are some of Monopoly’s favorite
characters to illustrate the story of luxury living.94
91. Id.
92. Monop$ in Miami, EDEN GALLERY (Nov. 28, 2019), https://www.eden-
93. Contemporary Comics: How American Comic Art Stays Relevant in 2020, EDEN
GALLERY, (Apr. 20, 2020),
94. Id.
Exhibit 5
Work by Alec Monopoly95
Eden Gallery writes, “It can be difficult to wrap your head around
the idea of buying digital art that can be copied. You can certainly copy
a digital file, including art sold with an NFT. In some cases, the owner
can buy the rights to reproduction, although artists usually retain this.”96
While the original version of any artwork can only have one owner,
“[a]n NFT grants ownership of the work, but it can be copied with
permission or illegally. This is not actually that different from the
reproductions we see all the time of traditional artwork. Just as the Mona
Lisa has been reproduced countless times in print and digital . . . .”97
Regarding crypto art platforms, “[w]ith no less than 20+ individual
marketplaces available on Ethereum, it is currently the most extensive
network for crypto art.”98 Consider:
Each marketplace on Ethereum caters to its own specific artistic style,
so you can find something that suits your niche or style. Some
marketplaces like Raible and Mintable offer a complete range of digital
art. Others like Ephemera cater mainly to photographers. The digital
95. Id.
96. What Is Crypto Art?, supra note 90.
97. Id.
98. Id.
99. Id.
100. Patrick Murray, Golden State Warriors Launch NFT Collection, Becoming First U.S.
Sports Team to Release Own NFTs, FORBES (Apr. 27, 2021, 9:00 AM),
101. Id.
send them somewhere to get graded, that takes six months to a year,
you’ve got to store them somewhere, then you’ve got to figure out
where to sell them. You don’t know how many of them are created,
you don’t know what the card has sold for before, who’s owned it.
Then compare that to an NFT, or in this case, NBA Top Shot moment.
You know everyone that’s owned it and what price it sold for, storing
it is obviously not an issue at all. You don’t have to worry about
getting anything graded. There’s full transparency.” . . .
As for the Warriors jumping in first, Schneider believes that there is
real value in the legitimacy of something created by an NBA franchise
in a marketplace where anyone can create and sell an NFT. Then
there’s the product itself. “There’s a lot more you can do with an NFT
than a static sports card,” Schneider added.102
The global sports market for NFTs is well-represented by the
world’s most popular sport, football (known as soccer in the United
States). To better understand the relationship between avid soccer
sport-fans and the market for NFTs, we offer the following courtesy of
Coinbase. For background, consider the following event taking place on
the evening of December 5, 2020: “[I]n a soccer stadium just north of
Moscow, a football club called Spartak, of the Russian Premier League,
played FC Tambov. It was a cold night. The few fans in attendance,
bundled in heavy jackets, cheered as the home team routed Tambov
5-1.”103 In brief, “[t]he hero of the match was Ezequiel Ponce, a
24-year-old Spaniard who scored two goals. It was a forgettable game.
Most of the world ignored this random match, one of hundreds played
around the globe every day.”104 Here is where the example of connection
to NFTs takes place. We learn that:
Grant Anderson, an IT business analyst who lives in
Edinburgh . . . tracked the match on his phone. He followed the score
obsessively. Anderson owned a non-fungible token card pegged to
Ezequiel Ponce, and this NFT card, from the blockchain project called
Sorare, is not just a collectible. It’s a radically new way to play fantasy
football, with the word “football,” of course, meaning what it does
basically everywhere on the planet besides the U.S. With Sorare, you
create fantasy football (soccer) lineups using NFT cards that you
actually own. When the players score on the field, you win real money.
The match in Russia notched Anderson a prize of 0.25 ETH (now
worth about $500) and additional NFTs—more player cards—now
102. Id.
103. See Jeff Wilser, In Europe, Football NFTs and Tokens Are No Fantasy, COINDESK, (Sept. 14, 2021, 8:36
104. Id.
worth over $2,000. Sorare doles out these prizes constantly. “I saw the
potential right away,” says Anderson. “This is fun and engaging, and I
can win NFTs and [ETH] using my passing for football and sports.”
Anderson is part of a rabid group of soccer fans (120,000 active
monthly users) obsessing over Sorare – an addictive blend of fantasy
football, collecting and the wheeling and dealing of crypto trading. He
loves it so much he started The Sorare Podcast, where guests join him
to geek out over strategy.105
In another example we learn “[w]ith traditional NFL fantasy
football, you plunk down some money at the beginning of the year and
then you hope to win a small weekly purse or a bigger payout in the
playoffs.”106 Of the niche crypto sports platforms, “Sorare and Socios
are both blockchain projects involving soccer” and are “‘crossover’ use
cases, bringing non-crypto people into the world of blockchain” and
“[b]lue-chip teams like Manchester City, AC Milan and Juventus now
use Socios tokens as a way to engage their fans.”107 In terms of rapid
growth “ ranks Sorare as the third-most active NFT
project, trailing only CryptoPunks and SuperRare. Twenty thousand
soccer fans played it in February and this exploded to 120,000 in March.
When Sorare launched in January 2020, it had $70,000 in trading
volume. [During March 2021] it topped $27 million.” 108
105. Id.
106. Id.
107. Id.
108. Id.
109. Topps Debuts Its First MLB Baseball Card NFT Collection With Topps Series 1 Baseball
Launch, TOPPS NEWS (Apr. 12, 2021),
110. Id.
innovative way for today’s collectors and fans to connect with their
favorite stars.”111
Topps describes itself as “a global consumer products company that
entertains . . . consumers through a diversified, engaging, multi-platform
product portfolio that includes physical and digital collectibles, trading
cards, trading card games, sticker and album collections, memorabilia,
curated experiential events, gift cards and novelty confections.”112
Evolving from a family-owned Brooklyn, New York-based chewing
gum company founded in 1938, Topps is now “a global sports and
entertainment, digital/media and confections company.” 113 Topps
discloses that during fiscal year 2020 it:
[G]enerated $566.6 million in net sales, $83.7 million in net income
and $101.0 million in Adjusted EBITDA . . . . Our focus on product
and platform innovation has fueled expansion of our digital businesses
which has driven significant margin expansion alongside strong
revenue growth. Our net sales, net income and Adjusted EBITDA in
fiscal year 2020 reflect compound annual growth rates of 11.9%,
491.9% and 60.3%, respectively, since 2018 . . . . Our Sports &
Entertainment segment produces products in the form of physical and
digital collectibles including trading cards, trading card games and
sticker and album collections and curated experiential events featuring
sports and entertainment personalities, as well as manages the gift card
programs for widely recognized global digital companies . . . including
a 70-year relationship with Major League Baseball (“MLB”), a 43-year
relationship with Lucasfilm for Star Wars (The Walt Disney
Company), a 15-year relationship with World Wrestling
Entertainment, a 12-year relationship with the German Bundesliga
(“Bundesliga”), a 7-year relationship with Major League Soccer, a
6-year relationship with UEFA Champions League and a 4-year
relationship with the National Hockey League. Most recently, we
added Formula 1 and other UEFA tournaments . . . .
In addition to mobile digital applications, we are focused on
developing digital collectibles that utilize blockchain technology and
successfully released several products in 2020 with more planned in
the near-term . . . . Our Sports & Entertainment segment generated
$368.2 million in net sales and $88.4 million in Adjusted EBITDA (an
Adjusted EBITDA margin of 24.0%) for fiscal year 2020. Fiscal year
111. Id.
113. Id.
2020 net sales and Adjusted EBITDA reflect compound annual growth
rates of 28.0% and 122.7%, respectively, since Fiscal year 2018.114
Topps describes its new technology (NFT) business model as
“undergoing significant innovation and continued transition to utilize
various digital ecosystems. In addition to mobile digital applications, we
are focused on developing digital collectibles that utilize blockchain
technology and non-fungible tokens (“NFT”), and we successfully
released several products in 2020, with more planned in the
near-term.”115 Accordingly, Topps, “successfully released Garbage Pail
Kids collections using a blockchain platform in 2020, and . . . see further
opportunity to expand into other properties with this and other digital
platforms that protect the authenticity of [their] consumers’ digital
product purchases while providing . . . incremental net sales generated
through . . . [asset] secondary trading.”116 Topps warns:
There are significant uncertainties with respect to our blockchain and
NFT expansion. The technologies supporting blockchain and NFTs are
new and rapidly evolving. To the extent these technologies become
more widely utilized in the industry, revenues from our mobile digital
applications could be negatively impacted. If we fail to explore these
new technologies and apply them innovatively to keep our products
and services competitive, we may not experience significant growth of
our business. Our business may also be adversely impacted if our
competitors obtain competing or additional blockchain rights that
make our products less desirable. In addition, we may be required to
pay significant fees to obtain certain blockchain rights, which may
prevent us from profiting from the monetization of these rights.
Furthermore, the regulatory environment surrounding these digital
technologies is evolving and any unfavorable developments may
adversely affect our business. As blockchain and NFT technologies
become more widely available, we expect the services and products
associated with them to evolve. As a result, to stay current with the
industry, our business model may need to evolve as well. While we
have devoted significant resources to the utilization of blockchain and
NFTs, we may not be able to realize our expected long-term goals.
Furthermore, we do not have blockchain rights for all of our licenses,
and there is no guarantee that we will be able to obtain blockchain
rights for these licenses or additional licenses that we enter into in the
117. MUDRICK CAP. ACQUISITION CORP. II, supra note 112, at 56.
118. See supra Part II.B.
119. See supra Parts II.A–C.
120. See infra Part III.A.
121. See infra Part IV.
created by the fact that no-one, no player, can unilaterally add more of
that item to their account. Virtual worlds and online games created early
testing grounds for the creation of markets in unique items and NFTs,
with sales regularly reaching into the tens of thousands of dollars nearly
two decades ago. The fact that the game creator kept a database
assigning items to accounts created an approximation of the digital
scarcity and rivalrousness that the world needed.
Virtual worlds also created the second half of value: sociality.
Virtual worlds provided a ready-made audience. If one player earns a
particularly coveted item, avatar, or digital clothing, there existed a
ready-made audience, a group of people invested in the collector’s
digital possession. Showing off is the root of value. Thus, closed
environments like virtual worlds were the birthplace of emergent
markets for fully digital assets. They were one of the places where
digital collecting first took off, because the world creator could create
scarcity through a centralized database, and there was an audience that
was invested in the assets and admired those who were able to collect
For this reason, our attention turns here briefly to the history and
characteristics of virtual worlds. As we will see in the following Part,
blockchain technology decentralized databases, letting people take assets
from one environment to another.122 An original problem with virtual
worlds was that you could not take Excalibur with you when you left!
That changed with decentralized databases.
Yet the need for a context and an audience never changed. NFT
investors build virtual spaces to display their digital artworks. NFT
collecting sites are communities: their technological affordances are
aimed as much at making collections visible as they are at enabling
collection. And so, the characteristics discussed below are now emerging
yet again in new form as NFT art collectors seek to display their
collections to admiring audiences, maintain the social value of the
activity of collecting, and confirm the value of the collector’s individual
actions and collection.
Virtual worlds are powerful engines for online value because they
present a strong context and invested community. Virtual worlds are
“graphically-rich, three-dimensional (3D), electronic environments
where members assume an embodied persona (i.e., avatars) and engage
in socializing, competitive quests, and economic transactions with
globally distributed others.”123 Such worlds have millions of users
125. Ulrike Schultze & Wanda J. Orlikowski, Virtual Worlds: A Performance Perspective on
Globally Distributed, Immersive Work 21 INFO. SYS. RSCH. 810, 810 (2010).
126. Brian Mennecke et al., Second Life and Other Virtual Worlds: A Roadmap for Research,
SSRN (Dec. 11, 2007),
127. Vili Lehdonvirta et al., Virtual Consumerism: Case Habbo Hotel, 12 INFO. COMMN’C &
VIRTUAL WORLD 171-72 (1998)).
128. Edward Castronova, Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the
Cyberian Frontier 6-7 (CESifo Working Paper, Paper No. 618, 2001),
129. Id. at 7.
Sims Online (the first virtual world not based on killing and adventuring)
became a major title and became available during 2002.130
In these early environments, one of the game activities was buying
and selling, winning, collecting, and obtaining. This was called
“consumption play”: markets as simulation.131 But there was very little
time until this kind of consumption play formed the core of real markets
fueled by real money.132 Of course it did: what humans value, they are
willing to pay for:
In so-called massively-multiplayer online role-playing games
(MMORPGs) launched in the late 1990s, consumption play began to
be mixed up with real money . . . . In Ultima Online and EverQuest,
hundreds of thousands of players ‘traded’ with other players to
exchange game assets accumulated during months of play for other
game assets. As with the previous systems, the economy was intended
to be like Monopoly: no real money would change hands. But in 1999,
some players put their game assets on auction at eBay. Perhaps
surprisingly, they received bids from other players. When an auction
was completed, payment was carried out using ordinary means such as
cheque or money order. The two players then met up in the game and
the seller handed the auctioned object to the buyer. This way, an
exchange value measured in US dollars could soon be observed for
virtual goods ranging from castles to gold nuggets . . . . In 2002, a
massively multiplayer online version was created of The Sims, and
real-money trading followed. 133
130. Id. at 8.
131. Lehdonvirta et al., supra note 127, at 1061.
132. Id.
133. Id.
134. See Castronova, supra note 128, at 11.
Need to get out your aggressions? Give your avatar immense strength
and a high skill in wielding a mace. Think it would be fun to be a
beautiful dark-skinned woman? Go for it. These choices occur under a
budget constraint that ensures equality of opportunity in the world:
Your mace-wielding ogre will be dumb, and your brilliant wizard will
have a glass jaw. At the same time, the budget constraint ensures
equality among avatars along dimensions that most people think
should not matter for social achievement. In particular, male and
female avatars have the same initial budget of skills and attributes.
Avatars whose physical characteristics (i.e. skin tone, size) are
associated with any benefit in the game must accept some
compensating disadvantage. Any inequality in the VW can only be due
to one of two things: a) a person’s choices when creating the avatar, or
b) their subsequent actions in the [virtual world].
Once the avatar is created, it is deposited some place in the [virtual
world]. Because most of the laws of Earth science apply, most of the
time, it is quite easy to “become” the avatar as you perceive the world
through its eyes. You cannot run through walls; you can only see
where you are looking . . . . If you jump off a roof, you will fall and
hurt yourself. When the sun goes down, it gets darker and you will
need a light. If you do something over and over, you will get better at
it. You can give things to another avatar if you wish . . . . You can kill
them if you wish. And they can kill you.
Of course the natural laws of Earth need not apply in a world that
exists entirely as software, and much of what defines an avatar’s
uniqueness is its ability to bend or break some of these laws and not
others. Depending on the skills chosen, an avatar might be able to fly,
see for miles, hypnotize, heal wounds, teleport themselves, or shoot
great flaming fireballs at other avatar’s heads. Again a budget
constraint applies: those who can heal or hypnotize often have
difficulty summoning a fireball worthy of mention. As a result, avatars
come to view themselves as specialized agents, much as workers in a
developed economy do. The avatar’s skills will determine whether the
avatar will be a demander or supplier of various goods and services in
the VW. Each avatar develops a social role.135
As an example of some of the ways in which the virtual world
community is far different from just an electronic extension of the real
world, consider Piotr Czerski’s ‘We, the web kids’ manifesto, as it
appears on YouTube:
The Internet to us is not something external to reality but a part of it:
an invisible yet constantly present layer intertwined with the physical
environment. We do not use the Internet, we live on the Internet and
136. Ulrike Schultze, Performing Embodied Identity in Virtual Worlds, 23 EUR. J. INFO. SYS.
84, 85 (2014).
137. Schultze et al., supra note 123, at 351 (emphasis added).
138. See Schultze & Orlikowski, supra note 125, at 810; see generally Ulrike Schultze & Jo
Ann M. Brooks, An Interactional View of Social Presence: Making the Virtual Other “Real,” 29
INFO. SYS. J. 707 (2018) (discussing how social presence is accomplished in virtual environments).
139. Ulrike Schultze, What Kind of World Do We Want to Help Make With Our Theories?, 27
INFO. & ORG. 60, 65 (2017).
140. Id.; see also Lawrence J. Trautman, Rapid Technological Change and U.S.
Entrepreneurial Risk in International Markets: Focus on Data Security, Information Privacy,
Bribery and Corruption, 49 CAP. U. L. REV. 67, 83-86 (2021).
141. Eddie Bernice Johnson & Lawrence J. Trautman, The Demographics of Death: An Early
Look at COVID-19, Cultural and Racial Bias in America, 48 HASTINGS CONST. L.Q. 357, 438-41
you and I and everyone else are living within a simulation.”150 Enough
then about where all of this might lead according to the math and
conjecture from some of our leading physicists. Now, let us turn our
attention to contemporary virtual worlds, their markets, economies, and
what we might conclude about foundational property law for virtual
worlds. Consider:
In a society marked by globalization, virtual work and the use of social
media, individuals are increasingly experiencing their lives in a liminal
space that combines virtual and actual reality. By posting blogs,
images, tweets, profiles and films that materialize them in multiple
settings, technology users create digital bodies that extend their
physically embodied senses and turn them into cyborgs, that is, a
dialectic synthesis between physical and digital bodies. In light of
these multiple embodiments the production of self-identity, that is, “the
self as reflexively understood by the person,” becomes an increasingly
complex project that involves the ongoing negotiation of what identity
performances count as “real.”151
It appears that growth of entertainment oriented virtual
environments continues to be explosive worldwide. By 2004, more
South Koreans were reported to “play in virtual worlds than watch
television.”152 Castronova observes in 2001, that:
There is often very little public information about the subscriber base
of the different [virtual worlds]. EverQuest’s base was public
information until August 31, 2001, when Verant stopped publishing
the data. The official reasons for the decision were openly strategic:
why help competitors by releasing data on the customer base?153
Writing about virtual land NFTs in March of 2021, Professor Michael
M. Downing remarks about how “early 2021 has seen these markets
explode in popularity.”154
150. Id.
151. ULRIKE SCHULTZE, Performing Cyborgian Identity: Enacting Agential Cuts in Second
182, 182 (Lucas Introna et al., eds., 2016) (citations omitted).
152. Joshua A.T. Fairfield, Virtual Property, 85 B.U. L. REV. 1047, 1061 (2005) (citing Mimi
Luse, More than a Game, PEAK, July 19, 2004, at 10).
153. See Castronova, supra note 128 n.6.
154. Michael M. Dowling, Fertile LAND: Pricing Non-fungible Tokens, F IN. RSCH. LETTERS,
Jan. 2022, at 1 (2022).
early as 2001 that “as it turns out, VWs seem to be able to offer
entertainment that is attractive enough to many people that they sacrifice
major portions of their time to it. A survey of EverQuest
users . . . indicates that the typical user spends about 22 hours per week
in the game.”156 Another survey by Castronova, conducted about the
same time found that “the median user devotes 4 hours per day and more
than 20 hours per week.”157 During Nicholas Yee’s study, he found that:
[M]any people used the term ‘addiction’ to describe their own
behavior, perceiving their time in the VW as a source of serious
conflict with various Earth activities and relationships. If we take the
economist’s view, however, and see their behavior as rational choice,
we must conclude that VWs offer something that is perhaps a bit more
than a mere entertainment to which the players have become addicted.
Rather, they offer an alternative reality, a different country in which
one can live most of one’s life if one so chooses. And it so happens
that life in a VW is extremely attractive to many people. A competition
has arisen between Earth and the virtual worlds, and for many, Earth is
the lesser option.158
As to virtual world “stickiness,” it is significant to note that “the
tendency to network monopoly is enhanced by the fact that most people
seem to be willing to ‘live’ in at most one fantasy world at a time, and
switching is costly as it can take weeks to become familiar with a new
world.”159 Lehdonvirta and Virtanen ask the questions:
Why are so many people suddenly willing to spend money on such
seemingly frivolous objects? Is it a fad that will die away as suddenly
as it started? Lehdonvirta . . . suggests that the value attached to virtual
objects is a reflection of how important digital spaces have become in
our lives: how many aspects of life from hobbies, friendships, and
work are now played out in part through mobile phones, social
networking sites, console games, and online communities. Virtual
goods are built so as to have very tangible functions in these digital
spaces. Sociologists moreover note that goods are valued not only for
their functional and aesthetic attributes, but also for their symbolic uses
in demarcating identities and social relationships . . . . As a result,
consumers are now buying virtual goods for many of the same reasons
they buy material goods. As long as we live in a consumer society
160. Vili Lehdonvirta & Perttu Virtanen, A New Frontier in Digital Content Policy: Case
Studies in the Regulation of Virtual Goods and Artificial Scarcity, 2 POL’Y & INTERNET 7, 12
161. See Joshua Fairfield, Tokenized: The Law of Non-Fungible Tokens and Unique Digital
Property, IND. L.J. 3 (forthcoming).
162. See supra Part III; see also supra Part III.A.
163. See Fairfield, supra note 161, at 48.
164. See Frequently Asked Questions, GODS UNCHAINED,
(last visited Jan. 15, 2022) (stating that players traditionally do not own items in virtual worlds and
thus have no legal interest in the game’s components).
game creator did not assert intellectual property license control over
creations—like Second Life, in which players could create their own
items—copyright infringement ran rampant. Once one person got a copy
of an item, they were able to duplicate it and give it to everyone else free
of charge. Caught between runaway copyright infringement in non-game
worlds, and game creators’ refusal to grant ownership interests in game
worlds, consumers had no way of satisfying pent up demand for owning
unique digital artifacts.
Both of these issues—the non-portability and hackability of digital
property, and the fact that users did not in fact own the assets they had
earned or purchased—constrained the market for unique items and art in
virtual worlds. Who would buy something that they don’t truly own?
Who would invest in art that they merely license? Who would invest in
something that ceases to exist if the game company turns off the servers?
Although the emergent markets in digital art and assets were robust in
the face of attempts to shut them down (for example, game companies
routinely tried to shut down the real-money markets operating in legal
grey areas around their games), the combination of creator-managed
centralized and controlled databases, and license restrictions on
ownership kept digital property from flourishing. Both of these obstacles
were significantly (although not entirely) reduced with the advent of
blockchain technology.
A. The Blockchain
Much has been written about the likely impact of blockchain
technology during its brief, approximate decade-long existence. As
shown by the recent gain in popularity of NFTs, “[r]apid introduction
and diffusion of technological changes throughout society, such as
the blockchain, continue to [challenge] the ability of law and regulation
to keep pace.”165 It appears that blockchain is proving as disruptive to
entrenched societal institutions and business models as: electricity, radio,
television, or the Internet.166
According to Aaron Wright and Primavera De Filippi, “[t]he
blockchain is a distributed, shared, encrypted-database that serves as an
irreversible and incorruptible public repository of information. It
enables, for the first time, unrelated people to reach consensus on the
occurrence of a particular transaction or event without the need for a
controlling authority.”167 In sum, “blockchain is simply a data structure
that leverages hash functions and encryption to provide the security of
hash function. Also, it’s impossible to find two different inputs which
give the same output. For the function SHA256, the 256 refers to the
fact that the output is always the same length (actually 256 bits),
independent of the length of the input.170
Blockchain gets its name from the chaining of the hash. Mr. Scott
provides us with a diagram appearing here as Exhibit 6.171
Exhibit 6
A Simple Hash Chain172
C. Virtual Currencies
The genesis of virtual currency appears to result from the massive
popularity of currencies in online games and the real-money grey
markets surrounding those currencies (think here of buying World of
170. See Trautman & Molesky, supra note 3, at 242-43 (citing Michael Scott, The Essence of
the Blockchain 1 (unpublished manuscript) (on file with author)).
171. Scott, supra note 170, at 2.
172. Id.
173. Id.
174. See Hiroshi Yamaguchi, An Analysis of Virtual Currencies in Online Games 3-5 (Sept. 1,
2004) (unpublished manuscript),; Vili Lehdonvirta, Real-Money
Trade of Virtual Assets: New Strategies for Virtual World Operators, in VIRTUAL WORLDS 113-37
(Ipe, Mary ed., 2008); Levent V. Orman, Virtual Money in Electronic Markets and Communities,
(ICAST J. INST. COMMC’N SOC. INFORMATICS, & TECH., Paper Series No. 27-2010, 2010); see also
Sulin Ba & Dan Ke, Optimal Pricing and Permissions Strategy for Virtual Good Creators in
Second Life 3, 6 (Sept. 15, 2008) (unpublished manuscript),; Vili
Lehdonvirta, Virtual Item Sales as a Revenue Model: Identifying Attributes that Drive Purchase
Decisions, 9 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RSCH. 97, 97-98, 105, 110 (2009); David A. Bray & Benn
Konsynski, Virtual Worlds: Opportunities for Multi-Disciplinary Research, DATABASE FOR
ADVANCES IN INFO. SYS., Nov. 2007, at 17, 18-20,; Sukwon Thomas Kim, Why Bitcoin?:
Structure and Efficiency of Markets for Online Game Currency (Dec. 18, 2013) (unpublished
manuscript),; Matthew Elias, Bitcoin: Tempering the Digital Ring
of Gyges or Implausible Pecuniary Privacy 10 (Oct. 3, 2011) (unpublished manuscript),; Jun-Sok Huhh, An Economic Analysis on Online Game Service
(Aug. 28, 2009),
175. Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts and Market Capitalizations, COINMARKETCAP, (last visited Jan. 15, 2022).
176. Lawrence J. Trautman, Bitcoin, Virtual Currencies and the Struggle of Law and
Regulation to Keep Pace, 102 MARQ. L. REV. 447, 453 (2018).
177. See Lawrence J. Trautman & Alvin Harrell, Bitcoin Versus Regulated Payment Systems:
What Gives?, 38 CARDOZO L. REV. 1041, 1053 (2017).
178. See Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts and Market Capitalizations, supra note 175.
179. Id.
D. Bitcoin
Influenced by ideas from b-money180 and Hashcash,181 “[b]itcoin is
a cryptographic object represented as a chain of digital signatures over
the transaction in which the coin was used.”182 Bitcoin “aims to be
completely distributed, free of central authorities or points of control,
and at least somewhat anonymous.”183 As shown in Exhibit 7, Bitcoin
has grown rapidly, from a mere idea during 2009 to a legitimate
currency by 2021, priced at over $52,000 each on March 24, 2021, and
market capitalization of Bitcoins in circulation, valued in excess of $1
trillion US during late March, 2021.184
Exhibit 7
Bitcoin Market Price 2009–2021185
180. Joshua A. Kroll et al., The Economics of Bitcoin Mining or Bitcoin in the Presence of
Adversaries, TWELFTH WORKSHOP ON ECON. INFO. SEC. 3 (2013) (citing W. Dai, b-money, (last visited Jan. 15, 2022)).
181. Id. (citing Adam Back et al., Hashcash - A Denial of Service Counter-Measure 1 (Aug. 1,
2002) (unpublished manuscript),
182. Id.
183. Kroll et al., supra note 180, at 3.
184. Market Capitalization (USD), BLOCKCHAIN,
cap (last visited Jan. 15, 2022); see generally Robin Teigland et al., Breaking Out of the Bank in
Europe - Exploring Collective Emergent Institutional Entrepreneurship Through Bitcoin (May 11,
2013) (unpublished manuscript), (discussing the rise of Bitcoin
since its implementation in 2009).
185. See Market Capitalization (USD), supra note 184.
186. Lawrence J. Trautman et al., Posted: No Phishing, 8 EMORY CORP. GOVERNANCE &
ACCOUNTABILITY REV. 39, 46 (2021).
187. Kenneth A. Bamberger et al., Verification Dilemmas, Law, and the Promise of
Zero-Knowledge Proofs, 37 Berkeley Tech. L.J. (forthcoming 2022),; Michael Mendelson, From Initial Coin Offerings to Security
Tokens: A U.S. Federal Securities Law Analysis, 22 STAN. TECH. L. REV. 52, 54 (2019); Lawrence
J. Trautman et al., Corporate Directors: Who They Are, What They Do, Cyber and Other
A. Mechanism of Action
Alan Majer observes, “Most items in the world are non-fungible;
they each have characteristics and properties that uniquely distinguish
them . . . In short, non-fungible items are not all the same - one item is
not necessarily a substitute for another.”196
Financial journalist Jason Zweig, writing for The Wall Street
Journal observes that while previously discussed “prices are baffling ̶
and may, in fact, be crazy ̶ NFTs could solve problems that have dogged
the art world and other markets for centuries. Think of a non-fungible
token as a unique serial number that certifies the authenticity and
ownership history of an associated object.”197 The value of an NFT rests
in its ability “to transform a digital good that can be endlessly copied
into something one of a kind. When someone buys an NFT, what they’re
effectively getting is the knowledge of owning an official version of a
cat with a Pop-Tart body,”198 among other examples. Mr. Zweig writes,
“Think of a non-fungible token as a unique digital serial number that
194. Id. at 407 (citing Mariella Moon, Cryptocurrency Expert Kidnapped for $1 Million
Bitcoin Ransom, ENGADGET (Dec. 30, 2017),
195. Id. (citing Kate O’Flaherty, How to Survive a Ransomware Attack -- And Not Get Hit
Again, FORBES (Aug. 17, 2018),
survive-a-ransomware-attack-and-not-get-hit-again/?sh=757cb06f6cd3); see also Lawrence J.
Trautman & Peter C. Ormerod, WannaCry, Ransomware, and the Emerging Threat to
Corporations, 86 TENN. L. REV. 503, 508-09 (2019).
196. Alan Majer, Non-Fungible Tokens: Transforming the Worlds of Assets, Gaming, and
Collectibles, BLOCKCHAIN RSCH. INST., Aug. 2019, at 5, 5.
197. See Zweig, supra note 41.
198. Shira Ovide, NFTs Are Neither Miracles Nor Scams, N.Y. TIMES, (Apr. 13, 2021).
204. Id.
205. Press Release, Christie’s, supra note 47.
206. Id.
207. Steele, supra note 201.
208. Id.
209. Id.
210. Lawrence J. Trautman et al., Some Key Things U.S. Entrepreneurs Need to Know About
the Law and Lawyers, 46 TEX. J. BUS. L. 155, 161-73 (2016).
211. Kyle Chayka, How Beeple Crashed the Art World, NEWYORKER (Mar. 22, 2021),
212. Id.
213. Histed et al., supra note 191.
214. Id.
215. See Ovide, supra note 198.
216. Sebastian Pellejero, Stars Help Raise $305 Million for Basketball NFT Site, WALL ST. J.
(Mar. 31, 2021),
funding- 11617109275.
217. Id.
218. Steven Kurutz, Teens Cash in on the NFT Art Boom, N.Y. TIMES, (Oct. 4,
219. Kevin Roose, ‘Metaverse’ is Overrun By a Huddle Of Penguins, N.Y. TIMES (Aug. 14,
220. See generally Fairfield, supra note 152 (discussing virtual and digital property, among
other topics).
221. See Fairfield, supra note 161, at 3 (noting that digital items “derive value from their
222. See id. (“Property both physical and digital, derives value from the context of which it is a
223. See id. (noting that establishing clear “principles surrounding digital personal
property . . . is necessary for NFTs to succeed”).
224. See id. (stating that cryptocurrency initial coin offerings seek to “create value by creating
225. See id. (“A buyer of a piece of art, or a trading card, or a unique digital pet expects to be
able to profit from its rise in value.”).
74 (2017).
227. Id. (stating user only has a license to hear music).
228. See Fairfield, supra note 161, at 12 (“Amazon Kindle denies that Kindle e-book
purchasers truly own their purchases.”).
229. See id. (“[T]he legal framework surrounding NFTs is not conducive to ownership,
because the intellectual property regime that currently governs the internet is hostile to digital
personal property ownership, imposing the contract-and-licensing regime of intellectual property
230. Wayne Rumbles, Theft in the Digital: Can You Steal Virtual Property?, 17 CANTERBURY
L. REV. 354, 365 (2011) (noting that when a virtual sword was sold without the “owner’s”
permission, Chinese police refused to assist because “virtual property [was] not covered as a
protectable asset under the then current law”).
231. Cf. Samantha Bomkamp, Chicago Trader Accused of Stealing $2 Million in
Cryptocurrency in City’s First Bitcoin Fraud Case, CHI. TRIBUNE, (Feb. 16, 2018),
(showing that where a Chicago trader was charged with fraud for allegedly stealing two million
dollars in bitcoin and other cryptocurrency from his employer).
232. Cf. FAIRFIELD, supra note 226, at 86 (referencing legal disputes involving ownership of
deceased soldiers’ social media accounts, and companies arguing that social media accounts are
merely contractual services).
233. See Fairfield, supra note 161, at 57 (stating NFTs will be inherited under the law of wills).
234. See id. (“NFTs represent an important opportunity . . . to rebalance a low of digital
transactions that has nearly eliminated online personal property interests entirely in favor of
long-term control by those who pretend to have sold them.”).
235. See id.
236. Cf. FAIRFIELD, supra note 226, at 15 (explaining traditional property rights as a “bundle of
237. Id. (“[T]he power to destroy can be described as the ultimate exclusion: excluding
everyone from enjoying the property, including the owner.”).
238. See id.
239. See, e.g., id. at 95 (stating that buying a car, instead of renting, means that “we do not
have to care about the rental agency’s requirements”).
240. See Martha C. Nussbaum, Capabilities and Human Rights, 66 FORDHAM L. REV. 273, 288
(1997) (positing that empirical truths include the capability to “hold property”); see also FAIRFIELD,
supra note 226, at 19 (stating that “property rules should promote not just the technical right to do
something, but the actual ability to do it.”).
241. See FAIRFIELD, supra note 226, at 18 (stating “property means a kind of liberty from
government interference”) (citing JEDEDIAH PURDY, THE MEANING OF PROPERTY: FREEDOM,
242. See id. (“Property is thus to be measured by the yardstick of human capability.”).
243. See Fairfield, supra note 161, at 39 (“One of the key ways of determining ownership
throughout law is to look at who gains when the property rises in value, and who loses when the
property falls in value.”) (citing U.C.C. § 1-203 (AM. L. INST. & UNIF. L. COMM’N 2002)).
244. See Charles Lewis Nier III, The Shadow of Credit: The Historical Origins of Racial
Predatory Lending and Its Impact Upon African American Wealth Accumulation, 11 U. PA. J.L. &
SOC. CHANGE 131, 194 (2008) (“[O]ne of the primary explanations for the large racial disparities in
terms of wealth is a direct consequence of discrimination in credit markets which has acted to both
limit minorities’ access to home ownership and to increase the cost of achieving home ownership.”).
245. E.g., Fairfield, supra note 161, at 68 (explaining the failure of ReDigi).
serious limits to true ownership.246 We believe this will force the law to
246. See id. (“[I]f the technology is analyzed primarily within the framework of intellectual
property and contractual licensing rather than the law of personal property, NFTs become copyright
licensing with extra steps. They lose the characteristics of ownership that interest vendors and
247. UMG Recordings, Inc. v. Augusto, 628 F.3d 1175, 1177-78 (9th Cir. 2011).
248. See Vernor v. Autodesk, Inc., 621 F.3d 1102, 1104, 1111 (9th Cir. 2010).
249. See id. at 1112; see also UMG Recordings, Inc., 628 F.3d at 1177.
250. See UMG Recordings, Inc., 628 F.3d at 1180 (“We conclude that, under all the
circumstances of the CDs’ distribution, the recipients were entitled to use or dispose of them in any
manner they saw fit, and UMG did not enter a license agreement for the CDs with the recipients.”).
251. See Vernor, 621 F.3d at 1111 (“We hold today that a software use is a licensee rather than
an owner of a copy where the copyright owner (1) specifies that the user is granted a license; (2)
significantly restricts the user’s ability to transfer the software; and (3) imposes notable use
252. See id. at 1107, 1111; see also UMG Recordings, Inc., 628 F.3d at 1177.
253. See Vernor, 621 F.3d at 1108; see also UMG Recordings, Inc., 628 F.3d at 1180.
254. E.g., United Hous. Found., Inc. v. Forman, 421 U.S. 837, 851-52 (1975) (“In considering
these claims we again must examine the substance—the economic realities of the transaction—
rather than the names that may have been employed by the parties.”). See also Brian Elzweig &
Lawrence J. Trautman, When Does a Nonfungible Token (NFT) Become A Security? 18 (Mar. 11,
2022) (unpublished manuscript),
255. See Vernor, 621 F.3d at 1110-11.
question was circular: if the court decided that the transferee was the
owner, the restriction on sale would be ineffective. And finally, the court
asked whether the purported license imposed other restrictions on the
use of the asset.256 Which invoked the same problem: owners are
allowed to do some things with digital assets (like make backup copies,
for example, or other things that are an essential step in using the asset),
so the determination of whether the transferee was an owner or a mere
licensee preceded the question of whether the restrictions on use of the
asset were permitted.257
The upshot was that the Ninth Circuit permanently muddied
questions of digital ownership. The resulting legal regime has been
another decade in the wrong direction. Digital assets are overwhelmingly
governed online by license conditions (why are they licenses? Because
they say they are, even if the site or service claims they are selling the
digital asset), and those license conditions assert that buyers do not own
what they purchase.258
This is merely part of the comedy of errors that has been the
thirty-year history of development of the relationship between ownership
of a digital item, a digital piece of art or other unique asset, and
ownership. The upshot is clear: online, we own next to nothing. Indeed,
this law is beginning to creep back into realspace. As Joshua Fairfield
has written, you do not truly own your smartphone, tablet, smart car,
internet-enabled television.259 These assets do not answer to you, but to
the companies that own the intellectual property in the software that runs
NFTs are not free from the sale-license distinction, or from the
copy-copyright distinction that follows from it. 261 Buyers of NFTs are
startled to learn that terms and conditions often apply; terms and
conditions that would be flatly absurd if imposed on the purchaser of
multi-million-dollar physical artwork. These limits include constraints
on the very core of an art-NFT purchase: the ability to earn based on the
262. See id. (“There is no limited exception for transfer and, indeed, owners cannot exploit
their [NFTs] for commercial gain (which, under relevant internet law emphatically includes
reselling a digital asset for profit . . . ).”).
263. See id. (explaining a specific NFT minter “claims right to collect a commission of 4.5%
on all forward sales”).
264. See id. (explaining that tokens can be coded so that the transfer function of the token can
be made “‘pausable,’ such that the original creator of the token can pause its future transfer”).
265. See id. (“[A]lmost every online contract contains an arbitration clause, an agreement that
the buyer gives up her right to go to court, and must instead proceed to arbitration, where consumers
nearly never receive redress.”).
266. Fairfield, supra note 152, at 1053.
267. See FAIRFIELD, supra note 226, at 149 (“Rivalrousness becomes profitable through the
mechanism of scarcity.”).
268. See Kremen v. Cohen, 337 F.3d 1024, 1030 (9th Cir. 2003) (“Property is a broad concept
that includes every intangible benefit and prerogative susceptible of possession or
disposition . . . . [Property] must be capable of exclusive possession or control.”).
charge (for now, we’ll be bottling it soon enough), and so even though
we value it deeply, nobody pays for it. There is no market in it. Next, it
appears digital objects gain market value by being persistent over time:
that is the very reason we are forced into streaming services. The copies
are not persistent, every time we must request permission to listen to the
music again. If we give up our subscription to Spotify, the music is
gone. An item in a virtual world is fairly persistent: it may last as long as
the world servers are up. But an NFT is even more persistent. Because it
is recorded in a decentralized database, it does not die when the world
servers go down.269 NFT-linked art may be displayed in a range of
virtual settings, from a tweet to a Decentraland-based virtual museum.270
The very indelibility of blockchain technology speaks to the persistence
of blockchain-based assets.
The last criterion, then, is interactivity. In a virtual world,
interactivity can be immediate and visceral: player A can hit player B
with the Sword of Admiration. But interactivity goes far deeper. The
criterion speaks to the sociality of the asset. In a way, it is the opposite
of the rivalrousness criterion, defining a sweet spot that we call property.
Under the rivalrousness criterion, it can be asserted that if everyone can
have an identical copy of the thing, then it is not really owned.271 Under
the interactivity criterion, it can be argued that if no-one other than the
owner can possibly interact with it, then it also is not the proper subject
of property.272 Here we must be careful: property ownership of course
includes the ability to exclude others from seeing, using, or otherwise
interacting with an asset.273 The owner of the Mona Lisa could in fact
prevent anyone else from seeing it. But interactivity as an asset feature
means that people other than the owner could interact with it. They
could see it, they could buy it and receive it if the erstwhile owner were
to gift it to them.
If, then, an asset is rivalrous, persistent, and interactive, then how
are we to determine who owns it? One thing we cannot do is rely on
license characterizations. First, parties may lie: characterize a transaction
269. E.g., About, INTERPLANETARY FILE SYS., (last visited Jan. 15, 2022)
(“IPFS powers the creation of diversely resilient networks that enable persistent availability—with
or without Internet backbone connectivity.”).
270. See Clive Thompson, The Untold Story of the NFT Boom, N.Y. TIMES (May 12, 2021), (discussing the creation of
Colborn Bell’s Museum of Cryptoart and other virtual museums).
271. See FAIRFIELD, supra note 226, at 148 (“If an item is non-rivalrous, both you and I can
have it at the same time.”).
272. Id. at 16 (“We do not buy property just to kick others off it. We buy it so we can control it
- protect it from others, use it ourselves, and, if we permit them to, determine how others use it.”).
273. Id. at 15 (“Historically, the power to exclude has been the most well-developed of
[property] rights.”).
274. See Fairfield, supra note 161, at 39 (“One of the key ways of determining ownership
throughout law is to look at who gains when the property rises in value, and who loses when the
property falls in value.”) (citing U.C.C. § 1-203 (AM. L. INST. & UNIF. L. COMM’N 2002)).
275. Id.
276. Ulrike Schultze & Richard O. Mason, Studying Cyborgs: Re-examining Internet Studies
as Human Subjects Research, 27 J. INFO. TECH. 301, 301 (2012).
277. Xing, supra note 42.
278. Id.
279. Zweig, supra note 41.
280. Id.
281. Lawrence J. Trautman, Governance of the Facebook Privacy Crisis, 20 PITT. J. TECH. L.
& POL’Y 41, 81-82 (2020) (writing about Facebook struggling with privacy issues); see also
Lawrence J. Trautman, How Google Perceives Customer Privacy, Cyber, E-Commerce, Political
and Regulatory Compliance Risks, 10 WM. & MARY BUS. L. REV. 1, 31-37 (2018); Lawrence J.
Trautman, E-Commerce and Electronic Payment System Risks: Lessons from PayPal, 17 U.C.
DAVIS BUS. L.J. 261, 283, 293-95, 302-03 (2016).
282. Histed et al., supra note 191.
283. Dowling, supra note 154, at 9.
284. Id.
285. NFT U.S. Dollar Price Chart, NONFUNGIBLE,
(last visited Jan. 15, 2022).
talents, and inspired by their utopian visions. I see so much potential for
blockchain technologies from Smart Contracts to DAOs - to
revolutionize (some might say ‘disrupt’) our way of doing business.”286
And as a view from one of the world’s major historical art auction
houses, Christie’s Specialist, Mr. Davis states, “Blockchain isn’t just
going to shake up the art world and decentralize the financial industry,
it’s going to change the way artists make art, and the way every creative
industry operates, by democratizing access to information, diminishing
opacity in favor of transparency, and empowering creative people
Exhibit 8
NFT United States Dollar Price Chart288
Several puzzles related to the emergence of a new form of fully
digital property, the NFT, have been explored as it relates to the art
market. My goal is the creation of free and fair markets. The challenge
to free markets is the degree to which NFTs will function as clean
packages of rights, easily transferable in markets without trailing strings
of rights that render them ultimately unattractive as collectibles. In
particular, the trailing string of intellectual property poses a serious
challenge to the viability of NFTs as art forms. As things stand, NFT
owners do not truly own the artwork linked to their token. 293 If courts
shape legal policy appropriately, NFT-based transactions may come to
reflect the same or a similar compromise to that from which real-world
art collectors benefit: the owner may use, display, benefit from, capture
the rise in value from, and otherwise benefit from the social value of
being the owner of the item. The link between an NFT and hyperlinked
art is looser than that between physical canvas and paint and the
intellectual property that inheres in the artist’s creation.
The challenge to legal theory will be in tightening those linkages,
despite the fact that NFTs do not have any physical copy to anchor the
copy-copyright dichotomy. Some similar deal will have to be hammered
out. I propose, and believe that the future will inevitably lead to, some
form of true digital online property, in which the digital token takes the
role of the presence of a physical copy—the thing owned by the
collector—and that will be distinct from the right to make infinite copies
of the art—a right retained by the artist or rights holder. Some provision
for in-between states will need to be made. For example, the owner of a
digital painting will need the right to transfer it, and it is well-established
law that computers cannot transfer information without copying it. For
this reason, the copyright in a digital artwork will need to be further
divided between the right to transfer and the right to make infinite
copies. Both involve copying, but only one makes additional permanent
copies. Courts have been loath to make this distinction, but they will
have no choice.294 NFT investors have been promised in no uncertain
terms the ability to sell their property and realize the market rise in
value. Courts will not take it away from them, nor will sellers who insist
on the technical version of the no-copying rule survive as sellers; they
cannot be trusted.
So much for free markets. As for fair, I have proposed that courts
look to the economic realities of the deal rather than its surface
characterization.295 As in many other legal contexts (the lease-sale
dichotomy chief among them), courts must recognize that sellers will
sell NFTs as personal property but attempt to litigate them as intellectual
property licenses. This flies directly in the face of the form of the
transaction, in which a buyer makes a one-time transfer and is promised
a permanent transfer of limited rights in a digital object. Humans
understand what objects are, what personal property is, because of their
experience in the real world. When NFT sellers invoke the similarities of
their wares to personal property, to true ownership, they must be held to
their promises, no matter what it says on page seventeen, sub-paragraph
C of a license agreement the buyer cannot possibly read.
The effects of these two shifts will be profound. Online property
has suffered under an overexpansion of intellectual property rights. One
need not look further than the license agreement for a Kindle, or the
iTunes license. Online, we do not own even what we fully buy and pay
for. That cannot be the case for NFTs, where millions of dollars and a
clear expectation of securing the rise in value of the asset to the owner
and not the creator is at stake. These cases will be litigated, and owners
will win. And it is that combination of satisfaction of profound pent-up
demand for digital online ownership, plus a technology that provides a
component of the asset—the token—which is clearly independent of
intellectual property rights and which purports to carry an ownership
interest, that will establish precedent for the ownership of personal
property online. It does not seem likely that the deal between owners and
creators will be worked out in a season. But the interest and resources
brought to play in a dispute over the ownership of a digital Mona Lisa
will not brook the kind of casual dismissal of ownership claims in digital
books and music to which courts have been prone.
In the end, art-NFTs will establish the case for digital property as
fully distinct from intellectual property. Bitcoin started this process—no
court seriously questions whether it is property, and for precisely the
reasons discussed above. The issue has remained: Will digital personal
property interests vanish on contact with intellectual property, or will
they survive and become part of a negotiated deal, of a similar type to
that worked out between collectors and creators of the world’s great
pieces of real-world art? Once that linkage has been established, the
property forms established by art-NFTs will feed back into the
legal-technological ecosystem and will support the recognition of many
other kinds of digital property interests. The demand for true ownership
online is large and has until now been by and large unsatisfied because
unsupported by basic legal protections for owners. Art-based NFTs are a
killer app that will force the law to change. Once it does, we will become
as used to owning fully digital assets as we are to owning our watch, car,
or home.